#sk febuwhump
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jinxedruby · 1 year ago
Febuwhump Day Five: Rope Burns
Featuring Legend and Sky. Heads up for a panic attack. It's not super descriptive, but I thought I'd put the warning just in case
First part | <- Previous part | Next part ->
Awareness returned to Legend slowly.
The sharp throbbing in his temples made itself known first, pulsing behind his eyes and under his teeth. He groaned, prying his eyelids apart, blinking to clear the grittiness. Wooden floorboards sprawled out beneath him, the smell of mildew clogging his nose. The room around him pulsed and he closed his eyes with another groan. He’d had many concussions in his time, but this one certainly tried to succeed at being the worst. Each pound of his heart sent pain surging down his neck and shoulders, radiating through his chest and arms. How many times had they hit him? He remembered it took two to knock him out the first time. Then he woke up so they hit him again. What did they even want? He couldn’t recall. All he really remembered was being somewhere with Sky and then-
He forced his eyes open, heartrate picking up. Tears of pain welled in his eyes as he dragged his gaze around the small room he lay in. Rusty iron bars made up the wall ahead of him, the other two built with the same wooden planks as the floor. He took a breath as his head throbbed, attempting to sit up. Just tensing the muscles in his neck to lift his head wrapped his skull in invisible bands that made it feel on the verge of caving in. The constant rocking most certainly did nothing to help, either.
He took a deep breath, letting himself go limp in favor of focusing on the constant motion. It only took him a moment to recognize the sensation. He was on the ocean. Now that he directed his attention to it, he could hear water lapping against wood. He was on a ship. He gritted his teeth as nausea rose in his throat. No, no, it was fine. He was fine. His back prickled and he tossed his head. As expected, pounding pain burst within his skull, assaulting all of his senses. It made the nausea worse but at least the prickling in his back stopped. Once the pain subsided, he cautiously opened his eyes again. Okay. He needed a plan. A glance around the cell told him he was alone. If Sky had been caught as well, he was somewhere else. Saving Sky would be step two. Step one would be to escape himself. Step three would be… hope they weren’t over deep ocean and swim for it. Which was a terrible idea with Sky’s breathing but thinking about anything more complicated than that hurt too much. New step three was cross that bridge when he got there.
He tried to move his arms only to find they were bound behind his back. Not surprising, and he could deal with that. Assuming they hadn’t taken the knife from his boot. He bent his legs, arching his back and stretching his arms as far down as he could. The pressure on his head increased tenfold and he went limp with a gasp, black and red splotches winking in the edges of vision. He let his eyes slide shut for a moment, breathing shallowly through his mouth. The ship lurched as a wave collided with it and he bit his lip, fighting back the nausea prodding beneath his chin. After what felt like an eternity, the ship and his stomach settled. Without opening his eyes, he contorted again, struggling to reach his boot. The ropes around his wrists rubbed at his skin as the pressure in his head increased again. He ignored it for as long as he could, fingertips just brushing the back of his boots. A myriad of colors swam beneath his eyelids. He couldn’t hear the water over the throbbing of blood through his ears. He went lax again, gasping out a curse. He really wished he’d opted for a smaller knife in the heel of his boot rather than the longer one along the side of his calf. If his boots weren’t so high he could probably reach it. No, he thought as the pounding in his head subsided to a somewhat tolerable intensity. No, I have to reach it. I have to find Sky.
With that thought, he tried once again. He twisted his legs in different directions in an attempt to slip his fingers into his boot. Forcing through the vice crushing his skull, he stretched and curled. The ropes dug into his skin, pain sparking where they rubbed. His fingertips hooked the top of his boot. A momentary feeling of triumph zipped through him before he realized he couldn’t angle his fingers far enough down to reach the knife. He tried anyway, despite the cramping in his legs and the agony in his head.
The ropes screeched against flesh and his heart stuttered. His wrists burned, rubbed raw by the twine. The floor rocked beneath him and he winced, curling into himself. The motion caused the ropes to twist across his skin again. He hissed through his teeth as hot needles stabbed into his flesh. Another wave crashed against the ship, lightning cracking through the sky. No, no, there’s no lightning, it- Phantom sensations crawled up his back, jabbing at his nerves. The boat- ship bucked, ropes digging deeper against his han- wrists. A whine built in his throat, nausea spiking as panic flooded his veins. It was fine, it was just one little rope, there was no storm, he was fine-
Something above deck slammed and the ocean seemed to roar in his ears. Rain lashed against his face-No, no, it- it- did the ship spring a leak? It did, seawater sloshed around his ankles, yanking at his balance- I’m lying on the floor. Focus on the floor Link, you’re on the floor, it smells like- like mildew, it- Thunder boomed in his ears and he tightened his grip on the rope, clinging to it for dear life- You’re fine, you’re fine, you’re fine, you’re- He felt the lightning before anything. The world turned white as pure agony sliced down along his spine.
He curled in on himself further, choking for breath, pain splitting his skull in half. The ropes burned his wrists but he could feel it in his hands, the air and seawater stinging his palms. A loud noise blared overhead again, a shout warping into the boom of thunder. He flinched and turned his face to the floor, desperately trying to focus on the feeling of wood under his cheek, the smell of mildew and mold. But he could only feel the rocking, the burning, the electricity in his nerves-
He peeled his eyelids apart, eyes roving painfully around the blurry mess of a cell. A colorful blob stood on the other side the warping bars, light green and red. More words hovered near Legend’s ears but he could only focus on the red. He mumbled something, a name, slurred and uncertain. Green morphed to pale blue and he closed his eyes, unwilling to see what he knew couldn’t be there. Time skipped forward a few steps, a hand suddenly on his shoulder, gently shaking him. The rocking-
“Vet, I’m so sorry I took so long,” Sky said. Oh, good, Sky’s okay.
Sky kept talking but Legend didn’t really hear, opening his mouth and talking over him. “Sky, di’ y… wh… where’s… ‘ere, where’s…”
“We’re moored at some… some dock, I’m not sure-“ Fingers gently prodded at Legend’s head and he groaned in protest, the tension looping his skull tightening again. “Oh, your head…”
Sky said something else that didn’t register but it sounded like a question so Legend just nodded. In the next moment, the world tipped as Sky wrapped an arm around his shoulders and lifted him up. Legend groaned, wishing he’d said no to Sky’s apparent question to move him. Sky said something else, voice only occasionally penetrating the thick fog settled in Legend’s ears. He tried to pick out more of the words but the world pitched and yawed beneath him, stomach roiling. Before Sky could finish talking, Legend lurched to the side and vomited. A hand rubbed against his back, another on his chest to keep him upright. He whimpered at the pain the action brought him, slumping sideways against something soft and warm. A hand wrapped around his shoulder, holding him secure so he wouldn’t tip over. Then Sky’s voice finally broke through his ears with clarity.
“Link, I’m going to carry you out of here, okay?”
That sounded like the actual worst thing Sky could do to him in that moment. But Legend could hardly think at all so he nodded.
An arm pressed against his back, another under his knees. He had just enough time to panic at the sensation in his back before Sky pulled him off the floor. Vertigo exploded in his head with renewed vigor and it took everything in his power not to throw up again. He pressed his face against Sky’s chest, taking shallow breaths through his mouth as Sky began to walk. His nose filled with the pleasant, sweet scent that always clung to Sky’s sailcloth. He directed all his attention to that smell in an attempt to stave off the pain and nausea assaulting him at every turn. Light burst on the other side of his eyelids, Sky suddenly began to run at one point. The jarring motion made Legend’s stomach churn but he kept his mind solely focused on the sweet smell. He could feel the breath rattling in Sky’s chest but the knight kept on running, gasping something that Legend couldn’t hear. Someone shouted, Sky stumbled but kept going. Each jolting footstep pounded between Legend’s eyes. Time slurred, mixing with the pain into a mucky slush. The world tilted, the arms turned to something soft under his back. Something pressed to his lips and he threw up, the vice tightening around his head. Murmured words, all soft. What happened to Sky, is he okay? The pressure against his wrists increased for a moment before vanishing, cool air stinging the raw flesh. Have to find Sky, where is he, is he okay-
“-here, Vet, I’m right here.”
Fingers threaded with his own, calloused and warm. A sweet scent filled his nose. The hand holding his squeezed gently. Legend managed to weakly squeeze back before the ocean finally pulled him under.
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dot-hpg · 2 months ago
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FEBUWHUMP DAY #5 | That Place in my Mind
Prompt: not trusting reality Fandom: Slipknot Joey needs a new toaster, gets a splitting headache and finds a strange invitation.
It's finally my first slipknot febuwhump fic!! (there will be many more fear not) This one was sooo much fun to write and is the start of a really vague slipknot urban magic idea I've had for a while. Pretty much all the planning I had going into it are the posts you can find tagged #toaster violence on my blog lol. Enjoy Joey being confused x
warnings: fainting, theft, migraines
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dot-hpg · 29 days ago
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FEBUWHUMP DAY #27 | Falter
Prompt: post-victory collapse Fandom: Slipknot He did everything he had to do. Picked the guy’s pockets, and he’s fairly sure he never realised who Joey was, who he works for. If he had, he’d probably have taken his gun straight to Joey’s head. Instead, it’s another weapon of choice that’s sending him down. But that guy wasn't letting him go until he drank.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA just letting out some of that february energy sorry yeah ahem. um AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA well I wrote this today and I feel braindead. but we are nearly at the end🤪
warning: joey getting spiked, vomiting
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dot-hpg · 1 month ago
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FEBUWHUMP DAY #21 | The Light is Brighter This Time
Prompt: put on display Fandom: Slipknot, Joey & Corey Joey's too cold, too tired to go to Paul's like he normally does. Corey and his Gran take care of him.
I've been so excited for this one!! Highschool Joey/Corey comfort!! Written in one go this morning and not proofread in the slightest tho lol, I will get to it soon
warnings: child abuse, neglect
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dot-hpg · 1 month ago
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FEBUWHUMP DAY #20 | I can take anything (make me)
Prompt: "I did good right?" Fandom: Slipknot, Joey & Corey But Joey didn't stay. Which is why his phone is snapped in half on the ground by his head, and why his back hits the wall, hard and awkward, and why he's lying in the corner by the door, winded, for a long while after his dad stomps upstairs. Corey thinks Joey missed his show.
today is the first time I'm doing that ao3 title thing with the song lyrics and brackets lol. is this a positive development, who knows? ANYway, today Corey is feeling let down while Joey just wants him back :c
warnings: abuse, homophobic language, bullying, fighting
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dot-hpg · 1 month ago
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FEBUWHUMP DAY #18 | Bleed For You
Prompt: alt 9 - in another life Fandom: Slipknot In another life, they would bleed for him. Now he’s the one with blood in his hair, and they can never go back.
I'm breaking my own heart this febuwhump so I can only hope I'm taking some of you with me >:) I may not have proofread but I am so pleased I finally wrote this idea! The brothers who used to hide next to him are now the ones throwing the punches </3
warnings: torture, burns, concussion, vomiting, angst
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dot-hpg · 1 month ago
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FEBUWHUMP DAY #17 | Where Have I Been All This Time?
Prompt: power instability Fandom: slipknot Joey’s not sure he remembers the address on that poster, but he is sure he knows where to go. Which – he doesn’t bother wondering how that works. But he knows the route, and he gets further each time.
wrote this start to finish today. I'm just happy to be getting the toasterverse on a page but it is a VERY chaotic process. But if you want to explore a hardly comprehensible plot full of ratty men in a ratty city who get to chuck magic around, then this is made for you😅 we have mystery, Joey and his toasters being victimised.. and who could possibly be the freaks in the masks I wonder😂
warnings: headaches (in the story, although maybe reading it will give u one too), fainting
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dot-hpg · 1 month ago
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FEBUWHUMP DAY #15 | Let me Fall
Prompt: Icarus Fandom: Slipknot (basically just Joey) Apparently if he wanted to see the sun at all he had to think fucking twice before he talked back. Or whatever it was this time. Good luck getting out, in any case.
This was somehow the worst prompt to come up with even though I desperately wanted to use it. Finally made something though, and I think it's clear how this is inspired by Icarus lol. Probably could be more poetic but hey
warnings: abuse
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dot-hpg · 2 months ago
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FEBUWHUMP DAY #10 | That Space That you Call Mine
Prompt: magic exhaustion Fandom: Slipknot Joey isn’t magic. He can hardly make a spark. Then how he’s meant to explain this, he has no idea.
more chaos in the toasterverse. if you're wondering, I'm just as confused as everyone else but I hope it's enjoyable anyway. I'm just happy I got this mess off the ground
warnings: fainting, vomiting, cops mention lol
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dot-hpg · 2 months ago
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FEBUWHUMP DAY #9 | In the Middle of the Monster
Prompt: necromancy Fandom: slipknot They never should have played that fucking game.
Today Slipknot gets haunted :)))
warnings: creepy shit, kives, blood, haunting
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dot-hpg · 2 months ago
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Ok so it's arrived!!! It's febuwhump!! 2 years ago I wrote for 2 prompts, last year 6 and this year I am tentatively going for completion...
It's not only slipknot this year tho (dw, Joey is still getting plenty tortured) so here's a heads up of tags before I get into sharing the fics every day, in case ur not interested and want to block them:
#sk febuwhump will be for slipknot fics (mostly joey getting whumped)
#btvs febuwhump will be for my oc/spike fics from the buffyverse
#lk febuwhump will be for letterkenny fics (mix of stewart/reader, stewart whump and maybe even a wayne/dary special)
#hpg febuwhump will be tagged on all the fics I share :))
There's not many haha so think that's all of them covered, if I forgot a fandom or change my mind I'll update the list. I'll be posting ao3 links, not the whole fics here
And if you're actually interested to see what I'm trying to cook up, then consider this an intro to the febuwhump menu! I am gonna be insane by the end of the month so pls join me :)))))
febuwhump masterlist here
I DID IT!!! (+ slipknot fic recs)
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