#sinnohdaddy ~ ft. twinleafroyalty )
auroratickets · 3 years
@twinleafroyalty​ scribbled:  "Byron..." He has a Look on his face as he starts to speak - a dad look. "Where do you get your groceries?" Palmer knows that he's going to get smote for this, but that won't stop him.
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“Eh?” Did he get the wrong brand of coffee at the store? That wouldn’t make sense... It’s the evening - it’d be a bit odd to let him know something like that right now. Did he go to the wrong store this time? That doesn’t seem right either... He always makes sure to go to the same Super Luck’s whenever the two are staying around his neck of Sinnoh. Something’s not right with Palmer, but he can’t exactly place his fingers on it at the moment...
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A bead of sweet rolls down his face regardless, oblivious to the look the fellow dad is giving... Maybe his dad senses are a bit rusty from the last time he’s actually dadded,“Y’should know tha’ already Palmie.. I get ‘em at Super Luck’s...—”
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