jewishshadowhunters · 5 years
Simon and the Lewis Family’s Judaism: evidence from the show
Here are the things we can guess from what the show gives us, as to what denomination and movement of Judaism the Lewis family is. 
Of course, there is a part of it that can be due to the writers not knowing versions of Judaism other than the usually US-centric version that the media tends to work mainly with. 
Family Evidence:
- the Lewis last name has European roots, and is one of the anglicized variations of the Levi name. Lewis is a generally Ashkenazic version. 
- his grandmother is Polish (2x13), and is referred to as Bubbe Hellen, Bubbe being Yiddish for Grandmother. Yiddish is typically spoken by Ashkenazic Jews (Jews of Eastern Europe, France and Germany). 
Cultural Evidence:
- during the Yom Kippur breaking of fast meal (2x16), the family serves matzot ball soup, and kugel, those are both Ashkenazic dishes. 
Terminology Evidence: 
- Simon uses the word “Rabbi” when addressing his religious figure, in 3x09, “Rabbi” is used by non-Hasidic Jews. Simon and his family seem not to be Hasidic. 
- In 2x16, Bubbe Helen uses the word “temple” to refer to their house of worship, this could indicate they are from the Reform denomination. 
- However, a mourner’s prayer in Hebrew (2x05) could be evidence of them not being Reform, because - to my understanding - a lot of the Reform services and prayers are done in English. 
TL;DR: show evidence tends to say that Simon and his family are non-Hasidic Ashkenazic Jewish people, and could be Reform, Conservative or Orthodox. 
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alberto-rosende · 7 years
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I do.
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andrewmiyards · 9 years
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tmi aesthetics: 4/?
Simon Lovelace 
He felt … he didn’t know how he felt, except stunned. Filled with joy and confusion and what felt like a flickering light, growing brighter by the second. He felt strong. He felt ready. He felt like his abs were still pretty much only a two-pack, but he supposed even a magic cup could get you only so far.
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jewishshadowhunters · 5 years
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Hello and welcome to Jewish Shadowhunters’ first Jewish July Event!
What is Jewish July?
Jewish July is a content-creating event by Jewish Shadowhunters. The goal is to promote understanding and learning of Jewish traditions, and the creation of Jewish Shadowhunters content!
You do NOT have to be Jewish to participate! It’s open to anyone willing to learn and represent Simon and the Lewis’ religion in their content!
How Do I Participate?
Create any kind of Shadowhunters content involving one or several Jewish characters, following the prompts!
Submit your work by using the "shjewishjuly19" tag
You can add to the AO3 collection by adding "JSHJJ19” in the “Post to Collection” field
What are the Rules?
Your content must include one Jewish character from the show Shadowhunters. It can be a canon character (any member of the Lewis family) or a headcanon character (any other character)
If you choose to write a ship, at least one of the characters in the ship has to be Jewish (canon or headcanon)
Follow the week’s theme
Crossovers are allowed as long as it includes one Shadowhunters character and one Jewish character
Forbidden Content:
abusive ships, incest ships, ships erasing a character’s canon sexuality erasure of a character’s canon religion: non-Jewish Elaine, Rebecca or Simon Lewis, Bubbe Helen or non-Catholic Raphael Santiago
content that mocks Jewish people, Jewish culture, Jewish religion and Jewish traditions, content that promotes antisemitism
Questions  - Prompts 
Thank you to @toughpaperround for the banner!
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jewishshadowhunters · 5 years
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Jewish July Prompts:
Week 1 - Canon Week - July 1st to July 8th
The first week is all about focusing on the canon Jewish representation:
canon Jewish characters : Simon, Rebecca, Elaine, Bubbe Helen
canon Jewish moments: Yom Kippur episode, Mourner’s prayer, Simon’s tallit…
Week 2 - Headcanon Week - July 9th to July 16th
The second week is all about Jewish headcanons!
headcanon Jewish characters : any that aren’t the Lewis family ;)
headcanon Jewish moments: any moment that wasn’t on the show, anything that Simon could have done at a difficult moment etc, maybe a future show moment? a wedding? Izzy converting?
Week 3 - AU Week - July 17th to July 24th
I think that is all I need to say!
A Jewish moment in an AU! Are the Lightwoods Jewish in that AU? or maybe Malec’s wedding re-imagined as a Jewish ceremony! Who knows! You decide ;)
Week 4 - Holiday Week - July 25th to July 31st
What Jewish holiday can you see the characters celebrating?
Questions - Rules
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jewishshadowhunters · 6 years
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Hello! It’s your friendly neighbourhood Jewish Shadowhunters blog, reminding you that the Hanukkah event is coming!
What is the Hanukkah Event?
the Hanukkah Event is a content-creating event by Jewish Shadowhunters. The goal is to promote understanding and learning of Jewish traditions, and a Jewish holiday.
You do NOT have to be Jewish to participate! It’s open to anyone willing to learn and represent Simon and the Lewis’ religion in their content!
How Do I Participate?
Create any kind of Shadowhunters content involving one or several Jewish characters, and the theme of “Hanukkah”
Submit it to our blog/the AO3 collection before December 7th 2018 (it used to be November 29th, so now you have more time), so it can be posted between December 2nd and December 10th.
But what if you don’t find time to create anything untill then? Do not worry! You can create stuff up untill December 28th - but, please, contact us first if you want to post things after December 10th.
You can add to the AO3 collection by adding "JSHHanukkah2018” in the “Post to Collection” field
What if I have no idea what to create?
Jewishshadowhunters created a list of prompts, that you can use (but using them is not mandatory):
Hanukkah Feast
Gifts (remember - this is Hanukkah, not Christmas!)
Interfaith celebration
Still unsure or have questions? Write to us.
You don’t know what Hanukkah really is? No worries! We have some resources you can use by clicking the link!
And here is the link to the original post, where you can find the rules.
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