#singapore ribbon
Top 5 Sewing Accessories Suppliers In Singapore In 2023
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In 2023, Singapore will continue to be a hub for sewing enthusiasts, and the demand for high-quality sewing accessories is on the rise. Whether you are a seasoned seamstress or just starting on your sewing journey, having reliable suppliers for your sewing needs is crucial. Here are the top 5 sewing accessories suppliers in Singapore for 2023:
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Tong Kah Mun, Singapore 🇸🇬
SEA Games Singapore 2015
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pucksandpower · 1 year
hiii! with the chaos that was today’s career, could I request one with driver reader that she started telling her team that she wasn’t feeling good but still wanted to continue but the next moment she isn’t answering her radio because she fainted in the car and the car goes out, the marshals take her out of the car and she doesn’t wake up, maybe she has extreme dehydration and is hot to touch, etc.
How the other drivers react when they found out, her team, etc.
Thank you
Too Hot To Handle
Max Verstappen x Red Bull driver!Reader
Summary: the Qatar Grand Prix pushed every driver to the limit … and some past the limit
Warnings: heat stroke, dehydration, crash, medical conditions
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The Lusail International Circuit hums with electric anticipation, its asphalt ribbon shimmering under the floodlights. The roar of the crowd fills the night but the oppressive heat weighs on everyone, creating a contrasting atmosphere of excitement and cautious apprehension.
Standing alongside your Red Bull Racing car, you wipe a bead of sweat from your brow. In only your first year with the reigning double champions, you already have a record that has quickly become the talk of the paddock. But for all the praise and whispers, there is one voice that stands out.
“Remember, liefje, it’s not just about speed tonight. Keep hydrated, alright?” Max’s voice is full of warmth and concern. His hand rests gently on your arm.
You flash him a confident smile even though you’re battling your nerves internally. “I’ve raced in heat before, Maxie. I won in Singapore. I’ll be fine.”
He pulls you into a quick embrace, the temperature doing little to dampen the spark between you. “It’s different here. This heat ... it’s like nothing I’ve ever raced in before.”
Pulling back, you raise an eyebrow teasingly. “You worried about me, Verstappen?”
He laughs but there’s a hint of steely seriousness in his blue eyes. “Always. Just ... promise me you’ll be careful out there. For both our sakes.”
You nod, touching your helmet to his. “Promise.”
The intercom in your ear crackles to life. “Drivers, to your cars!”
You both exchange a final glance. Racing is in your blood, it’s what brought you together, but it also keeps you apart, if only for the few hours you’re no longer partners in life but competitors on track.
Sliding into your car, you secure your helmet and gloves. The world outside becomes a bit muffled but your focus sharpens. The engine’s purr is a familiar comfort, but tonight, it’s edged with the unease Max’s words left behind.
Your race engineer, Hugh Bird, checks in over the radio, “Everything good, Y/N?”
You take a deep breath, “As good as it’ll ever be. Let’s light up this track.”
“Give them a show.”
Lights out and away we go.
The Qatar Grand Prix unfolds with its usual mix of intensity and skill, drivers navigating tight turns and overtaking with precision. But beneath the spectacle, a subtle tension mounts. The oppressive heat, the stark floodlights, and the weight of expectation — all of it seems to be building to something.
In the garage and on the pit wall, your team closely monitors the race and your performance. Hugh occasionally chimes in with updates, “You’re doing great, Y/N. Remember to hydrate whenever you need to.”
You nod even though he can’t see it, “Understood. The heat’s something else in here.”
A pause. Then, “Just keep stead. And Max told GP to tell me to tell you to remember what he said.”
A smile touches your lips, “I always do.”
The track is a blur as you push your car to its limits, feeling the adrenaline surge in tandem with the roar of the engines. It’s as if the heat has seeped into your very core, burning with intensity. Each lap feels slightly longer, every turn a tad sharper, as the humid air takes its toll.
“Y/N,” Hugh radioes through, sounding distant and slightly distorted by the pounding in your head, “you’re P2. Great pace. Remember to sip some water.”
A trickle of sweat runs down the side of your face, stinging your eye. Blinking rapidly, you reach for the button that activates your hydration system.
“Got it,” your voice sounds foreign even to your own ears. The water is lukewarm and tastes metallic, not as refreshing as you had hoped.
“Just keep doing what you’re doing,” he urges.
With every lap, the world outside your visor seems to grow brighter, the floodlights shimmering like mirages in a desert. The race has become a battle, not just against other drivers but against the environment and, increasingly, against yourself.
“You’re dropping pace. Is everything alright?” Hugh’s concerned voice crackles through.
A knot tightens in your stomach. “I don’t know. I ...” You trail off, the words catching in your throat as a wave of overwhelming dizziness hits.
You can hear the alarm in your engineer’s voice becoming more pronounced. “Y/N, talk to me. Do we need to pit?”
The heat wraps around you, constricting, making it difficult to breathe. Your hands, slick with sweat, struggle to grip the wheel even through your gloves. “Guys ... I don’t ... feel ...” The world spins and your words falters.
“Y/N? Y/N, talk to me!”
But before you can respond, before you can even finish your sentence, the world tilts and blurs into an incomprehensible whirlwind. The sweltering heat, the relentless pursuit of victory, and the weight of expectation converge into a maelstrom that engulfs you entirely.
Your hands, once deftly steering the RB19, now hang limply by your sides. The car veers off the track, careening towards the barriers. Panic rises in you but it’s too late. Your body refuses to act.
The deafening sound of metal against metal fills your ears, followed by the nauseating sensation of impact. The world outside your cockpit twists and spins, a kaleidoscope of colors and chaos. Then, abruptly, it all goes dark.
In the garage, your team watches in horror as the monitors show the violent crash. The radio falls silent, the connection severed. In that heartbeat, the world goes eerily quiet, punctuated only by the distant echoes of screeching tires and the blaring alarms.
Moments pass like hours and finally the static on the radio clears, replaced by your frantic race engineer, “—please respond. Y/N? Are you okay?”
But there’s no response. Your world remains shrouded in darkness as the circuit comes to a standstill, gripped by an eerie silence that drowns out even the most deafening of cheers.
The track is plunged into chaos. Red flags wave fervently, signaling danger. Marshals rush towards your wrecked car, their fluorescent jackets contrasting brightly against the night.
“Get her out! Get her out!” One of the marshals shouts as they reach your car. Your limp form is carefully extracted and they begin immediate first aid. The severity of the situation is clear — the heat, the dehydration, it’s all taken its toll.
The crowd watches, a collective gasp filling the air soon replaced by a thick, heavy silence. As your unconscious form is stretchered away, the weight of all those warnings crashes down.
Back on the pit wall, four words whispered into the radio are the first of many about to turn your boyfriend’s world upside down.
“Safety car, safety car.”
“Max, we’re pitting this lap. Box, box,” the calm, steady voice of Gianpiero Lambiase, Max’s race engineer, instructs over the radio.
Max’s voice is curt, his mind still on the race. “Why? Tires feel fine.”
“Non-negotiable. Safety car is out. We need you to pit now.”
The urgency in GP’s voice is not lost on Max and he immediately senses that something is wrong. “What happened? Why is there a safety car?”
Silence follows for a heartbeat too long. “There was an incident. Just focus on your race.”
An icy dread seeps into Max’s bones. The circuit is massive yet his world feels terribly small at this moment. “Who was it? Who crashed?”
His engineer hesitates, and in that pause, the weight of a thousand possibilities presses on Max.
“Who. Was. It?”
GP wavers, “It’s … Y/N.”
Max’s breathing becomes ragged. Panic and fear flood his system. “Why the hell wasn’t I told immediately?”
“It was team orders. The decision was made to keep you focused on the race.”
Max laughs but it lacks any humor. “Team orders? You’re saying Christian decided not to tell me that Y/N ... my Y/N is hurt?”
“Yes,” the reply is uncharacteristically soft, “It was believed to be in everyone’s best interest for you to be fully focused on the race.”
Max has never felt such white-hot rage. He spits into the radio, seething with fury and pain. “You tell Christian that if he ever makes a decision like that again about someone I love, I’ll cut his balls off with a rusty spoon.”
“Max, I understand you’re upset. But right now, we need you to stay focused.”
Stay focused? When the love of his life is in potential danger? The weight of what that means presses down, threatening to crush him. “I need to see her,” he finally rasps out, voice breaking.
The plea hangs in the air, met by another long silence. Finally, the radio clicks on again, softer than ever. “Y/N would want you to finish. You know that. Win this for her.”
Tears blur Max’s vision, mixing with the sweat already pooling in his helmet, but he nods, a silent assent. The roaring engine now sounds distant, the glinting lights a backdrop to the storm that rages within him. Every second is an eternity, every turn a test of his resolve to keep racing. But Max drives on, pushing his limits for you.
Every fiber of his being silently screams your name, a prayer or a promise or both, Max doesn’t know. All he knows is that the faster he crosses the finish line, the sooner he can be with you.
For the world watching, the race continues, cars whizzing by. But for Max Verstappen, each lap, each second, is a race against his own heart, torn between duty and desperate love.
“Her pulse is erratic! Get the defibrillator ready!” A medic shouts as the emergency team frantically works around you, the ambulance parked haphazardly nearby.
Another voice, calmer but filled with urgency, counters, “Wait, give her a moment. She might come around.”
“Come on, Y/N,” A young medic mutters, pressing an oxygen mask to your face. “Don’t do this.”
The ambulance door opens again, the head medic speaking into a radio, “We need an airlift, now. The situation’s deteriorating rapidly.”
Another voice, muffled, replies, “The helicopter’s on its way! Clear the area.”
As the medics continue to administer aid, working desperately to stabilize you, the chief medic tries to maintain order, “Every second counts. This heat stroke is severe, coupled with dehydration ... it’s a nightmare scenario.”
“We should have had more cooling stations,” the younger medic mutters. “The humidity coupled with the heat ... it’s brutal tonight. And we’re not even the ones out there driving.”
The older medic takes a deep breath. “That is on the organizations. We can’t fix there mistakes but we can focus on what happening now and do everything we can to get her through this.”
The thrum of helicopter blades soon overwhelms the noise of the circuit, growing louder as it approaches. Soon, the bright light from its landing spotlight punctuates the night. “The helicopter’s here!” Someone shouts.
“Alright, team, on three,” the chief medic commands. They work in perfect sync, lifting you carefully but quickly, your body still unresponsive.
As they approach the helicopter, the pilot shouts over the roar, “We’ve got the best onboard. She’s in good hands.”
“She’s one of our best,” the younger medic shouts back. “She has to be okay.”
The chief medic, securing you inside, murmurs more to himself than anyone else, “Come on, Y/N. The race isn’t over. Keep fighting.”
“You expect me to smile and stand on that podium knowing she’s been airlifted to a hospital?” Max’s voice trembles with rage as he confronts the FIA officials blocking his way.
“Mr. Verstappen, there are rules, procedures,” an official replies stiffly.
“Rules? Y/N might be fighting for her life right now and you want to talk to me about rules?” Max’s hands clench and unclench as he physically holds himself back from throwing a punch.
Another official steps forward, trying to mediate, “Max, we understand your feelings but millions of viewers are watching. The podium is an essential part of the race.”
Max’s eyes flash with anger. “You think I care about a trophy when my girlfriend is in a hospital? Do you really think that piece of metal means anything to me right now?”
“We sympathize— ” the first official begins but is cut off by Max’s heated response.
“You sympathize? Do you even know what that word means?” He’s on the verge of breaking, voice barely above a whisper as he continues, “She is everything to me. Everything. And you want me to smile and wave for the cameras?”
The air grows thick with tension. The two drivers from McLaren waiting for their cue to go to the podium are silent, their eyes darting between Max and the officials.
A new voice interjects , “Let him go.”
It’s Lewis Hamilton, who despite DNFing early in the race, made his way across the paddock after seeing the distress on his rival’s face. “There are things more important than a ceremony.”
The officials exchange glances, clearly not expecting this intervention. But before they can reply, Max levels them with a final scathing look. “Fine me if you must! Penalize me! Suspend me for all I care! But I am going to her.”
And off he goes.
A nurse at the desk recognizes Max immediately when he runs into the hospital. “Mr. Verstappen,” she begins hesitantly, “Miss Y/L/N is in the ICU. Room 302.”
He doesn’t need any further prompting to sprint down the hall. Reaching the room, he stops dead in his tracks. You’re there, surrounded by machines that beep and whirr, tubes running to and from you, an oxygen mask on your face. The sight of you, once so full of life, now frail and vulnerable, breaks him.
His voice, when he finally managed to finds it, is a choked whisper, “Y/N ...”
Approaching the bedside, Max gently takes your hand, feeling its clamminess. “Hey, liefje ... it’s me,” he murmurs, pressing a tender kiss to your knuckles. His tears fall freely, wetting the back of your hand.
“Come on, love,” his voice cracks as he continues, “You’ve got to pull through this. For us.”
He brushes a strand of hair from your face, tracing the familiar curves and lines he’s come to adore. “Remember that time in Monaco? When we snuck out for that secret dinner that our trainers would have killed us for? We promised each other forever that night. You can’t leave me now. Not when we’ve got so many more memories left to make.”
The room’s silence is punctuated only by the rhythmic beeping of the heart monitor in a cruel reminder of the fragility of the moment.
“I love you so much,” he murmurs. “Please ... please come back to me.”
Leaning in, he rests his forehead against yours, allowing the weight of his anguish, love, and hope to flow between the two of you in the sterile room.
Nothing has changed. The steady beep of the heart monitor still punctuates the silence of the hospital room. Max sits vigilantly at your bedside, his hand gently clasping yours.
It’s been three days since the crash and you still have not woken up. The doctors say your condition is stable but uncertain.
Max leans in close and presses a kiss to your forehead. “Morning, liefje. I’m still here. Not going anywhere.”
He brushes a strand of hair from your face, his touch impossibly gentle as if you might break. In the stark hospital lighting, the dark circles under his eyes are visible. Sleep hasn’t come easy to him, not with you lying here.
A soft knock at the door draws Max’s attention. Hugh pokes his head in hesitantly. “Hey, Max. Any change?”
Max shakes his head, swallowing hard. “Nothing yet. But she’s fighting. I know she is.”
Your race engineer steps further into the room, his expression solemn. “I should have seen the signs earlier. Pushed her to hydrate more. Slowed her pace.” His voice catches, “It was my job to look out for her.”
“This wasn’t your fault,” Max says firmly. “Y/N is stubborn. We both know that. She wanted to prove herself.” A ghost of a smile touches his lips. “It’s what makes her brilliant.”
Hugh pulls up a chair on the opposite side of the bed. For a moment, the two men sit in pensive silence. Then your race engineer speaks again, softer this time. “Has she ... has she responded at all? Squeezed your hand or anything?”
Max clenches his jaw and stares past Hugh at the blank wall. “No. Nothing yet. But I know she can hear me. I tell her about training, the team ... I update her on everything. She’ll want to jump right back in when she wakes up.”
Footsteps approach and a nurse enters, checking the equipment and your vitals. After making some notes on a chart, she offers an encouraging smile. “No change but she seems stable. Just keep talking to her. Familiar voices help.”
After she departs, Hugh leans forward, clasping your still hand. “Hear that, Y/N? You’ve got to wake up. The team needs you. Your fans are all rooting for you. And ...” His voice cracks. “I need my driver back.”
Max looks at him gratefully. “We all need her back.” Reaching out, he gives your race engineer’s shoulder a comforting squeeze.
Another knock sounds. This time, it’s Christian. His face is etched with guilt and worry. “Max. Any improvement today?”
Max’s expression hardens. He hasn’t forgotten Christian’s decision to withhold news of your crash. But his voice remains even as he responds to the team principal. “Nothing new.”
Christian pulls up a chair next to Hugh. He chooses his next words carefully. “Max, I need to apologize. I made the wrong call that night. You deserved to know immediately about Y/N. My priorities were skewed.” His voice shakes slightly. “Seeing her like this ... I would give anything to go back and change what I did.”
Max studies him for a long moment and some of the hardness leaves his eyes. “I appreciate that. But right now, the past doesn’t matter. All that matters is her getting better.”
Christian nods. Reaching out, he gently smoothes your hair. “You hear that, Y/N? We’re all here for you. Your whole team. Now you need to come back to us.”
A heavy silence settles on the room once more. The three of them remain clustered around the bed … keeping vigil … willing you to show any small sign of recovery.
After some time passes, the ringing of Hugh’s phone snaps the three men out of their thoughts. “Sorry to interrupt,” your press officer’s voice filters through the speaker, “but the team’s on the line. They want to send their well wishes to Y/N.”
Hugh glances at Max questioningly who nods, “Patch them through. Let the whole team remind her why she needs to wake up.”
A smile tugs at your race engineer’s lips. “You got it. Go ahead, team. She can hear you.”
A chorus of voices floods the room. Your mechanics, pit crew, strategists, PR team … everyone chimes in with encouraging messages.
“Come on, Y/N! We need our star girl back on the grid.”
“You can do this, kid. You’re the toughest one out there!”
“We all believe in you. Keep fighting!”
Max grips your hand tighter, emotions threatening to spill over. Even Christian and Hugh have sheens of tears in their eyes.
“Alright,” your race engineer says after the team signs off. “You heard them. Time to wake up.”
And that’s when Max feels it. A short, weak squeeze of his hand.
Then your eyelids begin to flutter.
“Y/N?” Max leaps to his feet, leaning over you anxiously. “Can you hear me?”
Slowly, painfully, your eyes open, taking in the scene around you. Confusion clouds your expression. “M-Max?” You rasp.
A brilliant smile breaks across Max’s face. Relief floods through him so powerful that his knees nearly buckle as he chokes out, “Yes, yes it’s me! You’re back, liefje. You’re really back.”
Hugh lets out a shaky laugh, scrubbing a hand across his face. “Welcome back, superstar.”
You try to speak again but Max hushes you gently. “Save your strength. We’ve got all the time in the world to talk.”
Christian grins, looking years younger. “Oh thank god. I need to tell the team. They’ll be thrilled. Welcome back, Y/N.” He hurries from the room, phone already in hand.
Your race engineer squeezes your shoulder. “Get some rest. We’ll all be here when you wake up.”
As he and the nurse move discreetly out of the room, you gaze up at Max. “You ... you stayed.”
Max lifts your hand to his lips, blinking back tears. “Of course I stayed. I’ll always stay by your side.”
He leans down, pressing his lips against your chapped ones. All the fear, the uncertainty, the heartache of the past few days melts away.
You’re back. You’re really back. And Max knows, without a shred of doubt, that your lives from this day on will be greater and more meaningful than all your wildest dreams.
In the following days, drivers from across the grid make the pilgrimage to your hospital room. They come bearing gifts — flowers, balloons, even a nearly life-size plush race car. But more importantly, they come bearing a message.
“That race should never have happened,” Lewis says solemnly, handing you a get-well card covered in signatures. “The heat was dangerous. We should have acted sooner.”
Esteban grips your hand tightly. “I’m sorry, Y/N. We should have spoken up about the conditions sooner. We all suffered but you suffered most.”
“Your crash woke us all up,” Lance adds. “No trophy is worth risking drivers’ safety even more than we already do each race.”
You’re moved by their solidarity but sigh knowingly. “The FIA would never have listened to just one driver saying something. But maybe they’ll listen to all of us.”
Max’s jaw clenches, residual anger simmering beneath the surface. “They have to listen. We won’t race in unsafe conditions again.”
The other drivers nod, They know the power that you all wield together and for the first time in a long time, you are going to use it.
In a show of outspoken unity, the GPDA drafts a strongly worded letter condemning the lack of caution around extreme heat and demanding tangible changes to make sure drivers aren’t put in avoidable jeopardy.
All twenty of you threaten to strike.
To your surprise, the FIA not only apologizes for the oversight but pledges to implement the requested changes immediately.
“Your crash was a wake-up call,” the FIA president says solemnly during a visit to your hospital room. “We should have protected you better. That will never happen again.”
When he departs, you let out a long breath, leaning back against the pillows. The anger and hurt from that night haven’t disappeared entirely but you feel a sense of hope, that some good has come from the experience.
Max clasps your hand between both of his. “What you went through is unacceptable but you used that to make the sport safer for every driver out there. I’m so proud of you.”
You give him a tired smile. “We did this together. All of us.”
He presses a kiss to your forehead. “Get some rest. When you’re better, we’ve got plenty more checkered flags to take. Side by side.”
The long road to full recovery still lies ahead. But with Max by your side, and all the drivers behind you, you know everything will be okay.
The race goes on but it will be a safer race thanks to you.
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shcksingapore · 2 years
Enhance your brand and add a personal touch with SHCK's customized ribbons in Singapore. We offer a wide range of ribbons in different colors, materials, and sizes to suit your specific needs. Contact us now to get started. http://www.shck.com.sg/customised-ribbons-singapore/
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theribbonshop · 2 years
Our Wired Ribbon Singapore can be used to enhance gifts and holiday decorations. Our wired ribbon is of a heavier, rougher ribbon fabric. Due to the texture of this fabric, it is possible to get super creative with the way you tie it around gift packages. It is available in sheer, solid, metallic, plaid, and stripes. Visit our store, and Shop Now!
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daily-pokemon-trivia · 10 months
List of active pokemon mystery gifts (SV)
Order is the expiration date from soonest to be gone to latest
No code, receive via internet - mythical pecha (no end date)
NE0R0T0MCOVER - special rotom phone cover (no known end date)
L1KEAFLUTE - Cetitan (31st Aug 2024)
SWEET0RSP1CY - either 1 sweet or 1 spicy herba mystica (30th Sep 2024)
L1K0W1TH906 - Liko's Sprigatito from the anime with a partner ribbon (30th Sep 2024)
TEAMSTAR - Revavroom (31st Oct, 2024)
WEARTERASTALCAP - terastial cap cosmetic item (30th Nov, 2024)
SEEY0U1NPALDEA - Gimmighoul (30th Nov, 2024)
Y0AS0B1B1R1B1R1 - Yoasobi's Pawmot (28th Feb, 2025)
SUPEREFFECT1VE - Expert belt (28th Feb, 2025)
G0TCHAP0KEM0N - 30 quick balls (28th Feb, 2025)
SPECIAL CODES (codes specific to real world events or things)
Till October 31st 2024 you can get a special birthday code if you show up to a real world Pokecenter on your birthday month with your Switch. You either get a Pawmi or Charcadet which know the event exclusive move celebrate (Japan, Singapore, Taiwan)
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thirdlotusprince3 · 3 months
Korea - palaces, high tech.
China - hanfu
France - Classical music
Singapore - Mariana Bay Sands
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bzhitstruth · 10 months
My thoughts about DD's hat
This hat caused a lot of noise, and this is understandable - DD focused attention on it and posted a million photos and videos with this hat wherever he could. Just today the video appeared on five platforms - Weibo, Douyin, Instagram, YouTube and BiliBili. Of course, everyone understands that it has special meaning for him. The same thing happened once with the panther logo, which DD also placed everywhere. Such activity has been unusual for him lately; the hat has broken all records.
I just want to speculate on this topic because there are some things that seem dubious to me, contrary to popular opinion.
The turtles assume that GG gave DD the hat, brought it from Singapore, there is a hat shop downstairs of the hotel where he lived, and he bought it there.
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I have an unpopular opinion about this. I think the hat is really connected to GG, perhaps it was the gift from him. But I think that the hat is not from this store. On Weibo I found the screenshot of a fan’s correspondence with the store on Instagram. I'm not sure if this is a genuine screenshot or not, but if it is genuine, then the theory about buying the hat from this store is incorrect:
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I looked at this store's Instagram account and it seems they really don't have any hats like that. Their hats are in a certain style and are made in a certain way, but DD's hat is different, it differs in weave, and the shape of the ribbon, and style. This becomes clear if you look through the many hat models from this store. I do not exclude the possibility that I am mistaken, and that the screenshot may turn out to be fake.
But I'm quite sure that this hat has special value for DD, because he constantly tries to show it. Yesterday and today, solos tried to “wash” this hat, claiming that DD allegedly bought it himself. They even found DD's photos from 2017 wearing a similar hat and tried to claim that it was the same hat, but it was a different hat, that could be seen with the naked eye.
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And today, shortly after this attempt at "washing", DD bombarded us on various platforms with many videos of this hat, and in this video there is the interesting detail: the only time DD touches the hat and lifts it occurs at 23rd second. I won’t guess whether this is a coincidence or not.
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There are several signs that this hat has a special meaning for DD:
1. DD posts an unusually large amount of materials with this hat. He's showing off. I had a similar feeling recently with Leica - “look carefully from all sides at what I have, how wonderful it is!”. And during the event, DD was in a good mood and smiled a lot; in my subjective opinion, he looked like a birthday boy.
2. The origin of this hat is still unknown; no brand has yet claimed the right to it. It seems strange that DD would wear an accessory of an unknown brand to the important event, especially since this accessory has become the center of attention.
3. If GG has nothing to do with this hat, then it is difficult to explain the appearance of his vlog at such a strange time, unfavorable for GG, because many people's attention was focused on the GQ event.
4. DD knew full well that the hat would cause a stir, if only because it initially reminded everyone of Luffy's hat. DD simply cannot help but understand this, and yet he made and continues to place a sharp emphasis on this hat.
5. DD didn't part with the hat all evening, both of his outfits were with it, although the second suit no longer involved boating, but DD designated it as a yuppie gentleman costume, and the hat was also in theme. There is not a single photo or video where he is without hat (except those where his head is not visible).
We have a certain chain of events: 1. GG goes to Singapore. 2. There is the hat shop at GG's hotel. 3. Two days after GG’s arrival, DD appears wearing the hat similar to those sold in the hotel store. 4. GG posts the Singapore vlog in the middle of showing off DD's hat. 5. In GG’s vlog there are shots of the hotel; it seems that the hat store is located not far from that place.
There may be a wrong link in this chain of events - the hat is not from this store.
My version of events: DD had been preparing for the event for a long time, and his costumes were thought out in advance, including the hat. The GQ program involved boating, and the boater hat was very appropriate. I don't think DD decided to wear this hat at the last minute because GG returned from Singapore on December 4th and DD flew to Shanghai on the 6th. Most likely, such a hat was already part of DD’s costume, the look was thought out in advance by the stylist (probably by DD too). Perhaps GG saw this hat in Singapore and decided to bring it to DD, and DD put it on instead of the one that was supposed to be in advance. This is why GG's Singapore vlog suddenly appears at an unusual time, in the middle of the event, when DD is posting materials. In any case, I think that there is some kind of connection between the hat and Singapore. Perhaps it is the already mentioned by many people Nanyang style, which is a Singaporean style and includes such hats, and then the connection with Singapore becomes more obvious.
I'm not sure of anything, this hat literally messed with my head, and the case is not solved for me yet. One thing I can say is that this hat clearly has some kind of secret, and it hasn't happened without GG's participation. I hope that someday we will learn the secret of this hat, perhaps new circumstances will become clear. This often happens in the world of GGDD - explanations for many things come gradually, sometimes even after years. Let's wait and see. 💚❤️.
Everything that is written here is fiction, CPN, fake.
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mrmrswales · 1 year
my only commentary to the discourse is I need William and Kate to do more bread and butter royal engagements.. Core projects are great and all but showing up at the county farm to see sheep or cutting a ribbon for the opening of a new hospital wing is just as important
also prioritizing your kids is amazing but your kids are also not babies and you have a great support staff that helps.. so attending a night engagement or going on overseas visits is not the end of the world. Saying that I have absolutely no problem with Kate not going to Singapore with William.. it was going to happen eventually and if this is a pretty big deal for George, I completely get it
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antiresolution · 6 months
trigger warning: This au is based off the godzilla universe (specifically minus one). I focus on the aftermath of graphic disaster scenarios, so I suggest to skip if you're not in the mood!
He stumbles in the second act. 
Prisms of light scatter in Wenhan’s peripherals as he stares down at the stage floor. Red and gold pom poms and strings of glass beads hit against rouged cheeks, gouging out small trails the way careless brushes of fingertips do. The sweat curtaining his skin becomes seamless pearls blending into white face paint. 
The orchestra continues on, drowning out murmurs in the audience. They’re trained to recover from falls and mistakes like any other performer. Punishment from directors and sponsors is always more severe than a split second of humiliation. He could be up and into the next sequence within a heartbeat.
But he’d caught himself on stinging hands and knees. Motionless until the throb of the fall is a numb pulse and his tongue curls dry to the roof of his mouth. Frozen in place as ribbon dancers and masked figures in loose hanfu move around him. The slightest tremor caresses his open palms.
A guttural screech from a violin in the pit raises Wenhan’s head. Stage lights flood his eyes as he searches blindly in the audience. Dancers to his left hit the floor as the stage sways with a thundering crack and shrieks puncture the air from all sides. A layer of white dust rains down against a fleeing crowd, blanketing colorful costumes in splintered fragments. The ceiling above the audience collapses first, throwing up toxic clouds. Wenhan stumbles to his feet as his lungs shudder to breathe, pressing a sleeve to his mouth and nose as he shoves hesitant crew to the emergency exit backstage. 
Wenhan watches as a beam of overhead lights crashes down onto fleeing bodies. Snapped metal groans above from the weight of the collapsed ceiling. Shattered glass pops under his feet as he stumbles back to escape the gush of water from gutted pipes in the walls and stripped live wire. The low whine of twisted metal above ends with a sudden snap. The debris in his throat chokes him more than the pain of his legs pinned beneath steel beams. 
 He stares up at the open sky now painted in smoke and filled with the clamor of emergency sirens. A shaking hand grasps weakly at his shoulder, and he doesn’t recognize the face smeared in blood and dust to his left. A body smashed beneath slates of plaster and metal.
Wenhan stares up at the sky, holding that hand in his until fingers no longer tremble and everything is still. 
February 23, 2008
The WPC (West Pacific Coalition) was formally established after an unprecedented attack killed thousands in Shanghai during lunar new year celebrations. This international security effort is recognized by the governing bodies of China, Singapore, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Indonesia, and the Philippines. Curated teams of military personnel and emergency responders are deployed based on high risk scenarios regardless of nationality to prevent further loss of human life and destabilization of global society. 
Tiles bleed cold underneath knees tucked in front of an empty hole in the wall meant to house a cross. Two weeks ago, the wood had been needed to repair the roof due to a small quake’s aftershocks. Now, no one wanted to make time to properly dress the space for anyone to pray, or mourn, or curse. Rebuilding Busan’s port communities took every willing pair of military hands. Any spare unwilling ones were busy burying the dead or clinging to a warm body, leaving no room to beg God for favors. 
Yet, it’s a quiet space, even if mostly abandoned. Away from shuffling bodies of overworked soldiers and unfamiliar faces.
Taeil stares down at the spray of grey and white now dusting his army fatigues. 
“Does that work?”
The man perched over him reminds Taeil of a bird. Every feature of his is sharp. The way each angle meets the next throws shadows under dark lashes and glaring cheekbones. Simultaneously jarring and soft. The way you wouldn’t expect a row of feathers next to talons. Even the accented Korean on the other man’s tongue feels pointed. Calculated. Almost too precise to be comfortable.
“What…” Before Taeil realizes his reply is more of an exhale than an answer. “--does what work?” 
The other man pauses, but the amused twitch of his lips lingers. He mirrors Taeil’s kneel, leaning a little awkwardly to the left instead of straight. His right leg isn’t fully tucked under his thigh. The way he presses his hands together is enunciated, as if he’s trying to overcompensate for his role in a silent film. He crosses himself, gesturing wordlessly to the sky. 
Stunned silence is the weight on Taeil’s bottom lip as his mouth opens, before the gnashing of teeth beheads words dying to form. His eyes fall on the burning end of the other’s cigarette, as if he’s watching the dying ember of his own annoyance. Taeil exhales through his nose and nods his head at the smoke. “--does that work for you?”
“Only when I don’t have anything better to put in my mouth.”
“Close, but it wouldn't be my first choice.”
Taeil starts to stand, tempted to shoulder check the stranger on his way up. Rationality was never his first choice. He was always chastised for emotionally charged decisions during training. Prolonging this conversation would likely end with his fists bruised and both of them bloody. It was the first week in this base. A reputation built on nothing couldn’t be used as leverage, no matter how good he thinks that sharp nose would look broken.
“It was an honest question. Do you ever get what you ask for?”
Curled fists open and close at his sides before he turns towards the door without answering. A much larger figure fills the frame, blocking Taeil’s exit. Dark eyes glance over a familiar wrinkled face. Taeil’s posture goes rigid. He bows his head to the senior officer. 
“Ah, I see you two met.” There’s the threat of a reprimanding edge, though it seems directed at the soldier behind Taeil. “Private Yoo, this is Private Li, a pilot from Shanghai.”
Private Li was now standing as if the casual collapse of limbs on the floor had been snapped upward by a pulled string. He still leans into his left side, as if he can’t wait to drop the salute once no one’s watching. Both men meet eyes, but this time neither of them are smiling. 
“Your new partner.”
Wenhan tears away flyers from the front door of the barracks. The images are grainy pixels enlarged sloppily to fit its new frame of cheap computer paper. But the painted features of the subject are clear enough even from a distance. 
“What a waste. You look so pretty, ge–”
Wenhan tosses shreds of paper at the face crinkled with laughter to his left. The mandarin that rolls off his tongue is an effortless shift. 
“Then you can tape it together and jack off later.”
“Shit, hey– hey, hey,” Hong shields his face and steps out of the way of an elbow aimed at his gut. “It wasn’t me. You know who thinks pulling this shit is funny.”
Even if the construction of this military camp had been congested to a rural corner in the city, their barracks only had four bunks. Compared to other soldiers forced to sweat and curse during the summer in a room with 18 other men. 
Wenhan’s busy emptying a shelf of one of his roommates, tossing the best snack wrappers a guaranteed death payroll could buy onto the empty bunk next to it. 
“You met him, right? Did you ask why he was transferred here? What's he like?”
What comes to mind first is the silhouette of a stranger’s back. One man on his knees in an empty room already abandoned by the hands that built it. 
Wenhan blinks. A dimple forms between his brows. He smooths a thumb over his forehead as if it would iron out the mental crease. 
“Ask him yourself.”
Wenhan gains the uncomfortable weight of Hong’s arm across his shoulders and leans away from the warm breath on the back of his ear. Hong doesn’t even whisper, confident in the disguise of their native language. 
“I heard he volunteered for a suicide mission.” 
Wenhan pauses. Considering superiors kept information to themselves until mistakes rose the death toll. It wasn’t so unbelievable they would consider going on the offensive before signs of an attack in the east sea. But Hong was overzealous, often inflating the truth with his desire for grandeur. 
“I also heard he killed someone, so it was either that, or prison time.”
The mandarin comes from neither of the men, but from behind. Fluent as if it flowed from the memory of a native. He shoves his shoulder into Hong, watching the other dramatically collapse as if he’d sniped him. Taeil stands in the open doorway, wearing neither a smile or a frown. Hong still carries enough shame to apologize, while Wenhan feels the corners of his lips curve up. 
Taeil doesn’t seem offended enough to start a fight as he walks further in, prompting Hong to throw an arm around his shoulders and continue rattling off in Mandarin.
“It’s always a suicide mission. Even if it’s true– just makes you stupid like the rest of us.”
Wenhan starts to roll up one hem of his pants as Hong interrogates the other soldier. He presses fingertips into skin, where his kneecap meets the solid metal of his calf, massaging tiny circles into the joint. 
Taeil’s attention lingers on the flash of silver jutting out where one would expect to see flesh. Wenhan could recognize pity in anyone's face. But the look Taeil casts at his prosthetic is devoid of surprise or even embarrassment for having been caught staring. Maybe more like a stranger in a museum. One who could only be voyeur to a past they could never live inside of or understand. Every glance strangely intense despite the impossible distance. 
But without pity.
“Pretty sexy, isn’t it.” Wenhan kicks his heel against the solid concrete floor. “My eyes are up here.”
“I was looking at your third eye.” 
Taeil catches the extra set of blankets Wenhan throws without missing a beat.
No one enjoys the nightwatch at Taejongdae. 
Wenhan prefers the weight of briny air on his tongue to the suffocating anticipation of everyone at the military base. He’s empty handed for his shift, with nothing but the weight of a buzzing comm system strapped to his side and the soft glow of the lighthouse glancing over dark waters below. Weapons wouldn’t save anyone on the ground. Time was all they ever had as a counter strike. 
He walks the length of the highest cliff’s paved trail, roped in by steel fences peppered with rust. Other soldiers stationed on the southern tip of the city are wandering shadows in the night. There’s no one close enough to hear him as he hums the beginning of a melancholic note. No one around to complain as his voice rises in volume, competing against the claw of the ocean’s wind and lick of waves against carved rocks. 
Then he’s twisting on his heel, grasping the butterfly knife hidden at his side. Golden light from the silent carousel of the lighthouse spills over Taeil’s face, lighting curious dark eyes and outlining the soft slopes of his cheeks. His open palms face outward to Wenhan in surrender.
“Are you a fucking idiot?”
Taeil steps closer, dropping his hands as he falls into Wenhan’s retreating pace. The only reply is the soft tone of Taeil’s singing, off key and unsure as he repeats the last line of the song Wenhan hadn’t finished. 
“If you can sing like that, why are you out here?”
Wenhan carries on in silence. The lighthouse careens over black sea water. 
“I wasn’t asking god for something.”
He turns back to Taeil. The abrupt stop has them breaths apart. He can see the dark circles pressed under both the man’s eyes. Chapped lips sealed thin. A small mole marks the corner of a tense mouth. 
“I was cursing him, actually. For giving me the grim reaper as a partner.”
The tense curl of Taeil’s mouth softens. The coil of anticipation is gone, as if a switch had been flipped. The entire man’s body relaxes. On the cusp of revealing something more, but pulling back. He sighs like a tired old dog and raises his hands to the heavens. 
It’s not the first time other soldiers warned new recruits about Wenhan’s reputation as an indirect death sentence. Some would even request to transfer before he’d meet them face to face. No one wanted to disprove potential mythology. 
“Idiot.” He barely speaks above the sound of the ocean. But Taeil hears him, kicking up rocks and dust at Wenhan’s heels as they continue up the slope. He sings in broken Mandarin at Wenhan's back.
But his eyes are trained on glints of silver and white bobbing in the black churn. The glow of the lighthouse sculpts the distant shapes into what looks like overturned buoys. He stands still, staring into the sea as if he could will away the sight of dead fish rising to the surface. Taeil calls his name, but the roar of white noise drowns out any thought or instinct. 
His comm device revives with a series of orders in Korean, Mandarin, Tagalog. Sighting along Taejongdae. Prepare for immediate impact. 
Wenhan’s collar digs into his neck as Taeil forces him into a run. White dead bellies of fish are swallowed by a rising dark form. The lighthouse fights to glow around the massive shadow, illuminating pulsing coils of scarred flesh. An aching roar ruptures the air before the tower collapses into a wave of dust and shattered stone. The ground becomes sand beneath their steps seconds after warning alarms fill the air. 
Taeil shoves Wenhan forward with desperate violence as the cliff beneath their steps crumbles. He turns back once his feet meet the solid safety of grass and arms of trees, lunging to grasp at Taeil falling into empty air. Fingers lock around Taeil’s wrist. Wenhan bites into his tongue, tasting the rush of blood and feeling the hot burn of torn muscle as he fights against the other man’s dead weight hanging over the cliff. 
Taeil’s fingernails carve bloody trails down wenhan’s arm as he struggles for a strong grip. His body drags against the ground, slowly inching over the edge.
Not again. 
His arms are shaking, tips of fingers pulsing numb. 
Not again.
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Creative Uses For Singapore Customized Ribbons In Events And Celebrations
Singapore customized ribbons are perfect for personalizing gift packaging at any celebration. Whether it’s for corporate gifting, weddings, or birthdays, you can add the recipient's name, a special message, or your company’s branding on the ribbon. This adds a unique and thoughtful element to your gifts, making them stand out. Customized ribbons add a touch of elegance, personalization, and creativity to any event or celebration. Whether you're hosting a corporate function, wedding, birthday party, or festive gathering in Singapore, ribbons are a versatile accessory that can elevate the overall decor and leave a lasting impression on your guests. To know more about some creative uses for customized ribbons in events, read our full blog.
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backscale-pivot-queen · 4 months
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Tong Kah Mun, Singapore 🇸🇬
Commonwealth games 2014 Glasgow
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What a venue for an individual Para equestrian competition! 👀
With four legs and a diet that can include a combination of carrots and peppermint treats - We welcome to the trusty steeds of Para athletes, a proud combination in the Para-dressage Grade I** competition at the iconic Château de Versailles 🇫🇷
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Laurentia Tan 45 from Singapore 🇸🇬 competes in the Para equestrian grade I class, reserved for riders with the most severe impairments.
Due to cerebral palsy, it is challenging for Tan to use her legs to control a horse's movements. What makes riding even more difficult, however, is that she is not able to hear the music used during freestyle competitions. Tan developed cerebral palsy and profound deafness after birth.
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The freestyle test is based on how well the riders and their horses can complete dressage figures choreographed to pre-selected music. Tan has found some creative ways to be successful in this event despite her hearing impairment, to the point of taking a silver medal in the individual freestyle at London 2012 and a bronze at Beijing 2008. She became Singapore’s first-ever Paralympic medallist when she picked up two bronze medals in Beijing 2008.
Putting science to good use, Laurentia wears a vibrotactile vest during freestyle competitions, which helps her to interpret sounds through vibrations.
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** Grade I Athletes have severe impairments affecting all limbs and trunk. The Athlete usually requires the use of a wheelchair. They may be able to walk with an unsteady gait. Trunk and balance are severely impaired.
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#Paris2024 #Paralympics #Paraequestrian #ParalympicTeamsatParis2024 #sgparalympics #teamsingapore #FEI
📹 @mobotsg
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Images Although the animals aren't handed a precious medal, they do earn a ribbon for any victory. That beats a lump of sugar, right?
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Posted 7th September 2024
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shcksingapore · 2 years
Looking for high-quality Customized ribbon printing in Singapore?
Looking for high-quality Customized ribbon printing in Singapore? Look no further than Shin Hin Chau Kee. Our customizable ribbons come in a variety of materials, colors, and sizes to fit any need.
visit: www.shck.com.sg
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theribbonshop · 2 years
How to Bring an elegant touch to gift-wrapping with beautiful Metallic Ribbon?
The gift wrapping industry and product packaging needs are something surprising. The presentation is part of the gift. It conveys respect and love for the recipient, and all we need to pay attention to is the packaging and the gifts as well. With Metallic Ribbon, it’s all about fun, luxury, and elegance.
A metallic ribbon could be the perfect ribbon to wrap your gifts with. It is easy to use and can give your gifts that extra sparkle. If you plan on wrapping your gifts at home, then a Metallic ribbon Singapore will be the perfect thing for wrapping your presents.
Sparklingly beautiful Must-have gift wrapper:
Your gift-wrapping part is equally important as your gifts are. If you want to make a lasting impression on friends and family on any occasion, then Metallic Ribbon is a must-have! With our wide range of ribbons available, they’re sure to be given a surprise to anyone who receives your gift.
When you wrapped your gifts that are excellent, sparklingly beautiful, and also affordable, consider wrapping them with Metallic Ribbon. Get some inspiration from our metallic ribbon collection for all your wrapping needs!
Make your first impression your lasting impression:
There are hundreds of ways to wrap a gift, but the one thing everyone has in common is that your gift will be the first thing people see. If you’re looking for a festive element to carry over from Thanksgiving until New Year’s Eve, Metallic Ribbon offers an elegant alternative to florist-wrapped gifts.
Let your gift bag be the star of your gifting season. We have the best metallic ribbon in Singapore to make your wrapping bags sparkle and shine.
To make your occasion gifts and shopping feel extra festive, Metallic ribbons are fine to go:
The holidays bring a lot of excitement with them, and because of this, there’s always a need to get creative when it comes to gift wrapping. If you’re feeling inspired, why not try using Metallic Ribbon made with polypropylene for a smoothie & shiny surface?
It offers a fun new way to wrap gifts — whether you are wrapping Christmas presents or just keeping your favourite coffee mug fresh, or just a presentation is part of the gift, it vibes with love for the recipient to spend attentive respect to the packaging and the gift.
Wrap up your gift with Metallic Ribbon and call us to get your season’s most thriving bumps with your gift packaging!
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♪ "One look at me and I'm your dream, your fantasy (yeah) // I'll be waiting for you right here" ♪
The LOONAVERSE continues with Loossemble's "TTYL"! Funny thing is that "talk to you later" (or TTYL in texting terms) is usually a casual way of ending an instant message conversation, but Loossemble's interpretation plus all the MV references to previous LOONA songs/MVs (too many to list) has me wishing & hopeful that OT12 will reunite.
The 4:3-ratio is like a throwback to early 2000s, & some of the shots in the second half of the MV has a Wong Kar-Wai film feel.
I thought of E.T. when I saw all the hands reach out to each other. Hyeju looks like a little/mini Hwasa with this comeback's styling.
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE Vivi's styling & all the scenes shot in a Chinese-speaking location. (I can't be sure if it's Hong Kong because of the neon sign that I'll explain later.) Her creamy blonde hair buns, cheongsam top, & hair ribbons remind me of Chun Li & some of (Cardcaptor) Sakura's outfits!
The neon sign says "愛妳壹萬年" (traditional Chinese), which means "love you for 10,000 years". In this case, "妳" is specifically a female "you" (kind of like "she" versus "he"). It's more commonly used in Taiwan & less common in China, Hong Kong, & Macau. (I'm not sure about Malaysia or Singapore.)
If Gowon could revive plants in the real world like she did with the (apple) tree, then we all could fix this climate crisis. ;~;
Seeing the people float in the sky with exploding fireworks is hilarious. People said it's a reference to ARTMS's "Virtual Angel".
How many backup dancers did the company hire for the 3rd chorus?!
I love both twin songs but am leaning toward "Confessions" (over "Cotton Candy") mainly because it's the closest to the original song by Boys World. This showcase performance might hint at what the mashup MV will sound like when it gets released!
Full CD is here on YouTube Music! The digital album cover features the members' representative animals!
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