#sims 4 shag carpet
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jones7659 · 1 year ago
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Shag carpet (grungified and not) in 13 colors that match the retro striped walls and linoleum. Now available at Curseforge. Shag Carpet Shag Carpet - Grungified
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simmillercc · 2 years ago
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Need a throwback carpet for your new build? Or even just "updating" some old worn-out shag?
Here's your new shag carpet!
In 32 colours this colour palette is sure to please with some very 70's colours thrown in, and at 4 Simoleons per square, it's a bargain!
Found in Floors/Carpet, this shag will also decrease your bills because this shag is supremely insulating.
Pattern from SketchupTextureClub!
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cringiest-rat · 3 years ago
if you had a mustache phase in 2014 you are queer.
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enniewritesathing · 7 years ago
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"Brian, my eyes are up here." "Huh?"
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sims4updates1 · 3 years ago
Viola’s 70’s Shag Carpet in 91 colors for Sims 4
Viola’s 70’s Shag Carpet in 91 colors for Sims 4
91 colors/shades of 70’s Shag Carpet Source: Viola’s 70’s Shag Carpet in 91 colors for Sims 4
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gamejomp · 8 years ago
The Year Is 1998
You are five years old. You wander into the living room where your family is watching television. You see Bill Clinton on screen, face to camera, with that onerous and infamous phrase. “I did not have sexual relations with that woman.” You ask your parents ‘why is everyone mad at the president.’ They tell you not to worry. They say the president is in trouble because he lied and presidents aren’t supposed to lie. You stop thinking about it.
You spend time out of doors, melting army men with a magnifying glass and collecting as many bugs as you can fit into your pockets.
Inside, you play a squat, gray Super Nintendo. You have Super Mario World and you play it constantly. The map is large and The Mario is small. You can never get past the first haunted house. You only manage to pass it when your cousin in the army stops by one day and shows you how.
You never get further than the mysterious woods, and you never see your cousin again.
The year is 2000. You are seven years old. You play Super Metroid on the SNES in your grandparent’s basement with the wooden paneling and shag carpet. This is the same basement you watched the New Year’s Eve ball drop, on the same television. You don’t know how to save so you replay the first level over and over. You help Samus escape the exploding space station, and you feel the same sense of urgency no matter how many times you fight Ridley.
When you aren’t playing Super Metroid, you watch JAG with your grandparents. They’re getting very sick. You don’t know this.
The year is 2001. Your new step dad buys you a Playstation 2 as a sort of peace offering. He has a mustache, smokes cigarettes and wears polo shirts. He makes you uneasy but you’re too excited about video games to care.
You go to EB Games and look at all the PS2 titles available for purchase. He tries to convince you to buy Red Faction because, in his words “there’s shooting, you’re on mars, it looks fun.” You opt to buy Rayman 2. You remember playing Rayman 1 on a Windows 98 desktop at some point. Your step father looks disappointed when the cashier rings you up.
This is the same year that both of your grandparent’s die. 9/11 happens shortly thereafter. You trade in your SNES and assorted games to buy crash bandicoot Warped. You regret it almost instantly.
It’s this same year that your step dad hits your mom, so she leaves. You look back on this and feel thankful.
The year is 2004. You are eleven years old. You’ve moved 3 times in as many years. It’s hard to make friends. You’re maladapted in some ways. You spend Friday nights playing Devil May Cry 3 on your playstation 2 until you get too tired to keep your eyes open. You spend weekends outside, alone. You bike around aimlessly. You don’t think about anything. Your mom encourages you to try and make friends with the neighborhood kids. They seem dispossessed to dislike you, so you avoid them. When you get sick (which is often) you stay home and play the Sims 2 on your playstation. You use the infinite money cheat and build houses that are as big as the game will allow. You make everything perfect for your Sim families. When you get bored, you remove all the doors and windows. You place a lit fireplace next to a bunch of wooden chairs and wait until they catch fire. You watch the family that you’ve so generously birthed and endowed burn to death, screaming gibberish and weeping.
The year is 2007. You are fourteen years old.
For Christmas, your mom buys you an Xbox 360, and an Xbox live membership. Everyone at school is exchanging gamer tags and chattering excitedly about playing Call of Duty. They include you for some reason. For a month or so, you have something in common with people you’d never normally talk to. You feel like you’re a part of a group for the first time in as long as you can remember. It doesn’t last. But it’s nice.
Halo 3 comes out this same year. This is it. This is the one. You have two close friends now. You each rush home after school to play online. You spend entire evenings, entire seasons playing custom death matches, team capture the flag online and etc. You teach yourself all the tricks, you memorize the map layouts. You turn the gravity all the way down and joust with only rocket launchers. You laugh and laugh and laugh.
You drink orange soda and stay up until 4 AM some nights.
You’ll never get this time back.
The year is 2012. You are nineteen years old. Max Payne 3 is released with an online multiplayer component. This is as close as you get to capturing that 2007 magic. You and your 2 friends play this game constantly. You hit the level cap. You put vendettas on other players, you absolutely dominate. You rush home from your college courses to play, some nights again dipping into the early morning hours. It’s almost as good, you think. That’s enough.
Nobody buys Max Payne 3. Its online support is discontinued. A sequel will never be made. You and your friends lament this. Eventually you lose touch.
The year is 2017. You are 24 years old. You find yourself as a man with some essential parts missing. You try to recreate these 2007 nights. You search the market places; you gather the people. Each time a new multiplayer game is announced you think “this could be the one.” Each time it isn’t. Overwatch, the division, destiny, borderlands, lawbreakers, fortnite, etc. Each game promises you a 2007 summer night and each game fails to deliver.
It rends you a little hollow. You walk to get coffee in the mornings with eyes unfocused. At work, you press your face against the screen for some news, something promising. Anything to get those nights back. Nothing. Nothing every time.
The year is 2093. You are one hundred years old. Your consciousness sits suspended in a hyper sphere with all of its facets attainable and readily accessed via the AR UI. You find your 2007 memories and you play them again and again and again, the pleasure dreams unending. You remember the match where you and your friends turned shields off, melee attack up by 300% and gravity all the way down. You called it a boxing match and giggled as pink, blue and gold Spartan soldiers were launched into orbit by way of Haymaker.
You can’t remember your parents. You can’t remember pain.
It’s 2007 again and forever. You are fourteen years old.
You squint your eyes at the sun and bike off, alone, towards the open sewage tunnels in the woods. You’re going to collect bugs. You’re going to kill Ridley this time. Haven’t you seen this episode of JAG before?
The light gets brighter and brighter and brighter until the woods morph into featureless desert.
You drop your bike and lie down in the sand. You close your eyes. Colors dance and swirl.
You wonder when your friends will get home so you can play Halo again.
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violablu-cute-sims4-world · 4 years ago
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(via Pretty Shag Carpet for Sims 4)
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violablu-cute-sims4-world · 4 years ago
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(via Rainbow Shag Carpets for Sims 4)
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violablu-cute-sims4-world · 5 years ago
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(via Rainbow Shag Carpets for Sims 4)
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sims4updates1 · 5 years ago
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Eco Underground Bed & Breakfast for Sims 4 | Violablu ♥ Pixels &am 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom underground second level bowling alley and bar underground 3rd level 3 pools, nice kitchen with sun roof, meditation loft custom content: Rainbow Shag Carpets for Sims 4 Murals f Source: Eco Underground Bed & Breakfast for Sims 4 | Violablu ♥ Pixels &am
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sims4updates1 · 4 years ago
Barbie Doll House for Sims 4
Barbie Doll House for Sims 4
A Doll House Custom Content https://violablu.net/rainbow-shag-carpets-for-sims-4/ Source: Barbie Doll House for Sims 4
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sims4updates1 · 4 years ago
Stapleton House for Sims 4
Stapleton House for Sims 4
One bedroom, one bath unfurnished basement custom content http://violablu.net/rainbow-shag-carpets-for-sims-4/ Source: Stapleton House for Sims 4
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sims4updates1 · 5 years ago
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Rainbow Shag Carpets for Sims 4 | Violablu ♥ Pixels & Music ♥ 28 shades of shag carpet Source: Rainbow Shag Carpets for Sims 4 | Violablu ♥ Pixels & Music ♥
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sims4updates1 · 4 years ago
Pretty Shag Carpet for Sims 4
Pretty Shag Carpet for Sims 4
Pretty Shag Carpet for Sims 4 Source: Pretty Shag Carpet for Sims 4
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