#siona lavellan (dragon age inquisition)
aly-the-writer · 5 years
Fandom: Dragon Age
Pairing: non-inquisitor Lavellan/Cole
Siona Lavellan doesn’t surprise him when she climbs up to join him on the broken section of the wall. He’d felt her thoughts coming closer for a little while, and the way that they’d twisted just a little bit in worry – was something wrong? Did someone hurt him? Is he lonely outside the Fade? – but she still doesn’t say anything as she sits beside him.
Her shoulders relax a little as she notices the broken loaf of bread beside him and the birds on the part of the wall below her.
“Hmm,” she hums softly – putting it together.
She prefers animals to people but she can heal with her magic, so she heals.
She knows of the soldier who waits for winter. One of the tangles of pain and worry caught up and pushed aside in her mind loosens a little – if the soldier can hang onto life a little longer the healing might take, and the birds help him find the strength to do that.
Cole smiles a little to himself and dips his head to look at her from the corner of his eye.
Her hair’s tied back in a braid. She’s got hay in it from helping with the horses. No, probably not the horses. There’s a stubborn old dracolisk which doesn’t like people very much but does like her. She was probably taking care of it when she saw him up here.
They’re close enough he can easily see the dusting of freckles on her though they aren’t much darker than the tan of her skin. The violet tattoo that delicately paints across her forehead and chin look like the halla she used to help tend. She’s dressed for working in the stables too, not the sterile robes of a healer.
She notices him looking and smiles to him.
It’s still strange to let her see.
It’s hard not to be seen by the Inquisitor. His magic makes the Fade more real on this side, makes Cole more real too. The way he watches for Cole too. And the other brother is not very good with people, he likes Cole and is friendly but it is hard for him to talk to people sometimes and so sometimes it hurts less when his eyes pass over Cole instead. When he can’t be seen there’s no tangling worries of manners and how to soften a tongue like broken glass.
Siona had trouble remembering him too – at first.
She’d gotten mad when she realized that he’d made her forget his help. With Snappy. With the injured soldiers.
Then she’d worked to remember him. Talked to Solas and practiced new magic that made her nose itch to learn it.
To teach herself how to be his friend. So he wouldn’t be alone without anyone to help him either when he was done helping others’ hurts.
It…he’s not sure how to feel about more people remembering him, seeing him. He can’t help the Inquisitor and his allies - they care, they want to see him, except, maybe, Sera and she is just scared no matter what – but Siona isn’t like them.
She isn’t a fighter. The times she’s killed still hurt her in ways that have faded for the others. Even the deaths that were needed – bandits, Venatori, Red Templars – she can’t help but wonder if there was a way to fix their pain so that it didn’t spread. Her brothers don’t think like that, hardly anyone in Skyhold does.
“You have a nice smile,” she tells him, there’s more green than yellow in her eyes when she’s happy.
“I do?” he touches his lips – he hadn’t known he was. He doesn’t usually. It’s…expressions are hard, almost as hard as understanding the feelings that he has instead of just being them. Sometimes his face makes them without him knowing though, and sometimes when he tries to make them they just aren’t right.
“You do,” she nods, turning her eyes back to the birds and shifting a little, to spread her legs out in front of her and her shoulder brushes his.
“I like yours too.” He smiles, though he still dips his hat a little, embarrassed when she looks back at him.
Hesitantly she moves her fingers to brush against his, and then entangles them together. Warm and solid. There. Both of them are real.
The morning sun is higher and the bread and the birds have gone when she sighs softly and lets go of his hand – he didn’t need to be able to feel it to know that she was reluctant to do so.
“I have to go – but I will see you later, Cole,” she smiles to him – there’s a determination there. A promise. For her there is no way to ask how she knows.
He smiles back too, “Probably.”
She waves to him once she’s crossed the broken part of the wall before she leaves at a run – Stitches promised to teach her his poultice recipe if she helps mix potions for the Chargers today. His recipe works better than the one that the Keeper taught her.
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royal-babey · 6 years
Why Did You Scream Like That?
Answering a writing prompt for @aly-the-writer ! Thanks for letting me borrow Siona!!! ^^
Characters (Non-romantic): Kit and Siona
Kit had known Siona and her brothers for about a month now after stumbling into camp one day, needing desperate help. She had been the one to save his life, and was one of the few people who hadn’t actively dismissed him after finding out he could be a lot more troublesome than he seemed. Especially when it came to his wild, almost ‘‘savage’‘ nature, his ‘’odd vallaslin’’, and the lack of skill in controlling his magic. They had grown rather close as friends, since...Well, she was really the only person who could keep him quiet for longer than ten seconds. And because he generally respected her almost instantly, compared to his reaction to her older brother Taralyn, and his twin Haleir. Although he did like the latter.
After Kit had recovered and made his wilder nature known, the first thing she did was take him to the halla pen, telling him that if he wanted them to like him, then Kit would have to keep himself as calm as possible for them. And it worked! He loved animals, so he knew he would have to act ‘‘normal’‘ if he wanted a chance of them even coming near him.
Today, Keeper Deshanna had asked Siona to take Kit with her into the nearby woods, to gather some fresh herbs. Specifically, elfroot and deep mushrooms, since they were running low. And she wanted to be stocked up before they left the Emerald Graves.
Siona had to admit, she found the endless energy Kit seemed to posses after having saved it up for a month, amusing. He couldn’t stop exploring everything, and occasionally she would hear him rustling nearby, or she would hear a loud thump as he fell either from a tree or because in his excitement, he forgot to look where he was going, and ran into one instead.
She hadn’t quite realised how long they had been away from camp, until Kit tapped her shoulder to catch her attention, and pointed above them at the sky. They had left at approximately nine in the morning, and the sun was now straight above them, signalling noon. Siona sighed softly, looking down at the now almost full pouch of herbs attached to her waist, and nodded in agreement. They should get back before the others, specifically Taralyn, began to worry.
Just as they were about to leave though, Kit suddenly grabbed her and pulled her down with him as he crouched behind some tall grass, covering her mouth when an alarmed squawk threatened to emerge. She glared at him briefly, before looking over in the direction he was staring at, and her eyes widened. There was a band of Templars roaming around. Siona didn’t understand, why were they so close to camp? And why hadn’t the scouts informed them that there was Templars nearby? The only reasoning she could think of was that they were now dead, and she felt sickened at the thought...
she thought that maybe trying to wait them out would be the best plan, but with every step, they neared closer and closer to Kit and her hiding place. They would either need to strike first, or risk running and end up dead too...Kit seemed to be thinking the same thing, and he made sure he had Siona’s attention before lifting up his hands, and signing to her.
‘’Use your roots to immobilize the ones nearest to that tree, and I’ll paralyze the rest, We can run to camp. No one needs to die.’’
Siona was suddenly very glad she had asked Kit to teach her sign, and she smiled warily, before leaning up a little so that she would be able to see what she was doing.
At least three Templars were next to a tree. A large Oak. She closed her eyes, focusing her magic to that particular area, before allowing her energy to travel through the ground and into the roots embedded underneath. Once she was sure she had a strong enough foothold, she opened her eyes in order to lead them to her targets. Siona watched at they cried out in surprise when the ancient roots suddenly encased their bodies, and she saw Kit stand up too. She knew he had trouble concentrating her magic, and letting out only certain amounts of power, but surprisingly, he pulled off without fault, and turned to her, grinning proudly before grabbing her hand and starting to run in the direction of camp.
Kit thought they were safe. All the templars were incapacitated, and none of them would be strong enough to de-spell that much raw power, no matter how much it may be toned down on Siona’s side of things. He thought there wouldn’t be any danger anymore. That they would be safe once they reached camp. But things could never be that easy...No. One of the Templars just had to break free from Kit’s paralysis spell. and start chasing after them with his maul, roaring in pure rage as he swung it, quickly catching up to them with great strides.
Kit’s heart was pounding in his ears. He had to protect Siona. She didn't have time to reach out to a tree this quick, and he didn't know if he would be able to trap the Templar again without breaking off his other glyph. So, he would have to take a risk...He slowed down, pushing Siona ahead of him in an attempt to tell her to keep running, and he stooped, turning around to face the charging Templar as he drew his own dagger from his pocket. If he aimed in just the right spot, then he could incapacitate the Templar long enough to kill him, and stop this chase.
The Templar was getting closer now. Truthfully, he was a little afraid. He had never had someone this much bigger than him advancing on him so. But he had to stand his grown. For the clan. For Siona...
Siona watched in horror at Kit’s stupid split second decision, and tears gathered in her eyes as she reached her hand out, only being able to scream as the templar reached him at last, his great maul swinging downwards in a one shot blow to the side of Kit’s head.
Only...It never connected, and she watched in shock as the templar dropped his weapon to the ground, slowly collapsing after it just a few seconds later. She dropped to her own knees too. Kit was alive...And he turned to her, wiping his dagger on his shirt and raising an eyebrow in confusion as he walked over to her. He put his dagger away as he crouched down before her, and signed to her.
‘’Why did you scream like that?’’
Siona gulped, barely managing one word.
Then in amongst the shock and relief, anger set in. And her eyes narriowed as he glared at Kit, before shoving him. He lost his balance, and toppled over, but didn't get mad. Instead his face was impassive, as if his was a normal occurrence, as she screamed at him.
‘’Because I thought you were going to die, you idiot!!! Why would you do that?!’’
He didn't give her an answer. Instead he stood up, and gave her one of his stupidly bright smiles as he offered her his hand, to help her up. And she understood his message simply through that one simple action.
‘Let’s go home’
I hope this is okay! Thank you for requesting, and for reading! ^^
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lyrium-lavellan · 5 years
OC Introduction - Ashann Lavellan
One for my favorite dude using the template by @slothssassin !
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Fandom: Dragon Age Inquisition
Role: Inquisitor
Class: Rogue / Ranged
Specialisation: Artificer
Full Name: Ashann Lavellan
Nickname(s): Ash, Loverboy
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Gay
Occupation and Titles: Inquisitor
Birthday: 9 Wintermarch, 9:15 Dragon(26 years old at the Conclave)
Physical Description: 6′ tall, very slim build with mostly lean muscle, dark brown hair, blue-green eyes, light skin with warm, pinkish undertones. Dark, mild blue vallaslin(simplified Mythal design).
Clothing Style: Practical cotton or linen shirts and cropped pants, armor, Dalish leathers and no shoes. He dresses in mostly darker, natural tones, with an occasional splash of red, yellow or purple.
Born into Clan Lavellan, Ashann was a happy child. He quickly became a skilled hunter and protector, defending the clan from numerous threats. His life was relatively uneventful before the Conclave, except for some strife during his teenage years as he struggled to accept his sexuality. 
Ash took the shock of his new role better than expected. He melded well with the humans, and quickly befriended the entire Inquisition. Before long, he was well-loved, respected, and had a reputation for wit, charm and generosity. 
This unending good attitude was taxing on him, though. He turned to Josephine to help him keep his façade up, and took quite a few lessons(more than he’d like to admit) from her on diplomacy and court etiquette before heading to the Winter Palace, where he promptly charmed the entire Orlesian court into submission.
During this time, he’d begun a relationship with Dorian. He was hesitant at first - not because Dorian was a mage, or from Tevinter, but because he didn’t hope for more. He never thought he could have an actual loving relationship, rather than just a one-night fling. As time went on, Ash started to have deeper feelings for Dorian. It frightened him at first - he’d never felt as strong a connection to anyone else. But with Dorian, well... Everything else, the entire world, melted away. It was just them.
So, their relationship gradually became more serious, exclusive, and much more sappy and romantic. Needless to say, they are a power couple for the ages. They defeated Corypheus together, how could they not be.
As the Exalted Council drew to a close, Ashann chose to disband the Inquisition and keep fighting behind the scenes. There were more pressing matters to attend to in his life and mind, which required some amount of subterfuge and secrecy. 
Chief among them is Dorian’s endeavor to reform the magisterium and by extent, the Imperium itself. Ashann thought this an important endeavor, and while he can’t stay with Dorian in Minrathous, he occasionally visits(traveling from his estate in Kirkwall). He enjoys a mostly quiet life, managing a large network of spies, smugglers and informants while he sips on expensive wine and continues to scandalize high society with his pointy ears and illustrious presence. He wouldn’t miss his favorite pastime for anything.
Combat & Skills
Preferred Fighting Style: He usually fights from a distance with his bow, preferring to get to high ground and strike and kill enemies before they even know what hit them.
Favorite Weapon: His bow, but he can pick up a sword if needed.
Magical Abilities: None, other than the Anchor.
Special Skills: His ridiculous charm. 
Family: Clan Lavellan. His parents, obviously. He has a younger sister, Siona, that he keeps in regular contact with and whom eventually comes to live with him, and maintain his estate while he’s visiting Dorian.
Love Interest: Dorian!
Best Friends: Dorian, Varric, Josephine, Vivienne, Iron Bull, Solas
Positive Traits: Charming, Persistent, Dedicated
Negative Traits: Anxious, with Crippling Self-Doubt and Self-Hatred
Likes: Sipping wine in the tavern, the market at Val Royeaux, the concept of facial hair.
Dislikes: Bad manners, Orlesians, people assuming he’s like other elves
Fears: Rejection, Hopeless Love, Being Vulnerable
Guilty Pleasure: Sleeping in
Hobbies: Running a small spy network under Leliana’s tutelage, entertaining diplomats and nobles, meticulously maintaining Skyhold’s garden and planting plenty of rose bushes.
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aly-the-writer · 7 years
Hmmm for fact swap, Adair can't stand having anyone standing behing him. Its why he's always seen as such a literal "Wall flower". In Tevinter you got whipped on your back. In the Inquisition, enemies could sneak up on you if your back was turned. It's kind of a developed habit to /never/ have your back turn. And if you struggle to find a comparison, here's a fluffier one ^°^ Adair once made so many cookies that the clan didn't run out for atleast two months, using magic to keep them fresh!!!^^
Aww, poor Adair!
Let’s see…the Tabris siblings, Serena and Evander, would claim that Adair is just being sensible behaving like that. Neither of them like to leave their backs exposed and if one of them has their back to a room its a sure fire way to tell that the other is watching it for them. In most my AU’s they don’t become Wardens, but instead become Denerim’s Dark Wolf while Serena is in hiding for the wedding massacre.
And for fluffy trouble making - Haleir and Siona Lavellan once discovered a sort of luminescent moss in one of the old ruins that Taralyn was investigating for the Keeper (they were supposed to be helping him) and proceeded to paint each other with it so they glowed in the dark for a week despite every attempt to make them stop glowing. Every time the Clan passed by the area after Siona (and Hal if he was visiting) would go get some more and use it to write messages or draw a picture over Taralyn’s bed.
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aly-the-writer · 7 years
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Siona Lavellan - The youngest of the Lavellan siblings Siona has been the “baby sister” to two slightly overprotective brothers her entire life. She loves Taralyn and Haleir but she sees joining her brother’s Inquisition as a chance to spread her own wings as much as it is to help keep Hal out of trouble.
Siona hadn’t yet finished her studies with their Keeper when she decided to leave the Clan and follow Taralyn to Skyhold (she also didn’t get permission but in doing so she avoided getting caught in the Wycome disaster so neither of her brothers can manage to be angry with her for it).
Where Haleir is the Inquisitor and Taralyn has an official role as a diplomat she is closer to being ‘normal’. She works with the mages from Redcliffe as part of the army under Cullen’s direction and continues her training in magic.
One of Siona’s favorite things to do at Skyhold is to seek Solas out and try to get him to talk to her about magic and the Fade and elvish history. Often times she’ll take the books that Taralyn has asked her to study and sit in the rotunda watching him paint.
Basic Information
Born: 6 Harvestmere 9:22 Dragon
Class: Mage (No Specialization Yet)
Romance: None (Yet)
Family: Taralyn Lavellan (brother), Haleir Lavellan (brother), Roshan Lavellan (cousin)
AU Information
Inquisitor? No.
Inquisitors Joined? Taralyn
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