#sirius’ biggest disappointment was admitting he told sev how to enter the willow
soup-of-the-daisies · 2 months
the way i tend to hc orion with his children is that sirius and regulus can totally call him if they need to bury a body (“was it deserved?” “he tried to kill me.” “ah. i’m on my way.”) or need to create bodies (“they’re trying to kill me.” “key word is ‘trying’. i’ll be right there.”) but they CANNOT come to him for emotional support. he will 100% level an entire city for them if necessary but they’re both quite certain he actually dislikes them. and like he doesn’t, he simply thinks children and teenagers are annoying and tedious, but he’s always looked disdainful of them so they just don’t know. they think he’ll protect them out of duty instead of the love he doesn’t know how to show.
this douchebag died the same year as regulus because he absolutely took down a squad of death eaters trying to figure out what happened to his son and got killed in the process. shame he wasn’t there when sirius was arrested because he 100% would’ve been proud of the violence, gotten sirius out after scolding him for getting caught, and then mansplained and manipulated him back into the family or something. (“this proves you’re a true black.” “but i didn’t do—” “did you want to?” “…” “thought so.”)
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