#sitting on the throne w/o pete? not on his watch
vegaspeteangst · 2 years
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the boy who could see the world through his dragon's eyes only (they all laughed at them, the imperfect boy with an imperfect dragon, both were hated by their own kin for they were considered being sick)
and the man who was ready to burn this world for the imperfect boy (and he did, he did burn it, he gave the boy a crown that was his by birthright, he was there for him, he knew they both were meant to rule together, to bring this world to its knees, to turn it all upside down)
he gave the boy his heart and soul
he brought his all to him
he stripped himself down for him
he laid himself bare for him
he would do anything to see the gentle boy smile
but does it matter when in the end the boy was willing to die rather than being together with a monster who brings fire and death everywhere he goes, when everything he touches turns to ashes
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be-themessenger · 7 years
split enz, the cars & the who :D
🌟split enz🌟1. song I like the most: firedrill, by tim - ring ring ring that jaunty, lively b-side - and our day by neil, an ode to a life that’s to come and bless a family’s.2. album cover I like the most: time and tide and conflicting emotions have such precious artworks ad i initially can’t choose - though i have a thing for blues and gold tones, time and tide wins the fight because noel designed a logo for the album too (clock and moon), later to be seen on the hamilton gig intro. but god, remembering that Phil painted their dear faces on conflicting emotion is really blessing - he accepted ad created that lovely surreal thingo we frenz remember. but the sunset on time and tide is unbeatable.3. song that makes me wanna dance: plenty a frickton, from no bother to me to working up an appetite - they have developed such a pretty, danceable sound…4. song that made me cry: …a sound that goes wild. in fact no enz song did really make me cry but i did feel a soothing spiritual link to the songs talking about nature, as never ceases, or remember when?.5. member I feel the closest connection with: phil. though years have dug great differences in betweens us, me and the younger phil, we both had flowy hair, are artsy and have trust issues as big as mansions.6. hottest/most beautiful member: i guess it’s their naturally sun-blessed kiwi look but i love the finns to bits7. most entertaining member: noel he wrote comments on things for the enz fanclub or music press or nigel, who was a master of random action photo shooting - but honestly all of them were so particularly fun to watch onstage8. merchandise I own: waiata, time and tide and conflicting emotions on vinyl9. if I have seen them live and where: noooo and i wish i could’ve gone to Hamilton one, it was  fab to see on youtube10. memories involving the band:  when i spun my beautiful copy of time and tide for the first time - at nighttime on the best location ever: on the balcony of my seaside house. and all of a sudden during haul away i catch phil’s voice clearly singing ‘tell me more about split enz’ as seen in their demo ‘split ends’. whoosh. slashy feelings call.🌟the cars🌟1. song I like the most: fine line for heavenly moments of peace and running to you for when channeling energy is needed. love their keyboard lines, greg always slays the fuck outta all albums with dem skills *bostonian accent*2. album cover I like the most: pa no ra m. will forever be in love with that handpainted checkered flag flowin’ against that rich navy background - and let’s not forget the band pictures.and the b/w. and the colourblock on the inner sleeve3. song that makes me wanna dance: cruiser - that song is one hot summer ride to the beach on your shiny red Cadillac - condensed in the cars’ catchiest ever tune.4. song that made me cry: go away because it gives me shimmering hope. th voice of ben proposing ‘why don’t we go?’ is possibly one of the most ominous things i weirdly find comforting5. member I feel the closest connection with: david, the son of glam. i’ve been told i’m good ad picking the right items that match our aesthetics -david’s a champion at this i tell you. we’re artsy, sultry and we love to create shiny things6. hottest/most beautiful member: great gods - i feel all of them own a specifical kind of rare beauty that so ties up with their personalities and right now i can’t chooseeee7. most entertaining member: this is greg’s throne. he absolutely looks like the funniest person in the bunch and to me it’s enough to give him an ukulele and he’ll show you the way8. merchandise I own: door to door and panorama on vinyl. not much, huh?9. If I have seen them live and where: another act tha i’d kill to see live with virgo boy ben10. memories involving the band: sitting on the damn sofa writing some slashy romantic narrative last winter. it was centered on the theme of snow because we got caught in a terrible snowstorm nd i needed to convey the beauty of that into the cars, which i was soooo into during that time. one day i’ll ake a throwback post on the insta…🌟the who🌟1. song I like the most: the best of all who songs i heard so far, a song i feel truly fucking bound to - love reign o’er me. never fails to catch my senses, with those rippling guitars and grrrrr vocals2. album cover I like the most: has to be my generation. gotta love that bunch o’ britons showing off some mod britishness3. song that makes me wanna dance: has to be my generation - it‘s such a timeless fun tune i love to these day for its mod hymn nature.4. Song that made me cry: not really cry but hell, drowning has such heavy dragging lyrics - each time i try listening to it my mind forgets the rhythm and all and focuses on the lyrics5. member I feel the closest connection with: pete - among all i can easily say he has sympathy for waters. oh and we have the same everlasting bugger-off pout. 6. hottest/most beautiful member: pete again - he has this beautiful pair of crystal blue eyes and b/w photos make ‘em look super shiny. plus he’s a resting bitchface - big bonus point. 7. most entertaining member: i originally reserved this space for the cutest creature that is into keith but i got to say the most entertaining are all of them around keith. 8. merchandise I own: quadrophenia double cd, pete’s autobio and a model of one of his gits. does a badly handpainted hot wheels model car count? 9. if I have seen them live and where. god that would’ve been e x p l o s i v e 10. memories involving the band: happily shaking to my generation at my seaside house when i was little! i used to mix this and good vibrations into one song as they came together on this double cd my parents had. we still play that every now and then…thank you so much!
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