#simping hours for bianca are open again
grimreaperschild · 1 year
guitar practice 3
summary: this is for all the enid simps
a/n: short chapter gearing up for chapter 4, there’s gonna be some backstory and probably some more angst ;) happy reading-🦷
you crack your eyes open slowly wincing at the bright light that shines through the tree branches, you’ve fallen asleep head in enid’s lap, again you smile at the feeling of her hand brushing your cheek “well good morning sleepy head” you peer up at her a grin overtaking your face yokos head pops onto view above you.
“so, y/n what’s the deal with you and addams” a smirk is staring to form on her lips “because she’s sat on the other side of the lake staring daggers and has been for the last” she checks her phone “half an hour” you groan begrudgingly sitting up and leaning yourself back into enid her arms curling around your waist “i don’t know what her problem is we’ve been broken up 3 weeks” you sigh the pale girl being the last thing you want to talk about, you watch her carefully from enid’s arms her eyes softening when they meet yours her face morphing into one of disgust at your position.
“and what about you and sinclair” yoko waves her hand “what’s this arrangement” you feel the tips of your ears burning as you snuggle backwards “me and wolfie don’t have to answer to the likes of you, grandma” you wiggle your eyebrows as yoko puts both hands over her heart “that hurt me y/n that hurt me right here” pointing to the right side of her chest enid cocks her head “isn’t your heart like not beating” you chime in “and it’s on the other side” yoko gasps “im not going to be double teamed by a wolf and a pyromaniac, oh and ajax is throwing a party you guys better be there tonight” you nod as she stands “i’ll see you love birds later”
enid giggles as you turn red at the statement, pulling you impossibly closer, you turn your head pressing a kiss to her cheek “i don’t want to move but i suppose we have to start getting ready” she hums in acknowledgment untangling her arms from you. you stand offering her a hand she takes it intertwining your fingers “oh before we get ready i have something i wanna show you” she smiles as you pulling you towards the school.
“enid why are we at the nightshades library im part of the club i’ve seen it before, remember?” she doesn’t say anything pulling you down the stairs, you flick on the light and are met with balloons and tinsel strung around the room your mouth falls open at the sight of your friends stood in the middle of the room ajax, kent, yoko, xavier and bianca are stood side by side all holding signs that read out “me” “+” “you” “+” “raven” enid walks over and picks up the last sign “?” you know you have a shit eating grin on your face as you stare “well” enid gulps nervously shuffling from foot to foot “yes you idiot of course i’ll go to the raven with you” the room erupts into cheers as enid throws herself into your arms squealing as you spin her around ajax breaks you out of your bubble with a shout “last one to my dorm has to take the first shot” it’s every man for themselfs as you all clamber up the stairs racing through the quad laughter following you down the winding corridors and all you can think about is how great tonight’s going to be.
taglist: @allison-iloveyou
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ccatskies · 4 years
y'all keep simping over bianca's voice when i have a new obsession.
bianca's nails (i'm just jealous bc i don't have them, ugh)
just had to say it.
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onestowatch · 5 years
The Albums That Got Us Through School | Staff Picks
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Life would not be the same without music. That sentiment holds twice as true when it comes to talking about one’s school years. At a time when you are going through seemingly-infinite transitional phases and overwhelming confusion is at an all-time high, music exists as both an escape and connecting force to the world outside your immediate purview; music can become something larger than yourself. 
Quite possibly the only thing in existence capable of connecting The Plastics and the rest of us, how would middle school, high school, and college us existed without those albums that quite literally defined teenage us? After all, we all didn’t grow up with lofi hip hop radio - beats to study/relax to. So, we asked ourselves what one album served as our guiding light through those tumultuous school years. 
Avril Lavigne - Let Go
From the palpable agony in “Losing Grip,” to the innocent infatuation in “Sk8er boi,” to the tear-worthy loneliness in “I’m with You,” there’s no album that guided me through the early 2000s more than Avril Lavigne’s Let Go. Introducing an emo side of pop music, Lavigne’s dark and relatable lyrics undoubtedly rescued countless young women in the face of hormonal angst. Truth be told, I still bump it in the car more often than not.
-Yasmin Damoui
Neutral Milk Hotel - In the Aeroplane Over the Sea
In terms of pure listening time, Panic! at the Disco’s debut or Green Day’s American Idiot likely takes the prize for scoring my school years. However, no album embodied the overwhelming teenage urge to grow up quite like Neutral Milk Hotel’s landmark album In the Aeroplane Over the Sea. Released over a decade before I would ever dare to play Jeff Magnum’s haunting fuzz-folk’s meditations over the school’s PA system (the result of a misguided initiative to allow students greater control over the lunch playlist) to this day, In the Aeroplane Over the Sea exists as a nostalgia-ridden reminder to days and nights spent trying to uncover a greater, hidden meaning behind all the noise.
-Maxamillion Polo
Drake - Thank Me Later
From late nights on Facebook writing statuses dedicated to my crush to "Shut it Down," to queuing up "Miss Me" on the bus to school so that it'd start playing as soon as I stepped off... damn. That album really has everything. The braggadocios, the late-night simp tunes, a fun, flirty track for the ladies. You name it baby. It shaped me into the versatile king that I am today, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
-Green Lee
Nine Inch Nails - The Downward Spiral
Masterfully melding the bellicose but anxious feelings of my wintery youth, the downward spiral lyrically guided me to the heights of teenage cliché. I stopped playing sports. I became deliberate and moody at house parties. I wrote terrible facsimile poetry to my much prettier and interesting girlfriends. I joined bands one week, quit them the next. All the bad decisions buoyed by this great album, my adolescence summarized succinctly, you could have it all, my empire of dirt.
-David O’Connor
Kanye West - Graduation
The album that got me through college was Kanye West’s Graduation. I was a junior in college when this song was out and it signified a lot of change in my life which coincided with Kanye’s progress in musical prowess. The nights we would drive around off-campus listening to “Flashing Lights” are some nights I’ll remember forever. Kanye’s legendary ‘Glow In The Dark’ tour was based on this album cycle. I remember driving two hours on a weeknight just to catch this show near my hometown with three of my friends. This moments I had around this album will always mean a lot to me.
-Malcolm Gray
Blink-182 - Blink-182
Blink-182’s self-titled album was undoubtedly the album that got me through my pre-teen and teenage years. Growing up in the Northshore of Chicago (yes the same Northshore that Mean Girls was based off of, and yes that movie was crazy accurate about the kids I was surrounded by), it was hard to find who you actually are in the midst of rumors, bullying and cliques. The album showed growth in maturity, while still sticking to individualism. Unlike most of Blink’s albums, this album showed a more mature side to their art. That was super important for me to remember, simply because it prevented me from getting warped into the egotistical bubble most of my peers found themselves in. It was also the album that really inspired me to get involved with music and touring, so I have to give those guys in Blink some mad props.
-Joe Leggitino
Bring Me The Horizon - Sempiternal
No band was able to simultaneously capture and validate the whirlwind of emotions I experienced on a daily basis in my early teenage years quite like Bring Me the Horizon. Their fourth studio album, Sempiternal, included songs such as “Can You Feel My Heart” and “Shadow Moses,” which contain brutally honest lyrics that related to my internal struggles in a way music had never done before. Furthermore, because of my newfound love for Bring Me the Horizon, I was welcomed into the punk/metal community with open arms. Gaining acceptance into this new community fundamentally changed my high school experience because as frontman Oli Sykes said, “Other hurting people can be the best therapy.”  
-Alissa Williams
Shania Twain - UP!
I got this huge purple boombox one year for Christmas and got really into CDs. I found this Shania Twain CD at a Best Buy clearance aisle one day with my Dad and had it on repeat for years growing up. I’d like to blame Shania for my love of country and fire of independence from men.
-Jenna Singer
Death Cab for Cutie - PLANS
PLANS hit me just when I got my driver’s license: my first legal stamp of autonomy. Driving – by myself – to these tracks gave me a hall pass to feelings I needed to feel, in my own space, in my own time.
-Alexa Schoenfeld
Kelela - Take Me Apart
When it comes to methods of surviving the emotional (and financial) rollercoaster that is college, never would I have thought to even consider the act of being taken apart to be one of the most important mechanisms for endurance. From the austere yet liberating lyrics of “Frontline” to the end-of-the-war melodies in “Altadena,” Kelela sends listeners on an emotional, intergalactic journey through the stages of dealing with a loss in her 2017 release Take Me Apart. If I learned one thing about surviving college from this album, it's that it is okay for things to fall apart sometimes, because destruction is often a conduit for rebirth (if only that also held true for the financial loss, though).
-Bianca Brown
Arctic Monkeys - AM
Nothing throws me back more than Arctic Monkey's album AM. From "Do I Wanna Know?" to "Snap Out of It," every song on that album makes me feel like an angsty tumblr teen again. Without that album, I doubt I would've been even half as edgy going through high school.
-Alison Wu
Phoenix - Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix
I didn't know indie-pop music until I heard this album. It was the first vinyl I bought, the first real band I was obsessed with. At the end of 8th grade, I found their project on Youtube and listened to it up and down in the era before ads. It ushered me into high school where I'm pretty sure I saw the world in exclusively pastel colors and thought I was enlightened because everyone else was still listening to The Black Eyed Peas. Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix made me an indie kid -- I started snowboarding, wearing a lot of grey, and only listened to blog radio after this. Phoenix is still my everything.
-Precious Kato
A Day To Remember - Common Courtesy
Ever since I first discovered A Day To Remember, they’ve remained one of my favorite bands and this record specifically got me through high school. Every track on this album has an important message and it’s definitely worth listening through in its entirety. Whether you’re going through a tough time or just needing some heavy-ish music in your life, ADTR gives it all to you.
-Alissa Arunarsirakul
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💒 + any ship you want tbh ((send here bc nico’s ask is not open))
oh boy, I have planned/been to like 7 weddings within the past 4 years, so I have a lot of inspiration for this. This is long as hell, but I wanted to give a full picture:
chico (we knew this was happening):
They had a pretty untraditional wedding party, especially Nico. Percy was his best man obvs, but Thalia and Anna were both grooms(wo)men. Also, baby Alex was definitely the ring bearer and it was definitely the cutest thing anybody had ever seen.
Lilac officiated the wedding- The first idea was to have Matty do it because he is a beautiful human who has a way with words, but Nico shot that down fast.
Sally being the one to dance with Nico for the mother/daughter dance is very important to me and it definitely happened nobody can take this away from me
Percy gave the main speech during the reception, and it was emotional. Everybody expected him to go a little too hard with the open bar during cocktail hour, but he gave a really good speech. A great mix of comedy and seriousness. It was impressive. 
Charlie and Nico were able to hide their tears during most of the night, but it was the first dance that got to them. Mason sang for their first dance (callback to Mason singing to Charlie for Nico ayo), and it really got to them. But they also knew that if they were caught crying, they would hear about it for the rest of their lives.
BONUS HEADCANON: The wedding party + Charlie walks down the aisle to a string quartet version of Here Comes The Sun [x]. This is also my dream song to walk down the aisle to.
Destination wedding. On a balcony on the Italian coast. Flower arch. The whole nine yards. This was in part because they wanted to do something special for Nico (it worked, by the way), but also because they wanted to avoid as much press as possible (also worked).
The second the doors opened and revealed Bianca, Mike lost it. Louis had to tell him to hold it together until at least she got down the aisle. It didn’t work. He cried through his vows. My man is a simp.
Vic and Rose designed and made Bianca’s wedding dress as a wedding gift, so you know she looked amazing.
Alex officiated the wedding, called Bianca his little sister during it (🥺), and instead of ending it with “You may now kiss the bride”, he said “You two know what to do. Make it a good one, but save some for the honeymoon.”
(They didn’t, by the way. They definitely snuck away during cocktail hour under the guise of extra photos)
Louis and Audrey gave a joint speech. They read out old texts that Mike and/or Bianca sent to them early in the Bike relationship and definitely teased them for it. 
Anna and Audrey becoming close bc they both only had brothers is also very important to me and I will die on this hill. 
During the reception, Brandi and Jeremiah ended up both sitting next to each other to take a break from dancing and they had a heart to heart, and it was very wholesome. They talked about how crazy it was that their kids were getting married and how happy they were that they both found people who loved them and really filled their life with joy. 
Audrey has been planning her dream wedding since she was about 8, and throughout the wedding planning process, she had everything down to a science. So naturally, everything went wrong. It was raining and an outdoor wedding. The rings were left at home. The food vendor messed up and did not make enough. Her dress ripped. A big, Murphy’s Law mess. (Think Xo and Rogelio wedding from Jane the Virgin, just with less murder)
However, this led to the cutest vows, both with the same idea of “Literally who cares about the actual wedding when we’re getting married. I’d marry you in a courthouse in pajamas.”
After the ceremony and they were walking back down the aisle, the heel on one of Audrey’s shoes got caught in the mud and snapped, making her whole shoe come off. She literally lost a shoe and if that isn’t cosmic irony, I don’t know what is
There was a secret bet going around as to when Lock was going to cry because he and Audrey are so close and nobody thought he was going to make it past the ceremony, much less the father/daughter dance
AU Branson:
Okay, I wasn’t originally going to do this but then inspiration struck: 
They had two weddings and the first one was closer to an elopement. It was probably after some big event and they just wanted to get married. Think Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner in Vegas [x]. They had their closest friends there and it was a blast.
The second wedding was the more planned one, but still not super traditional. Like they had the ceremony and all the romantic, slow parts, but they really wanted it to be a celebration of their love
Instead of traditional party favors, they had one of those photo booths that gave out photo strips.
In front of everybody at the ceremony, they gave the normal, pre-written vows. However, they did write their own vows, but just recited them to each other in private because their relationship is so publicized, they wanted that part to be more intimate.
They had cupcakes instead of a cake. I can’t explain why, but this makes sense to me
Other headcanons I have but didn’t want to make y’all read a whole essay:
Rose was Matt’s best (wo)man. No doubt.
Also, Krismatt gives me celestial wedding theme vibes [x] and I am here for it
Vince made and decorated the cake for the Carvince wedding because he wanted it to be done correctly and really only trusted himself
This isn’t a ship headcanon and it’s not even necessarily exclusive to weddings, but I feel like Andy and Rose are somehow always matching, without trying. Like any big-ish event they go to, they are either wearing the same color or they have on a similar print or something. It’s always accidental and everybody always thinks it’s the funniest thing, especially Vic. Again, I can’t explain why this makes sense to me, but it does.
This also applies to Brandon and Nicole, except they learned after a while to ask each other what they’re wearing to events so that they don’t match. Andy and Rose never figured that out.
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