#sits back and waits for the unfollows
sl33paholics · 9 months
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Baki's Reaction To Your Ex Trying To Get You Back Headcanons! (and a mini story ig)
Uhm.....it's 6am as I write this and I'm giggling my ass off
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To say that Baki would come up and beat the shit out of your ex on the spot right in front of you and others is an understatement.
Baki is more of a quiet observator. Rather than confrontational, Baki might choose to observe your ex from a distance, assessing the encounter with a calm demeanor, possibly seeing it as an opportunity to reaffirm your commitment.
Baki's not an idiot. He can choose to downplay the situation, opting not to give your ex's attempt much attention, focusing instead on maintaining the positive dynamics of your relationship.
Known for his actions more than words, Baki might subtly intensify his efforts to show affection and support, reinforcing Baki's commitment through deeds rather than direct confrontation.
Baki knows how much you love to post yourself on social media. The latest fits, shoes, or with your friends. He's aware that your ex still follows you, even though you unfollowed him many, many months ago. Expect Baki to always hype you up in the comments under your posts on Instagram by spamming hearts and down-bad shit as well, he's most likely getting pinned every time.
Hell, if you're not posting yourself, you're sharing photos of the two of you on dates and random shit. Such as the you two at the gym. Baki's arms always wrapped around your shoulders or his hands gripping your hips. Baki can tell your ex is salty, he stalks his story on an alt account, LOL!
Sometimes, Baki could sense how annoyed and bothered you are whenever you'd see accounts named "shien_giveaway_6997" viewing your story. It's so obvious! Baki values honesty, and he'd engage in an open conversation with you about the situation, discussing any concerns or insecurities. Baki doesn't want a pretty woman like you stressing out over a man who couldn't keep his dick in his pants.
If you don't want to speak to him about the whole situation, Baki could respond with affectionate gesture, like a surprise date or a thoughtful gift, to reaffirm his commitment and show that he values and appreciates you. He could even use humor and make jokes about your ex's attempts to diffuse the tension.
However, it could only be so long until the man could entertain your ex before he was going to be pushed off the edge.
Baki could opt for a straightforward conversation, expressing his feelings and concerns calmly while speaking to the man via text message or phone. While not confrontational, Baki gives off a subtle warning vibe, a non-verbal cue that communicates the depth of his commitment and suggests that attempting to disrupt the relationship won't be taken lightly.
This could go two ways. 1) Your ex could simply back off and respect your wishes that your current relationship holds. Or 2) your ex could simply be cocky, shouting at him over the phone, insulting him to insert dominance, and other things to Baki as he's just there sitting silently listening to him yap yap yap yap yap yap yap -
It just so happens that Baki and your ex stumbled across each other while in the city.
Guess you can see where this is going.
Seeing Baki's size, your ex laughed and berated him. How can a man his height cuff YOU up? He couldn't believe it. How low were your expectations? He was tall and built. Baki? Sure. He was ripped but SHORT.
"I don't have time for this," Baki simply said, making your ex raise a brow in confusion. "(Y/N) is waiting for me, I can't have my love waiting." Baki walked past the taller figure, his hands in his pockets. He stopped once your ex pulled on his shirt, tugging and pulling Baki back.
"A short boy like you can't do shit!" Your ex would spat. The smell of cigarettes reeked and made Baki want to cough in his face. "Suddenly coming 'round and stealin' MY girl away from me?! I should punch you in your shit-"
It's safe to say that Baki hit this man with a two-piece combo. A slap and a roundhouse kick sent that man straight to sleep on the sidewalk. Baki stared at the unconscious man before sighing. Continuing his journey towards your place.
Hours later, your phone begins to blow up from your friends of the picture of your ex on the sidewalk earlier that day. You confronted Baki only for him to pout and say, "He ruined my shirt :("
You couldn't be mad at him. At least your ex knew not to fuck with you and your boyfriend anymore.
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everparanoid · 10 months
Headcanon: university student! Wriothesley
University student! Wriothesley x gn! reader
tags: fluff - word count: 1.2k
Wriothesley is what you would call 'the misunderstood "bad boy".' That is to say, he isn't bad at all but rather has a bad-boy exterior that intimidates your peers.
Wriothesley, as a student, is the quiet type and can seem threatening at first glance. But once you get to know him, you realise he’s quite relaxed and has a sharp wit. He’s always seen with a flask in hand, leading everyone to assume it contains alcohol. But it’s filled with tea. He doesn’t bother taking notes during lectures because he’s already read all the material for the class. His attendance at lectures is more about the atmosphere than the content, and it was even rarer before he met you.
Even the professors noticed a change in his attitude towards attendance after he met you. It was as if your presence sparked a newfound interest in him to attend lectures more regularly despite already knowing the material.
At the start of the second term, you arrive late to the lecture. To avoid the walk of shame down the stairs to find your friends, you choose to sit next to him at the back of the lecture hall. You side-eye him cautiously the entire time. However, the moment he turns to offer you some tea from his flask, you realise you have misjudged him. You’ve been sitting with him ever since.
If you happen to be in the same seminar group, Wriothesley will bring an extra flask lid to share his tea with you just in case. He’ll also catch you up on any notes you missed while daydreaming or dozing off from a late night of studying.
Wriothesley always hangs back after class, patiently waiting as you pack up your bag. Then, he walks you back to your place, even though his place is on the other side of campus. He says it’s because he enjoys the extra time to discuss the day’s lecture with you. In reality, he simply enjoys your company in any form--no matter the subject of conversation, and the long walk back to his place is just a small price to pay for that.
Wriothesley is the student you never see on campus unless you actively go looking for him. He’s part of the boxing society, so he often comes to lectures and seminars covered in bandages, which only fuels the rumours of him running an underground fight club.
Wriothesley often assumes leadership roles and no one objects. His presence commands both respect and a certain level of fear. It’s not that he actively seeks these positions he just doesn't like injustice. In fact, rumour has it that the previous president of the boxing society abandoned his post after Wriothesley challenged him to a match. The challenge was to verify if the president was truly as skilled as he claimed, or if he was merely rigging matches in his favor. As it turned out, the president was a no-show for the match, leaving the society without a leader. That day, it was unanimously decided that Wriothesley would assume the president’s duties. And he did so without batting an eye. You had been relieved by the strangely peaceful turn of events.
Wriothesley has an anonymous fan club of people who submit extremely blurry pictures and updates of him around campus, unbeknownst to him. You once opened your Instagram to see a picture of him holding the door open for a fellow student, followed by another picture of him helping one of the known aggressive campus cats down from a tree. You'd followed the Instagram page as a joke, but the images were quite cute, so you never unfollowed.
Wriothesley isn’t on any social media platforms, so you two keep in touch via text messages. Initially, you had him saved in your contacts as ‘His Grace’, a playful nod to the way people treat him with the reverence of a duke. But now, you’ve changed his name to ‘Ricecake’, much to his chagrin. He regrets ever letting you in on that annoying nickname. You’re always curious about how he has you saved in his phone. He teases you by saying he’ll show you if you can correctly answer three questions about the class material. But he’s crafty, always making the last question about something you haven’t covered yet in the readings. So, to this day, you still don’t know what your name is on his phone, and you probably never will. That’s just how Wriothesley is, always keeping you on your toes.
Every week, before the lecture, Wriothesley sends you a text asking what you’d like from the campus cafe. He knows your order by heart and doesn’t really need to ask. Plus, he always has his own tea prepared in his flask, so he doesn’t need to spend money there. But he does it anyway, just to see the smile on your face when you rush into the lecture hall, inevitably late, but relieved to have your weekly fix. Initially, he started doing this in an attempt to help you avoid being late to lectures, which didn’t quite work out. But over time, it’s become a habit he cherishes.
Wriothesley is your steadfast study partner in the library. Despite your best intentions, you often find yourself falling asleep at your keyboard, promising each time that it won’t happen again. Yet, there you are, waking up to find fifty pages of the letter ‘L’ on your Word document, and Wriothesley’s large jacket draped over you like a warm blanket. He continues to work quietly beside you, unfazed by your slumber. He doesn’t mind the late nights. In fact, he prefers them, especially when he’s in your company. And even after pulling an all-nighter, he somehow manages to look more put-together than you in your shared 8:30am class the next morning. Every time you call him out on this, he just laughs.
One night, you’re in the library with Wriothesley, half-asleep, buried under a three-thousand-word essay due by noon the next day. In the midst of this academic haze, Wriothesley looks up from his laptop and asks you out on a date.
"You know, there’s this supposedly fantastic spot in town I think we should check out after we're both done with all of this. That is, if you’d like to accompany me?" he suggests. His words hang in the air, a question wrapped in casual conversation.
Startled, you lift your head, which had been precariously balanced on your hand, and quickly wipe away the trace of drool from your mouth. "Huh?" you manage to utter, caught off guard.
Wriothesley leans back in his chair, a fond smile playing on his lips. It’s a look you’ve seen before, but never really pondered over. He’s often looked at you this way, so it’s not entirely unexpected. Yet, this time, it feels different, as if it carries a deeper meaning.
With a hint of amusement in his eyes, he repeats, "I am asking if you’d like to go on a date with me?"
It doesn't surprise anyone when you walk into the lecture late holding hands with Wriothesley. From the beginning, everyone, including your professors, had suspicions about the two of you. After all, the pairing of the quiet, bad boy and you, who always arrived late to lectures, seemed inevitable.
Reblogs w/ tags and comments are very much appreciated! If you enjoyed this, please feel free to consider dropping a follow as well! <3
Also, if you like my writing and wish to support me, please consider buying me a coffee via Ko-fi!
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sea-of-dust · 1 year
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Unexpected Affection
Kafka, Stelle,Blade x GN!Reader
Summary: They never really showed this level of affection before...
Notes: 🗿 just gonna cram this in so those two people that unfollowed me come back. Had a werid urge to cram asuka in here he looks like one of those little fluff dogs, dude.
Warnings: suggestive humor and scenes, betrayed audience (IM SORRY 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️),Barely proofread
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She's always showing you affection
Touching your hand if you were to sit across from her. Offering to carry you home if too tired. She's very happy to do things for you!
You think her being like this is almost her way of repaying you for being patient while she's out stellaron hunting
She'd text you whenever she was free she'd love seeing how fast you'd respond. "The missions taking a while, I'm sorry if I'm late" you'd type almost immediately after she sent that "don't worry about it! Stay safe." With a small thumbs up emoji afterword. Her heart melts, you can't be this cute.
She loves greeting you by getting home first and sitting down on the couch. "Long time no see~" "Kafka..." the way you say her name she wishes to record it. Your greeting smile and small sweets you prepare for her always make her warm up a bit.
"How did you know I was coming back?" She'd lean into the hug rubbing your arms with her thumb. "I don't so when you don't come back I just kinda eat those alone-" She takes a bag of those snacks with her now, how could you say something like that with a smile on your face-
The longest time she's been out was two months barely being able to text you. So as soon as the mission was done, she excused herself. Waiting for you to come home so she could great you.
"Kaf-" You couldn't even finish your sentence before she kissed you suddenly, holding your hands pinning one to the wall. She kisses you with an eagerness, almost a need for you. You pull away to catch your breath, she'd fail to hide her want for more almost hearts in her eyes. She goes back in holding your waist as she enjoys the long kisses in between short gasps for air. She'll get her fix of you,slipping her toungue in feeling yours squirm everytime they touch, she really can't get enough of you only backing off when she felt shes had enough. "I prepared dinner for us" she wraps her arms around your shoulders, leading you to the dining table completely decorated.
She pulls out a chair for you as you sit down with her and catch up. "So how was the stellaron?" "Alot more active than usual took too much work" a sigh escapes her lips. You two continue to chatter on while eating.
As soon as you two finish eating, she helps you clean up. She can't take your hands off you while you wash dishes. She slowly rock your waist to sync with her movements. She takes off her gloves to touch your face. "As unprovoked as ever" she mumbles leaning into you "Why yes it takes alot of focus to wash dishes" she smiles at the joke leaning in to kiss you "Why yes the dishes are quite a vicious foe"
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She just likes being near you. You smell nice...also you're able to keep her from turning into the local raccoon.
you would catch her looking at trash, always somehow be there to pull her away last second. "Come on, Stelle!" You drag her away.
She'd like to place small kisses on your cheek whenever you're not paying attention. She almost did this infront of the star rail crew. "The next planet..." You grab her face, holding her there. "heard that place is hotter than 12 volcano" March and Dan Heng would kinda continue to convo with her kinda stuck there
She can't sleep without you nearby. She's like the demon in the dark you run up the stairs from. She'd just stand there in the doorway as the light kinda makes her look like a shadow. "Uhhh Stelle" "..." you're barely awake yet you could tell it was her. You tsk before lifting your blanket lazily. "Come here" she nearly runs into bed with you cuddling into you. "You need a night light...maybe I'll take one from March" you pat her head as she scoots closer to you.
You had a maid run up to you shrieking about someone jumping out of a closet. "I'll go check it out miss I'll contact you if you it's anything serious" you go to check the room walking in and closing the door. You hear something in the closet and peak in only to have the doors fly open, Stelle almost jumping out trying to stop herself realizing who it was. "So you jump scared the room service lady" she nods "....wanna try that on sampo?"
She gets caught up in boxing and actively shows off how good she is. She always looks for you in the audience and shows off her win. "Congrats Stelle, but put him down!"
She won't admit it but she maybe maybe- likes pda. Maybe she does like holding your hand in public or the thought of you kissing her without a care. You'll never get her to say it tho. She just brushes her fingers on yours, occasionally hoping you'd hold onto her hand.
You found her in a trash can as usual but this time one on her head. You looked at her flabbergasted. "Stelle- get that off of your-" you were interrupted by her pulling it up and kiss you. Her tongue slipping in a bit, lowering the trash can down for a bit of privacy. You pull away, "Stelle what the-" she kisses you again before you pull her off gently "wait till we're on the express k?" You blush softly. She pounts a bit but still waits pulling the trashcan lower.
Turns out she forgot when you got back to the express a few days later when she does remmber tho she nearly runs at you slamming your door. "Eh what?" You rub your eyes seeing the raccoon in all of her glory "Stelle?" Your eyes a bit hazy yet you could still tell it was her, she nearly jumps on you immediately taking off her jacket. "Youre always up to something-" she cuts you off putting a finger to your mouth "shush" she smirks teasingly "been waiting for this for a long while now~" her voice is so calm yet you could almost feel mischief radiating off of her.
She kisses you for a long while, only pulling away to catch her breath quickly going back to it moments later. She didn't even care when March came knocking, wondering where she was. If anything, she just became more passionate. She adores your little tired noises every time she does something to fluster you. The infamous rubbing circles in your back always managed to get an embrassed squeak out of you. As soon as you pull her off breathing heavily, she'll notice just how flustered she made you. Her job was complete staying with you that night so she could do it all again in the morning.
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He isn't too open even when in a relationship
You know he loves you he just doesn't say it outloud. You usually have to make moves and he'd slowly respond to those things, he's almost confused. "You're so stiff" you hug him from behind "as stiff as a board~" leaning into him a bit. As you hug him he's not really sure what to do. Does he hug back backward? Does he turn around and hug you? Does he just embrace it? So may questions running through a very straight faced man
The quickest way you flustered him is when you ask about the future while laying your head on his lap. "Blade... you think you might settle down with me when there's no longer stellarons to hunt." He didn't move, but it was clear to see the blush on his face. As he softly pats your head, you could almost hear him mumble a "I want to..."
He offen tries to sneakily hold your hand. "Oh?" He would stay straight faced, holding your hand behind your backs. Gripping your hand a bit tighter sometimes. "Is this your way of being flustered?" "No" he'd squeeze your hand. "Uh huh"
He wants you to braid his hair. He'd sit down with his back facing you, and you'd be so confused. When you finally offered, you could tell he almost ran but didn't wanna embrass himself. "Alright, sit -" he sits with his back turned to you in the same spot as usual. "Oh...so THAT'S what you meant." "What did you think I mean?" "That you were mad at me. " "...." he got his hair braided but still sensed undying guilt
He'd be so confused if you bought him any sort of gift. He's grateful, but... how to use it. "Blade...it's a fake flower, and when ya open it!" You carefully twist off the bud. "It's a chapstick!" He looks down at it, then back at you,"are my lips that crusty. " "No! No! I just got it cause I thought you wanted one! Always notice you staring at mine when I use it" he doesn't tell you, but he's been wondering about indirect kissing via chapstick.
All this thinking of kissing is gonna get in the way of stellron hunting it's too the point Kafka picks up on it and starts teasing him. "Bladie~, you seem flustered." "..." she smirks. "Is it that cute person you're dating!" He's pink trying to hide it, but he's blushing just thinking of you. "Your little play thing surprised you haven't given up on revenge just to stay with them longer." she walks in circles around him, annoying him but fluttering him none the less
He caught you asleep while waiting for him, so he tried to sneak into your arms without waking you. He'd fail...horrendously. you'd feel soft breaths and your arms going around a figure patting your head as you slept. Jokes on him, after you caught him doing this for a multitude of times, you just decided to pretend not to wake. Hopefully, making him feel like he's getting better at this.
He hides his cravings to wanna kiss you, but when he wants them, it's so odvious. He stays around you more often with almost no room for air, his frown deepening and eyes softening almost as if softly begging for something.
When he finally acted on this urge, it was only when you figured it out, kissing his cheek as he turned into a blushing mess. "Oh ho~, it seems someone got a bit excited for that," you smirk teasingly, hugging him. "Did you want one of these too?" His breath was heavy, his hair covering some of his face, but you could tell you had him on the ropes. Suddenly, he cups your face and leans in hesitantly before kissing you, slowly getting more passionate as he grips the clothes near your waist. You softly laugh at this, hearing him scoff, taking this chance you kiss him again in a slightly teasing way as he fully embraces your affection. He gets more egar gripping your clothes a bit tighter as his small kisses turn into deep, long ones with short gaps for air. He'd look so ashamed whenever he pulled away for breath. "If you're tired, we could save it for later." You smirk teasingly. "...just one more," you kiss his cheek. "..." You smirk, kissing his lips. "You're cute whenever you want something, you know"
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 1 year
Hi) I want to say that I do love your works and your depiction of Aemond and I wonder if you are planning to write something about Y/N giving massage to Aemond after an exhausting training? or on the contrary Aemond wishes to have his wife relaxed and then his actions lead to some more intimate consequenses you know what kind it is 🤭🤭
Hello there! I can see you have unfollowed me since making this request, but I have fulfilled anyway as I am nice like that. I hope you enjoy it, if not perhaps someone else might.
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Warnings: Mild angst, smut. Word count: ~1.1k
“Be in my chambers when I return from the training yard this afternoon.”
It had been uttered between soft kisses and needy touches, as Prince Aemond had dragged her into an alcove as they’d crossed paths in a corridor of the Red Keep. She had giggled, excitement fluttering in her belly at the prospect of what they might get up to, and had since wished the hours away for this very moment. She had been Princess Helaena’s lady in waiting for a year and her younger brother’s best kept secret for less than half.
Every brush of his fingers against her skin left gooseflesh in its wake, every press of his lips against her own made her heart feel as though it skipped a beat. She had not known that the One Eyed Prince was capable of such softness, yet the adoration she saw reflected in his eye when he looked at her assuaged all doubts.
Yet there is none of that tenderness there when he finally does return. He regards her coldly as he enters the room, staring at her as she sits on the end of the bed, waiting for him as instructed.
“Get out.” He commands, turning from her to unfasten his tunic.
She flinches at the harshness of his words, he has never spoken to her with such hostility before. Brow pinched in concern, she rises from where she sits, reaching for him. “But you said-”
“-I said get out!” He repeats, louder this time.
She presses a hand to his shoulder and feels it sag beneath her touch. He is warm through his undershirt, shaking slightly, his breathing quick and shallow. “Were you bested in the training yard?” She asks quietly.
“No, I beat Cole.” He replies, his voice quiet and sullen, keeping his back to her.
“Then what happened?” She gently urges him to face her.
He sighs, bowing his head and pinching the bridge of his nose. “My nephews…they’ve returned to King’s Landing.”
She does not know the full extent of Aemond’s animosity towards the Velaryon boys, but knows that one of them is responsible for the loss of his eye. She cannot imagine how he must feel at having to face them after that. She decides against questioning it, wanting nothing more than to comfort him instead.
“What can I do to make it better?” She looks at him earnestly, gently brushing a stray hair from his face.
He shakes his head, nostrils flaring as he takes a deep breath. “There is nothing to be done. Just leave me. I need to bathe.”
“I can assist with that.” She tells him, a small smile upon her lips.
A heady aroma of blackcurrant seed oil fills the air as the bathtub steams around them both. The crackling from the fire in the hearth beside them is the only sound in the room, besides the delicate splash of water as she moves her hands through it.
She straddles Aemond’s lap as he reclines in the tub, the two of them submerged to their waists, as she uses the combination of warm liquid and scented bath oils to massage her hands across the pallid skin of his chest and shoulders. He is tense, the knots in his muscles unyielding beneath her touch as his one seeing eye stares blankly ahead.
Threading the wetness of her fingertips into the dampness of his long silver-white hair, she rubs circles against his scalp and his eye flutters closed appreciatively.
“I will always be a laughing stock to them.” He finally sighs. “The indignity of it. They are bastards!”
“You are not a laughing stock.” She reassures him, peppering his face with small kisses.
He turns his face away, mouth pressed into a hard line, a quiet “hmmm” rumbling from the depths of his throat, clearly disbelieving.
“I can see you need some convincing.” She murmurs, reaching between their bodies to grasp at his length, softly stroking him to life.
He sucks in a breath, screwing his eye shut, the plushness of his lips slightly parted as he allows her to rouse him to full hardness, thick and satisfyingly heavy against her palm.
She smiles wickedly, kneeling up to position him at her entrance before sinking down slowly. They groan in unison at the pleasant stretch as he fills her inch by languid inch.
“Who are you?” She whispers against the shell of his ear, once he is fully sheathed inside.
“What?” Comes his incredulous response, his hands gripping her hips as she begins to slowly roll them.
“You are a Targaryen Prince,” She answers for him, delighting in the exquisite push and pull of her body against his. “You are Aemond Targaryen.”
He lets out a shuddered breath, the faintest trace of a smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth.
“Who rides the largest dragon in the world?” She questions, a quiet moan escaping her as she increases her pace, the water in the bathtub threatening to overflow with the repeated undulation.
“I do.” He tenses beneath her, leaning forward to mouth hotly against her neck and collarbones, a hand leaving her hip to roll a pert nipple between his thumb and forefinger.
She gasps, the stimulation sending a jolt of arousal through her that causes her to clench around him. “Who bests the greatest knight in the realm on a regular basis in the training yard?” She asks, voice shaky.
“I do.” Aemond growls against her skin.
“Mmmm…” She sighs in satisfaction as slowly he begins to thrust up into her. “Who has me so desperate for them I can scarcely think of anything else?”
“I-I do.” He says with a groan.
“Yes, that’s right.” She agrees breathily. “So tell me who you are…”
Aemond plants his feet, water sloshing tempestuously onto the floor with the reckless abandon that he begins to fuck up into her with. “I am Aemond fucking Targaryen.” He all but snarls, his grip on her bruising as he begins to pulsate within her tight heat.
The feeling of Aemond’s peak triggers her own and she tenses and spasms around him, clinging tightly to him with a strangled cry as they both ride out their highs.
He pulls her to his chest, a large hand splayed out against her back as they lay there, allowing their breathing to slow.
“Thank you…” He whispers gratefully. “...for not leaving.”
She smiles. Even as the water cools rapidly around them, there is no place she’d rather be.
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kaiispost · 2 months
Charles Leclerc x artist!male reader
Fake Media | Face Claim: no one | y/n is a pop artist
announcement: i’m officially back for a lil while
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liked by charlesleclerc and 1,547,359 others
yourinstagram you can take me hot to go!!
view all 3,388 comments
charlesleclerc watching me win?
* liked by yourinstagram
taylorswift not even inviting me?
dojacat icon
ferrari so let’s ride!
f1 vroom 🏎️ 💨
charlifanxcx collab with charli when?
*liked by yourinstagram
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*tagged yourinstagram
liked by 2,346,299 users
charlixcx the 360 remix with yourstagename out this friday.
view all 11,248 conments
yourinstagram can’t wait for them to hear it…
spotify they ain’t ready
theshaderoom thot daughter and gay son 😭
charlesleclerc brat summer and it’s the same but i’m in the music video so it’s not
taylorswift can’t wait to hear yourstagename
lizzobeeating he’s so julia!
*liked by yourinstagram
charlixcxdaily waitttt this is going to be ICONIC! 🤭
mileycyrus ommfgggg!
ynleclerc literally everyone rn
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liked by yourinstagram and 2,486,086
charlesleclerc bumpin’ that
view all 5,497 comments
yourinstagram i’m everywhere i’m so julia!
applemusic oh absolutely!
juliafox so stylish!
ynfan1 wait so it’s basically confirmed?😭
leclercxyourname yess omgg!!! also him sitting infront of yourname’s piano?
charlixcx literally their fav reference 🥲
tmz 👀🔍🎹
sza this is going to be such an epic record
f1 bumpin that beat!
yournamedaily omg even THE f1 account is in on this?? oh they’re endgame
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liked by charlesleclerc and 2,005,342 others
yourinstagram the 360 remix with me out now everywhere! thank you to everyone who was in the music video, it was fun :)
view all 6,455 comments
charlixcx thank you for being on the remix
yourinstagram omg it was so fun to record, the bts is crazy.
billboard instant cult classic
spotify ur such an icon
charlesleclerc that was so fun to film, especially the the aftermath 😉
sza that was such a lit party, u should def host another party soon!
arianagrande made so many core memories
troyesivan legendary
yndaily on repeat all day
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liked by ynhater2 and 6,789,206 others
f1driversdaily charles via yourname’s story
view all 33,957 comments
ynhater2 ewww this is gross, i thought the f1 was safe… i guess not🤢
antilgbt right, this is a sad day for all f1 fans
sza babe this is so embarrassing for u… touch some grass and smoke a blunt, stop being weird.
sza ugh so happy for themmm
normalpeople32 god no, THEY got charles
christonly1 can we not promote this behaviour?
ylnstarsign this is so hot
yourlocalchurch god will lead him to the right path
yourinstagram no thanks!
zendaya y’all so weird, their relationship doesn’t have any effect on you whatsoever. you people be so miserable and single, get a life.
zendaily spot on!
yn4life yes absolutely zendaya!!! ilysmmm for thisss
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* tagged charlesleclerc
liked by charlesleclerc and 11,496,937 others
yourinstagram we did it, number one on the charts! these last couple of weeks have been crazy, ily charles for going through it with me and staying with me. forever grateful ❤️‍🩹
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charlesleclerc forever yours ♾️
chrlixcxfanpge U DID IT, UR FIRST NUMBER 1
sabrinacarpenter so happy for you and charli🥹
yourinstagram when r u and barry coming overrr
billieeilish sososososososo proud of uuuu, uuu made itt andd urr sooo loveddd
rayeofficial ahhhhhh soo happy for the two of u love birds and congrats charli on ur first number one!!
ynleclerc yessss ur finally outt
haterofsin i’m unfollowing, this is despicable
ynhater2 🤢 don’t shove it down our throat, it’s nasty
fanofyn these hate comments are so💀
nickjonas so glad to have been a part of this video!
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educatedsimps · 2 months
— you are my sunshine, sakusa kiyoomi
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sakusa kiyoomi x anorexic!reader
**TRIGGER WARNINGS: EATING DISORDER (anorexia), slight nsfw (light petting with no penetration, NC16 at most?), swearing PLEASE DO NOT READ IF YOU MAY BE TRIGGERED BY THE ABOVE TOPICS. please exercise some self-care and enjoy some of our other fics instead! we'll see you in our next post <3
a/n: i really NEEDED TO do this. doing this for my sanity 😭😭😭 - yves
content under the cut!
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"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine," you sang as you drove along the expressway.
"You make me happy, when skies are grey," Sakusa, comfortably seated in the passenger seat, sang in response. He gently squeezed your thigh.
You let out a breath with a smile on your face. That day was an exciting day for the two of you. It was the match between the MSBY Black Jackels and Schweiden Adlers, and Kiyoomi had been a ball of nerves for the past week. So to show your support, you decided to drive your dear passenger princess, Sakusa Kiyoomi, to the Kamei Arena Sendai Gymnasium.
You had spent half a day at the office and the other half dolling yourself up for the match that evening. Kiyoomi frowned at the sheer effort you had put into looking good for him at the match. He grunted out something along the lines of "getting distracted by how pretty Y/n is" and how "You have to be less pretty or I'll have to learn how to fight with my bare fists". You laughed at the thought of your husband trying to smash someone's jaws with his fists when he hated any physical contact with strangers.
After kissing him goodbye at the back gates leading to the MSBY locker rooms, you went to the Ladies and touched up your lipgloss infront of the mirror. As you looked at your reflection, you thought to yourself, maybe I do look good.
From: MSBY girlies + Keiji <3
Miyu (Atsumu's GF) [6.43pm] Y/n pookiee~ Are you here yet?
Keiji (Bokuto's fiance) [6.44pm] We're at the VIP section, Row 1. The security guard knows who you are so he'll show you the way in later. You sure you don't want us to come find you?
Kira (Meian's wife) [6.44pm] ahhh can't wait to see you, Y/n! XD
You smiled as you read their messages.
You [6.45pm] I'll be alright, thanks! I'm heading up right now Excited to see you guys too :>
They had been planning to sit together since the start of the new season, after Kiyoomi had formally introduced you to the rest of the team.
As you reached the VIP area, you immediately regretted agreeing to sit with them. Your self-esteem shattered the moment you saw them.
They were drop-dead gorgeous, with their perfect makeup, in their perfect outfits that hugged them in all the right places. They looked straight out of a fashion magazine. It was something about how feminine they looked, and the way they all smiled sweetly when they saw you. So inviting and loving. They were the boys' partners after all.
But they've got to have flaws, right? That's only human.
Their smiles felt genuine, and you could see glimpses of their partners in them. Some were rowdy, hugging you when they saw you and treating you like one of them. They asked you questions about yourself, even getting drinks and snacks for you and including you in the post-game party at Bokuto's place. For a moment, you felt like one of them.
But how can a whole group of people be so damn perfect?
God, how you hated how inferior you felt. The differences between you and them became even more apparent when you saw the post-game pictures that had posted on Instagram. You had only gotten their Insta handles just a day before and were already on the verge of unfollowing.
It was insane how out of place you felt as they sat there so pretty in just their partners' jerseys. Somehow, they still managed to look so good. Unlike you.
Eventually, your brain churned out only one reason - it all came down to how small and delicate they looked compared to you.
How they looked worthy to be the lovers of the MSBY players. How they were pretty enough to be their partners.
It was crazy enough that you were comparing yourself to the Akaashi Keiji. How alluring he was, even just sitting in the same area as you. He was even more beautiful up close, there was something deep within his psyche that was so magnetic. It was evident that he took care of himself, with how his dress shirt clung to his thin waist. You can't help but admire him, and you wondered if your own clothes would ever do you the same favour.
If only you had a waist as small as his.
It scared you how the need to fit in with them became so acute. The hopes of not being the laughing stock of the group fueled the waves of self-hatred that you hadn't felt since high school. You were bullied for being chubbier than average. Teenagers were brutal, especially to anything they perceived to be different.
Obese. Katsudon. Pork planet. They were corny, sure, yet shivers ran down your spine at the memory of those names. Not long after, you started having nightmares of that darned high school. The same bullies, the same by-stander classmates, and the new addition of Kiyoomi in his high school uniform with disgust in his eyes, telling you to break up with him. His back faced you whenever you asked for the reason.
It's because of how fat you are. He'd still love me no matter what right? Right?
And every time you woke up from one of those nightmares, you would wake up sobbing.
Yet every time, Kiyoomi still seemed to be blissfully asleep. You knew he'd always have trouble sleeping before an upcoming match and with him looking so at peace, you never had the heart to wake him up.
He doesn't need to know about this. I'll tell him when morning comes.
But you never came round to telling him about the nightmares. The seeds of doubt from those recurring nightmares started to sprout inside you.
You stopped finishing your meals. You started running with Kiyoomi in the mornings to "spend more time with him". Lunch breaks at work were replaced with attending the pilates class across the street. The cans of Celcius in the fridge were depleting faster than ever. Your daily coffee order changed to an Iced Americanos with 4 shots of espresso.
And when the number on the scale dropped, the grin on your face was evidence enough of how light your heart felt. Nights were long when you spent the first hour waiting for Kiyoomi to fall sleep before you shimmied yourself out of his warm embrace to count the flaws of your body with your reflection in the full length bathroom mirror. With how your waist measurements dipped along with Sakusa's compliments of how much healthier you had become lately, your were giddy with happiness.
But God, did it hurt when you realised you had seemed 'unhealthy' to him in the first place. He could have just called you fat, it's not like you would've crumbled, right?
Hit with the sickening realisation that the voice in your head was right all along, that it was even how Kiyoomi saw you, your tears mixed into the shower water one day after a pilates class. You were glad that your husband was busy at practice and wouldn't come in to take an impromptu shower with you and see you in this wretched state.
Please, please, please, don't prove I'm right.
⊹₊⋆☁︎⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆☁︎⋆₊ ⊹
"You'll never know, Dear. How much I love you~,"
Your husband sang from the kitchen as you hugged him from behind. With his beefy back against your face and him cooking breakfast, it felt like a blessing so surreal. You wished you'd never have to leave this position.
It's a late Saturday morning and you and Kiyoomi had agreed to have your usual stay-at-home date.
"Eggs?" He looked over his shoulder to you hugging him like an oversized stuffed toy.
"Maybe just egg whites today. I wanna try a new brand of yogurt I got yesterday with the granola I made this week," You replied, stifling a yawn
He nodded in acknowledgement and fetched the carton of egg whites from the fridge as you detached yourself from him and took the cutleries and dishes out of the dishwasher.
"How have you and the girls been? And how's the uh, pilates class you said was kicking your ass?" Kiyoomi asked as he plated his scrambled eggs.
You took the low fat, high protein yogurt out of the fridge as you replied, "It's fun, but I definitely understand why Pilates was made for prisoners."
His eyes were obviously judging you as he laughed to himself. "It can't be that bad. Definitely not as bad as our training when Meian-san is in a bad mood."
You could only sigh with a roll of your eyes. You retorted with an elbow jab to his side, "Why don't you come for class one day and we'll see about that, Mr. I'm-So-Strong."
He squirmed with the frying pan in his hand and a spatula in the other, swatting you away like a fly. You stepped away to giggle at the sight of him using his spatula like a sword in Barbie and the Three Musketeers.
When all was done, the both of you sat down at the small, 4-seater dining area in your home and continued chatting about how the week had gone.
And the first thing that Kiyoomi dug into was your yogurt. You stared at him, offended. He ate it as if he was the one who had bought groceries that week.
The moment the yogurt touched his tongue, his face turned as sour as the yogurt he ate. With his face all scrunched up like that, you couldn’t help but let out a small giggle as you took the second spoon of yogurt from the same bowl.
“Y/n, I have no clue what’s so nice about this- this bowl of cold, white... glue," he looked at you in pure astonishment.
“That’s because you're supposed to eat it with fruits and granola, Omi-Omi," You stated simply.
You didn’t have the guts to tell him that you were more worried about exceeding your 600 calorie count for the day than how shitty the yogurt tasted.
"Atsumu's rubbing off on you..." he grumbled, making you giggle at the way his face scrunched up at the sound of Atsumu's nickname for him.
After breakfast, the two of you moved over to the sofa to browse Netflix for a show to watch. As usual, Kiyoomi had the remote control in his hand and the other on your thigh. Catching a glimpse of the wide smile on your face, he noticed that your thigh seemed a lot smaller and more toned than before. He glanced down at it, though his face didn't betray his shock.
Since when did your thigh get so small?
"Y/n, you like the size difference between my hand and your leg? Is that why you're smiling so much?" he teased, smiling as you blushed crimson.
"Didn't realise you had a size kink," he whistled, grinning as you slapped his bicep playfully. He tightened his warm grip on your thigh, making you gasp. Your hand reached for his shoulder as you swung yourself from the sofa and onto his lap for a peck on his lips. You could feel him smiling into the kiss before you pulled away.
"Seducing me this early in the morning, babe?" he said, poking your nose lightly with his finger.
You smirked teasingly at him as you moved your hips against his, making him groan softly into your ear.
"Maybe," you drawled, tracing his jawline with your finger before going in for another kiss. This time his lips trapped your tongue, sucking on it greedily. Dopamine rushed to your head as your innocent kiss became a steamy tug of war. His hands ghosted your abdomen and you suddenly became hyperaware of it.
Fuck, he can feel how fat I am.
You instinctively flexed your abs, in an attempt to stop him from feeling the folds of ugly fat around your stomach. His hands held your waist firmly as his thumb traced your abdomen, before coming to gradual stop.
Kiyoomi broke apart from the kiss, leaving your swollen lips to chase after his, but his forehead leaned against yours to signal a stop.
"Babe, what was that?"
Your heart was beating wildly in your chest, and you weren't sure if it was from the make-out session or his realisation that...
"What was what?" you returned, looking at him with your best attempt at puppy eyes.
You were cold sweating by then, but you hoped he wouldn't notice.
"Are those… abs?" His eyes flew wide, his attention all on you. His eyes were filled with curiosity and oh, how they glimmered so beautifully.
You wished upon the stars you'd never have to lie to those eyes ever again.
"Of course, I just thought maybe you'd like to see a different side of me... a little sexier," you averted his gaze, guiding his hand towards the hem of your oversized shirt.
He lifted your shirt and you saw how his cheeks turned an embarrassing shade of red. Burying his face in your chest, he tilted his head up to meet your eyes. "God, I have no clue what to do with you, Y/n."
It was quite evident what he wanted when you felt his shaft become more prominent through his home shorts.
And the rest became a memory you keep with joy. 
Please, please, please, don't bring me to tears when I just did my make up so nice.
But all that joy didn't last when you woke up the next morning, scrutinising your body in front of the mirror.
How could you let him see this? This slob of a body?
Shame clawed at your throat as your fingers tugged at the fat of your stomach. You placed your palm over your collarbones, and they felt sharper than they used to. You knew you'd definitely lost the weight, but the greed to look more dainty than ever had you in a chokehold.
These thighs look so fat. Your arms are so flabby. Gosh, even your armpits are fat. It's hideous.
You're hideous.
And nothing but regret and guilt kept gnawing at your insides like a feral beast. The only solution you came up with was to grab the biggest shirt in the house - his MSBY jersey - and the sweatpants that covered your legs entirely.
In the following days, when Kiyoomi tried to remove any article of clothing from your body, you grabbed his hand to stop him with the excuse that you were tired. But truthfully, your new routine had been wearing you out more than you had anticipated.
His next match was with EJP Raijin on another Saturday night, with crowds roaring from both sides of the arena. You let yourself loose the moment the girls called your name across the hall, running over to hug you.
Your defenses go down as you shared a laugh with the others. When they offered a pack of chips from the snack table, you hesitated. But your inner voice reminded you that you had been fasting since the previous day, so you take the bag of chips with a smile. You felt lightheaded and giddy when a couple of the girls compliment your figure - it was the happiest you'd felt in the past two months.
The hunger pains were worth every bit of this happiness.
During the match break, you found yourself talking to the EJP players' partners as well. When Atsumu's girlfriend introduces you to the other girls and guys, your attention went directly to Suna's fiancée. It's obvious that she was a much smaller build than the other girls but the way her dress hung off of her made you gulp nervously. Your brain was strangely and subconsciously wired to recognise her as competition. She was quiet and elegant, small but eloquent. She was everything you wanted to be.
"Oh, mineral water's fine with me," she said with a smile when you offered her a bottle of Coke Zero.
It made you choke back tears when you realised how fat you were behaving. Or how bloated you looked right then, with all that carbonation and salt.
And those thoughts immediately got rid of any joy of that day. When you headed home, you tried your best to look happy after Kiyoomi had served the winning goal, but your mind was plagued with the nagging thought of how you had let yourself slip.
Later that night, after snuggling in with your husband and making sure he was fast asleep, you snuck out of his warm embrace. His biceps were so warm, and being sandwiched between his chest and his arm made it hard to leave when it was the best place to be.
You left to burn off the calories from the snacks you had binged on earlier that evening. As you left the bedroom with a yoga mat in arm, you were determined to complete the new routine you had promised yourself in the shower. You wished you could do it without any problems but recently, you had been seeing black spots and felt lightheaded every time you did any physical activity. It was a bitch to have to stop for awhile before continuing your exercises.
The moment you stepped into the shower, sweaty and tired, you didn't notice your husband stirring awake as the warm water hit your body.
Kiyoomi was confused when he woke up to his arm cold and the absence of your body pressed against his. He had been itching with nerves those few months when he realised your behaviour had started changing around him. And that same anxiety only heightened when he heard your sniffles coming from the shower. It was the first time you became so reclused from him. At first, he was worried that you were wringing yourself dry from the amount of work you had, but he later spiralled into thinking that it was because you were falling out of love with him. 
When he heard the bedroom door click open, he hurriedly pretended to be asleep.
Beep. Silence. Beep.
Your sigh made him itching to hug you and ask what happened. But the sigh following the beep of the weighing scale made it clear to him that the number on the weighing scale had somehow upset you one way or another. You approached the full-length mirror and peeked again to make sure your husband was still fast asleep.
You lifted the jersey above your chest, throwing it off to the side of the bed where you slept.
Kiyoomi honestly thought you were about to climb into bed topless (don't ask, he was not in his working mind). But when you stood still in front of the mirror, scrutinising your body like a piece of meat at the market, he could tell that you weren't heading to bed anytime soon.
You pinched at every corner of skin you could find. You looked at the woman in the reflection, and all you could see was the poor girl in high school. Fat and ugly, unlikeable and pitiful.
You then turned to your side, hoping to find comfort in seeing a flatter stomach.
In the dim lights, Kiyoomi could see the outline of your emaciated figure and the faint outline of your ribcage was enough to make him open his eyes fully in shock. The bruises along your spine made him wonder if he had been too rough with you all those times you were intimate. The way your hipbones jutted out were enough to throw him into a pool of anxious thoughts.
Maybe he should talk to you about it tomorrow.
But the last straw was when you muttered under your breath about how fat you still were.
No, he had to talk to you about it ASAP.
The bed creaked as you crawled back into his arms and he wrapped his arms around your waist. He never remembered your waist being so small before.
"Can't sleep?" you asked, turning your head towards him. His eyes opened to see your face in front of him.
He was sure the moonlight was playing tricks on him. Your face had harsh lines that he had never noticed, your nose sharper than ever and eyes bigger than before. Your collarbones peeped out of his jersey, more prominent than he had ever seen.
Fuck, how did it get so bad?
He knew you were trying to get fitter but he never realised you were developing something beyond just healthy habits. Kiyoomi could only blame himself for being so absorbed by his recent matches. For not noticing you were harming yourself.
He nodded and you snuggled into his chest, your arms wrapping around his waist comfortably. His thumb ran down your back in an effort to calm you both. Chills ran down his spine when he felt every ridge and bump of your vertebrate. It made him question how he had never noticed everything come crashing down.
"Babe, you okay? Aren't you be happy? Your team won today's match," you looked up into his eyes which were filled with concern. His eyebrows were furrowed in deep thought.
"How... how did you get so small?" he breathed.
You gulped. Things could only go south from here.
He continued. "I didn't realise it but when Atsumu mentioned it last week, I couldn't help but notice how much weight you've actually lost. Is it even safe to lose this much?"
He held you like you'd slip through his fingers at any moment, like water in a broken plastic cup.
You tried to avoid the topic, tried to look away but he wouldn't let you.
"...Atsumu? What did he say, specifically?" your eyes turned cold the second he mentioned his teammate.
What did he have anything to do with this?
Kiyoomi sat up against the bed frame before sighing deeply. "He was just asking if you were okay, 'cause you didn't seem as energetic as usual. And you can't argue with me, you have lost quite a bit of weight."
You knew that it was taking a lot out of him to talk about this, especially since he was never a confrontational person. It had to mean a lot to him, for him to face a situation like this head on.
"No, Y/n. You're not fine. Have you been eating well? No, scratch that- have you been eating at all?"
You could feel the waterworks about to start, you felt the back of your eyes warming. Your fingernails dug into your palm, as if you could physically stop the tears from falling.
"I... I ate just now. With the girls," you whispered.
"A Proper Meal, babe. Not one of those 'girl dinner' crap you used to pull in college," he gritted out.
You let out a breath.
"2 days ago. Dinner," your voice cracked, and the waterworks had officially begun. Shame erupted in your chest.
"Fuck," Kiyoomi cursed under his breath.
He couldn't believe this was the same Y/n that would drag him out to enjoy their favourite foods together after a tiring day of practice and work. The same Y/n that enjoyed cooking together with him. The same Y/n that had monthly competitions with him to see who could finish more sushi plates at the conveyor belt sushi restaurant down the street.
It was the same Y/N that deprived herself of any food for days because she saw nothing but ugly, unwanted fat on her emaciated body.
Kiyoomi was speechless. He blinked several times, willing the tears welling up in his eyes not to fall but it was useless. You saw the way his tears rolled down his face along with his sharp intake of breath. He had never thought his wife would do something like this.
The guilt of not noticing what was happening to you was eating him alive.
He managed to calm himself down slightly before doing the only thing he could think of in the moment. He pulled you in and held you tight.
"Please," he whispered. Hugging you close, he begged, "Please don't take my sunshine away."
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© educatedsimps 2024. do not repost, copy, translate or plagiarise any work from this blog on tumblr or any other platforms. if you do, the simps will hunt you down. likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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hareofhrair · 4 months
Had to unfollow another mutual who was putting voter suppression propaganda on my god damn dash again.
If you buy into this both-sides bullshit, please just take a minute, take breath, and do this thought experiment with me.
What do the people who keep telling you voting makes you complicit actually want you to do?
Are they recommending any kind of organized political action at all?
Or are they just telling you not to vote? Because what they want is for you to NOT VOTE.
They would very much like for you to sit on your hands and do Literally Nothing.
Just sit back and accept whatever happens. And if that means Trump becomes president and fires half the government to replace them with his unqualified supporters likes he's said he would,
and he throws out all environmental policy for oil company bribes like he has said he would,
if he actively encourages the extermination of the Palestinian people as he has SAID HE WOULD,
well then that'll sure teach those idiot democrats a lesson! Not like they've ever lost an election before!! NOT LIKE THEY'VE EVER LOST AN ELECTION TO TRUMP BEFORE!!
Refusing to vote does not send a message. It does not teach Joe Biden shit. The ONLY thing is does, is gives you an excuse to give into apathy and not take even the SMALLEST possible political action to prevent REAL AND DEADLY HARM from befalling your community, your friends and family, your entire goddamn country.
You look me in the eye and tell me you don't have one single disabled friend who's shaking in terror at the prospect of what Trump will do to the health insurance industry, to medicare, to drug prices.
You look at my face and tell me you don't know even one gay or interracial couple facing the nightmare of having their marriage annulled when Trump rolls back Obergefell and Loving.
Jesus Christ folks the supreme court is LITERALLY discussing removing protections for fucking interracial marriage like we're living in the god damn 50's again!! You really think this is the time to be fucking around??? You want to wait until he's ready to actively strip non-white people's right to vote??
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hyacinthsdiamonds · 1 year
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It all starts at the Red bull ring, better known as the temple of lestappen. It's where our boys shared the podium for the first time in F1 in 2019 and that race in particular is also the reason why they don't follow each other on social media lmao.
So our boys start 1-2, Charles in pole position starts well while Max has issues with his antistall that cause him to drop down to eighth after the first couple of turns. Max recovers and starts marching through the field. Around lap 23 Charles pits and Lewis takes the lead of the race but he damages his front wing by going wide and driving over a sausage kerb so he had to pit for a replacement and Max, then p2, inherited the lead. He then pits the following lap, handing the lead back to Charles and the stage is set for him to charge through Seb and Bottas to battle Charles for the win. And that's what happened with three laps to go, when Max managed to pass Charles. Now lap 69 - I'm not even kidding lmao - is where the drama happens, ofc Charles is going to fight Max for the win and Max is going to fight to hold onto the win, so Max takes a wide line through the corner on the inside of Charles, they do make contact and Charles leaves the track and drives over kerb as a result. Max holds onto the win and Charles is absolutely pissed.
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Now these pictures are hilarious to look at when you think about how they were theree years later, the second time they shared the podium in Austria;
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But yeah 2019, Charles pretty pissed and he felt Max should've gotten a penalty or something from the stewards but the stewards deemed it a legal move.
Now this is pivotal, not just in the story of Max and Charles, but in Charles' own story and career in formula 1. It's a turning point for him. He takes note of this situation and is very much like "well if he can do it, so can I" and "I'm just as good as him and I'm going to prove that to myself, to him and to the world" from then on out. He's more aggressive and takes more risks post Austria 2019, and he goes on to win in Spa and Monza that year. Max finishes in P3 in the championship, Charles finishes P4, just twelve points between them. They finish the year in Abu Dhabi with another podium, this time Max is in P2 and Charles is in P3.
During the media exchanges post race Austria 2019, Max is asked about Charles and gets "is this going to affect you two" type questions and Max is like "why wouldn't we be ok? we're going home on the same flight so*shrugs*". At some point post the race Charles unfollows Max on social media because until then, they had followed each other and it should be noted that Charles typically follows everyone on the grid with the exception of Max (+ Bottas, he likely unfollowed because of the bowling incident of the Hungarian gp 2021 lmao, Charles is many things, consistently petty included 😂😭). So they do share a flight home to Monaco, on Max's jet I'm pretty sure lmao, and it's just so funny to imagine a petty, pissed Charles sitting across from Max, who is most likely completely unaware about the unfollowing, and waiting for him to notice lmao. Max or whoever runs Max's account majority of the time, also unfollowed Charles in turn. They've tagged each other in posts over the years (such as Seb's leaving dinner) so they know the others @, and they like posts about the other, but neither has made the move to refollow the other on their public Instagrams which is funny and so petty and so annoying all at the same time lmfao. The follow button is too much for them lmao.
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paper-crab · 11 months
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1 use of y/n and some swearing
just some weird little soulmate au i wrote but it didn’t have any direction so i kind of gave up
wc: 1264
part 2 part 3
‘Well, shit’ you had thought, reading the carefully printed letter containing the delicate cursive “M” in the center. Your 18th birthday, revealing what you’d known all along but refused to admit. It's always been him.
“Well, what letter did you get?” Your mom asked, but you waved her off, shaking your head and blinking your tears away.
Your soulmates name starts with an M
You fold the letter back up accepting the other gifts around you but the mood has obviously dampened, M is out of reach.
“Thank you for coming” you tell the various relatives with a fake smile. They hug you, or give you a pat on the back, and some just walk away. When the house is finally empty, you retreat to your room without so much as waving to your parents, taking the letter with you for safekeeping.
You wish you had stashed it when you’d seen it, or not allowed your mom to convince you to open it at your party.
‘It will be good!’ She had said, ‘This is a joyous occasion, your first soulmate letter can’t ruin it!’
The first of 5, and you had a feeling it would only get worse from here. As far as you were aware, “M” hadn’t surpassed his 3rd yet, even at 20 years old.
The more letters that came, the less you could hide from your parents. The second they saw the “M”, they’d know too.
You couldn’t risk Marylou finding out.
You know she’d immediately tell Matt, and he’s happy in LA with his brothers and his pretty girlfriend whose name coincidentally starts with the same letter as yours, his fancy influencer friends, and his missing letters.
He’s happy in LA, without you.
Sure, you occasionally stalk his instagram, but he had unfollowed you long ago when you had questioned his soulmate status.
“Are you sure it’s really her, Matt?” You had said, and sure enough they were still together, even after you found her first soulmate letter containing an “E”.
“Look, I don’t know why you’d go as far as to make a fake letter, but it’s concerning. Just get out of my life already!”
“Matt just listen to me!”
“I’ve listened enough, leave me alone!” His voice had finally escalated from a loud talk to an exasperated yell.
It does you no good to dwell on the past, shoving the events out of your mind; but you’re still scrolling through his Instagram absentmindedly.
Similarly, Matt is sitting in bed, listening to whatever music Chris is playing far too loudly at 9:00 in the evening. He’s drafted out some form of a “happy birthday” message despite knowing your birthday has passed in Boston. “Fuck,” he whispers to himself, deleting the message again. He wonders if it’s too weird, or if Nick and Chris have told you happy birthday on his behalf, or even if you would want birthday wishes from him.
He turns in his bed, waiting for Nick to call for him to come film, a knock on his door interrupting him before he can spiral. “Come on,” Nick says as he walks away. Matt barely bothers to put on some Crocs before running down the stairs, grateful for a distraction.
Chris runs a hand through his hair while he hops in, patting Matt on the back to snap him out of a daze. “Ready?” He asks, Matt only nods.
In his almost 3 years of making YouTube videos, Matt likes to think he’s grown out of his shell a little. He offers more input in the videos, doesn’t hesitate to speak, and overall has left behind some of his anxieties and shyness. During this video he spoke, maybe, twice.
“Is everything alright?” Nick asks when the camera shuts off.
“Yeah, fine.”
Chris glares at Nick, cutting him off from questioning any more.
By the time he sends the happy birthday message, it’s 4 a.m. in Boston.
You awake with a jolt, but the house is dead silent. The clock reads 9 a.m., so you roll over to try and find some meaning in your day.
Matt: Happy Birthday
You stare at it. What is he playing at? No contact in 1 ½ years, and you get a “Happy Birthday”? He couldn’t even bother to send it on time, you tell yourself, trying to be mad.
You walk into the kitchen, phone still open to Matt’s message when you notice another letter lying on the counter. Your 2nd soulmate letter, shouldn’t it be a little more spaced out?
Your soulmates hair color is
This letter only continues to confirm what you already know. You stash it with the first, away from the eyes of your scheming parents.
You: Thanks.
You sigh, setting your phone down, only to pick it up again. He had stopped talking to you because of her, did they break up? You wondered, but weren’t bold enough to ask. Maybe this text would bring you back together, maybe you would get your happy soulmate story.
Life had other plans, you realized mere minutes later; her Instagram story containing a lovely picture of her and Matt and the caption ‘Happy 2 Years Matty’.
Well, fuck.
“I’m home!” Your mom says, walking through the door. You greet her half heartedly, barely moving your hand with a wave when another voice makes you jump. “Hi honey, how are you doing?”
Your eyes widen and your mouth dries, but you offer a semi-pleasant smile. “I’m doing well, Marylou. How are you?”
“I’m good,” She offers, turning back to conversation with your mom. You’re almost 100% sure she had mentioned your letters, but you’re grateful Marylou doesn’t bring them up when you return to your room.
Matt lays on the couch, his girlfriend cuddled up next to him, staring at your message. He doesn’t know what he expected, but maybe he was hoping for more. A jumping point to start a conversation, perhaps.
“What are you looking at Matt?”
“Nothing,” He replies, shutting his phone off and wrapping an arm around her.
“Can we go to McDonalds?” Chris asks, walking down the stairs.
“Yeah-” Matt says, beginning to stand.
“We have to finish our movie first.”
“How long is left on it?”
“An hour.”
Chris groans, turning to walk back upstairs. “Hold on,” Matt says, shrugging his girlfriends hold off so he can stand. “We can go now, I don’t mind.”
“But Matty-”
“I’ll be back in a minute, I’ll get you something.” He tells her, rushing out the door. Chris follows closely behind, unwilling to face her wrath.
Nick: I’ll stay, I need to finish this. You know what to get me.
Matt shrugs some tension out of his shoulders, turning the key. “Nick?”
“Not coming. He’s editing.”
Matt nods, pulling out of the driveway and beginning the trek. He’s normally talkative, but things are weighing on his mind; like how to break up with his girlfriend of two years on their anniversary. Chris takes it upon himself to fill the silence with ‘shitty trap music’, but even that doesn’t get Matt talking.
“Order when you’re ready.”
Unfortunately for Chris, the ride back is just as quiet and thick. He’s played all the music Matt hates and still hasn’t been smacked- something is wrong.
“Did I make you leave?”
“No, I wanted to.”
Chris shakes his head. “Something is up, I can tell.”
“I want to break up with her.”
Chris immediately inhales a fry, beginning to choke.
“You can’t do that, you’re soulmates!” Chris tells him, but Matt only shakes his head.
“(Y/n) was right, she lied.”
The truth is, he’s received his 4th and 5th letters, the ones that confirm his soulmate, and it’s not his girlfriend. He’s kept them a secret from everyone- his mother, his brothers, his girlfriend, and you.
“Are you sure you haven’t gotten your letters yet Matty?” His girlfriend had asked. He had always disliked that nickname; it made him feel small, but she claimed it was cute. “I haven’t. Maybe the system malfunctioned,” He offered, lying through his teeth.
“If you say so, Matty.”
You’re lying down, tapping through her posts for the 4th time today. It’s 10 p.m. when you tap on her story, ‘Happy 2 Years Matty’, but it’s not there. You shake your head, blinking. That’s not right- it shouldn’t be deleted yet.
You tap out, reloading the page. You half expect to be blocked; maybe you’d accidentally liked something and she realized. She’d never liked you much, even going as far as asking Nick And Chris to stop inviting you over because your presence made her uncomfortable. You reload the page, maybe you’ll be blocked now. Still a no, but her latest 2 posts containing Matt are deleted. Reload, and more are gone. You’re stuck in a loop until all of her posts containing Matt are gone, and you head to his page.
His posts are gone too.
Matt: Hey, I’m coming to Boston. Can we hang out?
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junglejim4322 · 5 months
I was in a friend group with this girl as a teenager that was the “lesbians are fine but gay men gross me out” type which I feel is an outlier I never met many girls like that mostly guys so #diversity win representation in homophobia matters but she openly was uncomfortable with me and would like repeatedly unfollow me and refollow me on social media admittedly just cuz I was gay and she said she didn’t want to see it and what’s amazing is she was mostly friends with lesbians and her gaggle of lesbians would be like yah that’s just how she is lol. Looking back on it I think she was a deeply closeted lesbian and all her friends were sitting at the edge of their seat waiting for her to come out while she hate crimed me
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pedrotonin · 1 year
Or: Thanks to Joel Miller.
[part 1] [part 3]
Summary: you're still recovering from your first encounter with Pedro. Then he requests your help again.
Pairing: Pedro Pascal x female reader
Rating: PG-13.
Warnings: mild sexual tension.
A/N: I just had to continue this.
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You still haven't completely recovered from your first encounter with Pedro. Pulling his curls like a goddamn toddler.
The fact that he wanted you to style his hair again was a miracle.
When he had left, you grabbed your stuff, all but ran to your car and once inside you'd screamed at the ceiling while clutching the steering wheel. Earning you a few confused looks from passers-by.
You unfollowed every single fanpage. No more Pedro interviews on YouTube. No more fanfiction. Especially that last one. Never again.
But even with all of the Pedro fanstuff banned from your life, you could not stop thinking about what had happened. Pulling his hair whilst thinking about Joel Miller pushing you up against a wall. Pathetic.
When his assistent called and asked for your help again you almost laughed at her. Was she being serious? Turned out she was. And so, here you were. One week later. Waiting once again for Pedro to show up. Nerves wrecking your body.
"Hi. We meet again."
Christ, there he was. A genuine smile plastered across his face, making his eyes crinkle. His hair still a mess, but the rest of him ready for yet another photoshoot. Black jeans, a white button up underneat a brown cashmere sweater. A long blue coat hanging over one of his arms. Black rimmed glasses in one hand, a starbucks coffee in the other. You stared at him. He smiled at you.
"Yes. Hello."
He didn't say anything about last time and you weren't going to bring it up either, so you took his coat and told him to take a seat. He did. No phone this time.
"I did not have time to wash my hair this morning. I was hoping you could do it before styling it?"
Heat crept up your neck, your fingers flexed, but you willed yourself to stay calm, cool and collected. Telling him that ofcourse you could. No problem.
He stood and walked over to the leather chair in front of the backwash unit. He pulled the sweater over his head and you tried not to look. You failed.
Turning on the faucet, you waited for the water to turn the perfect temperature. Then gestured for him to sit and put his head back. He did, stretching his legs in front of him, crossing his arms over his chest. His deep brown eyes found yours. You blushed, grabbed the faucet and began the process of soaking his hair. He let out a sigh.
When his hair was wet, you reached for the shampoo. Why was he still looking at you? You could see it from your peripheral vision.
Squirting some of the product into your hands you gently placed them into his hair and began massaging his scalp. He finally closed his eyes. He bit his bottom lip. Another sigh.
With his eyes closed, you could finally look at his face. His mouth, his mustache, his scruffy beard, his prominent nose. So handsome. You applied some more pressure. His breathing sped up a little. He released his bottom lip. Was he enjoying this?
Listening to the soft sighs escaping his now slightly parted lips and his deep breathing, you started rinsing out the shampoo. Your left hand running through his hair. He crossed his legs, cleared his troat. You could not help yourself. You could not if you tried. You pulled his hair, again. Just a little, barely noticeable. But it was enough to coax a breathy moan out of him. His eyes snapped open. You both looked at eachother in shock for a second and somehow....the faucet dropped. Spraying him with a stream of water.
"Shittt, sorry!"
You quickly turned the faucet off. Cheeks burning. Why, oh heavens why? Looking up you saw he was already standing in front of the chair. Looking down at his soaked shirt. Ruined for the photoshoot. You handed him a towel, trying not to look at the now transparant white shirt clinging to his body.
His stylist came in then. Asking what al the commotion was about. He told her it was his fault. You didn't even hear why. She shot you a look, motioning him to follow her so he could change into a new shirt.
He turned to you and gave you a lopsided smile.
"It's okay, relax honey."
He grabbed his sweater and followed his stylist out of the room.
All this time no words came out of your mouth. You just stood there. Water running down your arms, dripping to the floor. Did he just call you 'honey'?
His stylist peeked her head around the corner, glaring at you. You just knew she knew.
"He will be back in 10 minutes, so you can finish his hair."
[next part]
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solarsturniolo · 6 months
so are you going to name drop the person who unfollowed you because i’m not going to support that either🤬
Being completely honest, it’s happened probably a good 20-30 times. People act like they wanna be friends when in reality they just want the street cred of having popular accounts following them so they can flex and feel some sort of superiority. That is not only 1. fucking stupid, but it’s also 2. taking opportunities away from other people because you’re making that person feel reluctant to follow other accounts back.
If you have a good reason to unfollow someone, there’s nothing wrong with that. However, begging to be moots and hyping up all of my content just to unfollow after i follow you back is immature and childish, and ultimately i’m just gonna take my follow back too 🤷🏻‍♀️ There are 5 exceptions to this, which is all of the Sturniolo triplets, MGG, and @flowerxbunnie (she can unfollow me and id just sit and wait like a tamed minecraft wolf)
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jess-moloney · 28 days
I suppose Jess unfollowed Matilda on IG when Jamie and Matilda broke up for good in 2017 and honestly, I won’t be surprised that she did the same with Ruby.
This manipulator really had to be twisted to dare to stalk a man who was in a relationship with either Matilda or maybe Ruby.
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I mean she's very clearly sitting behind him here at this show. You can see her face. There's no way it's anyone else. The fact that we have all of this known and it goes years back, to when he was dating other people just creeps me out. She was following him and setting up every move she made just to get to him. Waiting for his next breakup or lowest point so she could do it. Hell, she did it with Liam Payne, so why not Jamie? Why not anyone else? Everything that this woman has done has been creepy and manipulative since day one. The only thing I can't figure out is why Jamie specifically and what she thought was going to happen once she got to him.
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mirkwood · 3 months
Hara!! <3 28 for feanor/melkor for the kiss prompts? 👀 (also if i just unfollowed and re-followed you because i clicked the wrong damn button pls ignore it i am. very tired lmao)
MONA!!! HI! sorry this took me so long i was having a mental breakdown over it <3 But here it is!!! <3
Also everyone read the tags they hold important info, thank you <3
Prompt 28: As a lie.
Pairing: Fëanor/Melkor
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They meet under the starlit sky and the mingling light of the Trees.
It is easy for them to slip unnoticed into one of the secluded gardens of Tirion, known only to a select few. Fëanor, draped in his black cloak, conceals the colors of his Father's House. Melkor, clad in darkness, blends seamlessly with the night.
It has become a habit. A pastime of sorts that both of them seem to enjoy. They sit together in the dark of the night, exchanging ideas and thoughtful words. Despite Melkor's past transgressions, Fëanor feels a sense of ease around the Vala. Each time, he allows himself to get closer to him, to get entangled in Melkor’s words.
Melkor is nothing like he had first thought. He is everything a Vala should be, majestic, just, and regal. He speaks and Fëanor listens, each word is like a gentle breeze against his face in the endless heat of the summer. Melkor moves gracefully across the garden, as if he can’t contain his restless energy, not after three ages of imprisonment. 
Fëanor leans against one of the walls of the garden and observes him as Melkor's fingers hover near the flowers, hesitant yet lingering. His hands possess the power to create and to destroy—a duality Fëanor has come to understand well. 
"Isn't this exquisite, Fëanor?" Melkor inquires softly, his fingertips brushing the petals of a flower. Fëanor watches, unsurprised, as the petals wilt and fall, the flower decaying slowly before his eyes. "How fragile they are."
“I've never had much interest in flowers,” Fëanor answers truthfully. His hands bear the marks of his work in the forges, his palms and fingers rough and calloused from the hours spent holding a hammer. 
“I know,” Melkor says, cutting the dead flower by its stem. “But surely, you can appreciate the beauty of decay.” 
He turns to face Fëanor, his eyes glinting in the faint glow of the Light. He reaches his hand out to give the flower to him, yet Fëanor pushes away from the wall and walks towards him. He stands in front of Melkor, craning his head back to meet his gaze. He is tall but the Vala towers over him. Fëanor reaches out, their fingers brushing as he takes the flower from Melkor's hand.
“Indeed,” he answers, and his voice comes across as a whisper. They are so close that Fëanor can finally look upon his face closely, his eyes wandering over the lines between his eyebrows and the curve of his nose. Melkor’s eyes, he realizes, have speckles of dark gray  beneath the red. 
Fëanor's gaze lingers on Melkor's mouth, contemplating the curiosity that has stirred within him for so long. He hesitates. He shouldn’t be doing this. Yet he leans in, so close to Melkor’s mouth that he can feel his breath on his lips. 
Melkor’s lips twitch in a smile and his hand comes up to cradle Fëanor’s cheek, the scent of the flower lingering on his fingers. It's an intoxicating scent that loosens Fëanor's inhibitions, drawing him nearer as Melkor closes the distance between them.
But just before their lips meet, Melkor pauses, a mere whisper separating them from what they both have been waiting for.
“Tell me you want this,” he murmurs, and his voice reaches Fëanor slowly, as if it is miles away.
“I don’t,” Fëanor lies.
Before he can regret it, he closes the distance between them, pressing his lips against Melkor’s in a tentative kiss. Melkor meets his kiss with shared passion, pushing him back against the wall he was leaning on moments ago. 
The flower is long forgotten.
Send me a ship and a number
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gvftea · 4 months
Now that #BlockOut2024 is a thing I’m calling on all of the loud and proud fans who have spent months shaming GVF for not speaking up on Palestine to go ahead and block them. Block their personal accounts, block their band account, and block Mirador. Sell your concert tickets and don’t camp out for fucking days in front of the venue like the hypocritical stalkers you are. I know that y’all are all over this blog the moment it updates and can’t wait to run these posts over to Twitter, but I’m willing to bet not one of you fucking hypocrites will bring this up over there and actually stand on your “convictions”. Y’all act performative and viciously attack people who you feel aren’t living up to the standards that you set but let’s see how many of you stand on your word and block GVF. You love to talk a big game until you have to sacrifice anything for the cause. Because the truth of it is that none of you give a fuck about Palestine. You just want to use this cause to loudly squawk and draw attention to yourself. The funniest shit about this is if we’re going by who actually has spoken up about Palestine, you wouldn’t be able to block Hannah because she used her platform to speak up, unlike your precious Pookies, grown-ass men who couldn’t be fucking bothered. So go ahead, let’s see you block this band and stop engaging with anything that has to do with them. Stop posting about them, stop supporting them with your $$, STOP GOING TO SHOWS. I’m sitting back and waiting to see how quickly all of you shut the fuck up about Palestine now that there is an expectation placed on you to do more than just run your fucking mouths online. I’m fully expecting every single one of you to start making excuses for your behavior for the last few months and giving whiny fucking excuses as to why you can’t unfollow GVF and why you just have to keep attending shows and fighting for barricade like fucking animals. If you have the fucking audacity to have a Palestinian flag or a watermelon in your bio, then you need to stand on your word and unfollow this band.
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viatrixtravels-a · 10 months
// Hot take but I kind of miss the 'old' Tumblr RP days in which mutuals only blogs were not the standard.
I do understand why people implement this rule, but it can be incredibly frustrating - especially as a beginning roleplayer in a verse - when you are so limited in terms of interactions and basically have to sit around and wait for people to follow you back.
There are quite a handful of blogs whom I would love to write with, but they never followed me back so I ultimately had to unfollow them as well to avoid accidentally sending something in or liking a starter call.
It also always leaves me wondering if they ever checked out my blog in the first place - and came to the conclusion that they are not interested in writing with me/my muse - or if they simple never noticed me following them because it happened while they were not online and simply missed/overlooked the notification. (or Tumblr never showed it, I've had this happen plenty of times)
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