#single storey house facades
hotspaceconsultant · 20 days
Exploring the Impact of Roof Design on Your House Facade
When you are building your dream home, its exterior look, which we call house facades, is of utmost importance. There are many aspects of house design in Australia, in which roof design plays an important role. The right roof not only enhances the structure and safety of your home, but it also gives a unique and attractive look to your house front. Let's find out how roof design impacts your house's exterior look and how to make it more attractive.
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1. Roof style and its role
Roof style shapes the identity of your home. In Australia, a lot of care has to be taken while choosing a roof design due to the weather and climate. Roof styles like flat, gabled and hipped are quite popular here.
Flat roofs are ideal for modern design homes. It gives your home a minimalistic and neat look, making the front of the house look more attractive. On the other hand, sloping roofs or gabled roofs are considered better for classic and traditional houses, which gives the house elegance and durability.
2. Choosing the right material
Choosing the right material is extremely important in roof design. Different parts of Australia have variations in weather, so one should choose a material that suits the climate there. For example, metal roofs are more popular in Australia as they are lightweight and durable. Apart from this, materials like concrete and tile are also excellent options for roofing, which provide a durable and safe roof to the house.
The right selection of material elevates the look of your house facades and protects your home from the adversities of weather.
3. Climate and design
The variations in weather in Australia directly affect the roof design. Sloping roofs, especially gabled and hipped, are useful in areas where rainfall is high. These roofs allow water to drain easily and protect your home from waterlogging.
On the other hand, flat roofs are used in hot and dry regions. This design matches with modern homes and helps protect the home from heat. Apart from this, energy efficiency also depends on the roof design. Airy and light-coloured roofs help keep the house cool in summer and save energy.
4. Harmony of front design and roof
It is very important to have harmony between the front design of the house and the roof. If your house is modern, then flat roofs or sloping roofs go well with it. On the other hand, gabled roofs look more attractive in houses with classic designs.
Harmonious design not only makes your home beautiful, but it also increases its durability and utility. The perfect combination of roof and house facades gives your home a unique and special identity.
5. Energy Efficiency and Roof
Another important aspect of roof design is how it affects the energy efficiency of your home. Choosing the right design and material helps your home save energy. For example, if you choose a roof with lightweight material and proper ventilation, it reduces heat and keeps the temperature of your home controlled.
This is not only good for the environment but also saves on your electricity bills.
Roof design is not only essential for the structure and safety of your home, but it also enhances the aesthetics of your house facades. In a country with diverse climates like Australia, choosing the right roof can make your home both beautiful and safe. Whether you want a modern or traditional design, it is important to have harmony between the roof and front design.
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sunny-homes · 1 year
Welcome to our home building services specializing in single storey, double storey, and duplex homes in Whitlam, ACT. At Sunny Homes ACT, we understand that every homeowner has unique preferences and requirements, which is why we offer a range of options to suit your needs.
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vaastudesigners · 2 years
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French Provincial Home Single Storey - Vaastu Designers
Vaastu designers who specialize in French Provincial Homes Single Storey create stunning residences that exude elegance and warmth. This style is characterized by symmetrical designs, ornate details, and natural materials. French Provincial single storey homes typically feature steeply pitched roofs, arched windows, and decorative wrought ironwork. Interiors often feature hand-carved woodwork, decorative moldings, and luxurious fabrics. Vaastu designers who specialize in this style pay special attention to the placement of furniture and decor, ensuring that it aligns with the principles of Vaastu Shastra. By blending the charm of French Provincial style with the principles of Vaastu Shastra, these designers create homes that not only look beautiful but also promote positive energy flow and harmony within the home.
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The Lost 2
Warnings: non/dubcon, mentions of loss, grieving, death, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
Characters: nomad!Steve Rogers
Summary: You move into a shared flat and encounter a mysterious man.
This one's a bit longer than the intro.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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Your first shift at the store goes well enough. Aziz, the manager, shows you where everything is and goes over the policies. The till is behind a window, a slot just big enough to get products and money through. It’s close to your apartment so not the best part of town. The next day, you’ll be alone.
You head home with a dented can of ginger ale in your bag. Aziz said you could have it for free since half the paint was scraped off during shipping. You don’t drink much soda but it would be a nice treat.
You find yourself dragging your feet as you come onto your street. You’re still getting your bearings but you recognize the boarded up white brick building across from the converted two-storey house. You stare at the faded brown facade of your abode, fumbling with your keys nervously. You still feel so out of place.
You cross the road and climb the steep iron staircase that leads up the side of the house to the second floor. The heavy metal grate that shields the thick wooden door rattles as you open it and clanks behind you loudly despite your efforts to keep quiet. The place feels desolate as you enter. Aside from last night, you haven’t encountered anyone else.
You creep into the kitchen and go to the fridge. On it, there’s a yellow paper with blue ink on it; numbered bullets that you read slowly. ‘House Rules’, the jagged capitals spell out the title above at least a dozen lines. ‘Clean up after yourself; mark your food; no stealing.’ That paper feels very apathetic, suggesting that no one really talks to each other here. Maybe it’s better that way.
You open the fridge and search your bag for your can of ginger ale. You hesitate to put it inside. You have no way of marking it. You consider the remnants of the logo on the side. You could just have it warm.
“There’s a sharpie in the top drawer,” a voice breaks the rigid silence like cracking ice.
You glance over at the man standing in the doorway, the same that leads to your bedroom. You quickly peel away your eyes and nod. You can’t manage a thank you as your surprise has your adrenaline pulsing.
You close the fridge and put the can on the counter. You open a drawer, not much inside besides electric tape and the promised sharpie. You write your initials on the top of the can as the man enters and stops a few feet from you, popping open a cupboard with a harsh click.
You think it must be the same man as the night before. He’s about the same size as the ominous shadow, at least from your periphery glance. You sidle over and pull the fridge open once more, setting your can in the door before you close it gently.
Tension roils around you as the man takes out a large container. It’s unmarked except for the sharpie emblazoned on the white plastic; ‘S’. Just a single letter.
You back away and fix your bag on your shoulder, shuffling around him in the small kitchen. He doesn’t say anything but you can hear his long exhale. It sticks with you how easily he’s snuck up on you twice. You shrug it off as paranoia from the shelter.
You’ll be okay. You have a lock on the door here. You have your own space. A tiny haven in an immense world.
Your first shift alone isn’t as intimidating as you thought. Most people come in and grab what they need then go. You ring them through with as much friendliness as you can muster. Most don’t respond, some chatter a bit, rambling about a thousand different things, and others even glare at you as they point to the small earbud in their ears. The flow of customers is ebbs and flows, busier around lunchtime and dull after two.
You’re almost done with your hours there. You take the time to bring out the bag of chips Aziz marked for stocking. You sit on the step stool as you set to find the palace for each brand. You put the Cheetos on the shelf as the door chimes and signals the entry of a customer.
You stand and peek over the shelf. You see only a man’s shoulders and the back of his head as he turns his back to you, perusing the wall of magazines. His hair pokes out in shaggy shanks from a ball cap. You grab the folding foot stool and the box and quickly scurry back behind the counter.
You put them down clumsily, a loud clap as the stool falls against the back of the counter. You pull shut the divider behind you and go to the till. You brace the counter as you peer over at the man again but try not to stalk him.
He strides slowly through the store, just along the back wall as he peruses the bottles and cans of cold drinks. He opens a door and takes something out. You look down and review the checklist for your shift. The last thing you need to do is balance the till before the evening shift gets here.
You listen to the man’s steps, flicking your eyes up now and again to keep track of him. You can also see him on the security screen through the black and white lens. You don’t even get a good look at him then as he keeps his chin straight, the beak of his cap effectively hiding his features.
He approaches the counter and you pop your head up. You’re stunned to recognise him. The same man from your flat. Your neighbour. Nameless and mysterious.
“Hey,” he says as he puts his fare on the other side of the plastic barrier.
“Hello,” you eke out. You’re getting used to your own voice again. In this job, you don’t have a choice. “This everything?”
“Mhmm,” the hum is rocky in his throat. 
You grab the two bottles, part of a two for three deal, and scan the premade protein milkshakes one at a time, then the magazine, Time, and a bag of pretzels. Nothing too unusual. His fingertips scratch the coarse hair along his jaw as he clears his throat.
You read out his total and he reaches into his jacket. He pulls out several bills and counts them out before handing them over. You take them and tally his change from the drawer.
“Shouldn’t be working alone,” he comments as he holds his hand out for the change.
You drop the coins into his cupped palm and recoil at his remark.
“Not to scare you,” he tucks the change away.
You shake your head. No, you thought it before but a job’s a job. You scrunch your lips and look around evasively.
“Do you want a bag?” You offer, not knowing how else to respond.
“Please,” he accepts, “and thank you.”
You nod and pull out a bag. You take his items and shove them inside as he watches quietly. You push them through the slot and he takes the handles, pausing as you feel him looking at you.
“When you walk home, avoid Mason Street. Go one up to Doxtator. Safer,” he advises.
You dip your chin, embarrassed. You know you don’t look like much but you can take care of yourself. You have so far.
He leans back on his heel before twisting on his soles. It squeaks with his slow hesitation and he marches to the door. You look up as the chime goes off and he disappears into the street. Only forty minutes to go.
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cielle-b · 1 year
Outsider (chapter 1)
[trying out something new, I usually make comics but I'm gonna try writing a novel this time ^^. This is an original story, hope you guys like it]
I find myself in a room deep with darkness, the only source of faint light coming from a singular window that displays the glow of a downward crescent moon. 
"Listen to brother, okay…"
A man talks to me. The way he delivers his words are similar to those of a calm man, but the slight trembles of his hand uncovers the facade.
He opens his mouth but his words sound muddled, I couldn't quite make them out. The details of the room are also a blur, all I could make out was that it was a run down studio apartment, the walls are wallpaper of a cream color, the floor had wooden patterns, and a single door sits in the middle of the far wall.
The voice of the man starts getting louder as thuds coming from below gets closer. He grabs me by my shoulders and instructs me to do something, but still I couldn't hear him clearly.
The door opposite to us flung open and a dreadful look came to the face of the man. A figure stands tall outside the door frame. The man with me threw me outside the window as I heard a scream, was it from the man? No, I think it was me.
And it was, I was screaming, alone in my room. Why was I?
I wake up in my bed, with heavy blankets and soft pillows. My white hair was a mess from a good night's sleep,and I was still a bit tipsy from rest. The time currently was 6:34 am, about 26 minutes before my alarm set off. I decided to get up now and surprise my parents.
I crouched down while going down the stairs, the dining area was already lit up. I could hear the voice of my brother and father. I decided to go closer, tip-toeing behind my older brother while thinking of the face he'll make once I scare him
"Zymone? What are you doing?" The voice of a woman scares me from behind, It was mom.
"AHHHH!" I screamed with a shocked expression on my face,
Brother and father broke into laughter. My plan backfired.
"Mom~ you ruined it" I whined
"Why are you blaming me? You should've done a better job being all stealthy" she mocked
"Now, now let's stop making fun of Zymone so early in the morning" Dad asserted
"Come on dad, you laughed the hardest earlier" brother retorted
"Touché" Dad admitted before breaking into laughter once more
I acted annoyed by the teasing, but honestly, I couldn't be happier with an atmosphere like this.
We all ate breakfast together, exchanging stories and plans for the day before leaving. I went out with my brother since his workplace is on the way to my school. We left the house, a unit along the line of houses almost connected as one, there were slippers and plants with recycled plastic bottles as pots decorating most of the homes, each walls colored slightly different from the last and with varying degrees of wear and tear. The sun was almost not visible from the wires along the posts as well as from the roofs of varying heights. The floor was cold cement, our area lower than the main street. "Looban'' is what they call it.
We finally reached the main road with buses and jeepneys passing by. We rode one of the jeepneys with the signage "Terminal Palico" and we went on our way.
Soon I reached my stop, my brother had reached his destination long before mine. I stepped down the jeepney and went to the school entrance.
I go to a public school, but one that is among the best in the country. Its entrance is a huge arch gateway newly painted a shade of navy blue, it has plants decorating the foot of the brick walls, some even containing flowers. There are two traffic enforcers usually outside guiding the cars that are dropping off their kids to school, one of them is an old man who always looks grateful doing his job, compassionate and cheerful, this man has helped me a lot during my stay here, but it seems that he is absent today. Inside the navy blue gates lies the grand building of Philos national high school. It is a 6 storey building with the main entrance being 15 steps above ground. The white walls are decorated with vines but not in a sense of neglect.
I reach the 7th step of the entrance and a rolled up piece of paper hits my head, it catches my attention
"Hey Granny!" An annoying familiar voice called from behind. It was the typical bully with two of his goons right behind him kissing his ass with every joke
I didn't turn
"Did you leave your hearing aids at home granny?" The same voice mocked.
I finally turned with a glare
"Hey fix your eyes you-" he gets cut off. A hand grabs him from behind
"And what seems to be the problem Jonas?" It was our English teacher. A teacher who you wouldn't guess is in his early forties, he's well built and muscular with shiny black hair brushed up, his eyes cold towards the delinquent boys, but warm towards me
Jonas shivers, he wasn't the type of person the bullies would dare defy. He leaves with a crossed face. I knew that I was in for it later.
"Are you alright, Zymone?" Sir asks
"Yes sir, I'm alright" I answered
"I've told you about this Zymone, if kids like him keep on bothering you, you need to tell me" 
"I know sir"
"Just know that I'm here to help you. Now, about that assignment, The essay you made was well written, but, I instructed this to be done by pairs. Is there something wrong with you and your classmates?" Sir questioned
"Sir?" I asked confused
"The assignment on classical literature, you didn't have a partner"
"Oh… I couldn't find anyone to partner up with" I muttered
"Hm, I guess someone does have to be alone given that there are only thirty-seven of you in the classroom. But you keep getting the short end of the stick each time, next time I'll make sure you have a partner, okay?"
Thirty-seven? That can't be?
"Thirty-seven, sir?" I confirmed
"Yes, was I mistaken?" Sir asks
"Um" I couldn't give a straight answer
"I forgot, excuse me sir I'll be late for class" as soon as I spoke, I bolted
"No running in the halls~" I was only able to hear the echo of Sir's insincere instruction.
But thirty-seven? It can't be… there were still fifty-one of us last week!
Fourteen students disappeared in 2 days alone. The word "disappeared" doesn't even cut it, it's more like their existence itself had been erased.
I jogged to our classroom, calming myself before entering the room.
Breathe in, breathe out.
I open the door as usual, no one notices, I wasn't the type of person to stand out anyway. But the classroom does seem off. Some of the students who are usually early aren't present yet. I approach some of their friends to confirm
"Hey mark" I called 
"Waddup Zymone?" He asks
"Are you close with jake?"
"Jake who? Jaimeson from next class?"
"Ah nevermind, I guess you don't know him" I retracted
As far as I knew Jake was his best friend, that's one of fourteen, on to the next
"Samantha? Who's that?"
"I don't think I know anyone named keith, sorry"
"Liam? Kendricks?"
"Kim? Is he a transfer student?"
I couldn't believe it. Usually it would only be one every few months, but fourteen in two days? That's a new record. How many more people actually disappeared then? Did the families of the students also disappear? It's concerning to think that I am the only one who seems to remember those who have been erased, and how vulnerable everyone is. If only I knew the cause then maybe I can stop this, or at least I can stop it from happening to me.
Class ended and I left with the issue still weighing heavily on my mind. I walked down the street near my home, it was kind of a shortcut away from the buzzling highway. The thoughts of the disappearances still linger on my mind.  How long will I continue to be lucky? That I do not know.
I continue walking listening to my footsteps as the sound of another pair starts to grow louder, and then a few more, soon mocking laughters start to erupt. It was them again, the jerks from earlier.
"Hey, adopted bitch!!" The leader of the pack of hyenas growled.
Don't they have other things to do?
"Don't think you'll get away with what you did earlier" one of his underlings commented
"You think you're safe hiding behind Sir Nicholas' back, are you his bitch or something?" the leader of their pack yapped
"We're going to pay you back real good for what you did"
Their nonsense has grown lately, I wasn't even the one who did anything.
"Make it fast, mom said she's making soup" I groaned
"Oh sure! We'll make it hurt as much as possible" The head-asshole said while pounding his fist together.
And so they did. I could barely stand-up after the rough beating, I shouldn't have run my mouth off, maybe they would have spared a rib. But what's done is done, I don't really mind pain.
I start walking back home, it's already starting to pass sunset, they'd probably be worried if I came home looking like this. What should I say to them? Should I say that I got hit by a car? Fall down the stairs? What excuse would make them not worry? Maybe I should've minded pain after all.
But come to think the houses seem rather silent today, and the neighborhood kids aren't playing outside. Did something happen? I continued walking home, the expectation of having sour vegetable soup at the dinner table was making me excited. The excitement slowly faded into eeriness, as I realized that there were no noises around.  the whispers of people's voices within their homes, the buzz of insects, all I could hear was the hum and flickering of fluorescent lights. The sun had set, it was dark except for the houses with their lights on. I continue walking with quiet steps, my skin cold with fear, my vision starts to have a vignette pulsing with the drumming of my heart. Slowly I walked, the door to our house was within my vision, there were shoes outside the house, they're home then. The door was open, I was relieved until I reached the door.
The house was ransacked.
The tables were turned upside down and the walls were torn. Plates and tableware were scattered on the floor, hints of the sour vegetable soup mom had prepared were spilled all over the carpet.
I froze by the door frame.
I examined the scene, looking for any signs of life. I slowly walked towards the telephone on the floor, unsure if it would still work, thankfully it did. 
I dialed the number to the emergency hotline, with each press my finger starts to tremble more and more. 
"001, emergency hotline" the voice of a calm lady answers on the other side.
"Hi, I just got home and-" my voice trembled
I realized that I haven't actually internalized the situation, having to actualize it into words made me sick to my stomach.
"Sir?" The woman said while typing. She stopped midway and repeated herself, now with a more nervous tone "Sir? Where are you currently?" She asks
"A-at home. 712, Rosemary street-"
"Santo niño Boulevard…" the woman on the other side finished my sentence
"Yes, please send he-" I got cut off again
"Sir please leave the area immediately! A warning has already been sent to that area and has been evacuated!" The woman orders with a louder voice. it was obvious that she was masking her panic, it didn't help.
The call was switched to another operator, this time a male.
"Sir, disregard the previous instructions, stay where you are, make sure to stay in a place hidden, our team is currently on their way and you'll be tracked through your phone. Is this clear, Sir?" The authoritative voice instructed
"Zymone?' A voice behind me muttered
"Mom!" I turned around.
Except I was not met by the welcoming smile of my mother, but by the towering figure of a monster. A creature crouched down but is still able to hit the ceiling with its head. Its body looks like it's made of shadow, a dark murky substance that feels like it will suck you in once you touch it, and its face, it looks like the skull of a horse, its jaw unhinged revealing nail-like teeth lining up even the inside of its throat. From the inside came the source of the sound that mimicked my mothers voice.
"Zymone. Is. Home" The creature mimicked, like a mockery of the loveliest woman in my life. It's mouth turned into a smirk
"SIR! RUN!" The voice on the other side woke me up from the panic.
The creature's mouth slowly begins to grow wider. I bolted to the side grabbing anything that I could find, a kitchen knife! Perfect.
I ran outside the house, my breathing labored. I ran as hard as I could, the adrenaline was making up for the injuries that I sustained from the beating earlier. The creature crashed through the doorway, leaving a hole on the wall. It squirmed as it tried to chase after me, its thin legs contrasting its huge body. it has multiple limbs all over its body, some I’m not sure of its use. I continued running, throwing objects within reach towards the creature in hopes of slowing it down, but it just brushed it off as mild annoyance. My breathing gets heavier and heavier until it turns into panting, the desperation in each breath grows stronger and stronger.
I don’t want to die!
I turned corners trying to lose the creature, it followed behind closely. I could hear the loud thuds of its footsteps and the slam of its body against the wall as it chased me clumsily. I never realized how maze-like the alleyways could be, I passed by familiar areas less and less. How were there still places that I didn’t know? I could feel the muscles on my legs slowly go numb as the fatigue started to set in, slowly it felt like my bones itself were giving up.
I could feel the cold sweat along my face tracing down along my neck and back. I turn one more corner and- A dead end. I knew the pavement would run out one way or another, but I wished that it wasn’t this early. The creature's steps slow down, like a hunter knowing that its prey had nowhere else to go. I grip the knife with my hand tightly, I should try to at least fight. But against that thing… would it even be worth it? I gather up all the courage that I had left in me, I hold the knife tighter with both hands and take a stance. My heart was in my head pounding, I could feel my skull tighten as the blood drained from my face. I bit my lips and stared intently at the monster. Its mouth grew a wider grin as if mocking my attempt in defending myself. It started rushing towards me with its mouth wide open, a gaping blackhole that would soon be my tomb. With all of the strength I had left I dodged to the side and stabbed its torso, a wave of cold air surrounded my body, was it simply adrenaline? The monster let out a loud cry like static and a mix of heavy machinery with low bass. One of the limbs on its back stretches and flings me against the wall,  the impact was enough to create a spider-web-like crack against the concrete wall. I could feel some of my ribs crack from the impact and it feels like my skull did too.
I fall on the floor unable to move, my vision starts to darken. I looked up on the moon, it was a downward crescent, this scene felt familiar. My consciousness was starting to surrender, until I saw a flash of light blink in the night sky, a soft whistle coming from the sky came hurling down the earth. and like a meteor, something fell on the creature, pinning it against the floor. Smoke filled the surrounding, the creature shrieks and wails, flopping its limbs all over. I couldn't see exactly what was happening to the creature, but the distinct sound of its flesh and bones breaking were apparent. A dark liquid flooded the floor and one of its limbs flew towards me. Should I be scared or relieved that the creature once before me was being overpowered?
The dust started to settle and I could finally make out the figure of a man standing atop the creature that once preyed in me. Its bodily fluids that I can only assume is its blood splattered all over the floor and all its limbs were severed from the main body.
The man looked at me. He had a cold gaze with dazzling blue eyes, his black hair was roughly tied into a high ponytail with multiple stray strands going down his face, He looked tall with a well built physical appearance. His clothes resembled those of a fancy school uniform, a black suit with white lining along the collar, his sleeves were rolled up and his hand held a bloodied katana. I didn't know if he was a savior or threat, all I knew was that I no longer had the strength to fight.
He stepped off the creature and approached me, I closed my eyes as I prepared for the worst. But on the contrary, a friendly voice spoke.
"I'm guessing you were the one who called 001 earlier? Sorry I'm late" I could feel the compassionate smile through his words "don't worry, help is on the way" he reassured
It was weird, the voice of the man was juxtaposed with his earlier appearance. His presence though, was indeed calming.
"There you are, you brat!" The shouting of a rough voice from an older male was closing in from a far
"Stop running off by yourself!" The older man scolded
"Hehe, I'm sorry boss, but I found our caller" the mystery man proudly states
I could hear the older man smack my savior on the head
"Good job! But that's 'General' to you!" He grumbled
I could slowly feel my strength coming back, I tried to lift a finger, and then an arm.
"Hey kid! Don't move yet! You're badly injured, it's already a miracle that you're still alive after that… Impact" the man paused to look at the crack before finishing his sentence. "How ARE you alive though?" He added
"I— have t-to find my f-family" I manage to let out
"Hold on, we have a record for everyone, what are their names" the male asks
"Anna Deniece, Markus, and Samson Cambridge" I answered
"Okay we'll ask about them" the man replied
I could hear more footsteps come close
"Is he the victim?" The gentle voice of a woman came of a distance
"Yes! He's still awake too!" The man responded
"Oh goodness, lucky kid" I could hear her heels click against the concrete floor closer and closer to me.
She propped me up, flashed a small flashlight in my eyes and examined me
"We need to treat you right away, get the gurney!" She ordered
"Yes, General!" Voices from a far answered
I really lived.
I couldn't believe my senses, was what happened really real? Logically it shouldn't have been, but with how my wounds and broken bones still ache there's really nothing that I can counter it with. This really is the reality I live in
The man who saved me is on the phone still asking about my family, his voice seems to grow more and more frustrated.
The paramedics dispatched carefully placed me on the gurney and some treated my external wounds. The man approached me again 
"Hey, this really sounds bad, but are you sure those are their names?" He nervously asked
"Yes of course" I replied
"How about your name? What's your name?" He questioned further
"Zymone, Zymone Cambridge" I answered
I grew anxious with how he phrased the question, he continued to talk to the person on the other side of the phone. He then looked at me with a grim expression on his face.
He put down the phone and his eyes became unfocused. The older man notices this
"What's wrong Leonard?" The man asks
"The kid… He said his family's names" He replied with unease
"What about it?"
"But the records" he took a long pause "it says that he doesn't have a family"
Everyone fell silent
I knew what it meant the moment he said that
"So they were erased as well then" my voice gave. 
My face became warm as the tension I've been holding in since earlier flooded my eyes, the thought that's been in the back of my head this entire time had finally been answered. I already knew to some degree that this was the case, but to hear it out loud made it hurt so much more.
My luck had finally run out
My cheeks had streams of tears running down and I couldn't even let out a cry as my broken ribs made my breathing hurt like hell.
Everyone's faces froze solid, I couldn't understand why at the time, but I came to realize later that what I said was something game changing for them.
To be continued…
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This pool house in New Delhi, India is a unique small house with a home theatre, lounge, pool area, changing room and gym. It features a curved concrete shell. Railway House
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The Railway House is a semi-detached home seated in Singapore. It was designed by separating and pulling the main block away from the party wall, this semi-detached house breaks free. Ark House
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This Ark House is a renewal and third interpretation of a holiday home. The design is a mix of materials and some glass windows that allow light to enter the interior. Mount Pleasant House
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The Mount Pleasant House was converted into “two connected yet disparate buildings into a single cohesive new home with a focus on music and entertainment”. Maskiell Home
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The Maskiell Home is a renovated home in Auckland, New Zealand with 4 bedrooms, a study and open-plan living area. The design was based on the form of a contemporary shipping container. Kew House
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The Kew House is another unique renovation of a small house with its claw roof and folding theme of the house. If ‘Simple’ is what you have in mind for your modern house, the following design are great for inspiration: Theodore Wirth Ranch
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The Theodore Wirth Ranch is a two-storey house in Minneapolis, Minnesota that is a fine example of a simple modern house. House In Messaria
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The House In Messaria is a modern house which combines its design with traditional Greek architecture. Rough House
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The Rough House in Vancouver used carbonized cypress cladding, board-form concrete and repurposed board form boards white washed for exterior window surrounds and soffit. It also has an elevated exterior landscape which includes a green roof and a wall. Palma Plaza Spec
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The Palma Plaza Spec in Texas used peaked roofs instead of a flat roof design. It started as a spec house and turned into a lovely house after construction. Mid-Block Contemporary House
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This Mid-Block Contemporary House in Australia is a beautiful contemporary house with a black facade and a simple geometric design. Residencia Cumbaya
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The Residencia Cumbayais a luxurious home that has an underground garage and a pivoting wooden door. Hayes Road
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The Hayes Road is a simple modern residence made for a young family featuring geometric architecture and minimalist interiors. Modern Home in Toronto
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This modern home in Toronto is a unique modern home with bright interiors as its windows bring in natural light into the home. It also used a combination of wood and concrete materials. 1653 Residence
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This 1653 Residence is a simple modern home has 3 bedrooms & 2.5 baths with a compact but open floor plan. Villa Huizen
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The Villa Huizen is a sustainably designed home that utilises glass materials to allow sustainable light in the interior. Somerset Renovation
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The Somerset Renovation in Maryland is a renovated home that included an updated kitchen and bath and a living area with an open layout achieving a modern and airy space. 1930’s House in North London
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The 1930’s House in North London is a house originally built in 1930 and was transformed into a spacious, light-filled home for the clients and their four children. Casa Bilbaina
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The Casa Bilbaina in Spain is a 7,200 square feet home with a geometrical figure facade. Flip Flop House
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The Flip Flop House in California is a home in Venice, Los Angeles that has a top-floor pivoting walls, elevator, wrap-around terrace and the oceanic view. Issaquah House
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The Issaquah House is a house that combines sustainable materials and features while giving the homeowners a modern living. Eco-friendly homes are mostly preferred nowadays to help sustain the environment. Below are some example of an Modern Eco House. Green Home
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The Green Home is a beautiful contemporary house that features solar panels and a green roof. Hoan House
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The Hoan House is a home with a roof garden containing so many plants of various types. Pleated House
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The Pleated House is a house with different volumes features a green roof and a clean interior. It is also located in a wooded area which brings more appeal to the home. Sun Path House
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The Sun Path House is a three-storey extension with a solarium at the time. The design is based on the figure of the sun and has a sustainable design. Indochina Villa
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The Indochina Villa Saigon is a house which focuses on the association of the interior design to the exteriors. It aims to integrate the surrounding that may complement with the lifestyle of the homeowner. Greenberg Green House
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The Greenberg Green House is a house that forms a model for combining the state-of-the-art design together with the energy strategies that may certainly come up with a more well-organized and developed residence. Eco-Sustainable House
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The Eco-Sustainable House is a house that is shaped by out-dated zoning regulations. It’s roof is shaped like a pergola that allows natural light and ventilation in the rooftop. For those who love the unusual and extraordinary, below are some unusual modern house designs for you to feast on! Flex House
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The Flex House is a house has a distinct ribbon-like surface that defines the different levels and makes it appear totally unique. LA West Hollywood Modern Home
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The LA West Hollywood Modern Home is a modern house features angular lines with charcoal and smoky orange color combinations both for the exterior and interior. Its unique facade sets it apart from other homes in the area. Sunflower House
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The Sunflower House is a house is designed like a flower. It was able to identify each particularities of this magnificent landscape, with its geometry, the house frames a multiplicity of different and specific views and builds up content spaces that inhabit great big framed views. Scape House
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The Scape House is a house built in the beach of Byron Bay, Australia. The house reveals the different amazing areas that also provide the luxurious experience with the members of the family. Tent House
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The Tent House is a unique home that is inspired by a tent and it does look like a tent but it has a modern minimalist interior. The upper level can be accessed through a spiral staircase. Leaning House
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The Leaning House is a zinc cladded house with a slanted design. It has an open floor plan and has more rooms too. Monteblanc House
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The Monteblanc House is a structure with a gable-house-shape with a continuous exterior space from the 1st to the 3rd floor under large inclined roof.5 large openings in the inclined roof. Ga On Jai
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The Ga On Jai is a contemporary residence that showcases an inner courtyard. It has a 3,541 square foot (329 square meters) of living space that allows home owners to enjoy both the indoor and outdoor areas. House in Kings Cross
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The House in Kings Cross is a home with triple layered slate with stainless steel clips that are built to the last 100 years and the windows have wooden frames, indoor marble, stone, glass and wooden finishes on its facade. Caterpillar House
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The Caterpillar House is the home of an art collector and his family. With the exceptional design and concept, the designer strategically made the proposed integration of the territory to the house. We know how important it is to have more design inspiration. As a bonus, we have more Modern House Design Ideas below: Modern House at Night
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This was designed by Arch. Bienvenido Negradas Jr. an architect from Philippines and currently based in Doha, Qatar. House in Modern Style
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A modern style house visualization for a Construction company in Russia showing its best view.
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Another view of the exterior house. Modern Home in Sumatra
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A decent house design that has been modeled using cad and rendered in VRay and designed by NyomanWinaya. Faisalabad Residence
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The photo shows a contemporary house exterior in Faisalabad designed from a group called design works destined from Pakistan. Combining concrete and wood texture making it look more elegant.
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Here goes another angle of the beautiful contemporary house residence. The House
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A challenging project as the architect described. A brilliant concept and design of Andres Remy. Wingpoint House
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A 3100 square feet modern house just near the beach of Bainbridge Island. Melody Lane Modern House
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A 2,900 square foot modern house located in Edmonds showing a good combination of landscape and the house’ exterior feature. Modern Home
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The materials used in this house has been selected according to modernity and distinctiveness.
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The photo shows another angle of this modern house style. This masterpiece and above was made by willanordic. Modern House
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Made by TsAO and McKOWN A 4,500 square foot house located at Long Island. Exterior Front
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This is called the Sunlight House because of the ventilation from the walls making the lights pass inside its interior. Oz Residence
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Swatt Miers, the designer of this project really made an awesome job. This is the new Oz Residence located at Silicon Valley, California. Sinbad Creek Residence> Read the full article
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businesssinfo · 2 years
Types of building services offered by SR Constructions
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S.R CONSTRUCTION is a construction company founded in 2007 with more than 15 years of experience in serving clients with the goal of providing high standards of quality with prior importance in constructing skills with developed and efficient employees pertaining to fulfill the needs and requirements of Clients. We are also named as best builders & developers in Coimbatore. We specialise in impeccable construction with affordable prices.
Let’s see some of the major services offered by us as follows
Individual Villas
Independent homes are those that are constructed on separate parcels of land and have separate sets of boundary walls. The land on which the building is situated as well as the property are both owned by the same person. Typically, separate compounds have individual residences. Single-family homes built on a plot of land are referred to as "independent dwellings" or "villas". They are typically low-rise buildings with a noticeable facade along a busy road. Some builders build luxurious residences with shared or exclusive amenities in residential neighbourhoods.
SR Constructions is the best villa builders in Coimbatore. We build unique luxury villas with a focus on client-centricity, impeccable ethics and a commitment to advancing eco-friendly technologies. We are renowned for creating and offering gated community villas and luxurious homes at affordable prices.
Commercial Building
Business operations depend heavily on commercial buildings, both for those who own them and for those who rent them. A commercial building could contain one or more of many types of businesses like retailers, restaurants, offices etc.
We construct commercial structures with excellent amenities and features. We have finished many buildings to the satisfaction of our clients. We have strong people resources that support our technical prowess. For us the terms quality, trust and time are always winners. We contribute variety of abilities to support development. We are also known as commercial construction company in Coimbatore.
Church Building
A church is a building used for Christian worship services and other Christian religious activities. We construct church buildings with Modern architecture and international standards. Our Enhanced Design-Build services get your building finished faster and more efficiently.
Multi Storey Apartment
In a multi-storey building, an apartment is a self-contained housing unit. Any structure with many flats on each floor, with all occupants sharing the common area. The structure will be known as a multistorey apartment building. A multi-story building typically has more than four floors and can have any number of floors. We are the best apartment builders in Coimbatore, we build the finest apartment at affordable prices.
Bungalows Units
Bungalows are highly convenient for homeowners because all living areas are on a single level and there are no stairs between them. It is less expensive to build, maintain and modify. Bungalows typically take up more land space than multi-story counterparts because they do not expand upwards, they take up more square footage on the first floor. This means that the initial costs are higher because they cost more per square foot and require more roofing material. We are renowned of constructing the best residential building construction in Coimbatore at affordable prices.
Pre Engineering Building(PEB)
A pre-engineered building (PEB) is created by a PEB manufacturer or supplier using a single design that can be constructed using a variety of materials and fabrication techniques to meet various structural and aesthetic design specifications.
We are the best pre-engineering building company in Coimbatore, we develop and manufacture the product to your exact specifications. Our team is consistently looking for newer methods of production, enhancing functionality, and producing cost-efficient products.
When choosing the right building construction in Coimbatore for your new homes, villas and apartments, you want an experienced team with a proven track record. We are the best builders & developers in Coimbatore with more than 15 years of experience. We are properly known as Residential and Commercial builders in Coimbatore. And also we have flexible scheduling and faster response time so we are always available when you need us.
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jonnyparable · 3 years
The Singapore Shophouse
This is perhaps the first part of what may be a Shophouse series. Maybe. The Singaporean Shophouse is essentially a sort of townhouse built by the British in Singapore to house the island's many new residents. This mainly included the Indian and Chinese immigrants. Shophouses like these are iconic of the country and are still inhabited to this day, and can of course be found in greater numbers in Malaysia as well.
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The shophouse has a narrow street facing portion, but has very deep and long interiors. This was due to a tax based on the width of a house. The houses were usually built side by side, sharing a wall, and in many ways, the Shophouse is a compressed form of the traditional single storey Chinese courtyard house.
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The Shophouse, as their names suggest, are street-facing, with the shop on the bottom floor often opening up directly to the street, while the top floors were reserved for living quarters. Although the Shophouse is a generic term for any building of similar structure which already existed in Southern China, the Singapore Shophouse is unique in the evolution of its use of ornamentation, which reflected the island's growing wealth.
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Aesthetic styles of the Shophouse facade evolved over time, from the early 1800s, up till the 1930s. By the late 1920s, shophouses even began to include art deco elements, such as the Shophouse on the extreme right.
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Some shophouses weren't even shops at all, but were in fact the houses of very wealthy Chinese and Peranakan merchants, like the one below on the left. Peranakans are the descendants of Chinese who settled here long before colonisation and who intermarried with the local Malay population, developing their own unique culture. Their shophouses often had elaborate facades and were richly decorated inside and out, were often 3 or 4 storeys tall, usually featuring multiple courtyards.
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While many of these houses did open directly to the street like this one, it was also common for some of them to have a garden in the front of the house. As I furnish and fill the lot, I will probably post more about the interior of the Shophouse in another post. Thank you for reading!
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hotspaceconsultant · 2 months
Top 5 Modern Facade Lighting Ideas for an Impressive Look
The first total impression of any house is the exterior—actually, this facade. Modern facade lighting ideas can not only enhance its atmosphere and allure but, moreover, make it all the more attractive.
There are many types of lighting options now available on the market to decorate Modern House Facade, which not only make the house more beautiful and safer but also bring people comfort. So let us learn here some of the of the top 5 modern exterior lighting designs.
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Combination of uplighting and downlighting
The proper mix of uplighting and downlighting can make the façade of your house take on a whole new aspect. Uplights can highlight the height of architecture and outside structural elements, and downlights to offer soft as well as gentle light that cascades downward in most cases. Using this combination, the house's exterior appears even more spacious and luxurious.
Use of LED Strip Lights
LED strip lights are a modern choice for Modern House Facade. You can use them on the exterior walls of the house, on the edges of roofs or in combination with the special architecture of your house. The flexibility and long life of LED strip lights make them ideal materials for facades. Moreover, because you can get them in different colours, the look of your house becomes even more charming.
Use of Wall Sconce Lights
Wall sconce lights are a classic modern lighting choice that makes the facade of your house look stylish. You can install these lamps near the front door of your house, by window openings, or on exterior walls. The design and lighting layout of wall sconce lamps match your house's architecture so that the outside of the house looks even more attractive.
Use of landscape lighting
If you have a garden or lawn in front of the house, you can further beautify the facade by using landscape lighting. By placing small lights around shrubs, trees, and flowers, you'll get a lovely and natural look. Landscape lighting gives a soft and romantic aspect to your house, making the clean white house look even more gorgeous at night.
Lighting contemporary designs
To give the façade a modern and innovative look, you can use lights with contemporary designs. These lights are specially designed for those houses that follow the latest trends in modern architecture and lighting. They have minimalistic designs combined with high-tech functions, because of which they give the house a unique identity.
In summary, With modern facade lighting ideas, you can give your house a new and attractive look. Proper lighting will render your Abode more beautiful as well as safer.
First impressions matter, especially for your home. At Hotspace Consultants, we craft stunning facade designs that capture the essence of modern living. Whether you're renovating or building new, our expert team will create a front design that reflects your personality and enhances your home's architecture. Ready to make a statement?
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royalpain16 · 3 years
Greater than Buckingham Palace
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In the second volume of his magisterial life of W.B. Yeats, Roy Foster records a visit made by the poet to Markree Castle, County Sligo in late summer 1929. The house was then owned by Bryan Cooper, sometime poet and playwright, and for the previous six years a T.D. in Dáil Éireann. According to Foster, the visit was not altogether a success. Peter Cooper, one of his host’s sons, remembered it as ‘a great nuisance…he was deposited by his long-suffering wife, with instructions not to let him go out in the wet grass in his slippers, and she then disappeared off to Galway with the children.’ Bryan Cooper’s daughter Ursula was, it appears, equally not impressed when Yeats read her a poem he had just written. On the other hand, Bryan Cooper’s wife Lillian was delighted to hear from the poet that he had ‘realised the ambition of my life…as we have always looked on the Coopers and Markree Castle as greater than the Royal Family and Buckingham Palace.’ 
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The first of the Coopers to live in Ireland is said to have been an English soldier who married the famous Máire Rua O’Brien after her second husband Conor O’Brien of Leamaneh Castle, County Clare was killed in 1651. Eight years later, Charles II granted Cooper land in County Sligo which had previously belonged to the McDonagh clan; it was based around a fort guarding a pass on the river Unsin, and this remains the site of Markree Castle. At some point in the 18th century, a classical house was constructed here, of three storeys with a five-bay entrance front (with three-bay breakfront) and the garden side with a single bay on either side of a curved bow. However, in 1802 Joshua Cooper commissioned Francis Johnston to transform the building into a castle. At that time Markree was also greatly enlarged, what had been the main facade extended to more than twice its original length and centred on a curved and battlemented tower; this now become – as it remains – the garden front. The entrance was now moved to an adjacent side, to which Johnston added a porch, while elsewhere an office wing was constructed, joined to the rest by a canted link. Further changes were made by Joshua Cooper’s nephew and heir, Edward Joshua Cooper, a keen astronomer who built an observatory in the demesne. Inside the castle, London architect Joseph Gwilt transformed the office wing into a private gothic chapel. Gwilt was also responsible for redecorating the interiors of the rooms overlooking the garden, in what Mark Bence-Jones described as ‘an ornate Louis Quatorze style; with much gilding and well-fed putti in high relief supporting cartouches and trailing swags of flowers and fruits.’ (These spaces are now used as dining rooms). In the mid-1860s, the next generation to live here, Colonel Edward Henry Cooper, initiated further changes, this time employing James Maitland Wardrop who gave the exterior its present heavily fortified appearance. The entrance was moved once more with the construction of a vast porte – cochère (with billiard room directly above). Inside, a baronial stone staircase leads up to the reception rooms and here a second Imperial staircase in oak, lit by a great arched window filled with heraldic stained glass with portraits of members of the Cooper family and monarchs, leads to a top-lit gallery off which open the main bedrooms. Francis Johnston’s former entrance was turned into a long gallery divided by pairs of marble Ionic columns.
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The history of Markree Castle for much of the last century was one of seemingly irreversible decline, personified by the fact that in 1988 it was used for the filming of a television series based on J.G. Farrell’s novel Troubles, and that same year its staircase hall featured on the cover of Vanishing Country Houses of Ireland. Until the last quarter of the 19th century, the castle had stood at the centre of an estate running to more than 42,000 acres, but most of this was sold by Bryan Cooper under the new land acts after he inherited the property from his grandfather in 1902. He then spent much of his time in Dublin, especially in later years so that Markree became only occupied during the summer months. When Bryan Cooper died in 1930, his eldest son Edward Francis Patrick Cooper was left the place; he and his family lived there until 1952 when it became impossible for them to maintain such a large house. As a result, many of the original contents were auctioned, and the Coopers moved into the old service wing, leaving the rest of the building empty. In the early 1980s, Markree was passed to the next generation but the eldest son, Edward, did not wish to live in the house, and eventually it was taken over by his younger brother Charles who had trained in hotel management and therefore decided to turn the castle, by now in very bad condition, into an hotel. He and his wife Mary embarked on a programme of restoration and ran the business until 2014 when, wishing to retire, they put Markree Castle on the market. The following year it was bought by the Corscadden family who already owned a number of other hotels located in historic properties and, after further refurbishment, the castle has been open to guests ever since.
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vaastudesigners · 3 years
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Browse our large collection of French Provincial House Glen Waverley at VaastuDesigners.com.au or call us at 0498-822-788, 0455-822-788.
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designdekko · 3 years
Revisiting the domestic architecture of the 1950’s
This single-family home, built on the banks of a river, in the northern suburbs of Montreal, is the result of an architectural conversation with the design work of the architects of that era. Hidden behind a row of tall, mature pines, its siting allows the existing natural vegetation to become an integral part of the project while optimizing the views towards the water.
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The perfect 100 X 100 square
Revisiting some key architectural elements of modernism in a contemporary manner, the geometry of the floor and ceilings, the integrated wooden furniture and the masonry cladding have all been reimagined. The garage, a symbol of a time when suburbia and automobiles rhymed with progress and enthusiasm, is directly integrated into the house, which itself forms a perfect 100-foot square. The question of privacy versus openings, crucial in the 1950's, enables a response that creates two rectangular courtyards. They are inserted into the volume, bringing natural light into the heart of the residence, while also integrating the back yard and the swimming pool. These exterior spaces that are extruded from the initial mass also serve to define and structure the geometry of the interior space of the project. The 100-foot square is therefore in contact with an ordered exterior space placed in the foreground of the natural setting that remains intact beyond the boundaries of the house.
Integration in the landscape
The siting of the residence makes it possible to reintegrate the pre-existing alignments of the land and to therefore conserve as many existing trees as possible. Large coniferous trees were then planted in the heart of the first landscaped courtyard that provides vehicular access. The programmatic distribution of the interior spaces takes into consideration the relationship with the street, the relationship to the river, the solar orientation and the specific needs of the inhabitants. Also, the living room space was lowered a few steps and a glass pavilion has been installed on the roof. While initially design as a single-storey house, the pavilion creates a variety of spatial experiences.
The north-south axis of the project houses the more intimate spaces with the need for privacy, while the living spaces are spread out along the river, thereby creating a strong link with the daily evolution of the surrounding landscape. The position of the garage makes it possible to minimize the presence of the residence to the street, while still creating a clear axis that marks the main entrance. It follows the same axis as the pre-existing access road, thus mitigating the impact on the site and its natural landscape. Abundant vegetation provides privacy for the residents while offering a green and natural context for the neighborhood. Treatment of materials
A palette of materials, matched to the colour of the natural trees bark, makes it possible to integrate the new tone-on-tone construction into its surroundings. Natural materials, including clay brick (wall), wood (soffit) and stone (flooring are natural), have been given preference.  Brass accents have added to the project, as has metal cladding. On the front facade, a large bay window creates a visual flow through to the river while serving to accentuate the pavilion like feel of the design.
The mezzanine space that allows residents to benefit from an additional view onto the river serves to accentuate the composition and break up the horizontality of the residence. Some areas of the roof are covered with a white granular membrane while others have been landscaped, offering a green and temperate environment for this level. The overall emphasis of a sustainable design approach is enhanced through the incorporation of geothermal wells that provide both heating and ventilation for the residence.
Location: the northern suburbs of Montreal, Québec, Canada
Area: 580 m2
Contractor: St-Laurent construction
Structural: Latéral
Landscape: Fabrique de paysages
Architect Team
Stephan Chevalier, Principal
Sergio Morales, Principal
Julie Rondeau, Architect
Christian Aubin, Architect
Ève Beaumont-Cousineau, Architect
Original Source Link
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@joaootavio10: Single storey house with a blind facade, an eave that descends embracing its frontal volume and a chamfer that serves as a frame for the other elements! High ceilings, which could not be missing! Designer by: @joaootavio10. Location: Alphaville Jacuhy #casa #brazil #alphaville #архитектура www.amazingarchitecture.com ✔ A collection of the best contemporary architecture to inspire you. #design #architecture #amazingarchitecture #architect #arquitectura #luxury #realestate #life #cute #architettura #interiordesign #photooftheday #love #travel #construction #furniture #instagood #fashion #beautiful #archilovers #home #house ‎#amazing #picoftheday #architecturephotography ‎#معماری (AlphaVille Jacuhy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKB5P6EFs3e/?igshid=1ljavxf112npz
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Architecture of Azerbaijan: The Shirvanshahs' Palace.
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One of the masterpieces of the medieval architecture of the ancient city is the residence of Shirvan governors – the Shirvanshahs' Palace Ensemble which has preserved its historic and architectural features up to date.
In the Middle Ages when Shemakhy was in the period of disturbances, Baku developed in a relatively quiet situation. It was known that the strong fortress walls had been built in Baku in XII (1138 -1139). After the earthquake that shocked Shemakhy, the capital was transferred to Baku and the Shirvanshahs' Palace was erected.
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The Palace ensemble consists of 9 buildings: the Palace, the Divankhane (Court–House), the Dervish's Mausoleum, the Eastern Gate (Portal), the Palace mosque, the Key-Qubad mosque, the Palace Burial-Vault, the Hamam (bath-house) and the ovdan (storage lake).
The complex consists of 3 courtyards with buildings towering above each other by 5.6 m. As the Palace is located in the area with rugged terrain it has no a single architectural plan. However, the buildings do not contrast with each other. Moreover, they group well. Looking from the different points one can clearly see that they are integrated part of the Palace ensemble.
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All the buildings of the complex were built with local limestone ("badamdam"). The most ruined structure of the complex is the Palace building.
After killing of Farrukh Yassar in a battle between the Shirvanshahs and the Sefevi in 1500 the Palace was plundered. It is not known who lived in the Palace after the Shirvanshahs.
Continued wars between Iran and Turkey for the rule over the Southern Caucasus were run also in the territory of Azerbaijan. Located at the crossing of the caravan routes Shirvan was attacked frequently and as a result, the Palace changed hands. This is proved with the Murad Gate built during the Turkish reign. There are the monuments in the Baku fortress dated from the Persian sway. During shelling Baku by troops of Peter I in 1723 north-east facade of the Palace mosque was damaged.
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After the seizure of Azerbaijan by Russia on 10 February 1828 and transfer of the Palace structures to the headquarters staff the renovation was done here and the Palace has been converted into the headquarters. A lot of valuable buildings were demolished. Moreover, the Alexander Nevsky Church was planned to be constructed there. The Palace was destroyed and neglected at the end of XIX. On 5 October 1918 Decree by the Azerbaijan People Republic "On Inventory and Preservation of Art and Ancient Monuments Belonging to the Public, Institutions, and Individuals" was published. It was a step taken by the government to make the first inventory of ancient monuments. In 1932 the renovation works started in the Shirvanshah complex under Decree of the Azerbaijan Soviet of the People's Commissars. In 1937-38 archeological excavations were conducted in the Palace under the guidance of the archeologist V.N.Leviatov and a lot of artefacts were found. For some periods a part of the Azerbaijan Folk Musem and the Museum of Religion were located in the Palace building. Since 1954 the Shirvansahs' Palace Complex has been converted into the State Historical-Architectural Reserve Museum. In 1960 a decision was made on the protection of the Palace as an architectural monument.
The Palace is a two-storey building in the form of an irregular rectangle. For proper lightening of the Palace, its southern-east corner was slotted. Initially, there were 52 rooms in the Palace, 27 of them were on the 1st floor, 25 – on the 2nd floor. The rooms were symmetric. On the 2nd floor, the arched rooms for Shah and his family were located. The windows of the 2nd floor have a nice outlook over the sea. They are decorated with stone tracery (bar-pattern –shebeke).
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As the residential building had no a dome, in 1932-34 when the first renovation started in the Palace it was covered with a flat roof and parquet was laid on its floor. Masonry was demolished on the windows built in the XIX century and a part of the stone floor was repaired. Inter-floor communications were kept through 2 narrow staircases and the stairs located in the floor of the octagonal hall. As a result of the renovation, now there are 16 rooms in total on the II floor. The octagonal hall at the entrance is distinct among these rooms for its initial shape. The initial shape of the second octagonal room next to it has been preserved partly. Its arched roof was replaced with the flat roof. The rest 14 rooms have also been rehabilitated; however, they are not so interesting in terms of architecture. The magnificent main entrance is in the western wall of the building. The magnificent portal which represents all elements of Azerbaijan architecture of the XV century and has no any decorative element captures attention. There is a deep niche on the right and the left sides of the entrance.
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The Shirvanshahs' described by UNESCO as "one of the pearls of Azerbaijan's architecture". Together with the Maiden Tower, forms an ensemble of historic monuments inscribed under the UNESCO World Heritage List of Historical Monuments.
Photos: Photos from Shirvanshahs' Palace.
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architectnews · 3 years
Rama Estudio creates elevated addition for Casa Mirador in Ecuador
Architecture firm Rama Estudio has enlarged a small holiday home in an Ecuadorian forest by adding a glass-and-metal box that extends over the hillside.
Rama Estudio extended Casa Mirador for a family that wanted to spend more time in their holiday home following the coronavirus pandemic.
Rama Estudio extended Casa Mirador in Ecuador
Located in a rural part of Pichincha, a province in the north-central region of Ecuador, the family used the 70-square-metre holiday home for short and sporadic periods of time.
The building contained a bedroom and bathroom, along with a multipurpose space where the family's two daughters would sleep.
The glass extension extends out about a hillside
During the coronavirus pandemic, the owners decided to enlarge the dwelling so they could reside there for longer stretches.
"The specific request was to expand their existing house for social areas, include comfortable and independent bedrooms for the daughters, and take advantage of the view of the site," said Rama Estudio, a firm based in Ecuador's capital, Quito.
"As a special requirement, the work had to start immediately and had to be built in no more than three months."
The glass extension continues an open-plan kitchen, dining and living space
The original home sits on a lush site, at the edge of a hillside overlooking a valley.
For the extension, the firm conceived a single-storey, glazed box that is lifted above the sloped terrain and is supported by a system of metal channels. The roof is covered with greenery.
"We thought about an industrially prefabricated piece that blends well with the environment and subtly sits on the ground, attaching itself to the existing construction," the studio said.
The extension is surrounded by glass walls
By elevating the addition, the team aimed to minimise disturbance to the soil and vegetation.
Moreover, all of the metal components were prefabricated and then assembled on-site, which reduced the construction time. The project was completed within the three-month timeline.
The addition's exterior walls are made of tempered glass.
An underfloor heating system keeps indoor temperatures comfortable without sacrificing the transparency of the facades.
It has views across the forest
Inside, the 120-square-metre addition contains a kitchen, dining area and living room.
All of the fixed furniture was prefabricated. At the heart of the expansion is a multifunctional unit made of plywood and metal.
A multifunctional plywood unit divides the space
On the kitchen side, it holds appliances and cabinetry. On the living room side, it houses a fireplace and storage space, including a spot for firewood. There also is room for a television.
"This central piece of furniture allows for fluid and continuous circulation throughout the space, and for all the installations to be centralized inside this piece," said the studio.
A plywood storage unit divides the extension from the original house
The addition is adjoined to the existing house via a new wall composed of plywood modules, which form shelving and cubbies.
The team also made modifications to the original dwelling. Walls were removed to allow the space to be reconfigured, and select windows were enlarged.
The original house was reconfigured
The space now holds a master suite and a pair of bedrooms for the daughters. For the kids' rooms, the team designed a piece of furniture that houses a desk, Murphy bed and storage space.
The home has a septic tank for wastewater, allowing it to operate without being tied into a sewage system. Stormwater management tactics help ensure rainwater is channelled to the landscape.
Other projects in Ecuador by Rama Estudio include an apartment building in Ambato lined with wooden louvres, and a rural house that consists of two stone-walled volumes with grassy roofs.
Photography is by JAG Studio.
Project credits:
Architecture: RAMA estudio Project team: Felipe Donoso, Carolina Rodas, Carla Chávez, Jefferson Camacho, Ma. Fernanda Ayala, Daniel Merchán. Construction: RAMA Estudio Structural engineer: Pedro Ospina Larrea
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