#since this'd be well after Fight Fighters
cbmagus49 · 2 years
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I decided to start with something nice and easy to get back into the swing of drawing, so Week 3’s piece is a simple little screenshot redraw ^^ I was originally going to do something more angsty for this prompt, but quite frankly I’ve had a hell of a time these past few weeks and I just needed to draw my lil’ boys being cute and goofy, so Grappling Hook Ford and Tiny Stan Scared Of Heights it is!!
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cram-nation · 2 years
who would win? ninjago 1v1s
so if all the ninja had one on one melee fights with each other, no powers allowed, who would win? this is a long post lolz
cole/kai cole is without a doubt the most physically strong of the group, but that doesn't mean that he's the best in a fight. I think that, since I'm trying to exclude the variable of their elemental powers for this, kai would be at a huge disadvantage. Not only because of Cole's strength, but also because Kai himself relies HEAVILY on his elemental powers. Not to say he couldn't hold his own but in this instance, I think that Cole would win.
cole/jay These two have fought before, but not without their powers. I don't know how based this is but in my heart and soul I believe that Jay is excellent at fighting. He's quick-witted, physically fast, and shockingly strong. Cole is much stronger than Jay physically, but I don't think It's quite enough. Jay would win, but it'd be a close call.
cole/nya I think that this'd be a very close fight. Nyas fighting style is very adaptive to her opponent, and Cole's fighting style is very defensive, typically he tries to finish a fight with one move after holding his ground and tiring out his opponent. Nyas tactic analysis is what would win her this fight, along with her ability to read Cole. She's close to him and good at figuring people out. It'd be very very close but Nya would win.
cole/lloyd Lloyds greatest strength is his endurance. He's good at staying on his feet and continuing to fight. He'd pack punch after punch until Cole decided he needed the fight to end. But the move that he expects to take Lloyd out only knocks him off his game for a second, and Lloyd would take the win.
cole/zane I think that this pairing is a bit unfair, for the nindroid. Zanes expertise lies in accurate attacks and Coles expertise lies in defense. Zane would lose the fight.
kai/jay Jay is, in my humble opinion, the best fighter of the team. I think that Kai, though he's not the strongest at combat, would win this fight. He'd use a grapple move on Jay which is something that he was Not expecting. Because if you can't kick him down, might as well pick him up, amirite?
kai/nya Nya would win this fight. In seconds. She spent so much of her early combat training as Samurai X, she didn't even know about her elemental powers for a long time, so it's safe to say that she is not nearly as reliant on them as Kai "Asphera stole my fire so im useless now" Smith. He'd swear up the walls that she cheated. (but he's very obviously proud of her)
kai/lloyd I think that this fight would go on longer than Kai and Nyas fight. Lloyd could probably also take Kai out pretty quickly, but the leader in him would want to use it as a learning experience. He'd make Kais mistakes obvious through his actions and he'd continue the fight until Kai's nearly taken the victory before winning himself. He's not just gonna let him win, but he's not gonna demolish him either.
kai/zane At the start of the fight, Kai would take Zane off guard. It looks like he's going to win easily but in the end that isn't the case. Kai would start with immediate aggressive attacks and Zane wouldn't be prepared. He's used to analyzing his enemy before he truly starts fighting and most opponents give him a fair few seconds of stillness before any action starts, but not Kai. In the end, Zane would win by exploiting some shitty footwork on Kais behalf.
jay/nya I think that this fight would go on for quite a while, probably the second-longest match. Mostly because they're both enjoying themselves too much. I think that any time one of them would be close to taking the victory, they'd give their opponent the chance to catch their breath/balance/composure to continue more fairly. Jays fighting style consists of strong fast and creative blows. Nyas fighting style really depends on who she's facing but in this fight, I think she'd take the approach of deflecting attacks back onto the attacker. Like, Jay throws a hard punch and instead of dodging or blocking, she uses his forward momentum to make him fall on his face lol. I think that in the end, they'd realize that they're both running out of stamina and they decide "no more holding back, let's go for the win" and Jay would win with a knee to Nyas sternum.
jay/lloyd This fight would look pretty evenly matched at the beginning, but as it drags on Jay loses his speed and his mind slips. Like I said, Lloyds main strength is his stamina, he's learned that if he can draw out a fight, he'll have an advantage. It'd be an intense fight but eventually, Lloyd would win. Probably the most entertaining one to watch.
jay/zane I think that this fight could go either way, honestly. I think that Zane would land a blow thinking that he's won and let his guard down, only for Jay to be a lot more resilient to pain than he expected (who knew the littlest bitch he knew could take a good punch) and Jay would win by surprise.
nya/lloyd I think that Nyas strategy with Lloyd would be to take him out as quickly as possible, because she knows that if she can't do that then he'll win in the long game. I think she'd play dirty with this fight. maybe she'd go for a weak ankle or target an old injury. Not because she really wants to hurt Lloyd ofc, but because she knows it's really the only way she'd come out on top. Though in the end, Lloyd would win. it'd be a VERY close fight though. they'd both be close to taping out once or twice before the end.
nya/zane While fighting against Zane, Nya would try and use the element of surprise to her advantage. She knows Zane's playing 8d chess in his brain at all times, and the only way to catch him slipping is to do some weird shit that NO ONE could expect her to do. like,,, he goes in for an attack and she bloody murder screams, catching him (and everyone watching) off guard. Nya would be the victor, but in future battles, the strategy wouldn't work twice against him.
lloyd/zane This would be the closest fight. Lloyds strategy of relying on his stamina wouldn't really be of use against Zane, seeing as he's a literal nindroid, but that's just How He Fights. Zane would use that to his advantage, letting Lloyd think that he was wearing him down for long enough until he could take him out with one well-placed kick. This fight would go on the longest and everyone would be on the edge of their seats watching. Zane would win.
ok thats all have a nice night
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savaralyn2 · 2 years
And how would be like werehyena, werelion, weresheep, weregoat, werecow, weresquirrel, wereskunk, wereracoon, wereboar and werereindeer?
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Dang, that's a lot.
Werehyena - the physical form might be weird due to the hyena's strange spine/back leg proportions, but would otherwise probably be easy to adopt like the werewolf is. Most likely wouldn't be as strong, but still stronger than a normal human + would most likely have a STRONG bite (If we're talking about the bone crunching kinds of hyenas. Werelion - Physical requirements would probably be the same as the weretiger, though males would probably get the added benefit of a mane protecting their neck area from attacks. Would definitely be hugely popular in the arena, and due to lions pack mentality they'd hopefully be less anti-social than other big cat combinations. Weresheep - Honestly probably pretty useless, small races only, and at best a layer of wool would give you some extra physical protection. Would be in the same position as wererats as entertainers rather than fighters. Might also be affected by sheep mentality and become more passive/group oriented. Weregoat - Similar to above but would at least be a bit stronger depending on the type of goat, might get a decent boost to agility and dexterity as well (also would probably give a MEAN headbutt). Would be interesting to see someone take on the form with an Ibex or something and be able to scale almost vertical walls like they can. Personality wise they may become more stubborn than they were before. Werecow - Bad. If you were big enough to become a werecow you'd probably be better off going for a bear instead, as a cow would only really serve as a giant slow battering ram. Also made infinitely worse since it made me think they'd just look like this.
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Weresquirrel - Most likely the same as wererats in terms of strength and exclusivity to half-foots (also goes without saying that they wouldn't be fighters). Might be able to get some better climbing/balance abilities out of it though. Makes me wonder also how taking on the form of a small creature with a really fast heart rate would affect the actual persons health (since we know large creatures can strain peoples health, too.) Wereskunk - Probably not a bad choice for shorter races, they'd have relatively strong arms/sharp claws, and obviously the stink spray would be enough in many cases to deter/distract potential attackers, whether they be humanoids or animals. There'd DEFINITELY be a social stigma about being one though, you'd 100% be the butt of the joke amongst other werebeast types. Wereraccoon - Unfortunately probably not much better off than wererats/weresquirrels in terms of strength, again, might get some nice climbing/balancing abilities out of it but otherwise there's not much of an upside. Plus, same as the wereskunk, there'd definitely be a stigma around raccoons, seeing as they're stereotypically viewed as 'bandits' and annoying scavengers. Wereboar - Could be a very good choice for short races depending on what kind of boar it is. Boars have thick hides to protect them, they can be strong AND fast too, at least at short distances. The tusks probably wouldn't help you that much in a fight, but they'd look cool. Would definitely be affected by personality shifts on this one, probably becoming more stubborn and easily irritable.
Werereindeer - I was originally thinking this'd be a good transformation, but after considering it again, it may not be due to the reindeer having relatively thin and delicate legs. main appeal would obviously be the antlers which, depending on the persons strength, could definitely be used to gore/threaten any attackers (though if you were fighting something larger than you it'd probably be less effective). Most likely would get good speed out of the transformation too. You'd definitely need decent height to adopt the form though, at which point it'd probably be better to go for a predator or something more.. solid in general.
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