the-punforgiven · 4 years
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Was tagged by both @siop-62 and @21antonn to post some of the music I’ve been listening to on repeat recently so uhhh here it is lmao
admittedly I haven’t been listening to The Fall itself but more a weird mashup/remix of it but I can’t find it on any apps other than youtube lmao
but ye! I suppose I’ll tag uhhh @glitchllich @cardiac-ossification @justice-arsenal and uhhh @catfacedvampire​ if y’all want to do it, no worries if not though!
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tocquevillagepeople · 5 years
2, 6, 35, 119
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
It really depends on the circumstances. So, if I’m uncomfortable in a group, I can be the one who breaks the ice and gets everyone talking, but I’m also more reserved in general. Idk if that makes sense. 
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
Thin, blonde guys who treat me like shit. I’ve only been in two serious relationships and both guys fit that description lol. On a serious note, I’m into people who I can have good conversations with - but it doesn’t matter what about. It can be something intellectual, or totally absurd. I like passionate people. Also, I didn’t realize until recently how attractive intelligence is to me. 
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
119. Favourite book?
Hmmmmmmm. On the Road by Jack Kerouac.
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kineticpenguin · 6 years
siop-62 replied to your post “CSGO stops being fun after 3 pm because all the college kids with no...”
Hey now, I'm in college and I have a good/high tolerence
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I believe you believe that.
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Happy Birthday!
thank you!
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zeedesertfox · 6 years
First impression: Oh hey, another blog that looks at nukes!Truth is: You do my job far better than me.How old do you look: 20-22ish.Have you ever made me laugh: *Runs across a field blaring Yuki no Shingun, as you beat the VC to death with your empty carbine*Have you ever made me mad: You showed me a mutilated Martini Henry once and I’m bretty pissed about that.Best feature: A devotion to his study and his wonderful laugh.Have I ever had a crush on you: N-no, nuke chan plsYou’re my: Good friend, who I want to meet up, have lunch with, and heatedly debate nuclear strategy with.
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highlifeboat · 2 years
Russet- I need to borrow some money
I hate to break it to you my friend, but I'm broke
Otherwise I would
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I’m known in my friend group as the person you go to if you need help making a shitpost, and I think that’s beautiful
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vietnamwarera · 6 years
Have you seen Ken Burns The Vienam War? I finished it recently and thought it was good. Also any book recommendations mainly dealing with the CIA and Special Forces?
I’ve seen about half of the episodes. I’ve been watching with a friend. I like it, I think Burns is a great documentarian. 
As for books, try these:
Vietnam Declassified: The CIA and Counterinsurgency by Thomas L Ahern, Jr
Lost Victory: A Firsthand Account of America’s Sixteen-Year Involvement in Vietnam by William Colby
US Army Special Forces, 1961-1971 by Col. Francis J Kelly
If it’s memoirs you want, there’s too many of those to list, particularly for Special Forces.
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certainwoman · 3 years
Kahn didn’t know it at the time, but as Daniel Ellsberg later revealed, the ‘doomsday machine’ was only a slight extension of US nuclear designs. While the RAND intellectuals were theorising, the military continued to work on actual nuclear war plans, the details of which were kept secret even from US presidents. Strategic Air Command’s Emergency War Plan 1-49 included a list of seventy cities on which thermonuclear bombs would be dropped, from Moscow and St Petersburg to Berlin, Potsdam, Warsaw and most of what is now Ukraine and Belarus. In 1960, the generals completed a comprehensive plan for a first-strike attack, the Single Integrated Operational Plan, or SIOP-62. In the case of non-nuclear conflict with the Soviet bloc, the US would drop 3423 nuclear bombs on Soviet territory, Eastern Europe and China (the RAF was supposed to participate). Every city in the Soviet Union and China was to be destroyed. The power of the nuclear weapons to be used on Moscow alone was four thousand times that of the bomb used on Hiroshima. Military analysts predicted that around 600 million people would be killed, including 100 million in Western Europe and 100 million in neutral countries adjacent to the Sino-Soviet bloc such as Afghanistan, India and Japan. It would be hard to argue that any document in history contains greater evil; there is nothing in the Nazi archives that approaches it.
Advocating non-proliferation is a common hobby for retired American officials with time on their hands and a less than clean conscience. Were the US actually committed to limiting nuclear weapons, it would at the very least have to declare a ‘no first use’ policy for its own nuclear arsenal. The Soviet Union, China and India have all made such a pledge in the past (Britain and France have not). Kaplan takes seriously Obama’s professed desire for ‘a world without nuclear weapons’, but the Obama administration refused to declare no first use. Its successes on nuclear matters – the Iran nuclear deal and the new START arms reduction treaty with Russia, signed in 2010 – were overshadowed by its commitments to build the next generation of US nuclear weapons systems. New ‘Ground Based Strategic Deterrent’ missiles will soon start replacing the Minuteman III. The US navy is getting new W93 nuclear warheads. The US air force will have B-21 stealth bombers ‘designed to overcome even an advanced adversary’s air defences’. In many respects Obama was a continuity president in matters of imperial management.
In March, the National Intelligence Council delivered its latest ‘global trends’ briefing to President Biden. It included the judgment that the use of nuclear weapons is ‘more likely in this competitive geopolitical environment’. Efforts to find a role for nuclear weapons in conflict have so far fallen at the feet of Luttwak’s maxim. But intentional use is not the only danger. Nuclear strategists systematically underestimate the chances of nuclear accident: it has no place in the logic of strategy. But there have been too many close calls for accidental use to be discounted. The stakes may be anthropogenic extirpation.Lieber and Press argue that nuclear weapons ‘have made the world a better place’ and that abolishing them would lead to more conventional wars. But the assumption that nuclear weapons will indefinitely prevent large wars rests on unjustified optimism. The stronger argument against abolition is practical. Nuclear weapons can be renounced but nuclear capability can’t: our energy needs won’t allow it. And once you have that capability, the silos can always be refilled. When the only rule is the rule of force, agreements between states are always provisional. Solutions to these problems have been proposed. New treaties, such as the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, which many non-nuclear states have signed, are one approach. A reworking of the IAEA or the placement of fuel cycle facilities into international control are another. But such proposals rarely get far. Instead, the stockpiles are growing.
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mostwantedii · 4 years
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I was tagged by @siop-62 to post songs I have been listening to recently/on repeat.
I’m tagging @goatalicious @valenshawke @the-punforgiven @enwie @twinconstellations @kingofthenorth @aka-its-called-whiskey @the-vowelless @scheblog
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the-punforgiven · 4 years
Tagged by @siop-62 to post 10 songs I’m currently into:
1: Fintroll: Forsen
2: Amaranthe - Army Of The Night
3: Sabaton - The Red Baron
4: Shokran - The Storm And The Ruler
5: Inferi - Those Who From The Heavens Came
6: Deadtide - Anthem Of the Insomniac
7:  (K)NoW_NAME - Welcome To Chaos
8: Alstorm - Terror On The High Seas
9: Dzivia - Vataha (The Pack)
10: Literally just the lute music from Mortal Shell
Thanks for the tag!
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tocquevillagepeople · 6 years
siop-62 replied to your post “I had a pretty good 2017 but 2018 has me wanting to set myself on fire...”
Yeah same. Everyone hated 2016 and 2017, but I didn't mind them. 2018 isn't very good
I keep waiting for it to get better but it just gets.......worse lol
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pattern-53-enfield · 6 years
You got fired today? That sucks man.
It’s all good. Already got a gig transporting supplies for a couple of animal rescue groups taking care of farm animals made homeless by the fires recently.
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kineticpenguin · 7 years
siop-62 replied to your post: what the fuck does gamergate have to do with...
Didn’t it stop being relevant years ago?
That’s what I thought but apparently an internet kerfluffle over journalistic integrity/harassing game dev women/whatever you want it to be became an all-pervading evil that is the political force between every bad thing to happen ever since
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As for 2000s nostalgia, from Al Gore wanted to get rid of summer vacation, I raise you a classmate telling me that John Kerry wanted to kill kids during the 2004 election. This was after we "voted" for who we wanted to be president. Kerry won in that "election" btw.
the genesis of fake news.
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zeedesertfox · 7 years
💚 🍦
💚 - You’re one of my best friends
🍦 - Your blog is great
Thanks Friend!
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