#sister armal
hiddenvioletsgrow · 1 year
Listening to Redwall on the way to work, early in the morning, is fun because I’m sleepy and then all of a sudden it changes from Sister Armal comforting a mole babe to Gulo the Savage screaming “KILL” repeatedly
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matbenetti17 · 10 months
Tumblr media
Character Information:
Gender: Female ♀
Pronoun: She/her
Full Name: Shaneeza Hafsa Hussain
Other Names: Shani                             Tomboy
Species: Human
Age: 16
Height: 167 cm
Occupation: Student                         Clerk at the family mini market
Likes: Music             Skateboarding             Kickboxing             Clara Nightingale and Jagged Stone's songs             Spending time with Grandma Hina
Dislikes: People not honest about their feelings                  Arguing with her father                  Petty thieves                  Looking after the mini market alone                  Her siblings messing around
Abilities: Playing the guitar                  Singing                  Skating                  Kickboxing                  Speaking and writing a bit of Urdu
Alignment(s): Good
Residence: Paris, France
Origin Country: Pakistan
Relatives: Yaseen Hussain (Father)
                    Fatima Khan (Mother)
                    Hina Khan (Maternal Grandmother)
                    Armal Hussain (Younger Brother)
                    Jala Hussain (Younger Sister)
                    ??? Hussain (Younger Sibling [not born yet])
Friends: Luka Couffaine
                Juleka Couffaine
                Rose Lavillant
                Ivan Bruel
                Nora Césaire
Love Interest: Zoé Lee
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waffle-sorter · 2 years
The Lost Metal Ch59
I know it’s the third floor, but that still seems like a risk.
Can’t deadbolts be picked? The ones I know have a key-based locking mechanism.
Strange glow, you say. When you’re looking for a mystical portal of unknown description.
I was honestly expecting another “you’re out of your jurisdiction” exchange.
Of the bottle of Dor, perhaps?
I mean, sounds could also be conducted through the wall, if less well.
Seems to me that submitting like that isn’t a great way to impress Autonomy.
Well, if they needed the people in order to establish it, maybe if you get the people away... no wait, it’s your sister who has the evacuation plans.
Is this another Miles situation? Did you put up your own bubble once he turned off the radio, so Armal and the others had time to do something?
Ah. Okay. I wonder if I could claim her as the “missing Misting” I keep tagging. She’s certainly had more screen time than atium.
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lanonima · 3 years
OK, what do you think about my headcanon? The Wise King met his Queen on a mission to the Sand Kingdom because he worked with her brother, another knight. When this knight died, the Wise King had to tell his sister, father, and two small children Armal and Daishan. It was this death that made the Wise King realise how bad the Old King was, and this prompted the revolution.
I mean, it makes sense to me! It's not like Tea ever put much development into how they met or how he came to his decision to rebel or literally anything, and at least this makes the family tree make some kind of sense so yeah. Headcanon accepted.
Also loving all your comments, can't really respond to them right now but. Fantastic!
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