#sinus iridum
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quiltofstars · 3 months ago
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Sinus Iridum ("Bay of Rainbows") on the Moon // YYoships
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whats-in-a-sentence · 3 months ago
Thus, as well as an ocean of storms and a sea of tranquility, there is a bay of dew (Sinus Roris) and a bay of rainbows (Sinus Iridum), a marsh of decay (Palus Putredinus) and a lake of dreams (Lacus Somniorum).*
* The International Astronomical Union, which takes care of such things, codified the remit of sea naming to characteristics of water and states of mind. When the Soviet Union was adamant that one of the seas its Luna 3 probe discovered on the far side was to be called Mare Moscoviense, diplomatic ingenuity allowed is on the basis that "Moscow is a state of mind".
"The Moon: A History for the Future" - Oliver Morton
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theofficialastronomy101 · 1 year ago
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Ridge along Plato and Sinus Iridum near Mare Imbrium
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eclipse89 · 1 year ago
here's a collection of all my close-up lunar crater and mare shots, with corresponding names:
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Plato, Mare Imbrium and Sinus Iridum
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Tycho and Clavius
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Manilius and Mare Vaporum
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Langrenus and Mare Fecunditatis
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Posidonius and Mare Serenitatis
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Gassendi and Mare Humorum
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photos all by me
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pkmnspacehistory · 1 year ago
I suppose I should create a bio or something... ok, here goes...
Hi! My name is...wait, is that against company policy or something? Ok, until I sort this out, just call me by my blog title. They/Them only, please! Currently stationed at the Rainbow Bay Outpost in Sinus Iridum, the Moon, if anyone's interested. I run LRS-12 Rainbow Bay radio, but unless you happen to be on the Moon as well, I don't think you'll be able to tune in. No pokemon, if you can believe it. Haven't really needed any in my particular areas of expertise. Should be everything, if not, oh well, a problem for another time.
Oh, how could I forget? Here's a picture of me:
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(sideblog of @space-exploration-syndicate, follows come from there)
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carraways-son · 1 year ago
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La lune apparaissait ce soir légèrement rosée. Très visible au bout de la flèche, le demi-cratère aux falaises bien éclairées par le soleil est le golfe des Iris (Sinus Iridum). Il mesure 260km de diamètre et s'ouvre sur la vaste mer des Pluies (Mare Imbrium). Rien de mieux qu'une petite promenade sur la lune avant d'aller dormir.
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oh-shinx · 1 year ago
I hear the Sinus Iridum Crater Village is beautiful this time of year...
Still not going!!!!!!!!!!
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gwendoline-of-lumiose · 1 year ago
What is your opinion of Sinus Iridum as a potential locale for a vacation?
(you know, the place on the moon, there's a colony there with decent accommodations)
I am not going to the moon!
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blueflare7pkmn · 1 year ago
I've been trying to convince Rosie to honeymoon on the moon, but she doesn't seem amenable to the concept. In which case, I'd like your opinion. You take a trip to Galar, board a Galarian Airways Skarmory SSTO, you're in low orbit by T-plus five hours, and in a few days, you're touching down on a landing pad in Sinus Iridum. The accommodations are stunning, to say nothing of the environment.
That is a lot of big words that I do not understand ;-;
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chibinotan · 5 years ago
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Lunar Focus
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quiltofstars · 2 years ago
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Sinus Iridum (”The Bay of Rainbows”, lower left), Pythagoras crater (upper left), and Plato crater (center right) // Carlos
Sinus Iridum, “The Bay of Rainbows,” is an extension to the Mare Imbrium, “The Sea of Showers.” It was the original planned landing site of the Chinese lunar mission, Chang’e 3 in 2013.
Pythagoras crater is named after the famous Greek philosopher Pythagoras of Samos (c. 570 BC - 495 BC), probably most famous for his mathematical theorem relating the sides of a right triangle.
Plato crater is named after the equally famous Greek philosopher Plato (c. 428 BC - 348 BC), who’s philosophical treatises have been read for millennia.
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cosmicvastness · 7 years ago
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Golden Handle
Once a month the Sun and the Moon are just in the right angle so that you can see an effect called “the golden handle”. It happens when the Sun illuminates the Jura mountain range but not yet the floor of the Sinus Iridum crater next to the mountains. This is the first time I’ve gotten a photo of the golden handle! I’m beyond excited. (And again, I’m using binoculars and a smartphone, so the quality is what it is.)
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theofficialastronomy101 · 9 months ago
Natural Coloured Mare Frigoris, Montes Jura and part of Sinus Iridum
This image is the resulting mosaic of 5 images, up-right, up-left, center, bottom-right, bottom-left, cutting out the borders to focus on the central part of the mosaic. Each image is the best 1000-1500 stacked images out of around 50000 images captured at around 140 fps
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eclipse89 · 2 years ago
Plato & Sinus Iridum
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8" dobsonian telescope, ASI178mc camera & 2x barlow lens
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pkmnspacehistory · 1 year ago
Yeah, I might talk somewhat about what I do here...
Ah, yes, uh... I am a technician here at the Rainbow Bay Outpost, Sinus Iridum, the Moon. Our Outpost has two main roles: mining and shipbuilding. Usually those are connected.
Anyway, I work primarily in shipbuilding, but every so often I have to go over to our mining operation and do something there.
As the next Mars transfer window is less than a year away, all sorts of ships are being built, refurbished, expanded, what have you. It's a headache for us all down here, but we manage. I'll let you all know how that goes.
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vjkstar-blog · 4 years ago
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*Lunar Surface* *It is always worthwhile to take a good look at our Moon and the interesting details on its surface. How pleasantly small our earthly problems become...* SINUS IRIDUM can be seen here in this pic & with Golden Handle. Golden Handle of the moon … a play of light on the lunar surface, along the terminator line, visible four to five days before full moon. At this time, the high peaks of the lunar Montes Jura (Jura Mountains) are lit by sunlight. They appear as a bright arc, in front of the flat and still-dark plain of lava on the moon, known as the Sinus Iridum (the Bay of Rainbows). It, in turn, is part of the larger lava plain we call the Mare Imbrium (Sea of Rains). This mountain range spread across 422 kilometres becomes visible on the tenth day of the first fortnight between the new moon day and full moon day. The sun’s light illuminates this mountain and when the light dims, the mountain displays a golden hue. This is why this feature is called the Golden Handle. Already Galileo Galilei (1564–1642) knew of the »golden handle« and used his observations to estimate the altitude of the moon mountains – a fascinating thought *Captured on:* __Saturday, Jan. 23, 2021 *Equipment*: __Explore Scientific ED 127mm Carbon Fiber f/7.5 AirSpaced APO Triplet OTA... __Paramount MX Mount... __ZWO ASI185MC Camera.... *Processing*: __approx 2000 frames captured in SharpCap for all images __Stacked in Autostakkert3 __Wavelets in Registax __Enhanced in Lightroom & Snapseed *Location:* __Bangalore, Karnataka, India *Sky Conditions:* __Bortle Scale 7.8 __Clear Sky, 8/10 __Few surrounding village lights interference #lunar #astronomy #cosmos #planetary #planetphotography #astrophotography #astrophysics #astrophotographyindia #moonphotography #bangaloreastronomyclub #delhiastronomyclub #sharpcap #explorescientific #paramount #snapseed #zwoasi #karnataka #india © Vijay Kapoor Follow My Instagram for More pics: http://Instagram.com/lunar_mountains_climber (at Bangalore, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/COhjs_jMUGl/?igshid=cnrna86o772l
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