#sir scatch
mamoru-chiba-ua · 3 months
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filopay · 10 months
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~ Weapon
Aegon had never been a fighter but he can respect a good made weapon if he sees one. Perhaps it was that or sheer curiosity that brought him down towards the lower district where it was said, the best blacksmith of all Skaeld resided.
Surprising enough, the people still looked up to stare at him, but that could also be because of his well-made clothes Elora had provided for him. And as quickly as they had looked up, they were looking elsewhere again.
He was starting to like it down here. Why does everyone always say to avoid this place? The market was held down here too. Everyone seemed to enjoy that.
Then suddenly someone bumped into him, due to his tall frame it barely made him stumble, but the moment he wanted to see if the person was alright, they already vanished into the next alley.
They seem very hurried down here. He thought.
"The weapon you described is expensive. I usually only add embellishments for the crown."
"Not a problem. That is why I brought…" it wasn't there, he was sure he put his purse right inside his inner vest pocket, but it was empty. Just in case, he checked the other side but there was also nothing to be found. 
Looking a bit embarasses he met the blacksmiths solemn face. "I must have dropped it. I am sure I put it in here."
"Robbed." He said, snifling once, before continuing hammering on his anvil.
"What?!" Aegon had to shout over the loud noise the man was making.
"You were most likely robbed. Happens." They shrug like its the most common occurance.
"Oh, I didn't notice." Then he remembers the person running into him, it must have happened then. He let his shoulders hang, that were all the earnings he has gotten from Elora. Now it was all gone. 
"I'm afraid I have to come back another time for my request. Is there anything you can tell me to prevent it from happening again?"
The man mumbles something under his breath, before meeting Aegons gaze beneath bushy eyebrows. "Eyes sharp. Weapon at the ready. You're tall also. Keep valuable things high up where they can't easily reach."
That makes sense. "Thank you. You are a very kind soul, sir. I shall recommend you to my friends. Then I will come back to pay you for your good services."
The man just huffs as an answer. Not much a conversationalist, but Aegon didn't mind that.
"I heard there are other things that one can do to entertain oneself here. Any suggestions?"
The man hummed and Aegon understood it as the sign for the man thinking.
"My son likes to go to the market often. Helps them out. Othertimes he visits the dwarven tavern at the very outskirts of the district. Its cheap. But I wouldn't recommend you going there. They eat you alive."
Aegon blinks at the vivid image the man was painting for him. "Then if I were to go there would your previous advise apply to it too?"
"Absolutley not!"
Aegon raised both eyebrows surprised about the mans sudden outburst.
"If you show up with a weapon into the dwarven district, you better know how to use it. Because you will need to use it."
"Oh." Aegon scatches his chin in thought, "You said your son would go there often. What would he say about inviting a few other people over."
The mans steely gaze suddenly turned ten times more darker, if that were even possible and Aegon shivered underneath it.
"Listen here, rich boy." He lifted the smeltering hot iron and Aegon takes a careful step back, "You came here to make business with me. Don't ever drag my boy into your affairs, treat me all you like, but leave him out of it."
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to disrespect you. I will drop it, never going to mention it again."
The man huffs again, seemingly a common way of dismissing Aegons words.
"Why do you want to go anyway? Don't you have enough stuff up at your own fancy district?"
"Well, a dwarven tavern sounds like a good time."
"Not if it costs your life."
"Then, do you know where I could possibly learn to wield that weapon you are going to craft for me?" Aegon smiles, hoping to not having bothered the man too much yet. He was just the only one willing to talk to him down here.
"Once you pay me. I ain't working for free."
"Yes, of course." Aegon nods.
"Well, then." He seems to be thinking, "The guards around the walls are still recruiting. They can teach you."
Aegon frowns, before lowering his voice, "Aren't they awfully violent?"
The man looks at him, his patience visibly running thin.
"Never mind." Aegon waves the question off. "I already have a job anyway. Can't really leave it. I'll figure out how that weapon will work another way. Thank you for your patience, good man. You will hear from me again when I have earned back the money I lost."
"Well, we don't know that for certain."
"I do."
Aegon presses his lips together at the stubborness of this man. He doesn't even seem to like to humour a different mindset, a possibly more creative conclusion. How to know anything at all, right? Maybe they are all just guessing.
Yet, he kept his phylosophics to himself, knowing he had taken up enough of this mans time already. "I will see you again in good time for my weapon."
With that he bids his farewell. He truly did not know why so many avoid this place. There hadn't been one person asking to touch his ears since he was here.
He felt a little bit lighter.
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dootznbootz · 7 years
Little Lost Kitten
AAAAHHHH! Look I did something! IT's been forever! I'm so sorry!
Thank you for the @elricsforever on tumblr! Her post was:
Can anyone of you write a fic where Natsu is horrified at the thought of a drunk kitty-fied Lucy being cozy with another male?
(Whether Natsu likes it or not, he wants to be the only one to handle a drunk Lucy)
Also on fanfiction.net and Wattpad under schmad20
(Rated T: Swearing, since Natsu is a teenage boy and has no control. :P )
"Natshu~!" Lucy whined and poked the pinkette's face, the alcohol thick on her breath. "Scatch under my chin!" She was tucked under Natsu's arm while his other shoveled food into his mouth.
"N-no! Sthay sthill! I'm eating!" Natsu said, grabbing her hand that was poking his red food-filled cheeks and placed it gently back on her lap. Anything to distract himself from her.
She pouted cutely, her bottom lip protruding out. "Fine, then I'll just have to feed you myself!" She grabbed a fork that was nearby and stabbed a small chunk of the roast beast that the workers of the bathhouse had brought in for them and leaned into his face.
"Now, open up~" She purred and shoved the morsel into his agaped mouth.
"Luc-!" He nearly choked on the bite for she had shoved the utensil much too far. He coughed a bit and chewed slowly. Although Lucy feeding him was one of his fantasies, this is not what he imagined it to be like. She and the girls had gotten into the booze again while he and the other men of the guild had been in the sauna, the alcohol turning her into a "Cuddly kitty". She always got weird when she was drunk. Well, Weirder. She would latch herself onto his arm or any appendage for that matter and would start purring and behaving like a cat.
Although he had to admit that it wasn't that he didn't like the experience. In fact, it was quite the opposite, he enjoyed any and every moment he had with her like always, it's just that… He wasn't used to Luce acting like this. Usually, he was the more direct, cuddly one and she'd just either brush him off or accept his actions, not her being this… this flirting cutie. He didn't know what to expect or how to act.
"Here comes another one~," She cooed, a fork with another chunk of meat nearing his mouth in her little hand. She had situated herself in his lap kneeling in front of him while he sat criss-cross. Her dark brown eyes were half-lidded as she looked back up at him dreamily, her dark eyelashes fluttering. Her soft, peachy lips pursed into a soothing smile. Her cheeks were rosy either from her actions or her drunken state. The light blue bathrobe was now sliding ever so slightly off her shoulder showing a delightful amount of creamy skin…
"Say ah~" She said waiting for him to swallow the first bite she had given him, slightly impatient. He had been so awestruck by her that he has forgotten to finish chewing. He gulped dumbly and opened his mouth and closed his lips around the food hesitantly. She leaned back slightly and hummed, satisfied with his cooperation. His cheeks flushed even more so. Gosh, she is just too cute.
"Good kitty-kitty..." She praised. She threw the fork aside and wrapped her arms around his neck and patted his pink head, slow and gentle. She slowly began to put even more of her weight on him as she fell asleep and slumped heavily on his chest.
He immediately relaxed when he was sure that she was asleep as he heard her slow breathing. "Finally…" He whispered softly, he didn't know how much longer he would have lasted with her behaving like that.
He sighed. "C'mere you." He scooped her up in his arms and laid back against the pillows that were piled behind them. The blond's slow warm breath blew past his neck where she was nestled, sending a shiver down his spine. He turned his head over and noticed Happy was passed out on a plush violet pillow beside him and chuckled. He gently picked up the exceed and placed him on Lucy's back.
A slow rumbling that he had been suppressing for the past half hour had started to vibrate in his chest. He chuckled, the sound coming out in chuffs from his purring. This is what the blond had been wanting the whole time. All dragon purr, same with their dragon slayer counterpart, each purr different depending on the individual. Natsu, in his case, tried to keep this from happening as much as he could. It was quite embarrassing. Imagine if any of the other guild members found out. Lucy, Happy, and any other dragon slayer are the only ones who knew about purring as far as he knew, and he and the others wanted to keep it that way. But with the celestial mage that he was so enamored with around, who made him so happy, it became even harder to suppress...
Just as he was about to settle himself to sleep, he noticed an important detail.
I have to pee! Fuck!
He groaned in frustration for realizing so late. Who knew when he was going to get a moment like this with her again! And yet, his bladder was screaming for him to get up, especially with Lucy laying on him. Muttering some curses, he maneuvered the blond beauty and the blue exceed off him so that they were curled up on the pile of pillows comfortably.
Lucy laid there, Happy cradled in her arms as she cuddled him. She looked so beautiful. He smiled softly as a lock on golden hair fell across her face as she shifted. A large, warm and calloused hand moving to remove it before he could even stop himself. He reached forward and tucked the lock behind her ear and let his hand remain there a bit longer, marveling at how soft her cheeks and hair were. How could someone be so soft? He laughed at her dreamy expression, drool was falling from her lips.
Sadly, his bladder couldn't remain as it was and he really needed to go. Clearing his throat, he retracted his hand away from her face and stood up. He sighed and quickly dashed towards the door, locking it behind him to make sure that no one disturbed his two precious treasures.
Little did he know that the handle of the door slammed as he locked it, it rattled the room. A glass of water tipped over on the blond who snorted as she woke. "Wha…?"
She sat up, Happy still asleep in her arms as she searched the room, looking for any sign of the pink-haired dragon slayer.
"Natshu…? Where'd you go?" She whimpered, alcohol still in her system although she had passed out. She lost her balance a bit as she stood but regained it as she leaned on the mural of cranes in a field with mountains in the back of the wall next to her. Holding the sleeping exceed in one hand, her other opened the door and wandered out. Her petite frame disappearing through the candlelit hallway searching for her "kitty".
Natsu splashed water on his face from the sink to cool himself. Steam came off his heated body and fogged the mirror in front of him. He sighed, tilted his pink head back and closed his eyes. Even this far away from her she still affected him so. He just could never get her out of his head. The whole time he was with her, he had to restrain himself. Whenever she would go close to his face he had to hold himself back from kissing her. She was so close. He could've kissed her like he always wanted. But he could never do something like that to her, he loved her too much.
He needed to think of something else. He needed to distract himself. The scented candles that were burning his nose were driving him crazy, so he swallowed their flames just because. He was also still hungry… He smirked, maybe Lucy would feed him again if she woke up.
Speaking of which he needed to back to the celestial mage.
He pushed the door and walked out and through the halls to the room where they were staying-
Wait… Why was the door open?
"Shit! Lucy!" Panic coursed through him as he bolted into the room. He scrambled around the room, flinging pillows left and right in case she had burrowed into them. He frantically called her name but he could find no sign of her and flew out the door in search. He sniffed the air, she couldn't be far.
"Geez," Natsu muttered, his fingers again weaving through his tousled pink locks. "I'm gone for five minutes to go to the bathroom and she wanders off!" He sprinted throughout the hallways of the bathhouse, nearly flying as he slipped on rugs, searching for any sign of the tipsy blonde.
He sighed and shook his head to clear his thoughts on how rosy her soft cheeks were or how her chocolate eyes looked so dreamlike...He had to find her, who knows what she could've gotten into! He honestly shouldn't have left her alone in the first place! As strong and powerful as she was, she was vulnerable right now. Oh Mavis, what if anyone else found her like this?!
A woman in a simple white uniform walked past him with a cart filled with towels. He skidded to a stop, "Ma'am, have you seen a pretty blond girl come through?! She has big brown eyes and is about this tall?!" He held his hand where she stood approximately, near the exact middle of his ribs.
"O-oh, uh," The woman started, she was caught off guard by the man who looked like he may have had a heart attack or may be going through one at the moment, she wasn't sure. Hope began to fill him for a moment "I'm not sure, sir, but I will let you know if I find her-."
"If you do find her, just keep her in one place!" Natsu interrupted, already nearing to the corner as he sprinted. "Make sure she won't wander off again!"
He turned and saw steam rise from a room across his way.
  Of course! She's probably in the steam room! She loves being warm!
Not realizing that he had walked into the girl's steam room.
"Lucy?! Lucy, where are you?!" He called as he burst into the hot place. Women started shrieking and running away. He blushed darkly and covered his eyes. Luckily they all had towels wrapped around them, he didn't want to see them naked. He just wanted to find his Luce. 
"Hey have any of you ladies seen a pretty blond come around?! Her name is Lucy Heartfilia! I'm looking for her, it's really important!"
"Hell no, creep!" A girl on his left shrieked. He heard something whizz past his head and ducked. Why were they so mad? He didn't see anything and it wasn't like he came in here to peek on them.
"So, I'm taking that you haven't seen her?"
"Get the fuck out of here, asshole!"
"Alright, sorry for coming in! If you see her, tell me!" And he dashed back out the room. Okay, so she wasn't in there, where else could she possibly be-
His blood ran cold, yet the air around him filled with blistering heat. He clenched his fist, his knuckles turning white.
Oh, Mavis.
She could have wandered into the men's room.
"Those motherfuckers! I'll fucking cremate them!" he roared so loudly that it was heard throughout the whole entire bath house, enraged with everything.
He could just see it. She'd be wandering around when some perverted piece of shit would just take her. He's seen and heard what all the bastards would talk about in the bathhouse. God fucking damn it! Just imagining her in the arms of someone else filled him with blinding hot fury. She's not in the right mind to defend herself and kick their ass like she usually does whenever a pervert catcalls or even tries something on the streets! And he's not there to make sure she's alright! He's so fucking dumb! He unknowingly left burnt footprints in his wake, most caught on fire completely.
He kicked the men's door off its hinges, sending it flying to who knows where. "Which one of you fuckers have her?!" His robe nearly burning off of him. He was breathing heavily from all the stress and tension in him. He glared at every single one of the men in the room and if looks could kill, they would've been murdered one hundred times over. The few men he recognized was Max, Warren, Nab, Jet, and Droy, all the men had jumped out of the boiling water and huddled together and shook with fear as temperature raised higher and higher.
When Natsu didn't get an answer he advanced forward. "Well?!"
The first one to speak was Max. "Well, uh, who exactly are you looking for?" he said in a quiet and trembling voice.
"What do you mean 'who'?! It's Lucy! Where is she?!"
"Natshu? Ish that you?"
Time seemed to freeze. He turned around, the temperature of the room dropping almost immediately as he saw she was just standing the burnt doorway. She held Happy who was sleeping in her arms like a dolly. Her gorgeous brown eyes gazed back up at him as if she was dreaming. Her robe was starting to fall off her shoulder, Happy probably was the only thing that held her robe up. She had heard him while he was on his rampage and followed his voice.
He couldn't possibly describe how relieved he was.
"Oh Mavis, Lucy!" He went up and wrapped his arms his around her tightly while securing the knot of her robe and resetting it to cover her. He didn't want them seeing her. He was surprised that the little exceed has not woken up, Natsu was probably crushing him in their bear-hug.
"Why'd you leave the room?" He asked gently. His look of absolute worry surprising the men who were still in shock of their near-death experience.
Lucy yawned and rubbed her eyes cutely like a child. "I was trying to find you. Where were you?"
Natsu smiled softly at her, a warmth that he could only get around her swelling within him. She was looking for him, she wanted to find him. "I was just going to the bathroom, weirdo. I was going to come back."
Lucy only hummed in reply and leaned on Natsu, who couldn't be happier to do so.
"C'mon, let's go back to the room."
"Carry me." She mumbled as she leaned on him for support, she was so tired. She raised her arms and opened and closed her little hands in a 'Gimme' sort of fashion.
This again, he thought as he could only smile. "Alright, just make sure you hold on to me, okay?" He lowered himself so that he scooped her up under her knees and around her back. She hummed softly and tried to even snuggle closer to him. He laughed at her antics.
Dude, you're so fucking whipped.
A voice echoed in his head, his face turning a rosy hue as he nearly out the door. He turned around to see Warren giving him a thumbs up and while the other guildmates made kissy faces and posed way too dramatic. Embarrassed beyond words he only mouthed "Fuck you" back at them, as to not wake Lucy, and stomped out the door. He couldn't deal with them now.
He started to retrace his steps back to where the room was. Now that he wasn't in his "Gotta-find-Lucy" Frenzy, he noticed that the spa was truly quite fancy. And to think that it was Gramps, who was always worried about money, was who paid for the trip for all the guildmates. They were even staying the Night! He heard a giggle from his arms and looked to see Lucy smiling back up at him with a victorious yet sleepy smile.
"You're purring~" She whispered, poking his chest with one hand as the other was still holding Happy. Sure enough, the low rumble was reverberating through him. He had not even noticed, he was trying to remember which room was theirs until he finally pushed opened the door then kicked it closed. He walked to the middle of the room and placed her gently upon the pillows.
"Yeah… I guess I am."
She giggled again and pulled him down beside her. She hugged him tightly, petting head sweetly.
"You're my kitty, Natshu…" she whispered softly and with one final pat on his head, she curled up against him.
Hearing the statement made his heart soar. He almost wanted to jump up and shout at the top of his lungs and do a happy dance, the only thing that kept him from doing so was the celestial mage in his arms.
"And you're my Luce, Luce." He whispered as he too curled up to sleep for the night.
Yay! I did it!
So yeah, I just love thinking about how magic effects mages. I think that when they learn it that it somehow either fuses into the DNA or is just part of them. Which is what I did with Natsu's purring because I find it cute! Another example is that I also believe that Lucy is a Night owl because of her magic with the stars because it's when they're out so yeah I like those type of headcanons! I had fun with this!
Love all of you precious cuties! Please tell me what you think!
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yourplayersaidwhat · 7 years
Best Lutist Ever
Context: We just got into town and were exploring the lobby of an inn.
Cleric talking to Inn-keep: “Well sir, for being so generous I will perform my lute for your establishment”
Inn-keep: “Why that would be incredible! It’s been a long time since we’ve had a performance!”
Me: “Well don’t worry good sir, you’re looking at the best lutist in the entire world, actually in all the worlds!”
Me OOC: I gotchu man
Cleric: Rolls a crit fail.
DM: The crowd is so drunk they can’t tell that you’re just scatching your nails on a blackboard.
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girlwhowritesthings · 7 years
WARNINGS: falling from great heights, PTSD, nightmares "You know no matter how many time I walk along here it always amazes me how far we've come" you admired the beautiful blue sky "You say that ever single time (Y/n)" Tong groaned "And yet I still think it's an incredible feat" you flipped him off and he returned the gesture "Okay guys let's hold back on starting any wars until after we get back" Steve smiled "Okay mum" you laughed "Very fun-" suddenly you were pushed extremely hard into the hand railing and falling off the edge of the carrier and you slid down the horizontal side of the ship watching as Tony and Steve slowly became smaller and smaller as you tried to kick the agent off, they went over the edge and you managed to catch yourself on a small vent on 2 meter vertical drop, you looked down at the 40000 meter fall below you and saw the agent open a parachute, you turned your ear piece on and tried to shield it from the noise of ship "Tony I need a hand" you yelled hoping it would be picked up "But uh take your time I'm just hanging out above a 4000+ with only a small vent holding me up" The ship suddenly jolted and the vent started to peel away "Scatch that the vent is giving up Tony if you're hearing this I'm hanging off the vertical bit at the bottom, oh god the vents going" you cried as it broke more "Steve oh god" you closed your eyes "Steve I don't know if you can here me but you mean everything to me I lo-" you felt the vent snap off and you started falling feeling the air rushing around the only noise was the sound of your own scream until metal arms wrapped around you You couldn't hear anything as tony flew back up to the deck and landed he opened his mask "You alright?" Tony held tightly as he flew back up to deck "Thank you Tony" you hugged him when he put your feet back on the deck "Anytime" he hugged back "(Y/n)!" Steve came running up and Tony let go, you fell forward into Steves arms feeling extremely weak "whoa I got you" "What the hell happened" you hugged him tightly trying to catch your breath and stop your tears You couldn't hear anything but the loud thud of you heart beat in your ears, but you felt Steve nod then you were being lifted up and carried through to the infirmary. ~~~~Steve's pov~~~~ You studied her face as she slept, she had broken a rib and gotten a minor head injury from falling over the edge and had dislocated her shoulder holding onto the vent, but other than that she was okay, she was alright and she was still here with you, you kept repeating, she was here, but as you kept thinking about it you couldn't help but remember every single detail and relive each moment as you drifted off You were admiring the beautiful blue sky surrounding you, than you felt bars shake and a huge crash you turned your head and saw something go over the edge "Whoa" you jumped towards it and saw (Y/n) being swept down over the edge "(Y/n)!" You yelled "Tony get your suit on" "Right" he ran off as you ran up to the control room You burst in to the room "I need to hear any noise coming through (Y/n)s frequency" "Sorry capt-" one of the computer technicians came up "Now!" You yelled and suddenly (Y/n) voice was coming through Fury came out and stood beside you "Captain what is going on?" "(Y/n) been knocked off the side of the ship and Tony's gone to-" the organised chaos of the room went completely still as her voice came though "-only a small vent holding me up... scratch that the vent is giving up Tony if you're hearing this I'm along the east side of the ship hanging off the vertical bit at the bottom, oh god the vents going" "Come on Tony" you mumbled feeling your heart in your chest beating rapidly "Steve oh god" Your eyes welled up with tears" I don't know if you can hear me but you mean everything to me I lo-" Suddenly the only noise filling the room was a loud piercing scream and then the line went dead, no one moved, waiting to hear anything, you leaned against the bars trying to keep your composure but a few tears slipped out "I'm sorry Captain" Fury patted your back "I want all available pilots ready to start searching the ground for the agent as soon as possible" the quite had been thrown back into organised chaos but you still stood there "Wait sir!" Someone stood close to the window "He got her!" They yelled, everyone looked up at the window and say Tony coming into land with (Y/n) in his arms, you heard cheering as you ran the fastest you've ever gone, you ran across the deck right as Tony turned off his jets "(Y/n)!" You called before stopping in front of the two just as you stop she fell forward and you caught her "What the hell happened?" She said loudly in your ear "Rouge agent escaping with intel he needed so he jumped ship" Tony spoke putting his helmet on "Gonna catch him before he lands and escapes" Tony quickly started to take off "Steve go to the infirmary" you nodded and lifted her up watching him fly straight up in the air something didn't look right, suddenly he wasn't flying anymore he was falling "Tony! You called out as he disappeared down to the earth (Y/n) disappeared from your arms and suddenly you were completely alone"(Y/n)?" You looked around and again saw her disappearing down "(Y/n) you yelled again, you looked around trying to find anything to help her, you turned just in time to see someone jump over the railings "Bucky?" You yelled confused "Bucky!" You screamed as he two disappeared down, you jumped over the railings and slide down where they both had gone but you were stopped at the bottom by a pane of glass, you saw both of them hanging there "(Y/n)! Bucky!" You yelled trying to break through the glass "hold on I'll catch you I promise!" You cried trying to punch as hard as you could, you screamed out in frustration as they both started to loose grip you gave the glass one last punch, it disappeared from underneath you like it was never there and you were the one falling watching them slowly become smaller and smaller until you were just in a void of darkness "(Y/n)! Bucky!" You screamed as the whole world was covered in black "Steve" you heard her voice again "steve?" You tried to find her in the never ending darkness "Steve honey open your eyes" you did and suddenly you were back in the infirmary holding her hand tightly in your own You say up quickly "What's wrong?" "Sorry you were just dreaming" She rubbed small circles along your hand with her thumb making you relax a bit What's wrong?" "Nothing" you shook you head standing up "Did you want some water?" She kept a tight hold of your hand despite the pain medication she'd been out on "You looked like you were reliving a nightmare" You sighed and sat back down "I was" "Talk to me Steve" she started slowly rubbing his hand again You looked away from her as you blinked a couple times trying to keep the tears in your eyes "You fell" "Yeah" she reached out and wiped a stray tear that managed to slip out "So did I, so did Bucky and so did Tony" looking down at your feet You watched as realisation dawned on her "I'm still here Steve I'm alright" she cupped your cheek in her hand "I'm alright Steve, so is Tony, so is Bucky and so are you, we're all alright" you nodded his as more tears started to freely fall "I thought I'd lost you" you pulled her hand gently away from your cheek and kissed it softly "Tony caught me" You remind him "Remember? He caught me" You held the considerably smaller hand in your own "I didn't know if he caught you, he didn't turn on his com, so for a few minutes no one knew, Fury was ordering pilots on deck ready to go and bring this guy back and everyone went into action and you were gone" "But I wasn't" she pushed her self up "I'm here I'm alright" "(Y/n) the doctor said you need to stay put" you tried to push her back to bed gently "I'm fine" she had gotten herself up right and swung her legs of the bed, she did a small hop off the bed and her feet landed gracefully on the floor, she took a step close to you and wrapped both her arms around your neck, you wrapped your arms around her waist and you both just swayed for a moment "You mean everything to me" she whispered "I love you so much Captain Rodgers"
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mamoru-chiba-ua · 6 months
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