#sincera global staffing solution
sinceraindia · 5 days
The World of Work and the Game of Thrones Season Finale – A Takeaway
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Season 7 of the series that broke the internet, Game of Thrones concluded recently. But here we are, thirsting for more and contemplating about what’s really going to happen. Who is finally going to lay claim to the Iron Throne and rule the seven kingdoms? Cersei? Jon Snow? Daenyrys? Or in a surprise twist, Tyrion? The White Walkers just might consume them all – this possibility cannot be ruled out either. Well, to find out about that we’ll really have to keep at making fan fiction while waiting for the final season of Game of Thrones to air next year. We love drawing parallels between stuff that causes a storm in popular media and the world of work. This post is one of those.
The Game of Thrones Season 7 finale had five specific instances we felt were very similar to situations in the world of work, and here they are.
When Jon Snow Said “…the same thing is coming for all of us.”, while appealing for a truce
What Jon Snow has been lobbying for, ever since he saw the wight walkers is for all the kingdoms to come together and fight the real enemy. Throughout this season, he has been seeing going against popular reasoning of his countrymen and making tough decisions – something that a leader would have to do from time to time. It brings to mind the role of a true leader in the world of work. One of the most important responsibilities of a leader is to bring together his entire team to unite them for a common cause – and at times, the team might very well consist of warring factions!
“…the more immediate problem is that we are f***ed” – Tyrion
Priorities, priorities, priorities. This one thing that Tyrion says, spells out the importance of priorities. True that at any given point of time there will be a hundred things to take care of. However, not knowing how to prioritize those tasks might just push you into a downward spiral. Or in the case of GOT, the Wight Walker’s swords.
Addressing what needs to be addressed immediately, and proceeding according to priorities is what makes things at work infinitely smoother.
“Together they would be difficult to defeat.” , Little Finger referring to Daenyrys and Jon Snow
Formidable partnerships bring forth magic. The fans are waiting with bated breath to know how the partnership of Daenyrys and Jon Snow is going to turn things around. Leaving the fact aside that the partnership is an incestuous one (in their defense, they don’t know yet! or do they?), it cannot be denied that it is a formidable one!
It is no different in the world of work. A good team or a good partnership can truly create magic and set a strong example. Because, together, they would be difficult to defeat.
“You don’t have to choose, you are a Greyjoy and you are a Stark.”, Jon Snow to Theon
‘You are who you are.’ Jon Snow couldn’t have resolved Theon’s existential angst in a better way. At times we are conflicted with ourselves, for whatever reason, but it also affects our productivity in the world of work. Embracing whoever we are, flaws and all, is what helps us get closer to being a true person. None of us are perfect, and no matter how hard we try, we cannot be perfect. Because we aren’t meant to be. Bringing who we are, bring our own selves to whatever we do helps us be a little better than who we were yesterday. Which is better than being perfect!
“I’m a slow learner. It’s true. But I learn.” Sansa, before Little Finger’s execution
Better late than never. Up until now, fans had been wondering how on earth could Sansa have been so stupid? But she has proven all of us wrong. There’s a lesson for all of us inhabitants of the world of work in there – to never underestimate anyone, no matter how stupid they may seem. What Sansa said is also personal motivation for all os us. We all may have our individual paces of learning, but what’s more important is to never give up. To learn slowly, but surely!
We hope you enjoyed reading our special feature on the Game of Thrones Season 7 finale as much as we enjoyed putting it together. Have you read what we previously wrote on what five things characters from the Game of Thrones series teach us about the world of work? Do spare it a read!
Tell us what you though of it in your comments below, and if you have some takeaways of your own! We always love engaging with our readers!
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sinceraindia · 1 month
Enhance Business Performance with Sincera’s Microsoft Technologies Services
Sincera specializes in delivering Microsoft Technologies services that are tailored to meet the unique needs of your business. From Office 365 to Azure and Dynamics 365, we offer a comprehensive suite of services designed to optimize your IT infrastructure, enhance productivity, and drive digital transformation. Our expert team provides end-to-end support, including deployment, integration, customization, and ongoing maintenance, ensuring that your Microsoft solutions are fully aligned with your strategic goals. Partner with Sincera to harness the full potential of Microsoft technologies, enabling your business to thrive in a competitive landscape.
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sinceraindia · 2 months
Aligning Personal and Professional Goals
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Aligning your personal goals, with your professional goals is a remarkable way of achieving more in everything you do. Introducing this into your mode of working brings about not only professional satisfaction, but also a genuine sense of productivity in your day-to-day life. You realize that you are doing not just what you are ‘supposed’ to do, but also what you ‘want’ to do.
At times our personal and professional goals may be compatible, however, at time they may be extremely diverse by themselves. Regardless, it is possible to achieve the balance, and here is how –
1.Having a clear idea of your organisational goals
The first thing to do, before you can achieve a parallel between the organisational and personal goals, is knowing with utmost clarity what the organisational goals are. To set your own goal framework, you need to have a sound knowledge of what the larger organisational objectives are. In order to do this, you can revisit the definition of your role and the expectations from the same. It is also important to pay due attention to this fundamental step because unless your professional goals are met, it will be difficult for you to balance your personal goals.
2. Knowing what you want from the organisation
Besides having a clear idea of the organisational goals, and what the organisation expects from you, it is equally important to have your set of expectations from the organisation. Having this parameter in place is a crucial way to check the growth you envisioned for yourself, versus the actual growth you experience. This gives you a reality check every time you need it. As is only fair, you must keep reminding yourself of your objectives and reasons when you joined this organisation. This reminder serves as a way to map your path for the present and the future.
3. Building Focus
Focus is the one thing that is in extremely short supply in the present times, thanks to the myriad distractions all around us. To be able to maximize our potential in whatever we choose to do, we need to sustain our focus on one thing at a time. Building focus comes only with practice. Mostly by building an awareness of when your focus drifts, and bringing it back to where it should be.
4. Prioritizing
Not all things that are there on your to-do lists demand the same amount of priority. Understanding your priorities and building a habit of delivering accordingly is a prerequisite towards achieving compatibility between your personal and professional goals. At times your personal goals may be the priority and it is important to recognize this and act upon it. A lack of prioritization leads to an imbalance which will affect both your personal and professional growth.
5. Being Decisive
While being able to align personal and professional goals is indeed an achievement, it does not come easy. To be able to achieve this, you may have to make some tough, but important decisions along the way. Recognizing the need for this and acting upon it is not easy, but essential. Goals are dynamic, they keep changing as you grow and with the varied work-life experiences you have. Recognizing the need for change, and acting on bringing it about by being decisive is a very important factor for growth.
Aligning your personal goals with professional goals provide you direction and you begin to understand what your work is worth, and how your performance affects the organisation. This gives you a benchmark to reach the optimal level of satisfaction when it comes to achieving your goals. One of the most important advantages of aligning these goals with each other, is making your expectations from yourself (and the organization’s expectations from you) visible.
Ever tried aligning your personal and professional goals? Tell us what worked and what didn’t, right here! Wish you happy productivity, and happy in the now!
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sinceraindia · 3 months
5 Funny Things that May Happen to You at An Internship
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Internships form a really important part of our pre-world of work days. No one can dispute this fact. It is true that internships give one a taste of what it would feel like to work full-time in the chosen sphere, and help you make your mind up about whether or not you would want to pursue the particular stream. Despite all its advantages and benefits (even the most irrelevant things come in handy, in retrospect!) an internship can be a comical affair. and here are five ways how –
The most important task of your internship may be to copy pasteYou may be an intern in the Ministry of External and Foreign Affairs, and yet feel like a silly goose there. Looking back to the day of your interview, which may have felt like the most important day of your life, you might wonder how flawed your expectations were. As interns we all make the mistake of assuming or hoping that we will be entrusted with really important work. A month (or several of them) may pass by and you realize all you’ve done is copy paste / re-type documents. But hey! Perk up, because only an intern would have access to these documents, and hence a cart load of learning material!
You could be the minion – and you can’t do anything about itCoffee and running other errands for your superiors may form a significant portion of your day. And you can’t do anything about it. No, we won’t say that there is anything inspirational about this. Neither are there any pearls of wisdom to share about this. Its just funny. Because its true.
The unavoidable existential angstIn the journey of your internship, at least once (if not more!) you will be gripped by a terrible existential angst. You will ask yourself  questions like “what am I even doing here?”, “will I ever get a real job?”, “will I ever be as good as these people?”. It’s funny because you are going to look back at those moments and realize you were being silly. Well, maybe we are wrong in calling those moments silly, because these are the moments when perhaps you come to terms with certain unsettling facts, and questions. These moments build up towards other important life decisions and choices. So, while we can’t say enjoy it while it lasts, what we can say is, this too shall pass.
Money? What money? It is the experience that countsHa ha. This is by far the funniest thing that happens to an intern. You realize most (if not all) of your pocket money gets depleted in trying to ‘afford’ the internship – because you don’t get paid. And hence, you have to take care of the travel and your lunches, and the get-togethers (your ‘colleagues’ will probably invite you so you don’t feel left out) you most definitely cannot afford. And when you pop the question about whether the internship will pay you, at the interview, you are most likely to receive a poised and sophisticated answer like “no, but we will offer you unparalleled experience.” Okay, then.
When you “pretend” to be busy and get caughtFew things can be as embarrassing as the CEO (or a superior) walking in on your screen while you are shopping on Amazon (lets hope that’s the most embarrassing it gets!). As an intern, there is only so much work you will have. Then again, as an intern, you most definitely cannot leave before time. So to be fair, you might have been just killing time; but for ages to come you will love with the guilt of coming across as a slacker. But hopefully you will look back and laugh at it, because it is funny!
Find these things relate-able? Tell us how! Have funny things happened to you as an intern? Tell us about all the goof ups, we might as well have a good laugh, if nothing else!
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sinceraindia · 3 months
Comprehensive Business Operations Services by Sincera
Sincera offers comprehensive business operations services designed to streamline your processes and enhance overall efficiency. Our expert team collaborates with you to analyze and optimize key aspects of your operations, including supply chain management, workflow automation, and performance metrics. By implementing best practices and leveraging advanced technologies, we help you reduce costs, increase productivity, and achieve operational excellence. Whether you need assistance with process reengineering or strategic planning, Sincera provides tailored solutions that align with your business objectives. Partner with Sincera to transform your operations into a competitive advantage and drive sustained success.
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sinceraindia · 4 months
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Comprehensive IT Infrastructure Services by Sincera
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sinceraindia · 4 months
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Elevate Your Business with Sincera's IT Infrastructure Management Solutions
Effective IT infrastructure management is essential for maintaining seamless business operations. It involves overseeing and managing critical IT components such as networks, servers, storage, and security systems. Without proper management, businesses can face downtime, security breaches, and inefficient operations, leading to significant financial and reputational losses.
Sincera’s Approach
At Sincera, we provide comprehensive IT Infrastructure Management solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of your business. Our services include:
Network Management: We ensure your network is secure, stable, and capable of handling your business’s demands, minimizing downtime and optimizing performance.
Server and Storage Management: We manage and maintain your servers and storage systems to ensure data integrity, availability, and optimal performance.
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sinceraindia · 5 months
What Makes for a Good Profile Picture
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Social media today, is a crucial part of the world of work. It would not be far-fetched to stress on the inter-dependency of these two realms. It is true that a potential employer can decide whether or not to give you a chance for that much awaited interview simply by going through your social media profiles. Also, as a candidate, one would be extremely naive to think that potential employers don’t do a background check, of which your social media profiles play a big, big role.
When we speak about social media profiles, what is the first thing that stands out? Your profile picture. Your profile picture speaks volumes about you on social media. Why? Because that little image is what you chose out of the several, hundreds of photographs you may have of yourself, as your identity on the given platform. A picture speaks more than a thousand words. Therefore, it is true that your profile picture is the very first impression you cast on your employer.
So what makes for a good profile picture? Here are a few things that will help you.
The resolution of the photographThe first, most basic requirement for a good photograph is that it should be clear and visible. Not grainy and pixelated. Ensure that the photograph you choose to use has your face visible in it. Ensure that the photograph has been taken in proper light, and is not a cropped out version of another photograph. Cropping a photograph renders it grainy and pixelated, in most cases. The idea behind a profile picture is that the person looking at it should know how you look, and not have to imagine a ‘version’ of you based on what is visible in the picture. The first most important quality of a good profile picture is that it should be high-resolution, or at least clear.
You in the photographThe second most important thing about a good profile picture – how you come across in the picture, or what you seem to be doing. It’s very difficult to get this wrong, but strangely enough there are examples we have seen which compel us to include this pointer as a part of the post. Remember that regardless of which social media platform you are choosing a profile picture for, they are all fodder for recruiters or potential recruiters. Which means, irrespective of whether or not the said social media platform is a ‘professional’ one, it is highly recommended that you choose a professionally appealing photograph. While it doesn’t necessarily have to be a corporate head shot, take care that it isn’t at least a photograph of you playing beer pong.
A selfie never worksYes, no matter how good it is. A selfie comes across as unprofessional. Let’s not be lazy and get a decent photograph!
It needs to be a recent photographIt is probably not a good idea to have a photograph from years ago as your profile picture, in which you look absolutely nothing like you do presently. If in doubt, show the photograph to colleagues or friends. You know that it won’t work if you get a response akin to “no way, that can’t be you!” The whole point of having a profile picture is to be visible, be found. So make sure you look like who you look like, for real!
Not inappropriate and not boringNow that is a real challenge. While you certainly don’t want to have a party picture on, you also don’t want to appear boring. It is a good idea to try and find a photograph which reflects your field of work in some way. Once again, if you are unsure about whether or not the chosen photograph would work, run it by a trusted friend or colleague.Ending this post with a re-affirmation of why it matters so much to invest time in choosing the right profile picture.
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sinceraindia · 6 months
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Sincera's team of skilled software developers has a proven track record of delivering bespoke software solutions that meet the unique needs and requirements of our clients. We work closely with you to understand your business objectives, workflows, and pain points, then leverage our expertise to develop tailored software solutions that address your specific challenges and drive growth.
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sinceraindia · 6 months
Streamline Your Workforce with Sincera's Contract Staffing Services
With Sincera's Contract Staffing Services, you gain access to a responsive and reliable workforce that can adapt to your evolving business needs. Our efficient solutions handle all aspects of the staffing process, allowing you to save time and resources while maintaining productivity and efficiency. Partner with Sincera to streamline your workforce and achieve greater success in today's competitive marketplace.
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sinceraindia · 6 months
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Seamless Staffing Solutions for Global Success with Sincera
Sincera takes a proactive approach to global staffing, handling all aspects of the recruitment process, from candidate sourcing and screening to onboarding and compliance. We ensure that all candidates are fully vetted and compliant with local regulations, allowing businesses to focus on driving growth and success in new markets. With Sincera as your global staffing partner, you can access the talent you need to achieve success on a global scale, seamlessly and efficiently.
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sinceraindia · 7 months
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Elevate Your IT Infrastructure with Sincera's Managed Services
Our IT Infrastructure Managed Services encompass a wide range of offerings, including network management, server administration, cloud services, cybersecurity, and more.
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sinceraindia · 7 months
Apps that will Help Your Productivity
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It is true that the smart phone today might as well be an extension of one of our limbs. Starting from emails, to food delivery, travel and shopping – and just about anything one may be able to imagine, is achievable on a smart phone. While it is indispensable, it is also the primary aggregator of distractions. No matter how busy we are, or how urgent the task at hand is, we still look up from work to check our phones every now and then.
In this post, we actually look at turning this object which is the source of most distractions, into an object which helps you stay focused. How? By recommending the best apps that will help you stay productive.
Productivity is now just an app download away!
FreedomAt times even if we may prefer to stay away from our phones, our phones don’t seem to get that. With their incessant buzzing with constant notifications for emails, tags, shares, messages and the whole universe of social media vying for our attention – we just can’t seem to cut off. Putting your phone on silent may not be an option because you can’t miss calls. Freedom allows you to choose specific sites or apps you don’t want to receive notifications from, and allows you to set a timer for the same. Sounds like freedom to work? We agree!
WunderlistAn especially amazing platform for teams which work from home, Wunderlist is the best to-do list app that there is! You can set tasks for yourself and the app lets you measure your progress. Apart from that, you can also assign tasks to individuals, and collaborate seamlessly with your team on this platform. The app makes visible each persons progress on the assigned tasks, and the results are out there for all to see and keep track of. Not just your regular to-do list, for sure!
DoodleWorking with a large number of clients, or even within a team can sometimes be tough in terms of being able to find common slots for meetings. As a result, who ever the manager is, ends up wasting a lot of time going back and forth and checking with everyone for possible dates – making all the permutations and combinations and finally coming up with a date that works for all. What if there was an app which did this for you? And you end saving all that time. Sounds too good to be true? Well it is true! With Doodle, all you need to do is send the suggestive dates to all concerned, via the app, email or imessage. The participants for the meeting will then vote for the dates that work for them, and Doodle then freezes the date that works best and suggests it as the date for the meeting.
focus@willDo you have playlists based on moods, or dependent on the time of the day? For example, a work playlist, a drive playlist, and so on? focus@will, true to its name, is a music app that helps you focus on your work. It goes by the description, ‘neuroscience based music subscription service that helps you increase your attention span by up to 400%’, and indeed describes itself quite accurately. All you need to do is choose how you feel, and what you need, from the options the app offers you, and it will curate a playlist to help you stay focused. Sounds like magic?
CalmThis beautifully crafted app is your mindfulness fix for everyday. Loaded with guided meditations, the app helps you get back to the now, stay focused and carry on. With series like breaking habits, working on anxiety, 7 days of productivity, 7 days of focus and so on, the app gives you a true sense of the positive effects mindfulness has on our lives. No time to meditate? You can meditate even when you are commuting and using this app will show you how, with their guided meditations ranging from as little as 2 minutes, to as much as 60 minutes. While not all the options are offered free of cost, you will still have access to quite a few of them. Wondering if you should pay and get access to all? All we can say is you won’t be disappointed!
Productivity never seemed easier! Got any recommendations from your end? Let us know!
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sinceraindia · 7 months
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Unlock Global Talent with Sincera's Strategic Staffing Solutions
Sincera understands that every organization has unique staffing needs influenced by industry trends, market dynamics, and organizational culture. That's why we take a personalized approach to staffing, working closely with clients to understand their requirements and deliver tailored solutions that align with their strategic objectives.
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sinceraindia · 7 months
In the professional realm, mistakes are inevitable, but some can have more severe consequences than others. Understanding and being aware of the worst professional mistakes can help individuals navigate their careers more effectively and prevent potentially damaging setbacks. Here are some common blunders to be wary of:
Lack of Communication: Effective communication is the cornerstone of successful professional relationships. Failing to communicate clearly and promptly with colleagues, clients, or supervisors can lead to misunderstandings, missed deadlines, and damaged trust. Whether it's responding to emails in a timely manner, providing updates on project progress, or seeking clarification when needed, maintaining open lines of communication is essential.
Neglecting Professional Development: In today's fast-paced and competitive job market, continuous learning and skill development are crucial for career advancement. Neglecting opportunities for professional development, such as attending workshops, earning certifications, or pursuing higher education, can stagnate career growth and limit future opportunities. It's essential to invest in oneself and stay abreast of industry trends and advancements to remain relevant and competitive in the workforce.
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sinceraindia · 8 months
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Unlocking Collaboration: Exploring the Power of Microsoft SharePoint Services
Microsoft SharePoint Services revolutionize the way organizations collaborate, streamline workflows, and manage content across teams and departments. As a versatile platform, SharePoint offers a myriad of features and capabilities designed to enhance productivity, facilitate knowledge sharing, and drive digital transformation initiatives.
At its core, SharePoint serves as a centralized hub for storing, organizing, and accessing documents, files, and information in a secure and structured manner. With robust document management capabilities, users can create libraries, folders, and metadata tags to categorize and classify content, making it easy to search, discover, and retrieve information quickly.
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