#since I also post my art and other things on there in different pseuds
rosemirmir · 9 days
AO3 Fic Meme
Was tagged by @belovedstill for this! Thank you so much for the tag B! :D
Rules: Go to your AO3 account and find the following:
What ratings do you write most of your fics under?
General Audiences (94)
Teen And Up Audiences: (27)
What are your top three fandoms?
Kamen Rider OOO (45)
Kamen Rider Gotchard (42)
Arcadia of My Youth (Captain Harlock Series Film) (15)
What is the top character you write about?
Ankh (43)
What are your top three pairings?
Ankh/Hino Eiji (35)
Harlock/Maya (15)
Kurogane Spanner/Minato (9)
What are the top three additional tags?
Fluff (28)
Slice of Life (25)
Introspection (22)
(Note: Tweaked this a bit to focus on three tropes for this, Missing are: Drabble (35) and Community: toku100challenge (28) which would originally also be there)
Does any of this surprise you?
Not really! I am certified obsessed with these characters, ships, and series. I also love just seeing the day to day moments of characters. I've been big on slice of life media since I was a kid. I also love digging into the heads of characters. And just writing fluffy scenarios for my soul.
Tagging: @chancellorxofxtrash @lunar-gl1tch @stickers-on-a-laptop @tellmewhatyouc and @mattdillon (if you want to do this! No pressure.)
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rudnitskaia · 9 months
Hi, my name is Viktoriia, but you can call me Heldig. :3 I’m 29, she/her. I’m a translator (RUS/ENG), a writer and a bit of an artist.
✨ My main job is creating a proper visualization for different piles of data on dashboards and in various reports.
✨ I adore animation, indie-comics and games, especially old point-and-click adventure games. In general I'm a lazy weirdly joking workaholic & coffeemaniac. Versatile underdeveloped person, to sum it up. :D
✨ Fandoms I’m mostly tracking: Slayers (anime & novels), Lackadaisy, Undertale/Deltarune, Elfquest, LoL/Arcane & ATLA/LOK, but almost any animated/comic/game universe is acceptable and can suddenly grab my attention. I'm familiar with a lot of things, and the fact that I don't track what's going on in a particular fandom doesn't mean I don't like the thing itself, so, if you want to discuss something with me, you can simply ask if I've seen it. :3
✨ My blog contains my arts/writings/translations, life stories about me, my husband Andrew and my friends, and reblogs of the things I truly enjoy, including various fandom things and silly memes. Also since 2016 I mostly have been working on my own novel “Сказка Хрустальных гор” (A Tale of the Crystal Mountains) that I plan to finish and, hopefully, publish in 2024, so rarely I'll also post some stuff about the work process.
✨ My pseuds in creative communities are: LetiOwl (previously), Heldig (Хельдиг/Хельди) and Opossumherd.
✨ Links to my profiles in other social media: AO3, FicBook.Net, Twitter, Youtube, VK Blog, Personal VK page.
✨ All RoMaunce fics can be found here in English and here in Russian. The series aren't finished and are constantly updated.
I LOVE when people chat with me, especially about my and their OCs. Please do more and never hesitate, my asks' inbox and DMs are always opened. 💖
✨ Tags for better navigation in my blog are under the cut (in alphabetical order):
#about myself – random facts and stories about myself #atotcm – various content about my own future novel “Сказка Хрустальных гор” (A Tale of the Crystal Mountains) #augusto venza oc – posts about my Lackadaisy fan-character, Augusto Venza #jokes and memes - various funny things #heldig arts – my arts #heldig life stories – various stories from my life #heldig thoughts – just my random ramblings & opinions on the videogames/movies/books etc. #heldig translations – my ramblings on the translating topic #heldig writings – my writings #maura venza oc – posts about my Lackadaisy fan-character, Maura Venza #me and my husband – funny stories about two loveable dorks on their 9th year of happy marriage :D #romaunce – posts about the ship of the canonical Lackadaisy character, Rocky Rickaby, with my Lackadaisy fan-character, Maura Venza #wonderful animation – other people’s amazing animations and animatics #wonderful art – other people’s amazing art #wonderful story – other people’s amazing fanfics, analytical articles and so on #wonderful things – other amazing things that people share, but that fall out of other categories
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liladiurne · 2 years
snarry self-rec: with great outbursts and lightnings
I posted the first chapter of this fic in the winter of 2017, but I started writing it long before that. Most of it was still in my head, but I had two chapters and a half down already. It was my first snarry, though I’d been around the hp fandom for years and years, under different pseuds, writing different ships, in French first, and then eventually in English. I’d been drifting, unsure where I was heading, where I belonged, and I think it’s with this particular fic that I found my place. Not only in the fandom, but as an author. Because of Outbursts, I found my style, my voice. 
I’ve often said that this is the fic I’m most proud of. It wasn’t easy. In fact it was very hard. I had basically no readership at that time, and I understand why. Who wants to dive into some slow-paced Muggle AU with a first chapter that’s nearly 20k by some unknown author that just pops out of nowhere and only updates once a month? I understand why now, but at the time the lack of feedback was quite hurtful, and I almost gave it all up many times. But I just couldn’t. Because there were a few people who seemed to enjoy the story I was telling, but also because it was inside me and it just had to come out. 
It took me until July 2018 to complete it. Outbursts is heavy and so emotionally packed that I needed long breaks in between chapters, to come up for air and find my footing again, and remember that the pain of my characters was not my pain to bear. At least not entirely. But that’s how intense this was for me to write. I carried it all on my shoulders: Severus’ loneliness, Harry’s craving for love, and all the horrible things that they’d had to endure, I carried it. I felt it. 
It’s been years now, but still I feel for this story more than for all the others that came since. One day I’ll come back to it, and I’ll tell the rest of it, because there is so much more to tell. Hopefully, one day. Until then, I thought it might be nice to bring it back, let it see the light again. And maybe some of my new readers might be tempted to give it a try.
with great outbursts and lightnings
Rating: Explicit
Length: 7 chapters / 148k
Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe, Muggle AU, Modern Setting, Angst, Depression, Grieving, Anxiety, Insecurities, Infidelity, Panic Attacks, Toxic Relationships, Mental Health Issues, Past Child Abuse, Past Teacher/Student Relationship, Past Underage, Implied/Referenced Dubious Consent, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, Strangers to Lovers, Love at first sight, writer Severus, violinist Harry
Summary:  They stand there for a moment, just looking at each other. Harry has developed smoking to an art form that fascinates Severus. Everyone smokes in Paris, but he’s never taken up the habit himself. Watching Harry smoke, however, is strangely erotic. It feels like watching something that ought to be done in private. He wants to say something, anything, but he’s speechless. He’s a bloody poet, and here he is, standing speechless in front of a nineteen-year-old boy. March 2013. In which Severus is a semi-famous poet with writer’s block who moves back to London after the death of his lover and meets Harry, a prodigy struggling with his own demons.
Read it HERE on ao3. 
Listen to the Spotify soundtrack HERE.
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senlinyu · 5 years
Thank you so much for sharing all that you have about the writing process! How important is promotion of your work across different platforms? Is it important at all?
Sorry. I’ve been sitting on this ask for a while... but we were just having a discussion on the Dramione Fanfiction Server about promotion and I realised I should get to writing all this out.
This is sort of a follow up on my post about doing weekly updates and writing my fics in full prior to publishing them. Find it here.
Caveat, these are my personal observations only. I’ve been involved in the fandom for a little over 2 years, and at least tried most of the fandom platforms to some extent and followed a lot of discussions among writers and readers.
This is basically a rundown of things that I wish someone had told me about promotion when I started. It’s also an info dump, I’m sorry. You don’t need to do all these things, or any of these things. But if you’re trying to figure stuff out, this is what I’ve noticed. A lot of this is based on my experiences and the experiences I’ve heard from other writers.
• The first step you’ll take in promotion is publishing your fic: The most active platforms for fic are archiveofourown.org (Ao3) and fanfiction.net (FFN). There’s also wattpad, but my experience there is limited, so I won’t comment on it. Older fandoms are still hanging out on FFN, but a lot of people are finally migrating to Ao3.
I cross-post most of my fic, with the exception of very sexually explicit content. FFN hasn’t enforced their content restrictions in years, but they have cracked down in the past and deleted fic without warning, and if you’re reported and they decide you violate their terms it’s extremely difficult to dispute based on everything I’ve heard from fandom olds.
Title: It’s ideal to find a title that doesn’t already have seventy fics attached to it for your fandom/ship. But there are a finite number of titles, this may not always work. However, if there’s a super popular fic already with that title, it may be advisable to choose something else because people will get confused about which fic it is and the other fic will tend to show up first in a google search.
If you choose a long title (more than five words), or a title with multiple words in a foreign language, people will have a harder time remembering it. One of my favorite fics has a long Latin quote for its title that isn’t a super common phrase. I cannot ever remember except that it starts with an ”a.” I have to refind it every time I want to rec it by googling one of the author’s other fics and then sorting through her listed works. Avoid this if possible.
Summary: Don’t say things like “story’s better. I suck at summaries.” If you can’t figure out what to put in the summary, put in an excerpt that you feel captures the tone and spirit of the story.
Smut sells. On ao3, a not overly-explicit excerpt of a scene will often garner more hits than anything else. Although I wouldn't promote a fic in that manner if there’s actually minimal smut in the story.
Rating: On FFN it’s unfortunately better to be safe than sorry. People will sometimes complain if T rated fics even allude to the existence of sex. But M ratings will create the expection of some level of smut. If you’re writing a M rated fic without sexual content, it can be a good idea to have an author’s note at the very beginning explaining what the rating is and isn’t for. (Many people never ever read author’s notes, but at least then it’s not on you anymore.)
Tagging: On Ao3, good tagging can make or break a fic. The balance is between under-tagging and over-tagging. Dramione is relatively chill about tags because a lot of readers are from FFN where there are no tags. However, newer readers, especially those coming over from other fandoms, can be very particular about tagging and complain in the comments if your tagging it insufficient or misleading.
Fandom etiquette dictates: use the archive warnings and always tag triggers. Even if it’s a plot twist. People who really care about not having plot elements spoiled can hide additional tags from their browsing. The main archive warnings are: graphic violence, character death, rape, underage. If you include any of those things without an archive warning or tags, people will not be inclined to trust you.
I know that’s not how published books are, but it’s a question of which hills you want to die on. I strongly discourage dying on this hill when you’re first starting out.
Additional tags. There’s a very tricky balance between over-tagging and under-tagging. People don’t like tag walls, but they do want some information. Tag the story’s main tropes: enemies to lovers, mutual pining, miscommunication, coworkers, Veela, etc. Tag the triggers. (A word of advice, if you’re writing a fic with rape/non-con that occurs but isn’t committed between the main pairing, specify that in your tags, e.g. ‘attempted sexual assault, not by Draco’ ) Tag kinks, especially if they’re not garden variety. Very, very few readers are going to be pleased to have a kink sprung on them, one person’s kink can be another person’s squick. People who want your fic may not find it if you haven’t tagged it, and people who don’t want that kink will not be pleased about tripping on it.
Don’t over-tag. If “explicit sexual content” is tagged, most people will assume the general explicit sex spectrum. Unless there’s a particularly heavy focus there’s no need to list every single basic aspect of sex in your tags: “vaginal sex, vaginal penetration, fingering, humping, groping, oral sex, breast worship, etc etc”. Nor should you tag every single character or subpairing who happens to appear unless they’re a significant element of the plot.
Promotion on other platforms:
Dramione and HP is an older fandom. The Hermione-centric parts of fandom are primarily here on Tumblr and on Facebook in the form of private groups, some that are ship specific and others that are slightly more general. Reddit is fairly inactive for dramione, and the HP subreddit is not particularly fond of dramione.
Dramione is beginning to establish itself on discord, but it's still a gradual process.
Some writers join the FB groups with their IRL accounts, but its a growing trend to create fandom pseuds for FB groups, which is what I do. Some Facebook groups require that new members privately provide the admins with a form of ID for age/identity verification. Whether or not you're comfortable/willing to out your pseud in that way is a matter of personal discretion.
Most groups do not require this... but it’s something to be aware of.
Tumblr: Posting about story updates on Tumblr is one the the best things to do for promotion beyond the basics of posting your fic. Since it’s a public platform unlike FB, it’s one of the most visible ways to boost your story and let people know about updates.
Cover art/aesthetics for your fic are a great way to catch attention. If you’re like me and very bad at making aesthetics and covers the @dark-arts-society-fbhp is a group specializing in covers and manips. If you’re not a member on FB, the admins say that writers can submit requests via the tumblr asks and they will be shared to the group. Send them:
Other info:
Post a fic update on tumblr with cover art, links, and an excerpt of the chapter. Personally the fics that catch my attention have excerpts that are at least a couple paragraphs long.
You want to include enough content to pique reader curiosity and demonstrate your writing style. It makes you less an unknown to readers looking for something new. Every update is an opportunity to catch the attention of new readers and each new excerpt can do that.
A couple don’ts:
Don’t just keep reblogging the same post, adding a link to the latest chapter. Reblogs don’t show up in the tumblr tags. Make a new post for each chapter update and use the fandom tags every time. The first five tags you use are what can show up in tags, everything after the first five should just be for your tumblr’s personal organization.
Do not include triggering content in your excerpt. It’s rude and a way to get unfollowed or blocked.
Don’t use too many links on your update posts. If there are too many links, tumblr won’t have the post to show up in the tags. I’m not sure what the cut-off is because tumblr is an illogical beast. 2-3 links seems to be fine. Link to FFN and AO3 and nothing else.
Don’t use your tumblr solely as a personal house organ. If no one is interacting with your posts, tumblr is less likely to decide you’re a real blog and let your posts show up in the tags. Connect to other fandom blogs by reblogging and liking their content. I generally don't follow tumblrs that blog solely about their own content, because I'd just subscribe to the story or the writer. Reblog art, reblog aesthetics, reblog fandom memes, reblog drabbles, reblog updates from fics you’re following, etc.
However, even if you do all that, tumblr’s algorithm is a mysterious and illogical creature. Sometimes posts need to have a certain number of likes and reblogs to show up in the “Dramione” tag, although the algorithm is inconsistent there are many exceptions, but as a general rule this seems to be the case.
In my most recent Dramione update post, the post in question never showed up in the recent ”Dramione” tags, despite fairly high engagement. I have no idea why. That’s all the more reason to create a new post for every update, because tumblr will just randomly screw you over at times. 😑
If you write dramione, one of the best forms of exposure is by getting your fic updates reblogged by @dramioneasks, they have a very large following on Tumblr, and regularly go through recent posts under the dramione tag and reblog the story updates that show up there. A lot of writers have noticed a dramatic difference in engagement if their updates get reblogged by DramioneAsks.
Another way to promote your writing more generally is by accepting prompts and/or posting ficlets solely on Tumblr. Those will usually get more reblogs and likes than a story update will. In my observation, ficlets tend to do best when they’re between .5k to 2k words (longer than that and people will complain about huge walls of text in their feed.) DramioneAsks will also reblog those.
The other main platform for the Dramione fandom is FB. It’s the place that a lot of the fests and comps are hosted and where a lot of writers will begin forming some fandom relationships. People will post recs for stories they like, and ask for recs with certain tropes, etc. You can also post story updates there.
However, it’s also a lot of individual ponds because the groups are all closed, and there’s only partial overlap between them in terms of membership. Different groups have different cultures and fic preferences and you only tend to start figuring them out after being there for a while.
They also all have different rules and policies about things, such as requiring members to provide identifying information to mods, file-sharing, fic update promotion etc. So you have to make sure you check the rules and keep track of which group requires what.
But it’s very active and the place where you’ll encounter more discussions of fics, start getting to know people more, and have more one on one interactions. It’s best to start in just one or two and then slowly branch out from there if you choose. I’d recommend starting in groups specific to your ship, or if you write rare-pairs, to join rare-pair oriented groups.
I’m currently a member of more than 25 groups, but I’m active in less than five of them.
Again, this is not intended to be a to-do list. You don’t need to do all of this, or any of it. It’s more a rundown of different elements and factors that can make a difference in my experience and observations.
The thing with fic promotion is that fics sometimes have a tipping point. My fic Manacled crept along with limited engagement for a long time (like more than 30 chapters) and then hit a point where I got a bunch of people who started it leaving comments saying “I’ve seen the updates for this so many times, I finally decide to click,” or “I started this but didn’t think it was for me, but then I saw some of the excerpts for later chapters and they made me curious so I jumped back in again.”
There are some readers who will check out everything regardless of stats, but particularly in Dramione where you have a lot of fics and authors, people are less likely to click every fic they see. You can build recognition through engagement with fandom and visibility.
My very first work-in-progress multichap got a lot more attention after I posted a one-shot that allowed readers to check out my writing in a “lower commitment” context. It wasn’t even a very popular one-shot, but it gave people a chance to read a completed work of mine without requiring the investment that a 90k word WIP did. Once they decided they liked my writing style and characterizations they decided to check out my other works.
Anyway. This ended up incredibly long. 🤦🏻‍♀️
If you read this and have a different opinion or feel like I’ve left anything out, feel free to chime in. Or if you disagree. I am happy to reblog additional and differing perspectives as long as the tone stays civil. 😊
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lutrain2020 · 4 years
Meet the Creator!
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Introducing: Squido!
Commission:  I haven't and don't really intend to. I don't want to take anyone's hard-earned money. Just ask me to draw things and there's a good chance I will.
Social Media:  Tumblr: @sky-squido​ AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/sky_squido/pseuds/sky_squido
Tell us a little bit about yourself!
Call me Squido! I love to draw and write but I'm also super extraverted and I love interacting with humans so always feel free to chat with me! Aside from drawing and writing, I just love being outside and have a tumblr sideblog dedicated exclusively to nature photos I take. I love mountains, the ocean, the sky, and just about everything else in this beautiful world of ours! If you ever feel like having an internet stranger give you a thousand word rant, ask me why my favorite color is blue and you will not be disappointed!
What got you into creating? what inspires you to keep creating?
I've been drawing for as long as I can remember and can't seem to stop, though I take long breaks sometimes I always seem to come back to it again. I try not to have anything in mind when I draw, but to start sketching and let the drawing happen. Sometimes I find that what I'm trying to draw is not what my drawing wants to be (if that makes any sense) and change what I'm making halfway through. It makes drawing a really relaxing and carefree therapeutic experience! Writing is different. I've always enjoyed writing, but I didn't write much and never shared my writing with anyone because I thought it was super pretentious. It wasn't until entering High School and joining the literature club and making a deal with a friend that we'd share our writing with each other that I actually gained any sort of confidence in my ability and sought to improve it. Being in that club and sharing my pieces at the open mics was a really encouraging experience! I invite everyone to share their writing, even if it's with some random internet stranger (I'm open anytime!) if they're unsure of their abilities. A little encouragement goes a long way! Now that I'm on Discord, ao3, and tumblr, I receive so much more feedback than I ever have before! It's been super encouraging! What inspires me most is definitely nature. Even if my ideas aren't directly related to the outdoors, I get my best ideas there. Fandoms are also a great idea generator. The sheer volume of headcanons and prompts is enough to make me dizzy with ideas!
What's your creative process like?
I love sketching. My favorite thing about drawing digitally is that I can sketch as much as I like and never worry about wasting materials! Often times my sketches turn themselves into drawings without permission and other times they stubbornly remain sketches for all eternity. I always dive right in because I have no patience and the idea I started out with generally isn't that great but in the process of pursuing it, it spirals out of control and sometimes the idea gets better and sometimes it gets worse but I just kinda roll with it. Creating is a really chill process for me and while I regularly scream stuff like "I'M DRAWING ON THE WRONG LAYER NONONONONONO" or "NO HECK FRICK SHOOT IT SMUDGED HECK HECK GET THE ERASER QUICK," the creative process is a great way for me to unwind. I'm the same way about writing. I never plan or outline and just kind of roll with things. I mean I generally have the basic jist in mind, but I try to not have a plan so I can keep the story driven by the characters and not force them into acting the way I wanted them to in the outline I made hours or even days ago. Creating is my opportunity to break free so I don't really see what good a plan or outline does me. I'm a pretty spontaneous person!
What kind of mediums do you like to use?
I like to take pictures, but it's not really my main focus. I've been mostly digitally drawing—I use my iPad Pro and Procreate—but lately I've been pencil sketching with just your average everyday mechanical pencil (I'd forgotten how nice the texture of paper was! Clearly I spent too much time drawing on my iPad!). I have these Stabilio chalk pastels I love to pieces, but have also spent a great deal of time with watercolors. Digital is my primary medium currently, though.
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Is there a specific scene wrote that you are particularly proud of?
"Sky’s golden scales are glowing with reflected light from the sun while beneath them, the same pulsing blue in her mane runs like a river as her very skin is alive with electricity. The sun’s beginning to dip, fading through the color wheel from yellow to deep orange to scarlet and the world is bathed in watercolor and hue shifted through the rainbow until all that was blue becomes red. This new alien world begins to darken as red fades to deep purple-pink, the clouds catching last vestiges of gold in their pillowy folds, yet Sky continues rippling with lighting, the bright blue flowing like blood through her veins and the gold shimmering in the eerie azure glow. We weave through the winds and zephyrs and I close my eyes and let the breeze caress my hair and when I reopen them, I’m standing back on the ground again in a world long since darkened by night. I place my hand over my beating heart where Sky is still laughing with joy and smile because once you’ve awakened your dragon, you don’t need wings to fly anymore."
Is there someone who inspires you and your writing or art?
Every fanartist and fanfic writer that posts their stuff online is an inspiration to me. Even if their stuff isn't very good—especially if it isn't very good—it's a huge testament to the courage of the creator and their bravery in expressing themself! I sat on fanfic and fanart for years and never shared it and here were kids half my age putting out art that was their first experiment in a new medium and a little shaky but it was still out there and they were still being supported by the community and that really inspired me to reach out and stop lurking in fandom and actually get involved!
is there something that you struggled with that made you grow as a creator?
I feel like everyone has these periods where they were just gaining confidence in their artistic ability but suddenly everything they make is trash and they're not happy with any of it and they feel so down and worthless and "where did all of my hard-earned ability go? Will I ever get it back?" I think this is a pretty common experience and when I find myself there, I find it most helpful to share what I make anyway, even if I hate it, with someone who I know will give it to me straight because they'll point out the deeper problems—the root of the issue—that I hadn't even noticed and I can use that information to grow as an artist. Bad pieces are just as valuable as good ones. There was also a time where I had a lot of trouble developing a style. I did a lot of experimenting and never found anything I liked. What happened is I just kept drawing and whatever popped out eventually evolved into my style. I used to get frustrated that I couldn't draw anything without a reference, but after years and years of using references and drawing some of the same things over and over again, you won't need the references anymore. I mean, they're great and you should always feel free to use them, but over time, you won't need to look up a picture of every little thing you try to doodle.
What got you into writing or art?
My silly twitchy fingers can't ever seem to stop drawing! Same with writing. Words and ideas follow me around, little plot bunnies pestering me until they get written down somewhere. I was greatly inspired by the works of C.S. Lewis in my writing, especially his Cosmic Trilogy. My art style was aided by Hiromu Arakawa's Fullmetal Alchemist, which was a valuable stepping stone in developing my own style. Other than that, it was my own insatiable desire to MAKE THINGS that spurred me onwards. I don't think I could stop if I tried!
What's your favorite part of the creative process?
After you've got that first paragraph and you've found a flow and you've got a topic and you just GO. I get into the zone and the story starts happening on its own and I'm not an author anymore, I'm just a channel between the world of the piece and the page. That's my favorite. I love watching things take shape. I love shading a sketch for these same reasons. The whole drawing comes together and becomes A Thing and it's the most exciting time to be a creator. Something else inside you has taken over and you're just along for the ride. I have no idea if my experiences are common at all but this is what it's like for me!
What's your least favorite part of the creative process?
EDITING. I HAVE ZERO PATIENCE. THE THING IS DONE. WHY DO I HAVE TO KEEP LOOKING AT IT. CAN I POST IT YET. This leaves me with a lot of holes in what I make and I can't do a very clean, super detailed drawing unless it's for an art class and I'm forced to keep working on it. I have a terrible habit of never proofreading my things!
What's your favorite type of scene to write?
AAH hard question! I love writing description and places where I can really let my inner 19th century romantic be unleashed but I also love a good emotional moment between two characters. Something tense. I like fight scenes, but I try to keep them brief and interesting. Sometimes I find scenes where I have no idea what's going on and I try to avoid that, but it's really hard sometimes.
What's the hardest for you to create?
I have so much trouble with endings. I can generally figure something out, but there's always a moment of panic before the end like "heck I wrote everything I wanted how do I wrap this up????" That's probably a byproduct of me planning nothing XD I sometimes have trouble with characterization and making sure everyone acts the way they actually would. The hardest part is continuing after you have an "oh heck what do I do now" moment that breaks you out of your zone and all of your ideas and plot threads turn invisible or evaporate or go wherever it is they go when you're looking for them.
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What's your favorite genre to write?
ANGST ANGST ANGST ANGST. Wellll... scratch that. I love something adventure-y and plot driven with a lot of really meaningful character interactions. I've always had trouble putting my writing into genres, but I guess that kind of speaks for itself in a way.
What fandoms do you enjoy creating for?
Linked Universe is the fandom I have created and posted the most for by a LONG SHOT. I found LU shortly after making my tumblr and I joined the Discord shortly thereafter. Since then, it has been nonstop inspiration and creativity for me! I tend to get sucked into one fandom and it consumes me for a few months before I silently drift out of it and never think about it again. LU is the fandom I've been the most active in EVER though—and it's still going—so there's a good chance I'm never getting off this ride.
What's the work you are most proud of?
AAAAAAAAAAH MY BABIES. okay um here's the first and only fanfic I've ever posted anywhere but I'm really happy with: https://sky-squido.tumblr.com/post/618964544219463680/turn-back-time-a-linked-universe-fanfic I have a lot of other pieces kicking about, but they're not fandom so I haven't shared them yet. I probably will after I touch them up a bit.
Do you have any fics inspired by real life stories?
Not really? I don't really know where my ideas come from to be honest!
Where do you post your finished works?
my tumblr. I tag stuff #squido writes and #squido draws so you can find them easily. I also put them on the discord but they get lost in the stream of other works pretty quickly so stick to my tumblr. I also have an ao3 now! https://archiveofourown.org/users/sky_squido
If you have any fun stories about the pieces you made, please do share!
Turn Back Time was actually live written in the Discord, but entirely unplanned and in the #angst channel! It was just a headcanon but then I started describing it and like 2 hours and 5k words later I'm sitting in the Discord like "what just happened??"
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writerproblem193 · 4 years
So, it’s been a decade to the day since I started writing if I track from when I first started writing a novel at 11, though I wrote a few short stories for class before that. In those ten years, I’ve written 806,886 words.
353,706 of that is novels in various stages of completion
144,054 of that is in original short stories
309,126 of that is fanfiction
106,400 of that is for Supernatural
100,386 is the fic Ben’s Clues which isn’t even counting the two oneshots in the same universe. This was written in about nine months when I was 15
108,336 words of that is Carmilla
46,506 of that is Star Trek, across the various Treks
39,887 of the Star Trek is for DS9
35,556 of the DS9 is for Kira Nerys/Jadzia Dax
Honorable mention goes to Maximum Ride, my first fandom. I wrote 8253 words of fic on Max-Dan-Wiz
All this fiction writing also helped me in my continuing battle with university. For university so far, I’ve written 117,681 words. This is... not counted in my total fiction writing total. This is as WELL as that. Also, I don’t have a way of finding + calculating all the words I wrote throughout high school but I don’t doubt that it was a LOT.
In no particular order, a list of Most Notable and favourite things:
Ben’s Clues, my longest fic. It’s 100k of delighted nonsense focusing around Ben Braeden from the early show and an OC. This story has: bringing Gabriel back, some very funny “well I certainly want to grow up more functional than you” commentary on Dean, the use of black contact lenses to fool demons, evil cars, and evil YA novels.
Steal Your Heart, my original novella. I posted it on Wattpad WAY back in the day, and I still love it dearly. This story has: close family, straightbaiting, revenge, way too many Avengers references in retrospect, and a girl who wholly perceives herself as a weapon.
Even The Stars They Burn, the Carmilla Star Wars AU that came out all in one burning rush. It’s a series that ends with I’m Giving You All My Love, where the characters (and me) finally begin to heal from trauma. This story has: Laura as Anakin the disaster angst Jedi, Carmilla as Obi Wan AND Padme aka Laura’s wife who’s force-sensitive, a plot arc that I still am in awe that I wrote to this day, and some beautiful art by arthkael.
Untethered is the other story (also Carmilla) that came out in that kind of rush. I wrote it in one nine hour dash, including in the car on my way home from school. This story has: time travel bullshit, identity nonsense as they run across each other at different points in their own histories, me doing the “I made it worse then made it better” angst thing, and two girls in love across 400 years.
sealskinned, a Carmilla fic that is one of the few stories I’ve written that properly captures my obsession with water/merpeople/eldritch ocean energy. It’s also the first (and only) fic to get a podfic from someone else. This story has: selkie AND mermaid mythos, kindness and love being what defeats the ultimate evil, lesbians falling in love in a cabin on the sea.
Vampire Hearing, my Carmilla Big Bang epic that I wrote even as I ran the Big Bang itself with @elenaglbert. I’m proud of being able to put together such a long story. This story has: making out to pretend you’re not spying on people, vampirism + hearing loss as interconnected, bargaining with goddesses for life, refusing to give in, and soft dumbasses.
Otherwise Occupied and Counterbalance, twin DS9 stories that have a thesis of Fuck The Government, except one fic is directing that at Bajor and the other fic is directing that at Trill. These stories have: gays in space, exploration of what exactly it means to want to fuck up the government, healing from trauma, and SO MUCH found family.
what, then, could she complain of, except that she had been loved? a story based on Orpheus and Eurydice in original mythology. It’s the story I’m proudest of that I’ve written this year. This story has: deaf!Eurydice, Persephone as an ally to all women, an exploration of being loved vs being taken for granted, and “what if he DIDN’T look back and fuck it all up?”.
Obviously not all of my writing is up on the internet, but a lot of it is. My original work is on AO3 under the pseud Pingoodle, and the fanfiction under my main pseud ThatAloneOne. Both of these names were chosen WAY back at the beginning of this writing adventure. I think @elenaglbert aka Lanie is the only person who’s read everything I’ve written or like, 99% of it. Most of the stuff she hasn’t read is the stuff that requires an INCREDIBLY shattered brain to read and enjoy. You know who you are if you’ve read those ones. Anyway, it’s been a wild damn decade and I can’t say I’ll keep up the pace because a LOT of this was frontloaded and written when I was a young teenager who didn’t have to worry about capitalism but I’m certainly not going to stop writing anytime soon.
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daredevilexchange · 4 years
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What's your fannish ID? feathers-and-cigarettes. It was supposed to be kind of a bridge between my two then fandoms: Supernatural and Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Castiel and Spike)!
What types of fanworks do you create? Fanfiction! I have always wanted to write novels and have been in fandom in general since around 2003-2004, and I love that we can take the media that we love and have it inspire us to create more.
What are your favourite types of fanworks, when you're not creating? I don’t think I really have a favourite type. I read fanfic every day to wind down, I like to search YouTube for fanvids (holy shit the talent of some of these editors), and art and gif makers keep me entertained throughout the day on tumblr or IG.
What do you like in particular about this fandom? Marvel in general I have grown up on and I adore the depth in the characters, and that really lends itself to appealing to a wide variety of people in fandom. I love how supportive folks are, even in smaller fandoms like Fratt. My favourite genre is always canon/canon-divergence, my #1 Defenders ship is Fratt, but my favourite character is probably Foggy Nelson. Give me a plotty canon-divergent fic with Fratt and a healthy dose of Foggy and I will reread that over and over.
Do you like participating in fan events? I’ve only ever done a couple of Bingos (poorly) and one Big Bang (Symbrock Big Bang). My failure with the bingos was due to life intervening but I do have a lot of ideas from those bingos. I enjoy meeting fellow people in fandom and talking to them about comics/MCU, fics, art; I love the sense of community fan events give. Things like Marvel Trumps Hate or the Charity Hawktion even go above and beyond that in making a difference in our world through fandom.
What about your creating process? I usually write with some sort of trash tv on in the background, with anywhere from 1-3 dogs on the couch with me demanding attention.
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[ID: three dogs side by side on a bench. End ID]
Do you interact a lot with other fans? I am the worst person on the planet about responding to fic comments but I’m fairly active on Discord (mostly the Marvel Bad Decisions Buddies). I am always down for chatting with other fans - feel free to poke me on discord (feathers-and-cigarettes#2884) or on tumblr! 
Is there any particular piece you'd like to showcase for this post? https://archiveofourown.org/works/21278153 Is probably both my favourite fic I’ve ever written and also the fic that’s the most personal to me. It was a prompt for Endgame Fratt that was supposed to be something short but ended up quickly spiraling into 24K of angst with a happy ending. I’ve wanted to do an Endgame fic for a while and having it be Frank really just kind of resonated with me.
Do you have other fandoms you'd like to talk about? I’m in basically the Marvel fandom as a whole; my other ships are Winterhawk, Symbrock, and Stony, along with my joke ship that took off running Disaster Trio (Clint/Bucky/Eddie).
Is there anything else you want to tell us about yourself? I have three dogs and they’re all varying degrees of evil. Sometimes they’ll cameo in my fics, sometimes they’ve cameo’d in other writers’ fics.
Where can your fanworks be found? https://archiveofourown.org/users/feathers_and_cigarettes/pseuds/feathers_and_cigarettes as well as on tumblr. I usually tag ship and characters. I can also be found on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/feathers_and_cigarettes
Thank you, @feathers-and-cigarettes​ !
banner by @context-is-for-kingpins​ !
[ID on a white background, four black triangles that look like spotlights from above. Each illuminates one of the Defenders silhouetted in white: Jessica, Luke, Danny, Matt. A hand on the left is holding a pen writing the words Content Creator Spotlight. There is a little Punisher skull on the pen. End ID]
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yeats-infection · 4 years
@sqvalors tagged me in a lil writing meme... if you’d like to participate please do and tag me! 
ao3 name: fluorescentgrey but i also post some things as drglass (dr. glass is the second song on the fluorescent grey EP by deerhunter, so if i make another pseud it will be likenew, then washoff, etc.) 
fandoms: about two thirds of my fics are harry potter or star wars but there are a lot of random little goodies. currently i have shifted into the terror (2018) mode. 
number of fics: 59 right now... i will throw a party when i get to 69... 
fic i spent the most time on: this is funny because some of these technically took me like six months or more of working on them extremely intermittently... namely, bone machine. the series in the garden has taken me the most time generally... and in that, minuet did take me several months of working really hard while i had a schedule / commute that was not conducive to having a creative practice... 
fic i spent the least amount of time on: hilariously, literally my most popular fic by ninety miles, the witcher PWP that i wrote out of spite in two or three hours. 
longest fic: the source codes series... particularly heelstone which is 102k. i wrote these two stories in a single summer like a crazy person and i hate talking about them because i find them WAY too gooey. honestly, that’s why they are so long. it’s all the gooeyness!!!!!! 
shortest fic: yes, the answer is the witcher porn again (this silly thing is going to be the answer for many other questions in this little meme but i’m just going to stop talking about it while i’m ahead). the west end is just about 50 words longer and is much better and is a much better and more interesting story. 
most hits: we’re just going to pretend it’s sex and dying in high society, which has the second most hits. this is certainly due to the fact that @wolfstarwarehouse hypes this story a lot for which i am endlessly grateful! 
most kudos: recovery position has the second most kudos so let’s go with that one! i have been very touched by the response to this story, though i do personally like the sequel beachcoma a little more... i understand why not everyone wants to read it because it is a little more bittersweet. but it also comes from my soul. 
most comment threads: the two stories in the source codes series are leading here, because i only posted two chapters at a time so that i would get maximal validation, lol. 
most bookmarks: in order to talk about a story i haven’t talked about yet, the rosary has the fourth-most. i think this fic is truly my r/s swan song... i said everything i wanted to say and did everything i wanted to do. it’s a really good mystery/noir story that i didn’t think i could pull off until i did! and i love the OCs in it who have sort of manifested these secret headcanons for me that i may expostulate upon someday. thank you to @piovascosimo for the inspiration to write it. 
total word count: 1,000,478. lol! 
favorite fic i wrote: cannot possibly choose but probably the top five in order of date posted are: desperado, a handful of dust, doom town, beachcoma, jump into the fire
fic i’d rewrite / expand on: i already said all of source codes because it’s way too gooey, i also could make hard time killing floor blues a lot tighter, and a memoir of the flesh deserves a way better ending because i was rushing to make the yuletide deadline...
share a bit of a WIP: i was trying for a while to write a band of brothers AU where they are vietnam vets who start growing cannabis... based on the steve earle song “copperhead road.” this could have been SO good but the plot was too huge and unwieldy so i gave up. my roommate is obsessed with this idea and keeps asking me how it’s going so i may yet finish. but there’s a bit below the cut.
The knock at the door in the night was a sharp shock, bright as lightning, that sent them both back to Khe Sanh and before. Nix ducked. Dick went behind the doorframe. They kept low into the kitchen, where Nix took his old officer’s pistol out from where he kept it hidden behind the fridge. Then they went to the door, keeping to the edges of the hallways.
On the porch was Liebgott. He could have made his own way in likely right onto the couch without either of them noticing, so it was something that he had knocked on the goddamn door. It was particularly something given that none of the boys from Easy should have known about the grow operation, or even about Dick’s farm, being as Dick’s address on file at the V.A. was a post office box in town and Nix’s was still in Jersey. These considerations were nil to somebody who had spent the better part of five years in the bush of Vietnam. He took a last draw from his cigarette and put it out against the rubber sole of his boot, then he put the butt in his pocket. As far as Nix knew, he hadn’t said a word since January 1970.  
“Joe,” said Dick diplomatically. He put his hand out and Liebgott took it. Then he took Nix’s. He had handsome dark eyes, but they were full of a wall. You could tell he saw you, but it was like nothing followed the necessary channels to the brain to spur emotional response. It had been like this even while he was still talking, and after a while you got used to it.
“You comin' in,” said Nix, knowing he probably would even if he wasn’t invited.
Inside, they all three sat at the kitchen table in silence nobody was about to break. Finally Dick got up and went to the drawer where they kept the rollies and their share of the product. He passed a sheaf of papers and a film canister full of bud to Liebgott across the table. Nix understood as well as Dick apparently did that there would be no getting anything over on this kid, who had eyes in the back and sides of his head. He’d probably had a nice tour of the property before coming inside. “You hungry, son,” Dick said.
Liebgott shook his head. He extracted one of the buds from the canister and inspected it. They did look mighty good if Nix said so himself. They looked artful in Liebgott’s hand. There were black scabs across his knuckles and a dark rime of filth under those fingernails which still existed. He seemed satisfied enough with what he saw to take a paper out of the sheaf and start shredding the flower into it.
“Captain Nixon calls it Easy Diesel,” said Dick, like he was trying to pretend it wasn’t the funniest thing in the world.
Liebgott looked up and a smile flashed across his face like the savage golden light of a flare falling over the far hills. His smile was sort of brutal, like the edge of a knife in a barfight, or like a seething animal. Luckily it went away as quickly as it had come. He rolled the joint with a quick grace and lit the business end with his old silver Zippo Nixon hadn’t seen since the war. There was a skull engraved on one side and on the other it read IF YOU ARE RECOVERING MY BODY, FUCK YOU.
“I don’t know how you found us, Joe,” Dick said thoughtfully. “You don’t have to… tell us. But we ain’t exactly keen to have just anybody here.” He paused and looked quickly to Nix, who tried to make it abundantly clear by means of eyebrows that he wasn’t sure they ought to go down this road, wherever it was leading. Dick ignored him. Liebgott was watching them, fully understanding their attempted clandestine exchange. “We ain’t exactly keen to have the DEA here,” Dick said at last.
The cherry at the end of the joint atomized with a crackling hiss. Liebgott looked between Dick and Nix with extreme seriousness sullied only by his exhaling a dignified white cloud out his nose. Then he nodded, once, curtly, demonstrating he understood his orders as they had been relayed.
Nix flashed Dick what he thought was a what have you done type look. But Dick looked totally unbothered. He should have gone into this business years ago for how violently unflappable he was. He said to Liebgott, “I’ll get some blankets and you can make up the couch.”
Liebgott shook his head to say no need. He got up, careful not to scrape the chair against the floor, shook each of their hands again, and in less than a minute’s time he was back out the door with nothing more than what he’d come in with except the joint.
Nix and Dick, on the porch, listening to the crickets, watched him disappear into the darkness.
“Are we hallucinating,” said Nix eventually.
“I sure as hell hope not,” Dick replied. “We’ve got to ship all that product or we’ll starve.”
In the morning Nix was in the field, inspecting the plants. Liebgott was standing there at his quarter for god knew how long before he cleared his throat and Nix jumped about six feet in the air. There was a smirk shifting across Liebgott’s face that he would have been better about hiding when Nix had been his commanding officer. He looked like he hadn't slept. Back over there he had looked like that a lot, but it had been different, because of all the uppers they were taking. He cocked his head back over toward the long driveway and then he was off across the dew-wet grass which had already soaked through the hems of his canvas pants and his destroyed shoes.
Nix followed, like a duckling behind a hen. Liebgott still walked as though there were eyes in all sides of his head quickly processing information as he moved. Nix doubted you ever lost that kind of skill, even if in the real world it made you look like a mental patient. He caught up so they could walk side by side through the dew-wet grass. “What did you think,” he asked Liebgott.
Liebgott passed Nix the universal sign of furrowed brow that meant please clarify.
Nix gestured with pinched fingers to his own mouth as though Liebgott were also deaf. “The grass.”
He shaped his hand into an a-ok sign.
“You get any sleep?”
He nodded an infinitesimal nod, like the answer was a secret just for Nix to know.
“Well if you think it could be better just tell me how.”
Nix had had a high school friend whose sister was deaf from scarlet fever and whom he had watched on occasion communicate with her by means of sign language. Early on, back over there, he had sent off to command for a book, but by the time it came he understood it wasn’t that Liebgott couldn’t speak, he just didn’t want to. It was something like how people’s hair supposedly turned white if they witnessed some evil thing, or how people became ascetics in the name of god. If you were really fucked up on drugs or fear or otherwise, or if the natural magical thinking from childhood hadn’t been fully beaten out of you, you might have seen it as the sacrifice he had given to the forest for letting him out without a scratch so many goddamn times. It had been a bit of a trial to explain this to Spiers, who was practical almost to a fault, sometimes.
Liebgott showed another a-ok sign. Then he did a thumbs up which Nix knew meant it was good.
All in all it was smart. If he was still talking, Nix might have asked him, what have you been up to? You been sleeping on the street? You been to the V.A.? What did they tell you? And the answer would’ve been nothing good. Instead they just walked in the cool grass together in the sunshine and the morning was beautiful, and the air was sweet. It was all lovely until Liebgott had to physically stop him, laughing, somehow silently but also hysterically, from stepping right onto the razor-thin tripwire stretched invisibly across the dark gravel.
In the kitchen, Dick was doing the numbers. He took his glasses off when Nix came in and put the coffee on. “He learned a thing or two from Charlie,” Nix said, leaning against the counters.
“Who, Joe?”
“Our driveway is thoroughly ratfucked.”
“Hmm,” said Dick. He put the glasses back on and turned back to the accounting book. He was going to do this whole thing as above board as was humanly possible. The vivid daylight came through the window and struck the lens of his unstylish Ray-Bans and threw a kind of prism of color upon the white paper and the chicken-scratch sums. Nix felt like maybe this was something you would paint if you had the necessary implements and artistic ability. “Maybe we should see if we can get any more help.”
He was mildly ashamed to say it, but the doc had always kind of creeped Nix out. He imagined a hypothetical conversation with Dick, who he knew loved the kid, almost like a son: Listen, don’t get me wrong, he’s a good kid, I owe him my life, yadda yadda. But either he’s dropped the brown acid one too many times or the voodoo exorcism went FUBAR.
The doc had arrived on the farm on the heels of Sunshine and Rainbows, aka Mr. Bright Eyed and Bushy Tailed, aka one Edward “Babe” Heffron. Nix had written Babe in South Philly, being as he was a connoisseur of bud and once upon a time had been famed among their company for smoking anything anyone put in his hand, often to his own detriment. The operation was getting big enough that Nix needed another pair of hands, other than Liebgott, of course, who was still fortifying the long driveway whilst giving away his cover by playing Led Zeppelin IV as loudly as was possible. It was a tough calculation, because Babe was a genius of pot, but he couldn’t keep a damn secret, and lo and behold he had dragged along with him a dark shadow in the human form of Eugene Roe. They came up the driveway in a big old Ford pickup that rattled its rust off in the potholes. Liebgott had dismantled the traps specially for their arrival when they had called from Williamsport to say they were an hour out.
“I figured we could use a medical professional to lend some credibility to the operation,” said Babe thoughtfully, sparking a joint on the porch over sweating jam jars of iced tea.
Roe snorted or something but it wasn’t really a normal person’s self-effacing laugh. Winters clapped his back. Nixon knew Roe had dropped out of medical school after two years but there was no need to say anything. Everyone knew that. Now he was working construction and Babe claimed to be working as a mechanic in a garage, but this seemed suspect given the state of the car they had driven up in.
“Well we sure as hell are glad you boys are here,” said Dick magnanimously.
Babe exhaled an opaque cloud that rivaled Nix’s own father’s ability with a stogie. “Can we see the bush?”
They went out all together to the field and ducked between the rows of corn. Babe knelt in the soil. It was damp with dew and quiet in here. It would have been almost like over there except it smelled good. “What’s the cross,” Babe said, inspecting the plants.
“It’s an indica blend…”
“Well, I can tell that,” he said.
“So you’re an expert on the plant now too?”
“I’ve just smoked an awful lot of joints in my life, Captain Nixon.”
Roe snorted again. When they all looked to him he said, “You said in the letter there was some kind of altruistic reason for all this.”
“It’s medicine, Gene,” Babe said gently, but also like they had had this conversation thirty thousand times. Nix filed away for later the intimation that Roe had read the letter he’d sent Babe at home in South Philadelphia.
“I guess you don’t remember the psychic break you had at the Do Lung Bridge.”
Babe waved this remark off, even though Nix remembered it too. It threw a chill down his back, like a water balloon had hit him at the base of his neck. “That was laced,” Babe said.
“With what!”
“I don’t know! Something bad!” Babe turned to Dick and Nix. “Gene’s teetotal,” he said, like this was a big old point of contention.
So that counted out the bad acid. Maybe he was just like this. Maybe he had had those big sad bug eyes as a child or an infant or a fetus in the womb. “Good on you, Doc,” Nix said.
“I ain’t trying it,” Roe said, folding his arms over his narrow chest, “no matter what it does.”
The doc was a tough cookie. Babe had claimed, over there, about as high as the Byrds song, that the doc came from a long line of the kind of folks described in Dr. John’s “Gris-Gris Gumbo Ya Ya” and that, as such, he could heal wounds with his mind. When it didn’t work, as on the night when Jackson died, or the night when Hoobler died, or in the forest when Muck and Penkala died, or the night when Liebgott stopped speaking, he went to sit for a while on the edge of camp until Dick went over and made him eat something. Nix watched them in a state of confused envy, and then he went to write the letters to the families, so that Dick wouldn’t have to.
At dusk, after they ate a light dinner of corn on the cob and rice and beans, he took the boys up into the hayloft with an armful of blankets. “Sorry this is the best we got,” he said. He had said that about a hundred god damn times since they got here.
Roe looked like he wanted to say, you’ve got to stop apologizing for everything. Instead he said, “Where does Lieb sleep.”
Babe perked up. “Joe’s here?”
“You didn’t see him in the driveway?”
Nix sighed. “He’s gonna want to know what he did wrong that you saw him,” he said.
“Does he still — ”
Nix shook his head. “Not a peep.”
In a couple days time, he couldn’t take it anymore, and he was hot and tired and stoned, up to his elbows in earth in the field, showing Babe how to replant the hatchlings he’d grown from seed. “You guys room together or what?”
“Me and Gene?” Babe’s eyes were red in the corners from smoking and from the sun. “What about you and Dick?”
Dick, who had the radio on inside turned up as loud as it would go, so that they would hear it in the field, playing Crosby Stills and Nash doing “Suite: Judy Blue Eyes.” “What about me and Dick?” said Nix.
Babe was a smart kid. He realized this was going nowhere. With muddy hands he popped one of the seedlings out of its little pot and cradled it into the ground. “Well, I think he thinks he’s looking after me, but in actuality, I am looking after him.”
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Author Interview
Tagged by @kagetsukai @lechatrouge673 and most recently @a-shakespearean-in-paris, thank you my lovelies! (I’m slowly trying to work through tags from December/January and this reminded to actually like...do that, so thank you hehe <3 )
Feel free to ignore me as always, and also I might be double tagging people and I’m sorry for that but here goes: @ladymdc @dismalzelenka @beckily @sarenkascrawls @tortuosity-writes @tanaleth @shannaraisles @star--nymph @ellstersmash @ellenembee @inquisition-dragonborn @allisondraste @novamm66 @ocean-in-my-rebel-soul @puddle--wonderful @wardenari and anyone else who wants to do this and tag me!
Name: Lara
Fandoms: Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Mystic Messenger, Stardew Valley, and now Skyrim are all ones I’ve written for. I’m a lurker/enjoyer of content in a lot more, most recently The Witcher (I’ve only seen the Netflix show but plan on delving further into it when I have time), Borderlands, and I’m always game for some Good Omens art. Otherwise it’d take me far too long to list every one I enjoy, so those are just the ones I’ve been interacting with the most lately.
Where You Post: Mostly A03. Occasionally here. Used to have a FFN but I’ve actually forgotten that exists...whoops.
Most Popular One-Shot: An Awkward Start which was a prompt for Cullen/Evelyn ages ago. I...have mixed feelings about that considering who I think helped me brainstorm it. So instead I’ll say Dream a Little Dream of Me which was my first fanfic idea for Cullen/Evelyn that turned into Eye of the Storm because doing that as a long fic instead of a long one shot (eep I need to edit that probably...) was daunting.
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story: Beautiful Disaster, which still amazes me. It’s surpassed 20k hits and has I try not to think about the other stats levels of kudos and subs and books.
Favorite Story You Wrote:  Just Like Heaven and Wicked Game combined. Really delving into Abby’s backstory and John’s character helped me grow so much as a writer and to this day that might be one of the best things I’ve ever written. (They were put on hold because of plans I had for them but plans have changed and now I’m just...distracted. Whoops.)
Story You Were Nervous to Post: Arguably Eye of the Storm because I was so, so nervous to share my writing at all. But I was also nervous posting Lovers & Dreamers because I knew the premise (OT3 with Rylen and my two OCs, particularly John) wouldn’t be everyone’s cup of tea and I didn’t want...people to feel obligated maybe? I 100% write it for me and I’ve always hoped readers understand that. Diving into new fandoms is always nerve-wracking too and the first pieces I posted for Mystic Messenger (especially since my first one shot  was canon divergent smut, Just a Touch because I had too many feels while I was playing it)
How You Choose Your Titles: Some are song titles or lyrics (Just Like Heaven), some are just phrases that fit really well for the fic (Eye of the Storm and Hero Worship).
Complete: *cries* Ummm...Early on I did finish two fun modern AUs for Cullen and Evelyn when I was kind of messing around with their dynamic and just getting back into writing after years of not at all (Rehabilitation and Even Doves Have Pride). I also finished part one of my Mass Effect fics, Goose Bumps (which actually predated all my DA fics in actual writing, but not posting).
Incomplete: Everything else. Ha. Ha ha. Ha ha ha. *cries some more*
Do You Outline? Occasionally. Sometimes I outline just a few chapters out. I almost always start a fic with an idea of where it will end up, with maybe a few points known in between (like a zigzaggy map in my brain that somehow connects Point A to Point K to Point M to Point R to Point Y then Z). I have a few fics that are outlined all the way, most notably Twelve Moons, my Avvar fic, and I actually have an outline of the Skyrim fic, Go It Alone, I just started which I find mind-blowing. Sometimes outlines are restricting to me, but sometimes really helpful. It depends on the story and how much work the idea (or timeline) needs/takes. I try not to make this feel too much like work, since it’s for fun and for me.
Coming Soon/Not Yet Started: Please, oh patron saints of writing, just lemme finish these WIPs before I start anything else. Then again I just sort of go where the muse takes me, so if something truly inspired comes up I might write it. Fighting the muse is worse, in my experience. I will say the one thing “coming soon” to my main Ao3 is going to be the fics on my secondary account, which are my Mystic Messenger and Stardew Valley fics. The reason for me starting a second account has dissipated and I’m sick of balancing two so...whenever I get around to it I’ll be making a pseud to combine them all in one place.
Do You Accept Prompts? I used to, and haven’t in a while. I took them around the time my brain was getting all screwed up around writing and expectations and it just made everything feel like work, and plus my anxiety fucks with me and tells me that the promptee will hate it so...I haven’t in a long time because I’ve been happier not. Maybe I’ll try again in the future.
Upcoming Story You Are Most Excited to Write: I have a few I’m excited about. I’m excited to have the muse back for Twelve Moons (sort of, it’s still a tiny struggle) as well as my new Skyrim fic. I think in a lot of ways I’ve needed a break from DA. Rylen and Abby at this point are all that really tethers me to it, and I absolutely love them (so I’ll be getting back to those fics for sure). But right now writing something with zero expectations with a very different OC than I’ve ever written and an enemies to lovers trope that I don’t normally do...that’s been a lot of fun and the muse is really strong. But I’ve also been working on some original fiction (balancing two because ofc I am...I never can focus on one story at a time siiiiigh) and I’m insanely excited about it. I’m hoping to finish that up...by the end of the year if not much sooner (once I get past my move in the next month and half...which I’ve been ignoring is that soon haha)
Wow ok lots of rambling! Thank you for the tags this was fun to look back on and ramble about.
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youknowmymethods · 5 years
Content Creator Interview #11
Hello folks and happy Friday! We’re back, and this time @likingthistoomuch interviews @ohaine (aka, me) so I’m jumping straight into the interview because it’s awkward af to introduce yourself.
Trigger warnings: here be brief discussions of grief and mourning, and because it’s me, there’s also some bad language. Sorry.
OhAine: She arts, she fics, now you can add witty limericks to her repertoire for she is truly an accomplished young lady; because when the question of how to introduce me for this interview came up likingthistoomuch chose to write a poem.
It goes like this:
 She is smart
She has sass
Thinks her writing isn’t good
Someone get her head outta her ass.
 Charming. And as that isn’t massively helpful to anyone reading, I’ll flesh it out a bit for you. My name is Áine (yes, my pseud is that imaginative), I’m Irish, married to a tall, curly haired Brit (no, not *that* tall, curly haired Brit). I’m a professional doer of double entry (that means I’m an accountant not a p0rn star, get your dirty minds out of the gutter), an amateur writer who is obsessed with Sherlock and Sherlolly to a point that isn’t dignified. I’m the mod of this interview project, and also of the MaybeItsJustMyType Collection on AO3, a double SAMFA winner (yay me!) and I also won a Community Games gold medal when I was eight ( @hobbitsdoitbetter will know what that is, but she’s literally the only one of you who will) for a picture I drew in crayon of a cat jumping over a skipping rope (although if I’m honest I think everyone who entered the competition got a prize so I really don’t know if I should brag too much about it.) Currently I’m in the market for someone who’ll do a better job of my eulogy than I’ve done with this intro, so maybe it’s best if I stop talking now and we just move along with the questions… Ahem… Gee it’s back to you.
 likingthistoomuch: I’m going to start with Kat (aka satin_doll, aka @ashockinglackofsatin) who’s submitted a few reader questions if you’re ready.
 OhAine: Sure. Shoot.
 satin_doll: The Fate of Glass is one of the most beautiful and touching stories I’ve ever read dealing with grief and the aftermath of the death of a character. It also illustrates perfectly Molly’s relationship with Sherlock from her side. We know you were dealing with your own loss when this was written. How much of your writing springs from your own real life emotional experiences?
 OhAine: Well first, thank you dear heart. It’s a tricky question to answer because The Fate of Glass is unique for me. I wrote it and ‘Where the Lost Things Go’ in the same two week period, at a time when I was really struggling to accept what had happened to Kieren. Funnily enough, Gee (likingthistoomuch) and I were talking only a few weeks ago, and I told her this: for the only time I can ever remember doing, I put my words into Sherlock’s mouth. The bit where they’re sitting on the floor, smoking and talking about Mrs H, where Sherlock finally says what’s on his mind – that he’d failed her – was exactly what I felt at that moment about Kiki’s death. I drew on something deeply personal in a way I hadn’t done since ‘Take me and erase me’ and the death of Molly and Sherlock’s son. Initially that story was me working through my feelings and grief, but after the first draft I had to abandon that agenda and remember that this was about Sherlock and Molly now. The real life experience of survivor’s guilt, of losing someone you love was there, but oddly Molly’s rebuttal to Sherlock’s assertions about blame were very much me too, they came from my father’s loss, and that reconciling a terrible end with a life well lived and full of love. Of all my stories, it’s the closest to describing my actual experience in a given context.
 I suppose in the first instance, what you write has be honest, authentic. That doesn’t mean that it has to come from your experience directly, but if you have the framework there for something that you want to say, then you use it. There are small bits of me in all of my stories, but I can’t rely on my own emotional experiences too heavily because then I’m limiting the characters. What I’ve found you can do is take the essence of an emotion, distil it down to its component parts and feelings, and then apply them to a different situation. Your job when writing a story is to tell someone else’s story, so you have to be able to extrapolate beyond your own experiences. But if you can ground that in something real, it somehow gives it a ring of truth that wouldn’t otherwise be there.
 satin_doll: Amor Vincit Omnia is quite simply devastatingly beautiful, despite the pain that runs through it from beginning to end. You’re so adept at writing Molly’s steadfastness and loyalty despite Sherlock’s rough treatment of her over the years and it seems to be a recurrent theme in your stories. Can you talk a little about where this picture of Molly comes from, how she developed as a character in your head?
 OhAine: We get so little of Molly on screen, and in a way that’s a blessing: we have so much room for interpretation, so many directions we can take her in, you know? But something Mofftiss have gone to pains to point out is that not only is Molly loyal to the bone, but that Sherlock trusts her loyalty in a way that he doesn’t trust anyone else’s.
 You have to be careful how you allow her to give that loyalty, it can’t be done in a way that demeans her, or would make her bitter. In order for that not to happen you have to imagine why someone would give so much in the face of – what you termed – rough treatment. I’ve come to the conclusion that although she’s sometimes hurt by it, impatient with it, she views his actions not as intentional, but rather as him simply not knowing how to do things any differently. He’s ever so gentle with her in TEH, when no one else is around to see, and that episode informs so much of what I imagine their between-the-scenes life to be like: he shows respect for her, love, affection, he respects her mind, her opinions, he is eternally grateful for all that she has done for him, and grateful that despite everything he’s done she still allows him to call her friend.
 Sherlock asks in TRF, ‘If I wasn’t everything you think I am, everything that I think I am, would you still want to help me?’ and Molly doesn’t hesitate, she’s straight in with ‘What do you need?’ She has zero doubts about the man that he is.
 Earlier in that episode she says, ‘You’re a bit like my dad,’ going on to tell Sherlock about how her dad behaved when he was dying, and I think that’s a very under rated line. I think it shows that to Molly he’s more than – what other’s call him – the great detective, machine, freak. It shows she sees the man beneath. She sees that he is more than the sum of his parts. She’s telling him that she sees his humanity.
 She doesn’t want to change him into someone he’s not. She sees deeper, she sees the bits of him that he guards, the parts of him that are just like you and me. Molly’s not blinded by his brilliance. To her he’s just a man, albeit one who has a very special gift.
 Even when she says ‘Why do you always say such horrible things?’ she’s not treating him like a bold puppy and smacking him on the nose with a rolled up newspaper like the others do, she’s attempting to understand him, perhaps even asking him to try to understand himself.
 He’s a very vulnerable man, and she treats him with care because of that. His actions weigh on her I think, they have a cost, but it’s one she chooses to accept and she doesn’t punish him for her choice.
 It can be argued that Molly is the only one who loves him just for him. Lestrade wants his brain; Mycroft sees him as an asset; John is a junkie, Sherlock his dealer; Mary takes his help; Hudders once took help from him. But amongst those who take, there’s only one person who takes nothing. Molly.
 I suppose the other large part of her development in my mind is the ethical code that she’s had instilled into her from an early stage of her education. Medical ethics, and the application of deontological and utilitarian principles in her everyday decision making, must have influenced the person she became by the time we meet her. There are four major principles at play for her: do good, avoid doing harm, be fair, and respect individual autonomy. And I think it’s those principles of fairness and respect that she applies to her relationship with Sherlock. I think she respects his mind, his abilities, even his education (because they have components of their formal education in common), but I think it’s fairness that she applies most liberally: he is unique, different, and he lacks certain skills when it comes to interacting with others, Molly takes his treatment of her in that context.
 satin_doll: In Take Me and Erase Me, one of your earliest stories, you mention Lorca (the Spanish poet) and you’ve made numerous references to poetry since you started posting fics. What else besides poetry and fanfic do you read these days? What do you see as the biggest influences on your writing?
 OhAine: Biggest influences. Honestly?  Stephen (both of the King and Moffat varieties) have said that the best advice they could give aspiring writers was to read as much as you can of the kind of thing you want to write, and I’ve found that to be so true. The Sustain Stories are probably the single biggest influence on my interpretation of Sherlock and Molly. I remember saying it to someone once (I think it was actually you Kat) that I’ve been writing Sustain fanfiction rather than Sherlock fanfiction all these years. It was that big a deal for me.
 As for what I’m reading now… I always have a few books on the go, currently open are Leonard Cohen’s Book of Longing (Jesus, the raw intensity of his imagery), Tom Robbins’ Even Cowgirls Get the Blues (the absurdity of it appeals to me) and James Joyce’s Dubliners (The Dead is my favourite short story ever, so I finally decided to read the rest of the book).
 Thank you Kat for your lovely questions x
 likingthistoomuch: Going all the way back to the beginning, what prompted you to start writing fanfic in the first place? Where did that first impulse come from?
 OhAine: I’d never heard of fanfic until I became obsessed by Sherlock, but once I found it, it was like falling down a rabbit hole. I read. And I read and I read and I read. When I first found Sherlolly in mid-2014 there were about 3,000 stories in the tag on AO3 and I went about systematically reading them all in descending order from the largest hit. It took me about six months or so to get through them and then I hit a wall, there was nothing left to read. But by then I started seeing Sherlolly everywhere: in every song I heard, every poem I read… and at the time I was living away from home while doing a master’s degree, and I remember so clearly driving back to my little flat outside Galway one night after a late lecture and Lana del Rey’s Young and Beautiful came on the radio, and it was like, BANG!, this fully formed story of an insecure Sherlock hit me. It was so clear, so well defined and complete, and it wouldn’t leave me alone. The end result was Saving for a rainy day, and the other two stories in The Dance series.  
 Honourable mention too at this point to @sundance201 and her beautiful fic Hello My Old Heart. That story was the beginning of my love affair with music in fanfiction, I started my Sherlolly playlist with the song it references and I don’t know if I would have ever made the connection between music and writing without it. So blame Sundance201 :P
 Likingthistoomuch: When you wrote your first fic how did that process go? Did you have someone review the work? Also, when did you share the fact that you had attempted fanfiction with someone around you?
 OhAine: As above. No, it was a type and go thing. Literally. I have no idea what madness overtook me to actually post it on the internet where other real live people would see it. It was (still is) full of mistakes, and reads like an outline rather than an actual story, but I knew no better at the time. It was the first piece of fiction I’d ever written, and I had zero expectations that anyone would read it. I bawled like a baby when the first comment came in.
 Anyway, it was a Sunday morning, and I was staying at Uni that weekend because I had exams the following week, hubby was coming that day to see me and make sure I hadn���t died under a pile of textbooks and fast-food containers. When he arrived I showed him the post on AO3, and he was so sweet. He still reads all of my fics, gives me feedback and suggestions. He’s even got an AO3 account now so that he can leave kudos. Bless him. He’s still the only one I share with.
 Likingthistoomuch: You are amongst the few who seem to write comic themed, angsty, fluff as well as explicit with ease. At least that’s how it comes across. Which genre is the easiest for you and which one would you prefer to write as, say an outlet for real life pressures?
 OhAine: I’m shocked that it comes across that way, because writing doesn’t come easily for me at all. I’m not a writer, I’m an auditor who writes when she has time. Every single word is like squeezing that last bit of toothpaste from the tube, and although I’m a very verbal person words are not my strong point. My vocabulary is technical and that’s fine when I’m writing reports and letters for work, but I don’t have an emotional vocabulary so I have to work really hard at finding the words to describe the feelings I want to write. And I’m not a fluffy person so writing anything sweet is like pulling teeth for me. None of it’s easy, but Molly and Sherlock are in my bones now so I keep doing it.
 I suppose comedy and angst are slightly less of a struggle. But comedy is a tricky one, because you’re either in the right frame of mind to write it or you’re not. It can’t be forced, you can’t make something funny if it’s not.
I don’t have a favourite genre, and none of them come naturally, but if it’s a question of what’s an outlet, then I’d say all of them serve an equal purpose, although the most satisfying to get right is definitely angst, even if it’s a rare jewel. I think I’ve only ever managed to get it almost right twice, maybe three times: Amor Vincit Omnia, The Fate of Glass and possibly A Sunset Bird in Winter. I kind of hold those three up as times when I was happy with the finished product.
 Likingthistoomuch: How do you plan out your work? Do you plan the end, the beginning and what’s in the middle before you start posting?
 OhAine: Bold of you to assume I plan!!!!
 The beauty of writing (mostly) one-shots is that you’re presenting a finished piece. I’ve written just one multi, Take me and erase me, and that was done completely on the fly. I was so traumatised by the whole thing that I’ve been put off for life.
 When it comes to the one-shots, I usually have a pretty good idea what the beginning, middle and end are before I begin – even if the end result turns out to be something else entirely. I do a first draft, then revise, revise, revise until the flow feels good and I think I’m saying what it is I set out to say.
 Likingthistoomuch: You work with a beta - do you share the entire plot of your fic and discuss before you start the writing process? How does that work?
 OhAine: It works differently with different people. When Kiki and I worked together, every detail was shared and there were masses of emails over and back discussing plot and structure. A three thousand word doc could come back with fifteen hundred extra words of notes. She had an opinion about everything. It worked because we were each other’s beta, and we’d built up a rapport and trust. She was never afraid to offend me and I loved that about her. She was also very verbal, so feedback was always detailed, she’d be very clear about the whys of it. We were both new, both learning, so that extra communication was great to get. And I genuinely miss being a beta for her.
 Kat on the other hand has a light touch approach, she gives me a far longer leash and lets me express myself – just myself and my ideas. If I have a specific concern I’ll share that with her, and she’ll give me advice and her opinion. What I tend to share with Kat is what I’m hoping to achieve, and she’ll let me know if, in her opinion, I’ve done what I set out to do. She trusts me more as a writer, if you know what I mean.
 likingthistoomuch: I am heavily influenced by Bollywood songs and get one shot ideas by the ton. Kat mentioned your love of poetry, and I wondered has there been a poem that literally made you wanna rush home and write down stuff as soon as possible?
 OhAine: Oh that was Where The Lost Things Go, by Anne Casey. She wrote an entire book of poetry about loss (in particular losing her mother) and it makes for a devastating read. When I heard her recite that poem:
“We sat upon a golden bow, my little bird and I, indivisibly apart, we dived into the sky. And to the purple-hearted dark, an ocean we did cry, for all the lost things gathered there, in rooms beyond the eye.”
I could see Sherlock and his little bird crying for the things they’ve lost, things hidden in secret places. I’d had the image for ages and ages of a little girl coming to Sherlock with a case, but the story that went with it never presented itself. Stories are like that sometimes, bits of them linger until the right structure comes to you. The fic came out in one draft, I did minor revisions later, but it was just this one thing all of its own from the start. And it was sort of the poem coming to me at a time when I was grieving too, and it fitted so well with this image I had of Watson in her big boots and pink hair. Everything coalesced into a coherent story. The end result was my own ‘Where the lost things go.’
 Generally that isn’t how it works for me. I usually take away just an image or a phrase, sometimes just a feeling, and I try to structure something around it. But like you, I get a lot from music (Elbow’s music could be the official soundtrack of Sherlolly) and movies as well as poems
 Likingthistoomuch: Let’s be honest here, you get tons of reviews. I know, I read most of them (turn down that stalker alarm!!!). Has your story ever been influenced by a comment given on the initial chapters of a multi fic? Not the plot per say, but maybe a small scene or interaction?
 OhAine: No, I really don’t think so. But then there’s really only ever been one multi of any real significance, Take me and erase me, and the initial chapters of that got very few comments, or even hits for that matter (chapter one got 17 hits on its first day, but I stuck with it and it did okay in the end). What does happen with comments is they encourage me to keep going, to keep writing, especially when I feel like I’m just rubbish at this. I’ve been blessed with people who are generous and kind when it comes to egging me on and making me feel okay about what I’ve written. I tend to be very sure about where I want to go when I write something, and I think that if you allow things to intrude on the picture you have in your mind you run the risk of ending up with something that’s a bit all over the place. The reader you write for is you, and you either live or die by it.
 Likingthistoomuch: In your fic “The Pinch Hitter” (I absolutely love the Simple Chemistry series) there is dialogue that has the potential to turn the fic any way you want:
“I don’t want you because I’m lonely, you little moron.” He shouts, full to breaking point with impotent frustration and clawing at his own hair. "I'm lonely because I want you!" 
Funny and yet heart wrenchingly raw. Did you work specifically on introducing something like that, which can be a palate changer for a moment?
 OhAine: Oh boy, tough question. Short answer is no, I wasn’t looking specifically for that line. The prompt for this fic came to me by way of a pinch hitter assignment in the 2017 Sherlolly Fic exchange, and I had about four days to come up with a story that fitted the brief. I work at a snail’s pace under normal circumstances, and I was under so much pressure to get something done. I’d pissed away three of the four days on a fic that I couldn’t make work (still can’t, *sigh*) and in desperation I turned to the next prompt on the list of four. In the end this one just came out, and I’m lucky it’s as okay as it is given the rush it was written in. That line: if I recall, it came out of some wanky meta that was doing the rounds at the time, the mirror theory, and I guess that line is my response to it. He wasn’t running to her because she was a surrogate, she, Molly, was the reason he ran to Molly.
 On the other hand, that line is very much part of my overall head canon for Sherlock in the series. He’s the cause of his own isolation and I remember either Moffat or Gatiss saying that he was like a child pressed up against a sweet shop, window, longing. I see him very much that way. He doesn’t make friends because he’s lonely – the loneliness is part of the choices he’s made – but he acutely feels loneliness now because he finally understands friendship and love. Does that make sense??
 I don’t seem to be able to do straight comedy, there’s always a little angst with my absurdity, a little absurdity with my angst. Some of that is to do with wanting to introduce contrast, some of it is because I think the show does that too and when I’m writing, to some extent, I’m trying to emulate that style.
 Likingthistoomuch: On the topic of light works or ones with a comedic thread, you seem to have mastered the tough-as-nails art of writing genuinely funny work which is not slapstick by a mile. Is the writing process for that different than your other works?
 OhAine: It is. Totally. I can’t decide to write something funny. It either is or it isn’t, and I don’t have much control over that. No amount of revisions will make something that’s not funny work as a comedy piece. I tried that once with The Truth Will Set You Free, and I think it was 20+ drafts before it started to get giggles from my beta. That was when I realised that trying to be funny wouldn’t work. Kiki said to me after that one was posted that she thought I was rubbish at comedy, which was strange given how often I made her laugh in my emails. It dawned on me then to just be myself, write in a more naturalistic tone and focus on being absurd instead of laugh out loud slapstick.
 The next one I tried my hand at was The Adventure of the Berenstein Baby. I took a different approach and wrote it as though I was telling a friend about something hubs and I did, using the exact same style I’d use in conversations (like the side bar thing, my emails are famous for them, I go off on so many tangents) and the result was one draft with minor revisions to get the finished product. When that fic won the 2017 SAMFA for humour, I almost died of pride.
 Likingthistoomuch: The Fate of Glass, that letter, that fabulous, fabulous, piece of work. How long did you take you write that?
 OhAine: The first draft contained all the bones of the story, it was 1,700 words long and it came out in one afternoon. The letter was there right from the start, always at the end. The rest needed much more work, I think I added another 2,000 words during revisions. I have a memory of it being an easy one to write, but I had a week off work that January, and I know I spent at least another 40 hours picking at it during my leave. It had the story right off the bat, but none of the detail. My vocabulary isn’t what I’d like it to be, so when I feel I don’t have the words to tell a story I read. I had an anthology of Pablo Neruda’s poetry on the arm of my Queen Anne, and every night I’d read for an hour or so, and the next day I’d have the words I needed. Reading, for me, is sort of an ignition tool, it sort of opens that part of my brain that isn’t bogged down with technical language, it opens up my creative side. I sometimes forget just how many revisions even the easy stories take. I forget sometimes that I have to work hard at it, but I do.
 Likingthistoomuch: When it comes to naming you work, how do you plan that out?
 OhAine: More bold assumptions about planning!!!!
 Sometimes a story has an obvious title, like The Science of Seduction (because it was about the application of mathematical theories to love and relationships, so it just seemed obvious). Others, like Better, or The last person you’d think of, they were obvious because the whole story is geared toward making the point that these phrases represent. When I find a name I want to use I do an AO3 search of the Sherlock/Molly tag just to be sure no one else is using it (or has used it for a very long time).
 Names are something I struggle with, and at the beginning I went almost exclusively with lines from songs, but I’ve stopped doing that now because it felt, I don’t know, a little forced? These days I try to make a stronger connection between the story and the title without making it too wordy or over explaining what’s going on in the story. I often have a placeholder title while I’m working on it, but keep trying out new ones as I go to see how they fit.
 Don’t ever underestimate the power of a good title: along with the summary they’re your elevator pitch to the reader. A brilliant story can be sunk by a bland title or bland summary.
 Likingthistoomuch: How do you gauge the success of your work?
 OhAine: Oh jeepers. I’m a numbers girl, so the stats page on my AO3 account is my enemy LOL. I’ve tried to find my own metrics, because it’s easy to fall into the trap of judging success on hits and kudos when there are so many things that can influence those little numbers. Like, Trial by Existence was a failure if you go by the stats, but I still feel in my gut that it’s a strong fic, and I learned so much about writing from it. Anyway. There’s a bunch of things I ask myself during the inevitable post-mortem: first and foremost, did I say what I wanted to say? Did I convey the message that I was attempting to put out there? But then I also consider was the quality up to standard, did I build on my learning from the last thing that I wrote? If it’s a gift work, did I please the person it was gifted to? In terms of grammar and punctuation, phrasing (none of which are my strong suit) have I improved? And though I never set out meaning to, I start to fret about the stats…
 But I also think that if someone has said in the comments that they’d love to see more of this particular story, then you’ve succeeded in making something that someone else connected with. That’s always a really important metric for me.
 Likingthistoomuch: Coming to the topic of Social Media, what effect does that have on your work? Have you ever faced rude reviews or comments or called out for offending people? Because we know, if you log in, someone somewhere is offended.
 OhAine: And I specialise in offending people LOL it’s why I stay off social media for the most part.
 Everyone gets the odd rude comment, I think. It’s the risk you sign on for when you put something out into a public space. I try hard not to take those personally.
 It seems to me people are looking for a fight and they don’t care what it’s about. I’ve come to the conclusion that no matter how convinced I am of my position or opinion, if there’s even a hint of aggression I walk away because to engage with them is just giving them what they want. Don’t add fuel to the fire, you know? And it’s not my job to educate. It just isn’t. So I do what’s healthy for me, and I avoid the nonsense even when I know I’m right and they’re not. I don’t need to explain myself to strangers.
 Having those things said, I wouldn’t trade away the positives of social media just to be rid of the negatives. I’ve found fantastic friends on sites like AO3 and tumblr, I get so much from our little community and the lovely people in it. I suppose the Sherlolly community is lucky: we’re small, able to self-regulate, and the people here are genuine and kind. I’ve learned so much, gotten so much joy from writing, so much from reading, the beautiful artwork that’s posted here, and my fellow shippers… I’m grateful for that, so that’s where I keep my focus.
 Likingthistoomuch: As per the new guideline, the blue hellsite will not allow explicit work to be posted. Does that make you want to write more E rated stuff, in a virtual Up Yours to Staff?
 OhAine: I gave up on writing E-rated fics two years ago, and I suppose I am kind of sad that I don’t anymore because I would dearly love to say to anyone who tries to censor others to go fuck themselves.
 On the one hand, the ban doesn’t really affect me because I don’t create that kind of content anymore, so I could just be tempted to shrug my shoulders and move on. But. It affects others who do create that kind of content, and I’ll support them all the way, not only because they should be allowed freedom of expression, but also because the purge is part of a bigger problem: the suppression of freedoms, under the guise of protecting the innocent, and is driven by a puritanical streak that’s becoming pervasive in our culture, one that is more about control and suppression of free ideas than protection. Tumblr is lying to us, pure and simple. They could deal with the p0rn problem but they don’t, and therefore you have to assume this isn’t about p0rnbots: this is about commercial considerations, and the suppression of creativity that they can’t commercialise. It’s also very telling that the ban is overly focused on the female body (and I can’t help but feel that because a good percentage of content creators are women, that the purge conveniently silences women’s voices) and the ideal of womanhood held by a very narrow band of its user base.
 Historically, censorship (and that is what this is) doesn’t lead us anywhere good. It’s a slippery slope, folks. We’ve got to be careful, or next thing you know we’ll be in red capes and white hats remembering the good old days when women were allowed to read.
 likingthistoomuch: Last question: If you could change just one thing about BBC’s version of Sherlock, what would it be?
 OhAine: Oh dear. Just one??? Okay, let me discount a few contenders first:
 I would ask that there be more Molly. Lots more Molly. That the kiss had been real. That Sherlock be naked at all times. That the shirts were tighter and the curls longer. That Mary had lived. That Holmes got the Watson he deserved. That Moriarty had lived. That Eurus hadn’t. That Paul McGuigan had stuck around. Ditto Stephen Thompson. That they had kept production values at primetime and not Saturday tea-time CBBC levels. That the production staff hadn’t stirred the shit just because they liked the attention. That Mofftiss had had a beta, or at least someone who challenged their ideas…
 But if I could choose just one thing, one thing that would be possible for them to do and not go off at a tangent, then I would have them stick to the cases. Tell the story they were telling at the start: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, as told by his Boswell. I’ll be forever sad that they chose not to do that.
Next week, Friday 10th of May, part two of this interview turns the tables and @ohaine interviews @likingthistoomuch.
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melanoradrood · 6 years
Writer’s Meme
tagged by: @leaiorganas who is always amazing.
1) How many works in progress do you currently have?
... Oh so that’s how this is going to go? I’m going to get personally attacked right now? *opens up google docs to start counting*
I have four original fics, one of which is at 70k words, and I haven’t updated in for forever. I have 1 annamis fic, 1 tudoryork fic, and 1 giant coffee shop blend of all my otps with soulmate play fic.
For The Vampire Diaries / Klaroline, I have 1 follow up to an old fic I did, Only For You, and a Hot Hybrid Sex smut fic, and then of course I have Queen of the Heartless which is over 100k words but I’m not posting that one again until it’s basically done since I abandoned it for five years on ff.net.
For Teen Wolf, I have... we’ll just say that it’s 7 incomplete fics, the word count of all of them combined is 50k, and they’re all 75% completed but I suck at finishing shit.
And now... for Star Wars. Uhhh... let’s start with saying I have 20 prompts in my ficlet google doc. And uhh... I have 12 that are fully formed ideas that are bulleted out that haven’t gone further than that... and then I have 9 that have words and at least one chapter completed...
-coughs a lot- calling a bitch out on a wednesday...
So not including ficlet prompts... OH IT’S ONLY 38 WOW I THOUGHT IT WAS GOING TO BE WAY WORSE.
-kicks the plot bunnies google doc into the back so we don’t have to count that one-
2) Do you/would you write fanfiction?
LOL given that I am a fanfic writer... but I also write original stuff sometimes but so yeah. Fanfic is great. You can take a world already created and play in it, or you can world build further, and it’s really great practice. Some people say “oh you’re just using someone else’s ideas” but it’s your ideas you’re putting them into, and further, you’re writing someone else’s character conception, and trying to figure out how they would respond and act in an entirely different situation, and it’s great practice for a writer to be in those positions.
3) Do you prefer paper books or ebooks?
Oh my god I love paper books so much, I have an entire fucking library, multiple bookshelves, stacked two deep, with books laying flat on top... I also have a toddler so you know your girl reads ebooks on her phone.
4) When did you start writing?
LOL way back in middle school. I actually started with, of all the things, writing fanfic for the Wheel of Time series, because I wanted more stuff on people we hadn’t learned much about. I READ a lot of other fanfic, but I really wrote a lot of Wheel of Time stuff... but I would say that my writing didn’t really take off until like 2011 and I was sitting in Japan bored and what was previously me just jotting down little short stories that I inevitably deleted became me writing giant fanfics. Like I wrote creative writing in college and got a few things out there and published under a pseud but I wasn’t writing anything like this at all.
5) Do you have someone you trust that you share your work with?
Like not even my Original Work, I keep it wrapped up. My husband USED to read it but after a while he was just like I’ll read your original stuff not the fanfic because we don’t like the same shows at all, literally, like we argue over the netflix ( i mean okay we watch historic stuff but i rarely write historic fanfic ) and I stopped writing a lot of Original stuff so yeah.
6) Where is your favorite place to write?
To be honest, sitting in my bed, a coffee on the table beside me, wit hthe bed made and the room all clean, and the fan going and just... ahhh. I can kick back and relax and just write.
7) Favorite childhood book?
Don’t put that on me oh god.
8) Writing for fun or publication?
Fun. I would LOVE to publish, but that’s just not in the cards for me. For starters, you actually have to FINISH shit...
9) Pen and paper or computer?
COMPUTER. I used to have a notebook where I physically wrote down ALL of my ideas and plot points and my gameplans and connections and ideas... and then about a year ago, my toddler got it, ripped it up, drew on it, chewed on it... so many ideas lost... so now it’s all on my computer. Even notes for gifsets I plan to do are kept in a notepad .txt file lol
10) Have you ever taken any writing classes?
LOL I studied history in college so I think every class was about writing, but I did Ancient Lit as my minor, and I ended up taking a Creative Writing class because it qualified as “The Arts” for some odd reason, which is when I was then published off and on. That was so long ago, though, I don’t even remember what in all I wrote and published except for some poem about people being roses and the end of it was basically people fucking suck even if they smell sweet they have thorns. LOL?
11) What inspires you to write?
Fuck if I know? Escapism? Wanting to read it so I just write it? I have no idea I just enjoy it.Oh gosh this was a beast... 
Tagging: @gloriouswhisperstyphoon, @dracosollicitus, @cats-and-metersticks, @atthelamppost, @imsfire2, OH GOD WHY AM I FAILING TO THINK OF URLS THIS MORNING DO THIS IF YO UHAVENT @  EVERYONE
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carnationbooks · 7 years
Author Interview - marswithghosts
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We’re going to continue our series of interviews with fandom authors with this conversation with Check, Please! author @marswithghosts. We were really excited to chat with this author, who has written several popular fics in this month’s featured fandom!
Check out marswithghost’s fic on AO3 here!(http://archiveofourown.org/users/marswithghosts/pseuds/marswithghosts)
How did you first get into fandom? What was your first fandom?
I didn’t realize I was in a fandom until I was maybe fourteen or so? Fifteen? Because I think my first fandom was probably Animorphs when I was 8-10, then I got into Harry Potter, anime in high school (Gundam Wing, my love), then probably Supernatural and then Check, Please!. I sort of fell into everything by accident, just about! I’ve always had a huge imagination for things, and I’ve always wanted to be more involved with the media I consume. So I think that’s probably how I got into it. I started thinking, “What if this were to happen? Or this? Why isn’t this in the book? I want to read it.” And then I would just write it for myself at first. I didn’t start posting any of my fic until I was on fanfiction.net in early high school. Don’t go looking for it—it’s pretty…awful…
Other than writing fic, do you participate in any other fandom activities such as drawing fan art, podfic, gif making, meta, cosplaying, etc?
I legitimately have no other skills besides writing, to be honest with you. I enjoy everything from everyone else, but I am not a big contributor to fandom besides the writing itself! I have lots of friends who have cosplayed, drawn great art, made gifs, and their meta is so complex and interesting…but that ain’t me.
What inspired you to start writing fic?
I’ve always been a writer, ever since I was in about first grade. I enjoyed writing, I liked exploring my imagination, and I didn’t realize that what I was writing at first was fan fiction. When I wrote about myself being an Animorph, I never knew that was any different from any other kind of writing. It was only when I got into Harry Potter and Gundam Wing that I discovered fanfiction.net and started realizing that “fanfiction” is when characters belong to someone else but the words and the story are totally mine. This is always what got me interested in Alternate Universes—damn near everything I write is AU, and I probably enjoy writing AUs the most.
What is your favorite thing you have written so far?
Sheesh, this is a hard one. Honestly? Totally honestly? Probably A Little Bit Closer in Check, Please! fandom. It’s the longest thing I’ve ever written in my life, and so much of it is really *mine*. It made me realize, hey—I actually *can* do a novel if I really want to. And so I am now working on an original novel.
What is your favorite fic by someone else?
There are a lot of them—too many to even comprehend at this point, honestly. My actual real-life fiancée is @annundriel​ (Ed. note: Annundriel on AO3), and I’ve always enjoyed her writing from way back in our Supernatural days. I think she has a really poetic way with words and imagery while staying very genuine and honest to the source material. I think that’s a really impressive feat that I’ve never been able to get the hang of…which is why I just make AUs :)
How did you get into Check Please?
This is actually embarrassing. I didn’t want to read the comic at all. But annundriel started reading it and gushed about it so much and showed me all these things that made absolutely no sense (there’s a character whose actually named Shitty?), but then I finally read it…and I fell in love with it…and she started writing fic and I loved her fic…and then I went on AO3 and found more fic…and then I wrote my own fic…and here I am a year later.
What pairings do you like to read in this fandom? What pairings do you like to write? Do you read gen fic?
My favorite pairings are Zimbits, Dex/Nursey, and—I have to admit this—Kent/Javier Martinez (my OC) (Ed. note: The fic is if this isn’t nice, i don’t know what is). I also like Kent/Tater as well! I’ll read just about anything if I like the writing, though, so I’m more willing to branch out now than I used to be even six months ago. As far as writing…I prefer Zimbits and Kent/Tater, Kent/Javier. I like doing Dex/Nursey, but still struggle with those characterizations; the others feel most natural to me. For gen fic: I would totally read gen fic, but I’m more inclined toward the ships. If it’s recommended to me by someone I trust, I’ll read anything.
What's your favorite fic trope?
Lord, there are so many. Fake dating, accidentally falling in love, tol and smol, etc. I also love coffee shop AUs, any customer service AUs (where’s the call center AU? oh right, that’s a WIP I’ve got…) Can you tell how I feel about AUs.
Do you ever get writer's block? What do you do to combat it?
I get writer’s block all the time. And with my anxiety, I also get panic attacks for sometimes no reason. When I get writer’s block, it’s intense. I have a lot of negative feels of worthlessness and self-doubt. When I was in grad school for my MFA, I kind of couldn’t afford to have writer’s block, since I had deadlines and workshops and my grades were at stake. Lately what I’ve tried to do is impose deadlines on myself—for example, I knew with my Kent/OMC story I wanted to post it for the very beginning of 2017. So I basically told myself “Okay, you’re going to get this done because you can,” and I went from there. Now what I do is I try to write by hand. I have several fancy notebooks and I’m currently obsessed with fountain pens and inks, so handwriting is enjoyable and soothing. It makes me want to put ink on the page so I can watch the pretty colors. This helps my anxiety a lot because I don’t feel quite as pressured as I do when I’m sitting at my computer and staring at a blank page. I’m so long-winded with my stories, even the short ones, that computer writing gets daunting really fast.
Do you have any recs for us to share with our readers?
— Because I’ve been so focused on my own writing, taking control of my mental health (and my physical health in general—yay for great employer health coverage), and playing video games (who’s ready for Mass Effect Andromeda?), I haven’t been reading as much fic lately. But I do have a list I’d done here: http://marswithghosts.tumblr.com/post/146909969360/wahs-into-ur-inbox-do-you-have-any-fanfic-recs And I super hard stand by those fics as well! So good. This fandom is tremendously talented and funny and brightening. I’m pleased to be a part of it.
We want to thank @marswithghosts again for such detailed and thoughtful answers to all our questions. One thing we love about this interview series is finding the similarities in how people tend to “find” fandom, while also getting unique perspectives about what fandom represents to each individual person. We hope you all enjoyed this perspective as much as we did. 
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