sims2tutorials · 1 year
Announcing new CC creation tool: SimPAI
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fireflowersims · 1 year
SimPAI, an initial review
So recently a new Sims 2 tool has emerged: SimPAI; or as it may be known to some: new online version of SimPE
So, I took a look at it, even recorded my initial reaction etc. I don't have the time irl to upload it unfortunately, that may come later, so here, have a lil text review:
Keep in mind that SimPAI is, at time of writing (June 1 2023), still a proof of concept. And it makes sense that a lot of things are rough around the edges or missing. This rough list of impressions is not exactly positive, and while it may take a while for it to get anywhere close to SimPE, I do think it could become a very useful program.
[View SimPAI on GitHub]
Initial impressions
The UI is very reminiscent of vanilla Sims 2. It fits in well with bodyshop, homecrafter and the game itself. Kudos for that
The CSS does need a lot of work though. Particularly in screen optimization. Dropdowns would, well, drop down off my screen and it's not very mobile-friendly.
Not all resources are supported yet. There are a few resource types that can be viewed and edited, just to name a few: BCON, BHAV, GLOB, #STR, TTAB, TTAS, OBJD. This means that the things you can do with this tool are currently limited quite a bit. You can't make objects or bodyshop content and even though mods are theoretically possible, at the moment it would be far too tedious for the average modder to even bother.
The editors:
Starting off with the crowning jewel here, the TTAB editor is honestly better than SimPE. Having separate motive dropdowns for each age/pet instead of an awkward side-scroll with poor visibility is just Amazing. I love it. The only thing that would make this editor better, would be a copy button for motives. This thing is bae.
There is a certain naming inconsistency here, the resource being called "TTAB Descriptions" if I recall correctly, instead of "Pie Menu Strings"). This is an easy fix
The TTAS editor shares a bit of an issue shared with #STR and Catalog Strings. I will elaborate later.
BCON (+BCON Strings)
Honestly, it's a good basic editor in both cases. It does what it's supposed to do and does it well. Not much to comment on tbh.
Can't skip the BHAV editor as BHAV modder, no? Well, uhhh, to put it bluntly. It's not good at BHAV editing
UI issues make it difficult to see a lot of the elements. Another issue is that the node part of the UI is unbelievably tiny. You really can't see what's going on. You can't get a good view and for BHAV modding, you really do have to see what's going on.
The biggest issue plagueing the BHAV Editor, in my opinion, is that there are no wizards I could see. This is a major disadvantage and would require a modder to either have many Simswiki tabs or Expression type spreadsheets open to figure out which values to enter. This can get even worse when you want to use a Const.
One thing I do like, is that in the false/true target dropdowns, you can select the node you want it to go to and it even shows you the opcode of said code. SimPE take notes!
#STR/Catalog Description
Yeah I don't have all the resource names memorized.
Okay, this is not an issue that everyone would notice or find much of an issue, I think, and that would be that there is no good way to translate. Multilingual strings... I have no idea how to do it. You set individual strings to a language, but does that mean that that string number is then empty in all others? Does adding a string and changing its language set the number to 0? I have no idea! It is an issue that I see English, Finnish, Chinese etc strings all in one window. It's very inconvenient.
SimPE does multilingual strings by simply letting you select a language from a dropdown, you can usually view the default strings to the right of your language x strings. This makes translation a whole lot easier.
There are some inconsistencies in terms of naming. Notably, there is "guid" and "Guid" and some inconsistencies in raw data 0x022 aka "sale price" aka "ignore quartertile (SimPE .75) this should be an easy fix
I don't think it can handle or even recognize build subcategories yet. Tbh, SimPE isn't always that good at it either.
Aka all the stuff for objects
None of these resources can currently be edited. MMATs are not even recognised and show up as "unknown".
Exporting a gmdc does not yield a .5gd file, just a .gmnd resource. So you cannot use this program to extract a mesh.
To summarize
My review may sound overwhelmingly critical, but as stated before, it's new, it still has a long way to go.
Do I recommend it? No. Not at this moment. While you can make careers with it, I would personally still use SimPE for that.
The only situation in which I could recommend it, is for MAC users that would like to do some tiny edits. BCON tuning, changing catalog prices or description, tweaking autonomy. It's quite useable for that.
I do think SimPAI could become very useful in the future, so I am looking forward to seeing how it'll develop.
To the developers: kudos for making this! It shows great promise and I'm looking forward to future updates and support for more resource types!
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Review SimpAI vs SimPE by Sims 2 Idea
In this video I compare SimpAI with the tool that we have used for so many years and growned accustomed to: SimPE SimpAI is a new online tool by bass-dandy on GitHub (meaning it's open source). It's actually like SimPE, but with a bit less features. My guess is that's because it still needs some work. Features can always be added by anyone as it's open source. It has less features, but for some things the UI is easier.
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animalkingdomdoc · 1 year
Black-crested Sumatran langur (Simpai).
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notelizapancakes · 2 years
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just a bunch of teens really
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aseeenka · 2 years
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ichsany · 1 year
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Logo Design: Simpay Tani
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oceangutparfume · 1 year
0813-2920-0823 (NEW RELEASE), Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat Simpay Jaya
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0813-2920-0823 (NEW RELEASE), Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat Simpay JayaLangsung ORDER KLIK WA http://wa.me/6281329200823 , Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat Simpay Jaya, Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat Arahan, Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat Astana, Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat Babadan, Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat Buyut, Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat Jadimulya, Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat Jatimerta, Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat Kalisapu, Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat KlayanMinyak Wangi Buat Sholat � JAZZY OUD adalah varian aroma Oud dari GUT PARFUM yang sangat cocok sekali di gunakan sebagai Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat. JAZZY OUD diracik khusus dari aroma kayu oud disertai aroma oriental dari red apple lalu berakhir dengan sedikit aroma vanilla yang manis dan segar. Kami jual minyak wangi sholat ini ke seluruh Indonesia. Kami biasa mengirim parfum ini ke pelosok Indonesia dan bisa bayar ditempat.Kangen aroma saat di Masjidil Haram? Untuk menghadap Bos saja wangi apalagi menghadap Allah swt.Beli saja Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat JAZZY OUD GUT PARFUMGUT PARFUME INDONESIAJl. Jlamprang Krapyak Kidul Gg 2 No 10a Kota PekalonganNo Telp 0813�2920�0823OPEN AGEN -> CALL 0813�2920�0823PELUANG BISNIS GRATIS GABUNG GRUP WA KLIK (http://wa.me/6281329200823)KLIK (http://wa.me/6281329200823)KLIK (http://wa.me/6281329200823)#MinyakWangiBuatSholatSimpayJaya, #MinyakWangiBuatSholatArahan, #MinyakWangiBuatSholatAstana, #MinyakWangiBuatSholatBabadan, #MinyakWangiBuatSholatBuyut, #MinyakWangiBuatSholatJadimulya, #MinyakWangiBuatSholatJatimerta, #MinyakWangiBuatSholatKalisapu, #MinyakWangiBuatSholatKlayan
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0857-2341-5422 (PALING MURAH), Gula Aren Asli Sukajaya
0857-2341-5422 (PALING MURAH), Gula Aren Aslili Tenjo
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gooselacom · 2 years
Saresehan Sambung “Tali Simpay” Antar Generasi Serta Lestarikan Marwah Siliwangi
Saresehan Sambung “Tali Simpay” Antar Generasi Serta Lestarikan Marwah Siliwangi
Bandung, Goosela.com – Melalui momentum HUT Republik Indonesia ke 77 tahun 2022, Pangdam III/Slw Mayjen TNI Kunto Arief Wibowo S.I.P adakan kegiatan Sarasehan bersama para pendahulu dan sesepuh Kodam III/Slw yang diharapkan dapat menjadi media evaluasi dan pererat silaturahmi antar generasi. Hal tersebut disampaikan Kapendam III/Slw Kolonel Inf Arie Tri Hedhianto di sela mendampingi Pangdam…
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View On WordPress
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lamarizk · 2 years
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biffybobs · 4 months
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Sunday Baby: geek + nosy +pleasestopgrowingupitsmakingmesad
hair + glasses + t-shirt
hair + shirt + bag + sandals
hair + outfit
hair + hoodie
Thaaaaank you to the following creators for helping me perfect my baby's style: @yooniesim @sleepingsims @demondare-sims @jellymoo @ceeproductions @simpai @mossylane ❤️
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capsensislagamoprh · 5 months
Because I am god damned shipping trash and you can't stop me, I started looking up things. When I saw this:
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I had a hot moment of: BWAHAHAHAHAH! Then I was like: I wonder what the other names mean. The rabbit hole.
I found a twimbler by jikooksubunit that basically summed up to : Katsuki Yuuri means ‘student of a victor who benefits from courage’ and I think that is beautiful. And I was like: Fuck yeah.
Then I went further down, because fuck you, you can't stop me.
Yuri Plisetsky means (first name) farmer [unless he's Jewish, in which case it means Light of God] (last name) Influencer/Freedom Lover/Charisma. Which, I mean, humble origins, willing to suffer for what he wants, and damned if he's not an influencer with his own style and everyone wants a piece of him (for good or ill). Also a fucking demonic angel. So... yes.
And as you know, shipping trash don't do half. So I looked up Otabek Altin. We all know Altin means gold. What dose his first name mean, google? Fucking help me! So it did. It's actually an Uzbek name. It can be translated as "The Father of all Dukes" or “The Greatest Duke”. In middleage it was also a title for all the heirs coming from a certain lineage of Taimur. MY MIND FUCKING BLOWN.
Fucking ICE KING Winner-Winnerson
there feral ice child some times called princess to the determent of everyone with the sheer chutzpah to try it HO, I'M GONNA AND MAKE YOU PAY THE BILL RESPECT MY ETHEREAL, DAINTY, TOUGH AS NAILS ASS, YOU BASIC BITCH
and his BFF/prince charming : LITERALLY A FUCKING ROYAL BLOOD LINE MADE OF GAWD DAMNED GOLD, A.K.A. original 'Daddy of them All' (it's in the fucking name!), called a hero of his home country (rescue Yurio, on your modern day steed, daddy?). [Calmly exert your 'dad energy' in that 'you have awoken the beast' way that the wild cat some times needs?] Ether way, mah dudes. Ether way.
No wonder his ass can afford to ship that bike where ever he wants. Yurio is gonna get so damned spoiled. I love this fucking fandom.
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lizzisimss · 1 year
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Downtown Girl Outfits Lookbook CC List:
1: [Aladdin] Katy Hair, [AxA]-AvrilTop_Baseball, AdrienPastel x2022AlyraTrousers, adrienpastel_SP34_sneakers_female, casteru - yfHat_Messenger Bag_031020
2: [AH00B]-RoseHairV2, miiko-flower-waist-chain, serenity_LulyTop_v2, [greenllamas] BRATZ_Kool_Kat_Pants, DarkNighTt Sims-Patreon - Tread Slick Platform High Sneakers
3: [arethabee] kimberly hair v2, serenity_af_JourneySweater, CSxDSxOxT_Trillyke_Tori_Skirt, [Jius]LeatherPlatformAnkleBoots04, dreamteamsims Ellie Backpack ACC Hat Category Female, Solistair_ToastyToes_07_UnderKnee_MF_Hibiscus, [IDAVALLEN] - WILLOW TIGHTS SET
4: [greenllamas] GOSSIP_Audrey_Hair, AdrienPastel x CarlottaPoloTop, adrienpastel_bottom_ashley_jeans, DarkNighTt Sims - Tekno Sneakers, [arethabee] jessica tied shirt accessory, Caiocc_Set_Warm (hat)
5: [arethabee] kim hair, [greenllamas] SLASHER_Amandla_Top, CLUMSYALIEN [EMILIA SKIRT], serenity_MonolithSocks, RidgeportMynxTights, {busra-tr} Clothes SET-94 (CARDIGAN) BD355 +HQ,
6: [AH00B]-JadaHair, Elliesimple_fTop_BoyfriendJacketv2, [greenllamas] MIMOSA_Juice_Jeans, adrienpastel_SP34_beanie_female, Madlen Amy Sneakers
7: TwistedCat_Mila_Hair, Marigold - FTopJJJKnitCropCardigan, serenity_NellyPants, MARSMERIZING_Headphone (Necklace)_FEMALE, [RONA] Dr.Martens Wincox, jwofles_bdayparty-bag
8: simstrouble_FemaleHair_Maree, CLUMSYALIEN [SIENNA JACKET], Elliesimple_fBottom_HighRiseMomJeans, [AH00B]-Trinity_Clips, AdrienPastel x IrmaSneakers, [Jius]KnittedSocks04
Body: Pralinesims_Nails_Female_N27_SugarMilk, heihu-niunai_cleavageoverlay_mouthcrease, nesurii_lightitup-highlight,  Pralinesims - UltimateEyebrowCollection_MaxisMatch (N134 Jana), Pralinesims - UltimateEyelinerCollection (N18 Elysium, N44 VEOX), PYXIS - ToTheBone_Nosemasks, [ajduckie] Honey Skinblend, Simbience_HauteSkinblend
Makeup: JH Cosmetics - Eyeliner 98, JH Cosmetics - Eyeshadow 108, JH Cosmetics - Eyeshadow 121, [ d r e a m g i r l ] 3 D_l a s h e s_V6, [simpai] soft glow eyeshadow, [simpai] vivid_mac_eyeshadow, JH [COSMETICS] EYELINER #116, JH [COSMETICS] LIPSTICK #135, JH [COSMETICS] LIPSTICK #150, Pralinesims_Lip_N236_LucidDream, breezytrait petals makeup pack (merged), Twistedcat_Lashes_NO1, TwistedCat_Lashes_NO2_glasses, TwistedCat_SourFruit_Blush, TwistedCat_SourFruit_Eyeshadow, Twistedcat_Stalker_Eyeshadow, 4w25 - CutenessIntensifiesBlush, Pralinesims - UltimateEyelinerCollection, Pralinesims - UltimateLipstickCollection, PS - BlushN29, RemusSirion - Lipstick_233-Proteomics, RemusSirion - Lipstick_241-Sapogenate
Accessories: serenity_EvaEarrings, serenity_EvaNecklaceRedux, [boonstow] luna moth earrings 2, ilkupSolarEarringsMERGED, [arethabee] ashley earrings, [arethabee] starr earrings, [SC00]SeniorYearChain, Pralinesims - UltimateEarringCollection
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rinverno · 3 months
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I'm currently making my way through the Glimmerbrook townies and apparently there are only so many moon/star-themed cc pieces - esp. in a specific shade like cobalt blue here - but the ones I found are absolutely stunning so I wanted to share them (and give my girl Gemma the makeover she desperately needed).
cc under the cut!
⟡ general: hair | face tattoo
⟡ everyday: top | shorts | boots | earrings | necklace | backpack | chain | rings | fishnets
⟡ formal: dress | fishnet top | sandals | earrings & necklace
⟡ athletic: outfit | pointe shoes | leggings (ea)
⟡ sleep: outfit | slippers
⟡ party: dress | top acc | shoes | earrings | choker | chain | rings | tights
⟡ swimwear: bikini top & bottom
⟡ hot weather: cardigan | skirt | shorts acc | shoes | earrings | necklace | rings
⟡ cold weather: top | top acc | pants | boots | beanie | earrings | choker | chain | rings
thank you cc creators! @regina-raven @asansan3 @bluecravingcc @clumsyalienn @idsims @madlensims @serenity-cc @guemarasims @its-adrienpastel @harmoniasims @evellsims @pralinesims @ts4eve @simpai @caio-cc @arethabee @dallasgirl79 @belaloallure3 @trillyke @magic-bot @ikari-sims @148dazed @solistair @jius-sims @simstrouble
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aseeenka · 2 years
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