akseedragon713 · 6 years
Coming out, for me, has been really slow.
In 7th grade, my friend Max told me he was gay. I blinked, stared at him, and asked him what that ment. I still feel really bad about that, but thankfully I wasn't the first person he told. So he explained to me what my parents had hid from me really well, that he liked boys. So my inner monolog was like "oh, okay. Cool. That's a thing. Boys can date boys. Okay." I just smiled and accepted it. I was really confused though because he was dating Savanah at the time. They broke up shortly after.
A few months later in the middle of chorus Savanah told me she was a Lesbian. Just like last time, I had no idea what that ment. So she took hands with Ashlyn and told me. Without missing a beat, I exclaimed "GIRLS CAN DO IT TOO?!?!" They broke out laughing. Turns out Savanah and Max were only dating so no one would think they were gay.
8th grade my friend Shawn came out to me and our group of friends. They were all suprised, but seing how Shawn acted like Ethan and looks just like Bram from Love, Simon, I told him I knew already. He was suprised, but he was so happy! We started to check out guys together (we both had a thing for Tom Felton).
In 9th grade I realized the reason I was so obsessed with Luna Lovegood wasn't just because she was so cool.
I can't remember if it was 9th or 10th buy Savanah came out to me as trans. I smiled and hugged him and helped him figure out his new name. Drew is a pretty awesome guy. He asked me out and I said yes, but we only dated a week before we desided we were better as friends. I haven't talked to him in a while, he got bullied so bad he had to be homeschooled. Miss him.
I told him I think I like girls in the back of his mom's car while she was getting gas. What is with people coming out for the first time in cars? XD
It was the strangest thing, but most of my friends slowly started comming out in one way or another. Like, in the span of a few months.
Slowly, but surly, I started telling people. Often in passing, like, a straight guy friend would be talking about how hot (insert actress here) was, and I'd say "oh yeah, she's so cute, her legs are amazing!" I had to be really careful though because my brother had a huge rant in front of me about how disgusting being gay was and how they were all going to hell. I begged people not to tell, and luckily, they didn't.
Tumblr told me what Pan was. Thanks, Tumblr <3. I didn't know you could like more than one gender for ages.
Almost everyone who knows me now knows I'm pan. But, my foot is still caught in the closet door...
My family has no clue.
Except my brother, actually. The asshole from earlier who indirectly told me I was going to hell. I told him a few months ago. Because I read Simon vs the Homosapiens Agenda.
This is a weird story alright.
I'm moving in a few months and I have no idea where I'm going to live, so my brother asked if I wanted to move in with him and his roommates, three other guys. They're looking for a house instead of an apartment currently.
So he's talking to me about his roommates while Ash vs the Evil Dead is playing in the background. Ash's car was possessed and was busy murdering a group of teenagers (and if you don't know, that show is gory as hell). He's telling me about how one of his roommates owns guns and teenagers are screaming and there's blood everywhere and I'm shaking like crazy because I've desided to do it. My heart is racing and I'm clicking my fidget cube really fast and without missing a beat he says "yeah so that's nick you're really nervous right now."
The car runs over someone's head as I open my mouth. We both cringed and start laughing.
So I ask him if it would bother his friends if I was pan.
He said "oh, no they'd be fine with that, Michal might be a little weird, but you're fine. Have I told you about Michal yet? He-"
I was stunned. I was scared to death of telling him, and he didn't freak, didn't yell.
I asked him why he didn't say anything, just accepted it. To be honest, I thought he didn't know what pan ment.
He rubbed the back of his neck and said, "Well, I think I'm an atheist. You are too, right?"
And that's how I learned he knew both of my secrets.
He still thinks being gay is gross, but... he doesn't hate me. It's... really nice.
Thanks, Simon.
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the-autumn-blue · 3 years
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✨the blind duckling✨ First off, sorry I’ve been inactive lately! Things are just so busy around here! This little baby is my blind duckling. She was born without eyes and can’t see a thing but is just the sweetest baby ever. Luckily Charlie and Layla have taken a liking to her and they’re all friends now ❤️ She’s actually snuggling into my armpit as I write this. So sweet. And I finished Simon a little while ago! I gotta say, it was so good. Simons thoughts were so realistic and relatable I couldn’t help but love his character and all the others. Can’t wait to watch the movie next! #duck #baby #babyduck #duckling #littleduck #toocute #adorable #babyanimals #socute #cutestthingever #sweet #cuddles #ducklingsofinstagram #blind #blindduck #simon #lovesimon #simonvsthehomosapianagenda https://www.instagram.com/p/CQjCu8GLLMc/?utm_medium=tumblr
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keiracha-blog · 6 years
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1/2 Simon, from Simon vs the homo sapien agenda I love him.
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akseedragon713 · 8 years
Simon vs the homosapian agenda
Oh my god tumblr why don’t you know about Simon yet? This book is about a magestic gay nerd trying to figure out who his crush, this guy called Blue, he talks to online is. Its super cute and I’m so sad simon doesn’t have fanart. Where is Simon’s fandom?
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