#since I'm already parallel (heh) writing the drafts anyway
threewaysdivided · 2 years
Oh, boy! It's time for emotions and draaaama~! No joke, that's like... my favorite part of superhero-related stories. The skills, powers, and epic battles for the fate of humanity are great, of course. They draw you in. But they're often just garnish for all the deliciously filling main course of angst and interpersonal clashes of will. I know the chapter isn't even in the oven yet but my preemptive compliments to the chef! Dangit, now I'm hungry.
(Gearing up to write Chapters 19-21 of Deathly Weapons)
I'm really excited to get into this chapter set too. Chapter 18 ended up pretty cool - I like how it turned out and it was fun to try my hand at an original YJ-style standalone mission "episode" it feels like there aren't a whole lot of fics with those - but it being so plot-heavy relative to character-work definitely had it fighting me in places, and I can see why it didn't have the same grip as something like Chapter 11.
Plot gives things a sense of purpose but for me it's characters (and sometimes world) that give people a reason to care. Actual character-driven conflict - especially where it comes from understandable internal mechanics compared to the "negative drama" version of just lobbing a Jerk/Idiot-ball into the mix - can be a fascinating look into how those characters think and perceive things.
I sometimes get the vibe that people think Deathly Weapons is built a little different because of its plot/mystery focus, but it's still very much a character-story and the next three chapters are going to do some fun stuff working those angles. Chapter 11 plus Chapters 19-21 are some of the places where Deathly Weapons is at its most Deathly Weapons, which is why I'm so jazzed to finally be here (and also a little bit intimidated NGL).
Still pretty solidly in the mise en place phase of preparing this particular meal for you funnily enough I'm almost going backwards since Equilibrium is already two-fifths drafted and Combustion has full detailed notes compared to Flashpoints' planning stage but considering that it's another full mission followed by two chapters of character stuff I can at least promise a hearty course once it finally hits the table.
Hope to see you there!
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