#sinons the main girl in season 2
drivemysoul · 4 years
I have no idea why sugulis is so underrated 😔
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moezy-chan · 6 years
Moezy’s Top 10 Animanga Girls!
ISo did my top 10 couples and boys now it’s time for my favorite girls to shine! This was a lot harder than I thought it’d be cause there aren’t that many girls that I love in anime...so starting from 10 all the way down to 1!
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10. Kemono no Souja Erin starting off at 10 is Erin from Kemono no Souja Erin! I rarely like any girls let alone mains but Erin is special enough that she makes the list! Even if she is at the bottom...the reason I love her so much is that she’s real. Her reactions to life and even to trauma are so realistic that it’s hard not to love her. Minor spoiler, when she was only 10 Erin lost her mother and was adopted in by a very kind man from a neighboring country. Through the series she grows up and learns how the world really works. Her idealism is one of the reasons that I love her as well. She is somewhat naive but learns to outgrow that as she grows up. If you haven’t seen this anime please watch it! It’s really good and doesn’t have enough of a fanbase...
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9. Magi: The Labyrinth  of Magic & the Kingdom of Magic I love Morgiana truly because of her growth in the series. She starts off as very emotionless and withdrawn but despite that she will sacrifice her life to make others happy. As she learns to trust her new family she starts to show emotions and becomes one of the most loyal people in the group. I love her!
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8. Fruits Basket coming in at number 8 is Souma Kisa! I WANT TO ADOPT THIS PRECIOUS LITTLE TIGER! I LOVE HER! When I first saw Kisa in the anime I immediately fell in love. She has such a sad backstory but with the help of Tohru she learns to trust people again and becomes one of the cutest characters ever! She is honestly the most adorable angst character I ever came upon XD I can’t get enough of this cute little girl!
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7. Toaru Majutsu no Index/Toaru Kagaku no Railgun coming in at number 7 is Misaka Mikoto! Emo, badass tsundere character ftw! What made me love Mikoto so much is when the Sisters arc came. I liked her at first but Sisters is what made me LOVE her. Mikoto was willing to sacrifice sleep and happiness to save her sisters and would stop at nothing to prove to the people who were doing the experiments that no matter how a person is born, they still have feelings and deserve to be respected. That was enough for me to love her!
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6. Digimon Tamers coming in at number 6 is Makino Ruki! Yet another tsundere, emo badass female! Ruki is a horrible jerk in the beginning of Tamers but as she joins her Digimon family and eventually finds a love interest XD she changes for the better! Ruki only cared about powering up Renamon and keeping her title as the Digimon Queen but as she learns to soften, she puts her own feelings aside and starts caring about others. She is one of my absolute favorite characters and her growth is amazing!
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5. Digimon Adventure/02/Tri and at number 5 is Yagami Hikari! I love this precious little girl. Just like Kisa I want to adopt her XD Hikari is such an enigma and that is honestly the driving force as to why I love her so much. She is an unanswered question in the Digimon world...cause in the Adventure realm she is the only Chosen Child that seems to have powers...which is so shocking cause Hikari doesn’t even show up in the series til episode 21 but her powers don’t emerge until episode 48...go figure XD but the reason I love her is cause she is very self sacrificing and caring. She’ll forgo her own happiness to make everyone in the group happy but it’s cause of the guy I ship her with that shows her how to put her needs first as well. She is a very mysterious character and I can’t help but be drawn to her!
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4. Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon S coming in at number 4 is Tomoe Hotaru/Sailor Saturn! Hotaru is such an amazing character. I loved her from the moment the 3rd season showed her. She was a very introverted character that learned how to trust her Sailor family and was able to battle her demons that her father pushed onto her. She is also a very adorable little girl in Sailor Stars! I Have a thing for my female characters being adorable and emo all at once XD
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3. Fullmetal Alchemist (2003)/Brotherhood and up next at 3 is Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye! SHE IS BADASS! I watched 2003 first and honestly...I couldn’t bring myself to finding a favorite character so by default I made Riza my favorite cause she was the closet to what I liked in a favorite character. Once episode 19 of Brotherhood appeared and Lust told Riza she killed Roy, and Riza went off on her I knew she was immediately my favorite XD Riza is warm, caring, badass, and is also the one in charge of the group XD though Roy will never admit it! But he won’t stop her from being in charge anyways XD She is just so awesome and I love her!
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2. Digimon Adventure/02/Tri so coming in at number 2 is Tailmon! The only character on this list that isn’t a human! And I love her more than I love Hikari. Though it’s cause of Tailmon that Hikari makes the list. Tailmon completes Hikari and Hikari completes Tailmon. They are honestly my favorite Digimon/Partner pairing in the series. Tailmon was abandoned when she was just a Digiegg. Before she even hatched. She had to grow up all by herself, waiting for the one she would protect to come along but that person never came. When Tailmon went on a journey to find her she only found more pain...and abuse. It’s through Tailmon’s strong bond with her friend Wizarmon, and her bond with Hikari that she truly changed for the better. At one point Tailmon was the number one female on my list but she got beat a few years ago XD so on to number 1!
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1. Sword Art Online II: Gun Gale Online and save the best for last! Asada Shino/Sinon. I had to show both her forms XD cause I love her for both! The main reason I love Shino the most is out of all the females in anime I relate with her the most. Our personalities are very similar in that she will put her family’s needs above her own but then withdrawal inward when she gets too stressed out. It was through Kirito that she learned to be brave again and overcome her demons. I really love her!
Eventually...I will post a top 10 favorite characters of all time. That’s gonna be hard, deciding which boys and girls I like. Don’t expect it any time soon XD
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chopperiv · 7 years
Sword Art Online As A Whole - A Review
As you may imagine, this is not going to be a positive review. I’m not going to come away singing Kirito’s praises and saying he’s the greatest protagonist any show has had ever. This show is terrible, and the few interesting or redeeming qualities of it are little nuggets of gold in a vast sea of shit.
That said, let’s dive in.
I have heard people say that��“Sword Art Online’s first arc was great, and it only went downhill when they introduced fairies to it!” I would say to you, “Well, you’re entitled to your opinion, but you’re wrong.” Since pretty much day one, SAO has had flaws and issues that are impossible to ignore. Its character problem, for one thing. Barely any characters that aren’t Kirito get any screentime, and none of them (save maybe Asuna and Sinon) get any development. Female characters exist to faun over Kirito, and male characters exist to fill a role and not be people on their own.
Beyond character issues, we’ve also got the filler garbage that plagued SAO in its early episodes. Rather than having each episode fit into the arc and tell a continuous story from beginning to end, the first 4 introduce characters, settings, plot elements, and set up the way the show will progress from here on out. Then, suddenly, episode 5 gives us an MMO murder mystery that can only be solved by Our Hero, Kirito! And episode 6 continues the story, because we’re all oh-so-invested in this story that it had to be a two-parter. Hell, episode 4 is a bit of a grey area, since it introduces Silica (the girl with the dragon on her head, don’t feel bad if you’ve forgotten who she is) and not much else. Same goes for episode 7 introducing Lizbeth the blacksmith. Both of these girls, as I said, fall for Kirito, because that’s what girls do in this show. The only girl who never exhibits romantic tendencies towards him is Yuuki from Mother’s Rosario, and I’m fairly certain that’s because she’s in love with Asuna. But I digress. While the show gets back on track around episode 8, the episodes love to futz about and digress into side stories. For example, the Marty Feldman Fish subplot. It eats up half an episode, does absolutely nothing to further anyone’s storylines, and robs us of a potentially awesome fight with a giant centipede-skeleton.
Sword Art Online has a major problem with pacing. The filler is a big part of it, but there’s also the issue of Reki Kawahara being unable to deliver exposition unless the characters are sitting in a cafe. It happens with alarming frequency. Early on in season 2, there is a 10-minute-long scene where Kirito gets information fed to him while doing nothing but sitting in a cafe quietly listening. This grinds the pacing to a complete dead halt. I’m not watching this show for boring exposition delivered while sitting completely still, I’m watching this show to see people doing things!
Although even when it comes to people doing things, it’s pretty lackluster. The fight scenes in the show are abysmal. They are, without fail, Kirito and/or friends hacking and slashing at a target bigger than them which does very little other than stand there and take it. The enemy may attack once or twice for every thirty hits Kirito and/or friends get in. Throw in some insert shots of Kirito whining about how he needs to move faster, and you’ve got a Sword Art Online fight scene. There are very, very few fights that don’t follow this pattern. It makes the fights formulaic and just serves to hammer in what an incredibly boring protagonist Kirito is.
Kirito is intended to be a stoic loner who’s really good at video games. He comes across as an emotionless asshole (though he’s really good at screaming) who is strong not because he’s good at what he does, but because his writing is piss-poor. He’s practically invincible, and the only times he’s ever lost have been when a) the enemy was cheating, b) he wasn’t fighting “for real”, or c) he totally won anyway, shut up. Combine his generic powerfulness with his boring design (he looks like every harem anime protagonist ever, though I guess that’s fitting since he kind of is), and you’ve got a character perfect for young boys to project themselves on to. In short, Kirito is the character who gets the most development and screen time, and he’s still incredibly boring.
Remember when he approved of being called a “Beater”? What an idiot.
I’m not going to do a section on all the other characters in the show, because they can all basically be summed up in one word: Bland. There, done. Moving on.
Reki Kawahara has a major issue when it comes to writing female characters. He seems to view them as accessories to the main character, things to tell him how great he is, or spur him to action. This would likely be the reasoning behind the second half of the first season, where Kirito spends the entire time questing to rescue his girlfriend from a guy calling himself the Fairy King Oberon. (No, I will never get over that name.) And in that season, the Fairy King Oberon nearly rapes Kirito’s girlfriend, down to ripping off her clothes and declaring that after he’s “satisfied” himself there, he’s going to go to her real body and do the same thing. And that was fucking awful! I hated it! It was a shitty fucking swerve to pull on your audience, and I gave Reki much flak for it.
Then he pulled the same shit again at the end of the GGO arc. It almost seemed for a while that the only dramatic situation Reki could think of for a female character was attempted rape. Fortunately, after watching Mother’s Rosario, it’s clear that’s not the case, but it doesn’t mean he won’t try and pull that same garbage again in the future. To be perfectly honest, I think that I might not hold the same level of hatred towards this series that I do if there hadn’t been two attempted rape scenes. Two!
I’m not even going to go into all the more minor, nitpicky details. I could sit here for hours rambling about how shit Yui was as a character, or how absolutely god-awful any one of the MMOs featured in this show were, and how Reki Kawahara doesn’t understand a thing about video games. I could do that! But I won’t, because that would just start to get overly-detailed, and I’ve already done that while liveblogging the whole series. So instead, I’ll wrap this up.
Sword Art Online started with a decent premise. People trapped in a video game, if they die they die for real, sure. Great. Not exactly original, but it’s a fine premise. It spun this off into a show that resolved its own major plot by episode 14 of a 25 episode season, and then continued on fucking about and wondering what to do with itself. Sword Art Online is only worth watching if you watch it in the same way I did: purely out of morbid curiosity, and sharing your thoughts and frustrations with other people along the way. Do not buy this show. Don’t buy the original light novels. If you’re going to watch it, you can see the full series with a Netflix account. Don’t give money to Reki Kawahara for writing a hacky series of garbage books that don’t have the first clue how video games work. Stay away from Sword Art Online.
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falneou17 · 6 years
Saten Ruiko Day Countdown 2019 “honorable mentions” Part 2
Right before the countdown stream actually started I listed off a few characters who barely missed out on getting a oneshot written for them during the countdown stream. That said, because I didn’t want to give away everything, I kept a few names back, and this list will do justice to those few characters in particular. Also keep in mind that numbers two and the obvious number one are yet to be uploaded at this point in time.
This isn’t a list for characters like Therestina Kihara Lifeline, Kihara Gensei, Jacques Schnee or the character who makes the disdain I feel for these three characters combined look like child’s play in comparison.
Nooo, this is a list for characters who I believe a handful of those following the countdown stream would have expected would be in the countdown stream... and yet they didn’t. This, of course, won’t include any of the characters I touched upon in the previous entry.
Gaara from Naruto. Of all the many many characters of this franchise that I could be putting here, why this guy? Well, aside from the fact that he is an awesome character, I actually posted a top ten list of characters a few years ago where he took second place, and now he didn’t make it to the top at all... he deserves an explanation and I at least owe him this much: he is an awesome character with amazing character growth and development, potentially even greater than some of the characters who entered the top ten. All I can say is that after I distanced myself from this franchise, he kind of fell into the realm of forgotten which automatically disqualifies him from a spot on this list. It doesn’t help that he was subjugated to change his appearance into... whatever that is in Boruto, sheesh...
Asada Shino/Sinon from Sword Art Online. Yeah, say what you want about the franchise, it did bring forth a handful of wonderful characters that we can enjoy and Sinon is a prime example of that. She’s always stood out to me in the franchise and, like Gaara, she did make it to the top ten of that same list. Right before I made the top ten list, I rewatched SAO in preparation for the new season that started in October 2018, and... she doesn’t really do much after her introductory arc...
Shadow the Hedgehog from Sonic. Oh how the mighty have fallen... oh how the mighty have fallen... to give everybody a moment of perspective: in 2014, Shadow was sitting comfortably on the #6 or so spot of a similar list like this way back then, and he also made it in the top ten list that I have referenced in both Gaara’s and Sinon’s post already... now he is like in the thirties or so... and it isn’t even like something happened that made me like him less (other than not being active in the fandom); it’s just that I got into amazing franchises since then. I got into RWBY and Raildex in 2016, Bandori in 2017 and Akuma no Riddle in 2018, among others. I kind of feel bad for him now...
Crow Hogan from Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s. I’ve always really loved this guy a lot, his personality mixed with his sense of duty to protect those he wants to protect, it’s awesome. I’m also happy that we got to see more of him as he ended up becoming so liked that he eventually switched placed with Aki as a main character (sorry, Aki ^^’). And I know that this is getting old by now, but like the three entries before him, he also made it in that same top ten list. I don’t really have a very good explanation why he isn’t on there anymore, maybe just that I ended up running into more people I like since that day?
Itsuwa from Toaru Majutsu no Index. It is no secret that I like Itsuwa a lot. She’s by far my favorite female character in Index (since Ruiko is Railgun-exclusive for all intents and purposes), I switched to using an Itsuwa-based icon over on Discord for a few weeks, Itsuwa (along with Accelerator) is the main reason I bit through Index III, and Itsuwa is my favorite character to use in the Index mobile MMO alongside Oriana and Kaori. But she isn’t quite in the top ten if that wasn’t quite obvious yet already... no fault of her own, I just ended up liking the ten that did make it more than I do her.
Mitake Ran from BanG Dream! Girls Band Party. This apparently surprised some people as well, and for good reason, honestly; Ran is the easiest Bandori character for me to depict and she is half of my OTP in that franchise (even though a different ship not involving Ran has been rising up the ranks over the past few months or so). Her characterization has grown rather stale in recent events, though, and she doesn’t stand out too much anymore. Ironic, as she is a living landmark, but if Moca is stuck on the tenth spot it should have been obvious that Ran wouldn’t make it as I have always said that I liked Moca more than Ran.
Frenda Seivelun from Toaru Kagaku no Railgun. As a lot of people will already know, I like Frenda a lot; her overall goofiness but ability to get things done really appealed herself to me (and to a ton of other fans of the franchise across the globe from what I can tell). But if Accelerator and Itsuwa didn’t make the cut, do you really expect Frenda to make it? Get cut off, maybe... which, unfortunately, is what happened to her: getting cut off from the top ten.
Sagae Haruki from Akuma no Riddle and Imai Lisa from BanG Dream! Girls Band Party. A little bit of a joint-entry here, partly because their personalities overlap so much. I really love both of them a lot and they are amazing characters in their own right, but (and this is why they share a spot in this honorable mention list) the fandoms... I dunno, by seemingly focusing too much on their ship with who they are popularly shipped with, it kind of resulted in it becoming increasingly harder to see them on their own (and increasingly harder for me to write them outside the fan-favorite ship). Lisa is probably a bit higher than Haruki on the overall preference list if only because there is more to work with regarding Lisa (due to BanG Dream! still being an ongoing franchise at the time of writing this and Akuma no Riddle... is not...). Yeah, there is another character who fell victim to this hyper-focus of the fandom, and that person is...
Amarillo del Bosque Verde from Pokémon Special. Yeah, no... writing one oneshot for that fandom was bad enough, but two? Also, I kind of agree with what one of the writers who inspired me to write has said about her a few months ago: Yellow’s powers were super awesome and overpowered back in her hayday, but as everybody else grows stronger and she is stuck at the level that she is... she becomes “weaker” only because everybody else gets stronger. Not to mention that she hasn’t appeared or even been mentioned in canon since, what? 2008? Also, do you have any idea how difficult this girl is to write (according to the fandom)? No matter how you depict her as there are going to be a-holes who flame you for not writing her according to their headcanons... and people still wonder why I left that fandom... anyways, moving on!
Yazawa Nico from Love Live! I know the fandom is very... divided... on their opinion on this character, and she did skyrocket quite a bit... it’s just that I never really had the opportunity to really get to know her. By the time I got to the point where I was ready to delve into the world of LL to learn more about the Nico, it was already January 2017... and we all know which franchise released its anime in January 2017...
The final character I will grace with a honorable mention is Hakuryuu from Inazuma Eleven: GO. In a way, Hakuryuu is... like an Accelerator but denied the glory of a (pseudo-)main character role and stuck in a franchise with several times the number of named characters. His power and determination are what really appealed him to me, and if it weren’t for the fact that he was stripped from more screen time he would likely have made the competition for the top ten spot even fiercer...
And that is all there is to the list! Stay tuned tomorrow for the obvious number one spot!
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Sword Art Online Anime Body Pillow That Impressing You Most
Sword Art Online is a Japanese light novel series written by Reki Kawahara and illustrated by abec. The series takes place in the near future and focuses on protagonist Kazuto "Kirito" Kirigaya and Asuna Yuuki as they play through various virtual reality MMORPG worlds. The light novels began publication on ASCII Media Works' Dengeki Bunko imprint from April 10, 2009, with a spin-off series launching in October 2012. The series has spawned eight manga adaptations published by ASCII Media Works and Kadokawa. The novels and four of the manga adaptations have been licensed for release in North America by Yen Press.
An animated film titled Sword Art Online The Movie: Ordinal Scale featuring an original story by Kawahara premiered in Japan and Southeast Asia on February 18, 2017, and was released in the United States on March 9, 2017. A spin-off anime series titled Sword Art Online Alternative Gun Gale Online premiered in April 2018, while a third season titled Sword Art Online: Alicization will premiere in October 2018. A live-action series will be produced by Netflix. Six video games based on the series have been released for multiple consoles.
Sword Art Online has received widespread commercial success, with the light novels having over 20 million copies sold worldwide. The anime series has received mixed to positive reviews, praised for its animation, musical score, and exploration of the psychological aspects of virtual reality, but criticized for its pacing and writing.
Sword Art Online Anime Body Pillows
1.Elsa Kanzaki Anime Dakimakura
Pitohui is a frank and cheerful person. However, she greatly dislikes honorific speech in-game, thus whenever she hears LLENN or M starting to talk in a formal manner, she complains to them about how unnecessary it is. Pitohui is also a gun maniac who collects guns in-game and, whenever she went monster hunting with LLENN, she would always use a different gun
2.  Asuna Yuuki Anime Dakimakura
Asuna as the main female protagonist at Sword Art, she is a friend at first and later to his girlfriend in the game of Kirito at Alfheim Online. Here, she is the secondary-leader of the legendary Knights of the Blood Oath, medium-sized guild recognized as the toughest guild in Aincrad. She then becomes amongst the few girls who made possible to go in that game and being attractive too, she receives inducement and offers. She is a determined and accomplished player known as “The Flash” has an extraordinary fast skill with the weapon rapier.
3.Leafa / Suguha Kirigaya Anime Hug Pillow
Suguha, mostly called Sugu, is Kirito’s alleged “sister” in a real contemporary world; but in the actual his true cousin, as Kirito’s mother had been raised her sister’s daughter which is Suguha from a tender age after she lost her parents in an accident, yet Suguha and Kirito never knew it until later of the series. She is a hard-working worker and committed her time practicing kendo for even 8 years, to a degree to escape the solitude and being isolated in her life.
4. Shino Asada Anime Body Pillow
Sinon is the foremost character of the game Phantom Bullet Arc. An event when she was merely two years old, in an accident, car accident, her father died and nine years later after, while she is at a normal routine in post office, an armed burglar tried to shoot an innocencepregnant woman,and there after lost his control in the gun just then that Shino had bitten his hand make to shoot three times the man and killing him. Thus, having a phobia of guns and incoming panic attacks whenever she saw any. 
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