#sitting in webinar for first job and well this industry is fucked
orangerosebush · 4 months
It’s hot and I am so tired ;-;
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topicprinter · 7 years
I took the liberty of having Neville Medhora's notes from Sumocon typed out so I could read them.You can compare them to the handwritten ones on his blog - http://www.nevblog.com/sumocon-2017/?inf_contact_key=33bf4b2c4f3e1b7573fd975212581e146521e82b4e92c27dc138bd745e6695d1NEVILLE’S NOTES FROM SUMOCONEric Siu- Single Grain7 steps to hire good marketers: Product -growth- everywhere Start with a specific criteria.Problems for CEO’s is hiring.Continually hire people to take stuff off their plate.Where to find great talent.Have core values. Every Wednesday select one person who stuck to core values. You want to work ON your bit, not in your bit. Protip 1: Forced Hiring. Reach out on linked in. Linked in 20% E-Mail 7% Protip. Angelist, even colleges Protip. Inbound ors, and Growthhackers.com $250. Protip! ProBlosser site- to find content marketers ( Job board) 4) Video Interviews Skype aren’t organized vids. SparkhireAsh MuaryaBuild what customers want. Zack Obroat – Book in a box. 600 authors publish books. 35 employees. Need to outsource all functions to others. Productized service biz. You will never be able to work in your bit unless core functions are consistent and repeatable. Step 1) Productize Do you have product- market- fit or you market fit. One bit with infinite offerings = you are running infinite business. ?’s What services you provide make most of your rev? What you best known for? What do you do that’s unique? What’s the solution most clients should be doing.Creates a process for something creative like writing There needs to be a consistent process likeIntro. Outline Fid correct writer Book cover etc.Map out perfect project Go step by step and record Follow loose docc with clients Repeat with team chase Automate consistent piecesFigure out places can automate steps for do over-and-over.Step 3: People-izeWhat is it taking up most of the time? Outsource to full time people.Hiring IS sales copy: You are trying to sell people on a fundamentally important decision. Interesting perspective.Product service bit is sood fit.A lot of reason to go into biz is a need to feel special. Be the hero.Ecommerce Panel:Haley Robison- CEO @ Kammok- outdoor adventure firm.Peter Keller- first spart- IS ppl. 5 ½ million last year.Add lots of context marketing Eric Bondholz- Beardband – 6th and Brazos – 300,000 subs for vids. Catheryn Harvey- Bert self.co- self journal- 10 ppl.Sujan Dreallret SessionEverything that’s scalable easy sets, easy, sets wiped out eventually Higher consultants (individual, so you don’t get pawned off) -Clarity.fn?’s SEO value Vs FB leads- more hungry or outsource higher quality. Bing?Buys a lot of links, but does it indirectly -Sponsor conference; get webinar + links guest post. Https + responsive + speed AMP plugin Re purpose content: LinkedIn and medium, Slide share; Turn about performing posts into video Even with 500 views people mention VIRGO over posts. Build relationships with influences , hunt them to write or mention you, can’t ‘scale’ relationships. - Try to make them look good. -Great post with top 4th of the page needs to be relevant to that space and you.Sujan- Micro tools, (swpie file) buys expired domains. Monitors competition closely, such as Yes Ware. 10x content.Nick Gray- Museum Hack$3m revenue Actually hate museums, but went on a date there. Lol, Hosted his birthday at the museum, led a ‘tour’ Lol, touching art kids were blind toursAsked halfway through for Q & A: very smart and review. Guides/Games/Gossip Doesn’t hire previous museum boring snides. Hired a girl who was a birthday clown. No interviews. Does ‘’live auditions’’ Gives them a blank script to start and make their own one hour ‘’show’’ Gives $599 and first ( avoid legally hours to report income) Tours are fast. 30 pieces in 1-2 hours. Start with a team game Marketed a ‘’Museum Adventure’’ ‘’Gallery fatigue’’ – so do things to prevent tiredness ‘’Today’s audiences must be entertained before they can be educated’’ Finance bro’s- hate museums – so they identify them, then ‘’talk them to most expensive piece in entire museum’’ $45,000,000 piece. This changes their mind. ‘’Museums are fucking awesome’’ is their logo. Lol!. Tries to use crazy language to set a reaction. Actually do ‘’proposal tours’’. 25-30 hours per week. 2016= 2.3M in sales. B2C B2B Training- teaches companies to communicate like them. Equity Salary, Title, Responsibilities, opportunity -Things founders can give ^ He say find an assistant first. They get absorbed into biz. Delogate and elevat ‘’ Start from day you hire, all wins, all failures. Don’t phase out slowly for firing, do it immediately ‘’Free up your future’’. LOL! Competition is great, makes you better. Applicant Tracking System - Complete game changer! Lever, Zip recruiter Who by Jeff Smart Noah Kasan Speech: Your customers do have money, you’re just not important enough Blissfully.com – puts all saas subs. TrueBill.com Consulting package?500$/hour special. Conceive source ReferralsLubricate- make it easy Incentives- send gifts, prizes Systematize it- make it automaticPresell Review your LinkedIn Flash 20minute sale.Always ask for it When things are going bad, just offer to help people with their business Limit the time and you can get allot of love. David Hauser- Grasshopper Sold for $200mil to citrix Same hour, car Lots of problems with his money payment Estate planning, taxes etc ‘’ Feels less good than I thought it was’’. Wants to work and likes to work Never planned for an exitQuestions: How did you start? Software background? wrote overall softwares never packed to subs.Processes+ SOP’s + culture = wish he started earlier SOP’s made massive difference + core values Quaterly + yearly rythm. $3,000,000 revenues. 3 metrics: number of customers Charm. Always be entrepreneur Radically passionate Your fear 10% of all spending gives to marketing and branding (10%). Experiments(10%). -Lol. Tray table adverts on planes Starter: 0 - 1 million – starter 1mil- 5mil St-Needs less doers and more strategic thinkers.‘’ I am gone for two weeks, figure it out’’. Quickly view where things needed to be improved. Ask A players for referrals. They know other A players. Fire B players.How do you know who a B player is? Would you enthusiastically re-hire this person? Spent 3 years in Vegas while business was in Massachusetts. Had process in place Director of operations. Index funds with betterment. Low fees Mentors are super important -Had mentor.Noah esumicomBook Rockafeller HabitsIf had to start grasshopper again, Immediately start getting organic SEO. Stay away from saturated sources such as Adwards. ‘’Is it good enough’’? regarding the software quality. Got V-Mail Aymen Interview: Stopped worrying about button colours and split texting headlines. Instead realized lifetime software was big, focused on that Massive wins. Not small. Hire contractors as ‘’ first dates’’ Do more of what works ‘’How do i do more of THAT?’’ Questions. Deposit photos all the best deal. Find a tool that can serve a wide audience Scratch your own itch. Tools that help people more money SE ranking Deposit Photos Stencil ‘’Appsumo has a watch tower view of the industry’’.A deal that did $100K 3 years ago flopped now. Same thing happens in courses. They sit on the shelf Course sales starting to dip, software goes up.Don’t wanna spend 10 hours learning, just want software to do it. SOP The Gauntlet for emails ‘’Hard to build a business with/out processes’’.Here's the link to the pdf if you want that as well - http://www.drive80.com/sumocon2017
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