cryptoknowmics · 4 years
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Simon Dixon, the co-founder and CEO of BnktoTheFuture.com opines that Bitcoin can play a major role in helping the Lebanese government to rebuild their economy. He said that for this, the government needs... Read more
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The #dixonteamnaples clients #knockdown #spechome #customhome in #naplesflorida is coming along nicely!! Right on the #naplesbay is #waterfront #community #royalharbor 🌅🌴🛥⚓️ #gulfofmexico #boat #boating #boatlife #swfl #connorgaskinsunlimited #palmtree #sunset #sunsets 😍 #realestate #naplesrealestate #inthe239 #paradisecoast #paradise #simondixon @simon_dixon320
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jacobtremblays-blog · 11 years
Hugh Dancy ?
i just answered omg but i love that the first actor that came to mind when asking me something was hugh dancy
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nymheria · 11 years
Voted for pondsie ! good luck
Thank you for her ! :)
url : 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | HELLA RAD
theme : 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | WOW MY EYES
icon : 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | MASTERPIECE
overall : 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | UNICORN
[vote for pondsie's entry in this poll to have a blog rate !]
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caffeinated-nebulas · 11 years
Hey, 1 ; 3 ; 31 ; 37 ?
1: What is your best friend’s name?
I don’t really have a best friend. I’m not particularly close to any of my friends at the moment, so yeah.
3: What are you listening to right now? 
My washing machine in the hallway. I’m waiting until it’s done, so I can empty it, hang my clothes and go to the library.
31: Favorite movies? 
Ehm, the Harry Potter movies, The Hobbit, Star Trek movies… I don’t know, those should definitely be included, but there are so many movies I like D:
37: Dogs or cats?
I love both, but I’m more of a dog-person.
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bloodygraham · 11 years
Follow These Flawless Babies
theroguedemonhunter +follow
somelazypsychiatry +follow
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knight--commander · 11 years
E.T. ?
WOAH I'D ALMOST FORGOTTEN HIM :O I'll put him under "Aliens in Media" as well, but I think he deserves his own mini-chapter ^^
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rustencohle · 11 years
Hey, for the blog rate thing : Shaun of the dead ?
Movie: never watched But I want to soooo bad | whatever | I saw it and was amazing! | WHT? I THINK THIS MOVIE IS FUCKING AMAZING. 
URL: can improve? | bless | I liked it | flawless | YOUR URL IS MINE NOW.
Icon: can improve? | bless | I liked it | flawless | WHERE YOU FOUND IT?
Blog: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |7 | 8 | 9 | +10 | +201663957
following? hey,not real. sorry you know that’s forever,right?
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hai-se-blog · 11 years
voted for chekow :)
thank you
url: super swaggy gurrrrrrrrl 9/10icon: asdfghjkl 8/10blog: i see simon pegg and that makes you perfect 10/10 would recommendfollow?: now i do dahling
vote for my new url
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jacobtremblays-blog · 11 years
Aaron Paul ?
celeb: i don’t like them tbh I okay I pretty cool I flawless I so fab it hurts I I WOULD GIVE MY HEART AWAY
blog: nah I okay I nice I great I amazing I wow stahp I ASDFGHJKL
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caffeinated-nebulas · 11 years
So I was tagged in three of these 11-question things today (by fpwoper,  simondixons and thancolmod, thank yooou uwu) and normally I don't react on them, but I thought I'd give it a go. Anyway, I'm just going to answer all three in the same post ~
So, the rules:
1: Post the rules 2: Answer the questions of the person who tagged you and write 11 new ones 3: Tag 11 new people 4: Let them know you tagged them
(Okay, I'm not going to tag 11 new people, because I think tagging people back is lame and without tagging people who have already been tagged today, I won't have enough people to tag, because I am a lonely and pathetic creature with a tiny, unknown blog. Also, that was a lot of "tag"in one sentence, sorry for that.)
My answers to fpwoper's questions:
How did you celebrate New Year's Eve?
With my family. It was okay. Me, my brother and my mother played a board game until midnight and my brother made oliebollen. Just before midnight, my father got out of bed (he went to bed at 9 pm or something) and we all wished each other a happy new year and then my parents went to bed, my brother went outside to watch the fireworks and I read a book. Yes, a very interesting night.
Are you in possession of a driver’s licence, or do you want to be?
No I'm not. I'm old enough to get one now, but don't want one. I'm doing perfectly fine with a bike and free public transport (I mean, it's free), it's expensive, driving is bad for the environment and I kind of hate cars anyway.
What is your favourite song from the 80s?
None. I don't really listen to any music from the 80s, so yeah.
Do you prefer cold food or warm food?
Unless the weather is hot, which happens about three days a year in the Netherlands, warm food <3
Are you on any kind of medication?
I am. I take meds for my AD/HD and sleeping pills.
What is your favourite series of books (and why?)
Hm, I don't read so many series. So I will just go for my all-time favourite, which is, of course, Harry Potter.
Did you receive any Christmas / New Year's wishes cards?
Yes, you sent me one ~ And some other people as well, which is very sweet ^^
What does it take to persuade you to do something?
No idea, really. If you have to persuade me, it's probably either because I think I shouldn't do it, or because I know I should but I don't want to do it. On both subjects, it's really hard to make me change my mind. (I don't remember it ever happening.)  So I'm usually just persuaded by the fact that you're my superior and I have to obey you. Or because you make me feel bad for you, for not doing what you want.
What is your way of procrastination if you need to study?
Lots of things. Tumblr, watching TV series. Since I live on my own, I also use shopping, cooking and dishwashing as excuses, because that has to be done anyway.
Do you own Apple products?
I don't own apples or anything made of apples, but I do own an iPod touch. (Two, in fact, because I still use my old one sometimes.)
What did you think of  last night's episode of Sherlock (The sign of three)? If you haven't seen it (yet), why haven't you?
I won't spoiler, but I'll say that I cried (twice, at least, not sure), laughed and although I'm not suuure what to think of it, I liked watching it.
And simon's questions:
Favourite animal?
No idea. Maybe dogs.
City or countryside?
City, I think. I've lived in the country for most of my life and I'm living, well, more near a city now, and I like that better.
A song you now love but didn't like on the first listen?
Storytime by Nightwish. When I first heard it, I didn't really get it or something, I don't know, I didn't like it. But I really love it now ^^
An instrument you play / would like to play?
I played french horn during the last couple of years (I quit some months ago) and I reeeally loved the instrument. So horn is really my thing, but I also like some other instruments, ehrm, cello, bassoon, saxophone...
Are there any movies that made you cry?
There are dozens of movies that made me cry.
Did you make any resolutions for 2014?
I usually don't, but this evening I decided I should cycle more (instead of taking the bus).
Which languages do you speak?
Dutch is my native language. I also speak English, quite fluently, but not at native or near-native level. A little bit of German, but it's so bad I only use it for comedic purpose, and some French, but that's very little.
Sun or rain?
Favourite holiday?
Hm, I like Easter, but we always celebrate that in the morning and I'm not a morning person. So I think it's Sinterklaas, because that always really brings our family together and it's a lot of fun, even though the weeks before are a hell lot of work and stress.
Who is the person you admire the most?
Hm, nobody in particular.
Biggest achievement in 2013?
Graduating from high school with good marks.
Aaand thancolmod's questions:
What is your most important value?
Well, I think your most important value is in how you help other beings. Now I wouldn't call myself a good person, or a good friend, and in that way, I don't think I've ever really helped people, but I think I am, in a way, a good daughter for my parents. So I think that would be my most important value, making my parents happy.
Do you have a trait that you expect others to find annoying?
I always think I must be really annoying, but not for any particular reason. But I often talk more than I want to, especially about myself, and I can imagine that that is annoying sometimes.
What's your favourite moment in televison history?
Ehm, no particular moment, I think. No.
Who's your favourite person in human history?
Don't have a favourite here either.
What your favourite type of pie?
I already answered this once, but I'm really fond of vlaai, which is a local product from the very south of the Netherlands... I could go on and on about the different kinds, but I think my favourite with plums.
Have you ever met a celebrity?
What's your greatest accomplishment?
I don't know, probably graduating from secondary school with very good marks, but that sounds so sad. It could also be learning English, but I didn't really work to accomplish that and I'm still learning.
Do you like Dutch Doughnuts?
If it's only for one day in a year, yes, I do.
Have you ever kept silent about something you’ve done?
I don't think anyone hasn't. I mean, even if it was simply because something wasn't worth telling, or because you had already forgotten about it. But okay, even if you mean something I did which was not only worth telling but which I also should have told someone. Yes, I did. I did it a real lot as a kid, because I did a lot of things I was ashamed of - breaking things, pissing my pants (I did that until I was 10 or something, had to do with my other bowel problems), stuff like that. This week, my mother mentioned a chair "we" had broken, and I realised she still didn't know who had done that (I had), but for some reason I still couldn't tell her. Not so much because of the chair, but because I didn't want to tell her I lied about it.
Are you supporting any charities?
No, not currently. I'm planning on making a donation to some kind of charity with some of the money I have access to now that I'm 18, but I don't know to what yet. (It's kind of complicated, and I still need to talk about it with my parents.)
Do you have any irrational fears?
I'm kind of afraid of heights, but I think that's it. 
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bloodygraham · 11 years
simondixons replied to your post “Hey, 3 ;17 ; 81 ? ~”
aww thanks !
you're amazing ♥
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knight--commander · 11 years
I was tagged by simondixons yaaaaaay :D thanks <3
Rule 1: post the rules Rule 2: answer the questions the person who tagged you asked and write 11 new ones Rule 3: tag 11 people and link them to the post  (don't really have time to tag anyone sorry :c) Rule 4: actually tell them you tagged them
1. favourite animal? Hmm that's a hard one. I guess it would be either cats or dogs.. ACTUALLY NO HOLD ON! DOLPHINS <3 or wait.. penguins? damn idk
2. city or countryside? well I'd say city because I just came back from the countryside and I actually hate it there, no offence! I just prefer the city, but not like in the center, more on the outskirts.
3. a song you now love but didn’t like on the 1st listen? stolen dance by milky chance
4. an instrument you play/would like to play? piano, I just wish I could play it better. I've been trying to learn more, but I just rarely have the energy or time to do it.
5. are there any movies that made you cry? hm usually I don't cry because of a movie, more because of a certain scene IN the movie, but whatever. Last one I remember would be at the beginning of pacific rim when Yancy died :(
6. did you make any resolutions for 2014? less getting sick so I can go to norway in april and more writing, but that's about it. I'm trying not to make too many plans in case I do get sick after all.
7. which languages do you speak? I fluently speak german (first language) and english, but also a bit of french. And I can read danish and norwegian and understand some of it. ^_^
8. sun or rain? SUN!! I can't live without the sun. 
9. favourite holiday? idk, every holiday's just too much work now :c
10. who is the person you admire the most? There are a few actors I admire, like Misha Collins or Tom Hiddleston. But except that, I don't know...
11. biggest achievement in 2013? all the exams I had in november and still participating in nanowrimo. I had so much to do and still managed to write 12K words. That's one of the only things I'm proud of.
Thanks for tagging me <3 Sorry I really can't tag anyone right now, I have to get back to school work :c
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rustencohle · 11 years
thank you!! :)
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knight--commander · 11 years
Hey, I'm so sorry about your loss,I really hope you'll get better..! ; my askbox is always open if you want to talk :)
Thank you
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caffeinated-nebulas · 11 years
France ? ~
France: How do you show your love for those you care for?
It’s something I find hard, because I’m often to shy to show or say it explicitly. So I just try to be kind and help them when I can and smile when I see them. (Though that happens automatically.)
Thanks for the question!
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