#sir that is my emotional support blonde army guy
venstm · 13 days
me, after saying I am not really interested in playing hsr but there’s a gepard mention:
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stilemawillow · 3 years
Sadder When [Levi | Reader | Petra | Drabble]
Usually, a nice story starts with a piece of dialogue that is meant to immediately capture the reader's attention and entice them. Normally, it might be followed by a long paragraph depicting what follows it. Or the paragraph comes first, the dialogue later, letting the reader's attention flow calm through the words.
This story starts with me, telling you it's not going to be good. Not like the rest. I'm not a writer, I'm somebody who doesn't know how to express things vocally, so I have to do it on paper. I cannot possibly name the genre of this story. It might be romance, might be drama, might have extensive cussing and a lot of sadness, but it has its happy parts too I guess.
Normally, in a story with an established protagonist, one way or another, they get what they want. The ending might not be one-hundred percent happy, but the main goal has usually been completed. As the protagonist of this story, I have to be frank and say this now: THIS STORY WILL END WITH ME GETTING WHAT I WANT.
Some say tragic love is what makes some romances great. Death and infidelity seem to make some people more emotional. Others indulge in happiness and forget about how sad they are. Most readers look upon lovers parted by death as something very, very saddening. Some might even call it the way a book should not end if the love has been built perfectly beforehand. For me, death sure does hold its grip over my emotions, but consider this -
Isn't it actually sadder when one doesn't love the other back?
Unrequited love sure as hell is something like a taboo, it's why most people don't act on their feelings. For me, that is worse. Imagine somebody giving it their all - heart and soul and good intentions, but the other person just doesn't seem to notice them. Imagine the former attempting all kinds of stuff to get their attention unsuccessfully and when they do it's a brief glance or a short phrase that makes their heart skip a beat nonetheless. It's not so fair, is it? And no matter how much they try to stop feeling something for that person they can't - feelings aren't something that can be altered with the simple snap of our fingers.
I wish they could, honestly. Would've done it a couple of times during the past few months. It would've helped me get more sleep and eat properly. Helped me get over things I shouldn't consider immensely important in the first place.
Having said that, let's skip to the introduction of our supporting characters.
There is my friend, Petra Ral, with her short strawberry blond hair and big amber eyes. I love her eyes - they're really expressive as to what is going on in her heart and head. As a kid, I'd always visit Petra's home and chat with her father before she graced me with her sweet presence. We enrolled in the army together, but are little to nothing alike. If I said I wasn't sometimes pretending to be like her, I'd be lying.
Next up come our closest friends and comrades - Gunther, Eld and Oluo. Gunther's usually silent but remotely wise when it comes down to it. He's got cute freckles and a nice pair of dimples. Eld is the big brother most of us look up to - he adores giving advice and looking at us compassionately whenever we seem sad. Oluo is, well, a nice guy somewhere deep within. He's annoying but serious when needed, and most of his mannerism is a very bad impression of our Corporal's.
Then there's him too. Levi Ackerman. Corporal and sir to me and the guys. Levi to Petra when they're all alone. He's handsome, I think, and smart. He's empathetic when needed. Devoted to the cause. Usually vulgar and cold. I don't see what Petra likes in that mouth of his.
That's it for the most part.
Ah, I know, you think I've forgotten something - the antagonist. Every good guy has a nemesis after all, right? Not here. Not every story has a villain to pull it all the way to the conclusion, mine at least doesn't.
Having come all this way, I think it would be rude not to start with the story already. Usually, a writer picks a good start, a certain month or particular moment where everything takes action, but here I need you to understand - the action is always happening, it's a gradual process every single day, building up to that one day - the day of the confession.
However, that will be our conclusion. The day I get what I want.
We'll start off a week prior to that, skipping the days as they come and focusing on the important stuff. Or at least what I consider important.
It was warm, that March, I'd noticed. Usually, it would be cold and rainy, but this March was different - sunny and pleasant. We'd come back from an expedition that morning. There were, as all other times, casualties. Everybody was forlorn, especially Petra since she'd lost a good friend on the battlefield. I tried to console her, but it wouldn't work you see. She didn't want my consolation, I'd come to realise minutes later.
After a shower and a set of new clothes, I decided it was only appropriate to get some breakfast too. There had to be leftovers. A piece of bread or an egg. Meat was rare and precious - served only on Christmas for the people whose families were deceased so they had no home to return to and stayed at the HQ. Maybe I'd make myself a cup of tea - chamomile to calm myself. Before barging into the mess hall, I halted and listened. There was Petra's voice - sobbing.
In my role of a friend, I immediately grew worried. I was about to storm inside and try to comfort her, but as destiny would have it just before I acted upon that decision of mine, I heard another voice. It was the Corporal's baritone, cold yet softer than usual, talking about something the wooden door between us muffled enough for me not to distinguish as actual words.
I decided, maybe breakfast was not a good idea after all. I stepped back and stared at the door for another second with growing abhorrence. Most of it got stuck in the back of my throat while the rest was expressed by the purse of my lips and the narrow of my eyes. I fled the scene.
Later that day I saw Petra in our room after getting back from my workout. I liked training in the castle's basement since it wasn't used and nobody guarded it - our people weren't enough for that actually. Nobody disrupted my actions there. My emotions were set free for once and when I exited I was fresh and composed. My eyes might've been more lifeless than usual but it was a risk I took, knowing nobody would notice either way.
Upon my very entrance, I took note of my friend's shining hues and the sombre happiness in them, attempting to be suppressed. I questioned it and when my inquiry was dismissed by a simple 'no reason', I knew there was a very big reason behind it she wished not to share with me. I gulped back a comment on the topic and proceeded to lead some small-talk so I didn't seem weird. I doubted she'd notice it since she was very indulged in her personal thoughts but then again why not do it?
Later that day, when the rest of the squad was training, I got called up to the Corporal's office. I climbed up the stairs tentatively, gingerly knocked on the door and stated my name, all the while recalling the expression on Petra's face as my presence was required. The superior from the inside granted me entrance and I stood there, back leaning against the closed door seconds later, saluting him stiffly.
He dismissed the gesture and offered me a seat. I politely declined although it would bring me closer to the desk he sat behind. The raven-haired corporal proceeded with a momentary bit of pointless conversation before getting to the point. That point being Petra. At first, it was the mere mention of her name that caught my attention - in front of others he called her 'cadet' or used her surname. It was the first red flag.
Then he started addressing her good qualities and benign personality. It made me blink his way in mild surprise - something he seemed not to pay attention to. The second and third red flags.
I looked a bit closer as he talked, knowing that spacing out wouldn't be that harmful. His eyebrows were furrowed still, but his hands weren't stiff and his eyes were soft. His gaze was switching up from my face to the walls of the room. Fourth red flag. My mouth pursed as I tried not to talk. It was hard, oh, so hard.
Five minutes and a bunch of fake smiles later I got back to training and answered all of Petra's questions about the Corporal's request as vaguely as possible. I'd agreed to something nearly impossible. I'd agreed on something bad. Later that night, as Petra lay in her bed, I turned to the wall and cried my eyes out. Maybe under normal circumstances, I'd say I fell asleep in the span of thirty minutes and dreamed of nothing, but this is fiction so why not be honest too? I cried and I cried and my heart just hurt so much. I choked on my sobs twice but was otherwise quiet. I had enough practice, you see. I fell asleep three hours later and had to wake up an hour after that.
Two days later, on my day off I headed into town on my horse and left it at the stables before visiting the little flower shop on the main street. I asked for a bouquet of white roses and returned to my horse. I contemplated letting it trample the flowers at least ten times during the ride back to HQ but never dared let them escape my grasp. They were something I couldn't lose my hold onto.
Having returned, I left my horse and petted its head for a few minutes before sneaking up the staircase to the superiors' floor. When I knocked on the Lance Corporal's office and heard him say 'come in' without even questioning who was at the door. I stepped inside, smiling and with my chin held up high. I had to hold it together, I told myself over and over again. The Corporal stood from his seat behind the desk and headed my way. He took the roses from my hold and gifted me a brief nod in return - appreciation, I concluded. He looked into my eyes and spoke a very low 'thank you' before dismissing me. I smiled again - wide, as my heart sped up and left the office.
Later that day, as I caught the Corporal sneaking into the mess hall prior to dinner with the bouquet, I noticed what I'd left on the road to be trampled by the hooves of my horse instead - my heart. That day I decided dinner wouldn't be a good idea, so I skipped it.
The next morning as Petra told me everything about the bouquet of her favourite flowers she'd found left on her seat during dinner, I smiled again and pretended not to know anything about it. I might've been a bad friend. Was I? She didn't point it out so I didn't bother worrying about it too much. I watched the joyful glimmer in her amber hues reach the very corners of her mouth as she grinned and my windpipe constricted unpleasantly when I tried to make a sound in return. She kept talking, happy and oblivious, and I hated myself.
The same evening, I helped the Corporal with his paperwork. Delivering reports, checking lists and writing letters for the dead ones' families. Not much. It took three hours, one of which I spent thinking and looking at the raven-haired male. The concentration on his face was astonishing. He was obviously tired but he wouldn't act upon it. He'd exhaust himself and worry and think and do whatever he had to, but he wouldn't take care of himself.
Once during those three hours, he looked up at me and our eyes met. My heart immediately skipped a beat. Maybe he saw it in my eyes. Maybe he didn't. There was no comment on the topic. He sent me for tea and when I came back Petra was in the office, offering him a cup of her own. I returned to the mess hall and dumped both cups in the sink before washing them and going up to the office again. Petra hadn't left but we only greeted each other before I went back to work, trying to ignore the conversation they led. It wasn't hard because if I didn't, I might've let some expression slip onto my face.
Maybe, just maybe, I was what caused the conclusion of this story. I encouraged both sides and I set up the whole thing. It didn't feel nice to be the puppeteer, no, not when I wanted to be the lead actor in the play. I was selfish, very much so. But looking at them separately and having a bit of common sense, I knew my personal interest meant little to nothing in the main story. So I said the right words and Petra's confidence was suddenly growing until a decision formed in her mind. She acted upon it on the seventh day - the day of the confession.
I stood there afterwards as Petra jumped and exulted, smiling and trying not to cry. I could swear when I saw them in front of his office later that night, kissing, I died inside.
This is the conclusion of this story - Petra and Levi love each other.
But, remember something I said in the beginning? I got what I wanted. Looking at them and how they looked at each other, I couldn't help but notice their eyes matching - bright and glimmering with joy. If I said it wasn't obvious how happy they were to be together, I would've lied. A blind man would sense that. And all I wanted for each of them was happiness.
Together, they could achieve that. So I let them be together.
I got what I wanted. We've come to the end of this story, but before that - I never mentioned something rather obvious, did I? Levi Ackerman, the cold Lance Corporal, has played the role of my romantic interest inbetween all these words. Yes, he is cold. Yes, he is handsome. Smart too. Compassionate. Generous. Devoted. Awkward yet romantic. Tactful. Foul-mouthed. Abrasive. There hid the man I love, inbetween the vulgarity and frowning. He is obviously not who I end up with. Not in this story.
Tragic love has something about it that makes me feel extremely empathetic. Not towards the male and female leads that are destined to fall in love but with the unnoticed supporting characters and terrible antagonists who fancy one of the leads.
On that topic, I might've lied about my role in this story. I'm not the protagonist, not in the big picture I'm not. I'm just a secondary character there, maybe an unannounced love rival. I'm not in the spotlight. That works for me. People don't love me. Levi doesn't love me.
But isn't that what unrequited love is all about?
And now, do you see what I mean when I say it's sadder when there's no death involved?
No, there is a certain touch of finality to death that prevents me from crying. Death lets you rest. Life never does. That's why I'm alive and hurt now, and I still cry myself to sleep almost every night. Death would've let me rest. Maybe that's the sad part.
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tabikato · 4 years
Chapter 6 of my #DragonAge fanfic is up!! Time for Alistair and Hue to take the tower!      It’s an hour or two before Alistair finds their new warden again. They had carried him to one of the tents to sleep off the Joining, the physical stress almost as bad as the mental. However, when he came to check up on him, the elf was nowhere to be found...blankets tossed to the side and weapons gone. A sinking feeling of losing the third one had him rushing out the tent and scouring the area. He really didn't want to deliver this news to Senior Warden. Hey Duncan, so seems we have NO recruits, why? Well, I do believe the third one just took a permanent vacation away from here. The fear was short-lived when he saw the familiar puff of blonde hair...lone figure sitting rather still as if he’d find some answers in the dancing embers and ash of the campfire. Hue heard the footsteps from behind but didn’t bother to turn around...didn’t feel a need or want to face the other at this moment.
    “There you are, thought you made a run for it.” Alistair’s head dropped as soon as he'd stopped talking, really great choice of words there. Solid.
    “Would have just killed me like you did Jory.” There was no anger or spite in his tone, only resignation...as if those were merely facts of life and he had come to term with them. It didn’t feel right to hear such a desolate tone from the usually high-energy elf but Alistair supposes the situation was a heavy one. After all...Hue wasn’t entirely wrong so there wasn’t any way the human could dispute those words.
    “We lost one in my Joining as well, it was horrible. I doubt I will ever get used to it”, Hue looked sideways as Alistair sat next to him, voice whispering with somber tints, “I’m glad at least one of you made it through.” Brown met red as they looked at each other for a moment, Hue rolling this information around in his head. The Joining was secret because not many people would willingly give up their lives for a chance...yet Gray Wardens are needed to stop the Blight or else everyone dies. Even knowing that he knew, deep down, not many people would see the sacrifice as necessary. Death is scary...dying is scary, he joined in order to escape death and only went through with it because no matter his outcome there would always be death. It didn’t seem fair to anyone involved...but then he thinks of Daveth who was not dying and willingly drank from that cup, knowing his sacrifice meant the world. Of Alistair who also drank, a chance he might die but taking that plunge.
    This was making his head hurt.
    “I don’t like thinking too much on this complicated stuff”, Hue finally spoke up, piecing together the thoughts he needed to say, “and I don’t think it’s fair but...I know Gray Wardens save people. They sacrifice so they can so I don’t think you guys are bad people. And now I can protect people too.” Blowing some strands of his hair from his face, he turns to glance at the other Warden. Alistair looked in thought but nodded, seeming to accept Hue’s decision.
    “I’m glad you’re here to stay with us.”
    “So you’re not the junior anymore? Or you’d be lonely?” Barely a beat passed before a smirk made its way onto the elf’s face, lightly punching the human in the arm.
    “First off, ow. Second, OW. Why are you always aiming where it hurts?”
    “You’re a really big target”, Alistair looked as if he was going to pout, mouth open to remind Hue who was in charge here but...the one who was in charge spoke up to them.
     “Alistair. Hue. The King wishes to speak with us, come to the war table when you are able.” Duncan’s voice knocked their jovialness back in line, both men sitting straight up and replying with a “yes, sir”. Watching the older man walk off, Hue stood up to join Duncan before Alistair stopped him.
     “Wait. Here…”, he held out a simple pendant; dirty gold with a reddish hue in the open glass and placed it in Hue’s hand, “ we take some of the blood and put it in a pendant. Something to remind us...of those who didn’t make it this far.” Gently he pulls out a similar one from inside his own armor and Hue's eyes widened before he nodded.
     “Gotcha.” Slipping it over his head, he buried it within his shirt, cold metal burning into skin with the reminder that his heart was beating. He was still alive.
     Odd. That’s about all he could describe that meeting with the King and the man named Loghain. Supposedly they were family...King’s wife being his daughter or something, it didn’t really matter to him. What was odd was how much disdain the two had for each other and neither kept it a secret. Yet nobody said anything about it, ignoring it like it was a mild breeze tossing through their hair. In his clan things were settled if there were disputes, whether by the Keeper or by one of their laws. Everyone was family in a way and they all had to cooperate to survive, to keep the clan running, so petty squabbles disrupting the order were very much frowned upon.
     So why did they have to suffer through this? Duncan and Alistair seemed quite used to ignoring it so Hue surmised this was definitely a human thing. Were humans always this petty? Well...okay, maybe not all the humans he met were but some of them had made it really far on the list. Thinking back to the meeting it was also odd that Hue and Alistair were even there; they were juniors and weren’t in any sort of decision-making position. This idea seemed to be shared with Loghain and despite the man’s rather unpleasant scowl, Hue couldn’t help but think he made some fair points. Normally you would not have the clan’s leader out in front, one wrong move and their death was too great of a loss. The Gray Wardens made more sense to fight the darkspawn head on, with the armies as support, but the King refused to listen, wanting to play hero with them.
     What an idiot. Oh, they’re arguing again...this is boring.
     “They are, your majesty.” Duncan’s voice knocked him out of his self-inflicted daze, noticing that both he and Alistair were being addressed now.
     “And this is the recruit I met earlier on the road? I understand congratulations are in order.” Congratulations? Hue squints a little, mouth forming a thin line as he tries to digest those words. The King stood there, waiting for an answer with a stupid smile on his face and Hue almost considered telling him where he could stuff that congratulations until Duncan cleared his throat. Fine.
     “Not sure what for? I’m not special.” And he wasn’t, in his mind. True he managed to pass the Joining which apparently did make something special out of him but managing to stay alive when two others died didn’t seem like a skill to him. That was pure luck and luck, to him, didn’t make him special or feel favoured in any way.
     “Oh, but you are. Every Gray Warden is needed now more than ever.” Cailin’s puffed up pride was quickly cut down by Loghain. Good thing too because neither man noticed Hue quietly mocking those words which caused a rather funny snort to come from Alistair’s throat.
     “Your fascination with glory and legends will be your undoing, Cailin”, the old man didn’t even hide his annoyance, scolding the King right in his face, “We must attend to reality!”
     “Fine. Speak your strategy. The Gray Wardens and I draw the darkspawn into charging our lines and then…?”
     “You will alert the tower to light the beacon, signaling my men to charge from cover.” Silver and Gold flinted in the candlelight surrounding the map as both men leaned in, metal fingers drawing paths along the lines and symbols. So...they were going to be on the front line, huh? Hue could use a dagger but he worked better with his bow, were there any high spots out in front? Some of the stone facings could be climbed and he’d have enough height for his shots, that way he could cover Duncan, Alistair, and the rest.
     “Then we should send our best. Send Alistair and the new Gray Warden to make sure it’s done.” Wait...what? Blinking, he stared back over at the armored men. What were he and Alistair supposedly doing now? Lighting a tower?
     “You mean we won’t be fighting in the battle?” His mouth moved on its own, brows creased as he realised exactly what this meant. Should have known...the bottom of the group is always made into errand boys.
      “We need the beacon. Without it, Loghain’s men won’t know when to charge.” He really wanted to argue that lighting a stupid fire wasn’t what he signed himself up for but then remembered he didn’t exactly sign up in the first place. Oh, whatever. There’d be plenty more darkspawn to fight later he’s sure of it.
      “You see? Glory for everyone!” Considering he didn’t want to become a pincushion he kept the thought of wiping that dumb smile off this human’s face to himself. Loghain started in on the King again...Duncan tried to intervene but was shot down by them both and oh look, more humans coming to the argue party. Why is it such a hard concept for them all to work together? Darkspawn or Archdemon, it won’t care who it kills only that it kills and they’re going to make it easier for them to kill if everyone is running around like agitated chickens. No wonder the other hunters always called humans a rightful mess, how do they even manage to get anything done with all this bickering?
     “Enough!” Oh finally. “This plan will suffice. The Gray Wardens will light the beacon.” Loghain’s dark eyes met with Hue’s red, the elf staring back with no readable emotion. The old man took this as his cue to turn and leave.
     “Thank you, Loghain. I cannot wait for that glorious moment! The Gray Wardens battle beside the King of Ferelden to stem the tide of evil!” Cailin’s head tilted up in pride, chest puffed out as much as one could in heavy armor.
     “Yes, Cailan. A glorious moment for us all.”
     “You heard the plan. You and Alistair will go to the Tower of Ishal and ensure the beacon is lit.” Back at the bonfire Duncan reiterated the plan, pointing to both men to ensure they heard it well. These two as individuals tend to run on the reckless side but both together, alone, as a team. Duncan wasn’t sure what the outcome would be but he knew they’d at least follow his orders. Of course he expected them both to complain about it considering their personalities.
     “So he needs two Gray Wardens standing up there holding the torch. Just in case, right?” There was no hiding the sarcasm in Alistair’s voice. He crossed his arms, cocking a brow in visible annoyance.
     “Like he said, we’re better off being in battle! Not babysitting a torch!”
     “That is not your choice!” Hue's mouth snapped shut as Duncan’s voice grew firmer, “If King Cailan wishes Gray Wardens to ensure the beacon is lit, then Gray Wardens will be there. We must do whatever it takes to destroy the darkspawn...exciting or no.” Hue wanted to argue the fact that Cailan was no king of his and Gray Wardens should be fighting darkspawn, not falling in line to the whims of royalty.
     “I get it. I get it. Just so you know, if the king ever asks me to put on a dress and dance the Remigold, I’m drawing the line. Darkspawn or no.” Indignant reply forgotten, Hue snorted out a laugh at Alistair’s dry delivery.
    “Dunno, that’d be a great distraction.”
     “Me shimmying down the darkspawn line? Sure, we could kill them while they roll around laughing.” Duncan sighed as these two laughed at this ridiculous idea, letting them have a moment to get it out of their system.
     “Who says they wouldn’t find you charming?” Hue’s laugh went louder as Alistair huffed out a mixture of disgust at the notion and laughter at how stupid it was.
    “Do you think I’d look fetching enough?”
    “Why not? Go for a red dress though.”
    “Are you two quite done?” Both looked away from each other, like two children being scolded, trying to stifle the grins that refuse to leave their faces and Duncan just sighs once more. “The Tower is on the other side of the gorge from the King’s camp, the way we came when we arrived. We will signal you when the time is right. Alistair will know what to look for. Do not leave this task to join the battle, this is of the utmost importance and I am trusting you two.” With that last bit both men stood up a little straighter, their focus more serious. Seems they were willing to prove they were worthy of that trust.
   “What if the Archdemon appears?”
   “We soil our drawers, that’s what.” Alistair couldn’t help himself and both men almost fell into laughter again before Duncan's sharp look halted them.
    “If it does, leave it to us. I want no heroics from either of you.”
    “Never. Heroics is what the King does.” Rubbing his temples, he lets Hue have this one before continuing with his instructions. Alistair only raised an eyebrow on that, thinking to ask Hue later why he was so...aggressive in his speech towards the King. The elf certainly didn’t take that tone with either him or Duncan so maybe something was said...done? Nothing came to mind however.
    “There will be plenty of battles for both of you later”, Duncan added on, crossing his arms, he looked over his two juniors, “I must join the others. From here, you two are on your own. Remember, you are both Gray Wardens. I expect you to be worthy of that title.” With a nod he walked down towards his troops, that nagging feeling he has felt for weeks never leaving him but they would be prepared...they had to be. Watching the older man leave, Hue looked from Duncan’s back to the skyline and to the silhouette of the tower they would soon be climbing.
    “Well then…”, Alistair’s voice broke through his thoughts, “let’s get on our dancing shoes and go put on a show.” Patting the elf on the back, their grins grew once more as they began their preparations.
    Sheer chaos were the only words Hue could think of to perfectly describe the scenes flitting past him. Alistair and him couldn’t stop, running across the bridge and dodging fallen soldiers and rocks smashing against the stone surface. Screams shattered through the sounds of explosions and rock, through the roar of the crowd below and fire engulfing the unlucky bodies of targets found. Adrenaline surged in his veins, letting him make it through the narrow run of the bridge and up into the courtyard where they met with some of Cailan’s men  and...darkspawn.
    “Darkspawn have taken the tower!”
    “How?!”, he could hear Alistair’s shout over the clanging of swords and the tearing of flesh, another creature fell to his blade. One of Hue's arrows sunk deep into the open throat of one charging at them, crumpling to the ground in a heap.
    “They flooded in and took the lower chambers!”
    “Then we have to get to the beacon and light it ourselves!” With a plan set in motion, they fought their way to the entrance of the tower, not stopping to look back even once. Each floor was filled with them, with traps that Hue disarmed in a blink of an eye and soon a path of red followed. At some point he couldn’t tell if the red was from human or darkspawn and really, he’d rather not think about it. The smell itself was a bit distracting but even more so was that the further they went up, the stronger it was instead of less.
    “We won? Yay, we won, haha..ow...ow, yay…”, Alistair piped up behind him as they slayed yet another room of creatures with their two nameless companions. His strained cheers were left unanswered, noticing the elf was far too focused on the large doors up the stairs, nose scrunched up in a worried look. “Hue?”
    “Why are we fighting more the higher we go?” Eyes went wide with realization, the number of bodies indeed looked way too numerous for how much they’ve climbed.
    “Maker’s breath...what are they doing here?”, sheathing his sword he walked up to his companion, stepping over a few shredded corpses in the process, “There wasn’t supposed to be any resistance here!”
   “You could try telling them they’re in the wrong place.”
   “Right. Because clearly this is all just a misunderstanding. We’ll laugh about this later.” An elbow on his arm made Hue turn, seeing the serious look on the other’s face, “At any rate, we need to hurry! We need to get up to the top of the tower and light the signal fire in time! Teyrn Loghain is waiting!” No disagreement there. Nodding, he makes his way up the stairs, throwing the doors open as they stumble into yet another battle.
    Even with his usual stamina Hue was definitely feeling the strain with each wave hitting them harder than the last. What was probably only minutes seemed like an eternity as body after body fell to either his arrows or Alistair’s sword. At least in the midst of this mess the two managed to create some sort of unspoken team work, flawlessly watching the other’s back. No praise or congratulations were to be had though, they had to keep pushing...up until the last door of the tower in which they wasted no time marching through.
    Which, Hue would think later on, was probably the worst idea they had all night as they came face to face with a gigantic monster. Hearing their approach, it stopped it’s feast on whatever unlucky corpse it had killed and turned to face them. Horns gnarled and twisting reached to the heavens, skin a sickly gray as it stretched over muscles that seemed to want to burst forth. It’s face was cracked and rough like the bark of an old tree with pearl-colored eyes sunk deep in the sockets. However Hue noticed something far worse about this enormous monstrosity, the large mouth of jagged teeth as it’s roar shook them all to their core. What little armor it had on did nothing to make it less frightening...those teeth and claws more than made up for it.
   Jumping back, Hue let loose a few arrows into its chest once it rushed them, grabbing the other warrior that stood beside Alistair in it's giant grip. They could only watch as the human was picked up like a doll, shaken in that clenching fist before another punched him repeatedly. Alistair charged with his sword, swiping at its back and legs but the skin was like rough leather. He wasn’t sure how much damage he was even doing, if he was at all. Throwing the poor swordsman to the side, body skidding across the floor in a lifeless lump, it turned its attention to Alistair who luckily enough managed to jump out of the way. The weariness that had settled in his bones had been replaced, now fear and rage were driving his body, reflexes heightened as he took every vital shot he could get.
    Between the arrows, sword, and magic, the beast started to falter. The perfect opportunity presenting itself when its massive body stumbled back, throwing its arms wide open. Hue took it, pulling out his dagger and running up its body to stab it right in the eye. Spit sprayed in his face as it roared, thrashing around with pain but he held on to whatever he could, stabbing into the other eye with a sickening squish. No longer did the beast thrash, instead he could hear the life drain from its throat and crash backwards to the floor. The impact threw him off, rolling him along the smooth stone as blood and spit smeared across his armor and skin. Alistair’s hand grabbed his arm, hoisting him up, panting breaths filling the now silent room before they suddenly remembered why they were even there.
   “The beacon!” Both came to the same thought and rushed over, Alistair grabbing the nearby torch and throwing it into the fireplace. Instantly the fire grew and grew, spewing up the chute in a bright column before their very eyes. Thank the gods, they had made it...somehow and now Loghain’s army could move in to turn the tide.
    Their muscles only had mere moments to relax before the door burst open but instead of soldiers, darkspawn flooded into the room in a massive hoard. Arrows flew at them, catching them both off guard and he cried out in pain when one embedded itself into his shoulder. Fighting it, he shot off a few of his own but there were too many...too much stamina lost as his muscles felt like liquid at this point. Alistair’s body being thrown across the room distracted him, another arrow sinking into his flesh. Struggle as he might, he ended up on his back, vision blurring, his companion's name a cracked whisper on his lips. Hand reaching out, fingers shakingly clawing at the cool stone. The unholy cacophony of growls and metal sliding against metal drummed through his brain, threatening to swallow him whole. A roar vibrated through his very being...another monster? He was fading too fast to even know, only one thought screaming in his mind through all the noise.
    Creators, please don’t let another friend die.
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crazyrandomfucker · 5 years
Fated twins
Chapter 3: And may the problems begin
Even if the bug heroes managed to free Ivan and Ioan from the akumas influence, they forgot to purify it and now they'll have to face the cosequences. Doubts, fear, anger, love and lots of support, our beloved heroes will have to face all that. But ain't life supposed to be like that?
-At Adrienne's bedroom-
Adrienne is at her room, staring at her computer screen. Someone named Alen and someone named Alya had created each a blog for the superheroes. Alen had made a blog for her and Lordbug, called the Lordblog, while Alya had created the Ladyblog for her brother and Ladybug. If she recalled correctly, those were the reporter twins they had saved at the stadium, so she guessed they made those blogs based on the battle formation they had had during the fight with the Stonehearted brothers, so it was normal that she shared the protagonism with that buggy guy she had worked with. Her opinion of him wasn't that much for now, they had met just once and fought together against evil. Sure, he had proven to have the wits to win the battle and had fought along her quite good for a beginner, even if he had seemed a bit worried before he entered the battle. But that was all, she knew nothing else and she wasn't sure if she was supposed to know more either. Suddenly, the news emergency broadcast pops up at her computer's screen. Apparently, even after they had defeated the monsters, people were transforming into stone monsters that looked exactly as the ones they had defeated earlier.
She rushes stairs down to see her brother and to check if he has already seen the news. And he did. They stare at each other very confused about what was happening, but the kwamis come out of their hiding places demanding for food before they have time to talk about it.
"Okay, we'll feed you. But what do you eat exactly? I mean, I doubt we can just give you anything" says Adrienne.
"Camembert!" shouts Plagg.
"Brie!" shouts Plague.
"So you're telling me that the gods of destruction eat cheese? Or do you eat anything else?" asks Adrien.
"You want to have powers? If you do, just give us lots of cheese and everything will go smoothly" replies Plagg.
"Okay, I'll make sure you both get your favourite cheese. One question why are random people turning into those stone monsters?"
"Did the bugs catch the akumas?" ask the kwamis at the same time.
-At Dupain-Cheng's bakery-
"Did you catch the akumas?" said at unison the ladybug kwamis.
"What does capturing the akuma has to do with the other stone beings?" asks Marin.
"The akumas can multiply, that's why it must be captured" explains Tekke.
"If Ivan and Ioan's emotions become negative, they'll turn to Stonehearts again, but this time they'll have an army to back them" says Tikki.
"So that means... This is all our fault" regrets Marinette. "I knew it. I'm not cut out to be a hero Tikki. I'm only going to keep messing up".
"Be calm, it was your first time. You're going to go back and capture Stoneheart's akuma, and do it successfully" says Tikki, trying to cheer her holder up.
"I can't I told you, I'm clumsy, I create disaster where I go. I will only make thing worse for you, for my partners and for everyone in Paris. Chat, Kitty and my brother will be better without me. I'm quitting"
"Hold a minute. You're quitting? Did I hear that right?" says Marin, beginning to head towards his sister direction. "You sister are not quitting. Not on my watch. Nuh-huh".
"But Ma-" tries to reply Mari.
"No, listen to me sis. Yes, you have messed up" says Marin holding her. "But so did I. It's our fault, we made the mistake, so we'll be the ones clearing that mistake. Got it?"
"Marin I-"
"Got it or not Mari? If you don't get it I'm going to hang you to Eiffel tower till you get it. Okey?"
The heroine sighs. "Yes brother, I'll do it".
-At Adrien's room-
"So we can't do anything without them?" ask Adrien as his sister returns with cheese for the kwamis.
"Only the holders of Ladybug's miraculous can purify the akumas and repair the damaged caused by the powers of other kwamis" explains Plagg.
"What are we there for then?" asks the model girl.
"You think they could handle the fights by themselves? Yeh, they could handle a few of them maybe, but trust me, you both represent destruction as the holders of the black cat ring. They represent creation. If there was only creation, the world would collapse in little time and there would be creations that would be harmful. That's why there must be destruction "says Plague. "You're here to help them by destroying anything is harmful, no matter if it's harmful objects, persons or even feelings. You're more than partners, you're their opposite and that's why you make a good team".
"Wow Plague... That was truly beautiful..." says Adrien.
"Yeah well, don't get used to it, it's just some info you needed so you won't run over Paris destroying everything" replies the kwami.
-At Marinette's room-
"I'm sorry Tikki, my brother may be right, but he's cut out to be Lordbug and I'm not. My brother and the cats may just find another Ladybug" says Mari. "I'm sorry Tikki".
"Wait, no! Don't take the-" tries to say Tikki, but she disappears when Marinette takes the earrings out.
"Tikki?" ask Mari. Hearing no response, she puts the earrings on the black box and puts it on her bag. "I'm sorry Tikki".
-At Dupain-Cheng's bakery-
Mari is eating breakfast with a very long face and while her brother and father are trying to cheer her up a bit, the girl just revolves inside herself because of the guilt she's feeling. She hasn't said it to her brother, but she was going to give her miraculous to Alya, he'll find out later and get mad for sure, but what else could she do? She simply wasn't made for being Ladybug. Or at least, she thought so. She tries to get those thoughts out of her head and finishes her breakfast as quickly as she can, daring her brother to race to school. But she lost. While Marin certainly had bad luck and that caused him to have lots of accidents, she was even clumsier, making it impossible for her to win. They finally arrive to school and they meet the reporter twins at the front gate.
"Hey girl, check this out. This is the Ladyblog, a blog made for our best superheroine and her cat companion" says Alya while showing Mari her new blog.
"Dude, check this better. Here I present you, the Lordblog. You know, a blog made for our awesome hero Lordbug and his incredible partner Kitty Noire" shows off Alen.
"Geez guys, you're truly looking up to them, don't you?" says Marin.
"Dude, they were simply amazing, you should have seen them fight" says Alen.
"But why do you trust them so much? Look at so many people turned into stone beings. What if they simply aren't cut out for being superheroes?" says Mari.
"Girl, I know what this is about" declares Alya. "You're scared, I get it. But they'll take care of the stone beings in no time. I've seen them fight with my own two eyes and let me tell you that they're absolutely great heroes".
"Yeah sis, you should have a little bit more of faith" agrees Marin.
Suddenly, they see lots of people around Ioan and Ivan, asking them questions about the akumatization and some even criticising him. But the Burgeoise twins come in calling them monsters and harassing them. The brothers get angry and leave. Alen and Alya face the blonds twins and Marin and Marinette go to try to comfort the Bruel brothers.
-At the Agreste’s manor-
"You didn't even saw them leave?" says Gabriel with anger and incredulity on his voice.
"No sir, we're sorry about it, we'll try to catch them before they reach that school" apologises Nathalie.
"I'll take your word on that. If something happens to them, you'll be held responsible! Now leave and get them" says angrily Gabriel before he turns his back to the bodyguards and Nathalie and walks away.
-At school's door-
"We made it! We're here Adrien!" says excited Adrienne.
"I know right!" answers her rother excited as well.
"I just don't get it, you have freedom to go anywhere and you go to school?" says Plagg lazily from inside the pocket of Adrien's jacket.
"You don't get it Plagg, we're done with being shut up in home by dad" replies Adrien.
"Yeah, we want to meet people and make friends" agrees Adrienne.
"Adrien and Adrienne! Don't do this, your father will be furious." says Nathalie, coming out of a limousine.
"Tell him you were too late. Please" prays Adrienne before going inside the building with her brother.
-Inside the building-
"Why did you have to do that Chloe and Cleón? You two are the real Stonehearts" says Alya.
"So we're the ones who broke Sebastian and Sabrina's dad arm, are we?" says Chloe.
"Just because your lame footage of those filthy heroes got to TV doesn't mean you have to get so high and mighty" says Cleón.
"You sonsuva-" says Alen.
"Ah! They're both angry! They're going to turn into naked bulked ugly monsters!" says Chloe.
The reporter twins go away before they jump at the blondes and get their shit together by fists and go to seek the designers. Meanwhile, two green-eyed blond models enter the school.
"Hey Chloe, Cleón" says Adrien.
"Hey guys" says his sister.
"Adrikins and Adrienne! You came!" says Chloe while hugging the models more that they were comfortable with.
"So you made it at last! I hope you didn't get caught" says Cleón.
"We did get caught yesterday, but we made it on time today".
-At the boys' lockers-
Mari and her brother smile as they find the brothers sitting down listening to some music. They get close to them and sit next of each other on the floor. They gently tap their arms while smiling and the brothers take off their headphones.
"You know, you both should tell Mylenne and Mylo how you feel" says Mari with a gentle smile.
"I- I don't know what you're talking about" say the brothers at unison and avoid looking to Marinette.
"Come on, we saw the way you look at them" says Marin.
The brothers shake their head and look down "No, no negative emotions please" says Mari, but the twins look at her a bit pissed. "I mean that you must be positive!" claims Mari.
"Yeah, we're sure that they had feelings for you too" says Marin
"Go talk to her" whispers Mari to Ivan.
"Go talk to him" whispers Marin to Ioan.
"Ugh. we're not good with words anyway" confesses Ivan.
"But, who needs words?" says Marin.
"You can always show your feelings painting something or writing a poem" continues Mari.
"Would a song be alright?" asks Ivan.
"Yes! That would be so romantic! Who wouldn't like to listen to a song of love made for them! Go for that guys and be positive!" says Mari excited.
"Thanks guys, you two are angels, you know it?" says Ioan before his brother and he leave to write the songs.
-Adrien side-
He says goodbye to his sister and Cleón and Chloe leads the way to their classroom, signing autographs for his fans while they walk.
"This is your seat Adrikins. I've save it for you Adrikins, right in front of me" says Chloe as she enters the classroom, pointing to the seat next to Nino's.
"Thanks Chloe" says the model as he enters the classroom and sits next to Nino. "Hey, I'm Adrien" says as he offers Nino a handshake.
"You're friends with Chloe then huh?" says Nino without bothering to accept the handshake, pointing with his head behind the model.
Adrien truns and sees Chloe taking the chewing gum and giving it to Sabrina, who puts it on Marinette's seat.
"Hey, what's that all about?" says Adrien perturbed.
"The brat that sits here yesterday needed a little attitude adjustment" says Chloe. "I'm just commanding a bit of respect, that's all".
"You think that's really necessary?" says Adrien, while he gets down to try to pull the gum off the seat.
"You've got a lot to learn about school culture Adrikins. Watch the master" says Chloe going back to her seat.
_Marinette side-
"Alya wouldn't you like to be a superheroes and go out and fight monsters and villains?" asks Mari.
"Totally, I'm not scared of anyone. Why?" answers the reporter.
"Oh, no, no reason" responds quickly Mari and puts the box inside Alya's bag without her noticing.
As they enter at the classroom, they see a blond guy they had never seen before with a gum in Marinette's seat.
"Hey! What are you doing?!" asks Mari pissed.
"Oh- I-" tries to say Adrien searching for an explanation that wouldn't reveal his only friend prank, just as Chloe and Sabrina begin to laugh.
"Okay, I get it. good job you three! Very funny" says Mari.
"No, no. I was just trying to take this off" tries to say Adrien.
"Oh really?" asks Marinette with sarcasm. She tries to pull the gum off but notices it still has saliva. While Chloe and her minion laugh, Mari picks a handkerchief and pulls the gum out. "You're friends with Choe, right?"
"Why you people keep saying that?" whispers the blond model. Mari turns her head and sits down without sparing Adrien a look.
"Now you see what I mean about respect?" ask Chloe in a very petty way.
"I know I've seen him before" whispers Mari as Alya gives Mari her phone. "Of course! He's the son of my favourite fashion designer Gabriel Agreste!"
"Daddy's boy, teen supermodel and Chloe's buddy. Huh, forget it" says Alya.
"Why didn't you tell her it was Chloe's idea?" asks Nino curiously.
"I've known Chloe since I was a little kid, and even if she's not the best person, she and her brother are my only friends. I couldn't simply turn her in" says the model.
Nino smiles and offers the boy a handshake. "I'm Nino Lahiffe and it's time for you to make some new friends dude".
-Adrienne side-
She said goodbye to Chloe and her brother and was shown around by Cleón and his lackey Sebastian, who made sure no one dared to approach Adrienne. As they arrive to their classroom, Cleón enters the classroom and points to one seat next to a girl that has her headphones on.
"From now on, this is going to be your seat! I just reserved for you!" says Cleón.
"Thanks Cle" says the model as she sits down. "Hey, I'm new here, I'm Adrienne" says with a big smile as she offers her a handshake.
The girl doesn't even bother to look at her. "So you're the friend of a guy like him" says pointing towards Cleón, who is putting oil on Marin's seat.
"Hey! What do you two think you're doing?" says Adrienne clearly annoyed.
"The guy here needed a little lesson of respect, that's all. No need to get on your nerves about this" responds the blond jerk.
"A little lesson of respect? What are you talking about? This is no way to treat other people Cleón!" replies the blonde model as she pulls a handkerchief and tries to rub the oil off.
"You really have to learn a lot about school culture Adrienne" says Cleón, shrugging it off.
-Marin side-
"Hey Alen, you think my sis would make a good hero?" asks Marin.
"Dude, you're both sons of bakers and don't even think I haven't seen the muscles you two have. She would totally kick my ass. No doubts" says the reporter.
"I know man, but she doesn't have enough confidence on herself. Not that she's a hero, but I think she could face Chloe at least" says the designer.
"I totally agree with you on that man".
As they enter the room, the boys see a blonde girl they had never seen with a handkerchief rubbing oil from Marin's seat.
"Hey! What are you doing?!" asks Alen
"Oh- I was-" tries to say the girl as the jerks behind Nina begin to laugh.
"Oh I get it, very funny you three. You're just the friend of that jerk, aren't you?" asks Alen.
"Why do you all say that? I- My sandwich fell and the oil dripped, so I was trying to rub it out! I swear" says Adrienne.
"Oh yeah sure" says Alen and Adrienne's eyes begin to leak some tears.
"You understand now what I said about respect Adrienne?" says Cleón, still laughing.
"Stop it! All of you just stop it!" yells Marin. Then he pulls out his handkerchief and gives it to Adrienne. "I get it wasn't your fault and you were trying to fix it up. Don't worry about it. Also take this before your make up gets ruined like your handky".
"I- I-" tries Adrienne.
"Don't sweat it, just take it. You can give it back to me after I clean yours, keep it until then" says Marin.
"But bro, she's-" tries to warn him Alen.
"I don't care who she is Alen, she's new here and she was crying on her first day. Would you like that?" says Marin, as the boys take a seat.
"Dude, you truly have a heart of gold" says Alen.
"Thanks man. Also, thanks for jumping there for me bro, you're the best of bro someone could have" says the designer.
As the boys enter the bro mode, Adrienne takes a seat and Nina looks at her curiously.
"Why didn't you tell him the truth? That it was that jerk fault?" ask inquiringly Nina.
"Look, I know he's a total jerk and an idiot. But I've known him and her sister forever and they're my only friends. Even if he's stupid I just couldn't throw him under the bus, you know?"
Nina smiles and offers a handshake. "The name's Nina Lahiffe and girl, you're so going to get new friends. You have already made a first step with Marin. He's an angel. If he had trusted you enough, that means you have good chances of becoming his friend. And if you do that, most of the class will follow for sure".
"About that... What did you say his name was? He was so gentle and polite with me, even if he didn't know who I was and had enough reasons to be mad at me. I'd love to repay him with anything I can do" says Adrienne gawking.
"Oh girl, I think you just fell for the angel's charms. You've got it rough if so" declares Nina.
"What are you talking about?" replies the blonde while blushing. "And why would I have it rough?"
Nina gives her the look™ "You can't fool me girl. I've seen so many fall for him, but no one has ever stand a chance with him. He rejects as gently as he can all the girls who had confessed to him. I think it's because he's scared to care about someone, because Cl... some people have made sure to break everything he cares about".
"That's so cruel... How could they do that? Why do they even do it?" says Adrienne.
"If I had to bet, it'd be jealousy" says Nina.
"Hey bro, " says Alen showing his phone to Marin "look who is she".
"Adrienne Agreste? The daughter of my favourite designer ever?" says Marin a bit too loud.
"Yeah, I'm sorry for saying nothing" says Adrienne.
"Don't be, it's understandable. I'm sorry if I've offended you in anyway before" says Marin.
"No. Please don't do that. I've had enough with people who treat me like that just for my father. And here I thought you were someone nice" says the blonde holding her face and pouting.
"I'm sorry. I won't give you a special treatment. I swear on my parent's bakery" says Marin desperately.
"Bakery? Will they be good?" thinks Adrienne. "Well, I could forgive you if you showed me the town around when I get time" says the girl.
"It'll be my pleasure, shall I give you my number then? So you can phone me when you're free" says Marin offering her a paper with his phone.
"I'll take it glad" says the girl and winks at him, without noticing how mad Cleón was getting and how smug Nina's grin was turning.
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thefreelanceangel · 7 years
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Coals shimmered in the brazier, casting just enough heat to banish the hint of chill in the night air. It was the right kind of quiet--not so silent that it was the eye of a storm, but without the usual bustle and rattle of an army camp--and Ivan was relieved to discover that he could relax.
Of course, a glass or two of excellent Ascalonian red helped.
He didn't have much time to himself and even less of that was usually available for genuine leisure. However, the White Mantle were essentially on the run and the mop up was a task his men carried out gleefully. The weight of guarding innocents had been lifted; everyone who could have been in danger had been transported away and it was simply fighting men left on the field.
That was a blessing in and of itself, and one certainly worth a few glasses of good wine.
It was his reason for being caught unaware, wine and peaceful quiet. No excuse and Ivan damn well knew it, but when the shadow detached itself from the tent entrance and strode forward, he was taken by surprise.
"Ain't no need for that."
The rough voice halted his hand, fingertips touching the hilt of his sword, and Ivan set his wine glass down on the folding table carefully. "That remains to be seen."
No broad-brimmed hat, but a leather hood with a fitted mask, eyes the color of dark honey regarding Ivan over the mask's rolled edge. When the hood was tugged off and the mask lowered, it took a moment for Ivan to process what he was seeing. The scars were the most prominent feature, but the face was vaguely familiar.
"...Slate Carter." Ivan dropped his hand from the sword's hilt and rose to his feet. "You are alive. Yo-" He stopped himself and gave his head a quick shake. "We thought you dead, sir."
The hunter tensed slightly, hood and mask dangling from one hand. "Why? Ya find a body? Big guy?"
"No. Or at least not a body that could be easily identified. We found your hat. And a Mrs. Fiscaro came to me with great concern, saying that she had identified your hunting knife in someone's possession."
"Who had it?" The hood and mask were shoved unceremoniously through his belt, and his hand drifted to the handle of a wicked looking hatchet resting against his hip. "Lin know the fella?"
There was quite a bit about that entire situation that Ivan didn't feel up to discussing so abruptly. Least of all with the man that he had genuinely believed dead. "Why don't you sit down, Mr. Carter? I have wine, or whiskey if that's your preference. I think we need to discuss a few things."
Slate didn't move until Ivan had walked around the table and towards the crate at the far end of the tent. When the bottle of amber liquid came into view, Slate's jaw tightened, but he shrugged one shoulder, letting his haversack drop to the carpeted ground. "What needs talkin' 'bout?"
"Well, for one, I'd like to know what happened." Ivan dragged another crate close to the chairs near a brazier and set the bottle down. He glanced at the chest holding silver traveling goblets and elected for a pair of tin cups instead, pouring a healthy measure into each as he sat down.
"Ran across some blonde son of a bitch hackin' up a woman's body," the hunter said, easing into the chair with the care of a man who knew not all furniture could support him. "He jumped me, we fought." Slate took the cup and gestured to his face. "Walked off with these."
"They're healing well." The scars didn't repulse Ivan, but the thought of doing that to someone did. Either you went to kill or you didn't-- you didn't maim someone just to leave them alive.
Slate grunted acknowledgement of the statement as he took a swig from the cup. There was a pause and a grimace, but he swallowed and looked at the brazier. "Guessin' he made it somewhere safe iffen he was still runnin' 'round with my knife."
Gods damn it all... "Do you remember anything else about the man? You said blonde?"
The hunter nodded. "Blonde. Big fella, kinda like me." He looked Ivan over once. "And ya. Mesmer."
With a slow breath, Ivan forced his hand to relax before he crushed the tin cup. "We had reports along those lines. I wish you'd been able to kill the bastard."
"Tried." Slate motioned to his face, gaze focused on the brazier. "Didn't manage."
"We have a start though. Mrs. Fiscaro saw the man with your knife. She can identify him, or at least give us something to go off of."
"...so Lin came 'n told ya she saw somebody with my knife?" Slate's face shifted and the lines there were suddenly prominent, as if a quiet twenty years had stepped in and laid themselves over him. "Good ole gal, Lin."
He didn't like meddling in the affairs of others, but he also knew that had he been in Slate's position, he would've wanted to know. "I thought you were dead, Mr. Carter. Your... ex-wife did not believe it." Ivan waited a moment. A long moment. He waited for Slate to say anything and then plunged into the silence, clearing his throat. "When Mrs. Fiscaro came to me, we went searching and discovered human remains and your hat. I... approached your ex-wife for identification of the hat, but she was uncertain. However, she was most adamant that you had escaped the fight alive."
When Slate still said nothing, Ivan shifted in his chair and bit back a growl. He would have to marry at some point, he knew that, but for Balthazar's sake, it'd be to a woman he didn't bloody well care about. A simple arranged marriage made for the sake of heirs and that was it. He loathed the messiness of all of these emotions that put people in the worst position.
Silence once again hung between them, spurring Ivan to drain his cup and pour another measure of whiskey. He glanced into Slate's cup and tipped a bit more whiskey in, leaning back and watching the man stare at the shimmering coals.
"Ya know anybody else who saw him?" Slate didn't look at Ivan, the coals still holding his attention, but he shifted just a bit, turning towards the other man.
"No, regrettably. We've heard reports and found... remains." Ivan's jaw tensed slightly and he shook his head. "But no one seems to have a consistent description of the man beyond large, blonde and a mesmer."
"But Lin saw him." The hunter looked into his cup and abruptly downed the contents, breathing out harshly at the whiskey's burn. He set the cup down and nodded to Ivan, rising to his feet. "I'll go talk to her."
"Mr. Carter..."
Slate paused, a hand on the strap of his haversack, and looked back at Ivan. "Yeah?"
"I'm sorry." Ivan wasn't entirely certain what he was apologizing for, only that he felt someone owed the man some form of apology.
The hunter pulled the mask on, tugged the hood over it and slung the haversack over one shoulder. He paused at the tent flap and looked back at Ivan. Not a word was said, but a nod of acknowledgement was given before Slate pushed out of the tent as silently as he had entered.
Ivan let out a slow breath and looked at the coals. His mouth twisted with sudden comprehension and he got to his feet, moving with quick strides to retrieve water. Pouring it over the coals, he doused the brilliant red color and slumped heavily into his chair, the empty cup dangling from one weary hand.
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Travelin’ Soldier Part 3
Summary: Reader is currently deployed in the army to an undisclosed combat area. She has been deployed for nearly two years. Anxiously awaiting her return is her husband and brother as they film for Supernatural. Letter comes informing the family that she may not be heard from for awhile and soon devastating news comes.
Characters: husband!Jensen x Reader, Jared x Reader (Twins), Gen, Shepherd and Thomas.
Words: 2927
Disclaimer: I do not own the title of the song Travelin’ Soldier by the Dixie Chicks at all. I simply thought it could be a little fighting. Not hate towards Danneel either, as this is simply fiction and not real. I do not own any songs in this either.
Warnings: possible swearing, war and A LOT of angst. Death.
Author: Caitsy
Tagging a few at the end. Send an ask to be tagged, or request something.
A/N:  I want to thank you so much for the support you have sent to Ash and I! I apologize in advance at what is in this.
Part One Part Two
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The day had come to the sheer agony of Jensen. It was the day that the door would be barricaded both the front door and hi-their bedroom door. Thankfully with a little help from prescribed sleeping medicine, courtesy of a doctor his parents dragged him to, he had slept most of the day away. His eyes fluttered instinctively looking to the other side of the bed, her side. Knowing she wouldn’t be there he still felt a sharp pain of disappointment and depression.
The last anniversary Y/N and him shared it had been a rather off day outside. The weather changed more than a few times until they were forced to take shelter under a gazebo in a park. They had laughed watching children running towards their parents into a mass of vehicles. It was the first time they brought up children.
Jensen had known the minute he met her that he would marry that girl and have a family. It was amusing how they had met, it was just after he auditioned for Supernatural that he bumped into her in a coffee shop. It was like they were destined to meet and fall in love. He hated to think about it but they maybe they were destined to lose each other also.
Nervous energy had sent Jensen to the cafe. He was agitated waiting if he had gotten the role in this crazy, intriguing television show. The concept had enthralled him and he knew he had to try out for the part of Sam Winchester. He remembered seeing a pretty tall guy in the building when he had finished his audition, he felt like he had seen the guy before.
Sitting at a table in the very back a female hummed reading a book. She would admit the civilian clothing she was she saw made her a tad bit uncomfortable. She was killing time waiting for her plane back to her hometown, there had been a malfunction causing an emergency landing. That was last night.
She shifted uncomfortable at how loud the room was. She wasn’t used to such loud chatter, in fact when a cup shattered she flinched scanning the area looking for enemies. Y/N was having a very hard time switching from combat to civilian. She quickly noticed a male looking around the shop. There was no open seats but the one in front of her.
Next thing she knew the man in awkwardly standing in front of her holding a bagel and coffee. Jensen wasn’t sure if it was entirely because she sat at the only table with an open chair or that she intrigued him.
“Excuse me, is there anyone sitting there?” The dirty blonde, green eyes man questioned.
“Um. No.” Y/N cleared her through shifting in her army fatigues. She hadn’t had time to change, “You can sit.”
“Are you a…” Jensen trailed off noticing her military uniform.
“Private Y/N Padalecki of the United States.” Y/N smiled as the man sat down, “What’s your name?”
“Jensen Ackles.” Jensen grinned sitting down, “Did you just get back?”
“I did. I’m waiting for a plane to go home. I’m returning from a deployment.”
“How long were you gone?” Jensen asked leaning towards her.
“I was gone for nine months.” Y/N smiled.
They talked a lot, having a break when Jensen got the role of Dean in the the show, before continuing on with their conversation. It was the first time in a very long time that Y/N relaxed and Jensen forgot he about the role. All that mattered was her.
The bagel and coffee were forgotten in the time they talked.
Y/N’s Sergeant Elias Michaels had made it his personal mission to turn over every rock and leaf to find one of his best soldiers. In the last six months his unit had been assignment to find her; evidence leading to this was from Sgt. Michaels personal time. The evidence showed that Y/N Ackles was still alive and the unit was under strict orders they were to keep it under wraps. They were closing in on the supposed location of the soldier.
“Sir! We have eyes on the location!” Private Johnson called out.
“Get ears. I want ears on the location!” Sgt. Michaels ordered before moving towards his office to call his superior.
“Sgt. Michaels I would like some good news.” The female said picking the phone up, “I’m getting annoyed at the lack of news coming from you.”
“Ma’am we have eyes on the location.”
“Well it’s about time.”
Dear Y/N,
Time flies when you have three kids! I still can’t believe it in a way, it feels like just yesterday we were sneaking out of the house. You remember how wasted we got that night? I think I had a hangover for three days. I went to your place a couple days ago to clean it. Jensen doesn’t care anymore. He’s having a hard time coping, he won’t write letter like I suggested and he won’t see a therapist either. I think if he does the situation will be come entirely real.
His parents managed to drag him to a doctor to get sleeping pills. Got I miss you so much. This is going to hurt you as much as me. The boys don’t bring you up anymore. I found our matching shirts from freshman year for halloween. The amount of laughs we got was something special. I remember protecting you and you protecting me. Sometimes I swear we were more than twins. We were best friends and we will always be twins and best friends.
Oh I watched Gen show my little angel a picture of you. It brought tears to my face when she grinned at the picture and babbled away. I know it sounds stupid but I feel like you’re there. We’re making sure you talk about you a lot more. Gen and I had a fight out that.
It was loud and horrible but when she said, ‘just because she’s gone doesn’t mean her memory has to die too!’. It was the first night in a VERY long time I spent the night on the couch. It cleared my mind though. I’m introducing my little girl to you, just not the way I want to.
Tom and Shep want to go to the park. I better get ready. I’ll write you soon.
With Eternal Love,
Your twin, best friend and protector.
Jared placed the pen down before putting a small picture of his little darling into the envelope along with the envelope before he began to leave for his parents.
They hadn’t had any news on a funeral. The parents of Y/N were stonewalled when they asked why their child wasn’t given a funeral yet. Months had passed since her death announcement and there was no funeral. It gave Sharon and Gerald false hope that their daughter was coming home. In fact Sharon stood in Y/N childhood room holding a sweater up to her face. No longer did it smell like her but it was the sweater she wore the Christmas before Jensen and her engagement.
“Honey.” Sharon’s husband softly said from the door way, “The therapist said we should pack this stuff-“
“NO!” Sharon yelled turning to see him in a suit.
Gerald’s heart broke more at the agony his wife was in. She was still gorgeous in the dark dress that was both modest and perfect on her. She was barefoot with her heels carelessly on the ground. Slowly he pulled her into his arms as the tears fell from her makeup free face.
“Sh.” Gerald whispered.
“I to-told her not to-“ Sharon’s voice broke, “I begged her to come back and stay. I didn’t want to go in the first place!”
“I know.”
“Mom?” Jared’s concerned voice asked. The image entirely shattered his heart as he pulled his parents close. His parents looked much older than they were given the circumstances causing the emotional suffering.
Drawing in a deep breath Jared pulled back viewing his mom with the tears stained on her cheeks. In that moment he found strength inside of him to go through the day. They were waiting for Jensen to arrive before they set off. Jared didn’t trust Jensen to drive himself all the way.
“Hello?” Jensen called from downstairs confused as to why it was empty.
“We’re up here J!” Jared called already hearing the stairs creak as his best friend made his way up. Jensen visibly shook before tensing at the open door.
“We should go.” Jensen’s emotionally void voice said turning to head back down the stairs.
Sharing a look with his parents he followed his friend outside the house where he pulled him into a hug. He had never seen Jensen so broken in their friendship. They had lost so much so quick.
The short ride was pregnant with sadness. Jared and Jensen in one car while his parents and Megan were in the other. Jensen’s parents were meeting there with his siblings also. Gen wasn’t able to come because Tom was sick with the flu and Shep was recovering from it.
They walked into a large room where they were stunned to see Sergeant Michaels in front of them. He smiled sadly coming towards them.
“Can we have a word?” He questioned. Getting a small nod from Gerald they wall walked to a room with a long table.
“I’m Sergeant Elias Michaels. I was Y/N’s Sergeant if you weren’t aware with it.” The man stated a taking a seat at the head of the table.
“We know.” Jensen said tiredly, “Can we please get to the funeral.”
“That’s what I want to talk about.” Sgt Michaels sighed folding his hands. The room grew tense from the sheer amount of confusion.
“Excuse me?” Jared questioned confused.
“Roughly seven months ago we received intel that Private Y/N Ackles was still alive. Before you interrupt I would like to explain. It became personal for me to find her, the girl had a spark.”
“W-What?” Sharon said.
Every member of Y/Ns face paled at the news in complete shock and fury. Seven months still believing she was dead and they didn’t know? Jensen’s hands grasped the table with enough force to cause his knuckles to go bone white.
“Last month we found her location. She’s alive but currently at this moment it’s too sensitive to bring her to America.”
“SHE’S ALIVE!?” Jensen roared in complete rage. His breathing deepened to the point that he made his character look like a pussy.
“Sir. Sit down and we can talk about this further.”
“No. You had seven months to tell me. Do you know how much AGONY I’ve been in? I thought my wife was DEAD!” Jensen exclaimed feeling tears well up even more.
The room exploded with Jared dragging a fighting Jensen outside of the building. It didn’t matter how much rage everyone felt but he couldn’t take the chance of Jensen assaulting someone in the military
“Are you insane?!” Jared screamed shoving him in the large grounds.
“Are you not upset that your sister has been alive this entire time?!” Jensen retorted, “I CHEATED on her.”
“It was a date. You didn’t take her to bed and you didn’t kiss her.” Jared screamed back, “You didn’t cheat! We all thought she was dead.”
“BUT SHE WASN’T!” Jensen screamed at the top of his lungs as Jared pulled him into his arms, “How could they not tell us?”
“I don’t know.” Jared sighed.
She gasped opening her eyes from the dream again. She dreamt of the the day she was kidnapped. She had tried to grab a child before the little boy was shot in front of her despite her attempts. The shock had kept her from returning fire. She didn’t know why it affected her so bad but she had thought about how it would be if that child was hers.
She suffered from dreams about the child blaming her and shooting her repeatedly, she had been here months maybe longer. She wasn’t the only one here either, the captors had come into the room holding on of their own. Each of the man dragging another one pleading for his life. He had turned on them and his fate was a new torture method to the American soldier.
She had caused two children to die. The one the day she was taken as a POW and now the blonde little girl in her arms no longer clutching her shirt. She had been been like that since last night definitely. The flashback hit harder than she expected.
“Kill him.” The taller of the captors said in a heavy accented voice.
“Kill him or I kill them.” The man growled pointing the gun towards the corner where a mother and her children sat.
“Mat’!” The young exclaimed. Y/N recognized it as Russian, how had these men gotten their hands on Russians?
“Shut up!” The taller man stalked over and slapped the young man in the face,” Fucking disgrace.”
“Kill him now or I make you kill them.” The tall one roughly said pointing towards the family.
Gulping you felt a small knife placed in your hand. You grasped it thinking you could get out but your attention was brought to see one of the men training their gun on you while the other pointed it at the four year old little girl crying heavily.
She sobbed as she raised the knife above the man and plunged it deep inside his neck hearing the gurgling. Praying the man to have a quick death she severed the jugular feeling the blood both physically and figuratively stain her body.
“Ah yes!” The men grinned before quickly releasing the trigger into the children, the mother rushed to the man but dropped with a scream. Her blank eyes being painted by the bleeding hole in her forehead.
“NO!” Y/N screamed sobbing deeply as she shook crawling to the children.
“Did you really think we’d leave them?” The man spat at her before stabbing a knife deep into her thigh.
A gut wrenching scream was forced from her throat at she felt the lacerations form on her body. The pain so intense she wished for death. She wished to switch places with the poor souls in the room with her.
“Papa! Mat’!” The older boy whispered as he took his last breath. His sister, bleeding from her stomach watched everything around her.
“Sweetie.” Y/N dragged herself across the dirty floor coughing from the recent torture, “Do you know english?”
“Mama’s teaching me.” The innocent girl said.
“Whats you’re name?” Y/N asked bringing the girl into her lap, “My name is Y/N. My Dad calls me dragonfly.”
“Nina.” The girl coughed leaving blood on her lips as the red spread on her already dirty dress, “Papa calls me Angel. He’s talks like you.”
“Can I call you Angel?” Y/N said brushing the blonde hair from the little girls head.
“Uh huh.” Nina replied shakily putting her hand against Y/N cheek, “You’re pretty.”
“Oh? Well you’re beyond beautiful.” Y/N sniffled watching as the girl lost more blood.
“Am I d-dying?”
“No. No. You’ll be fine! You’ll see your Papa and I’ll see my family.”
“I promise.” Y/N sobbed holding the girl tighter.
“Can you sing me a song?” Nina choked crying on the blood in her mouth, “I like the one about the little light. Papa sings it to me every night.”
“Of course.”
This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine. This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine. This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine.
Y/N stopped breathing heavily before continuing.
Gonna let my little light shine. Light that shines is the light of love, Hides the darkness from above, Shines on me and it shines on you,
Eyes tightly shut her lips quivered as she listened to Nina’s breaking and weak voice join her.
Shows you what the power of love can do. Shine my light both bright and clear, Shine my light both far and near, In every dark corner that I find, Let my little light shine.
Little Nina took her last breath in Y/N arms. In that cold, musty and dirty room Y/N rocked the blood soaked little girl as she finished the song with great heartache. She didn’t care about herself, all she cared was the little girl that took her last breath in her arms who wasn’t even her daughter.
Part Four
@trustnobodyshootfirst @iamnotsaneatall @winchesterfanfiction @yesterday-was-tuesday @nyx-universe @soobi89 @writer-picks-the-music @trashling101 @deanwinchesterisamazing @tas898 @essie1876 @lovemesomepie85 @cityofsobbingfangirls @ourkittyus @barbidollash @oh-my-hecky-padalecki
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