#sira writes
elvesztett-bizalom · 2 years
Mert az 1 évvel ezelőtti énemhez képest igenis tartok valamerre az életemben..
Mostmár legalább akarok élni és teszek is érte, dolgozom önmagamon.
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Yeehaw, everybody! Decided I'm going to start doing recaps at the end of each month to track what I write! And maybe it can remind ya what ya missed from me that month too!
☆ The Rise of Sira - signals in the dark ★ The Rise of Sira - your electric touch [🔥] ☆ Here to Stay - too small flannels ★ Here to Stay - buckles not won ☆ Parenthood Killed the Rodeo Star - on a night like this [🔥] ★ Here to Stay - the man in the valley ☆ Parenthood Killed the Rodeo Star - lonely comin' down
EDIT: I forgot to put the word count total for the month like a silly goose. The total is 22,721!
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flowerstargirl · 1 year
a szemem eloltja a lángot
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ezra-iolite · 2 years
🎫 Dealer’s choice, infodump that lore
XD Awwww, you sweet thing~ Just for you, I'll do two~ This time, with someone new for you. ;3
#5- Zaire Mutheru To those not in the know (@hyraxas mainly ;3), in most AUs, Asya/Swiftwire has a half-brother from her father's side (the only exception being the Pirateformers AU, with Zaire being the son of Gasira and Bori). But in both the OG Transformers and College AU, Zaire is the idolized son that Asya should have been, had she not escaped her cruel, transphobic and abusive father's vision of being the "perfect soldier".
In short, Zaire is the embodiment of what would have happened to Asya if she stayed with her father.... A straight, cismale, blindly obedient son who became a soldier in the military and married his arranged wife, all while highly praising and very clearly desperate for the attention of his neglectful father, never knowing what life would be like if he chose something for himself.
#3- Sira/Whisper Still not 100% sure on Sira's future OR her appearance, to be completely honest, as she's a total work in progress, beyond her being a Seeker like her Mama and as pretty as her Papa (and her being ace) but.......
Something will happen to her in the OG Transformers AU (which at the moment I'm planning it to be her Mama Swiftwire being kidnapped for 2 million years, forcing Sira to grow into an adult without her birth mother/carrier) and it will lead her to decide on becoming an assassin, adopting the codename Whisper due to her being born without a functioning voice box.
During her time as an assassin (a GOOD one who hunts down criminals and gang leaders to follow the seemingly cold trail of where her Mama went), I'd like to headcanon that she meets and teams up with Divot (@cuppajj's Drillburst x Fort Max badass baby) who she accidentally meets during a mission of hers that ended up being a stand-off between them and their target. And again, it's ONLY an idea I'm entertaining myself with while I figure out Sira's whole vibe, so it's very much a rough draft and nothing canon or anything serious......
So, for a good long while, they team up on seemingly harder missions that bring them deeper and deeper into the underbelly of Cybertron each time, as Whisper never reveals how she finds her targets or what connection they have, or even her real "human" name....
Until one target they interrogate mockingly reveals the name "Senator Swiftwire" and how happy they are that the "useless cyborg" is locked away by their beloved master, and Whisper loses her absolute mind and beats that poor soul to the brink of death. Pulling her away to demand what's going on and who this Swiftwire is, Whisper says (or rather signs) nothing, refusing to look at Divot with tears in her eyes, until Divot finally asks "You've been looking for her, haven't you? If I'm gonna help you, you have to tell me what's going on... Starting with who you really are.... Sira Mutheru." Because of course Divot found out on their own! They're a cop after all~
And it just comes pouring out through shaky hand signs as Sira soundlessly sobs and reveals everything to the one person she trusts most, outside of the remaining family (three dads and a mom ;3) she chose to distance herself from for their safety.... Of her formerly human mother being kidnapped by the biggest threat on Cybertron (either Sunder or Overlord, I've yet to decide XD), of her real identity being that of a half Kenyan-half Cybertronian, and how she's been searching the entire planet for her birth mother for over a million years, only to always end up with nothing but dead ends and cold trails.
Did she ever think that Swift might be dead? Of course, especially after the first five hundred, thousand years.
"So why do you keep searching for her?"
Poor Divot would get such a hard smack across the face, before Sira unmasks the lower half of her face for the first time and furiously signs to Divot while soundlessly saying/mouthing the words she signs,
"Because she's my mother!!! Wouldn't you do the same for your family?! If you love someone... would you give up on them? Cause I sure as hell would never give up on you!"
.......... So yeah, I'd like to think they're a team who can kick ass and talk about their feelings!!!! XD
And again, it's JUST a personal headcanon of mine that I finally have the courage to reveal ¬/////¬
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yaburnae · 9 months
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ— DON'T SMILE AT ME ( accepting! )
The  void  opens  up  around  them,    painting  the  forescape  in  midnight  and  suiting  them  both  where  they  stand  in  the  striated  beams  of  the  moon.    It’s  the  only  light  permitted  in  this  yawning  gap  of  space,    a  fine  parallel  to  the  stretch  of  immunity  spelled  between  them  that  they  simply  regard  one  another  in  a  state  of  limbo.    The  trees  blend  with  the  night,    the  ground  is  nothing  more  than  the  foundation  upon  which  they  stand,    and  what  life  exists  in  this  pocket  of  reality  is  silent  in  the  presence  of  Death  and  the  Fox.
@viiolencia: don't ask questions , you don't wanna know .
The  Leshy  eyes  their  companion  with  no  small  mark  of  amusement.    His  face  is  pocked  with  rot  and  impending  demise,    that  pale  light  from  the  moon  unable  to  escape  revealing  him  though  it  certainly  tries.    Stiles  fits  in  with  the  shadows  around  them  far  better.    He  does  not  move  from  their  shawl  around  his  shoulders  and  against  his  spine,    though  his  fingers  curl  and  uncurl  at  his  sides  as  if  to  display  his  hunger.    That  rolls  through  their  gut  in  an  audible  slosh  like  a  tepid,    poisoned  stream  somewhere  in  the  woods  around  them.
❝    If  I’m  askin’  a  question,    I  wanna  fuckin’  know.    I  don’t  speak  just  to  hear  myself  talk.    Trust  that  I  would  rather  not  hear  myself  at all half  the  time.    ❞  It’s  too  pitch  to  spy  the  ruddy  flood  of  their  cheeks.    Irritation  paints  him  bloody  in  the  hollows  of  his  face,    but  he  dares  not  encroach  on  the  threat  of  Sira’s  presence.    The  Fox  grins,    an  ugly  and  wicked  slash  like  a  knife  across  his  face  lacking  gore  only  this  once.    ❝    C’mon.    Jus’  you  and  me  here  after  all.    Who  am  I  gonna  tell?    ❞
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jjkfanatik · 3 months
Pablo Martin Páez Gavira x Reader
Summary: You find out that the guy you have been going out with has been lying about who he really is. How did you guys even meet, what were his reasons and thoughts and will your relationship remain?
Warnings: grammar issues, brief and light mention of drinking, other than that it’s pretty fluffy.
A/n: Hello Ladies! This is the first time i ever wrote something with the intention to post it. Feel free to give me some tips on how to better my writing, as long as you are kind. Keep in mind that english is not my first language. I hope you guys enjoy this. 🤗
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He knew he shouldn’t have lied about who he really is, but that one little lie came out of him before he could even think about it and now what is he supposed to do! Should he just run away and tell you the truth after those two weeks of such nice dates he is almost convinced that he wants to spend the rest of his life with you.
Run away and block you as soon as he gets home, yeah thats whats going on inside his head standing still and silently in front of you.
Does he even want to leave you? No, of course not. He wants to get to know you even better and continue all those dates and show you what you really mean to him.
can you really blame him tho? football players often don’t have the best reputation, pablo would never want you to think of him as arrogant or a player, or -even worse- an arrogant player. But you found out and now he needs to fix it bevor he never gets the chance to talk to you again.
“Um… your name is pablo right? Not actually Martin…”You asked, again seeing as he stood there not even blinking an eye, after you just asked him the first time, standing infront of your dorm room door.
keeping a soft voice and trying not to look too angry while asking the question that has been on your mind ever since he picked you up to take a walk and later on eat a sweet treat. Understandably you were angry, after finding out about his, real identity you could say, you have been nothing but thinking about why he would hide it.
Many emotions swirled through your body. Anger, disappointment and sadness. Feeling stupid for not having known him and needing your friend to look at you like you have grown to heads when you told her about this Martin guy and later showing her a picture of him “well thats pablo gavi” she told you. Thinking so much about it had you starting to form some self doubt, quickly shoving those thoughts away before they got to serious. Getting the idea that he may had gotten a wrong impression on you when you first meet him, causing him to lie but why would he then ask for your number and later on take you on really amazing dates where he had been nothing but a total sweetheart, nothing made sense anymore.
Bringing you flowers which seem like so much thought had been put into picking each and every single flower in there, holding every door open for you and making sure that you were nothing but comfortable and content during each and every second of the day. You guys had meet due to a really good Friend you had made during your first week here at university, Sira Martínez is her name. Having moved from a foreign country to peruse your dream, i had not been easy to make many -really any- friends since every student has their friendgroup and being pretty hostile when someone tried to come to close for their liking. When you had meet her in the community bathroom crying about her boyfriend beeing injured and not knowing how to help you could just not leave her there. Sitting there for more than two hours and talking about various things, both of you knew that a new bond was just formed.
After your first exam Sira had been trying to talk you to come clubbing with her, adding that you should “loosen up or else you wont find a boyfriend ever” and after hours of her sticking to your side like gum and telling you how both of you could even go into the vip section of that club because her boyfriend is known by the locals and many more, you agreed just so she would give you some peace.
Thats how you found yourself in a way to fancy club in the even fancier vip lounge all alone sipping on some cold beverage thats to expensive for its bad taste. Your gaze is set on Sira and her man laughing und danzing like there is no tomorrow. Your eyes sometimes shift to this one guy standing there with his friends conversing. Something about him just seems to draw your attention on him. Maybe its the way the purple light shines on his face, even a couple of meters away you can tell hes got those birthmarks on his really, really handsome face.
A scream shifts your attention to the other side of the club. Just some girl having had to much to drink. You want to turn around again and get back to observing that guy. But hes sitting right beside you. Jumping a little you look at your hands on the table holding an overpriced and not so good tasting beverage. Thank god its on the house -again Siras boyfriend- your bracing yourself because your sure your about to get told off for looking like some creep. But that never came instead; “I like your dress.”
And thats how you hit it of talking about how the club does not suite both of y’all’s taste and you would have much rather been invited to a more closed of, private and chill get together.
Never would you have expected him to lie about who he really is.
“I didnt want you making assumptions about me im not a bad person just bc i play football, im a nice guy you know that. I just thought that you would rather give me a chance being just me.” His eyes never meeting yours
“Your cute and kind Pablo, i like that about you and your fist name is nice, it fits you better”
Inching closer together and standing a bit on your tippie toes to fully reach his face
Pablos and your lips met in a soft and short kiss which had soon been intensified by Pablo’s hands that pulled you two closer together. His fingers caressed your cheeks. Even after parting from your lips they stayed right there providing you warmth and comfort You both stood there for a couple of seconds just smiling at each other, like some silly in love teens, which to be honest you guys kinda really are.
As you both then backed up a little bit. You wanted to make sure that nothing about your relationship -if you could call it that- had changed. “ so will you pick me up tomorrow? we should go on a date you as pablo and me as me.” I see his eyes get a bit wide wondering if he really thought that I would be so mad at him to not want to see him again my heart breaks a little thinking of that.
My stream of thoughts soon gets interrupted as he answers me. “Yeah! Definitely i will come straight after practice, don’t worry really!” His answer is a bit rushed. He seems excited. At least i hope he is. “Just make sure to not come smelly” we both laugh at that slowly inching more and more away even tho both of us would have loved some more time together. Having reached the door and getting my keys out i open the door, turning to him one last time debating if I should blow him a kiss or not but deciding against it, that can wait for after our date tomorrow.
Alter Just found this after like 6 months 💀
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vscabarca · 5 months
could you write a fic ab ferran being super jealous, you guys aren’t together only friends but you seem to be getting super close to one of the other barca boys and he doesn’t like that. so when you’re at a party one time he gets a bit drunk and pulls you away from everyone to confess his feelings for you
jealousy, jealousy - ferran torres
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summary: ferran caught feelings for his childhood friend and gets jealous once he hears you might be seeing someone.
genre: fluff
a/n: thank you for the request anon💕
„dude you can’t just stare at her and do nothing about it.“ Gavi nudged Ferran‘s shoulder as they were walking onto the pitch before the game against Villareal. You sat at your usual spot, the one Ferran got for you, waving at the two boys with a smile once you saw them already looking at you.
Ferran had been a close friend of yours ever since your brother met him with fourteen during a tryout at the Valencian football academy. Sadly your brother didn’t make it into the team but Ferran never stopped coming over, even though his schedule was extremely busy.
You always had a different relationship with him than your brother, one that was much calmer and more gentle. Throughout the years, friends teased you two of becoming a couple eventually and you almost believed it, until Ferran moved to Manchester to pursue his dream. You couldn’t be more proud of him and even flew over to watch his games, but it just wasn’t the same anymore. So when you heard he‘d transfer to Barcelona, the city you moved to years ago, you were so happy to finally be spending more time with him. Then, you were told he had a girlfriend.
Sira, a gorgeous girl and Luis Enrique’s daughter. Your heart sunk once he‘d told you, not because of jealousy, but because you always thought he had feelings for you too. Seemed like you misinterpreted his words and actions when you were a teenager.
For a bit more than a year you gave him and Sira more space, not wanting her to think you were jealous and tried to distract yourself with other guys. You dated one here and there, but your mind never could stop thinking about the boy you knew since you were fourteen.
„I can’t. I think she’s seeing Moha from the Barça B team.“ Ferran explained to Gavi, his hand covering his mouth to avoid lip reading.
„I don’t know him too well but I‘ve never seen him with Y/n. Balde‘s throwing a party next weekend, then you‘ll see if you fucked up or not.“ Gavi snorted but gave his friend an encouraging tap onto his back.
Even though Ferran had been happy while he was together with Sira, his feelings for you came back once she had broken up with him over a year ago. He always had been attracted towards you, having a crush as a teenager which turned into real feelings over the years you were his friend. Sira made him forget those feelings when they were together, but once the relationship started to crumble, he knew you were made to be his. The thought of you seeing Moha made his gut wrench. Sure he was a great guy, but he couldn’t let you go for a second time.
Barça won the game 3:1 with Ferran even scoring a goal. He made his signature celebration, then pointed towards the stands where you sat at. After realizing the goal was dedicated towards you, a shy smile spread across your face.
„Great game Fer!“ You complemented him once you sat in his car and drove you home.
„Thank you, hermosa. Are you busy next Saturday? Balde‘s throwing a birthday party. He told me to bring a plus one.“ Ferran grinned, still on a high from the victory and having you in his passenger seat.
„Sure I‘d love to!“ You agreed with a smile.
Saturday rolled around quickly and throughout the day your thoughts wandered back to what Ferran would like you to wear. Eventually you decided on something comfortable and were just done with getting ready as you heard a car honk outside.
„You look pretty.“ He said as you sat down and gave him a kiss on his cheek.
Throughout the party you felt Ferran‘s eyes on you, leaving you all flustered when he made eye contact from across the room.
Your heart beat faster when you saw him smile or when you felt him put his arm around your shoulder. Ferran wasn’t much different. He wanted to impress you, to leave you wanting him as much as he wanted you. There was for sure jealousy behind it, silently wanting to show off how good you two got along.
All went great until Moha showed up. He immediately spotted you and you two immersed into light conversation, laughing together as he whispered something into your ear. Ferran didn’t think it was funny. After he saw you two so close, laughing, you touching his shoulder, he felt the jealousy build up in his system. Maybe it was also the alcohol he drank, but something about seeing you with Moha just wasn’t right. Especially not how the two of you seemed to be so close.
Gavi came up behind Ferran, immediately knowing what his friend was thinking.
„I swear Ferran if you don’t do something tonight and tell her, she‘ll leave with him.“ He threatened but Ferran knew he was right. He put his cup down after Gavi‘s words and walked up to you, interrupting the conversation you held with the Barça B player.
„Can I talk to you? It’s urgent.“ You sensed something was up. Usually he was talkative and smiled but now he looked distressed and upset, his gaze flickering between you and Moha. Moha awkwardly smiled after greeting Ferran and stepped a bit away to give you more space.
You nodded and gave your friend an appreciative smile, when Ferran took your hand and led you outside. Even though the atmosphere between you two was tense and irritating, your cheeks heated up once his hand grabbed yours.
He sat down on a bench, secluded from the other guests and motioned for you to sit down next to him.
„I can’t pretend anymore Y/n.“ Ferran said, his voice shaking once he turned his head to face you. You became nervous even though you didn’t know what he was saying.
„Pretend what?“ You softly spoke, trying to ease the unsettling tension around you two. Your hand wandered to the back of his neck like it often did before, and played with the short ends of his hair.
„pretend that I don’t love you.“ His word made you stop, his eyes never leaving yours once he said the words.
„I‘ve caught feelings for you when we were fifteen, going on vacation together with our families, sneaking out to the pool, telling each other the most embarrassing stories. I never had the courage to tell you because I was so scared. I was scared you‘d reject me and once I moved to England, I tried to forget you. When Sira broke up with me last year, I realized all I wanted is you. For you to be my girlfriend, not my best friend. It always had been you. Please tell me there’s nothing going on with Moha, and if yes, then I‘ll let you alone, but please think about this. About us.“ Ferran took your hands in his, silently hoping you’d say something, anything. The shocked expression on your face scared him even more, already wanting to apologize for his rambling, thinking he had officially messed things up. But you on the other hand could feel your heart beat out of your chest. The teenage love just confessed his feelings for you, but mixed Moha up for one of your potential lovers.
You couldn’t put your feelings into words, so you just grabbed Ferran by the back of his neck and crushed your lips lovingly against his. He was surprised at first, then immediately kissed you back, holding you by your waist and pulling you towards him. Forehead against forehead, you smiled sweetly at each other, both cheeks flushed from the kiss you just shared.
„I love you Ferran. And I don’t want to let you go too, I want to be with you.“ You whispered, feeling the butterflies in your stomach.
„So there’s nothing going on with Moha?“ He asked rather surprised. You did understand why he would think that, but you guessed it was time to tell him.
„I‘ve spend so much time with him lately because I babysit his little sister. His parents are out of town for a while and he knew I babysit besides university.“ You grinned, gladly clearing up the misunderstanding.
„He came to me tonight to tell me his sister had a crush on my brother. That’s why we laughed so much.“
Ferran‘s eyes went wide once he realized everything was a big misunderstanding, but was even more glad that you always waited for him too.
„Oh.“ Was the only answer he could muster to which you only shook your head.
„Stick to football, you’re still not the smartest.“ You joked but Ferran acted offended.
„Hey!“ He laughed, but was quick enough to lean back in again to kiss you passionately.
„But I was smart enough to make you mine, hermosa.“
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servantofthefates · 11 months
How I Sanctify a New Home
With Jupiter being in my Fourth House, I am always pulled back to our ancestral home where I currently am. But previously, I have lived in four cities in three countries. Here is how I would always sanctify my new surroundings.
The Invocation
At my first witching hour in my new place, I imagine that the entire house is a square, and I position myself in its very middle. Sometimes that is in the living room; other times, in the dining room.
Dressed elegantly, with a white candle in one hand and a bottle of wine in the other as an offering, I invoke my higher power. I call upon The Fates, Authors of Destiny; Pluto, Lord of Power; and Venus, Goddess of Love. I thank them for my new dwelling. Anything I do from here on out, I perform with their blessing.
I make sure I am alone in the house. If that is not possible for you, at least ensure that everyone else is asleep, so that you are the sole forceful energy in your environment as you proceed.
The Shielding
Still imagining the house to be one big square, I now go to its four corners. In each one, I leave a piece of paper with a protection spell written on it using a consecrated pen.
The spell I use is something obscure from our family grimoire. If you do not have your own, feel free to use Siras, Etar, Besanar. It is rather popular, so I believe a little internet research would tell you more about these words. One of their oldest uses is to invite benefic spirits to keep you safe under their cloak.
I store the spell behind a plant, inside a vent or under a baseboard. Sometimes I put it in a small box first. The bottle of wine I leave on my altar, until it is time to replace it with another offering.
The Greeting
Now that my higher power has graced my home with their divine presence and me with their protection, I make myself known to its other inhabitants. Ghosts, entities, mysterious beings.
Still holding the candle, I tell them, “I am Diana, a seventh-generation witch who comes from an even older bloodline of pagans. The Fates themselves write my story. Venus herself grants me harmony. And Pluto himself punishes those who wrong me. This home is now mine. I understand you have been here much longer. I wish you no harm, so long as you too wish me none. I gladly offer you my friendship. Or we can ignore each other in peace, if that is your wish.”
I leave them a plate of homecooked food as proof of my good will. Because of this, every supernatural presence I have ever felt inside a house of mine has been warm and friendly.
The Celebration
Lastly, I hold a party the day after. Lunch or dinner. A small and humble gathering with my friends and new neighbors.
I do this to celebrate my higher power’s kindness and generosity in protecting my new home, and to show the occult creatures who have remained that I intend for the house to be filled with happiness, which they too can enjoy and harness.
I have found, from others’ experiences, that a house which has not been sanctified tends to give its inhabitants a rather miserable or unremarkable life. That is why even Catholics sanctify their dwelling. They call it a house blessing.
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pedriswife · 2 years
Hii bestie 🤗
Can you write story where pedri and reader are in pool with teammates and pedri is horny so he fuck reader on his lap while teammates and pedri are still talking?? Ty
I love your writing It's amazing ily❤️
Pool party ☆ Pedri Gonzalez
You were playing around in the pool with Sira, Ferran's girlfriend, the party being arranged in one of the boys' houses where everyone decided to just have fun before they were back to playing matches twice a week.
Pedri was stretched out on a sunbed, his sunglasses perched on his head as he watched you splash around in the water, the droplets covering your body, your red bikini not leaving much to the imagination. You met his gaze, and he smirked, beconing you over.
You whispered something to Sira, her nodding and going to Ferran herself, whilst you made your way over to Pedri, sitting yourself down on his lap, your wet body drenching his shorts in seconds.
"You look beautiful today, princesa," he murmured into your ear, placing a kiss on your neck, his hands playing with the strings of your bikini.
"Hands off Gonzalez. We're in a public place, " you scolded him, swatting his hands away, however still pushing your head back to give him more space to continue kissing your neck.
He pulled a towel over your lower bodies instead, his hands wandering over your inner things as he stroked them, a teasing touch over your core, just to move his hands back down to your thighs.
You pushed your body closer to his, a soft groan escaping his mouth as he felt his cock harden at the action, his fingers now drawing circles over your core as you bit your lip, trying to suppress any sounds from coming out.
Of course, Gavi decided to come over and have a chat with Pedri, you shooting him a warning look for him to stop whilst Gavi was there, him not paying any attention to you as he indulged Gavi in a conversation about the tactics for upcoming matches. His fingers pulled aside your bikini bottom, the blanket thankfully covering everything that was going on, him now teasing over your clit, spreading your juices around in a figure of eight, your lips becoming red as you bit further into them.
"Hey y/n, are you ok? You look a bit flustered," Gavi asked, a worried look on his face as he searched for an answer.
"Yeah - all good. Ju - just tired. " You managed to stammer out, Pedri's fingers now plunged deep inside of you as you answered, watching your flustered state as you tried to give a good enough answer for Gavi.
He nodded and said a quick bye to Pedri before going his own way.
"Well done princesa, you did so good" he said against your skin, his fingers thrusting faster inside of you as he curled them up to hit your g spot, making your body jerk up in pleasure only to be held down by Pedri's arm around your waist as he he whispered for you to settle down.
Your juices were soaking his fingers as his thumb continued to run over your clit, bringing you closer to your orgasm, him kissing you deeply to prevent any more sounds from coming out of you as he sped his movements up, making you see stars.
You finally came undone, your juices covering his hand as you bit into your lip again, trying not to scream out his name.
"So good princesa, so good," he whispered into your ear, placing a kiss on your head as you caught your breath.
"Should we go home?" He asked, a cheeky smile still covering his face as he wiped his hand over the towel, then using it to wrap it round your waist so you could cover the stains on your bikini. You nodded, getting up and following him out, saying a quick bye to Sira before heading towards the car.
A/N: hope this is good anon, I'm glad you've enjoyed my fics so far x
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moonpedri · 1 year
game over.
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summary: meeting your ex at your friend's birthday party was the last thing you wanted, yet you somehow couldn't stay away from him.
pairing: pedri x reader
genre: fluff (sort of?), suggestive
warnings: none really, just a bit of toxic/fuckboy!pedri, making out
word count: 2.2k
a/n: this is my first fic i ever published. I hope you enjoy reading as much as I did writing!! <3 (not proof-read)
The music around you is loud, blaring through the speakers. The people in front of you dance to their hearts content, watching them as you sit on the sofa somewhere in the corner of the room. You lean back and laugh at the birthday boy in the middle of it all, moving like rent was due tomorrow morning.
Sira joins in at her boyfriend's antics.
Tonight was Ferran's birthday. And as with every birthday of his, he liked to go all out. Especially with the house parties. Especially especially because it was his first one in Barcelona, having spent the last one in Manchester. He was happy to be back in Spain and more so to play for one of the biggest clubs in the world.
It has always been a childhood dream of his and by extent yours too. The two of you grew up together in Valencia and always dreamed of living in the big city up north. You for your studies and him for the football. You managed to leave first, enrolling into the University of Barcelona. Ferran took a little detour to England before joining you 2 years later. It was one of the best news you have ever received.
Both you and Sira helped preparing this party and you are happy that so far everything went well. You still aren't sure how Ferran knew so many people in the short time he has been here in Barcelona but the house is filled up to the last bit - which worried you at first but, oh well.
It wasn't up to the ideal athlete lifestyle either, but who followed that nowadays anyways? It was his birthday and they don't have any important games in the next few days. Though maybe training's going to be a pain in the ass tomorrow, but that didn't have anything to do with you.
You focus on the crowd in front of you again.
Next to Ferran is another figure, one that was quite familiar to you. You two lock eyes for a split second before you turn your head away. Displeased, you take a sip of your drink.
Sira, who noticed immediately, looks at you with a smirk on her lips. "Have you still not talked it out?"
You sigh, "There is nothing to talk out really."
She hums, "Hm, sure. That's why you two always look like you want to make out and rip each other's throat out at the same time."
"Sounds kinky.", you say, not adding anything more and take another sip. You really didn't want to talk about him. Sira on the other hand suddenly takes great interest in the topic.
"__, come on. This can't go on like this forever. You know what always worked whenever Ferran and I fought? The jealousy card."
You look at her exasperated, "Are you trying to give me relationship advice right now? We didn't fight, we ended things, Sira. I don't want him back."
"Then stop looking at him like every two seconds."
You hadn't even noticed. You groan, "I'm going to get myself another drink." And with that you hurry to the kitchen. Far far away from Sira and her stupid advices. She calls after you, but you ignore her.
Yeah, okay. Maybe you looked at him like what, two times? So what. You haven't seen him in a while, of course you were a bit curious. That was only human, right? After all, you had a right to be curious.
Annoyed that you think about him again, you open the door to the kitchen only to be greeted by the devil himself; and apparently an accomplice of his as well, as some girl was clinging to his arm.
A curse almost leaves your mouth at the sight.
He looks good, he always does. His face was freshly shaved and his dark locks frame his face oh so perfectly. He wore a dark T-Shirt that highlighted his toned upper-body, it was truly unfair how attractive he was right now.
At the sight of you, the blonde girl next to him dugs her long nails deep into his biceps. She is pretty, you notice quickly, which just makes the whole situation worse.
You stand there for second, thinking. As much as you want to, leaving was absolutely not an option. You wouldn't give him the satisfaction. You want Pedri to know that you don't care about him anymore, just like what he said to you all those weeks ago.
So, you straighten your back and squeeze past them and straight towards the fridge. You hear the girl scoff behind you, probably annoyed that you interrupted whatever they planned on doing. Trying to seem unbothered, you open the fridge and lean down to grab one of the energy drinks stored at the bottom. You could have kneeled down too, but maybe you wanted Pedri to see. The dress you wore was short, barely covering your ass. And seeing this girl in his arms, alone in the kitchen, irks you for some reason.
She could never be you, and you wanted to remind Pedri of that.
You could feel his eyes on you, "I know that I was the best thing that probably ever happened to you, and that you miss me, but did you really have to follow me all the way back to the kitchen?", he says and the girl next to him giggles. It makes your blood boil. Who does he think he is?
You turn around, just in time to catch him checking out your ass, and smile at him, "You're so full of yourself, it's actually disgusting, you know?"
He pretends to think, "I've heard those word a few times before, yes. In a different context though."
Oh, how you hate him. You detest him so so much, and yet it makes something churn in your stomach. "I hate you.", is all you say before you leave the kitchen. You believe to hear a "Likewise" leave his mouth. Bastard.
Maybe Sira was right. The jealousy card worked, but not how you wanted to. Not on him, but on you. Somehow the thought of leaving Pedri alone with that blonde bitch irritates you. It enrages something deep within you. And you want to turn the tables.
Without really thinking too much about it, you move your way into the middle of the dance floor, grab some guy's hand and move your hips like you were on the broadway. Like you were Britney fucking Spears.
Two could play this game. You chuck down the last bit of your energy drink and move in-between all these sweaty bodies. It may looked wrong but it felt good to let loose.Lost in both music and thoughts, you suddenly someone bump into you. You recognize the brown locks immediately.
Pablo Gavira. A very close teammate of Pedri and possibly his best friend.
You met him a little bit later than Pedri but nevertheless considered him a pretty good friend of yours - even after everything that happened.
"Oh, sorry- __, hey."
"Hey.", you say and involve him in some small talk. You haven't seen him in quite some time either. Due to the loud noises though, the two of you were forced to talk to each other in close approximity. Not that you complained, he is an attractive guy, you just never saw him that way.
Gavi knew his boundaries, you both knew them. And you don't think he was interested you in that way either. However a little fun never hurt anyone, right?
You tucked Gavi a little closer and moved your hips against his. Your hands hold firmly onto his shoulders and to anyone around you it may have seemed like there was definitely more going on between you two.
To Gavi and you, though, it's nothing. It's fun. If Gavi knows what your true intentions are, he doesn't show it.
You catch movement from the left side of your eye. Pedri and the girl stand in a group of people now, talking and chatting with each other. You recognize Sira and Ferran to be part of them.
Sira spots you first and smiles mischievously. Next to her, Pedri now turns your way as well. He furrows his brow immediately and you look back to Sira, who is signaling something to you. You understand, of course. Giving in into her "advice", you grab around Gavi's neck and push your chest against his. As Gavi's hands wander down slowly, you lean in closer to his face.
But Pablo wasn't stupid. He knew exactly what you were doing. "And here I thought you just wanted to spend some quality time with me.", he whispers into you ear, acting fake-hurt by your actions. You reckon that he is joining in on this little game you are playing, knowingly playing with fire too.
Innocently, you reply, "Am I not?"
"Hm, are you not?", he asks and tucks a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
You laugh, "Who knows," his hand is now on your lower back, ",but I have to admit you're surprisingly good at this."
"Ah, now you're hurting my feelings for real. Why is that surprising?"
"I don't know, I just didn't expect it I guess. You never gave me an opportunity to think otherwise.", you say and the tips of your noses almost touch.
It was mindless chit-chat really. To anyone looking from outside though, it definitely was not just mindless chit-chat; which is exactly what you wanted. You look over to your left, dark brown eyes boring directly into you. You can't decipher the look on Pedri's face; but it isn't difficult to point out that it's not positive. You grin at him and watch as his jaw clenches.
Right then, Gavi turns your face to him, index finger under your chin. "Well, at least you know now.", he glances behind you and chuckles, "He's going to kill me later, but for now good luck."
He lets go and suddenly a large hand circles around your waist and pulls you back. You hate the way you lean into the touch unconsciously; how your body responds quicker than your brain and recognizes it straight away.
Gavi winks at him (or you, you're not sure to be honest) and turns back to the crowd.
"Game over, princess.", Pedri whispers into your ear. Goosebumps spread all over your body. "You think I don't know what you're up to? I'm not stupid."
"So why are you here then?"
He lays his hands on your hips and spins you around. His face is impossibly close, "Because you're a fucking minx and it's annoying me."
You look at him unimpressed, "Fuck off, Pedri."
His tight grip on you prevents you from leaving. Pedri grabs your jaw, "That was your plan all along, wasn't it? Getting me all riled up, try making me jealous with my best friend out of everyone."
"So what?", you look up at him. And he only stares back. You could have pretended to be innocent, but you were done. You wanted to lay all cards open. He couldn't do anything about it, you weren't his.
"I thought you hated me?"
"I do."
You hum, "So much." You haven't realized how close he was to you now, your lips only inches apart.
Pedri looks at them for a split moment. Then his eyes wander down your body and it takes everything in you to not buckle under his gaze. You remind yourself that you were strong, not weak. You wanted to leave him high and dry, show him that he couldn't find anyone better than you. But that task proved itself to be harder than you initially thought.
So you tug him forward by the hem of his pants and pull him down by his neck, clawing at it almost. "And did my plan work?", you breathe against his mouth.
Pedri's lips on yours are the only confirmation you need.
He kisses you with force and so much desperation and frustration. You did with just as much. It's been too long.
His hands roamed your body, stopping at your ass. It hurt to admit how much you missed him on you. He squeezes the flesh of your butt, pulling you into him and you gasp into his mouth. "God, I missed you so much.", he roans.
You don't know how long you continued to make out, exploring each other as if it was your first time.
Only when someone bumps into you, the two of you part. You feel your heart beat hard against your chest. Stil trying to steady your breath, you look at him - unsure on how to proceed. But your lord and savior, in the form of Ferran, saves you from the awkwardness
"Pedri!", he calls him over. The boys are gathered in a group, and whatever they managed to do, they wanted to show Pedri.
He looks over to them, signaling them that he's coming.
He turns to you with a smirk. "We should definitely repeat that.", Pedri winks and caresses your face. He leaves a soft kiss on your cheek before leaving. His actions and words didn't match, which confuses you even more. But that was a problem for another time.
For now, you just bite your lip and smile after him. "Yeah.", is all you manage to say.
© moonpedri - DO NOT copy, translate or post my work anywhere without my permission!
check out my masterlist for more! 🤍
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didishawn · 1 year
Hey bestie!!!! Your works are chef kiss 🤌🏼🤌🏼🤌🏼🤌🏼 uhm I was wondering if you can write angst w Ferran? Idk like there's an argument n he says something hurtful?? Miss ma'am tbh I have no clue what im requesting😭😭 all ik is that I'd like some angst ending in fluff pls??? N ur writing is amazing so 🤌🏼
Broken souls (Ferran x Reader)
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Warnings: angsty with happy ending, mentions of Ferran's insecurities and mental health, mentions of the internet being assholes, Sira mention (not in a truly bad way as the girl is amazing)
You know Ferran adores Barça and loves playing in it, it's where his best friends play and 9ne the best club's out there, but sometimes you can't help but wonder if things would be better had he stayed in Manchester City.
Words can bring down even the happiest of people, that person who everyone knows to be the nicest, the funniest, being broken by people on the Internet feeling the need to comment on all his flaws and creating insecurities.
It's terrible for anyone, brings them down, worsens their mental health and makes them sometimes not be themselves.
Your boyfriend, you know is broken, as months pass by he becomes even more of a shell of his true self, he might pretend everything is alright out there, but you know it isn't.
He overworks himself, training hours not enough for him, locking himself in the gym or using the goalie on your backyard to practice until late night hours, then waking up even before the sun rises.
You know he is exhausted, but he refuses to stop, you are worried about what will happen to him, you have told him so multiple times, and the screaming match you both are having right now is a repetition, already happened.
"I just told you to please come to bed, I don't think there is nothing wrong with it!" you shout at him, trying to get your words through that thick head of his, he shakes his head, a smile that is not truthful, almost cruel.
"You don't fucking understand, don't you? How can I go to bed when I fucking suck! Its almost as if you have fun seeing how terrible I am!"
"How can you say that? You know I am your biggest supporter! I just think you should also keep in mind to take care of yourself!"
He gives a dry laugh, face to face with you as he glares down at you, you are not afraid though, you know he would never hurt you -at least not with his hands that he furiously moves around and points at you.
"Really? Because I think you enjoy it, having all culers hating on me, maybe you like that I have no one by my side to have me all for yourself! Always so fucking clingy" he sighs "Sira understood..."
You both tense, his eyes snap into yours, apologetic, trying to reach out for you.
"Love, I'm-"
"Fuck you, Ferran. If Sira was so much better then she can take care of you so you don't fucking die from exhaustion" you are in tears "I fucking care for you and you just treat me as if I was a parasite, someone you don't actually love, maybe you didn't want a girlfriend -at least not me as its obvious you did want Sira, you wanted someone to keep your house clean and all that shit so meanwhile you repay me like this"
You walk away from his, you don't let him grab you a she wants, picking up your purse and intentionally leaving the house keys behind. You stop, see the promise ring on your finger, and go to take it off, his hands stop you.
"Please, amor, don't do that I promise I will try to do better, ok? You are right, I am sorry for treating you like shit, I promise I will listen to what you say"
You laugh "Only when you are about to lose me do you react, how can I believe your words for a second if maybe this conversation will repeat itself in a week"
"It won't, ok? I swear, y/n, I will do my best so there is no repetition on this, I want you, I love you, I won't be able to do this without you. I know I am an asshole, bit the one good thing I have is you and I will make sure to always remind it"
You think it over for a second, dropping your purse you let his arms wrap around you, taking a moment in them, you then go on to whisper.
"You are still sleeping on the couch after that Sira comment"
"Totally worth it if you stay"
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ratedfleur · 5 months
⋆˚˖° profound love °˖˚⋆
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sunghan bin / wyatt sung x filo fem oc   genre  ౨ৎ  fluff & slice of life
 📝: yay a new oc is out na! i've been wanting to post this one na kasi super long overdue na ng ibang posts so i had to post this one na! someone was requesting more filo stuff so i'll try to do filo smut naman next! 
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wyatt was pretty— breathtaking, even. wherever he went, people looked his way. being a cafe owner had its perks, especially when you’re an influencer and fairly attractive. customers always came to pay a visit, even on school days.
“kuys! pa-libre naman oh.” chase joked once he walked into wyatt’s cafe. wyatt had owned his cafe since 1st year college, now in his 3rd year. he was wealthy but he didn’t take advantage of the wealth that his family has garnered over the past decades.
wyatt simply let his parents fund his cafe but then he took over the place and its funds by himself— he gets his spare income from his influencer lifestyle.
“kaka-libre ko lang sayo kahapon ah?” wyatt scrunched his nose at the younger who simply smiled cheekily at him, “binabayaran ko naman, kuya.” gunwook laughs when hanbin makes a face while mixing up his coffee order.
“musta kayo ni chi?”
“ha?” gunwook suddenly goes deaf.
“sira.” hanbin shakes his head at his younger friend’s antics, he knew that everything was going well between the two once the younger had a lovesick smile on his face.
wyatt always envied his friends because they had such easygoing lives, it was easy for them to go around and date whoever they wanted— it wasn’t like that for wyatt. for him, he had to keep up his reputation of a clean guy— innocent and clean looking, rather.
“look kuya, sama ka nalang kay zeke. he’s going to pobla tomorrow, malay mo nandoon din si princess charming.” chase shrugs as he grabs his drink from the counter, “and besides, tapos na midterm so everyone’s going to party.” he adds while eyeing the older who simply wiped the counter down.
“no promises, cha— oh hello, welcome to bloom!” hanbin says before he cuts himself off once he saw a customer step up to the cashier.
different from his daily shift, he found this customer pretty, she had striking eyes, a tall nose, and lips as pink and plump as a peach.
hanbin’s throat goes dry as he clears it, suddenly speechless in front of his pretty customer. “i’ll have your bestseller drink lang and the macaroons pala.” she smiles at him, eyes twinkling as she looked at hanbin.
hanbin nods, “a-and you’re okay with strawberries?” he stutters, making gunwook snicker as he watched the older visibly embarrass himself.
the pretty customer nods, “yeah, okay lang. just remove the whipped cream if meron.” she adds in her additional request as hanbin takes her order.
“that’ll be 220–“ “ah also, can i get your number?”
hanbin’s cheeks flush red at her bluntness, he licks his lips as his eyes dart from her face and gunwook’s who showed him supportive thumbs.
“well, i don’t give out my number so easily but sure.” hanbin quickly says as he takes an old receipt and writes his number and name on the back, sliding it over to her side of the counter as she pays up.
she shifts over to the side, just close enough for her to see as hanbin diligently preparing her drink. it’s different compared to his vlogs, she thought. you can tell how passionate one person is when they’re in their element, his hands easily glide as he grabs cups and syrups, hanbin finishes within 3 minutes as he pours the final drink into a cup.
she watches closely as hanbin grabs her macaroons and she sees him write a quick note on the cafe’s calling card.
placing it prettily on a tray, hanbin meets eyes with his pretty customer as she walks up to the counter. “i’m maeve, by the way. sorry for how blunt i was earlier.” maeve introduces herself, cheeks flushed as she remembers how blunt she was earlier.
wyatt’s cheeks mirror the same flush hers had as he shakes his head with a smile, “ayos lang, i don’t mind.” he says as his whiskers appear.
“i’m a fan of the place, keep it up.” maeve smiles as she takes the tray and walks away as she meets eyes with wyatt once more as she briefly turned her head to look at him.
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flowerstargirl · 11 months
Felhők között repülőben—> határátkelés szélsőségesen
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httpsdana · 1 year
can you do 26 and 6 with eric garcia pls my love x
Idiot~Eric Garcia ft. Ferran Torres
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*GIF isn't mine. credits to the owner*
now this was fun to write. @ericgarcias I have a feeling you might like this one 🤭
you can request from my prompt list
this is my master list
players/drivers I write for
6-"you're an idiot" "yeah but I'm your favorite idiot"
26-"hold up, are you jealous"
The news about Ferran and Sira broke the interent. Cheating rumors and some disgusting things said about both of them. But in these kind of situations the man is always the one to be blamed, even if he's the victim.
y/n stared at her phone, reading everything said about Ferran, her best friend. She was so grateful to have him, mostly because he was the one who introduced her to the love of her life Eric. Eric entered the bedroom, seeing his girlfriend stare at her phone with sad eyes.
"what's wrong darling?" he asked, sitting down next to her. She looked up at him with sad eyes.
"I'm just reading everything the so called fans are saying about Fer after his break up with Sira. do you think you can arrange a meet up after training. we should really be there for him in this stage of his life" she said.
Eric smiled at her kind heart. She was sad because of her best friend's break up and because of all the things other people have to say about his relationship. He felt lucky to have such a sweet kind-hearted girlfriend.
"of course my love. you can come to training with me and we'll meet up for lunch afterwards" she smiled at him, kissing his cheek before she got up to get dressed
"hey Fer. how are you holding up?" she gave him a long hug, letting him know she's the shoulder he can lean on when he needs to.
"I'm fine. it'll pass" he said with a cracked smile, before looking back at Eric, who was looking at them with an unusual look in his eyes.
In fact,Eric was feeling something unusual. The scene of his girlfriend and his close friend hugging somehow bothered him. He knew they were best friends since birth, but he never felt this bothered before. For some reason,the look Ferran was giving y/n was not the look a guy should give to his best friend.
"Eric? everything okay?" y/n's sweet voice snapped him out of his deep thoughts. Eric shook these thoughts out of his head and nodded at his girl with a smile
"yeah yeah don't worry" he smiled back at him, before both of the boys were called to start their training
After training, the trio left to have lunch in their usual restaurant . Eric was silent the whole time, listening to what y/n and Ferran had to say to each other. They were laughing all the time, the smile never leaving their faces.
Eric was getting uncomfortable, He would've liked it more if y/n just went to hang out with Ferran without him. Its normal for them to hang out alone and he never suspected a thing, but now he was feeling like a third wheel and he didn't like it.
He let out a sigh because of the awkwardness he was feeling. He called the waiter and payed for eveyones food and got up, making both y/n and Ferran look at him.
"we're leaving?" y/n asked, confused on why he didn't tell her.
"no no you stay here with Ferran. I'm leaving" it sounded more rude then he intended it to be, but he wanted them to know he's bothered.
y/n's eyebrows rose in surprise at his rude voice.
"no I'll come with you. Ferran said he's going to his mother's house anyways" she got up too, giving Ferran a hug before following  Eric to the car.
"care to tell me what's wrong?" y/n asked, annoyance dripping from her voice.
"you seemed to be enjoying your time with Ferran to notice that something was wrong" he rolled his eyes, before the realization hit y/n, making her smirk slightly.
"hold up. are you jealous?"she teased, making Eric's body tense up.
"of who? Ferran? pfttt as if" he laughed awkwardly making y/n laugh at his way to hide it.
"you're obviously jealous. you only deny it when its true" she hit his shoulder with her hand in a playful way, a small smile creeping on his face.
He always loved it when she noticed the small details about him.
"you didn't see the way he looked at you. it felt like he loved you, more than a friend" he said in a whiny voice making y/n chuckle at him.
"he doesn't love me like that. and even if he did, I only have eyes on his stupid friend" she rolled her eyes in a playful way making Eric gasp jokingly.
"you know I trust you, its just that Ferran is hot and any girl would want him. hell if I was a girl I'd want him too" he said making y/n burst into a fit of laughter.
"oh my god. you're such an idiot" she said between her laughs
"yeah but I'm your favorite idiot" he said with a boyish grin making y/n chuckle
"you sure as hell are my favorite idiot and I love you, even if you get jealous of my best friend" she teased making Eric whine at her words. he knew she's keep on making fun of him about that for a long time
"and I love you even if you keep making fun of me" he said with a pout as he parked the car in front if their house.
y/n shook her head with a smile before pecking his lips a few times and mumbling a small 'idiot'
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popculturelib · 7 months
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Uppity Women: A Legacy of Liberation (1974) by the Lilith's Rib Collective at Hunter College
From the introduction:
We are a group of women students at Hunter College who are working for the implementation of a Women's Studies Department at Hunter. Given an enrollment that is 73% women and a long background as a women's college, we feel that it is time for us to learn about our HERitage and with this goal in mind we are working both politically and educationally. We have chosen to name ourselves after Lilith. She was first mentioned in Assyrian myths as a wind spirit and later played a major part in early Hebraic lore. She is mentioned in the Alphabet Ben Sira as the first woman, created simultaneously with Adam. Being thus created, Lilith refused to accept Adam's claim of supremacy and left him, after refusing to lie beneath him during intercourse. She went to live by the Red Sea. We have chosen her as a symbolic starting point to our heritage. Our motivation to write this book comes out of our own experiences as women. It is an effort to connect with a rich past that has been denied us. Our purpose is to briefly introduce you to some of these women whose lives have been lost to us and who were the Foremothers of our Woman's Culture. We hope that this will encourage you to rediscover Women's history and to participate in the struggle that lies ahead. In Sisterhood, The Lilith's Rib Collective
It includes biographies of Susan B. Anthony, Mary McLeod Bethune, Marie Sklodowska Curie, Isadora Duncan, Amelia Earhart, Emma Goldman, the Grimké Sisters, Anne Hutchinson, Mother Jones, Maria Mitchell, Esther Hubart Morris, Emmeline Goulden Pankhurst, Sacajewa, Margaret Higgins Sanger, Gertrude Stein, Lucy Stone, Sojourner Truth, Harriet Ross Tubman, Mercy Otis Warren, and Victoria Woodhill.
The Browne Popular Culture Library (BPCL), founded in 1969, is the most comprehensive archive of its kind in the United States.  Our focus and mission is to acquire and preserve research materials on American Popular Culture (post 1876) for curricular and research use. Visit our website at https://www.bgsu.edu/library/pcl.html.
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satanourunholylord · 1 year
lilith isn't PART OF judaism you clown but i guess being antisemitism pilled in philosemitic freakishness is your happy place
Huh... antisemitism existing concurrently with philosemitism would be an interesting psychology research project. Thanks for the string of increasingly abusive anon asks, btw. Loved jumping on tumblr dot com and seeing all that. Lots of big feelings you're experiencing there. I know what I say won't change your mind, but I'll answer genuinely about my understanding of Lilith within the context of Judaism anyway on the off chance you're interested.
So yeah, Lilith is not specifically mentioned in the traditional Jewish scripture, the Hebrew Bible (Tanakh). However, Lilith is referenced in later Jewish texts, primarily in Jewish folklore and mystical traditions.
Lilith is sometimes associated with the demonic figure mentioned in the book of Isaiah (Isaiah 34:14) in the context of a desolate wilderness.
The Talmud brings up the concept of a "lilith ha-raz," which can be translated as a "night demon" or "demon of the night."
The passage mentioning Lilith in relation to nocturnal emissions can be found in Niddah 24b of the Talmud.
Lilith is mentioned in the Zohar, which is a foundational work of Jewish mysticism known as Kabbalah. Lilith is mentioned in the Zoharic literature as a female demon associated with sexual desire and temptation.
Various Midrashic texts, which are collections of Jewish stories, commentaries, and interpretations, also mention Lilith. These include Genesis Rabbah and Ecclesiastes Rabbah, among others. Lilith is often portrayed as a seductive and dangerous figure in these stories.
Lilith features in Jewish folklore and folk beliefs. Different traditions associate her with various aspects, such as being a demon of the night, causing harm to children and newborns, and representing female sexual power.
The Alphabet of Ben Sira is a medieval Jewish text, likely dating to the 8th-10th centuries CE, which contains a narrative about Lilith as the first wife of Adam. According to the story, Lilith refused to submit to Adam and left the Garden of Eden. She is depicted as a powerful and independent figure in this story. From what I've heard, this story may be considered antisemitic (??), so take what I've mentioned there with a grain of salt.
I don't have the energy to write much else and it's late here, so I'll leave it at that. I just think without a solid understanding of Judaism and where Lilith fits in within that context, it's impossible to be respectful. I suggest you stop messaging me and find a more productive use of your time, anon. You have your opinions and I have mine. Have a pleasant rest of your week.
(As always, Jewish people please feel free to call me out on anything I may have gotten wrong here)
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