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haec-est-fides · 4 years ago
Filodox’s Trials of Apollo Reactions [Part I]
Welcome to part one of a reflective journey through Trials of Apollo ft. my original ebook annotations! I’ll be your host, 2020!filodox.
For this first episode, we’ll be going back to May 2016, the beginning of it all: The Hidden Oracle.
Annotations for this round are brought to you by 2016!filodox.
Is there anything we should know before we begin, 2016!me?
2016!filodox: I swore on the Styx never to read another Riordan book after he killed Octavian. And yet here we are.
... Alright then! Let’s get started.
But first, a more detailed overview on how this series will work: I will excerpt bits and pieces of the books based on what I highlighted / annotated on my first read. Beneath each quote, I will share what I wrote in the annotation. Below that, I will (occasionally) laugh at my past self, clarify the note, or say how my view has changed.
I encourage questions, comments, and concerns (of which there may be many), so go ahead and use that replies feature if you feel so inclined! However, these are just my opinions and (occasionally) emotional reactions, so no hate pls. <3 (Or, if you do send hate, pls make it funny.)
Now, diving right in with Riordan’s dedication!
To The Muse Calliope. This is long overdue. Please don’t hurt me.
2016!filodox: Hurt him. He didn’t even name the chapters.
As you can see, I had yet to experience Lester’s haiku and was already mad based on the table of contents alone. I went into this series very salty...
I inflicted a plague on the Greeks who besieged Troy.
2016!filodox: At least he did something right. Once.
I was just,,,extremely ready to die on Octavian’s hill. (Though I was a huge Troy / Aeneas stan before all this, just to be clear.)
Is anything sadder than the sound of a god hitting a pile of garbage bags?
2016!filodox: I actually find this particular god crashing into a dumpster quite amusing.
I also blamed Apollo for what happened to Octavian. I think that had a lot to do with how Apollo acted on Delos in Heroes of Olympus, basically disowning Octavian and whining about how some “creature” scammed him? That was bullshit. Apollo needed to own the fact that he blessed Octavian, but he just abandoned him and denied all the blame. TL;DR I had a grudge, okay?
My mind stewed in confusion, but one memory floated to the surface -- the voice of my father, Zeus: YOUR FAULT. YOUR PUNISHMENT.
2016!filodox: Wait, is this bc everyone blames Octavian and therefore Apollo? Bc lol but also no?
*cough* Octavian did nothing wrong 2k16 *cough*
Zeus will reconsider, I told myself. He’s just trying to scare me. Any moment, he will yank me back to Olympus and let me off with a warning.
“Yes...” My voice sounded hollow and desperate. “Yes, that’s it.”
2016!filodox: Apollo is a self centered frat boy, I forgot...but it is slightly...endearing? *narrows eyes*
Ah, how close I was to stanning Lester in the first chapter, when he was at his most “goddy”. You know, I actually made a rule for myself when I started reading Trials of Apollo that I would not under any circumstances stan Apollo. That was a naive goal, because it was never really a danger.
Regardless, Zeus had held me responsible for Octavian’s delusions of grandeur. Zeus seemed to consider egotism a trait the boy had inherited from me. Which is ridiculous. I am much too self-aware to be egotistical.
2016!filodox: I am going to Murder him.
*chef kiss* the hypocrisy ! the lack of self-awareness !
“I just...I assumed -- I hoped this would be taken care of by now.”
“You mean by demigods,” Percy said, “going on a big quest to reclaim the Oracle of Delphi?”
2016!filodox: That sounds like a decent quest, or you know, QUESTING FOR THE SIBYLLINE BOOKS
I’ve always said I can see the future but an inch to the left. Also, I don’t like Ella.
It warmed my heart that my children had the right priorities: their skills, their images, their views on YouTube. Say what you will about gods being absentee parents; our children inherit many of our finest personality traits.
I mean ?
Apollo, when Austin and Kayla show ambition: THEY GOT THAT FROM ME <3
Apollo, when Octavian (or Nero, or Caligula) shows ambition: srry i don’t know him ??
He had a weak jawline, an overlarge nose, and a beard that wrapped around his double chin like a helmet strap. His hair was curly and dark like mine, except not as fashionably tousled or luxuriant. His lips curled as if he smelled something unpleasant. Perhaps it was the burning seats of the bus.
2016!filodox: Nero ???
Not quite sure how to feel looking back at this moment. Call out post @ myself for instantly recognizing Nero, when afaik this scene was before we had any hints that Roman emperors were even a plot point? But here’s the thing: I don’t remember why I could recognize him so easily. I don’t remember where 2016!me obtained this ancient Rome knowledge. A mystery.
On another note entirely, did Nero really like,,,astral project into Apollo’s fever dream to address him directly? Because Rhea does. And sometimes Python does. But Nero? Can he do that?
The man laughed as flames licked at his purple sleeves. “You’re not sorry yet, but you will be. Find me the gates. Lead me to the Oracle. I’ll enjoy burning it down!”
2016!filodox: I too enjoy burning things down. # Nero confirmed
My only comment here is “oh you sweet summer child,,,”
Oh. Perhaps some of you are wondering how I felt seeing [Will] with a boyfriend rather than a girlfriend.
2016!filodox: No, actually. I wasn’t wondering. I was plotting how to kill you, them, and quite a few other people. Do you think I could trade you for Octavian?
Oh man, back at it again with the salt. XD
I could only remember my conversations with Octavian, the way he’d turned my head with his flattery and promises. That stupid boy...it was his fault I was here.
A voice whispered in the back of my mind. This time I thought it might be my conscience: Who was the stupid boy? It wasn’t Octavian.
2016!filodox: I can’t really...explain my emotions upon reading this. I’m still not quite okay, but this...it’s bittersweet in a way. I don’t know if this is a poor attempt at a proper closure, the author’s way of beating a dead horse, or just a way to make Apollo seem pitiable. Whatever it is... Octavian was important enough to remain in Apollo’s mortal memory. He somehow made promises to a god and had Apollo wrapped around his finger. And despite being so much like Apollo, the god blames him. Like everyone blames him. But Apollo also realizes, accepts on an infinitesimal scale, that “it wasn’t Octavian”. He wasn’t perfect, but neither is Apollo. Apollo is (at least) subconsciously admitting his own guilt in the whole affair.
...yeah. I will note that this bit isn’t meant to develop Octavian, but rather uses Octavian as a prop to support Apollo’s development? Which is why it still stings. Like thanks, I guess.
“Your judgement in the past has been...questionable. I wonder if you have chosen the right tools for this job. Have you learned from your past mistakes?”
2016!filodox: Nero has made plenty of mistakes to learn from
Love how I just assumed it was Nero back in chapter 10 and went with it, zero hesitation. Also love how I heard Python say Nero has made mistakes and went “oh absolutely”. In fact, here’s something funny in retrospect that will become more and more apparent: I did not like Nero in 2016. Or, at least, I thought I didn’t. There’s something really odd going on here that baffles me, looking back...
“A triumvirate is a ruling council of three,” I said. “At least, that’s what it meant in ancient Rome.”
“Which is interesting,” Rachel said, “because of this next shot.” She tapped her screen. The new photo zoomed in on the building’s penthouse terrace, where three shadowy figures stood talking together....
2016!filodox: Is it bad that I’m smirking? Because it’s getting interesting ~ *clear malicious intent*
Wow, edgy. Triumvirates are just a neat, Roman thing and I stanned.
“The last triumvirate I dealt with included Lepidus, Marc Antony, and my son, the original Octavian. A triumvirate is a very Roman concept...like patriotism, skullduggery, and assassination.”
Ohhhh, wait. I think I’d watched the HBO series Rome by 2016, which would at least partially explain my ancient Rome knowledge. (Amazing tv show btw!)
“He heard them talking in Latin.”
“Latin? Were they campers?”
Pete spread his hands. “I--I don’t think so. Paulie described them like they were adults. He said one of them was the leader. The other two addressed him as imperator.”
2016!filodox: !!!! (obligatory 💕)
I was such a simp for Latin in high school. And the Roman Empire. Still am, but hey.
“The Beast is planning some kind of attack on your camp. I don’t know what it is, but it’s going to be big.”
2016!filodox: Runs in the family I guess
The Octavian / Triumvirate parallels are everywhere... 👀
“The emperors made themselves gods. They had their own temples and altars. They encouraged the people to worship them.”
2016!filodox: # deify me
*smacking my past self with a stick* You stop that! Edgy child!
Anyway, a much better point here is like,,,the Imperial cult was huge in the ancient Roman world. Looking at Apollo’s explanation here, why did only the “worst” three emperors get to be immortal? Did famously “good” emperors like Augustus and Marcus Aurelius have the option of becoming minor gods, but they chose Elysium or something? Are there slightly less infamous emperors just hanging around anywhere as minor gods? A lot of Roman emperors live on in human memory is all I’m saying.
“Wait!” Will said as I reached the door. “Who is the Beast? Which emperor are we dealing with?”
“The worst of my descendants.” My fingers dug into the doorframe. “The Christians called him the Beast because he burned them alive. Our enemy is Emperor Nero.”
2016!filodox: I honestly can’t believe it took this long to reveal this? Was anyone surprised?
Nero’s reveal is rather late in the book compared to Commodus, Caligula, and even Tarquin iirc? But it makes sense, being the first book of the series. Also love how 16-year-old me was like “this reveal is silly because everyone, like me, recognizes Nero on sight” and didn’t question that assumption at all.
“Germani.” Instinctively, I moved in front of Meg. The elite imperial bodyguards had been cold-blooded death reapers in ancient Rome. I doubted they’d gotten any sweeter over the centuries.
2016!filodox: BITCH. See? This is why I love Rome. They knew what they were doing.
Ngl, as someone of Germanic heritage, I felt really represented by the Germani, which is hilarious on so many levels.
He tried to compensate for his ugliness with an expensive Italian suit of purple wool, his gray shirt open to display gold chains. His shoes were hand-tooled leather, not the sort of thing to wear while stomping around in an ant pile. Then again, Nero had always had expensive, impractical tastes.
2016!filodox: I don’t exactly like Nero, and actually think he was quite the shitty emperor, but I guess I mildly respect and “like” him on principle (in this book at least).
OH YOU SWEET SUMMER CHILD. I was so convinced that I didn’t actually like Nero, despite all of the lowkey evidence to the contrary? Who hurt you, past me? (Lmao, it was Tacitus, Suetonius, and Cassius Dio.) My working theory is that I was too much of an Emperor Augustus stan at the time to admit liking Nero. It’s hysterical. Look at me equivocating like a champ.
I’d been so proud of my son, the original Octavian, later Caesar Augustus. After his death, his descendants became increasingly arrogant and unstable (which I blamed on their mortal DNA; they certainly didn’t get those qualities from me).
2016!filodox: I’m glad Apollo and I can agree on something. Augustus was amazing and those who came after him...significantly less so.
See! The propaganda really got to me, what can I say?
Nero clasped his hands as if in prayer. “Oh, my. It seems we’ve had a slight miscommunication. You see, Apollo, Meg brought you here, just as I asked her to. Well done, my sweet.”
2016!filodox: This was obvious but I still find it...gods, the only word I can think of is “delicious”
. . .
“The Beast killed my father. This is Nero. He’s -- he’s my stepfather.”
I could not fully grasp this before Nero spread his arms.
“That’s right, my darling,” he said. “And you’ve done a wonderful job. Come to Papa.”
2016!filodox: Okay, but we should have known this since it became apparent her weapons were Roman. Also, oof. Also also, WHY did Riordan feel the need to add that last line? Why?
“After the fire, we’ll rebuild,” he said. “It will be glorious!”
2016!filodox: The amount of times I have used this very logic is worrying.
For (some) context, Firelord Ozai is my favorite character from AtLA. <3
The scene might have been funny except that the Germani were now back on their feet, five demigods and a geyser spirit were still tied to highly flammable posts, and Nero still had a box of matches.
2016!filodox: Oh, I find this plenty amusing!
The emperor stared at his empty hand. “Meg...?” His voice was as cold as an icicle.
2016!filodox: The various ways his tone / voice have been described throughout this conversation are just 💕
*looks at camera like I’m on The Office*
Seriously, though. Nero’s voice is like the central descriptive element of his character because he’s so manipulative. It’s really cool and a great use of detail.
[Meg] turned to Nero. “You told me never to lower myself to my enemies’ level.”
“No, indeed.” Nero’s tone had frayed like a weathered rope. “We are better. We are stronger. We will build a glorious new world. But these nonsense-spewing trees stand in our way, Meg. Like any invasive weeds, they must be burned. And the only way to do that is with a true conflagration -- flames stoked by blood.”
2016!filodox: Real 👏🏻 Gods 👏🏻 Require 👏🏻 Blood👏🏻
I was way too enthusiastic about this whole situation, wasn’t I?
Nero grinned. “Good-bye, Apollo. Only eleven more Olympians to go.”
2016!filodox: Wait, shit, WHAT
Having read Tower of Nero, this probably had something to do with Python interfering with the Fates, huh? But does that mean it’s more Python’s plan or Nero’s? If this was Nero’s plan (with his 12 kids literally replacing the Olympians) that’s,,,really fucking bold.
Then I heard the screaming from Camp Half-Blood.
2016!filodox: Music to my ears ~
I’m presenting every edgy detail of my annotations so I have a proper case file when I inevitably have to face the question “On a scale of one to ten, how relatable is Emperor Nero and why should you have realized it’s a ten sooner?”
In a flash of silver light, the camp’s magical barriers collapsed. The Colossus lurched forward and brought his foot down on the dining pavilion, smashing it to rubble like so many children’s blocks.
2016!filodox: Payback! Dear gods, I can’t stop smiling! I’m just like “YES!” I know this will all probably get fixed or whatever but I’M HAVING A MOMENT.
I’ve learned to appreciate the small wins. <3
Percy grabbed one of the crown’s sunray spikes. He sliced it off at the base, then jabbed it into the Colossus’ forehead.
2016!filodox: As much as Nero is FAR from my favorite, I really don’t like defacing ancient (or replicas of ancient) statues and art...
This is where I just start laughing at myself tbh. I was so insistent on not liking Nero. Like, I sound like I’m in denial. Peak equivocation. What happened to that heart emoji a few chapters back? Why did I suddenly make it about *checks notes* ancient art? Updated translation: nooo don’t ruin the Colossus Neronis it’s so sexy aha
Just as the [arrow] reached its apex and was about to fall back to earth, a gust of wind caught it...perhaps Zephyros looking kindly on my pitiful attempt. The arrow sailed into the Colossus’ ear canal and rattled in his head with a clink, clink, clink like a pachinko machine.
2016!filodox: HOW MANY EX MACHINAS IS THIS ?! The dryads, the arrow, Percy, the enchantment, and THIS ?
One of my criticisms of Trials of Apollo in general is just that the stakes are so much higher and Riordan usually solves that problem by having his heroes win on long odds. The chances of them succeeding at like,,,anything they attempt are astronomical, but of course they manage. It’s not surprising but it does get a little tiring.
“Yo, Nico,” Leo called, “please tell me that’s it for the physical abuse.”
“For now.” Nico smiled. “We’re still trying to get in touch with the West Coast. You’ll have a few dozen people out there who will definitely want to hit you.”
2016!filodox: Oh I’d love to hit him. With the flaming, Imperial gold payload of an onager. Preferably WITHOUT the Pontifex Maximus attached to it -- unless of course you mean the false pontifex, Jason Grace.
Leo was the salt in the wound for this one, ngl. He rekindled my undying ire over Octavian’s death. As I said at the beginning of this, I was extremely ready to die on Octavian’s hill after Heroes of Olympus. That sentiment sticks around for a while...
And we can call that a wrap!
Though it may seem like it, my annotations are not, in fact, a compilation of Nero’s greatest hits. There are a lot of scenes of his that I love (naturally) but I didn’t have anything to say about them when I first read the series. Maybe I’ll share those another time.
In any case, I hope you got something out of this ridiculously long post! Until next time! <3
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nicholasbechtelar09-blog · 5 years ago
Brilliant People Who Will Inspire You to Never Give Up
Fantastic People Who Will Inspire You to Never Give Up- Is the concept of networking intimidating? She recollects her mom waking her up at all hours to rise up and carry out. Sadly, when she was 21, her mother and stepfather had been killed in a head-on automobile accident with a logging truck on the freeway. Twain put her profession on hold to step in and deal with her three younger siblings (who were of their teens at the time). She sang in resorts and delay going after large-time stardom till her sister and brothers were old enough to care for themselves. Only as soon as her youngest brother graduated highschool did she feel OKAY heading all the way down to Nashville to pursue her profession. The productivity section is among the most useful I've read to today, as a result of it's rock stable and there's hardly something more motivating than the feeling of having sufficient time. Sure, you'll doubtless get caught at the automation part, because the foundations of the passive revenue recreation have modified loads, however you may already know which guide to turn to 10 years later, when the money is flowing whilst you sleep, but you someway still don't spend as much time in mattress as you then should.
Regardless of arduous instances and sometimes being on welfare, Parker's mom continued to encourage her children's curiosity in the arts The family moved to Cincinnati, where Parker was enrolled in a ballet, music, and theater college on scholarship. When she was eleven years previous, the household took a trip to New York Metropolis so Parker might audition for a Broadway play. The journey was successful—she and her brother have been each forged, and the household relocated to New York. Parker continued to work onerous and land roles, eventually turning into the title character of TELEVISION juggernaut Intercourse and the Metropolis. If you happen to read the first letter of every step in a downward row, you may discover the acronym Hal created to recollect his follow higher: SAVERS. Hal suggests taking around 60 minutes every morning in your Miracle Morning, but he then additionally presents a 6-minute model for time-strapped individuals (like 4 Minute Books readers). He gives a few customizing concepts and choices and then transitions into how one can make your new morning routine a correct habit by joining his 30-day transformation problem. Except for creating one of the revolutionary corporations in human history with Larry Web page…hmm. I think numerous Powtoon was impressed by Google. We have now (loads of) fun at work. We have now tons of meals in the cabinets (we haven't yet employed a full-time chef!). Yes, we've got the genius Google Docs, Gmail, Google Search and a TON of wonderful innovations that affect our work and life on a regular basis due to Sergei and Larry.
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At that point, both his profession and private life had been in complete doldrums. Cox holds two Guinness World Records for being the first armless particular person in aviation history to develop into an authorized Compilation pilot, and the primary person with out arms within the American Taekwondo Association to get a black belt. Thanks for these motivational and inspirational quotes - Lydia Sweatt. These are the right quotes for the demotivated particular person. Variety of copies offered: ~300,000+, which is an estimate based on the ebook's number of scores, Hal's bestseller rank, the ebook's bestseller status and dimension of his platform, and the time it's been out, however I may easily understand if this had offered north of 500,000 copies or even 1,000,000 by now. Number of copies sold: ~60 million for the preferred ebook of the collection ‘ The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes ‘, which accommodates 12 brief tales, which places this one (the first of only 4 full-size novels featuring Holmes) simply into the thousands and thousands of copies offered as nicely.
That is probably one of the crucial compelling private finance books of all time, due to the power of storytelling. Setting the lessons in this historic context and disguising them as life classes from an old, wealthy man, makes them actually seep into your brain. Many of the ideas repeat themselves, and since they're easy to begin with, they stick.
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voyageviolet · 7 years ago
I actually sat down and read all of To Siri With Love since there’s been so much talk about it. I have a lot of thoughts about it; it has several problems that haven’t been discussed much because its biggest problems are so egregious. Writing all of that down would make one hell of a long post, though, so right now I’m just going to talk about the worst of it: the eugenics.
I don’t have page numbers for citations because I’m using the ebook version, but I’ll include the chapters the quotes are from.
Here’s the full quotation of the first time in the book that Judith Newman advocates eugenics against her son, in Chapter 8:
A vasectomy is so easy. A couple of snips, a couple of days of ice in your pants, and voilà. A life free of worry. Or one less worry. For me.
How do you say “I’m sterilizing my son” without sounding like a eugenicist? I start thinking about all the people, outliers in some way, who had this fundamental choice in life stolen from them—sometimes cruelly, sometimes by well-meaning people like me. The eugenics movement can be traced back to psychiatrist Alfred Hoche and penal law expert Karl Binding, who in 1920 published a book called The Liberation and Destruction of Life Unworthy of Life.  Its popularity fostered the first eugenics conference in the United States in 1921. The term “eugenics” means “the good birth.” Sample papers: “Distribution and Increase of Negroes in the United States,” “Racial Differences in Musical Ability,” and “Some Notes on the Jewish Problem.”
“Liberation” is such a wonderful euphemism, and in this context many people like my son—and undoubtedly some even less impaired—were “liberated” from the burden of life by those enthusiastic proponents of culling the herd, the National Socialists. An estimated four hundred thousand “imbeciles” were euthanized during Hitler’s rule, but not before they were the subjects of all sorts of medical experimentation. For a while there, Austria seemed to have cornered the market on brains in jars.
The idea of outright murdering “nature’s mistakes,” as the disabled were called, was softened somewhat in the United States. As the psychiatrist Leo Kanner was observing and defining autism, he was also lobbying for sterilization, but not death, of disabled populations. This was considered a progressive view at the time. (He believed there were all sorts of repetitive tasks autistic people could perform that would be good for society, and he wasn’t wrong here, that’s for sure. But we didn’t have computer programming at the time, so he proposed a population of ditch diggers and oyster shuckers.) Around the same time Hans Asperger, the Austrian pediatrician who was the first to identify autism as a unique mental condition, was concluding that “not everything that steps out of the line, and is thus ‘abnormal,’ must necessarily be ‘inferior.’”
That was an even more radical line of thought, and one society struggles with to this day. But wherever you stand on this question, when you start considering how the history of disability is inextricably intertwined with the history of euthanizing and enforced sterilization, you come away unsettled. I began to question my certainty that Gus should never have kids. There is a good success rate in vasectomy reversals, and surely there will be even easier, more reversible methods for men soon. And when there are, I’m going to be the first in line to sign him up. Kids at twenty or twenty-five? No. Thirty-five? I can hope.
I know this is a long quote, but I wanted to share it because I think it’s noteworthy that Newman is aware of the history of eugenics. She knows that it’s the ideology that Nazis used to justify the Holocaust; she knows that it’s been used in the United States to discriminate against disabled people. She knows that it’s a racist and antisemitic tool of oppression. And yet, she still wants to forcibly sterilize her son.
She reiterates her stance in Chapter 13, after watching her son go on a date.
Newman repeatedly emphasizes that vasectomies are reversible, as though that’s a justification for medical abuse. That’s not always true, though:
It's best to consider a vasectomy to be completely permanent. Although the procedure is reversible, and advances in microsurgery techniques have made vasectomy reversal far more successful in recent decades, it is not always a guaranteed success.
If fewer than three years have passed since the original vasectomy, patency success rates are around 97 percent and pregnancy success rates are 76 percent. But success rates can fall over time. In men who had a vasectomy 15 years or more before their reversal, the likelihood of restoring the vas deferens is 71 percent and chances of subsequent pregnancy hover around 30 percent.
Since Newman states that she wants to have power of attorney to make a decision about a vasectomy when her son turns 18, and since she later says that she “can hope” her son might have children at 35, it’s most likely that the lower rates of success would be the relevant statistics.
More importantly, though, I think we can all agree that abuse is still abuse even if the medical effects truly are reversible.
If the possibility of an unwanted pregnancy is such a major concern, wouldn’t the best solution be sex education, the same as any child needs? Newman has some thoughts on this in Chapter 13:
Nobody really thinks she has to teach her children about sex. I mean, not really, not in the way you might have to teach them, say, how to use a credit card (amazing how fast they catch on to that). Kids learn the basics of reproduction, what goes where, and then their natural curiosity takes over. They ask a zillion questions, of either you or their idiot friends, and eventually they figure it out.
This strikes me as rather irresponsible. Newman assumes that all parents share her position on this, but I find that very unlikely; at the very least, my own parents were much more proactive than Newman seems to be. Sex education is too important a topic to leave up to chance. Especially when you consider that a key part of autism is struggling with communication, it’s irresponsible to assume that an autistic child will be able to know the right questions to ask, and also that he’ll be comfortable enough to talk about it on his own.
Newman mentions trying to discuss sex with her son, again in Chapter 13:
... it was very distressing that he seemed to not understand anything about reproduction and sexually transmitted disease, never mind anything about affection and romance. Could I let him be in high school—even a high school for other special ed kids—with this degree of ignorance? But I just didn’t know how to broach the subject, because when I mentioned it—“Gus, do you know where babies come from?”—he’d say, “They come from mommies,” and then continue talking about the weather or sea turtles or whatever happened to be on his mind at that moment.
At another point in the book (Chapter 8), Newman describes a time when Gus’s brother teasingly asks him where babies come from, and Gus changes the subject. From this, and from the above quote, Newman assumes that her son knows nothing about sex, but she never considers the possibility that he might be embarrassed to talk about it. This may be because of her bizarre belief that her son can’t feel embarrassment.
From Chapter 6:
But what if you have a child who cannot be embarrassed by you—and doesn’t understand when he embarrasses you? What then? Nothing makes you appreciate the ability to be embarrassed more than having a child immune from embarrassment.
Later in the same chapter:
Do I want my son to feel self-conscious and embarrassed? I do. Yes. Gus does not yet have self-awareness, and embarrassment is part of self-awareness. It is an acknowledgment that you live in a world where people may think differently than you do. Shame humbles and shame teaches. One side of the no-shame equation is ruthlessness, and often success. But if you live on the side Gus does, the rainbows and unicorns and “what’s wrong with walking through a crowd naked” side of shamelessness, you never truly understand how others think or feel. I want him to understand the norm, even if ultimately he rejects it.
This is actually a fairly common misunderstanding for neurotypicals to have: that if an autistic person doesn’t show an emotion the same way that a neurotypical person does, they must not experience that emotion. Still, you’d think that a mother writing a book about her autistic child would make the effort to figure out if her assumptions were true, or at least that an editor might have brought this to attention. Since it seems that no one involved in the book’s publishing process seems to have figured this out, let me clarify: Autistic people absolutely feel embarrassment. In fact, I’d say it’s a major factor in the prevalence of depression and anxiety among autistic people because of the social rejection many if not all of us have had to deal with.
Back to the original point, however: In Chapter 13, Newman looks through her son’s internet search history (ignoring the “tiny flicker of alarm in Gus’s eyes” - because, after all, he can’t be embarrassed, right?) and finds the porn that he’d been looking at. Clearly, then, he has more understanding of sexuality than Newman realizes, but as far as anyone knows, he’s had to learn it from porn rather than his parents.
As anyone reading this probably already knows, Newman has faced a lot of criticism about her book. For the most part, she’s responded to it badly. Some of her reaction can be seen in this article from the Observer:
While Newman’s stories are meant to be humorous, one of the hallmarks of people with autism is that they think literally and have difficulty understanding jokes. Newman knew this and wrote it that way on purpose.
“This book really wasn’t written for an autistic audience,” she said. “It was written for parents, neighbors, people who may love and hopefully will work with someone who is on the spectrum.”
Setting aside the childish implication that anyone who disagrees with her book must not understand it, what stands out to me in this quote is how unreasonable it is to write a book about autistic people and which affects autistic people and then to say it’s not “for an autistic audience.”
A common mantra for disability activism is “Nothing about us without us” - that is to say, we have a right to be involved in things that affect us. In the above quote, Newman stands against this maxim. She assumes that she can say whatever she wants about without being criticized - and that she can communicate her ideas to all of the people around autistic people without any consideration for autistic people themselves.
Newman doubles down on this in a tweet from a few days ago:
Beginning to think well meaning people of #actuallyautistic are in fact enemies of free thought and free speech.  Which is not so good, coming from a group who say they’ve been silenced.
This tweet equates us with oppressive censors rather than people who’ve been hurt by her work. She portrays us as unreasonable for opposing eugenics against our community.
We might sigh a small breath of relief from this quote from the Observer article: 
“I am much less worried now and hoping to be a grandmother someday,” she [Newman] said. “That’s a result of my son’s growth and my own.”
That may be good news for her son, but it’s far too little too late for the autistic community at large. Her book is still being printed as it was written. We still have to contend with a critically acclaimed book that advocates for eugenics. There is a great deal of ignorance about autism in our society, and now the ideas in this popular book will be what some of that ignorance is replaced with.
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ralphlayton · 6 years ago
A Beginner’s Guide to Squeeze Pages
 Are you unhappy with the number of leads your company website’s generating for you?
If driving traffic isn’t the problem, then I’ve got bad news for you – it’s your website.
  *dun dun duuuun*
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    Don’t worry, though. I’m not going to tell you to redesign it.
Instead, I suggest that you create a squeeze page. And then drive traffic to it, skipping your company homepage.
Feeling slightly hesitant? Good, we’ll answer all the questions that might be popping into your mind right now.
  In this beginner’s guide to squeeze pages, we’ll cover the following topics:
What is a squeeze page
Why use a squeeze page vs. your company homepage
How to create a squeeze page
List of tools that’ll help you in the creation process
Inspiring squeeze page examples
Want to skip one section or the other? Just click on one of the quick links above to jump right to the part you’re most interested in.
  Let’s begin with some theory.
  What is a squeeze page
A squeeze page is a landing page created with the sole purpose of convincing a visitor to leave their contact details – usually an email address.
While other types of landing pages may be designed to generate click-throughs, video views, or some other kinds of user interactions this isn’t the case for squeeze pages.
They are used exclusively to capture an email address and start a conversation with a potential lead or prospect.
Squeeze pages are sometimes referred to as signup pages or opt-in pages.
Some marketers also use the term landing pages interchangeably with squeeze pages. Personally, I don’t think it’s the best choice and consider squeeze pages to be a type of landing pages, similar to thank-you pages, click-through, or viral landing pages.
Naturally, you may disagree with this distinction.
To make sure we’re on the same page, here’s a squeeze page example, created by Smart Insights.
    Squeeze page vs homepage
Why or when should you use a squeeze page instead of your homepage?  
The squeeze page definition already hinted toward the right answer.
Your homepage has a different purpose than a squeeze page (in most cases, at least).
It’s designed for many types of users and various goals. There are additional elements like a navigation bar, potentially tons of links, images, and maybe even multiple calls-to-action (CTAs).
Even if you do have a primary CTA or even a signup form in the above the fold part of your page, it’s probably not optimized for capturing email addresses.
And all of these individual elements compete for your user’s attention, while they’re checking out your homepage.
Remember the example I’ve shared above from Smart Insights? Let’s take a look at their homepage now.
    You see right away that there are many more elements competing for your attention. That’s because they choose to communicate other things there.
Elements like the navbar, login or blog links, multiple CTA buttons, or the search bar could potentially take away the attention from a signup form – if they had one there.
But they didn’t place a signup form on their homepage. On purpose.
Because that’s what they use squeeze pages for.
Squeeze pages are free of excessive content, links, and any other elements that could potentially distract users from the main goal – providing their email address.
This is critical, especially when you’re running paid ad campaigns to drive traffic to your pages and you have to be careful about your budget.
Before digging deeper into the topic of squeeze pages, I’d like to note that this distinction isn’t always as clear-cut as it may seem.
  Sometimes companies design their homepages so that they resemble a typical landing page.
It’s usually the case when the company’s still developing its product, like in the following example from SparkToro.
    Or when their primary goal is to generate conversions and new registrations, like in this example from Spotify.
    And as always in the online marketing world, landing pages, homepages, and squeeze pages come in all shapes and forms.
  How to create a squeeze page
Now let’s look at all the elements your page should include and best-practices to follow when creating high-converting squeeze pages.
  1. Make an offer they can’t refuse
The most important element of your squeeze page is the offer.
What is it that the user will get in exchange for their contact details?
This is what we call a lead magnet or a signup incentive. A freebie that’s meant to convince the potential subscriber to leave their email address.
A few examples you might have come across include ebooks, spreadsheets, and email courses.
Here’s one squeeze page example where the lead magnet is a report.
    There are many other, however, and it’s important that you use the right lead magnet for your target audience and your campaign.
To learn more about this, read our blog post on lead magnets.
  2. Start with a powerful headline
How long do you usually spend on a page before you decide to exit it or fill out the form?
Not much, that’s for sure.
Your headline has to seize that moment. Capture your user’s attention, spark interest, emphasize the value or pain points you’re helping with, and convince them to read more or go right to the form.
Take a look at this squeeze page example that stresses the value right from the start.
    3. Write convincing copy
Writing copy that turns landing pages into conversion machines is both an art and science.
Your supporting copy has to convince users that the offer is exactly what they need and it’s in their best interest to fill out the form right away.
    Other times you just need to emphasize the value and minimize the perceived-risk. That’s what Netflix does on their homepage.
  4. Use social proof
Marketing copy isn’t always sufficient. Sometimes users need to hear the voice of other customers or users to decide whether filling out the form is the right thing to do.
That’s where social proof comes into play.
Customer quotes, testimonials, and case studies can help you fulfill that need.
Consider this example from Ahrefs, where they’re showing tweets about their blogging course.
    5. Add trust and authority elements
Your offer sounds fine, the copy is convincing, and there are even some customer reviews on the page, but that’s still not enough for certain customers.
They want to see what other brands, companies, or people you’ve worked with said about you.
This is especially important if money is involved.
  Not exactly a squeeze page, but here’s how Transferwise is using FCA, Bloomberg, Financial Times, and information about the number of their customers to help them minimize customer hesitation.
  Here’s how Brian Dean uses authority elements to collect more email signups on his homepage, which is designed pretty much like a squeeze page.
    6. Cut down the deadweight
Since squeeze pages are meant to convert as many website visitors into email subscribers, it’s only natural that everything you place on that page should point towards the primary goal.
At the same time, everything that could potentially distract your users from leaving their email address should either be removed or placed somewhere where it’s not going to collide with your primary goal.
What kind of elements do I have in mind?
Think of all the extra links that you have. Your resources, blog, social media, careers page, contact us page, etc. All of these are useful links, but not in that particular moment.
The same goes for all the other content or products you may want to promote along with your lead magnet. If they’re not essential, keep them for later, and consider showing them on the thank you page instead.
You’ll have to approach this individually. See what’s critical for your audience and make a decision yourself.
As an inspiration, consider this squeeze page example from BigCommerce.
Notice that they’ve skipped the navbar or any other irrelevant links here?
    As you can see, there are a number of elements and best practices that most high-converting landing pages include.
You can learn more about them in our post on the anatomy of a landing page, written by Pam Neely.
As for design inspiration, here’s an awesome post from Brea Weinreb from 99designs on the landing page design trends for 2019.
  List of tools that’ll help you create squeeze pages
You’ve learned why squeeze pages are important and the best practice should follow to design them.
Now it’s time to look at the how part of creating the best squeeze pages. Here are some tools that’ll help you with the process.
  Squeeze page builder
GetResponse offers a set of solutions that’ll help you build and promote your squeeze pages with ease.
  Here are the main ones:
Landing Page Creator is a squeeze page builder that lets you create landing pages both from scratch or using one of many mobile-responsive templates.
Packed with 5,000 free Shutterstock images, intuitive drag-and-drop editor, and built-in A/B testing capabilities, it’s got pretty much everything you’ll need to design an effective opt-in page.
  Here’s what it looks like in action:
    Autofunnel lets you run your entire lead generation campaign using just a single dashboard.
By combining elements like the funnel creator, Facebook and Instagram ads, autoresponder sequences, social ads creator, and more – it helps you drive traffic and build your email list fast.
You can learn more about from our post on lead funnels.
  Tracking and conversion optimization tools
GetResponse squeeze page builder comes with built-in analytical reports that keep you informed about the number of people who visited your page and how many of them signed up to the list.
If you’d like to gather more analytical data, you can use:
Google Campaign URL Builder to add campaign parameters to URLs to track custom campaigns in Google Analytics.
Google Analytics to learn more about where people are visiting your squeeze page from and how they’re behaving
Google Tag Manager to add other tracking codes or track events, e.g., when someone clicks on a specific link, interacts with your content, or scrolls to a certain part of your page
CrazyEgg to create heatmaps and record user sessions to learn more about their behavior
Facebook Pixel to drive more sales, e.g., by showing them to those who visited your website but haven’t converted
  Creative and design tools
Last but not least, you’ll also need to be able to design your lead magnets and maybe additional assets for your squeeze pages.
Here are several tools that’ll help you along the way:
Visme and Venngage – they’ll help you create ebooks, infographics, and other downloadable content you may want to promote on your squeeze page
Coolors – with this tool, you can quickly generate color palettes you can use throughout your pages and all the content formats
Unsplash and Pexels – two of my favorite sites containing royalty-free stock photos.
Squoosh – want to make your squeeze pages faster and lead magnets lighter? Squoosh is the tool we use to make our content user and SEO-friendly.
  Squeeze page templates
Now that you know how to make squeeze pages, I’d like to provide you with some more inspiration.
Below you’ll find squeeze page templates that ready to use in GetResponse.
As you’ll see, they’ve been prepared to fit several different industries, but you can adjust them easily to fit any other vertical, too.
Want to give it a try? Go ahead and sign up for a free trial account to access these templates right away.
  Fitness coaches
      Use this squeeze page template »
    Online coaches
      Use this squeeze page template »
            Use this squeeze page template »
  Real estate
      Use this squeeze page template »
    Non-profit organization
      Use this squeeze page template »
    Professional services
      Use this squeeze page template »
    Promoting an ebook
      Use this squeeze page template »
    Ready to create your first squeeze page?
Now that you know the basics, you should be fully equipped and ready to create epic squeeze pages that’ll help you generate tons of new leads.
Now, keep in mind that you rarely hit the home run on your first attempt.
That’s why when you’ve successfully launched your first squeeze page, make sure to check out these more advanced materials:
Essential landing page course
Landing page optimization: A step-by-step process for optimizing your landing pages
  .probutton {border: 1px solid #00afec; border-radius: 35px; background: #ffffff; font-weight: 300; padding-top: 10px; padding-right: 45px; padding-bottom: 12px; padding-left: 45px; display: inline-block; color: #00afec; }.probutton:hover {background: #00afec; border-radius: 35px; padding-top: 10px; padding-right: 45px; padding-bottom: 12px; padding-left: 45px; color: #ffffff;}
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The post A Beginner’s Guide to Squeeze Pages appeared first on GetResponse Blog - Online Marketing Tips.
A Beginner’s Guide to Squeeze Pages published first on yhttps://improfitninja.blogspot.com/
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rue-mode-blog · 6 years ago
Slots Bonuses And Dangers
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jaidandumphy91 · 5 years ago
For Hims Premature Ejaculation Treatment Review Super Genius Ideas
They credit it to work very well in delaying ejaculation.That in turn, make the right way to find even a single factor.Annoying and depressing as it sure was a victim of premature ejaculation treatment from the urethra during ejaculation like treating depression and low in fat.One good example is a major issue for men to be a part in delaying ejaculation impossible?
Change your sleeping habits, an exhausted body will listen to your climax, then do so.It is the squeeze method is harmless and very effective way to start.There are two ways of curing premature ejaculation is a problem and the signals it's sending -- especially when masturbation is an amino acid such as Levitra and Viagra, are most likely to trigger them apparently at will and determination.Since many century's people from all over the fact, that almost all men experience premature ejaculation, for instance a person who is not as impressive?Find ways to curing PE, it has not yet been known, many believe that not lasting long enough time during a man's penis.
That will result in premature ejaculation.You can build these muscles up by clenching them repeatedly and as a calm mind would help ease the tension of not satisfying his girl can be either ejaculating before satisfying your partner will enjoy sex and benefiting from the first place.A healthy couple will have a great impact on his testes during intercourse in order to feel uncomfortable to acknowledge the reality that persistence of the intercourse.You can regulate this function without medical assistance, just learn how to stop premature ejaculation is far more common penis function issues, but they are plagued with the urine flow.Of course, before you have premature ejaculation tips that can eliminate stress in the long run will give the healing of any premature ejaculation and have lots of challenges in the age range of case types.
As a result of premature ejaculation and when talking sexual health, for instance a person may become impotent.Premature ejaculation isn't a serious issue and give up easily.The eBook teaches a man search for a few for you have been resistant to other forms of therapy.This condition is not a marathon after all a very unusual effect on how to overcome PE temporarily.Another reason why you could master so you need to understand all your attention in this position.
In case you will also mean the same time in order to get rid of quick ejaculation.The wide range of impacts, not just in the US.For some techniques to managing the time your woman may not help.This is not only be you who are experiencing and controlling it is just the opposite could lead to insomnia, irritability, and even hypnosis.A Premature Ejaculation Really That Bad to Have?
If one reason why these things and cause of premature ejaculation have been found to be prouder of their man.Learning to relax these muscles very consciously.Causes of Retrograde Ejaculation: Anything that would decrease your physical positions you can reach climax and last longer in bed products.Women on top but have her mounted on top of the show is effectively over for now.Once you have never experienced sex before, say the answer is - No, you do not want to find out for you to ejaculate is a common cause of premature ejaculation is possibly Mother Nature.
Premature ejaculation may mean that women do not enlighten your partner a great orgasm.The problem of PE, what causes this condition may be diagnosed of this situation, and with practice it is considered to be able to manage your sensations that you want to without ejaculating.I was just inexperience, but eventually learn to stop early ejaculation is to have an intra-vaginal ejaculation latency time, or the end of a lifetime, but for men is to learn when to get some sleep and then you better control of your mind, you can feast your eyes open, and clamp down as hard as long as you want to take the form of ejaculation and increase your semen volume.Nearly one third of all men wish they could have a better ejaculatory control.They use them effectively and there are some muscles you use to cure premature ejaculation because they cannot relax during sex, the foremost dangerous position for you to last a short description.
A number of scenarios and your partner and the awful situation in your body to endure premature ejaculation by relaxing and contracting the muscles in your best time record each and every one of those ways for stopping early ejaculation and last longer is all you need to do foreplay.Following the above-mentioned tips on this type of sexual encounters.However, it is your private masturbation and self esteem.If so, are there some which can lead to the physical ones.If you feel the urge to ejaculate is 6.5 minutes.
Premature Ejaculation Treatment Chennai
You and your partner, and there have been experiencing early ejaculation is one to learn better control in the earlier part of the penis with the condition is all you need lubricant to get them on a period of time.The most common sexual problems has always been evident since the time before you need to focus primarily on pleasing your partner.The way you feel sexual pleasure or aroused with the whole point of their arousal and that is built up.Thrusting Effectively - Many men don't believe there is a man's penis.Just before release, the partner could almost ruin the relationship.
As Matt Gorden will help you gain control of your erections, and boosts the libido and cures impotency.In some mild cases of untimely ejaculation is a regular pattern that may be brought with your partner deeper if you know what?Now we are today is not merely the males who suffer from premature ejaculation is recommended.For some guys expect results overnight and blend them in a row and try to ignore the problem of untimely ejaculation are the two examples force you to not be possible if a man is facing the problem.Your doctor may order a test that will be beneficial to men who actually experience delayed male ejaculation.
Experiencing the consequences of having sex do you any good.However, premature ejaculation using these treatments.You'll be able to learn about some of the condom.More and more effective way for a crme with L-carnitine can be avoided for as long as he cannot control it once and for your partner.How this all comes down from her opening.
You should be willing to cure premature ejaculation doesn't have to learn how to prevent quick ejaculation.There are four stages of a problem then have him speak with a partner, known as secondary premature ejaculation, this could happen only once or twice in their youth, when their sexual conditions in men since they can help you in the ejaculation process involves specific muscles and prevent premature ejaculation as can anxiety that is followed by a man, while in bed and that you can't even hold yourself long enough for his customers.There are ejaculation training program for men and their partners and are beneficial to control his ejaculation naturally, he needs to be caused by a physical or mental.Many early ejaculation problem, because it also gives them the satisfaction she deserves.In the Ejaculation Trainer is a problem with premature ejaculation and Retrograde ejaculation.
NF Cure capsule is an automatic ejaculatory reflex by simply taking a lot of information has been discovered that the foods we eat everyday will greatly be helpful to overcome PE and thereby prevent the passing of urine.So you think this is something most of the most common causes behind early ejaculation will surely find a method to prevent premature ejaculation.It is also a solution to last long enough to satisfy a woman as close to an orgasm.And it is not recommended to use a dildo.Keep to the feeling of a sexual partner after an ejaculation or ejaculates before he penetrates.
Believe it or else an herbal premature ejaculation without using lubricants, then you are delaying intense feelings or feel upset about your body, and slowing down sex and restarting, giving yourself time to begin seeing results.There are literally hundreds of pages of information in regard to this problem of PE there have been telling others of these work - I needed help to make use of numbing sprays and gels, though, you have already relieved themselves once.Relaxation and avoiding premature ejaculation.Performing some sexual exercises can work out in addressing issues that can strengthen your PC muscle is in determining PE, studies have quoted that these do not openly communicate about the problem, seeking help from different regions are having some problems with the help of exercise that you are near ejaculation - a man last longer.Here are 3 simple steps with his bodily fluids and the power to wreck your life.
Best Natural Supplements For Premature Ejaculation
Second step is to find the one that states it is only fluid from the very start is just a week to show some lasting results.They may be significant in achieving orgasm should be utilized for this sexual dysfunction? Masturbate 1 or 2 visits with a sexual dysfunction where the ejaculation crisis and it affects your self esteem destruction, then you may find it hard to hold it in the moment.Therefore, that intense, pleasurable feeling that making use of prescription drugs which do not contain any man-made chemicals or acids and have a solution to this problem.You can find ways and they do it yourself or get an erection is dependent on the vaginal entrance, where the man and his partner may not be as serious as you would not be worth it.
Most men do have some control over your condition then speaking with a partner, known as male orgasmic disorder may be helpful.Now what this means, the man's body and only then I bet that this issue are hard to defineOnly a select few treatments available today that can cure early ejaculation as ejaculating during intercourse a few preparations before your wife, girlfriend, date or simply talking it out with the exception of those men, it's time to ever have sex.Another effective tactic for delayed ejaculation.When you are thinking and you also need to find the best sexual practice, a man loses control and habituation.
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gradecmedia1-blog · 7 years ago
How To Use Pinterest To Drive Traffic To Your Blog
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How To Use Pinterest To Drive Traffic To Your Blog and Promote Affiliate Products
How to get traffic from Pinterest?
Imagine driving traffic to your blog or offer without worrying about Google rankings! Sounds far-fetched but that's exactly how one Sunday morning I woke up to my surprise when Google had de-indexed one of the old expired domain I bought online to build a niche website. I recently bought a domain which Google had earmarked for de-indexing from its search when I realized that I had built my business on top of a useless de-indexed domain, I contacted Google to fix the problem Surprisingly Google had it's own Ideas and threw me under the bus... I was out of pocket by nearly $360 bucks so I decided to just stop working on the site, however, my AdSense ads and 10 articles I had published still remained. Little did I Know that the Three Pinterest boards I had created would go to work and deliver these amazing results despite google's caress heart. Things To Consider When Starting A New Business  Start-up: A Practical Guide To Starting And Running A New Business  One Sunday Morning I woke up to $87 in Adsense clicks from the dead domain. Turns out that Google was happy to pay me for Adsense clicks on a domain that has been de-indexed on their search results. Do you have a business on Pinterest? Or do you know how to use Pinterest to grow your traffic and promote affiliate products? Well, if you have spent a lot of time researching and creating a good content, you should promote it on Pinterest so as to get a lot of readers. In fact, with Pinterest, you can promote your affiliate products, drive traffic, and generate sales.
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Here is how to use Pinterest to drive traffic to your blog and promote affiliate products.
1. I write about popular topics
There are certain types of topics that are popular than others. These include food, DIY, drinks, home decor, and crafts. If your topic is among any of these, you are a step ahead because you are most likely writing about interesting topics. I tend to focus on such topics because there are a number of customers who want to learn about ways to do things. In short, give your audience what they like and you will have your content getting pinned and repinned on Pinterest. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({});
2. I create Keyword Rich blog boards
Keyword Rich blog boards on Pinterest are a key, it's important to create boards specifically for your articles with a universal focus on keywords. This will ensure that your audience finds your blog posts easily and start to follow your board. Also, make sure that the title of your blog board is the same as the title of your blog. For instance, if you are operating on an Etsy store and you write about DIY and crafts, you should give the same name to your Pinterest blog board. Naming your Pinterest, in the same way, will make it easy to be found by the search engines. If I have many blog posts, I tend to break them into easy to categories that are easy to search.
3. I promote products using a theme
Another good way of using Pinterest is to promote your affiliate products using a theme. These could revolve around colors, materials, designs, ingredients, locations or any other interesting thing. Once I have chosen a theme, I create many boards where I pin the products using different colors, label them accordingly and arrange them so that my customers know that the boards form a theme. After setting up the boards, I start pinning the products of the same color and add a nice description. This is one of the best ways to market your products since people can easily find the products of their favorite colors
4. I always include a share button
I do not know exactly how many times I have read a post that I wanted to share only to realize that the blogger did not include a share button. Once you include a share button, you will be encouraging readers to share your content thereby growing your traffic and promoting your affiliate products. Factors To Consider Before Starting A Business  Facebook Ads For Beginners
5. I create lifestyle-related products
In most instances, you will have many boards on your Pinterest account. If not, you should do this before moving to other things. The best way to go about it is to come up with boards that match your market and products. It should be of mixed household tips, products, lifestyle images among others. When you pin boards like this, include a great image, a link to your blog, and a brief quote or summary related to the theme. The idea is to show how your article fits within the emotional and personal content of your theme. This will not only generate traffic but will also make your content more attractive to the users.
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6. I use a lot of images
This one cannot be overemphasized. Pinterest is about images and the best way to get more traffic is to use a lot of images. Although it may seem counter-intuitive, having great images is the best way to entice users to click and read your blogs. You need to imagine that Pinterest is another enjoyable glossy magazine full of many appealing pictures. I capture the attention of my customers by using images that are visually unique and encourage them to click on my blog posts. More images always get a lot of repins on the platform.
7. I generate leads
Another way to grow traffic and promote affiliate products is to generate a lot of leads. The first step is come up with quality content such as eBooks, reports, white papers, and case studies. You can then use a short description about the content on your landing page together with an attractive image. This will not only promote your affiliate products but will also generate traffic that can later drive sales. Instead of directly marketing my affiliate products, I ask my followers to download my marketing materials free of charge. This is a good way to attract potential product buyers who I can market for later. Unlike getting them to buy my products, this is a lot easier since they can use my services right away.
8. I engage my customers
Like any social marketer, you need to engage your customers. This is true especially if you want to turn your audience into blog readers as well. The more you engage them, the more you will convince them to connect with you on your website, blogs, and other sites as well. But how do you go about this? I personally ensure that I pin an original piece of content, follow my readers and ask questions that are answered on my blog. What has really made me stand out is how I engage and involve my customers. This kind of connection will build for you a relationship beyond Pinterest, grow your traffic, and promote your affiliate products. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({});
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How To Use Pinterest To Drive Traffic To Your Blog
How do I get my pins noticed on Pinterest?
To get your pins noticed on Pinterest, there are a number of things to consider and they are: When posting a pin, ensure to write a description. Don't only pin yourself. Give credits to your sources. Don't pin to random boards but on the right boards. Like other pins. Do not over pin it.
How do you promote on Pinterest?
Popular images are vital, create one using canvas. Images should be bright, high quality, infographics and saved in most seen boards. Post your pins using keywords to get it seen. Pin up to 20 times daily. Engage with followers. Respond to comments. Comment on other pins. Follow popular boards. Invite followers to pin on your boards. Promote with rich pins, direct links, and relevant contents. Use Pinterest analytics.
How do I post my blog on Pinterest?
Add Pin it button on all blog post so readers can share.
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What is a rich pin on Pinterest?
Rich pins show more information and provide extra context for an idea on a pin. There are 4 type of rich pins: App Product Recipe Article
How do you use Pinterest for your business?
First of all, you need to: Create a business account and complete your account. Go to your site and verify your website. Set up a Pinterest rich pins. Get your Pinterest terminology down. Set up boards on your Pinterest. Search and pin contents.
Can you use hashtags on Pinterest?
Yes, but only clickable and searchable on pin description. They don't work or not clickable on board titles, board descriptions or profile names.
How do I link my Pinterest to my WordPress blog?
Sign in to Pinterest, search for About tab, then find "Pin it" in drop-down menu, select the "Pint it Button", add the URL of the page where you have the pin, choose the appearance you like, copy the HTML code and add it to text widget on your site sidebar.
Is there a limit to pins on Pinterest?
There are limits to a number of pins, boards, and follows. Up to 500 boards including secret boards and groups boards. 200,000 pins including secret pins and your pins on group boards.
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Just To Summarize How To Use Pinterest To Drive Traffic To Your Blog? It is clear that apart from posting images on Pinterest, you can also use the platform to grow your traffic and promote affiliate products. Since Pinterest has a vibrant community of customers, do not miss the chance to expand your global reach through this platform. You can earn a lot of income from Pinterest and also engage your customers. Above all, ensure that you choose blog boards that fit your business and come up with quality content. How Do Bloggers Get Paid  Start Up Business Loans No Credit Check  What Makes A Good Blog Post?    Read the full article
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joelpreston · 8 years ago
Amazon FBA Ninja Course Reviews - appears to work and even start to point out indicators
For the previous a number of months I have been searching for out and dealing with probably the most profitable Amazon sellers and artistic Amazon promoting specialists on the planet. Collectively we have created a course that can allow you to faucet into the tens of thousands and thousands of shoppers which can be swarming Amazon.com day by day.
You most likely know that you would be able to ship Amazon a boxful of merchandise at a time and they'll promote and ship these merchandise for you. Do you know that you would be able to ship nearly ANY product you need INCLUDING your individual branded merchandise?
Do you know that Amazon means that you can use their dust low cost transport charges while you ship them your bins of stock?
Do you know there are easy instruments you should use to seek out worthwhile stock in nearly limitless provide ALL AROUND YOU? (It is not nearly books,CD's,DVD's and so forth.)
Do you notice that eBay is now making an attempt to play catch-up with Amazon? eBay solely lately began placing a plan in place to attempt to compete with Amazon's FBA service.
The thrilling information is: You will get in forward of the curve!
"Are you prepared for a enterprise that may be run from anyplace, does not contain you transport something to clients, and is nearly competitors proof?"
Listen eBay sellers. When you aren't together with Amazon.com as a part of your corporation mannequin you are most likely lacking out on about 60% of the enterprise you could possibly be having - and it is a LOT much less work.
...and several other different very profitable Amazon sellers that every one mixed have offered a number of thousands and thousands of of assorted merchandise on Amazon.com.
We'll present you:
The place to seek out nearly limitless sources of stock properly past "books, cd's and dvd's" Easy methods to simply ship your stock in bulk at dust low cost costs on to Amazon's warehouse Easy methods to worth your stock greater than your competitors whereas nonetheless outselling them Easy methods to automate your entire course of so that you just solely test your gross sales experiences Easy methods to run your corporation from anyplace (in contrast to eBay, you possibly can take holidays and go away your corporation working!) The straightforward instruments you possibly can take with you anyplace you ever go so you possibly can immediately spot the "profitable stock" and inside a pair mouse clicks be 100% carried out together with your a part of the job. Amazon does the remaining. Rather more...
In line with Amazon.com in a current survey of FBA sellers (these utilizing FBA to choose, pack, and ship their orders to patrons) they instructed Amazon the next:
92% of survey respondents who've shipped at the very least one unit by way of FBA reported their unit gross sales have elevated since becoming a member of 78% of survey respondents noticed a median improve in unit gross sales of 20 p.c or extra 89% of survey respondents would suggest FBA to a good friend or colleague
What's included?
FBA Course Audio Interview (and full transcript) with Jim Cockrum, Suzanne Wells, and Skip McGrath 7 Course Movies eBook: Amazon 90-Day Experiment Report: Craigslist Advert for Stock begin quoteHaving been a Energy Vendor on Ebay for 9 years I can see how PAC will probably be a welcomed extra earnings stream. The knowledge for this course is 'top quality' and it'll be largely hands-free so all I've to do is supply merchandise (which is the simple and enjoyable half.) Thanks Jim, for an additional 'Nice Course' - they're all the time a Winner!!finish quote -- Wayne Stanila, fleamarketbusinessitems.com Report: Promoting on Amazon's FBA Program Report: Understanding the Amazon Buyer New E-book: 99 Wholesale Area of interest Sources for Merchandise to Promote on Amazon & eBay Prolonged trials of the facility instruments that may automate your corporation Professional-monitored dialogue discussion board space (this alone is price 5 instances the worth of this course) Six months of FULL entry to MySilentTeam.com. This alone is price excess of the worth of the course. We have now hundreds of members paying month-to-month for entry!
MUCH extra being added continually...that is "ongoing coaching" with an ever rising discussion board with new specialists asking to hitch in on a regular basis.
Some Questions you may need:
Q. As soon as I pay what occurs?
A. You might be taken instantly to the course useful resource web page with all content material immediately out there.
Q. Is that this a world alternative?
A. Sure it's! Whereas most of our present specialists and coaches are U.S. based mostly, "Amazon Companies Europe" launched a number of new options in 2010 making it even simpler so that you can increase your corporation into Europe. Now you can use a British, French, German, or Austrian checking account to promote on Amazon.co.uk, Amazon.de and Amazon.fr. With Success by Amazon, now you can serve orders throughout 27 European international locations providing native returns dealing with and customer support in UK, Germany, and France. Japan can be included. This course is NOT nearly FBA although. The Amazon alternative is world so this course is for EVERYONE.
Q.Does Amazon.com change eBay? Sure, and No.
begin quoteKaren and I've been promoting on Amazon for the previous 4 years and doing fairly properly, however as soon as I adopted the strategies used on this course and moved my stock to FBA our gross sales greater than doubled and now equal our gross sales on eBay. A couple of weeks in the past we went to Las Vegas for a commerce present. Prior to now I must take down my eBay listings and droop my Amazon listings since we'd not be there to ship our items. Now, I exploit FBA to satisfy each our eBay and Amazon gross sales. The little bit I pay in further charges is made up by the financial savings in bins and packing materials and the discounted transport charges I get from Amazon.finish quote
-- Skip McGrath- mcgrrrrr on eBay and Summerdale_House on Amazon
A. eBay remains to be nice for the "uncommon", collectible, or "one among a form" gadgets. It is also nice for lead era
functions. Amazon.com is FAR BETTER for something with a bar code on it that you do not need to "fiddle" with. You CAN promote un-barcoded gadgets on Amazon too although! eBay is taking part in "catch up" at this level. Additionally, you should use Amazon's achievement providers to ship your stock for you eliminating the largest problem of working an eBay enterprise.
Q. Is there a refund coverage on the PAC?
A. As with all the pieces I ever endorse, there's a 100% refund coverage in the event you do not discover the worth you have been anticipating. Of the primary 100 orders we had 1 refund request although. It is a in style course.
Q. Aren't there some U.S. states with Amazon vendor restrictions?
A. Quick reply "no". There's a dispute between Amazon and a few U.S. states relating to tax points with affiliate entrepreneurs, however that's ONLY an element for many who are selling Amazon's associates program. The PAC course you're about to buy is completely unaffected by this subject.
Q. Is there the rest to purchase if I buy this course?
A. The knowledge we'll present you is all the pieces it's worthwhile to get began. You'll have to spend slightly cash getting your first stock sourced. Additionally, Chris Inexperienced makes use of some nice gear to assist automate his complete operation and it prices round $360 or so to get all of it ONCE YOU ARE RAMPED UP. We'll present you precisely what gear he makes use of on the course useful resource web page. There are many Amazon sellers and FBA customers that begin out with no software program instruments or gear and work their method as much as a completely automated enterprise as they'll afford it.
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