#siren luna
tricoufamily · 2 months
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simphic · 1 year
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Like literal angel..
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sirensea14 · 3 months
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Sa atin ang Pilipinas, mapa-timog, hilaga, silangan o kanluran.
The West Philippine Sea is ours
The Philippines is ours, whether it be south, north, east or west.
Let us choose the Philippines‼️🇵🇭 (this last line is a reference to a song, "Piliin mo ang Pilipinas" by Angeline Quinto)
{a little fun fact before I go to the explanation, the 4 urchins in my sona's headwear references the stars and sun in our flag. The largest at the back being the sun, and the 3 front urchins being the stars. }
I'm scared of hearing news about this, so i sometimes refuse to watch the news. However, with tiktok, facebook and instagram, its been informing shit to me. It's all over my fyp.
I made this post to spread awareness of what's going on here:
China's been all aggressive towards our territory, our WEST PHILIPPINE SEA. Then the Bamban, Tarlac mayor Alice Guo, is possibly distracting our government as the tensions rise on our WPS. And then there's the US, I don't know if we can trust the US especially with that video of an American Politician (correct me if Im wrong at this part because i do not know who that is) saying 'the USA doesn't like the Philippines and they are simply using us'. And the alarming increase of Chinese students around some regions of our country, and the illegal casino businesses (POGO) nationwide [funnily enough, I'm seeing casino game ads whenever I watch youtube or play games, it's so hilarious that theyre on the rise right now that it's annoying me.] And we're all dealing these along with the corrupt assholes in the government, poverty, and overpopulation.
I don't know what to do aside from being at least aware of the situation and spread awareness about this, because you know, I'm just... scared.
We do have some allies but I just hope no war or conflict will break out. There's too many youngsters here, and I still want to experience things i want to experience. I still want to see my 2 little brothers grow up. I still want to experience being known, being remembered, y'know?
If I die, I will gladly say, "Fuck off" on anyone who tries to invade us, may it be China or the US or anyone else. If China threatens a nuclear bomb, then death is certainly my wish at that point.
I can't be silent at this, I pray that China stops bullshitting our territory and withdraw from any conflicts they planned. We're all just people, there's so many out there scared because of this situation.
I hope this sheds some light.
"Sa manlulupig, 'di ka pasisiil" 🇵🇭
Visual presentation of whats happening
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ereesfd · 2 months
cringetopia gang
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dietcunt222 · 6 months
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No man could ever give me more butterflies than the moon does
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barclaysangel · 2 months
A Siren’s Embrace; Chapter 5: Connection of the Sea
Here's chapter 5, y'all! Aaaand the last chapter for now because I haven't finished chapter 6. My brain is all over the place, doing homework, starting my masters program in less than 3 weeks, AND got a new sapphic story idea that involves witches. So...yeah. I'm a mess. Buuuuut, hopefully you guys like this chapter. It's more angsty than the other chapters and once again, I projected so much of myself and my family life into Nika and her family. So things that are said near the end are things that happened in my real life. It's fine, I'll live. But please comment, comments make me feel happy and I hope to one day get back into this story because I do have ideas for further chapters, I just can't figure out a proper ending. I still hope y'all like this story though.
Thank you and enjoy :)
Word count: 2K
Tags: @streets-in-paradise @king-of-wicked
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Nika’s world was falling apart. 
At least that’s what it felt like to her. 
Her world felt like it was slowly dissipating, crumbling, going to turn to dust and vanish at any given moment. She knew her parents loved her, wanted the best for her and all. But if she had to hear about how she needed to get her shit together and figure out what she wanted to do in life one more time, she’s going to explode. 
Whether that be in rage or depression was unclear and would end up being a surprise to Nika and everyone around her. 
She knew she should figure out what the hell she wanted to do. But for fuck’s sake, she just graduated high school. Nika’s going to a community college close by to figure out what she wanted to major in, what she felt connected to because high school certainly didn’t create any connections. But she knows her father would prefer it if she figured it out now and went straight into a university. 
But…she couldn’t. Nika didn’t know what she wanted to do yet, she was barely 18 years old. She just needed some time to figure it out before condemning herself to a path where she would feel complacent or self-loathing. 
Is that really too much to ask? 
“Nika?” Pearl said her name, snapping the human out of her thoughts, a small look of concern in her sea green eyes. “Okay? You are quiet. Sad. Why are you quiet and sad?” 
Nika put on a smile and shook her head. “Sorry, I’m just distracted. I’m okay, you don’t need to worry. I’m not sad.” 
“Yes you are,” Pearl replied quickly as she stared so deeply at Nika, “I can feel it. Your sadness. It is strong. I feel your sadness.”
Is it possible for mermaids to just feel what you’re feeling? She wondered silently. Maybe. There was still so much that Nika didn’t know about humans yet, she wouldn’t entirely be surprised. Sometimes it felt like Pearl was staring so deep into the human’s soul, discovering all of her deepest and darkest secrets. 
It must be an effect that the mermaid has on her, that’s all. 
Nika didn’t say anything for a moment, her mouth opening and then closing before just shaking her head as she looked away. “I’ll be okay. Really. It’s…hard to explain anyway, you really don’t need to worry about it.” 
“I worry,” Pearl said, once again without any hesitation, “you are sad. You are in pain. In here,” She pressed a wet finger to Nika’s chest, right where her heart is, “and in here.” Her finger moved to the center of the human’s forehead. 
She didn’t really know what to say at first, looking away again until the mermaid rested her hand on her shoulder. “Speak to me…please?” 
Something about Pearl was truly persuasive, even when there was no siren song used. There was something gentle about her touch, the look in her eyes, that felt like maybe, just maybe, she could understand. 
“It’s…hard. To talk about. To explain. No one else really understands except my friends but…it’s not fair to burden them with these problems. My parents…they’re tough. Sometimes too tough. I’m their only child and they want the best for me but…it’s too much. It feels like I can’t breathe around them. It…it feels like I’m drowning.” 
Pearl tilted her head slightly. “You are not drowning. I saved you.”
Nika couldn’t help but to smile a little, despite how she was feeling at the moment. “Not drowning literally. Just…feeling. In here and here,” she pointed to her own chest and head, “it feels like I’m drowning and I can’t breathe. It’s too much and they just don’t get it. They don’t see it. I…I don’t think they ever will. I just…I feel so alone here…” 
The human didn’t even know why she was unloading like this in front of Pearl. The mermaid would truly never understand those pressures and there was nothing that could be done. Nothing would change, Nika had accepted it a long time ago. Didn’t make it hurt any less, but it was something she just needed to get over. 
Yet here Pearl was, frowning, looking as if she was upset on Nika’s behalf. Like she had been the one who was wronged. Finally, the mermaid spoke, “I have a gift for you. Stay, please?” The human barely had time to nod before Pearl flung herself into the ocean. 
Maybe you freaked her out. Congrats, stupid, you weirded out a mermaid with your pathetic family issues. She thought to herself and she ran both of her hands over her face and up through her hair, trying to block out the pessimistic voice. 
Nika took a few deep breaths to push back the tears that were threatening to expose themselves in her eyes before the green-eyed mermaid came back, her blue tail swishing in the water, and holding out a rather large conch shell to the human. 
This wasn’t Pearl’s first gift of seashells at all. She had given her many that now reside in Nika’s room, all of which she had claimed to her parents that she found from her recent trips to the beach. But this was certainly the largest one, barely fitting in both of the mermaid’s hands. 
Huh…receiving gifts must be Pearl’s love language.
“Oh, Pearl…it’s beautiful,” Nika said softly before carefully taking the conch shell from her, holding it in her own hands, “you didn’t need to give this to me.”
“I did.” Pearl replied before she pulled herself onto the rock, sitting right beside the human with their shoulders now touching. “Shell is strong. Shiny. Beautiful. You are strong. Shiny. Beautiful. You are my seashell.”
Nika wasn’t quite sure what Pearl meant by the last part, but either way, it made her heart flutter from the compliments. She was sure that this was the mermaid’s way to try and cheer her up and in a way, it worked. 
She really did appreciate the sentiment, even if it was a bit out of the ordinary. 
Oh, what the hell, she was friends with a fucking mermaid. It’s been out of the ordinary for a long time. 
“Thank you. Really. I…I appreciate it,” Nika said with a soft smile as she held the conch close to her, “I’m at my happiest whenever I see you. You just…make me feel better.” 
Her confession caused Pearl to smile more and got a certain glint in her eyes, as if she had decided on something. “I will see you more. I will make you happy.” 
The human didn’t have time to question her on that before she realized how late it was and that she needed to go home soon, promising Pearl that she would try and see her again tomorrow. 
Nika almost wished that she hadn’t gone home when she did arrive, because the questions on her whereabouts were thrown again. 
“I went to the beach. I wanted to get some fresh air, it’s gonna be weird not going to school for a while.” She threw out her excuse to them, thankful that having overprotective parents caused her to be pretty decent when it came to lying. 
“You’ve been going out to the beach so often, Annika” Her mother started to tell her, “you need to be more careful. Maybe you should be staying inside some more, especially with what happened to Erickson recently.” 
Nika knew exactly what her mother was referring to. Erickson was an old and irritating man, someone who often spent his time harassing preteen girls and throwing his beer bottles or other garbage into the ocean. Nika would clean up after him whenever she saw his trash and throw them away properly. She was never fond of him but since they lived close by, she just tried to steer clear from him and pay him no mind. 
It would be a lot easier now since Erickson’s body was found just a couple of days ago on the shores of the beach. Well, rather what was left of him. From what Nika had heard, he had been mauled apart. She had to sneak around to the other side of the beach to see Pearl because of all the caution tape around and trying to investigate the scene. 
“Erickson was a drunk who probably decided to go swimming in the middle of the ocean and got attacked by a shark. Or maybe some other wild animal, who knows,” She told both of her parents with a nonchalant look on her face, “I’m very careful whenever I go, okay? I don’t go too far into the ocean when I go surfing or swimming. Really, I’m not going to die.”
Let’s just forget about the part where you did drown when you went surfing and only survived because of a mermaid, they certainly didn’t need to know about that.
“That doesn’t matter, you need to be more careful. I don’t even know what you do at the beach, you should be doing more exercise so you can lose weight.” Her father told her suddenly, even pointedly staring at her stomach. 
If Nika could scream from the top of her lungs without facing any repercussions, she absolutely would at that very moment. 
If she had a dollar for every fucking time her father or both her parents mentioned her weight in a negative manner, she would’ve skipped town, left Neptune Bay in the rearview mirror, because she’d be a fucking billionare. 
Nika wasn’t skinny. If she thought hard about it, she hadn’t been skinny since she was in kindergarten. She was chubby but she tried to not let it bother her. She tried to own up to her curves and find the beauty within herself, the beauty that Jay and Lucy point out all the time. 
But then her parents’ open their mouths with their opinions and all that self-confidence goes straight down the drain. 
Don’t you see what you’re fucking doing to me? You’re killing me. You’re. Fucking. Killing. Me. I want to hurt myself because of you, don’t you understand that? Just fucking look at me and understand that you make me hate myself!
Despite her boiling emotions, Nika didn’t say a word. She forced a smile like she always did, pretending to let her father’s comments roll down her back, and walked into her room. 
Her self-hatred bubbled inside of her, wanting so badly to cry. To hurt herself. Scratch and punch her stomach like she sometimes did when the words became too much. But this time, Nika held it in. She pulled the conch shell from her bag, holding it close to her chest as if it was a teddy bear, and rocked herself slightly as she sat on her bed. 
Strong. Shiny. Beautiful. That’s what Pearl said I am. Strong. Shiny. Beautiful. Maybe she sees something in me that no one else has seen before and we’ve only known each other for a few weeks. To her, I’m strong and shiny and beautiful. Pearl makes me feel happy and special. 
Nika tried to hang onto those words that the mermaid said to her. She ate less than usual for dinner and was more quiet, faking laughs and conversations to avoid suspicion, but that was all. Just enough for her parents to not get on her case again. 
She kept it all inside until she went to bed, clutching onto her precious pearl necklace and cried her heart out. Nika let her tears soak her pillow, fully prepared to cry herself to sleep like she’s done plenty of times before. 
Although she couldn’t quite fall asleep. She woke up multiple times throughout the knife, experiencing random pains throughout her body, most prominent in the lower half. Nika’s legs twitched against her will, feeling like the inside was twisting and bending. It was worse than the typical soreness she’d feel when her father forced her to go hike with him. 
She didn’t know what the hell was going on. 
Maybe she was experiencing some psychosomatic symptoms of anxiety again, but they were surely different this time. 
Eventually, exhaustion took over and Nika finally fell asleep, hoping for a better day tomorrow. 
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wildwithlight · 2 years
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Sirens by Kate Baylay
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Non vedo differenze
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pearls-lace-ribbons · 3 months
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little--mermaid--luna · 6 months
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Arisen From the Mud
This photo holds a lot of personal meaning to me, as I feel it conveys a deep sense of my own self and growth throughout my life until now. Rising from mud and muck into my own happiness and true self.
Model: Luna Lily
Photographer: Karma Vigora Photography
(And yes it was just as cold as it looks, laying in a freezing cold river on a rainy day. But I couldn’t have felt happier and more at home while resting in it.)
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sirenspells · 10 months
If I had a nickel for every time I had a Mari and Sunny animatic idea with an mlp fan song about Celestia and Luna, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it’s happened twice
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just-call-mefr1es · 3 months
luna is a hop along fan and you cant convince me otherwise💥
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gotham city sirens band!au but they’re the hex girls
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I've been re-playing Mario Odyssey and i wish that we could have lean more on each kingdoms... So here's some Royals OCS for each kingdoms
(i only did 2 for now, i'll see for the others kingdom)
Art/OCS are mine dont copy/repost
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angeltannis · 1 year
Gaige is Pinkie Pie coded and Angel is Fluttershy coded. But you won’t hear mainstream media talking about that
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starheart-blog · 25 days
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