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ladynightwolf · 2 years ago
Moon Trance
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What happens when the lives of four women collide in the now growing town of Storybrooke. One who is trying to move on with her life from searching for her pack back in the Enchanted Forest with no avail, another who is still searching for her own, and more just like her, a newly made she-wolf trying to forget a tragic deed that happened long ago before being separated from her pack. Lastly an ex-werewolf hunter who suddenly falls for what they used to hunt, that of one who saved her life after making their first necessary kill. They all share a very common bond, one that they will soon find out about each other, will it spell disaster in the making? Or the making of romance, friendships, or tragedy. Soon upon these discoveries they may just have to become the hunter, or wind up becoming…the prey. "Friend or foe? There's no way to know, through the battlefield of life, it's kill or be killed." War Eternal by Arch Enemy !Femslash !Werewolves
Meghan Ory, Alissa White-Gluz, Lindsey Stirling, and Siobhan Williams are my main characters in this story so do enjoy. ;-)
Chapter 1: The Stranger
Disclaimer: Anything you don't recognize from the show is mine. This is just a Fanfic not real stuff ya know. ;-)
Warnings: Femslash, romance, drama, humor, and graphic violence.
It was a somber evening in the town of Storybrooke, one that was growing vastly due to the town's Mayor improving the revenue of more businesses for work, entertainment, and pleasure. It did make for very good business she thought, well so much for everyone knowing each other's names anymore, but yet there were a few that still did, which was fine ya know all of the oldies but goodies from the Enchanted Forest and all. After the curse was broken years ago things couldn't have been better, although Regina wasn't sure about it at times, they were getting some newer residents, ones from every walk of life, which is fine, because Emma, David, and few other deputies kept the town safe, secure, and manageable. I mean Emma for one was the town Savior so no one would dare cross her and not regret it.
We still had Granny's Bed and Breakfast, Snow's school that she would work in, Belle and the Library, and there was of course Rumple also known as Mr. Gold and his vintage shop of trades and such, who has minded his p's and q's for a long ol time thank goodness, cause if not, he knows that Regina would ship him straight back to the underworld. The mayor was walking down the street letting the wind softly flow through her long dark locks that flowed past her shoulders, she was still as beautiful as ever, Swan was a lucky lady that's for sure. As she continued to head down the concrete sidewalks toward the sheriff's office to meet Emma for dinner, her head turned when she heard a loud engine behind her. She regarded it for a moment when she saw it was just a big bus dropping people off for a visit, or maybe other things.
"Oook more visitors, who would have thunk that we would get so much business?" The mistress smiled to herself thinking about what a mark Storybrooke has made for itself. "Damn I love this place."
"How about me?" Swan coyly asked as she stood in front of the office door.
Regina shook her head at the beautiful blonde. "Is that really a question? One you should already know that answer to dear."
"Nah I don't remember, if you do or not I..."
Before Emma could say anything else the Mayor grabbed her trademark red jacket collar pulling the sassy savior into a very deep and passionate kiss that lasted for a while, they broke away making them smile in unison. "There is your answer, will that suffice hun?"
"Good. Ok so how about that dinner, I cooked something that's in the oven, hope you like it."
"I'm sure I will, especially when we have dessert afterwards, that's always my favorite." The swan remarked biting into Gina's neck.
"Heh heh, ok, ok, feisty one, let's get going before we give the new people that just got off the bus a show."
"Well, should we charge for it?"
"Shut up! My goodness woman...save that for later from peering eyes. You are for my eyes, and my eyes only." The mistress stated while grabbing her firm ass.
"Aye aye captain."
Regina gave an eye-roll, before grabbing the hand of her lover. "Gees, lets just go..."
Meanwhile at granny's diner it was bustling with customers, the elder liked this new found business for sure, it just wasn't good for tonight since two of her workers are out, so Ruby and the other two girls were making haste with the orders, and it was a good thing Ruby has stamina to burn, one of the great perks about being a wolf. The elder noticed the man in booth 5 on his smartphone, waiting for his meal which he has been waiting for quite some time.
"Ok Ruby I need this entree to go to the gentleman on booth 5."
The beautiful brunette scoffed, how she didn't want to go to that booth. The young man by the name of Michael, also known as Big Mike which he likes to be called at times to match his ego, was sitting there, he was nothing but an arrogant, egotistical, chauvinistic pig who has been trying to get into Ruby's pants since day one. Take it he was very handsome and he knew it, wavy short brown hair, chestnut eyes that would basically undress any pretty lady that he came in contact with, nice clothes and expensive cologne that he drowned himself in. Ruby sneezed over it at one point, how she hated having such a pronounced sniffer due to her keen senses. It was so bad it made her beautiful green eyes even water at the stench. She made a comment to him one day which made him sneer.
"Damn Mike didn't you shower today or does bathing in your disgusting cologne help to mask your dirtiness?" Mike always had women fawning over him, well except for Ruby, the town's very gorgeous werewolf who he has been checking out this entire time, and it was getting on her nerves.
"Granny, can you have one of the other girls do it please? Mike has been checking me all night. If he doesn't knock it off I'll just have to get aggressive, and you know I don't want to do that, you know how my temper can get, and I would have no problem throwing him out on his ass!"
The gray haired woman looked over her glasses and shook her head. "If I wasn't so short on staff love, I would, but Madaline is on maternity leave, Traci went home sick, then Jenny and Dawn are already up to their asses in orders."
Ruby looked behind her to see him smiling away. It wasn't her fault that she was so incredibly good looking, with her tight burgundy leather pants, black boots, with her red and white flannel top with white tank that was a bit low cut in the front to accentuate her perky bosoms, good thing that the curse broke a long time ago or she would be dressing like how she did back then, outfits that would leave little to the imagination, like Granny once told her "You look like a drag queen during fleet week!" Sometimes she thinks to herself that maybe she should just wear a garbage bag, hell she would probably look good in that too, so either way she was fucked.
The wolf continued to glare daggers at the man who was now licking his spoon in a suggestive manner, a soft, low growl escaped her as she kept on. "God help me please? Don't let me lose it or..." Suddenly she was jerked from her thoughts when she saw another customer coming through the door, one of whom she had never seen before. The woman had on a studded black leather jacket, black beanie on top of her long beautiful blue hair that cascaded past her shoulders, blue jeans that had rips across her thighs, white shirt with a saying that said "Beastmode'' on it, and low cut black and white converse shoes. The woman was quite stunning to be frank, electric blue eyes, and a hooped Labret piercing adorning her bottom lip. She was quite...beautiful. "Uhm...Granny?"
The elder shot the wolf a displeased look as to why she was stalling. "What Ruby? Are you going to go and serve that man or what?"
Red groaned dis-pleasingly, as her eyes scanned the lovely lady, she walked towards the tables who was now placing her duffel bags down while taking her seat at the booth in front of Mike who was still giving our wolf the eye. "In a minute, do you...recognize that woman?"
Gran looked over and squinted at the beautiful rocker. "Ruby you know we get all different walks of life coming in and out of this diner these days, she's just another person who is hungry. Now I'm not going to ask you again, can you serve him already?! He looks like he's growing quite impatient.
"Yeah, yeah. Alright Gran, alright."
The blue haired woman took off her jacket and beenie, running her fingers slowly through her silky locks she scanned the menu to see what she would like to order for the evening. Feeling someone staring at her, she raised her head to meet green eyes twinkling at her in curiosity by the bar. She watched Ruby walking towards her, she slowly strode by her table to help the dick in front of her. The stranger gasped as her eyes widened then narrowed, she kept a keen watch on the beautiful wolf, a very close watch on her as she went to help him, she was also keeping an eye on him as well, his look was a hungry one like he just wanted to jump the waitress's bones. "Gees if he could be any more obvious looking at her like that. Probably hasn't got laid in years, for fucks sake someone please get a rag to clean up all that drool from his mouth." She thought about this idiot in front of her.
Mike suddenly sat up straight to acknowledge the svelte brunette. "Heyyyy Ruby it's about time you came with my food, I thought you forgot about me, that would have made me very, very sad, and I'm looking forward to giving you a tip if you know what I mean. A very BIG tip."
The blue haired woman snorted at such a remark as she took a sip of water while looking nonchalantly at her menu. "I doubt if he has a BIG anything, well except his ego, he seems to be more of a pussy if anything, no that's an offense to pussies, he's just a fucking twat." She whispered, thinking that she wouldn't be heard.
The brunette's head snapped her way as a smirk spread across her lips, before going back to the fool who was giving her the business. "Ugh here is your food Mike, eggs over easy, pancakes, bacon, sausage and hash browns. Anything else? No? Good I..."
The suave man shook his head in disappointment. "I didn't order sausage honey, and as far as over easy is concerned, then shouldn't you be on my plate?"
The mysterious woman's eyes rose, she sat back against her seat folding her arms across her chest. "Asshole."
The man scowled at her. "Excuse me?"
The rocker was getting heated, and before she had a chance to answer, her waitress came by to take her order. "Hi there, my name is Jenny. I will be your server for this evening. Have you had a chance to look over the menu?"
"Yes, I have, among other things." The stranger's eyes burned the guy who was now running his fingers through his hair.
"Well what would you like?" The beautiful redheaded waitress asked while licking her lips at the beauty in front of her.
"I actually just lost my appetite, but I would like some hot tea? The hotter the better."
"Sure I'll bring it out with some bags and the kettle so you can make as much as you want. Ok?"
"That would be great..." Her voice trailed off into a whisper "Yes, very great." She went back to the disgusting display in front of her, watching with keen eyes and open ears, seeing the beautiful green eyed woman getting very uncomfortable made her irritated to say the least.
Ruby was trying her very best to keep her cool. "You know what? I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that."
Mike put his hand on his chest. "Oh? Did I say something wrong? All I said was...well, you're talking about easy, I know all about that and your history sooo." He stated, as he took his hand and slid it across Ruby's leg.
The wolf swatted it away, anger was boiling through her veins now. "That was long ago."
"Mhm well we shall see about that sexy. Just give me a chance, I'm sure you won't be disappointed, and I am really interested in seeing your beastly nature come through, I bet you're quite the beast under the sheets as well, hm?"
The blue haired beauty grunted, my God, this guy! she has heard about enough of this dickhead's advances. "You just won't quit will you buddy? As you can see she clearly doesn't want to talk to you, so do her a favor and leave her alone."
"Mind your business freak!" He spat at the mysterious woman who was also boiling with anger.
The stranger pounded her fists into her table with a death glare, one that would make anyone turn pale, it actually made Mike flinch at the sight. "What did you just call me?" She wanted to just kick the shit out of this man and make a bloody mess of him, she almost rose to her feet, until she was stopped, and just in time.
Jenny came by the rockers booth, and she noticed her angered stare. Whoa those eyes.
"Here's your tea sugar...are you...alright?"
The mysterious woman calmed herself before smiling at her waitress and taking the kettle. "I'm fine. Thank you for the tea."
"No problem, can I get you anything else? Like maybe a drink after my shift?"
The woman giggled and blushed at the waitress's remark. "Wow. Uh no I'm ok, but thank you for the offer." I would rather rip out this fucks throat instead.
"Oh well can't blame a girl for trying. Here's your tab." Jenny stroked the blue haired woman's shoulder before giving a wink, and walking back to the bar.
"Thanks." Her eyes slowly shifted back to the conversation at hand. Balling up her fists she felt something wanting to take control of her, and she knew she needed to stop the feeling not to let it get out of hand. Calm down, you need to calm the fuck down, but this guy really has me riled.
"I doubt if you've changed, I see how you look at others, like you just wanna jump their bones, I bet it's been a long time since you have got a good ol' fashioned fuck hmm?"
The wolf wanted to just rip him apart, but she had to keep it together for granny's sake. "And I bet it's been a long time since you had your face bashed in, I can do the honors if you like? No? Well then, now if you'll excuse me!" Ruby huffed and turned to walk off, she suddenly was grabbed by her arm and jerked back.
"Hey where are you going?" Mike stood up to face the brunette who has had enough.
"Away from you, just eat your food and please leave me alone!"
The suave man ran his thumb across Ruby's jaw line while giving a sly smirk. "Well I will eat, but I'd preferably like to eat you baby."
Red gripped his hand and squeezed hard, breaking it in the process. "You bitch! My, my hand! You broke it! You're going to pay for that!" Mike swiftly in one, hard fluid motion backhanded Ruby in the face splitting her lip.
Gran saw the display and was about to rush over. "Ruby?!"
The wolf's voice rang out stopping the elder in her tracks. "Granny don't! Stay there ok?" Ruby tasted blood on her lip, she spit it in the disgusting man's face before wiping it with her hand as she grinned a toothy grin, oh how she wanted to let her fangs grow and tear his throat open, and before he could strike again the blue haired rocker quickly grabbed his arm twisting it behind his back wrenching it hard making him scream in pain.
"I think the lady asked you to leave her alone, if you don't leave then I guess I'll just have to do the honors in making you myself!" Turning him to face her, she grabbed him by the throat to say something else, but he threw a punch which she easily evaded and came back hard with a swift right hook of her own knocking him and a tooth to the ground. The woman quickly in almost lightning speed, pounced on top of him straddling his hips, she grabbed his suit collar bringing his face close to hers, those blue eyes heated with such a hot stare into a trembling chestnut gaze that suddenly shook with fear, it made the man turn pale.
"Get, get away from me, freak!" Mike yelled as he struggled against her trying to get away.
That made her lean back just enough to grab the tea kettle from her table, she quickly poured the scalding hot contents over his head which elicited another shrill scream from his lips. "My face! Arrrrghhh l-leave me alone!"
"Then I suggest you better fucking leave like she asked! Now! Or else your face will turn to hamburger meat and you will be unrecognizable you sick fuck!"
Mike scrambled to his feet making the kettle fly from the woman's hand smashing it on the floor. The arrogant man felt woozy and disoriented, he slowly looked back at the rocker who was standing by her booth still glaring at him. Those crystal blue eyes felt as if her stare was burning the skin off his bones, she took a step forward which made him gasp and run full throttle out of the diner.
"Fucking asshole." The rocker groaned while cracking her knuckles, she turned her head to see the wolf looking at her with wide eyes.
Ruby watched in amazement at what just happened, seeing the man run out of the diner like a bat outta hell made her night. "That was...amazing." She breathed watching the beauty start to kneel down to the floor.
The gray haired woman rushed over to console her granddaughter, who was touching the cut on her lip. "Ruby?! Are you alright?"
The beautiful brunette grabbed the elder's hands nodding while still trying to comprehend what just happened. "Yes granny I'm fine."
"You're hurt Ruby! Let me take a look at your lip."
"Gran, it's ok, really. Besides, I've had worse things happen to me." The wolf looked down for a moment remembering when her village back in the enchanted forest ran her out of town with their torches and pitchforks after getting word about her being the wolf that killed Peter and countless others before she was able to control her powers, then the time when she was caught in a wolf trap by Spencer and the mob who thought she was responsible for Billy's death, the torture she endured while helpless was excruciating . Thank God for David and Granny coming to the rescue to prove that it was Albert all along to frame Ruby to get her killed. "Yes, I'm...fine...ok?"
Granny looked at Ruby and smiled, her smile suddenly turned sour as she saw the mysterious woman picking up the pieces of the porcelain kettle that broke on the floor as well as wiping up the blood from Mike's face with her napkin and glass of water. "You!"
The rocker slowly stood up as the elder came over in a huff. "Me? Me...what?"
"Look at the mess you made of my diner!"
"Granny?! It's just a broken kettle, and she's cleaning it up so what's the problem?" The wolf asked as she watched the woman's face scrunch up, clearly annoyed at this point."
"Wow, so this is the thanks I get hm? I just helped your granddaughter not get the shit beat out of her by that guy, and all you can think about is this smashed kettle?"
Ruby got in the middle of granny and the blue eyed woman who were clearly not amused by each other. "Gran please, she did help me out, so can you not scold her, it's just a tea kettle, it's not like we don't have more. Right?"
Granny's temper slowly settled as she saw the pleading look in the wolf's eyes. "Ugh, you're right, I'm...sorry it's just, you know what tonight is and I get a tad grumpy you know that."
"It's fine. Forget it. " The rocker answered flatly, turning her back to the two while placing the pieces of kettle on the table.
The widow Lucas sighed as she looked over at the couple waiting to pay by the front. "I uh, have to go and charge these people out Ruby, you sure you're alright?"
"Yes granny, stop worrying."
"Well after all that has happened in the past do you blame me?"
The wolf bit the inside of her cheek wishing this night would just end. She looked up at the clock which read 6:45 which means the sun was going to be setting soon and the full moon was going to rise in another hour or so. Thank goodness it was almost closing time, this night needs to be over already she thought. "No I don't blame you granny, I'm sorry."
"Like I said you know what tonight is so I suggest you finish up here and go home you hear?" Granny grimaced as she began to rub her scar on her forearm.
The beautiful blue haired woman noticed the scar and cocked her head to the side observing such a mark. Hmm Interesting. She also was trying not to listen, but the stranger couldn't help but wonder what tonight even was. "Yes, better go home, the street lights are about to come on."
Ruby was hardly amused by that remark as if she was getting told to go home by her mother.
"Excuse me?"
Granny got a Kleenex from her pocket and dabbed the blood away from the wolf's lip. "Ok well, this has been a night, and it's far from over soooo."
Red pushed the elder's hand down off her face; she shook her head clearly, getting a tad angry. "Ok! I will go home in a bit, you're embarrassing me, I'm not a child anymore Gran!" She snapped
"No, no you're not, I'm sorry it's just..."
"I know granny, now go help those people and I'll be off shortly." The wolf's eyes veered over at her rescuer who was putting her jacket back on at her booth, she patted granny's shoulder before turning back around to give her thanks, but before she could her head whipped around as the front door suddenly threw open.
"There you are! I have been calling your cell phone, why the hell didn't you answer?!"
Ruby rolled her eyes at the very irritated dark haired woman who looked as if she was going to blow a gasket. This night just keeps getting better and better. "Ugh Dorothy now is not the time, as you can see I'm working, I don't have my phone on me, if you needed to get a hold of me so badly, why didn't you call the diner's number?"
"I for one thought you would, you know I told you to keep it on you." Dorothy snapped at the also annoyed wolf.
The blue haired woman giggled to herself that this woman just can't get a break from jerks this evening. "My God, if it's not one thing it's another, what is this national asshole night at the diner?" She said under her breath while looking at the two arguing with each other.
Ruby heard her and narrowed her eyes. "Look I have had quite a bad night, and I don't need you to add to it. Ok?!" She saw the rocker watching them and pulled Dorothy to the side away from her peering eyes and ears.
I would love to hear what this is about, but I've had quite enough of this place for tonight. The stranger grabbed her duffle bags, and beanie putting it back on her head before pulling money out of her pocket to pay the bill, she quickly placed it on the table wanting to just forget everything that happened altogether. Looking over at at the two women still going at it, the blue haired beauty smiled while shaking her head, she strode slowly towards the door pushing it open to walk outside, just moving a few paces down the street she suddenly felt someone grab her arm which made her turn around quickly to regard them, crystal blue eyes saw a pair of emerald ones looking at her, she doesn't know why, but it kind of made her heart speed up. Ok now, this woman is quite beautiful, well I guess I can agree with that dickhead on that account.
Ruby was nervously picking at her nails trying to get the words out. "I, uhm, well I..."
The rocker smirked watching the wolf getting all nervous. "What is wrong with you? Cat got your tongue or something?" She teased, the woman saw the wolf drop her hands placing them on her hips giving quite the irritated look.
Ruby grumbled as she chewed at her bottom lip and just went for it. "I just wanted to say...thank you." Looking into a blue gaze that was almost hypnotizing her, the wolf's heartbeat was beginning to skip. "Look, I'm so sorry about all of that back there."
"Well maybe your granny shouldn't have had you wait on that dick for one, I mean that guy was a complete ass, and she still had you wait on him? What the hell was that all about?"
"You heard that?"
"Yeah I did among other things, you were in front of my booth, remember?"
Red sighed not really knowing what to say. "Well for one I would have knocked the shit out of him myself but, I...couldn't, I mean, I could have, but I can get a bit out of control."
The stranger took off her beanie and placed it in her pocket, flipping her hair back, she then sat her bags down and folding her arms in front of her, arching an eyebrow, she was curious as to what she meant. "Care to elaborate?"
Cripes, seductive much? Ruby could not get over the beauty of this woman before her, she was trying not to think of...things, wolfstime brings out the beast, and in more ways than one. Her eyes rose up at the now grayish black sky, she knew the moon was going to be rising, and soon. "I just mean I sometimes don't know my own strength, as you clearly saw."
"Oh yes I saw alright, you crushed his hand, and good." The blue haired woman got closer to the wolf, which made Ruby's breathing hitch, she chewed at her piercing as she smiled at the blushing wolf. "Well maybe you need to learn how to control it." She whispered, letting her breath hit Ruby's lips.
The brunette shivered at the feel before being taken back by the comment. "Oook well I can."
"Oh? Well you just said that you couldn't beat the shit out of that guy without losing control, so then what do you mean?"
The wolf sighed as she shifted her stance a bit while now folding her arms across her chest. "Look. I don't have to explain myself to you, a common stranger of all things."
"Is that so now? You mean a stranger that saved you. Remember that. Most strangers wouldn't have done that ya know. By the way, your granny should be a bit more appreciative of that fact and not worry about some damn tea kettle."
Red pursed her lips together knowing she was right. "Touche'" Watching her for some time, she was quite curious as to where this pretty blue haired mistress was from. "Well I for one am appreciative, and speaking of that, can I know my hero's name? So I can properly thank you? She saw the woman a bit apprehensive of giving her such information with everything that just happened, the trust levels were not good at the moment. Gees alright guess i'll start then "Ok. Well, my name is..."
"Ruby." Yes I gathered that much when I heard that guy trying to get into your tight pants and your Grandmother worrying over you." The beautiful rocker smirked to herself as she looked at the taller woman taking in her shimmering green eyes, long brown hair that went past her shoulders to the middle of her back, her body, yes that...body, perky breasts, and those tight pants that hugged her perfect ass. The blue haired woman snapped out of her thoughts to speak her name finally to the wolf. She's gonna find out your name eventually stupid, stop being so stubborn. "It's...Alissa."
Was that sooo hard? "Alissa? Hmm. That's a beautiful name." Ruby extended her hand to her mysterious rescuer, also taking in her beauty. Smiling sweetly, the wolf was hoping to find out more about the town's mysterious traveler one day. "Well...thank you. Alissa. So, will you be staying here in our quaint little town of Storybrooke for a while?"
Slowly taking her hand in her own she smiled back at the brunette, when their hands connected it made both of their heartbeats speed up, she began to give a firm handshake to the town's werewolf who gave one right back, Alissa was hoping her's wasn't clammy. Mhm, she does have one hell of a grip. "You're quite welcome, and I don't know. Maybe. I'm looking for a new place to settle and I think I just may have found a reason that this town may be the place to do just that." Placing her hands in her jacket pockets, she threw a sly smile to the taller woman making her blush even more. "Oh, and by the way you need to stay away from certain people."
Ruby raised a brow at that comment, she was beginning to get under her skin, and in a good way. "Certain people? Like?"
The rocker chuckled as she continued her smirk at the beautiful green eyed lady wolf. "You know, assholes, jerks, arrogant twats, I may not be there next time to help you out."
Red giggled at the comment. "Oh really?"
The two kept smiling and staring at each other, not knowing what was even going on with this chemistry they were feeling, or why they even were, but they knew something was there, they also knew that they just met tonight, lest they still couldn't help it. Ruby cleared her throat to speak, but before she could the wolf heard footsteps behind her and smelled a certain scent that was recognizable, one of which made her grumble and the hairs on the back of her neck stand up.
"Dammit Ruby! I was looking for you in the diner, what are you doing out here?" Dorothy stopped short and narrowed her eyes at Alissa who was having a conversation with the wolf.
"Oh...and who is this?" The dark haired woman was scowling while looking at the traveler up and down, sizing her up.
Alissa rolled her eyes as she saw the other woman glaring at her. "Speaking of those certain people..." She mumbled to herself.
"What was that?" Dorothy shot a hateful look to the woman who was now picking up her bags.
The rocker cleared her throat to break the tension. What a fucking cunt. "Nothing, look I was just leaving, have a good rest of your evening Ruby, and remember what I said, try and stay away from those people." Throwing a wink she headed out and away from the two women who started to argue yet again. Alissa turned her head back to look at them momentarily before walking off further. "For fucks sake, that Ruby sure is a jerk magnet, a cute, little jerk magnet though." She whispered to herself, "What a night." The rocker gave a husky laugh while finally strolling forward in the distance and out of sight.
The brunette growled as she watched Kansas angrily stomp off as well and away from her, she looked down for a moment before her head shot back up. "Shit! Dammit where did she go?" The wolf's eyes glowed yellow for a brief second as she frantically looked around to see if she could get a glimpse or scent of the one who helped her earlier, but with no avail, she was gone. Ruby sighed heavily, her mind still swirling with the events of this evening and how she wanted to just forget all about it, glancing up at the sky again, she looked off to the woods, and saw the full moon slowly rising in the distance. "Well I better get to the inn before granny blows a gasket." Ruby quickly made her way towards home, but why does she have a feeling that this night was far from over.
Thanks for reading
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corablaree · 7 years ago
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lovesomehate · 3 years ago
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Just wanted to share this with you :). Hope you like it.
#hackearney #travisxlaura #tedraimi #siobhanwilliams #the quarry #fanart
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I love it!!!
I just want them to be happy together 😭😭😭😭 and this so so soft gksgnsgjsjgj look at them 😭😭😭😭
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nbutgeek · 6 years ago
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Universal Pictures has released new STILLS from their upcoming Robert Zemeckis directed WELCOME TO MARWEN! This holiday season, Academy Award® winner Robert Zemeckis—the groundbreaking filmmaker behind Forrest Gump, Flight and Cast Away—directs Steve Carell in the most original movie of the year. #DianeKruger #EizaGonzalez #FalkHentschel #GwendolineChristie #JanelleMonae #LeslieMann #LeslieZemeckis #MattO'Leary #MatthewKevinAnderson #MerrittWever #NeilJackson #NikolaiWitschl #SiobhanWilliams #StefanieVonPfetten #SteveCarell #UniversalPictures #WelcomeToMarwen #NothingButGeek #NBGeek #NBG https://ift.tt/2SFyUy6 https://ift.tt/2RUPqKE
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