fhjdbvhj · 4 months
Skinien arvo ja markkinat:
myyminen Suomessa
Johdanto: CS
(Counter-Strike: Global Offensive) on yksi maailman suosituimmista moninpeleistä, jossa pelaajat voivat hankkia ja vaihtaa pelin sisäisiä esineitä, kuten skinejä. Skinit ovat ulkonäkömuutoksia pelin aseisiin, ja ne voivat olla erittäin arvokkaita. Tämä artikkeli käsittelee, miten voit myydä CS
ä Suomessa ja mitä sinun tulee ottaa huomioon.
sell csgo skins
1. Skinien arvo ja markkinat: Skineillä voi olla suuri arvo, joka määräytyy harvinaisuuden, ulkonäön ja kysynnän perusteella. Joitakin skinejä voidaan myydä vain muutamalla eurolla, kun taas toiset voivat maksaa tuhansia euroja. Skinien markkinat ovat vilkkaat, ja voit löytää ostajia ja myyjiä eri alustoilta.
2. Myyntialustat: CS
ä voi myydä useilla eri alustoilla:
Steam Market: Tämä on virallinen markkinapaikka, jossa voit myydä skinejä suoraan muille Steam-käyttäjille. Steam Market ottaa pienen provision jokaisesta myynnistä.
Kolmannen osapuolen sivustot: Sivustoja, kuten SkinBaron, BitSkins ja OPSkins, käytetään myös yleisesti. Näillä sivustoilla on omat sääntönsä ja maksunsa.
Suora kaupankäynti: Voit myös myydä skinejä suoraan toisille pelaajille eri foorumeilla ja sosiaalisen median ryhmissä.
3. Turvallisuus ja huijaukset: Skinikauppa voi olla riskialtista, ja on tärkeää varmistaa kaupan turvallisuus:
Luotettavat sivustot: Käytä vain tunnettuja ja luotettavia sivustoja.
Vältä suoria vaihtoja tuntemattomien kanssa: Suorat vaihdot voivat olla riskialttiita, sillä voit joutua huijauksen uhriksi.
Käytä suojattuja maksutapoja: Valitse maksutavat, jotka tarjoavat suojaa ostajille ja myyjille.
4. Lainsäädäntö Suomessa: Skinien myynti ei ole erikseen säännelty Suomessa, mutta sinun tulee noudattaa yleisiä kuluttajansuojalakeja ja verotusvaatimuksia. Jos ansaitset merkittäviä summia, sinun tulee ilmoittaa tulot verottajalle.
5. Vinkkejä menestykseen:
Tutki markkinoita: Ennen kuin myyt, tutki markkinoita ja selvitä skinien oikea arvo.
Ole kärsivällinen: Älä kiirehdi myyntiä, vaan odota oikeaa hetkeä saadaksesi parhaan hinnan.
Seuraa trendejä: CS
voivat olla arvaamattomia, joten pysy ajan tasalla uusista trendeistä ja päivityksistä.
Yhteenveto: CS
ä kaupankäynti voi olla tuottoisaa, mutta se vaatii huolellisuutta ja markkinoiden tuntemusta. Käytä luotettavia alustoja, vältä huijauksia ja noudata Suomen lakeja ja verotusvaatimuksia. Näin voit nauttia turvallisesta ja kannattavasta kaupankäynnistä.
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sorteiodebingoonline · 5 months
Quais são os melhores sites de coinplay para apostar e ganhar dinheiro?
🎰🎲✨ Receba 2.000 reais e 200 rodadas grátis, além de um bônus instantâneo para jogar jogos de cassino com apenas um clique! ✨🎲🎰
Quais são os melhores sites de coinplay para apostar e ganhar dinheiro?
Melhores sites de coinplay
Claro! Aqui está o artigo:
À medida que os jogos eletrônicos continuam a evoluir, muitos entusiastas procuram maneiras de expandir sua experiência de jogo. Uma maneira emocionante e cada vez mais popular é por meio do coinplay, onde os jogadores podem comprar, vender e trocar itens virtuais dentro dos jogos. Se você está interessado em explorar o mundo do coinplay, aqui estão alguns dos melhores sites disponíveis para isso.
Steam Market: Como uma das maiores plataformas de distribuição digital de jogos, a Steam também oferece um mercado robusto onde os jogadores podem comprar e vender itens de diversos jogos, desde skins de armas até itens de personalização de personagens.
Opskins: Especializado em skins de CS:GO e outros itens de jogos populares, o Opskins é uma escolha popular entre os jogadores que procuram uma ampla seleção de itens e uma plataforma segura para transações.
BitSkins: Semelhante ao Opskins, o BitSkins oferece uma variedade de skins para jogos como CS:GO, Dota 2 e PUBG. Além disso, também permite aos usuários comprar skins usando Bitcoin, proporcionando uma opção adicional de pagamento.
SkinBaron: Focado principalmente em skins de CS:GO, o SkinBaron se destaca por sua interface limpa e transparente, facilitando a navegação e a compra de itens.
G2A Marketplace: Embora seja mais conhecido por sua venda de jogos, o G2A também possui um mercado de itens de jogos, onde os usuários podem encontrar uma variedade de itens de diferentes jogos.
Ao usar qualquer um desses sites, é importante estar ciente das políticas de segurança e autenticação para garantir transações seguras e evitar fraudes. Além disso, lembre-se sempre de verificar a reputação do vendedor antes de fazer uma compra. Com os melhores sites de coinplay ao seu alcance, você pode mergulhar ainda mais fundo no mundo dos jogos eletrônicos e personalizar sua experiência de jogo de maneira única.
Apostas online rentáveis
As apostas online têm se tornado uma forma popular de entretenimento e até mesmo de lucro para muitas pessoas. Com a conveniência de poder apostar de qualquer lugar e a qualquer momento, os sites de apostas online oferecem uma variedade de opções para os jogadores, desde apostas esportivas até jogos de cassino.
Para tornar as apostas online rentáveis, é importante seguir algumas estratégias simples. Em primeiro lugar, é essencial escolher um site de apostas confiável e seguro, que ofereça boas odds e uma variedade de mercados. Ao comparar diferentes sites, os jogadores podem encontrar as melhores oportunidades para maximizar seus ganhos.
Além disso, é fundamental gerenciar adequadamente o dinheiro ao apostar online. Isso significa definir um orçamento claro e nunca arriscar mais do que se pode perder. Ao apostar com responsabilidade, os jogadores podem evitar perdas significativas e manter seus ganhos consistentes a longo prazo.
Outra dica importante para aumentar a rentabilidade das apostas online é aproveitar os bônus e promoções oferecidos pelos sites de apostas. Muitos sites oferecem bônus de boas-vindas, apostas grátis e outras ofertas especiais que podem aumentar os ganhos dos jogadores sem a necessidade de arriscar seu próprio dinheiro.
Além disso, é essencial ter conhecimento sobre o esporte ou jogo em que se está apostando. Fazer pesquisas, analisar estatísticas e seguir as tendências pode ajudar os jogadores a tomar decisões mais informadas e aumentar suas chances de sucesso.
Em resumo, as apostas online podem ser rentáveis quando feitas com cuidado e estratégia. Ao escolher os sites certos, gerenciar o dinheiro de forma responsável, aproveitar os bônus disponíveis e ter conhecimento sobre o jogo, os jogadores podem desfrutar de uma experiência emocionante e lucrativa nas apostas online.
Plataformas confiáveis para ganhar dinheiro
Claro, aqui está o artigo:
"Ganhar dinheiro online é uma realidade para muitas pessoas nos dias de hoje, e a busca por plataformas confiáveis para alcançar esse objetivo é constante. Com o avanço da tecnologia, surgiram diversas oportunidades para gerar renda extra ou até mesmo trabalhar em tempo integral sem sair de casa. No entanto, é fundamental escolher plataformas confiáveis que ofereçam segurança e garantam o pagamento justo pelo trabalho realizado.
Uma das opções mais populares para ganhar dinheiro na internet é através de freelancing. Plataformas como o Upwork, Freelancer e Workana conectam profissionais freelancers a clientes de todo o mundo, oferecendo uma ampla variedade de projetos em áreas como redação, design, programação, entre outras. Essas plataformas são conhecidas por sua segurança e sistema de pagamento confiável, proporcionando uma experiência tranquila para ambos os lados.
Para aqueles que têm habilidades em produção de conteúdo, o marketing de afiliados pode ser uma excelente maneira de ganhar dinheiro online. Plataformas como Hotmart, Monetizze e Eduzz oferecem produtos digitais que podem ser promovidos por afiliados em troca de comissões. Essas plataformas são confiáveis e oferecem uma ampla variedade de produtos em diferentes nichos de mercado.
Além disso, o ensino online tem se tornado uma fonte de renda cada vez mais popular. Plataformas como Udemy e Teachable permitem que instrutores criem e vendam cursos online sobre uma variedade de temas, desde desenvolvimento de software até culinária. Essas plataformas oferecem suporte técnico e recursos para ajudar os instrutores a criar cursos de alta qualidade e alcançar um amplo público.
Em suma, existem diversas plataformas confiáveis para ganhar dinheiro online, seja através de freelancing, marketing de afiliados ou ensino online. O importante é escolher aquela que melhor se adapta às suas habilidades e objetivos financeiros, sempre priorizando a segurança e transparência nas transações."
Opções de coinplay seguras
Claro, aqui está o artigo:
Opções de coinplay seguras
Coinplay, ou troca de moedas virtuais, tornou-se uma prática comum no mundo digital. Com o aumento da popularidade das criptomoedas, muitas pessoas estão buscando maneiras de adquirir e trocar diferentes tipos de moedas digitais. No entanto, é crucial garantir que suas transações de coinplay sejam seguras e protegidas contra fraudes e golpes.
Ao considerar opções de coinplay seguras, é essencial escolher plataformas confiáveis e respeitáveis. Procure por exchanges de criptomoedas bem estabelecidas e com boa reputação no mercado. Pesquise sobre a história da plataforma, suas medidas de segurança e feedback dos usuários.
Além disso, verifique se a plataforma de coinplay oferece recursos de segurança robustos, como autenticação de dois fatores, criptografia de dados e proteção contra atividades fraudulentas. Essas medidas adicionais podem ajudar a proteger suas transações e informações pessoais contra hackers e ataques cibernéticos.
Outro aspecto importante a considerar é a política de privacidade da plataforma. Certifique-se de que a plataforma respeita e protege suas informações pessoais e financeiras, e que não compartilha seus dados com terceiros sem o seu consentimento.
Antes de realizar qualquer transação de coinplay, faça uma pesquisa detalhada sobre as moedas que deseja adquirir ou trocar. Esteja ciente dos riscos envolvidos e esteja preparado para monitorar de perto suas transações e investimentos.
Em resumo, ao procurar opções de coinplay seguras, priorize plataformas confiáveis, verifique seus recursos de segurança e esteja atento aos riscos envolvidos. Com precaução e diligência, é possível realizar transações de coinplay de forma segura e protegida.
Sites de apostas com retorno garantido
Os sites de apostas com retorno garantido têm ganhado popularidade entre os entusiastas do jogo online, oferecendo uma abordagem única para os jogadores. Esses sites prometem retornos garantidos em certas condições, o que atrai muitos apostadores em busca de segurança e lucro.
A ideia por trás dos sites de apostas com retorno garantido é simples: os jogadores fazem uma aposta e, independentemente do resultado, recebem um retorno garantido. Isso pode ser na forma de dinheiro de volta, bônus de apostas ou outras formas de compensação. Essa garantia de retorno oferece uma sensação de segurança aos jogadores, que sabem que não perderão todo o seu investimento, mesmo se a aposta não for bem-sucedida.
Esses sites geralmente oferecem uma variedade de opções de apostas, desde esportes até eventos políticos e culturais. Os jogadores podem escolher entre diferentes tipos de apostas, como apostas simples, acumuladores ou apostas ao vivo, dependendo de suas preferências e estratégias de jogo.
No entanto, é importante notar que nem todos os sites de apostas com retorno garantido são iguais. Alguns podem ter termos e condições rigorosos que limitam o acesso ao retorno garantido, enquanto outros podem ter limites de aposta ou restrições de saque. Por isso, é essencial ler os termos e condições cuidadosamente antes de fazer uma aposta.
Apesar das garantias oferecidas pelos sites de apostas com retorno garantido, os jogadores ainda precisam praticar o jogo responsável e estar cientes dos riscos envolvidos. Embora esses sites possam oferecer uma maneira mais segura de apostar, o jogo nunca é uma garantia de lucro e pode levar a perdas financeiras se não for feito com responsabilidade.
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skinport · 2 years
Skin Baron
What Makes Bitskins Different From Skinport & Skinbaron? 5 Points To Ponder!
If you're a fan of E-sports, you have likely looked into buying and selling digital items. Whether you need cosmetic items to improve your character's appearance or special weapons with unique abilities, several platforms are available for trading these goods. 
Two of the most popular sites are Skinport and Skinbaron, but Bitskins is quickly becoming the go-to for gamers who want an easy and secure way to buy and sell their skins. But what makes Bitskins stand out from its competitors? 
Here are five points to ponder when deciding which platform to use:
1) Security – Bitskins is one of the top eCommerce stores for security. The site has PCC DSS Certification that guarantees that all transactions are secure. 
You can also access the site through STEM (Secure Token Economy Model), which further enhances the security of your transactions.
2) Variety – While all three platforms have a huge selection of items from popular games such as Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS: GO), Team Fortress 2 (TF2), Dota 2, and more, Bitskins offers a much wider variety than Skinport or Skinbaron. 
Not only have that, but they also stock virtual currencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, allowing users to get into cryptocurrency trading with eased. 
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3) Affordability – Bitskin's pricing structure is designed to be affordable compared to its competitors. On top of this, they offer discounts on every purchase, so if you're looking to buy multiple items, you can save quite a bit.
4) Transparency – Bitskins is known for its transparent policies and processes. It means that they are always upfront about their fees, delivery times, and other information related to the purchase or sale. 
They also provide clear guidelines on how to go about trading, so you never have to worry about not knowing what you're doing.
5) Offer P2P Marketplace – Bitskins also has a peer-to-peer marketplace where users can directly sell their items to another without the platform's help. It allows for greater flexibility when trading, as you don't have to wait for an item to be listed on the site before buying or selling it.
Bitskins is quickly becoming the go-to site for gamers who want an easy and secure way to buy and sell their skins. 
From its unique and varied selection of items to its top-notch security measures and transparent policies, Bitskins stands out from Skinport and Skin baron as the best platform for esports fans looking to get a deal on digital items. 
With its peer-to-peer marketplace, you can also buy and sell items directly with another user, giving you even more options when it comes to trading.
So if you're looking for the ultimate digital item trading platform, consider CS Money – you won't be disappointed! 
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lootbear · 5 years
Bit Skins shutting down - HUGE update to LootBear - 0% transaction fee!
As shocking as it may seem, Bit Skins (Currently the number one most actively used in-game skin marketplace) is ramping down its operations and coming to a stop within the next few weeks.
This sudden news has undoubtedly ignited fear within the community of active traders, buyers and sellers of virtual items as this is the second time they have had to scramble to find a new marketplace to call home (The first time being the fall of OPSkins following its scandal with Valve and its 7 day trade ban). But how did this happen in the first place? 
The CEO of Bit Skins announced the news via a reddit thread less than a week ago where he  outlined the reason for the ‘abrupt’ decision. The process of shutting down the marketplace giant comes as a result of fraudulent purchases taking place on the Steam marketplace, with the users turning to Bit Skins as a way to cash out on their scam.
Some of Bit Skins’ bots were temporarily disabled before being reinstated with the warning from Valve that this could not happen again. Since they have no way to ensure the legitimacy of where skins come from, the team behind the platform have decided to pull the plug - Facing the legal wrath of Valve is enough to make anyone rethink their operation.
So what happens now?
Users have been given a 14 day window to withdraw their items and must either keep them or find another means of selling them on. But with the major player in the skin industry falling once again, where should they go?
Enter - LootBear
We here at LootBear created our platform due to our passion to deliver incredible value to gamers that love in-game items and skins. This is the entire philosophy behind our rental model - We want everyone to be able to play with whatever skin they love without it breaking the bank. 
Upon conception of Lootbear, we quickly became aware of the most important factor that would decide the stability, trustability and longevity of our platform - Security. Users want to know that their skins will be returned safely and that they will be rented to legitimate players. We wanted to be certain that both the skins and the money entering and leaving our platform were safe and came from legitimate authorized sources.
Because of this reason, our security and user onboarding system is incredibly sophisticated. We do everything in our power to ensure the legitimacy of every single user that joins our platform. Checking national ID’s and credit card records against a verified picture of every user that joins allows us to limit our risk substantially. This technology is unrivaled amongst our peers operating within the same industry. 
The rental model is our primary service but we do also operate as a buy and sell marketplace. Our fee for sales made on our platform has always been a competitive 5% and we have experienced a significant amount of traffic and satisfied users using this side of our platform.
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In lieu of the news of Bit Skins and the huge demand for a trustworthy and established alternative for the millions of gamers left in the lurk; the decision has been made to lower our transaction fee to zero. That’s right, selling your skins on LootBear is now absolutely free - And that’s a great price (a reference for the 9 year old bros out there).
Just to confirm - Going forward there will be absolutely no fees incurred to any users buying or selling skins on our platform. Our skin rental service and subscription model LootBear Prime will continue to operate as usual alongside this as it always has done. 
The community needs to have a safe place to buy and sell their skins. And they deserve that platform to have invested HEAVILY in their security. They deserve that platform to be known and to have proven themselves through thousands of transactions. They deserve that platform to not have popped up out of nowhere to profit on the new found demand. LootBear ticks all these boxes.
We will be doing everything within our power to facilitate the incoming demand to ensure that everything moves forward as smoothly as possible. 
We look forward to providing the new and old users of our platform with an ever improving service.
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skinbaron · 5 years
Skinbaron free skins 31/06/19
1) registration steam: https://skinbaron.de
2) add free cod e21312312
3) free skins
4) fasfas 21312$
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CS:GO Hacks & Cheats with sv_cheats 1 [wallhack + aimbot] - download
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥 But did you know that you can enable it with a single command in the Developer Console? Wallhack is a type of cheat that allows you to see your opponents through walls. However, it is not the most straightforward cheat to use, and many people get VAC Banned for it. Wallhack is extremely easy to spot on Overwatch even by inexperienced players , especially when the player using it is constantly aiming through the wall. The entire process looks as follows:. This is not a classic Wallhack, but it is an interesting command that allows you to see objects through walls. With this command enabled, the enemy's skeleton lights up blue and is visible through any obstacles. If you want to Counter-Strike at the highest level, you will definitely need to spend some time practicing with your team. As it turns out, the Wallhack command can come in handy when honing your skills; e. Just ask one of your teammates to set up in a popular position in the current meta-game and search for options on how you can counter it by seeing your opponent's exact positioning and character model. This kind of practice can take hours, but it can win you many matchmaking games. The case is different when you use third-party software to achieve the Wallhack effect. Even if you think you have high-quality software that protects you from being banned, remember that Valve's Anti-Cheat system gets constant updates. That said, you may be punished for using any cheats much later e. VAC bans are permanent and restrict access to your Steam account on many levels by banning you from playing on official Valve servers or banning you from trading items and not having any access to your inventory. We hope you'll use this knowledge to your advantage and not think of using illegal Wallhack or other cheats on official CS:GO servers. If you don't cheat, skins might be a way to get a little better trust us. You can buy them on platforms like Skinport , skinwallet , tradeitgg , dmarket , skinbaron , cs money , or skincashier. Or you could even earn them for free! The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content. A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. No items found. Main Links. March 9, Table Of Content. Article Link. How does the Wallhack work? Article Rating:. Previous article Next Article. All Articles In Category No items found. Best CS:GO selling sites. Legendary Eagle Master. Legendary Eagle. Best Smokes on Dust II. Best Smokes on Overpass. Best Smokes on Cache. Supreme Master First Class. All mouse commands in CSGO. How to fix VAC was unable to verify your game session. Best CS:GO gambling sites. CSGO Commands to play with a controller. How to kick yourself in CS:GO. Brief History of Valve. Static and dynamic content editing A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. How to customize formatting for each rich text Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system. Data Feeds. Need to unlock crypto withdrawsNeed to unlock crypto withdrawsNeed to unlock crypto withdrawsNeed to unlock crypto withdraws.
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cs-go-wh-23 · 2 years
CSGO Hacks and Cheats Free Download - download
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥 But did you know that you can enable it with a single command in the Developer Console? Wallhack is a type of cheat that allows you to see your opponents through walls. However, it is not the most straightforward cheat to use, and many people get VAC Banned for it. Wallhack is extremely easy to spot on Overwatch even by inexperienced players , especially when the player using it is constantly aiming through the wall. The entire process looks as follows:. This is not a classic Wallhack, but it is an interesting command that allows you to see objects through walls. With this command enabled, the enemy's skeleton lights up blue and is visible through any obstacles. If you want to Counter-Strike at the highest level, you will definitely need to spend some time practicing with your team. As it turns out, the Wallhack command can come in handy when honing your skills; e. Just ask one of your teammates to set up in a popular position in the current meta-game and search for options on how you can counter it by seeing your opponent's exact positioning and character model. This kind of practice can take hours, but it can win you many matchmaking games. The case is different when you use third-party software to achieve the Wallhack effect. Even if you think you have high-quality software that protects you from being banned, remember that Valve's Anti-Cheat system gets constant updates. That said, you may be punished for using any cheats much later e. VAC bans are permanent and restrict access to your Steam account on many levels by banning you from playing on official Valve servers or banning you from trading items and not having any access to your inventory. We hope you'll use this knowledge to your advantage and not think of using illegal Wallhack or other cheats on official CS:GO servers. If you don't cheat, skins might be a way to get a little better trust us. You can buy them on platforms like Skinport , skinwallet , tradeitgg , dmarket , skinbaron , cs money , or skincashier. Or you could even earn them for free! The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content. A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. No items found. Main Links. March 9, Table Of Content. Article Link. How does the Wallhack work? Article Rating:. Previous article Next Article. All Articles In Category No items found. Best CS:GO selling sites. Legendary Eagle Master. Legendary Eagle. Best Smokes on Dust II. Best Smokes on Overpass. Best Smokes on Cache. Supreme Master First Class. All mouse commands in CSGO. How to fix VAC was unable to verify your game session. Best CS:GO gambling sites. CSGO Commands to play with a controller. How to kick yourself in CS:GO. Brief History of Valve. Static and dynamic content editing A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. How to customize formatting for each rich text Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system. Data Feeds. Need to unlock crypto withdrawsNeed to unlock crypto withdrawsNeed to unlock crypto withdrawsNeed to unlock crypto withdraws.
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universallyladybear · 5 years
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BIG établit un partenariat à long terme avec SkinBaron Organisation allemande Berlin International Gaming (BIG) a conclu un partenariat à long terme avec la plateforme de marché numérique SkinBaron.
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bluemoostudios-blog · 5 years
I don’t know what planet Margot James, Minister of State for the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport is living on, probably somewhere in the far reaches of No Man’s Sky. Unbelievably, she has concluded that loot boxes do not constitute gambling because skins can’t be traded offline.  That’s like saying using online bookmakers wouldn't really be gambling if it wasn’t possible to sell a winning bet to a mate down the pub. I’ve never felt the need to call for a Minister’s resignation more than I do right now and it’s not just James that needs to go, the whole department needs a rethink; do they actually have any gamers on their staff? I very much doubt it. I’m tempted to instigate a freedom information request just to find out if anybody in her department has heard of Skins.Cash, CS.Money, Skinbaron, Skin.club or Bitskins. They all trade CS:GO skins for hard cash and that’s just one game. The link between gaming disorder and an addictive personality is well and truly established and it just so happens; that’s an ideal personality to develop a gambling addiction. So, why on earth isn’t she doing something to protect the young gamers that are exposed to the lure of loot box gambling? There’s a whole heap of parents out there that don’t really engage with their children’s gaming activities much beyond applying time constraints. They misguidedly trust the Government to put in place protective measures. Well, here’s the thing: That ain’t happening while James is at the helm. There must be some way to instigate her resignation on grounds of gross incompetence? It’s a shame that we are avoiding exposure at this stage in our product development; if we had loads of followers we could probably do something. But we don’t, so maybe share this with people that do "MarGotKidsGambling” perhaps?
Not convinced? At the Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee inquiry into immersive and addictive technologies, James said: “I would contest the assumption that loot boxes are gambling and I don’t think that all the evidence that I’ve read from your committee’s hearings would support that assumption either. “Loot boxes are a means of people purchasing items, skins, to enhance their gaming experience, not through an expectation of an additional financial reward and importantly they can’t be traded offline for money, so I think that there are big differences.” Ok Margot, if you ever pick up an AWP | Dragon Lore I’ll bung you a fiver, meet me on CS.Money. Oh hang on, I forgot you don’t really play video games. More’s the pity. #LootboxGambling #MarGotKidsGambling Keith Anderson - Managing Director
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topcbdresearch · 5 years
BIG and Red Bull expand partnership to cover League of Legends
German organisation BIG has expanded its deal with energy drink brand Red Bull to cover its League of Legends team.
The multi-year deal now includes the organisation’s team which competes in Prime League, a new league for the DACH region.
RELATED: BIG given wings with Red Bull partnership
The partnership, which was established in February last year, was initially geared towards BIG’s team in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Much like for the CS:GO squad, Red Bull will act as a jersey sponsor for the BIG’s League of Legends side moving forward.
BIG will debut in the Prime League, the new-look competition that was previously known as the Premier Tour, on January 21st when it faces off against mYinsanity. The league is specifically geared towards the German-speaking market.
RELATED: Prime League unveiled as replacement of Premier Tour
Finn-Lukas “Don Arts” Salomon, Player for BIG commented on the expansion: “We have waited a long time and now we can finally make it official: Red Bull is going to join us in the 2020 Prime League. It is a great honor for the team and myself to be Red Bull athletes and we will do our best in 2020 to continue the outstanding success of the previous year!”
BIG is also partnered with Betway, OMEN by HP, SkinBaron, Backforce, CORSAIR, Hörluchs, and Esportal. Red Bull, on the other hand, is involved with the likes of League of Legends esports, The NUEL, G2 Esports, and ENCE.
Esports Insider says: It’s good to see Red Bull expand its footprint within the German market through an existing partner, especially as the Prime League looks to improve upon its time as the Premier Tour. We’re hoping to see some solid content come from this team to better establish the players as they seemingly look to progress to the LEC later in their careers.
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The post BIG and Red Bull expand partnership to cover League of Legends appeared first on AllYourGames.com.
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haidaohai · 5 years
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mangooogiaclout · 5 years
SkinBaron Signs Long-Term Deal With BIG
SkinBaron, a skin marketplace for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, is now an official partner to German esports organization, BIG (Berlin International Gaming). The partnership will see a trading marketplace for skins provided to BIG’s national and international fans, so they can purchase and sell their skins online.  According to the release, the deal also includes a […]
The post SkinBaron Signs Long-Term Deal With BIG appeared first on The Esports Observer.
source https://esportsobserver.com/skinbaron-deal-big/
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sintica · 3 years
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topcbdresearch · 5 years
BIG and Red Bull expand partnership to cover League of Legends
German organisation BIG has expanded its deal with energy drink brand Red Bull to cover its League of Legends team.
The multi-year deal now includes the organisation’s team which competes in Prime League, a new league for the DACH region.
Photo credit: Red Bull
RELATED: BIG given wings with Red Bull partnership
The partnership, which was established in February last year, was initially geared towards BIG’s team in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Much like for the CS:GO squad, Red Bull will act as a jersey sponsor for the BIG’s League of Legends side moving forward.
BIG will debut in the Prime League, the new-look competition that was previously known as the Premier Tour, on January 21st when it faces off against mYinsanity. The league is specifically geared towards the German-speaking market.
RELATED: Prime League unveiled as replacement of Premier Tour
Finn-Lukas “Don Arts” Salomon, Player for BIG commented on the expansion: “We have waited a long time and now we can finally make it official: Red Bull is going to join us in the 2020 Prime League. It is a great honor for the team and myself to be Red Bull athletes and we will do our best in 2020 to continue the outstanding success of the previous year!”
BIG is also partnered with Betway, OMEN by HP, SkinBaron, Backforce, CORSAIR, Hörluchs, and Esportal. Red Bull, on the other hand, is involved with the likes of League of Legends esports, The NUEL, G2 Esports, and ENCE.
Esports Insider says: It’s good to see Red Bull expand its footprint within the German market through an existing partner, especially as the Prime League looks to improve upon its time as the Premier Tour. We’re hoping to see some solid content come from this team to better establish the players as they seemingly look to progress to the LEC later in their careers.
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The post BIG and Red Bull expand partnership to cover League of Legends appeared first on Top eSports News.
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universallyladybear · 5 years
SkinBaron signe un accord à long terme avec BIG
SkinBaron signe un accord à long terme avec BIG
Mentionné dans cet article
SkinBaron, un marché de la peau pour Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, est désormais partenaire officiel de l'organisation allemande d'e-sport, GROS (Berlin International Gaming). Le partenariat verra un marché d'échange de skins fourni aux fans nationaux et internationaux de BIG, afin qu'ils puissent acheter et vendre leurs skins en ligne.
Selon le communiqué,…
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