#singing or dancing is a lot of self practice
lyd-sewing · 2 years
Me: I wanna learn hip hop
My friend Joyce: Can't you just watch YouTube tutorials?
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hoperays-song · 2 years
Self Defense Lessons
*Porsha, Ryan, and Johnny getting ready for their first class*
Ryan, sighing: I can’t believe we have to take self defense classes. I’ve never done anything like this. What about you pretty boy, you know some fighting stuff right?
Johnny, wrapping his hands: Well, yeah. Kinda came with the territory growing up. I mainly box though my dad made sure I knew some MMA as well. Don’t worry, it’s not that hard once you get going.
Ryan, trying his best to mimic Johnny: I mean, I heard dancing can translate pretty easy into martial arts so hopefully I won’t be terrible.
Johnny, reaching over to fix the taller boy’s wraps with a smile: I’m sure you’ll do great Ry! I’m here to help if you need anything, I promise. *Turning to Porsha*  How about you Porsha, ever done anything like this?
Porsha, cheerfully: I actually have a black belt!
Johnny, happily surprised: Really? That’s awesome! What in, Karate or Aikido or something?
Porsha, looking confused: ...
Porsha: No, from Gucci... What are you talking about? I wasn’t listening.
Johnny, sighing: Never mind. Do you need help wrapping your hands?
Porsha: Yes please!
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gracefully33 · 8 months
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🛸Venus in Houses/Signs🛸
~ Venus represents our love language, fashion, beauty, dancing, attraction, lovers, self love, luxury items, music, etc.
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Venus in Aries/1h:
| You could be attracted to people who are very fiery, bold, athletic, dominant, masculine, etc. Your love language could be acts of service like doing adventurous activities and more. You could be seen as very beautiful, talented, someone with self love. Your fashion could be very bold, very out there, you could wear athletic clothes, bold colors, and more. You could practice self love by building your confidence, upgrading your looks, working out, and more. You could listen to rock music, rap music, music that is energetic and upbeat, etc.
Ex: Rihanna has Aries Venus conjunct ASC
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Venus in 2H/Taurus:
| You could be attracted to partners/people who are very patient, stand on their values, have self-love, determined, and more. When it comes to your fashion, you could wear tones of green, tones of earth colors, you could wear designer items, your fashion could be very laid back, etc. When it comes to your beauty, people could value your beauty, see you as high maintenance, very pretty, you might have soft features, you could really keep up with yourself, and more. Your dancing style could be very smooth, effortless, you could really take the time to learn the choreography, and more. You could practice self love by taking yourself shopping, buying high quality material things, singing, upgrading your self worth, creating stability for yourself, and more. Your music type could be very laid back, something that makes you feel valuable or good, you could listen to songs about material things, self worth, patience, love songs, etc.
Ex: Rich Girl ~ Gwen Stefani
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Venus in 3H/Gemini:
| You could be attracted to partners/people who are talkative, know how to communicate, intelligent, playful, share interests with you, younger than you, you could meet your love interests in your neighborhood, school, social media, through your siblings, at a train station, bus, and more. Your love language could be words of affirmation and physical touch, because Gemini is Mercury ruled and Mercury represents communication and rules the hands. When it comes to your fashion, you could switch up your aesthetic a lot, have several aesthetics, versatile, tones of yellow, youthfulness, and more. When it comes to your beauty, you could be seen as younger than your age, youthful, baby face, and more. When it comes to learning choreography, you could have fun with it, you could play too much which could hinder you from learning the choreography😂, you could learn choreography very quickly, learn serval choreographies at the same time, and more. You could practice self love by having fun with yourself, upgrading your intelligence/knowledge, reading books, probably validation from social media which is dangerous, clearing your mind of negative thoughts that hinder your self worth, etc. You could listen to music that is playful, not serious, songs that stimulate your mind, songs about being strong minded, being playful, neighbors, traveling, etc.
Ex: Jennifer Lopez has her Venus in Gemini
Venus in 4h/cancer:
| You could be attracted to partners/people that remind you of home, your family, comforting, emotionally intelligent, sensitive, aware of their emotions, probably on the feminine side, you could meet your person through your family, hometown, during your self care procedure or journey, real estate industry, looking for homes, and more. Your fashion could be very feminine, soft, you could wear tones of blue, tones of white, long flowy dresses, and more. When it comes to your beauty, you could have very feminine features, your mom’s twin, soft features, and more. When it comes to choreography, you could put a lot of emotion into the moves, you could dance with emotion, your mood could affect the way you dance, you could do a lot of feminine choreography, dance with your family, etc. You could practice self love by being around your family, nurturing yourself, taking beauty advice from the women in your family, addressing your emotions, and more. You could listen to sad music, slow paced, music that brings out your emotions, brings out your inner child, remind you of your childhood, you could listen to songs about the mother, childhood, self care, and more. The luxury items you have could’ve been passed down through your family, from your mother, your father, etc.
Ex: Blue can be associated with Cancer
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Venus in 5h/leo:
| You could be attracted to partners/people who are entertainers, pursuing music, pursuing acting, loyal, have a passion for acting, entertaining, creative, dramatic, romantic, and more. Your language could be gift receiving and acts of service, because you want your partner to prove themselves to you, show you that they want you instead of words, and more. When it comes to fashion, you could wear pieces that make you stand out, flashy outfits, glittery outfits, dramatic pieces, tones of oranges, and more. When it comes to your beauty, you could have big hair, stand out a lot, you shine from your beauty, cat like features, cat eyes, and more. You could receive luxury items that are well known, famous, make you stand out, and more. You could practice self love by indulging in your creative passions, having fun with your friends, indulging in things that bring out a child like spirit, learning to be in love with yourself, and more. You could listen to songs that are upbeat, extremely popular, songs that are about being loyal, prideful, relate to your pleasures, drama, romance, etc.
Ex: Someone could gift you a Chanel bag because it’s a well known brand
Venus in 6h/virgo:
| You could be attracted to partners/ people that are athletic, into fitness, consistent, get to be with everyday, analytical, humble, perfect, innocent, you could find love in the work place, gym, through your step family, and more. Your love language could be acts of service, because the 6h also represents services. When it comes to your fashion, you could wear neutral colors, girl next door aesthetic, earthy tones, earth aesthetic, and more. When it comes to beauty, you could look very youthful, soft features, smaller features, delicate features, and more. You could practice self love by investing a lot of time into yourself, fitness, health, and more. When it comes to music, you could listen to earthy type of music, indie, soft rock, music about fitness, health, things that relate to your everyday life, and more, Etc.
Ex: You could work out at the gym to build confidence in your body
Venus in 7H/Libra:
| You could be attracted to partners/people who very romantic, husband material, you could build a partnership with you, good looking, into fashion, beauty, and more. Your love language could be physical touch and gift giving. When it comes to fashion, you could wear tones of pink, Barbie aesthetic, baddie aesthetic, and more. You could be considered very beautiful or good looking because Venus represents beauty. When it comes to self love, you could invest into your makeup, clothes, nails, beauty, and more. You could listen to tons of love songs, artist collabs, songs about partnerships, when it comes to your music taste there could be a balance, and more. You could be gifted luxury items from your partner, husband, makeup, beauty products, etc.
Ex: Beyonce has a Libra Venus
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Venus in 8H/Scorpio:
| You could attract partners/people who are extremely seductive, magnetic, into the occult, magic, investors, and more. When it comes to fashion, you could wear tones of black, dark clothing, gothic, alt, and more. When it comes to your beauty, you could have darker features, sharp features, seductive, magnetic, and more. When it comes to dancing, you could do sexy choreography, your dancing could be sharp, you could dance to songs about Scorpio themes, and more. You could listen to songs about sex, seductiveness, dark themes, occult, brave, power, obsession, metal music, rock music, etc.
Ex: Obsessed ~ Mariah Carey
Venus in 9H/Sagittarius:
| You could be attracted to partners/people who are adventurous, funny, wealthy, wise, photogenic, photographers, lawyers, different culture from you, and more. When it comes to fashion, you could explore a lot with your fashion choices, wear oversized clothings, and more. When it comes to your beauty, you could have larger features like bigger eyes, bigger forehead, lips, nose, and more. When it comes to dancing, you could explore different dancing styles. You could practice self love by traveling, increasing your knowledge, going on adventures, and more. You could receive luxury items that are from different countries, over the top expansive, receive more luxury items than usual, and more. You could listen to foreign music, popular/well known songs, songs about traveling, being adventurous, relate to your beliefs, etc.
Ex: Kpop aka Korean Pop
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Venus in 10h/Capricorn:
| You could attract partners/people who are authority figures, CEOs, your bosses, seen as a higher status, and more. When it comes to fashion, you could wear business attire a lot, professional clothings, tones of brown, tones of gray, basic, and more. When it comes to beauty, you could be on the smaller side, strong bone structure, bare face beauty, and more. When it comes to learning choreography, you could take longer to learn choreography, have issues with learning it, work hard to get it on lock down, and more. When it comes to self love, you could invest into your career, legacy, status, and more. You could listen to rnb, alternative, old school class music, songs about being a boss, authority figure, legacy, and more. You get receive luxury items that are hard for people to get their hands on, etc.
Ex: You could be with a CEO of a banking company
Venus in 11h/Aquarius:
| You could be attracted to partners/people who are in your friend group, associates, social group, engineer, politicians, dream man, humanitarian, rebellious, unique, and more. When it comes to fashion, you could wear unique pieces, you could wear pieces that go against fashion norms, your friend group could influence your style, and more. When it comes to your beauty, your beauty could be very unique, out the word, and more. You could practice self love with your friends, be in a self love group, being nice to yourself, and more. You could receive luxury items that are unique and innovative. When it comes to your dancing, you could have a unique dancing style, sometimes you could switch the choreography up, and do your own thing. You could like EDM music, electronic music, futuristic music, songs about helping others, being rebellious, friend ships, etc.
Ex: You could indulge in futuristic fashion and trends
Venus in 12h/Pisces:
| You could attract partners/people who are glamorous, ethereal, spiritual, self sacrifice a lot, creative, could be delusional about your partners, and more. When it comes to fashion, you could do mermaid core, tones of people, y2k, old school trends, and more. Your beauty could be seen as unreal, ethereal, glamorous, siren like beauty, and more. You could practice self love by indulging in spirituality, isolating yourself, taking care of your mental health, reflecting on your past, cutting off people or things that don’t serve you, and more. You could receive luxury items that people do not know about or that are hidden. You could listen to indie, electronic, rnb, alternative music, songs that make you forget about your reality, mental health, hidden things, isolation, etc.
Ex: Y2K/MC Bling
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theambitiouswoman · 4 months
How to cleanse your body of negative energy 🪐✨
Meditate: Take a few minutes to sit quietly, breathe deeply, and just let go of all the junk cluttering your mind.
Move Your Body: The gym, pilates, yoga, a walk, or even dancing in your room, moving your body can lift your spirits.
Nature: Go outside! A walk in the park, a hike, or just sit by the water. The water has natural healing properties.
Be Present: Do things that make you focus on the now. Try deep breathing, write in a journal, or practice a hobby you enjoy.
Smudge It Out: Use sage or palo santo to cleanse your space and yourself.
Crystals: Keep crystals like black tourmaline or amethyst with you. They soak up negative energy and bring in the good stuff.
Sound Vibrations: Listen to 528Hz frequency music, chanting, or use singing bowls to create positive energy through sound.
Salt Bath: Take a bath with sea salt or Epsom salts to detox and relax. Drinking lots of water helps too!
Positive Self Talk: Say positive affirmations to yourself every day. It’s like reprogramming your brain to think happy thoughts.
Sleep: Make sure you’re getting enough sleep. It’s super important for recharging your body and mind.
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ms-snape · 1 month
Matchmaker (Young!remus lupin xHufflepuff!reader)
Request: not a request, requests are opened btw
Summary: Remus finally find the courage to confess to y/n, with a little help from Sirius.
Warning: insecurity, jealous Remus, Sirius being his flirty self, fluff, happy ending,marauders era
Word Count: 1413
The sun dipped low in the sky, casting golden hues across the Hogwarts grounds. As students flocked to the Great Hall for dinner, Remus Lupin lingered near the edge of the lake, a book clutched in his hand but neglected. His gaze was fixed on a figure shimmering in the last rays of sunlight—Y/N, a Hufflepuff with laughter that danced through the air like fireflies on a warm summer night.The other marauders were sprawled near him, their antics echoing while James was animatedly recounting another tale of his latest Quidditch exploits, his hands flailing dramatically.
“—and the Bludger nearly took my head off! Can you believe it?” he exclaimed, eyes sparkling.
Sirius leaned back, a smirk plastered on his face. “You mean it nearly took your ego off. You’re practically invincible, Potter.”
“Hey!” James shot back, tossing a piece of popcorn at him. “You’d be singing a different tune if it had hit me!”
“Oi, Moony!” James' voice broke through his reverie, punctuated by the sound of footsteps crunching on gravel. Remus turned, forcing a smile "Are you listening to us or-"
“Yes, prongs,” he replied, though his eyes flicked back to Y/N.
“Still staring at her like a lovesick pup?” Sirius Black grinned as he joined them, a teasing glint in his eye. “You know, if you keep this up, you might just scare her away.”
“Shut it, Pads,” Remus muttered, a blush creeping up his neck. “It’s not like that.”
“Sure, it’s not,” Peter Pettigrew chimed in, adjusting his hair as he caught up with the group. “You’ve only been watching her for weeks. Just confess already!”
Remus sighed, running a hand through his hair. “It’s not that simple. She’s… different. Perfect, really. I don’t want to ruin our friendship.”
“Or you’re just scared,” Sirius said, a smirk playing on his lips. “How about this? I'll maybe go talk to her i mean she's pretty good looking. Get a rise out of you. Then you’ll have no choice but to confess.”
Remus shot him a glare. “You wouldn’t dare.”
“Watch me,” Sirius said, his smile widening as he strode toward Y/N, who was laughing with her friends near a patch of wildflowers.
“Pads, don’t!” Remus called after him, but it was too late. Sirius was already leaning against a tree, his posture casual but his eyes sharp with mischief.
“Hey, Y/N!” Sirius called, his voice smooth like honey.
Y/N turned, her eyes lighting up with recognition. “Sirius! What’s up?”
“Just enjoying the view,” he replied, winking dramatically. “But I think it just got a whole lot better now that you’re here.”
“Ugh, Black,” she laughed, rolling her eyes, but a flush crept into her cheeks. “You’re impossible.”
“Impossible to resist?” he shot back, that trademark grin of his flashing.
Remus clenched his fists, a knot of jealousy tightening in his chest. He glanced at James, who was watching with an amused expression.
“See? This is what happens when you don’t act, Moony,” James said, nudging him with his elbow. “You have to let her know.”
“I can’t just—” Remus started, but the sight of Y/N laughing at something Sirius said made the words stick in his throat.
“Come on, go talk to her,” Peter encouraged, his eyes bright with excitement. “What’s the worst that could happen?”
“What’s the worst?” Remus echoed, heart racing. “She could say no.”
“Or she could say yes,” James countered. “And then you won’t be the sad, lovesick werewolf anymore.”
“Those are some high stakes,” Remus muttered under his breath.
“High stakes are what make it fun,” James answere,while sirius was still flirting with Y/N. “I mean, who wouldn’t want to be swooned over by a Black?”
“Just… give me a minute,” Remus said, feeling the weight of the moment. He took a deep breath, trying to steady his racing heart.
As he watched, Sirius leaned closer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. “You know what? I bet a girl like you would love a midnight stroll around the lake. Just the two of us.”
Y/N giggled, her smile wide but hesitant. “I don’t know, Sirius. What if I get lost? You might just lead me into the Forbidden Forest.”
“Or I could protect you from all the monsters,” he declared, puffing out his chest dramatically. “I’m practically a knight in shining armor.”
Remus felt a surge of frustration. It was now or never. He pushed off the tree he’d been leaning against and strode toward them, each step heavy with determination.
“Y/N!” he called, his voice cutting through the air.
Sirius turned, surprise flickering across his face. Y/N’s eyes widened, and for a moment, Remus thought he saw a flash of delight there.
“Remus!” she exclaimed, her smile growing. “What’s up?”
“Um, I—” he stammered, suddenly aware of the attention of his friends and the curious gazes of nearby students. “Can I talk to you for a minute?”
“Sure!” Y/N glanced at Sirius, who was feigning innocence, and then back at Remus, her expression warm and inviting.
Remus motioned for her to follow him a short distance away, his heart pounding loudly in his chest, drowning out everything else. He took a deep breath, trying to calm the chaos inside him.
“What’s on your mind?” she asked, tilting her head slightly, a playful smile resting on her lips.
“Uh, well, it’s about… Sirius,” he said, feeling the heat rush to his face as he awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. “I know he can be a bit over the top sometimes.”
Y/N laughed, a melodic sound that made Remus’s heart flutter. “He definitely can be. But he’s harmless.”
“Right, harmless,” Remus echoed, feeling a wave of frustration with himself. “But I—”
“Remus, what is it?” she asked, her tone shifting to something more serious.
He swallowed hard, the weight of his feelings pressing down on him like a leaden cloak. “I don’t want you to think he’s serious about all that. He’s just… well, he’s trying to make me jealous.”
“Jealous?” Y/N raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. “Why would he do that?”
“Because I—” Remus hesitated, the confession teetering on the edge of his lips. “Because I like you, Y/N. A lot.”
Silence stretched between them, the sounds of the bustling students fading into the background. Y/N’s eyes widened, and for a heartbeat, he thought he might have misread everything.
“You like me?” she whispered, a soft smile breaking across her face.
“Yes,” he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. “I’ve liked you for a while now. But I didn’t know how to say it.”
Her smile grew brighter, and suddenly, all the tension in his shoulders melted away. “Why didn’t you just tell me?”
“Because I didn’t want to ruin our friendship,” he said, his heart racing. “And I was scared. Scared you wouldn’t feel the same way.”
“Remus,” she said, stepping closer, her eyes sparkling with warmth. “I like you too.”
He blinked, a rush of disbelief flooding through him. “You have?”
“Of course! You’re kind, smart, and you don’t take yourself too seriously.” She laughed lightly, her voice ringing with sincerity. “And you’re really cute when you’re flustered.”
“Cute?” Remus echoed, his heart soaring.
“Definitely,” she said, her gaze softening. “So, what do you say we make this official?”
“Are you asking me out?” he asked, his voice rising slightly in surprise.
“Maybe I am,” she teased, tilting her head to one side.
Remus grinned, the weight of his insecurities lifting. “Well, in that case, I’d love to go out with you.”
“Perfect!” Y/N exclaimed, her cheer infectious. “How about a walk around the lake tomorrow night?”
“Sounds like a plan,” Remus replied, feeling a warmth spread through him. It was a feeling he hadn’t realized he’d been missing—a sense of hope and excitement.
“Tomorrow night, then?” Y/N asked, her voice soft
“Tomorrow night,” Remus echoed, his heart soaring as he smiled at her, the words feeling like a vow.
Meanwhile, Sirius, having watched the exchange from a distance, turned back to James and Peter with a satisfied smirk. “Well, that went better than I expected. Looks like I’m not needed anymore here after all.”
James chuckled, nudging Sirius playfully. “You’re a right matchmaker, you know that?”
“Just doing my part,” Sirius said, feigning modesty, though his eyes sparkled with mischief.
Peter grinned, shaking his head. “You didn’t even have to try that hard.”
“Maybe I’ll charge them for my services,” Sirius mused, crossing his arms with a smug expression.
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celestialtarot11 · 8 months
How to manifest based on your moon sign 🤍🍵
Hi friends! Today we’ll be looking at how to manifest based on your moon sign ⭐️✨ please share your feedback and support this blog. Thank you! Regardless of your moon sign and astrology in itself, all these methods can work greatly for anyone.
Moon in air signs ☁️ You manifest when you allow yourself to see timelines of your future. Allow yourself to think widely beyond your current circumstances. How good can it get? What is there to experience that you haven’t as of yet? Use your mind to see, not restrict. Journal, script, use vocal affirmations and most importantly soothe any anxiety or worry about how it’s supposed to unfold. You’re not meant to understand it logically, it’s a process for the soul.
Moon in fire signs✨ you manifest when you are active! Get that energy flowing! Use the power of your heart and breath to invite new energy. Yoga for invoking energies can be wonderful to move any stagnant energy out your energy field. Go for a run, hype yourself up, play music you love! Dancing can help shake up stagnant energy as well.
Moon in water signs 🌊 you manifest best when you get enough sleep. Hydrate yourself, make sure your energy is clear and flowing the way it should be. Find your inner stillness, listen to yourself, and remember you’re here to make space for yourself amongst others. Singing bowls, mantras, chants would work wonderfully! Listen to music, get in touch with your dreamy side, and be the one to invoke change whilst remaining calm and grounded through it.
Moon in earth signs 💗 you manifest best when you know you are committed to your dream. If its in your long term you want it all the way, and thats your motivation! When you feel like the boss is when you manifest best. Take your time figuring out what you want and if it aligns with you, its important to separate others wants and desires from yours. Tap into the luxury lifestyle you know you deserve!
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Moon aspecting Mercury: you manifest best when you journal, script, or say aloud what you desire. Have fun with your affirmations! Crystal work can also help you tap into universal energies, and clean your energetic body! This’ll boost your manifestations.
Moon aspecting Neptune: you manifest best when you indulge in music, or the finer things in life. Set the mood, set the tone, and allow yourself to dream. Meditations for your heart and third eye will help greatly! Create mood boards and visuals for what you want! See beyond the physical ✨
Moon aspecting Venus: You manifest best through self care, indulge in dressing up, and most importantly doing shadow work to free your heart space! Also creating visuals and mood board would help a lot. Allow yourself to get out your comfort zone and release what you’ve been complacent with.
Moon aspecting Pluto: You manifest through speaking as well, although it may happen at times where you least expect it. Tap into your deepest desires and transmute past pain related to that desire, and attract it! You have a raw ambition, power and strength you embody regardless of your past or present circumstances. “I don’t know how it’ll work, but I know it will.”
Moon aspecting Saturn: You manifest when you tap into your dedication commitment and stability. Manifest through the belief that no matter what is happening around you, you still remain committed and unbothered. Manifest for the long term.
Moon aspecting Sun: You manifest through vitality, power, and fun! Allow yourself to get creative with your manifestations, create a ritual, and be your best hype man! Be bold in what you want, and you shall attract. Balance your intuition with the powerful influence of the soul.
Moon aspecting Mars: You manifest when you accept your need for change, and your power to invoke change within yourself and others. Tap into that assertive, active, and fiery energy! Balance it with your feminine, allow yourself to receive just as much as you put out. Practice breath work and meditations for the heart!
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Tarot cards associated with your sign & how to manifest ☁️🤍
The Star (Aquarius) • Justice (Libra) • The Lovers (Gemini)
Air signs you manifest after seeing the light, the hope, the glimmer of faith after an unpleasant or difficult situation. Reflect on the moments where others thought you couldn’t do xyz, reconstruct your faith and hope in realizing was it ever really true what they said? The narratives past down through friends or family? Did it ever truly serve you? Were they truly saying that because of self sabotage, or was there a factual truth in what beliefs were passed to you? Get in touch with the fact there are multiple, and all truths. All feelings, all experiences. We are not limited by our past, nor our mind, nor the stories we conformed to in our childhood! Reevaluate if the stories were a projection or your truth.
The Sun (Leo) • The Emperor (Aries) • Temperance (Sagittarius)
Fire signs you manifest best when you tap into your inner child. Provide for it what it didn’t experience growing up. How can you add to their childhood experiences? How can you fulfill their dreams now? Take care of them the way you wish you had been by others. Provide truth, structure, and discipline, but also let your inner child free and have a say in how you manifest! Love yourself enough to hear them. Create a beautiful bond with whats inside, and listen to the deepest parts of you. Your intuition lights up like fire when you connect to your inner child! Remain balanced & committed in your dreams and aspirations. If one did not work, where can you improve? Modify any self sabotage beliefs from childhood, and work towards your power and truth.
The Hermit (Virgo) • The Devil (Capricorn) • The Empress (Taurus)
For the earth signs! You manifest best through transforming self sabotage into inner love & compassion. Lean into yourself rather external things to cope. Build better inner structure, and soften yourself. Holding on tightly can break things. Introspection is your light and awareness to realizing what needs to change. Your narratives and stories are keys in what you’ve been telling yourself for so long. Work on your self concept and what you choose to believe in, that’ll help you manifest. Be your own boss, take a stable and committed approach to yourself and making all and every dream come true the way it was always supposed to!
The Moon (Cancer) • Death (Scorpio) • The Hanged Man (Pisces)
Ya’ll water signs manifest best when you find inner stillness and cultivate true inner calm. Find your center throughout the chaos. Work on realizing its always there for you. Once you know that space is there, work on seeing the love that surrounds you, and how that space is easily accessible if you just tune in. If you just listen to yourself. Lean into your intuitive truth, and allow your intuition to come forward. Allow yourself to shift into this reality with ease. Find peace in knowing you can access any dimension and reality by tapping in. (Like sliding into dms 😂) anyway! Harmony. Create harmony within your environment and prove to yourself you can have it come to you too.
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hazbn-oneshots · 7 months
Dancing Headcanons
Charlie loves to dance, that’s a given. With as strong as a passion that she has for singing, well it’s not really surprising when the two go together like milk and cookies.
Both a fan of freestyle dancing as well as more classical styles, she’ll grab your hand and pull you into a full Ballroom-Style Waltz before moving onto a lively two-step.
Speaking of the waltz, it’s one of her favorite dance styles. It makes her yearn for a day where she could throw a big party and just parade around the room, showing off just what kind of power couple is taking on Hell.
She mainly just likes to show you off, she’s very proud to call you her partner and she’d scream it from the rooftops if she could.Or even twirl you ‘round and ‘round an ornately decorated ballroom.
Until then she’ll settle for twirling you around in the dim light of your bedroom, singing quietly to the old record playing.
Vaggie doesn’t know how to dance and it takes a lot of convincing and just a little bit of bribing for her to even entertain the idea of letting you show her some moves.
She’s relatively quick on the uptake, however, her background as a fighter serving her well to stay quick on her feet. She definitely takes to the livelier dances, absolutely loves to salsa and as soon as she hears the music she’s immediately tying her hair up.
Vaggie will never admit it to you but she looks forward to these moments with you, showing her whichever new dance you had practicing just to show her.
Lead her through a sultry tango and you’ll have her swooning in no time, although in the classic Vaggie fashion you’ve come to love. With a face brighter than the sun, if you even dare to try going for a kiss she’ll…. Well she may just let you have one ;)
Few may know but in the living world, Alastor lived quite a thriving social life and with that comes a little bit of knowledge when it comes to the dancefloor, be it old fashioned as it may.
He’ll be genuinely delighted if you’ll ask him to dance with you, probably one of the few times you see his forced grin slip into a more relaxed smile.
Alastor forces everyone to vacate the main floor of the hotel, after all, he would have nothing in the way of a perfect evening with his darling.
An evening complete with a custom outfit he’d had ordered for you from his tailor-only the best- and a shiny old phonograph that broadcast music that he was more familiar with himself. 
And with you on that floor, he almost feels like his old self. It’s like the hotel fades away only to be replaced with the backdrop of the old club he’d frequent when he was still human. He’ll fox trot ‘till the morning comes, loves to Charleston, his smile never wavering one bit.
He only begins to slow when he notices you begin to slow, tripping on your feet with a newfound exhaustion. He’ll glide you to a stop, one hand on your lower back and the other holding one of your own.
"We’ll break for now dearest, wouldn’t want to take you out of the race”
You better take a breath and drink of water though because before you know it you’re swept away again
He’s more of a watcher, truth be told. With his big ol feet and wings, he knows he’ll end up getting in the way so he prefers to keep his post behind the bar. It doesn’t bother him, not dancing anyway. These stupid little hang outs that Charlie organizes at the hotel bar piss him off beyond belief however.
Things typically go one of two ways. Either every resident of this forsaken hotel will completely disregard the invitation; Which never fails to upset the poor princess and leave her and Vaggie sulking on a couch.
Or, on rare nights such as tonight, a few residents will show up and sometimes it’ll fizzle out not long after everyone gathers. 
Not tonight though.
You see, during your stay at the hotel you and Angel had come to become quite close and as such had decided to take it upon yourselves to liven everyone up a little. You pick the music though, Angel’s taste wasn’t awful but you feared sending Sir Pentious into a fit with the content.
You only try to ask Husk to dance once and his wordless response was but a chuckle.
"I don’t dance kid but, maybe next time” and if you catch the hint of fondness in his eye as he turns to put a glass away, you sure don’t mention it.
Angel Dust:
Sign him the fuck up, he doesn’t care what they put on, when it is, he just wants to grab his love bug and give them a spin.
He’s the type to remember certain reactions you’ll have to specific songs, making sure to add them to a special playlist reserved for you.
He even named it after you, adding little hearts and kissy faces next to your name.
Angel likes to break it put whenever you’re feeling down, even if you’re not fully up to a dance he’ll wrap you up in a gentle sway anyway. 
Due to the height difference he’ll let you stand on his feet while he sways back and forth. Complete with little peck kisses on the head and face as well.
It’s not long before you’ve got your face buried in his chest, wondering what you did to deserve someone like him.
He’s gonna twerk on you at some point those, it’s inevitable. If the two of you are out on the town for a night, you can bet he’ll be dragging you to the liveliest club possible, eager to dance up on his honey
Requests are open!!
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meo-eiru · 1 month
Oh. Me. Gosh. The post about the misspellings of Elias's name made my brain give birth.
Elias being a triplet. His other siblings are Elian, the smart one, and Elisa, the talented one. And growing up, he felt like he could never be on their level or ever impress their (really uncreative when it comes to naming) parents. Elian has the turquoise hair, Elisa has orange hair, and Elias has lavender pink hair
Elisa is a dancer/choreographer💃. She is very artistic and can sing, dance, paint, all that shit. Despite being the favorite, she spent a lot of time trying to get away from their parents' judgemental gaze, either at dance practice, extracurriculars, or hidden in her room doodling. She's neutral about Elias and thinks Elian is too intense.
Elian is a business owner and a workaholic (see the eyebags?). He was an honors student, won spelling bees as a kid, and probably got a scholarship to yale or some pompous ass school like that 🙄. If Elisa was busy, he was the one their parents showed off to friends and coworkers. He doesn't mind Elisa but thinks Elias is pathetic and enjoys feeling above him.
And finally, Elias. The second he turned 18, he did his best to get the hell away from them all. His parents either ignored him or told him to be more like his siblings, to find a passion and stick to it. He felt despised b his family and became self-destructive since he just wasn't good enough.
(Tried to make Elias sorta rugged with bushy brows and a beard so that he's the exact opposite to his pretty brother)
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Further context
I love the idea of Elias being born in a normal ass house with normal ass parents and a normal ass community so just imagine you have these older siblings who are just extremely extremely talented at what they are doing who set the bar waaaay too high. Like imagine both Elisa and Elian won scholarship with their respective abilities which in turn makes their parents expect the same level of talent from Elias
Like somehow these two normal people managed to birth two geniuses who managed to accomplish crazy stuff with their limited resources, so the parents would expect Elias to do the same on his own but Elias is mediocre at best at whatever he tries so they get disappointed in him…
I doubt I’d make this canon because for Elias to turn into who he is today I need him to be someone who was kinda spoiled for his looks growing up which kinda crippled his ability to develop skills and caused him to put way too much importance into his looks (since that’s the only thing people cared about him) but like this is such a funny idea I want it to be an AU
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velvetydream · 4 months
꒰ :🥀 [ Trainee days ] ”♡ᵎ꒱ˀˀ ↷ ⋯
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Summary : Technically you and San were as close as friends can be, but he started to withdraw from you. Which not only you noticed, but also a few others. The question in your mind was : Why?
Pairing : Trainee! San x Trainee! Fem! Reader
Word count : 1.8K Words
Genre : Fluff
Warnings ➵ None?
a/n : While writing I got the idea of maybe also doing a Idol x Trainee! Reader, might do one too!
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The fan in the practice room was humming loudly, but the music coming from the speakers toning it out. Your breathing was hard as you try to follow the steps shown by the instructor. The room was full of other trainess, the air was stuffy and hot. The peak of summer was finally reached, yet everyone in this room with a dream had to push through, push to their limits.
"We'll take a ten minute break, drink something." Rushing over to your bag, you quickly grab your water bottle, the slightly warm water running down your throat, a single drop running down your chin. Despite the water already turning slightly warm, it refreshed you, so you closed the cap and put it back into your bag before turning around. Your eyes scan over the room, stopping on a group of for three guys. Smiling softly as you make your way over to them, Wooyoung being the first to notice you, waving to you happily. San and Mingi turning soon to greet you too.
"We were just discussing to go grab something to eat tonight, do you have another practice afterwards? Want to come along?" Wooyoung was the one to adress you, thinking for a second before telling you'd be free after the dance lessons, agreeing to join them.
You were rather close to them, along with the other ones of their group. They were already selected to become a group, which made you happy and proud of them, but also a bit self concious, were you still training without being planned for a group, making you ponder if you would ever debut at all. Yet you of course supported them as best as you could, there weren't a lot of people in your company, so it was a rather close realation between the trainees from the start. Closest you were probably with Wooyoung and San, though recently you noticed you relationship with San shift. While you two were usually super close with skinship, cuddling and hugging when hanging out, you recently noticed how San stiffened up when you hugged him or how he even avoided your touch more often now, opting for cuddling with one of the boys than you. It hurt you, but you could not blame him, you were only friends after all, so this made you grow closer with Wooyoung and Mingi too.
The teacher announced the beginning again, having everyone get into position for anouther good two hours of dance practice. It was hard but you pushed through, breaking down onto the floor when it finally ended. Rubbing your legs softly, they were burning and hurting all over, your whole body was in pain. Happy that you only had singing and rap lessons the next two days, before dancing again.
"I'm so exhausted~" Wooyoung cried from behind you, when he sat down behind you on his knees, draping his arms around your shoulders and leaning his weight onto you. "Wooyoung you're to heavy!" Groaning now as you try to push your friend off of your shoulders to no avail, simply letting yourself fall to the side pulling Wooyoung with you. A sigh leaving your lips upon making contact with the cold floor, Wooyoung also relaxing upon feeling the coolness of the floor, his arms still around your shoulders.
"Are you guys finished? Our table is reserved for in half an hour." Seonghwas head popping into the room through the door, looking at you four, smiling when he sees you and Wooyoung cuddling on the floor. Getting up now, helping Wooyoung up before grabbing your bag and making your way to Seonghwa. "You're coming with us?" Nodding, he softly pats your head, making his way down the corridor to the exit with you guys. Not once noticing the slight glare that was send your way when you cuddled with Wooyoung or when Seonghwa patted you head.
The trip to the restaurant was rather quick, sitting beside San and Wooyoung soon, Jongho is grilling the meat, while Seonghwa grills some vegetables. Of course you noticed how San stiffened up again a bit beside you, making you glance over at him, he was avoiding your gaze as good as he could. Breathing out a bit harder, before turning to Wooyoung who asked you a question, leaning your head softly on his shoulders. Your thoughts were running wild, why was San suddenly so distant? Did you do something to offend him? You weren't the only one to have noticed Sans changed of behavior, Hongjoong and Seonghwa also noticed, seeing how San withdrew from you, stopped initiating skin contact with you and even stopped talking so much to you.
Wooyoung was slowly but surely noticing too, his hand softly resting on your knee right now to give you some sort of support. An idea coming into his head as his softly pushes you off of him. "San let her lean on you, she's exhausted and I gotta use the bathroom." Giving you a soft push soft your head lands on Sans stiff shoulder. You wanted to complain to Wooyoung, but he was already up and gone. Wanting to sit up again to not make San anymore uncomfortable, he softly grabs your arm to keep you close beside him, keep you resting your head on his shoulder. "It's fine, please stay." This was the first time in weeks that he initiated anything, making you smile softly. Despite trying to push the feeling away, you missed San and his touch dearly. It was so normal by now to hug and cuddle San all the time, so to day you felt touch deprived of him was and underestimatement.
Wooyoung soon coming back to the table, smiling triumphantly upon seeing you still resting on Sans shoulder, his hand holding yours softly with your fingers intertwined. The meal went on with you and San slightly going back to normal, when you sat up straight to eat, it was his turn to rest his head on your shoulder, pressing a soft kiss to your neck, while holding your hand. Eyes watching you lovingly, but that was only noticed by Seonghwa, finally dawning on him why San had withdrawn himself from you, quickly whispering over to Hongjoong whos gaze snapped over to the two of you.
"How about you sleep over at the dorm? It's late already." Hongjoong speaks up now to you, making Wooyoung and Mingi cheer and agree before even giving you the chance of choosing, making you giggle.
So you soon found yourself cramped together on their dorms couche, Wooyoung and Mingi claiming their spot beside you, making San pout who just joined with Seonghwa from the kitchen with popcorn. Since the couch is to small eitherway, you pat the spot in front of you, blankets and pillows were scattered on the floor, motioning for San to sit in front of you, which ha happily did. It was Jonghos turn to choose the movie and like the little devil he is, he choose a horror movie. Through the movie San at some point pulled your legs over his shoulders so he can lean his head on your thigh and hide his face if he gets to scared. Your hands meanwhile softly pushing through his fluffy hair, trying to help the boy in front of you calm down. Most of the boys were rather scared of horror or jumpscares, the only really immune ones being Yunho and Jongho himself. San was probably along with Mingi one of the worst ones to take horror, knowing it would result in San waking you up from the couch to pull you to his room to cuddle. At least you hoped it would happen and stay like usual, despite his change of behavior.
The movie ended, everyone gets up to go to their rooms and just San and you stay back. "You okay?" Leaning over to him, you softly pat his hair to make him look at you, only now noticing the soft pink blush on his cheeks. "Yeah.. I just.. Can you sleep in my room tonight?" His eyes not meeting yours, while the side of his face stays pressed to your thighs. "Of course, let's go." Pulling your legs from his shoulders, San gets up before pulling you up from the couch, luckily everyone changed into pyjamas before starting the movie. Not letting go of your hand, San pulls you along the dark hallway to his room, trying to be as quiet as possible to not wake one of the other members in his room.
Letting you lay down first, San get's in after you, pulling the blanket above the both of you. Looking into your face, his eyes held a soft gaze, the moonlight being the only source of light, yet San looked ethereal as ever. "I'm sorry for distancing myself recently I.." He stopped, his eyes going away from your own, reaching his hand up to softly grab yours, interwining his fingers with yours. Giving him his time to find his words, your softly squeez his hand assuring you that you're listening. "I think I got scared.. I've recently been noticing how I grow jealous seeing you with others, how my heart starts beating faster.." His voice barely a whisper as he said these words, not to wake his members up but also because he probably was scared if he talked louder you would go. "I've been acting like a fool and what I'm trying to say is.. I think I love you.." Eyes meeting yours finally, you can definitely see the anxiety in his eyes which slowly vanish upon seeing your soft and loving smile.
"Oh Sannie.. Why didn't you talk to me from the start? Do you know how long I've had feelings for you?" Your hand reaches up to softly push hair out of his face, before rubbing your knuckles over his cheek. His eyes were wide while staring at you, before he slides his arms around your waist and he pulls you close against himself, hiding his big smile in your neck. "Are you serious? You're not playing with me right?" His hopefull big eyes look up to you know, chuckling softly you press as soft kiss to his nose. "I would never play with you Sannie, yes I'm serious." San can't help it but a little tear runs down his cheek from how relieved he is that you didn't push him away.
Falling asleep together now, both with a soft smile on your lips. Not noticing the head that soon poke in, one watching you two with a smirk, the other with a soft smile, while Hongjoong hands Seonghwa money. "Told you he would confess tonight." Closing the door again, of course not mentioning that he had a little talk with San in the kitchen and pushed him to finally confess. That would be his little secret.
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darkphoenix07 · 1 year
When they are mad at you (Headcanon)
Mental health requests
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Doesn't let you touch him
He is mostly hurt than mad
Avoids interactions with you so he doesn't talk to you and argue
Doesn't like it when you cry out
Sends you gift that reminded him of you without letting you know
Tells you he is mad at you because he loves you
Melts down with a single hug from you
He is not serious but a pouty baby
Still cooks you meal
Ends up talking to you while giving you silent treatment
Regretful for being mad but doesn't know how to fix things
Ends up making you mad instead
Apologize to you with a special date
Tells you that he can't stand being mad at because he doesn't want to lose you
Only mad at you when some other men touch you
Doesn't let you know but gives you the vibe by being different than before
Denies when you ask him if he is mad
Can't practice well because his heart feels heavy
Ends up giving you crazy sex in his madness
His aftercare turns into confrontation session
Tells you to stay away from strange men because they can never treat you like he does
Enjoying being mad at you
Intensionally irritates you with his cold gesture
Isn't actually mad just testing your patience
Wants to tell you that it was fine but he finds you too cute when you are pampering him (Golden retriever behavior)
Eats your favorite food to irritate you more
Gets slaps on his arm from you when he finally confesses
Tells you he can't get mad at you until you don't leave him
Dance a lot when he is mad you making himself too tired
Doesn't have food because he becomes depressed fighting with you
Misses you but wants you to realize your mistake
Doesn't listen to you at once
Tries to distract himself with something else but can't
Sings songs more pathetically
Acts annoyed when you are apologizing but secretly likes it
Tells you if you ever do that again he will be more sad
Works out a lot, spends most time in gym
He talks to you but becomes more introvert than ever
Gets zoned out most of the time
Writes you letters but never gives you
Tells you it's fine but still mad at you
Gets mad at himself instead
In argument he is mostly calm and sometimes doesn't even talk back
Pulls you for a forceful kiss saying enough is enough
Ends up staring at you at night thinking what would he do without you
Starts become cocky
Rolls his eyes in argument which makes you mad
Tells you he didn't expect this from you
Cries secretly but doesn't tell you
Visibly hurt and doesn't meet you
Is not being his usual loud self
Gets mad at everyone around him
Finally hugs you when you confront him
Spends time with you saying he fucked it up and it was all his fault
Ends up blaming himself
Doesn't want to let you know that he is mad because he doesn't wanna hurt you
Goes for long walks alone
Checks on you and follows you secretly
Keeps checking his phone hoping to see your message but tries to ignore it
Doesn't understand whose fault it is actually
Starts self doubting about taking care of you
Ends up crying in your arms that it hurts him being mad at you
Tells you he wants you to be the happiest with him
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aurumacadicus · 1 month
You guys remember that Demon!Steve and Angel!Tony thing I posted? How about some backstory. Also I have a secret backstory for angel pronouns but I feel like I'm gonna be smote if I say them so. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ There's a reason Steve uses it/its for Tony until told otherwise.
Also TW: lots of religious imagery.
The church was empty.
Steve blinked up at it slowly. The church hadn't been empty for... he didn't know how long. It had been his. He had... lived there? He'd... attended, he was certain. And he had... he had died there.
He was born there. It had never been empty in his memory. He had many years of memory, of hours of people sitting-standing-kneeling-weeping-praying. He noted the broken shards of glass where there used to be windows. The colors had once danced across the ground at his feet from the amount of candles inside. The large doors were broken, one hanging off its hinges while the other was lying on the stone steps. He wondered at what could have done this. The doors were heavy. It had taken two people to open and close just one of them.
Then he noticed an ethereal glow coming from inside. The church had always been lit by candles. He was no longer cautious like he had been as a child, coughing and coughing and gasping and coughing. He stepped inside.
Steve had seen angels before. Small things, with wingspans like birds. White-feathered, glowing silvery in the dark. Young. He'd enjoyed scaring them off, spitting fire and venom at them.
This angel could destroy him before he even turned to leave, he realized, the coal that had become his heart dropping to his stomach. Old, older than any he had seen, even the ones he saw walking with the much older demons back in the halls of Hell, discussing things he could never understand. And powerful, more powerful than the angels he saw come down and sing 'be not afraid.' This angel glowed the gold of the first angels, ones who twisted the stars into shape.
As Steve watched, the angel turned, face twisted into a cold mask of fury, eyes still glowing a faint blue. It was too late to run. He would be smote. But there was something... wondrous about it, he thought, eyes wide, trying to take everything in before the nothing he'd surely be wrought into. This church had been damned long before now. Steve hadn't even felt a tingle at his toes from any consecration. It had been desacralized long before he'd died on the altar. The angels he'd seen were only as powerful as the ground was holy. This angel hadn't been stopped by the fact that there was nothing holy here.
"An avenger," Steve whispered as the angel faced him, spread its wings wide and high, the span wide enough that its wings were forced to curl back in against the walls. It glared at him, but he only felt an odd sense of... calm. If he died at the hands of an angel who could wipe out a sinful church full of people with black hearts in an effort to cleanse its stain on the earth, he figured yeah, he could be at peace with that.
Steve felt cool hands cupping his cheeks, tipping his head back and forth. He heard excited babbling, frantic and dismayed, but he couldn't understand the words. He didn't... feel dead. His head was fucking throbbing, though, and he groaned, loudly, to try and get whoever was on top of him to stop moving it.
The voice said something, relief practically dripping from it, and Steve forced his eyes open, blinking against the pulse of pain it caused.
The angel was on top of him. As he focused on its face, he saw it smile, relieved like he'd expected, but also self-deprecating, in a way. "There you are," it said, hands cradling his face again. "I misjudged how strong you were. I'm sorry."
"...you think I was weaker?" Steve asked faintly, feeling a thrum of angry heat in his chest.
"I thought you were stronger. Older," it corrected thoughtfully. "I thought you could withstand the blast. I needed to get you out quickly. Another moment, and the holiness sweeping back through the church would have smote you instantly. Consecration is almost instantaneous when an angel is behind it."
"...you..." Steve blinked. "Saved me?"
The angel dipped its head, eyelashes sweeping down against its cheeks. "You weren't the one poisoning this place. I wasn't sent to smite you."
Steve blinked again. He didn't know what to say. He sort of didn't believe he actually still existed. He lifted his hands to put them over the angel's.
"Oh," the angel breathed, eyes flying open wide. It looked just as full of wonder as Steve had felt, seeing its power. "I didn't know demons were so warm."
It had forgotten, Steve realized. It didn't remember a demon's touch. He was suddenly filled with confidence he probably shouldn't have had. He chalked it up to the angel apparently caring about his existence enough to get him to safety instead of being smote as an unfortunate bystander. He lifted a hand to cup the angel's cheek instead, and the angel shuddered, breath puffing out against his wrist cool and fresh from its parted lips as it looked at him with half-lidded eyes.
"You can make it up to me," Steve told it. "Once my head stops throbbing."
The angel blinked at him, a slow up-and-down of the most beautiful lashes, Steve thought. "...How would you like me to make it up to you, imp?" it asked.
If it had been anyone--anything--else, Steve would be offended. But. He knew the angel was powerful. Old. He probably did look like a young imp to it. Steve licked his lips, allowing the angel to see a hint of just how long his tongue was, and the angel let out a startled giggle that sounded like church bells, eyes crinkling with amusement.
"I see why the word 'impudent' starts with 'imp,'" the angel answered coyly.
Steve didn't allow it to demure, instead rolling on top of it and wedging the angel's thighs open with his knees, even as his vision swam and his head throbbed. Its white robes fell around it in a way that Steve could only describe as indecent, and he thought it was only because this was an angel who could easily snap him in half, but it was allowing him the position of being on top of it. "Call me Steve," he offered. He didn't want to be called imp, to be reminded of their stations. He didn't think he could follow through if he kept being called that.
The angel hummed, thoughtful, then arched its back a little with a pleased hum. "I'll call you that," it decided, spreading its wings out over its head. "Older, stronger demons have run away with their tails between their legs. You deserve the respect, I think."
"Thanks," Steve couldn't help but deadpan.
The angel offered him a cheeky smile. "You can call me Tony, Steve."
"Tony," Steve repeated quietly, rolling it around in his mouth. "I like that. Yeah, I wouldn't mind panting that in your ear."
"Panting that in my ear?" Tony repeated, brows furrowing together, before its eyes went wide and Steve had the distinct joy of watching one of the most powerful angels alive blush from its face down to its chest, the redness visible through the thin cotton of its robes. "Oh!"
"Oh," Steve agreed, reaching up to grab Tony's wrists and pin them next to its head. The angel let him, and it stoked the heat in him higher, the pulsing pain behind his eyes now an annoyance he pushed aside rather than a debilitation. Belatedly, he figured he should ask, "You're not gonna smite me for this or anything, are you?"
"Far be it from me to smite you for your innate demonic urges," Tony drawled, smirking, and twitched its hand back and forth just to show him how easy it would be to break free of his grip. It batted its eyes at him. "I like a male form, but I can switch to a female one if you like. To make it up to you."
"This is just fine," Steve promised, and then added a careful, questioning, "Sir?"
"You don't have to call me sir, beloved," Tony purred, wings fluttering against the ground. "Just because I'm old, it doesn't mean I adhere to the social hierarchy." Then it blinked, surprised, before letting out another bell-toll giggle and added, "I don't hold to any of those pronoun conventions either. Call me as you see me."
"I'll call you mine," Steve offered, and Tony threw his head back, laughing with delight. Steve didn't know how to tell him he wasn't being cheeky. He suddenly and irrevocably wanted nothing but the angel beneath him.
He pushed it aside. Meeting angels as powerful as Tony was were a once-in-a-lifetime event, especially among demons as young as he. Instead, he leaned down, pressed his mouth to Tony's, shivering as the angel gasped cool and wet against it. He wondered if Tony's shiver was because of how hot he felt. Hoped it was.
The cry Tony let out as Steve ripped his robes from the top down to the bottom sounded like ecstasy already, and Steve wasted no time pressing against him from shoulder to hip just to hear Tony moan and flap his wings uselessly.
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JJK Characters Morning Routine
I love random thoughts in my mind so here we go with this hc!
Gojo Satoru
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The chaos junkie probably wakes up at like 6am
1h spent on hair routine ("I just wake up like this")
Spamming everyone with messages while brushing teeth
Flexing in front of the mirror is a must
Loves sweet breakfasts but rarely cooks, opting for the nearby cafes instead
Roams around the house in black boxers waving at the neighbors from the opposite apartments
Yuji Itadori
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There is at least one empty ramen cup in his bed
Has a chinup bar in his room and exercises every morning
Spends an unholy amount of time in the bathroom, trying to copy Gojo's signature hair style
Listens to loud music while brushing teeth
While trying to sing along, spits the tooth paste all over the mirror
Megumi Fushiguro
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Wakes up precisely at the alarm
Ignores 10 texts from Yuji and puts his phone on the silent mode
Loves omurice for breakfast and cooks it perfectly
Has a strict morning routine which involves exercising
Summons his shikigami for a small morning walk
Irons his clothes before wearing them
Nobara Kugisaki
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Sleeps in a sleep mask
Oversleeps regularly and has like 5 alarms
Dances while getting ready and listens to J-rock while getting dressed
ALWAYS takes iced coffee to go in the small shop near her place
Texts with one hand and assembles her bag with another
"Yo, going shopping today" sent to Yuji and Megumi
Ryomen Sukuna
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This hair is not going to take care of itself
Savory and hearty breakfast is a must
Meditates every morning because one gotta keep composed and in touch with inner self
Sings alone to the "Specialz" while roaming the apartment
Practices Bōjutsu for at least an hour
Nanami Kento
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7AM alarm, black coffee, boner
Already has his clothes ironed and ready since yesterday
At least 30min in the shower
While having breakfast, answers texts and emails, ordering everyone around
"Im looking for a man in finance" energy
Ignores phone calls from Gojo, enjoying his morning hours of peace
Sometimes read a few book chapters while everything around is quiet and no one bothers him yet
Maki Zenin
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A morning person
Jogs every morning
After jogging, practices in the battle room
Drinks protein smoothies after the workout
Has a fluffy pink robe that no one else has seen yet but the legends about it wander around the Jujutsu Tech
Sings loudly and awfully while getting ready
Loves donuts from one small bakery that not many people know about
Toge Inumaki
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Oversleeps often and usually wakes up with a manga or a controller in his hand
Yawns a lot and takes his time to get ready
Almost never eats at home, preferring instead to meet with Maki at her favorite place
While getting ready, puts on an anime or game streams
Does not really care about what to put on and selects from a pile of clothes on the floor
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kleric-kunt · 11 months
Havik x GN! Reader || NSFW
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Just a little self indulgent story I wanted to write cuz there's still not a lot of Havik content out there. This ain't proofread, so sorry for any mistakes <3
CW: filthy language, rough sex, nothing really out of the ordinary, degrading praise, biting, mentions of gore and cannibalism (in a romantic way)
The throbbing within is nearly unbearable, having reached your fifth climax of the night. You're out of breath as Havik ruts into you, licking and biting at your neck with a hunger like no other, as if he wishes to devour you completely. You can't help but let out a slew if curses and moans, the cleric pulling them from your throat oh so happily, merciless in his movements. Havik himself can hardly hold back his own noises. In fact, he doesn't. He's loud, huffing, moaning, panting, repeating your name like a mantra, a prayer, even. He groans into your ear, his voice hot and heavy with lust.
"Hng..fuck. You feel so good. So precious..." He practically whines as his cock stretches you so deliciously, rubbing your insides in all the right ways. "Look at you, squeezing me so tight. You're just begging for me to cum inside, slutty little thing."
A particularly needy moan falls from your lips, your nails digging into Havik's biceps. He loves the feeling; the sharp, stinging pain that comes from the way you cling onto him so desperately. It only turns him on more, pulling a deep groan from him that reverberates in his chest.
You can feel Havik's breath become heavier as he drags his tongue from your neck to your chest, nuzzling his marred face into it, desperately listening for your heart. To hear your heartbeat would most likely drive the man to the edge, hearing the muscle pulse, sending blood into your veins and throughout your body. Oh, how he loves your blood; how he loves your heart. He wants to touch it, lick it, devour it. Alas, he can only listen as it flutters beneath your breastbone, dancing so beautifully, all for him.
Havik salivates over your chest, his tongue and teeth caressing the skin if your sternum as his thrusts become a bit slower. It's not very often that Havik slows his pace during sex, but tender moments like these are savored. You gaze down at your lover, drinking in the way his deep, brown eyes stare lazily back up at you, pupils blown from desire. He whines as his hot tongue laps over your bruised flesh, soothing the bites he had painted your chest with just minutes ago.
"Oh, how I want to crack you open and steal your heart from its cage," he groans, rutting lazily into your heat, almost pathetic, "I need to taste it. Hold it in my hands and feel it pulse just as you pulse around my cock..."
You card your fingers through his hair, your nails scratching gently at his scalp, eliciting a small moan from him. "I wish I could give you that, my love, but we would have to part if I did." You smile lovingly at the cleric, knowing that he understands, and that he would never let it come to that point.
Havik lets out a low growl, making his way back up your body, leveling his face with yours. He gingerly presses his forehead to your own in a simple display of trust and affection, your sweat mixing with his. Slowly, he lowers his mouth down to your ear, running his tongue over the cartilage before speaking harshly. "I am well aware of this, my dear. I will simply feel you from the inside in the best way I can~"
And with that statement, thay simple sentence that took your breath away, Havik set a brutal pace, even harsher than the ine before. He grabs onto the flesh of your thighs and practically folds you in half, allowing him to reach even deeper within your core, tearing a scream from your throat. Havik chuckles in between moans and growls, pleased by the noises you're making as well as the sight of you conturned beneath him.
"Yes! Sing for me, love. Let me hear your beautiful voice, so sweet and tortured, just for me." He huffed and groaned, his pace almost as bruising as his grip on your thighs. Havik holds nothing back, fucking you relentlessly, reveling in the way your bodies move in perfect unison and in the way that you writhe and whimper under him. It isn't long before you can feel another orgasm building, bubbling up in your gut, threatening to burst.
The cleric buried within you feels it, too, his heart racing at the thought of you cumming on his cock once more. He will gladly help you reach that high again, rutting his hips agaisnt yours in a steady rhythm, hitting that spot within you over and over. You're drooling at this point, a babbling mess, barely able to form a coherent sentence. All you can do is whimper and plead, words broken by the overstimulation.
Your lover huffs out a laugh as he gazes down at you, proud of this fucked out mess that he has made of you. "What is it, darling? Are you going yo cum again? Look at your pretty face, of course you are." He firmly grasps your cheeks in one of his scarred hands and forces you to look up at him. Havik gazes into your eyes, his own begging you to not look away. "You've got one more in you, I know you do. Now, be a good little pet and cum with me."
It washes over you before you can even process Havik's words, your orgasm wracking though your body. Your back arches and your fingers dig into Havik's muscular arms once more, silently screaming, then gasping for air. Havik's own breathing becomes rather ragged, then evolves into loud growls and moans as he reaches his climax. He bites down hard onto your shoulder when he spills within you, ripping a broken whimper from you. Havik groans against your tattered flesh, the taste of your blood only heightening the sensation of his release.
Finally, Havik stills and removes his teeth from your shoulder, running his tongue over the wond to soothe it. He wraps his strong arms around your sweaty body and rolls over onto his back, pulling you on top of him, his cock never leaving your warmth. He nuzzles into your neck and laps gently at it; his way of kissing. The two of you stay like that for a while, reveling in each others warmth and savoring the afterglow.
After a moment of silence, Havik speaks, his voice low and raspy, yet so very loving, running his calloused fingers over your body. "You mean everything to me...never forget that."
Aaaahhh first fic post! I really hope the Havik lovers enjoy this!
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gracefully33 · 8 months
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🛸Mars In Signs/Houses🛸
Mars represents ambition, desire, action, courage, competition, sports/athletics, confidence, and more.
* Can’t include examples for all because there’s a picture limit
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Mars in Aries/1H:
| You could do weight lifting, track, more. You could have a desire to improve yourself and you could practice in a lot of sport competitions. You could be extremely confident in yourself like when it comes to your looks, believing in yourself in general, and more.
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Mars in Taurus/2H:
| You could have the desire to save, store, increase your finances, and more. You could do beauty competitions due to Taurus being ruled by Venus. You could be confident in your beauty, money, and more.
Mars in Gemini/3H:
| People could make you angry by gossiping and talking about you behind your back. You could do k-12 academic, social media, writing competitions, and more. You could very confident in your social media, writing, k-12 education, communication, speaking, your siblings, and more. You could take action by communicating with others and more.
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Mars in Cancer/4H:
| You could do a lot of family, house building, self care competitions, and more. You could have ambition when you have your family backing you, a steady foundation, and more. You could have tons of confidence in your home, family, and more.
Mars in Leo/5H:
| You could have tons of confidence in your creativity like acting, dancing, and more. You could participate in a lot of dancing, acting, and singing competitions. You could take action through your creative abilities, confidence, and more. You could have the desire to improve your artistic abilities, have more fun, date for fun, and more.
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Mars in Virgo/6H:
| You could do a lot of fitness and weight lifting competitions. You can gain ambition by working out, taking care of yourself, staying consistent to your daily routine, and more. Probably have the desire to improve your daily life, consistency, health, and more. People could make you mad by being judgmental, not be humble, unreliable, and more.
Mars in Libra/7H:
| You could have done beauty pageants or other beauty competitions. You probably have a lot of confidence in your beauty, fashions, relationships, and more. You could take action through your partnerships or collaborating with people. You could probably do gymnastics, because gymnastics includes balancing and Libra represents balance, etc.
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Mars in Scorpio/8H:
| You could be lustful because Scorpio represents sex appeal and more. You could have a lot of confidence in your inherited finances, in your witchcraft, sexuality, investments, and more. People could make you mad by messing your investments and interfering with the money others give you. You could have the desire to build generational wealth and more.
Mars in Sagittarius/9H:
| You could probably participate in foreign sports or do sports overseas. You could have the desire to travel, learn about different cultures, expand your philosophy, and more. You could be very competitive, because Sagittarius rules expansions and mars can represent competition. You could become angry when others insult your philosophies, religion, knowledge, and more.
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Mars in Capricorn/10H:
| You could have the desire to achieve your dream career, accomplishments, build your legacy, etc. You could tons of confidence in your career, work ethic, self discipline, public image, and more. You might be very competitive when it comes to your career and you take your career extremely serious, etc.
Mars in Aquarius/11H:
| You and your friends could probably do a lot of competitions. You could be very ambitious when it comes to your humanitarian work, your friend group, hopes and wishes, manifestations, and more. Your friends, your desires, dreams, social group, and more could give you confidence. People could make you angry by taking your ideas, being unoriginal, not being independent, and more.
Mars in Pisces/12H:
| You could participate in swimming competitions, or anything related to water because Pisces is a water sign. You could have the desire to improve your spirituality, glamour, creativity, and more. You could have confidence in your intuition, hypnotic abilities, delusions, and more.
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thepinkscope · 2 years
PICK A CARD - 10 things you should do to become the person you want to be in 2023.
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PILE 1 //
You can explore your sensual energy.
Remimance on your pain in order to understand how much you have grown.
Enjoy your own star power (writing, singing etc.)
Moses Sumney has a song that says "Think about who gave them their definitions and rewrite those definitions for themselves". Sometimes what you think of yourself comes from someone else's wrong opinion of you - do the work to define you.
Learn more languages, interact with people from different cultures etc. (Make sure you're engaging with people outside of your bubble.
Be more direct, especially with your romantic interests and partners. I see more of "do you want this to be something more?", "how do you feel about me?"
FLIRT (check my flirting PAC on my master list).
Budget in such a way that you have some extra savings that will go toward life's pleasures; get that bag you want, go on a trip etc.
Say NO more - stand your ground and speak up for yourself. Your inner child deserves it. You deserve it.
Attend more live shows and concerts.
PILE 2 //
Take care of building your finances, school or work career - a major focus of the year.
Trust in your own feelings and instincts about other people instead of going with whatever people have to say.
Identify the bad habits you may have, compassionately release them and practice a new helpful habit.
You might struggle with your emotions, and to help you stabilize them, you need some tools. Whether that's having emergency affirmations, meditation, eft tapping, sleeping etc.
A lot of you are transitioning from youth into adulthood and I'm seeing that you need to focus on pushing yourself into the adult role. It'll help you with your responsibilities and socially.
Remain hopeful in love but take care of your feelings.
Instead of asking people for advice and validation, try to tap into your own inner power for the answers.
Prompt more conversations with other people. Get to know other people more. Be more curious - it's good for your own social growth.
Very specific but you may carry spiritual/religious trauma, release the resentment - PLEASE. It gets in the way of how you perceive yourself.
Give yourself credit often. Celebrate your wins. Don't just let life pass you by.
PILE 3 //
You're doing so well. Make some room for some fun - blast music, dance more etc.
You've been alone for too long - you need a kiss or two. Make the effort to date or manifest more romantic opportunities. You deserve it.
Shake off regrets and move forward owning your life and your power. This is your life.
Put more effort into your body and health. Walk more, yoga, weights etc,
Your doubts and fears are just a shadow of your old self. Do everything to maintain the new you. The ideal version of yourself. Stop falling for that trap.
Avoid your ex relationships (family or friendships) and if you can't, take care of yourself as you interact with them. It might set you back a lot. If you're with someone new (romantically or not), do not compare them to those ex relationships.
Doors are opening. Walk through them all.
This needs to be emphasized, you keep replaying bad memories with people from your past, please do the work to overcome this. Let it go. Cut those cords. It keeps you stagnant.
Latto says "Money talks and I speak fluent". Heal your relationship with money. Make space for more money.
Increase your productivity and do the projects, goals etc. you've always had in mind.
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techramonic · 3 months
Speak, Hear, and See No Evil; Embody it.
An Essay Analysis on Religious Trauma and its connection to Nihilism through the Case Study of Vladislav Roslyakov
There is a profound intersection in faith and mentality. To uncover one’s whole being, the aspect of spirituality is well within the equation. While many use their faith as a symbol of fortitude, a steadfast hope that guides their way of living – creating practically a coherent path in a world so inconsistent and unpredictable, others see it as the pinpoint of their internal turmoil. Faith is not for all of us. If one rejects the idea of seeking solace in an institute of collective belief, then they do not believe in such a concept as “being saved”. To them, there is no redemption, only pain. 
Some people need a rather tangible and physical form of revelation for an adherence of recognition. It is the ideology: when you look up at the sky and do not see anyone looking back at you, that is when you know it’s not for you. You do not believe in such a thing as self-sacrifice, for you only see the world in a lens of self-slaughter. Often, this strained relationship with faith becomes Religious Trauma. 
Psychotherapist Dr. Alyson M. Stone acknowledges a positive link between religion and mental health but notes a lack of studies on spirituality's impact. According to Stone, “Religious trauma is more prevalent than the research suggests and often is a contributing factor to many of the problems that bring people to therapy, including depression, anxiety, and relationship difficulties. For this reason, religious trauma deserves careful attention” (Stone 2013, p. 324). Furthermore, Marlene Winell (2012) coined "religious trauma syndrome" (RTS) to describe the distress from "toxic theology." This refers to authoritarian religious doctrines demanding strict adherence, often equating disobedience to damnation.
In the case of Vlad, his mother was a Jehovah's Witness. This religious sect is banned under Russian law despite an estimated 175,000 followers in the country. In 2017, Russia’s Supreme Court found the organization guilty of inciting religious hatred by "propagating the exclusivity and supremacy" of their beliefs. Subsequent to  Russian anti-extremism laws extending to non-violent groups in 2007, placing it into the same category as neo-Nazis and members of al Qaeda.
To understand this, we must first look into Vladik’s childhood leading up to this point. Vlad’s father, a former Russian soldier who served in Afghanistan for several years, sustained brain damage from an assault, making him aggressive toward his family, leading to frequent physical abuse over his wife, parents, and even his son. He was also an alcoholic, where his violence would worsen when intoxicated. By the age of 10, his parents had filed for a divorce and he lived under the custody of his mother in a rundown apartment with poor conditions because they could not afford amenities.
Following this, his mother had renowned her faith. Neighbors described her as a devout follower who spent a lot of time in prayer. They recounted that she had barely any concern for Vlad due to being too focused on her faith, but there were many instances of her controlling nature towards her son’s life. According to Vlad’s profile background, his mother would frequently punish him for disobeying rules of her faith. Although he accompanies her in services, he does not recognize himself as a follower. He publicly expressed his contempt on Jehovah’s Witnesses as, “some kind of fools who dance and sing.” A friend of his had also expressed that the two would often make fun of the community. Despite these differences, Vlad still appeared to care for his  mother and understood that she had no other means of coping and did not have a community to interact with since she had no friends or relatives close by. With this, he made sure to spend time with her, yet we can discern that these regulatory rules are merely pushed unto him.
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Vlad was not allowed to engage in hobby classes, amateur activities, or even watch movies as the faith forbids these activities. According to his VK chats with Liza Panchenko, his favorite movies were Stand by Me, Pulp-Fiction, and Lost Highway. However, he stated, “I didn’t watch any good movies after 2005”. Though this may be a speculation, one of the possible reasons for this is because he was forbidden by his mother. However, despite her warnings, it is clear that he still would go against her.
Vlad became sports-obsessed and developed an interest in weaponry, violence, neo-nazism, war, and killers. Despite occasionally picking up fights and being placed on the “chair of shame” by his college director, Vlad was reserved and withdrawn from others. His friends had described him as a loner, who was quiet and avoided making friends, rather talking about topics of violence, especially about Columbine. He had no intimate relationships or sense of future and practically only attended school because he was forced by his parents. He did not see any future and saw no escape other than death. Even with an interest in violence and guns himself, he expresses a disdain towards joining occupations like the armed forces.
Moving forward, it is crucial to recognize that the psychological distress caused by religious trauma can manifest into Nihilistic ideology. According to Alfred Alder, a psychoanalyst who founded individual psychology, human behavior is motivated by our unique experiences and the perceptions we garner off of these. To him, humans are driven by goals and we aim for superiority by striving for these goals which are molded by our values and aspirations. These in turn develop into a lifestyle that affects us in different aspects of our behavior.
Furthermore, Alder speculated that psychological development occurs when people pursue meaningful goals, though factors can disrupt this process. Exchanging the feeling of self-superiority with inferiority and emptiness. When one lacks any meaningful goal, they are devoid of any means to stay motivated because they have no inherent cause that may allow them to “live”. 
From a nihilistic perspective, the absence of inherent meaning in existence can lead individuals to view life as a mere distraction. You exist, yet you do not truly live—merely passing time because life feels more like an obligation than a will. This allows you to fade into a concept and lose touch with your humanity. You become a mere entity in this world so vast that it cannot accompany the hatred you bear for it because you are insignificant. You see yourself as nothing, born out of your lack of purpose, therefore you are nothing.
To tie this into the conversation, trauma and abuse can disrupt the process of finding and garnering purpose, hindering the creation of goals and instead, promoting nihilistic attitudes. This includes religion, which can either be an antidote or a poison. 
Religious trauma can be a  catalyst for promoting nihilistic thinking. Taking Vlad as an example, when individuals are subjected to oppressive religious doctrines that instill shame, fear, and guilt – it can lead to an inflated sense of despair. This dread of being trapped in a system that dictates your worth and purpose fuels the tendencies to lean into nihilistic ideologies. You are cornered with no escape despite religion itself being a form of solace and escapism made for believers to feel less in despair. Vlad's strict upbringing in a religious environment and controlling mother contributed to his growing resentment towards religion and humanity itself. This lack of free will over his beliefs and choices only amplified this sense of dread over being powerless. Further alienating him from others because he believes that no one will truly help him, not even God.
If God is not there to help and save him and there are no means of a divine intervention in his life, then he will be the intervention himself. He is the destruction the world has insistently brought upon his life in the form of unforeseen circumstances. He is the “judgment” that he has been taught to fear. He is the delusion that he has created because of his fixation over power. He is hatred. He shall not speak of evil, nor hear it, or see it. So, in turn, he is the embodiment of the evil he is taught to not be. 
Hatred, just like anger, does not come from evil but mistreatment. Though in this case, it is amplified to a point it becomes visceral. Vlad's constant exposure to religious extremism and the trauma he endured further deepened his nihilistic perspective and in turn, developed his trauma into a projection of an image of hatred over things he cannot control: his life and the people around him. Moreover, the trauma from his father's abuse and his mother’s overbearing nature only developed a deep-rooted cynicism towards conventional structures. In his belief, if he is controlled by anything but himself, it is evil.
To conclude, religion has a profound impact on an individual's psyche. It has the ability to either heal a person or destroy them completely. Vlad’s life is a perfect example of how one’s religious trauma can manifest into a distortion of their worldview, ultimately leading to them seeing no other escape in this miserable existence other than death.
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