#since ailette doesnt exist. we get to see his real self a lot more here
the way ailette and tesilid never talk about their dislike for the strict order is so funny and GNRHRNGHRHGH because the comments sections have been going "hey tesilid have you heard about this banging new religion!!!" since like the first chapter tesilid was introduced. and she still hasn't said a thing about it.
like. "tesilid is a strict follower of the strict order", "tesilid is part of the heretical judgement bureau", blablabla listen!!! when you asked him to hide your identity as saint he said okay without hesitation!! it wasn't a flimsy decision either, he said "go home to your family"! that's what he believes in, not in the rules in and of themselves!! shakes ailette by the shoulders he was TEN when he did that, he's been a rule breaker and heretic shielder and strict order disliker since before you met!!!!!! and he's only going to become moreso when he grows older and the strict order and heretical judgement bureau puts him through more and more shit! !
and then tesilid himself doesn't make it super duper explicit that he's a strict order hater because he wants to stay on ailette's good side. and she's a huge fan of the god she serves, who as far as he can tell is the strict order bc there isn't any other god in-universe.
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