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sinotyrex 2 months ago
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Catch the star and follow your dream! Art is made by me. I hope you guys like it!
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pixelarthropods 10 months ago
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A beautiful pixel art made by me PixelArthropodss (SinotyRex) of Madagascan Sunset Moth Chrysiridia rhipheus. If you guys like it feel free to share with your friends or anyone. <3
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pixelarthropods 6 months ago
One of the sprite from Pokemon Infinite Fusion I made is now in game!
Well I made 2 sprite for complete fun so I decided you know what I'll upload it on their Pokemon Infinite Fusion discord see what they have to say. I didn't think it will went trough but it did. But only 1 of them is officially in game so that's pretty neat. It's Sceptile/Wigglytuff fusion. I had no idea until now it's in the game XD
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It's in database here. Head is Wigglytuff body is Sceptile. I made it since Sceptile is my fave and Wigglytuff is just a random choice. Btw it was long time since I posted on their server about it but I'm just now finding out about this. Thank you game for noticing me <3
Also SinotyRex is my official name and I use it as my youtube or streaming name. PixelArthropods is special account since it's mostly focused on pixel art and insects theme. That's the difference and that is why I have 2 separate account names. Hope that explains!
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pixelarthropods 10 months ago
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Pixel art made by me PixelArthropods (SinotyRex) of Death's Head Hawk, Acherontia atropos. Hopefully you guys like it!
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sinotyrex 1 month ago
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Did a lot of commissions so far. If anyone any chance interested commission me you can check out at ko-fi!
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pixelarthropods 2 months ago
Hello just want to do quick update. I went absent from this account because I was working on something important to me. That is working on my original account SinotyRex and upload digital art and prepare to stream! That's right I got new pc my bf gifted me for b day because he saw I was struggling making videos and couldn't stream. A really good gaming pc so I can finally work on what I was originally planned. This account was more of experiment to see how many people I can attract since not everyone likes bugs. I am one of few people that appreciate them and I own bugs myself as pets. If you are interested in my digital art content check link here: https://www.tumblr.com/sinotyrex
It took me time to prepare all of this new art to showcase. I also have booked art showcase in library to work on where I will showcase my art to people. So still need to do preparation for that.
But I didn't give up I just needed to prepare for something more important then doing only pixel bugs.
I will keep making some more pixel bugs just won't make them as often and I will also stream making some pixel art! Hope that clear things out.
Here's some of my digital art I made:
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sinotyrex 1 month ago
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Looking at the moonlight. Thinking about life choices. Art made by me, SinotyRex
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