#simon x mykie
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psychotic4ghost · 2 years ago
Some more Incorrect COD Quotes using my friend's quotes!
This one is very Soap filled today
Warnings: Language
Soap: I know a lot about fucking goats!...wait
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*playing video games in the rec room*
Ghost: Hang on, I'm currently one v oneing this pussy.
Soap: I am the pussy :(
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Gaz: You are the gay frogs that Alex Jones warned us about. (referring to Mykie)
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Soap: So, if rocks taste so good, does that mean sandpaper is just fruit by the foot?
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Soap: Them jorts be calling to me
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Soap: My dad came in and complimented me on my dick earlier
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Soap: I bet you got a fat fucking...ass underneath that uh, shell
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Mykie: I have achieved the four elements. Horny, depressed, violent, and....GAY!
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psychotic4ghost · 1 year ago
Blood Under The Bridge A story by Psychotic4Ghost
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Chapter 1 - Decode The Ghost
TW: Strong Language ♡ Light mentions of alcohol ♡ ♡ Masterlist | chapter 2 ♡ WC: 1.5k ♡ A/N: This has been in the works for awhile now and I'm really proud of how it's turned out so far. My best friend is helping me edit this story and I couldn't be more grateful to her. Sorry for making y'all wait, but without further ado, here's chapter one c:
Gentle snowfall covered the streets below Mykie Jamison’s apartment balcony. The aroma of the freshly brewed coffee filled her nostrils as she watched the hustle of the night life, cyclists dodged inattentive walkers as they strolled the streets, paying more focus to their phones than their surroundings. Phones; small little devices that the world put all their information into. Credit card details, social security number, loved ones names, the first street they lived on, and more, all at their fingertips. All at her fingertips. Behind her, through the open door of her loft, sat her laptop on her couch, just waiting for her to work her magic. 
Her current hit was a small business, one that had been basically robbing people of their money. Overcharging for a product that was barely worth the price. Mykie’s goal was to rewire the money so she could return it to its rightful owners, but not before taking her cut. She pushed off the railing where she stood, turning on her heels; her chestnut hair flowing in the cool breeze behind her as it settled at the mid of her back. 
Her apartment was decent. The walls were intact and the hot water worked. It was more than she could ask for, especially at the price point. She curled back into her spot on the couch, leaving the breeze a way to sneak past her cracked balcony door. The blinding white lights of her laptop illuminated her pale skin while her jade gaze lasered in on her task. Her ruby red nails tapped away at the keyboard until she heard that sweet, sweet sound of her banking app’s notification. Success. 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
“Another promotion?” one of Mykie’s friends, Joey, asked as they sat at a small high top table in a local bar.
“Yup, I’m on a roll.” Mykie raised her glass to her lightly painted, rosy lips. She had another successful night and had a little extra spending money on hand so she offered to take her friends out for drinks. 
“I dunno how you do it, mate. Three promotions in just two months. But I won’t say no to free drinks.” The blonde known as Mary, raised their glass in a cheer. 
“So, where do ya work again Rose?” Joey asked.  Rose, an alias. The same one written on her bank forms, and any other legal form for that matter. 
“Just some dumb firm. Nothing crazy, desk work.” Mykie made a shooing motion with her hand with a British accent heavy on her lips. While it was convincing, it was far from the truth. 'Rose' might've been born and raised in London for all these people knew but, Mykie was a purebred Scot.
A few weeks rolled by as Mykie droned on with her life; reading new books, trying new foods and upgrading her tech when she could. On one snowy night, she happened to be scrolling through some random Facebook posts about long lost people from her past when a picture of her father resurfaced. She scrunched her nose at the sight of him. He was donned up in his military garb. Typical brown camo with patches littering his chest and shoulders. A British flag next to a Scottish one, SAS, and one that caught her eye, 141. 
Mykie examined the post more. It was private, meaning that she shouldn’t be able to see this photo. She had never viewed it before in her childhood home so, why is it showing up on the internet of all places? "In Loving Memory" was written at the top of the post. 
She hated the fact that he was even given a memorial post after what he did. She tossed the thought to the side and decided to dig more on the 141 badge. After endless hours of scrolling and research, she couldn’t find anything on what the 141 could mean. Maybe it was a squad number? Her father was a captain at some point, just before he was discharged. 
“I shouldn’t…” Mykie muttered to herself. She tapped her chin in contemplation, what she was thinking of doing was beyond illegal. The FBI could end up on her tail if she wasn’t careful. With a heavy sigh, the woman knew she couldn't resist the risk. So, she popped open a bottle of bourbon, cracked her knuckles, and jumped down the 141 rabbit hole.
“Task Force 141…He was a part of a task force?” she asked the empty air around her. More files popped up as she continued to weed through all the information. “Captain Rodney Jamison. Discharged for violent acts in 2009… John Price, promoted to Captain of the 141 in 2011.” Mykie’s eyes scanned the pages about John Price, taking in as much as she could about him. He had a goofy smile and a fisherman hat in one of his photos, the others remained more professional. 
“Soap? Who the fuck calls themselves ‘Soap’?” Mykie exclaimed out loud. “John “Soap” MacTavish. That’s a Scottish name if I ever did hear one.” 
Another name crossed her screen, “Kyle “Gaz” Garrison. Pretty standard I guess.”
Mykie continued to read each person's file until she got to a particularly interesting one. 
All it said was Ghost. No name, no picture, and barely any information. This bugged Mykie. No, it really bugged her. Not having the information after all the time she spent working on this felt like a defeat and despite all she had found, it felt fleeting. 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
Nights had passed as Mykie slaved away at her computer. She was determined to find out more about this Ghost individual. Even just a name would ease her tensions. But ultimately, the name was nowhere to be found. It was like whoever this person was, never actually existed and was planted here just to mess with Mykie. 
Frustrated, she slammed her laptop shut and threw it onto the couch next to her. She ran her hands through her hair.
 “A run. I need a fucking run.” Mykie pushed herself from her couch and gathered gear for her night excursion. She lived in a small neighborhood in London. It had nice paths for morning jogs and parks for relaxing. Small shops and cafes lined the streets near her apartment with heavy foot traffic of the morning goers hurrying to their jobs. 
Mykie had a route, one she walked when she was too in her head about something. She had taken the path many times before but something felt different this time. Someone felt different this time. There were some people that Mykie would see every time she did this run; older people sitting on the benches by the ponds, the same kids who would play on the playset each morning before school but it was her, the blonde. Every time Mykie would pass a certain part, she’d see her, the same lady with blonde hair pulled back into a bun and a deep blue trench coat. 
Mykie cut her run short, she was too spooked to continue. She doubled back down a path that led to her complex. Quickly, without stopping to breathe, she made it to her front door. 
“Okay, that’s it, I’ve lost my fucking mind.” Mykie ran both her hands through her sweat drenched hair. Her lungs felt thick as she pushed the icy air from them. 
The shower head spilled hot water over Mykie’s shoulders as she replayed her morning over and over in her mind. Was she being followed? She couldn’t have been, she knew everyone in the town and she covered her tracks well enough. The hacker did her best to force the thoughts into the back of her mind as she made breakfast. 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
Another week passed by Mykie. She was starting to feel uneasy every time she left her apartment because she saw the same woman out of the corner of her eye everywhere she went. In the supermarket, the café, bars, bus stops, and even the library. Everywhere Mykie went, she saw the same lady but always in her peripherals. She started locking herself in her apartment and succumbed to only delivery for her food. But, money was running low and Mykie hadn’t hit another business in awhile. Her mind wasn’t in a working condition for her to do the things she needed to do. 
A quick knock broke Mykie from her thoughts. It was her front door, someone was knocking. She didn’t order any take out or deliveries, so there was no reason for someone to be knocking on her door. Panic flooded her mind as she pulled herself from her bedroom floor where she was sat. 
Her hand wrapped around the cold doorknob in what felt like slow motion. Another quick knock hit the door, startling Mykie as she gripped the handle tighter before twisting it to the left. With a quick tug of the handle it opened only for the same blonde hair and blue trench coat to  be staring back at Mykie however this time, piercing blue eyes stared back. 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
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psychotic4ghost · 2 years ago
The Sticky Hand
A/N: I honestly don't remember if I dreamt of reading this somewhere (or the idea of it at least) or if I did actually see this as someone idea on Tumblr. If you know who, TAG THEM pretty please <3
Warnings: None
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On one quiet day in the field, Ghost was sitting reading another book as usual when out of nowhere, a jelly-like substance smacked Ghost clean across his mask. He looked up to see Soap hiding behind Mykie. In Mykie’s hand was a small, rubber sticky hand toy. 
“If that was Soap…I’m gonna kill him.” Ghost threatened as he stood and started his menacing walk toward the two. 
“And if it was Mykie?” Soap giggled.
“She’ll get her punishment.” Ghost sighed as he met their gazes. He put out his hand, signaling for her to hand it over. 
Mykie looked Ghost up and down then her eyes locked on his hand. She brought up her arm as if she was going to hand it to Ghost. Stead, she brought her hand down quickly, causing the sticky hand to slap his gloved hand before Soap and her took off running. 
“Mykie- Jesus Christ. I’m faster than you.” Ghost sighed as he took off after her. 
Mykie’s eyes widened as she looked over her shoulder at the large man running after her. Soap split off and ran in the other direction. She hoped Ghost’s course would change and he would run after Soap. But no. He continued after her and he was gaining on her. 
Mykie came to a halt, she stepped to the side and let Ghost run past her. He slid on one foot, coming to a stop, and turned to look at her. “Give. Me. The. Stupid. Toy.” Ghost ordered. 
“Or what?” Mykie stuck her tongue out at Ghost who was only feet from her. 
Ghost chuckled. He quickly lunged towards her and gripped her at her waist, he threw her up and over his shoulder. He ripped the toy from her hand and shoved it in his pocket. Soap was hiding behind one of the training dummies, watching as Ghost hauled Mykie back towards the barracks. He knew he wouldn’t be seeing them for at least an hour. He took his sticky hand and tiptoed to Captain Price’s office. 
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psychotic4ghost · 2 years ago
:Siren & The 141:
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A/n: Sorry this chapter took so long for me to release. I haven't been liking my writing as much recently so I wanted it to be to my standards before I posted it. Enjoy! WC: 4k Masterlist prev pt next pt
🚨 Warnings 🚨 Smut (18+ MDNI), hospital, limb loss, prosthetics
Chapter 10 - *Bound*
Rain trickled down the window as Mykie watched the drops. Time seemed to move incredibly slow as she sat cooped up in the safe house. Simon was back at the base working on training and more missions. She hated not being able to help them find Pablo. She felt defeated until a thought popped in her head. She quickly unlocked her phone and tapped a contact in her favorites. 
“Price?” Mykie asked quickly the moment the phone clicked.
“Mykie, is everything okay?” He asked, rather worried. 
“Yeah, I’m great. I have a proposal.” She waited, holding her breath. 
“Okay, go on.”
“Intel. I can hack and I’m really good at it, you’ve seen it first hand. Let me be the eyes and ears of the 141. I can do hacking, coms, quick fixes with gear. Price, I’ve been in the field, I know how useful it could be to have a skilled special agent on coms.” Mykie blurted, she sucked in her breath as she waited for his response. 
“I appreciate your drive, Mykie. But…I’d have to run it through my higher ups. Let me finish this paper work and I’ll give them a call, okay?”
“Yes! Thank you Price!”
“However! You have to continue with your therapy and you cannot slack on that if I let you back in, got it?” He pressed. 
“You have my word, sir.” Mykie beamed into her phone.
“And mine.” Simon’s voice rang from the background of the call. He was in Price’s office and heard the whole thing.
“Oh, hi, Simon…” Mykie mumbled, she hadn’t spoken to him about her idea yet so she felt rather embarrassed. 
“Hi, Mykie. Don’t forget to eat.” Simon said in a gruff but caring voice. 
“Is that something she’s been forgetting to do?!” Price shouted as the line clicked. 
Mykie let out a soft chuckle. Simon was right though. She had been spacing out so much lately that she was forgetting to eat. And with Simon back at the base, she had to be the one to remember to feed herself. She pulled herself up from the armchair that Simon pushed in front of the window for her. She was still getting used to her new limitations. 
Simons hoodie unrolled down to her knees as she stood up. She wore a pair of his black sweatpants as well, despite how long they were on her. She had to tie the drawstrings as tight as she could and roll the legs up. 
The small kitchen was attached to the living room. There, she made a quick meal, some mac and cheese from a box that Price had sent over. He wanted foods she could make herself for when Simon or the nurses weren’t there to help her. Her and Price agreed on her not being babied so she could learn to function on her own as soon as possible. Nurse visits were becoming fewer and fewer as the months ticked on. Even Simon was forcing her to do things on her own now. 
“Hey, Dr. Faulkner.” Mykie chimed into her cellphone as she hung her spoon from her mouth. She set her bowl down on the counter as the phone was pressed to her ear with her shoulder. 
“Hello Ms. Jamison, how have you been feeling?” the doctor asked through the phone. 
“Pretty good. The redness has gone down a lot and I can wiggle the muscle without any strain.”
“Good, I have some great news. It will take some time but I’m sure it will be very well worth the wait in the end.” 
“I’m listening?” Mykie said before taking a mouthful of mac and cheese, her phone was now on the table on speaker phone. 
“Your new arm is ready. It is a bionic arm. You will need to make some appointments for fitting and testing then continue your physical therapy.”
“Really? That’s perfect, when can we do this?!” Mykie beamed. This was exactly what she was hoping for. 
“As soon as you’re ready. From your last check up, your stump seems healed enough.” 
“Awesome, I’ll contact Captain Price and let him know.” Mykie was so ecstatic about getting her new limb that she called Price back as soon as she hung up the phone with Dr. Faulkner. 
“Cap, is Simon still there?” Mykie nearly shouted into the phone.
“He is, I’ll put you on speaker. Go ahead.”
“Dr. Faulkner called, my prosthetic is ready!”
Mykie could hear Price and Simon both audibly gasp at the news. They spoke about times and dates they could have appointments made. Price had called in and got her appointment set up for the earliest date. 
“Do you have everything?” Simon asked as he slung Mykie’s backpack over his shoulder. 
“I think so. I brought my kindle and I’ll have my phone of course.” Mykie tapped her chin as she looked around the small house. When it was just her and Simon, they were both softer, warmer than how they were on the base. It felt nice to finally let her guard down and feel safe around someone. 
“I can’t wait to be able to drive again.” Mykie huffed as she climbed into the passenger seat of the jeep. 
“I don’t mind drivin, My.” Simon said before shutting the door and opening the backseat, throwing her bag in there. 
“Yeah, I know. But when you aren’t here, I can’t go anywhere.” She complained. 
“Even if y’could drive, there’r still things in the outside world I’d have to help with. Which I don’t mind doin’ either. Let me care for you, My.”  
Their ride was a little on the long side. They had to cross the border into Texas for the fitting. Mykie had her feet on the dash as the two jammed out to some metal/rock. Bad Omens blasted through the speaker as Mykie sang along. Simon couldn’t help but steal glances at her as she rocked out. She was wearing his hoodie again as usual. His chest burned with an unusual feeling when he looked at her.
“Ms. Jamison, Mr. Riley, good to see you. Will Mr. Price be joining us today?” Dr. Faulkner questioned as she led the two down the hall to the room for the fitting. This one was much nicer than the last one. It was more furnished. 
“No. He is staying at the base.” Simon informed as he set down the backpack he had slung over his shoulder.  
“Sounds good, I’ll let you get settled in. Make sure your socket is clear so we can access it. A tank top will do nicely.” She informed her before shutting the door behind her.
“Nervous?” Simon asked as he sat down on the couch that was across from the bed. 
“Yeah, a little. I don’t like hospitals. But I also hope I can work with this prosthetic, I know it’ll take time but…” Mykie sighed as she unzipped her backpack. “Can you help me? It’s still hard to put on shirts.” 
Simon nodded and stood to help Mykie. He slipped her hoodie off as well as her shirt. She crossed her arm over her bra with her right arm. “It’s cold.” She mumbled. Simon chuckled as he grabbed a tank top from the backpack, He gently pulled it over her head and helped her pull her arm through. His fingers gently brushed against her skin as he helped her. 
“I brought my zip up jacket, so we can take it off easier.” Mykie said as she reached for the gray jacket in the backpack The nerves were definitely starting to get to her. 
Simon didn’t hesitate to grab the jacket from her, he helped her with her arm and tied a knot in the left sleeve for her. “Mykie. I know we haven’t really…put a title on what we have goin on but, I figured now would be a good time, I wanted to ask…if you would be…I dunno like…”
Mykie stopped him as she tugged his black surgical mask down and planted a soft kiss to his lips. “Yes, Simon. I’ll be your girlfriend. Even though I kind of have been for like, 7 months now.” Mykie giggled against his lips before dropping back to her flat feet. 
“‘S’pose that’s true…” Simon rubbed the back of his neck nervously. 
“Ms. Jamison?” A few knocks sounded at the door. 
“Are we ready for the fitting?” Dr. Faulkner asked as she pushed open the door further. 
“I think so.” Mykie glanced at Simon, nervousness flooded her green eyes.
Dr. Faulkner and another man entered the room. They had a box which Mykie assumed had her new arm. 
“I’m Dr. Burns. I’m going to be taking scans of your muscles today and see if we can start fitting in one go. If you wouldn’t mind slipping off the sleeve.” the man gently reached for Mykie’s sleeve, she let it drop happily. They applied a balm to her skin and took scans of her shoulder where the prosthetic will be attached. It had taken a good amount of time just doing the scans alone, but as soon as they finished Mykie pulled her sleeve back up and on quickly. Her skin was red and irritated after all the touching. 
“I apologize for the discomfort, Ms. Jamison. We are done for today and I got some excellent reads. You sat perfectly today. I will keep in touch and we should have you ready to go within the week.” Dr. Burns informed Mykie as he stood to leave. He shook both Mykie and Simon’s hands before  leaving. 
Mykie made her next appointment with them before climbing back into the jeep. The two had packed some bags before the trip, planning to stay in Texas. 
“Thank you. Room 217, noted.” Simon said to the clerk as he took the keycard handed to him. “We’ll be in room 217. We should grab something to eat.” Simon offered as he reached Mykie who was in the waiting room. 
“I could really use some comfort food after today.” Mykie sighed. She was scrolling on her phone as she waited. “Look.” She said as she shoved her phone in Simon’s face. On the screen was a picture of a big bowl of ramen. 
“Is that what you want?” 
Mykie nodded her head quickly. She wasn’t used to going out in public now that she only had one arm, she feared the looks. Fortunately, it was September and the air around them was starting to cool off, meaning she could wear her hoodie and have the left sleeve of her Simon’s hoodie draped down. Their trip to the ramen shop was fun, Mykie got Simon to share some of his infamous dad jokes, or military humor as he called it. 
“Two please.” Simon said to the hostess who walked them to a small two seater table. 
“It’s been so long since I’ve been out in public doing normal things.” Mykie sighed as she struggled to break apart her chopsticks. 
“Give me that.” Simon ordered as he took the chopsticks from her and pulled them apart with a snap. 
“Thanks.” Mykie grumbled. 
“My, please. I know it’s difficult, but I wanna help you. You’re still independent, we don’t see you any other way.” Simon reassured her, he could see the look of defeat in her eyes. 
“I know…just sucks sometimes.” 
“Eat.” Simon ushered as he handed her chopsticks back. 
Mykie had to alternate spoon and chopstick as she couldn’t hold both like she usually would. It was rather messy as she slurped the noodles into her mouth, no spoon to hold them up. Simon couldn’t help but laugh at her as a noodle smacked her in the forehead. She threw him a daring look as she wiped the broth off her forehead. 
Back at the hotel, Mykie flopped onto the bed absolutely exhausted from the day. She rolled over and reached into her bag taking out a soothing lotion. 
“May I?” Simon asked as he sat on the bed next to her with his hand out.
Mykie slapped the bottle of lotion in his open palm. She shimmied off the sweater she wore, exposing her biggest insecurity to him.  
Simon stayed silent as he squeezed out some of the balm onto his open palm. He cautiously placed his hand on her irritated skin, massaging it into her skin slowly and lovingly. 
“When you were in the hospital the first time…” Simon started, he searched for the right words. His emotions were still a foreign concept to him, despite the months since she entered his life. “I thought I had lost you. I…was…scared.” It felt weird coming from his lips. He had numbed himself to the world of emotions. With this line of work, and his specialities, numbing himself seemed like the best option. The thought of caring for someone who, hell, someone caring for him was such a weird idea, it almost felt like it was impossible. But here she was. A soul who was capable of caring for him. Despite his past and even his present. His job, his mannerisms, his lack of emotion, all the burdens he carried and yet, she didn’t care. She saw him for who he was and couldn’t dream of caring for anyone else. 
Mykie turned to face him, her small hand cupping his cheek. He rested his cheek into her hand cautiously. Despite their nights together, he was still wary of his vulnerable movements. 
“I…I’m in love with you.” Mykie choked out. She hadn’t used those words since the day her sister died in her arms. She had forgotten how they felt on her tongue. It took a lot for her to not flinch away, to run and hide the moment the words left her lips. She searched his eyes, fearful of how he might react. Her shoulders tensed.
“Mykie…” Simon trailed off, his mind was racing. He hadn’t heard anyone use those words towards him since his mother. He almost felt like Mykie was lying to him. A part of him was sure she was fucking with him. A cruel prank. His eyes were wide as they locked onto her equally shocked eyes. 
Neither of them knew what to do as they stared for what felt like hours. Simon’s mind went blank as he pulled the nape of her neck towards him abruptly. He crashed his lips to hers with hunger, as if she would disappear if he didn’t. Mykie pushed further into him, the hand that rested on his cheek now carded through the hair at the nape of his neck. She tugged hastily at his hair. 
“I fucking love you so much.” Simon panted against her lips as they pulled apart for air. The separation didn’t last long before their lips were attached once more. 
Simon gently pushed his weight into her, forcing her to lay back on the bed. Mykie didn’t protest as he slid his hand up her shirt. He cupped one of her breasts, kneading it lovingly. A soft moan escaped Mykie’s lips. His hand slipped behind her, unclasping her bra and throwing it to the side. 
“Fuck, you’re gorgious.” Simon huffed as he pulled back to admire her breasts through the very very thin fabric of her tank top. Her nipples grew hard against the fabric as the cold air kissed them. 
“Si…I need you.” Mykie panted, her arousal taking over her mind, pushing her sane self out of the way. 
“As you wish.” Simon grinned ear to ear as he captured her lips in his again. His hands pushed her tank top up and over her head, only breaking the kiss for a sec. His hands attacked both her breasts again, pinching the nipples harshly between his rough fingers. 
“Simon…please…” Mykie whined against his lips. 
“S’needy.” He chuckled. He obliged her request though, dragging his hands down her abdomen and down past the ties of the sweats she wore. His fingers brushed against her heated core. The soft cotton of her panties were already damp to the touch. 
Simon broke the kiss. He left wet, sloppy kisses over her jaw, he trailed down her neck then to her collar bone before capturing a nipple in between his teeth. His hands worked at untying her his  sweats. He pushed them down as low as he could without leaving her breasts with his mouth.
Her back arched as he bit and nibbled her breasts, making sure to give each the attention they deserved. Soft, sweet moans left her lips as he swirled his tongue around her buds. She placed her hand on his shoulder, attempting to push him down to where she needed him. 
“Be patient, lovie.” Simon chuckled against her skin as he agonizingly trailed wet kissed down her sternum, down to her belly button. He kept his trail going all the way down to the top of her panty line. He took the hem of her panties in between his teeth, looking up to make sure she was watching as he pulled them down. His hands gripped the hem under her ass as he pulled them down to her knees. After ripping them off the full way and tossing them blindly to the floor, he climbed back up her body. Simon looped his arms under her back, lifting her with no effort before tossing her back down but higher up on the bed. 
Soft giggles left her lips as she bounced on the bed before settling back down. “Sorry love, needed more room.” he said as his hands pried her thighs apart with no warming. A small yelp left her. 
“S’wet for me.” Simon cooed as he traced a single digit along her lips up to her clit. He repeated this motion until she was begging him for more. 
“P…please Simon…please, I need you.” She whimpered. It made Simon’s cock twitch as he watched this badass military woman, who he’s seen kill men in cold blood, whimper and whine just for his touch. 
“Or what?” Simon teased as he left feather light touches against her clit. 
Mykie didn’t respond, instead she shifted her hips down and began to move them in a circular motion against his fingers. Small moans pulled from her lips as she ground her hips down into his fingers. 
Simon clicked his tongue as he watched her pleasure herself against his fingers. His free hand gripped her hips tightly, pushing her down into the bed, unable to move. “I would love to watch you fuck yourself against my fingers, but I’m the one who is going to rip those pretty little moans from you tonight.” Simon growled as he lowered his face to her entrance. He jut his tongue out quickly. He lapped at her entrance.
The aforementioned ‘pretty moans’ poured from Mykie’s lips uncontrollably. Simon inserted his tongue into her entrance and back out at a maddening pace causing her back to arch. 
“Hand in my hair. Now.” Simon demanded against her pussy, the vibrations making her moan more. 
She nodded her head quickly as her hand threaded through his hair, gripping tightly. 
“Words, Siren.” He called her by her call sign, making her cries stutter. Hearing her call sign in bed turned her on more than she thought possible. 
“Y-yes sir.” She croaked out. 
“That’s lieutenant to you, Sergeant.” 
“Y-yes Lieutenant.” Mykie whimpered. 
“Good girl.” Simon growled against her clit, the vibrations sending her even closer to the edge. 
Simon pushed two fingers into her aching core with no warning or time for adjustment. He began pumping quickly as he could feel her end nearing. Stuttered and choppy moans and whines left Mykie as she felt her core tighten around his fingers. “Si-Lieutnant…I’m so fu-ucking cl-ose.” Her legs shook around his head. Her grip in his hair tightened causing him to wince at the pleasurable pain. 
“Cum for me baby.” Simon pushed his fingers in quicker as he lapped and sucked at her clit. 
Without warning for either of them, the tight coil in her abdomen snapped. Her legs shook violently around his head, her walls clamped around his fingers and her grip in his hair released just for her to dig her nails into his shoulder. 
“Gooood girl. That’s it.” Simon cooed as he lifted his head from her core. His fingers still pumped lightly in and out of her as she rode out her high. “My turn.” Simon growled as he quickly shoved his fingers into her mouth while whipping his chin clean with his other hand. “Suck.” He ordered. She wasted no time closing her lips around his thick fingers, cleaning them of her own juices. 
Simon’s belt flew to the ground rather quickly. He didn’t bother pulling his pants all the way off, instead he dropped them to his ankles, boxers included. He was rock hard already, pre-cum nearly dripping down his shaft as he lined himself up with her entrance. “Brace yourself.” He warned. Mykie wrapped her legs around his hips, her arm draped over his shoulder. She nodded her head quickly. 
Simon smirked as he coated his dick in her slick juices. He pushed the tip all the way in, pulling a gasp from Mykie. She wiggled her hips quickly, wanting to waste no time. “Y’sure?” Simon hummed against her earlobe. 
“P-please. More.” she whined, nearly pushing herself down onto his cock. 
“Might want to bite something, love.” He warned. Mykie opted for his shoulder, she placed her lips against the warm skin of his shoulder, bracing herself as he fully bottomed out inside her with the help of her heels digging into his ass cheeks. The sting struck her harshly as she dug her nails and teeth into his shoulder, suppressing a cry. “Doin’ okay?” 
Mykie nodded her head quickly, “Just m-move. Please Simon.” she practically cried out. Tears trickled down her cheeks, the pain only brought her more pleasure. 
“I don’ wanna hurt you My.” Simon warned, as he tried to pull back. Her heels kept him locked in place. 
“Y-you aren’t…I l-like the pain.” 
“As you wish, use your words if you need a break.” He ordered as he finally began to move. More moans spilled from Mykie as the sting increased. His size made it easy for him to hit the spongy spot that caused her to cry out. 
“As…much as I love-yer moans…we are-in a hotel.” Simon huffed out in between thrusts. “Don…make me gag you.” 
Mykie took this as a challenge of course. She did nothing to stifle her moans and screams of his name. Simon had no choice at this point, he didn’t want to explain the noises and deal with the noise complaint if he let her continue with these lewd sounds, no matter how much he loved to hear what he was doing to her. 
Simon quickly clasped his lips to hers, taking her moans into his mouth. His tongue jutted into her mouth, exploring every spot he could reach. 
His quick and brutal thrusts were bringing them both to the edge quickly. His grip on her hips were sure to leave bruises as he tightened, feeling his climax barreling to the surface. Mykie’s walls clenched around his cock, tugging a guttural moan from his throat. 
“M’close. S’c-close.” Mykie groaned against the crook of his neck.
“M’too.” Both of them were almost completely out of breath.
“C-cum ‘n me…please, I need to f-feel you.” Mykie begged as her high was dangerously close to spilling over. 
“T-together…” Simon huffed. 
A few more thrust from Simon and the two of them snapped, their intertwined moans filled the air as they both came undone together. 
“You okay, lovie?” Simon asked as he smoothed her hair with his hand. They were now tangled together, laying in the bed. Simon’s slowly softening cock still rested inside Mykie as they cuddled. 
“Mhm…Didn’t think I liked it that rough.” She admitted. Her eyes were slightly closed as she nuzzled her nose into his chest. 
“That wasn’t as rough as I can be.” Simon chuckled against the top of her head. 
“I look forward to it then, better keep your word.” Mykie teased. 
“Oh I promise.”
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psychotic4ghost · 2 years ago
Text Threads pt.2
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Yes, I did make myself laugh with the "seaman" comment
🤍- Mykie
💙 - Simon
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psychotic4ghost · 2 years ago
A Loving Touch
A/N: I want to write more Mykie x Simon but haven't had the drive for my main story so I wrote some fluffy fluff hehe
Mykie x Simon ><><>< no warnings, just fluff, unless you don't like massages.
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“Simon?” Mykie asked into the emptiness of her small apartment she shared with Simon Riley. She never received a response as she hooked her purse and coat on the rack near the front door. 
“Si. Are you home?” She called again. Still no reply as she slipped her shoes off. She moved the living room, hoping to see her partner. Empty. She checked his office next, not a soul. He wouldn’t be in the kitchen at this hour so she headed for their shared room. 
“Si? Honey, why didn’t you answer when I called from the door?” Mykie asked as she saw Simon sitting on the edge of the bed. His back was turned to her as he sat on her side of the bed. 
“Didn’t hear ya, sorry.” He mumbled just above a whisper. 
“What’s wrong?” Mykie questioned as she stepped closer into their room. She cautiously climbed up onto the bed and crawled towards him. His back was still to her. 
Simon didn’t answer. He didn’t even sigh. Mykie placed a wary hand on his shoulder. She could feel him flinch under her touch. “Talk to me, Si. It isn’t like you to not greet me when I come home.”
“I-I’m sorry. I just have a lot on my mind.” Simon finally let out a sigh. He didn't turn to look at her like she hoped. Mykie began to knead small circles into the flesh of Simon’s shoulders. His shoulders rolled back at the sensation. 
“You, you don’t have to.” He mumbled. 
“I want to. Let me take care of you for once. I love and appreciate all you do for me, but you’re a human too. You deserve to be loved and taken care of too.”
Simon couldn’t find the right response. It was common for anyone to show this kind of care towards him. To be fair, he never gave Mykie the chance to care for him, he bottled his emotions up and when he would have ‘a moment’, as he calls it, he would keep it away from her. 
“Mykie…” He started. 
“Shh. Let me take care of you. Lay on your stomach for me, yeah?” Mykie coerced her lover. He was hesitant but eventually shifted so he was laying on his stomach. Mykie crawled over him, straddling his lower back. She carefully lowered herself down, sitting her weight on his back. Her hands moved to his shoulder. She worked small circles into his shoulder. She could feel him exhale under her, his whole body shifted down into the mattress. 
“More pressure.” Simon mumbled into her pillow. 
No words were needed, a small smile crept its way onto her lips as she increased the pressure. She worked her way across his shoulders to his neck and slowly down his back. More sighs left him, his breathing evened out till she heard light snoring. She didn’t stop though, she continued to work her knuckles and occasionally her elbows into his flesh. She worked until her hands grew tired. 
After a good amount of time, she finally rolled off of him carefully, so as to not wake him. She stripped off her work day clothes, stole one of his shirts and cuddled back up next to him. Simon rolled to his side, his large arms engulfed her, pulling her into his chest. He let out a deep puff of air into her scalp as he pulled her close into him. “Thank you. For caring about me.”
“I would do anything for you, Simon. Anything.” 
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psychotic4ghost · 2 years ago
Text Threads pt. 3
I stole this from tiktok user- savandtyler
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🤍 - Simon 💙 - Mykie
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psychotic4ghost · 2 years ago
The Mask
A/n: I started writing this forever ago and forgot about it. Just reread it and finished it up and it's too cute to not post!
Warnings: implied nsfw content
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"Your mask. Hand it over." Mykie stuck her open palm at her partner.
"Fuck no." Ghost grumbled, crossing his arms and turning away from her.
"Ghost, look. I understand your concerns. But when you snuggled your masked face into my neck, I fight back the tears because it STINKS." Mykie cried as she did a little grabby hand with her still open palm.
"No it doesn't!"
"You're nose blind!"
"Am not!"
"Are too!" Mykie had had enough, she lunged at him. She pinned him to the couch. While Ghost could easily overpower her, he didn't dare. Her wrath and motherly tone scared him more than her removing his mask.
She had seen his face many times before. But they had just gotten back to their shared apartment and he wasn't quite adjusted yet.
Mykie pulled the hem of his mask up and over his head swiftly.
"Don't look so shocked. I've learned how to take it off quickly when you get impatient during those times." Mykie sighed. She knew the military grade plastic skull was sown on so she opted for hand washing the mask.
She hastily jumped off of the man now referred to as Simon. She rushed, nearly sliding into the wall, to the kitchen sink. She plugged the drain and started filling the sink.
From the living room, Simon could be heard grumbling as he trudged towards her. She swiftly dunked the mask down into the water, soaking it so he couldn't put it back on.
"Just. Let. Me. Wash. It!" Mykie shouted as she tugged the soap from his grasp. The moment he reached her, he swiped the soap from the counter.
"Why? It's not even that bad! No one else complains!"
"First of all, no one gets as physically close to you as I do. And second, people are too scared."
Simon looked down at his boots, sometimes he forgets how intimidating he could be. Mykie took notice in his mood shift. As the sink filled, she leaned over. She gripped his face in her hands and forced him to look her in the eyes. She planted light kisses along the bridge of his nose and down his jaw and back up across his forehead.
"If it counts for anything, you don't intimidate me, love. I just find it sexy when you even try." Mykie smirked at her lover. The sink now full, she turned her attention back to the mask.
She tugged the soap from Simon's loose grip and swirled some into the water. She plunged her hands into the soapy water and began scrubbing the mask against itself. Suds filled the sink more and more as she continued to scrub.
"I'll even use my blow drier to dry it fast, yeah?" Mykie suggested as she began rinsing the mask of soap.
"it's fine. Let it hang dry. Can't kiss you with it on anyway." Simon stood behind her now, wrapping his arms around her waist and peppering light kisses up the nape of her neck. "Did it really smell that bad?"
"Yes, Simon. You sweat in that. Sweat soaked clothes tend to stink my love. It'll smell nice and clean now." She turned to face him as she dried her hands on the towel she held.
Simon plucked the towel from her hands and tossed it to the side. He lifted her by her thighs and carried her back to the living room.
"How about, we get a little sweaty right here on the couch?" Simon set her down gently on the couch and continued to attack her neck with kisses.
"Thats the grossest thing you have ever said to me." Mykie giggled as he tickled her neck with his scruffy stubble.
"You love it."
"I do."
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psychotic4ghost · 2 years ago
Ehehehehe take 2 of :Siren & The 141: is coming along so nicely. I'm super excited to post it. I'm not 100% sure when I will but I will keep y'all updated
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psychotic4ghost · 2 years ago
Idea from @cod-dump (again cause everything they post is a banger)
Ghost: I fear nothing.
Gaz: Oh hey Mykie!
Ghost: *turns dramaticly to look behind him, feear in his eyes*
Mykie: *not even in the same city at the moment*
Ghost: you motherfu-
Gaz: *running down the hall screaming and cackling*
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psychotic4ghost · 2 years ago
Text thread
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um. This was a little too fun to make....expect more
🤍- Mykie
💙- Simon
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psychotic4ghost · 2 years ago
Y'all look at this banner I made, I'm so proud of it
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psychotic4ghost · 1 year ago
Blood Under The Bridge A story by Psychotic4Ghost
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Chapter 4 - Shades of Red
TW: Strong Language ♡ Foul Language ♡ Mentions of death ♡ Mentions of Suicide ♡ ♡ Masterlist | chapter 3 | chapter 5 ♡ WC: 3.3k ♡ A/N: This chapter was a toughy. Had to get real touchy so just be warned
Drills had started. It was cold and raining as the winter season came to an end. Mykie’s boots squished in the slippery mud below them, traction was minimal as she took her morning walk. During her off time she was researching more about Ghost. Finding out anything and everything she could about this mysterious man.
“I didn’t know he had such a past with my dad.” Mykie blabbed to Price who had been listening to her complaints about Ghost for the last half hour. 
“You don’t even know the half of it, Mykie. And it’s best if you don’t.” Price sighed as he closed the file he was trying to fill out. “Please let me finish this paperwork.” 
Mykie rolled her eyes before pushing herself off the small armchair in his office. “Fine, why does he hate me?” 
“I’ll see if I can find out, go take a nap or something.” Price pinched the bridge of his nose in mild irritation. 
“I’ll see you at dinner.” Mykie shut the door softly behind her and headed towards her room for that aforementioned nap that was starting to sound really good.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
“Knees up, Jamison!” Ghost shouted to the group before him. The rain glistened on his dingy white skull mask. He watched as the newer soldiers ran laps around the small track he stood in the middle of. His voice boomed across the field, causing some new recruits to shudder and slip, losing their balance briefly.  “No slacking, Jamison.” He hollered just before a crack of thunder struck the sky. Mykie nearly slipped at the mention of her name mixed with the clap of thunder.
“Price says he wants them to actually eat dinner. You had them skip lunch and they will kill over soon if they don’t eat.” Gaz informed Ghost before he could start another training lesson, unfortunately for Ghost, he couldn’t disobey Price’s orders. 
Ghost waved his hand in a dismissive manner towards Gaz before shouting once more, “That’s enough. Mess hall, now.” He turned on his heels and headed off the field without another word to anyone. Mykie glanced quizzically at Gaz who only shrugged his shoulders. 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
Ghost had been picking on Mykie throughout the weeks, calling her out, distracting her by shouting her name during training. Anything he could do to throw her off her game, he was doing.  He would specifically single her out during training, using her as a test dummy.
“Jamison! Up front. Since you know all about these drills, why don’t you start us off with hand to hand combat.” Ghost’s gruff voice ordered. 
“Against who, sir?” Mykie asked as she took her place in front of the rest of the small team. 
“Me.” Ghost said with little to no emotion. She couldn’t read him, why was he pinning her against himself?
“With all due respect sir, you’re a lot bigger than me.” Mykie tried her best to get herself out of this situation. 
“Exactly.” Ghost readied his stance, Mykie did the same as she had no other choice. Mykie threw a punch, aiming for his jaw but unfortunately, he blocked it. He pulled her arm around, forcing her body to spin. Her back was facing him as he held her arm behind her back. 
Mykie tapped his wrist the best she could with the hand he held behind her. “You want out? Can’t just tap your way out of a real fight.” Ghost spoke loudly enough for the rest of the team to hear. A few of the men sniggered as they watched her get absolutely overwhelmed by a man three times her size. 
Ghost pulled her arm tighter, causing her to wince in pain before he pushed her to the ground, pinning her down by her lower back with his other arm, still holding her arm in his death grip. 
Mykie tapped the mat below her with her free arm, three taps. When he didn’t lift she tapped more. “Stay out of my fucking files.” He growled into her ear just loud enough for her to hear. “I know you’re trying to dig out more information. But you will regret it if you don’t stop now.” He pushed off of her abruptly. Mykie rubbed her wrist after sitting up from her lying position. Anger and more prominently, embarrassment flooded her mind as she took her spot back in the line.
That night, Mykie’s eyes wandered her laptop desktop when her eyes landed on a file folder she thought Laswell had wiped. It was labeled “141”, all the files Mykie had surfaced about the team. She clicked and dragged the folder over to the small trash can icon on her screen but she hesitated to drop it. “I don’t need it.” She let go of the trackpad on her laptop, dropping the file into the small trash can.
She didn’t wait long before she double clicked the trash can and restored the file, she clicked it open and began tapping away at her keyboard. ‘Simon Riley’ was her top most typed name that night. Guilt washed over her as she read into his file, having his real name unlocked more about him than she was sure he ever wanted to be known. 
Mykie abruptly pushed past Price’s office door early that next morning. “Price, my father almost killed Ghost?!” 
“How do you know that?” Price asked as he calmly closed the file in front of him. 
“I read his file, that’s not the point. My father actually tried to kill him. What did he do? How did Ghost live?” Mykie blurted as she practically threw herself into the chair in front of Price’s desk. She knew she shouldn’t have continued reading his file and heeded his warning, but she couldn’t stop herself.
Price let out a deep sigh, “You shouldn’t know this, Mykie. I told you to stop digging in those files. You almost went to jail for it.”
“He was my father, Price. I don’t want Ghost thinking I could or want to do the same.” Mykie rested her arms on his desk. 
“Mykie, please. You don’t need to know the details, Ghost is past it. He knows you aren’t Rodney and he doesn’t think you are going to try to finish what your father started.” Price’s head snapped to his door when he heard it click open softly. Ghost stood with the door mostly open, hearing Price’s last words clearly. 
“Simon…” Price stood quickly, but it was too late. Ghost was at Mykie’s throat, his hand pushed her chair back, nearly throwing her off balance had he not been holding her chair.
“How fucking dare you read into my god damn files. I fucking told you to stop!” His voice was deep and loud in Mykie’s ears. He was centimeters from her face, his skull mask nearly touching her nose. 
“He was my father. I need to know who he was when he wasn’t home.” Mykie didn’t back down. 
“You entitled little shit-”
“Simon, that’s enough!” Price had put himself between the two, pushing them apart physically. “Both of you, out of my office. Go to your rooms.” Price said sternly. He pinched the bridge of his nose at the two finally backed down, leaving the room.
The next few days had been even more awkward between the team, especially those two. Ghost didn’t single her out as much during training, in fact he ignored her. Even when she needed help with something, she had to ask Gaz or Soap. 
“Wonder wot happened.” Soap mumbled to Gaz one morning. Mykie had been on the sidelines, nearly done with her recruit training, just out of earshot of the two boys. 
“No idea, mate. But Ghost seems more irritable, honestly I didn't know that was possible.” Gaz shrugged.
The rest of the recruits had left the building for the day, leaving the main members of the 141 to talk among themselves.
“You really are an entitled brat, aren’t you? Think you can go around, skipping training just because you’re some stupid legacy child.” Ghost suddenly snapped. He snarled as he walked towards her, his words piercing her deeply. 
“Fuck you on about?” Mykie stood abruptly, matching his attitude with her body.
“You’re not even supposed to be here. Just ‘cause Jamison was your fuckin; father, doesn’t mean you get a free fuckin’ pass, kid.” Ghost continued, ignoring her question.
“Ghost, back down. What are you on about?” Gaz tried to put himself between the two but Ghost shoved him to the side.
“She shouldn’t be on the fucking team, she’s a spoiled brat, got close to Price and now she’s the princess of the team. She doesn’t even like the military, did ya know that?” Ghost spat towards the boys. Both of them had no idea what to say or do.
“Mate, relax. I don’t think it’s like that.” Gaz tried again, only to be met with more daggers stared into him by the burly man. 
“I bet you’re only doing this for your dad, so you can be just like him. A rotten captain who climbs the ladder just so he can bully his fuckin’ team. Souless fuck. You even look like him.” Ghost’s last words snapped something in Mykie. Unlucky for Ghost, he opted to wear a mesh balaclava today and not the hard plastic skull. Mykie quickly and sharply struck Ghost across his cheek, pulling a gasp from everyone in the room.
“Don’t you EVER speak about me like that again!” Mykie shoved Ghost away from her, causing him to stumble back in shock. “You have no idea what that fucker put me through. I didn’t even want this fucking life. I hated my father just as much as you did.” hot tears streamed down Mykie’s cheeks as she spoke.
“I doubt that. He didn’t try to kill you.” Ghost spoke quieter this time, his voice still rough and angry though. 
“He shot me, Ghost! My own father shot me! You’re not the only one who had to endure his rage. When he wasn’t here fuckin’ with you, he was beatin’ me at home!” Mykie had pulled up her shirt to relieve a nasty scar that covered the majority of her left side. “He shot me and didn’t even care. I watched him kill himself just moments after shooting BOTH of his daughters! He killed my sister and wounded me in more ways than one! So don’t you fuckin’ dare say I’m doing this for him. Don’t you dare say I’m a legacy child. I want nothing to do with him!” Mykie was practically screaming by this point. 
Tears streamed down her face, hitting the mat below her feet. Her hands shook as she balled them in fists at her side. Small traces of blood dripped from her palms from how hard she was gripping. Gaz and Soap stood shocked, not knowing if they should speak or stay silent.
Before anyone could move or speak, Mykie pushed past Ghost and ran out the doors of the gym. Price had been standing in the doorway, his eyes were wide just like Gaz and Soap, all surprised. 
“Fuck this place and fuck you Simon Riley.” Mykie yelled before she fully left the room. Ghost shuddered as she shouted his name in disdain. 
Mykie sniffled as she jogged to the barracks. Not paying attention to Gaz shouting for her from behind. Or Soap adding onto the yelling before she got to her room, locking herself inside. 
“C’mon, talk to us Mykie!” Soap yelled through her door.
“Let her be.” Price could be heard much softer.
Silence fell as Mykie curled herself into a ball on her bed, replaying every word Ghost said to her. Did everyone feel that way? Did everyone see her as just another Jamison with the same bad blood her father had? She felt like she said too much, but in the moment it felt so good to scream out about her hatred for her father. 
Three soft knocks hit Mykie’s door. “Can we talk?” Ghost asked through the door. He pressed his forehead to the door in hopes she would let him in.
He was met with silence. Just like the team had given him moments before he gained the courage to knock on her door. “Please Mykie.” He called her Mykie. Hearing her name from him conjured an interesting cocktail of emotions in her chest. It felt nice to hear it rather than her father’s last name. But it also felt gross, she didn’t want to hear her name come from someone who had the audacity to speak to her that way.
She never did respond. She managed to fall asleep a few hours after he knocked, sleeping pills definitely took a big role in that. The morning sun beamed through the small window in her bathroom, blinding her awake. She could feel the puff surrounding her swollen eyes. Feet hit the floor as she swung her legs over the edge of her bed, the cold concrete felt refreshing to the touch. 
After brushing her teeth and splashing cold water on her eyes, trying to get rid of the noticeable puffing and wrapping her palms in medical gauze, she headed for the door of her small barracks. When she pushed her door open, it came to an abrupt stop, hitting something on the other side. It was Ghost, his foot stopped the door from fully opening. He sat up against the wall with one leg outstretched and the other bent, snoring softly. He was sleeping outside her door.
“Mykie?” Ghost asked as he slowly awoke. He clambered to his feet quickly. “Please let me apologize, I wanna talk about this, I was wrong.” He tried to reason with her but she simply turned on her heels and walked down the hall. Ghost sighed in defeat, sitting back down in his spot, he waited. 
“Has anyone seen Ghost?” Soap asked as Mykie joined the table. She expected him to join them after she ignored him but she never did see him through the entirety of breakfast. It was a down day for the team, no drills or training. So everyone assumed he was doing his own thing, minding his business. 
“Nope, I didn’t see him come to his room either last night.” Gaz added. 
“Maybe he ran away.” Soap joked with the team. 
“Doubt it, he’s too committed to the 141.” Gaz said casually as he sipped his tea.
Mykie didn’t add to the conversation, she sat and listened to Soap’s outlandish stories and jokes before she chose to leave. She fully planned to stay in her room the whole day, but when she got back to her room, Ghost was still sitting in front of her door. She took one look at him as he started to stand and turned on her heels again, leaving the hall quickly. 
“Fuck.” Ghost sighed out, he wanted to talk to her, apologize for his shitty words. He contemplated chasing after her but he knew she’d have to come back eventually and if he had to wait for nightfall, he would. 
Mykie came around the corner once more, this time she held a plate of scrambled eggs, bacon and a black coffee. “C’mon.” She said as she pushed the plate towards him and unlocked her door. She stepped inside, holding the door open as an invitation for Ghost. He looked at her, making sure she was actually inviting him in or if he was making it up, but she really was. 
“You fucked up. Sit.” Mykie pointed to the chair at her desk. Ghost took a seat cautiously. 
“I know. I want to apologize.” Ghost spoke up, his voice was raspy from his sleep.
“Well, now's the time. Can’t say I’ll forgive you but I’ll at least listen.” Mykie added before waiting for him to speak. 
He set the plate and mug down on her desk and faced her as she sat on her bed. “I didn’ know yer relationship with yer father…I know that still doesn’t give me a right to speak to you like that but…I don’t know. I’m sorry.” Ghost dropped his head in defeat.
“You’ve never had to apologize like this, huh?” Mykie asked, picking him apart.
“No. I don’t usually lash out like that either…It’s just something about Rodney that…that makes me see red.” Ghost admitted. 
“You and me both. I accept your apology, but you owe me.” 
“How so?” Ghost asked as he finally took a sip of his coffee. 
“I’ll have to think about that, but just don’t forget that you owe me, big time.” Mykie sighed as she shook her head.
“Can I ask you something?” Ghost asked, setting his cup back down. Mykie nodded. “What was the whole part about him shooting you?”
“He, uh, shot me. Just how it sounds.” Mykie paused, “I don’t think I want to get into this right now, honestly. Sorry…” Mykie couldn’t make eye contact with Ghost as easily as she used to be able to, before the events of last evening. 
“I get it. He shot me too…” Ghost didn’t expect himself to have the courage to say that, his face, though concealed, shared the same expression as the one Mykie had now. 
“Excuse me?” Mykie asked, shock shaking her whole body.
“Didn’t expect that to be so easy to say. Um, yeah, he shot me. Pulled a knife on me too, several times. I think I was his favorite punching bag while he was on base. This was before I became…Ghost…”
“So this is when you were a sergeant? Did you do anything to warrant it? Knowing him you probably breathed too loudly.” Mykie rolled her eyes at the thought of her father’s overreactions. 
“Basically, yeah. He picked on me a lot…the same way I was when you first got here…I don’t know what it was but hearing your name…triggered something in me. I’ve always known about you. When you were in high school, Rodney used to talk about you and how you were going to join the military and how much of a good kid you were. I thought you were his son at first.”
“Yeah, got that a lot. When he’d go to work dinners, a lot of people were shocked to see me in a dress. The doctors thought I was going to be a boy so my father picked out the name Michael…he wasn’t too happy when I turned out to be a girl.” Mykie admitted. She hadn’t really spoken to anyone but Price about her life. “Look, I don’t know why I feel the need to tell you but I-I’m just gonna say it. He shot me because I was protecting my baby sister. He had a gun aimed at her and I stepped in the way. He fired, grazed me and killed my sister then pulled a pistol out and shot himself…It’s uh…hard to relive.” A tear rolled down her cheek involuntarily. 
Ghost stiffened at the sight of her crying, emotions were very foreign to him. He wanted to reach out to her but felt like his limbs were locked in place like welded metal. He watched as she panicked to wipe all the tears away, as she sat up straight to disguise the pain she was in. 
“That thing you owe me…just let me know more about you. That’s all I ask. And it doesn’t have to be all at once. We obviously share a past whether it was directly or not…I feel like we can…help each other…” Mykie stared down at her hands in her lap before making direct eye contact with him. He nodded, no words needed to be exchanged to understand their new found agreement. 
                                                 ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
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psychotic4ghost · 1 year ago
Blood Under The Bridge A story by Psychotic4Ghost
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Chapter 3 - Test Your Luck
TW: Strong Language ♡ gross men ♡ ♡ Masterlist | chapter 2 | chapter 4 ♡ WC: 2.3k ♡ A/N: Chapter two took some effort, I wasn't vibing with it in the first half so I ended up rewriting it a few times. But I hope you guys enjoy!
Harsh beeping awoke Mykie from her surprisingly peaceful slumber. She didn’t expect to sleep as well as she did, the foreignness of the new room worried her but she slept through her anxieties like no other. 
She slapped the alarm clock next to her, silencing it as she made eye contact with it. 5:00am. Drills started in exactly one hour, it gave her enough time to shower, brush her teeth and pull back her hair. 
After slicking about 50 bobby pins into her hair, she was finally ready. She sported a tight fitted black tank top, her military grade camo pants, black combat boots and her new dog tags. She had her father’s dog tags back at Price’s apartment with the rest of her stuff. She kept them wrapped in packing paper, why she didn’t toss them was a mystery to even herself. 
5:30am, training was going to begin in 30 minutes and she wanted to be early. She headed for the gym where she was told to meet, thinking she could get in a few reps with the weights before training started, she pushed past the indoor gym doors. 
Unfortunately for her own nerves and sanity, Ghost had the same idea. He was also wearing a form-fitted black t-shirt but he wore black camo pants instead of the brown ones Mykie wore. His shoes were also combat boots but they looked much different than hers, more tactical. He, of course, wore his mask only this time it was a normal black balaclava with a skull print on it instead of the plastic skull. 
His head snapped towards the door the moment she pushed it open, he set the weights he was curling down on the floor, placing his hands on his knees, making eye contact with her from where he sat. 
“S-sorry, I didn’t know you were here already. I can go wait outside.” Mykie pointed with her thumbs to the door behind her. 
Ghost shook his head, “Isa’ public space.” He picked the weight back up and continued his reps. Mykie watched as his biceps bulged as he pulled the weight towards his shoulder. She had to tear her eyes away forcefully before he noticed, hoping he hadn’t already noticed. 
Mykie opted for the bench press, as it was farthest away from him, even though it was still only a few feet away. She piled on the weights she needed and laid down, beginning her reps. “1…2…3” Mykie mouthed to herself, small noises left her as she did. She hadn’t noticed her audience until she reracked the bar and sat up to see Ghost staring her down. “S’ not nice to stare.” She said as she wiped the beads of sweat from her forehead with a rag she brought. 
“40 kilos? That’s it?” Ghost ignored her first remark. 
“It’s a warm-up.” She snapped back harsher than she intended. 
Ghost didn’t speak after that, Soap and Gaz had just opened the doors before he could. The rest of the team joined them soon after. 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
“I’m Lieutenant Ghost. Make it through these courses n’ you’ll make it jus’ fine ‘ere. Don’t make it, and you can kiss this team goodbye. Understood?” Ghost spoke in a deep and stern voice to the group of new recruits, Mykie included. 
“Yes sir!” The whole group of recruits shouted clear and loudly back to their Lieutenant. 
Training had started, they started indoors for their weights, push-ups, and sit-ups. Next was outdoor training, running and the obstacles. Mykie had been doing exceptionally well and it irked Ghost, everyone could tell. Soap and Gaz were definitely having a laugh about it too. Her times were almost perfect and some where even better than Ghost’s himself, which she didn’t know of course. 
“Next course is the 13 km uphill run. This ‘nd the dive usually determines who won’t be staying.” Ghost glared at Mykie, his eye blacking making him ten times more intimidating. 
The course began, kitted out in full gear and weapons, Mykie took off up the hill. Right off the bat, Ghost thought she would exert all her energy at the start with how she was moving, she picked up speed at an alarming rate. Of course Price was watching, as well as the other boys. Price knew what she was capable of but even he was worried with her start. 
Her speed slowed to a medium run, her breathing was calm and controlled as she ran. She could feel the burn already building in her calves from the rest of the day catching up to her. One soldier took off past her, he was moving much faster than anyone else on the field, taking the attention of the higher ups on the team. 
“He’s gonna wear himself out.” Soap mentioned as he watched. 
“Probably just wants the fastest time.” Gaz added. The team was in a jeep ready to move as the group got closer and closer. 
“If ‘e knows what’s best for ‘em, he’ll start to slow down. Thought Jamison was about to pull the same stunt.” Ghost continued the thought the group had.
“I knew she wouldn’t. She’s making the best time so far. What was your time, Soap?” Price asked from the passenger seat. 
“46 minutes, sir.” Soap answered, he was the fastest on their squad
“Think she can beat ya?” Price questioned more.
“I do sir, she’s smaller than me, more nimble.” Soap chuckled with his response. 
Time felt like it was moving incredibly slow for Mykie. This run couldn’t have been any worse. She knew Ghost and Price were watching her; judging her. Well at least Ghost was judging her and that’s what scared her. She shook her head, ridding the thoughts about Ghost as she continued to trudge forward. 40 minutes had passed as Mykie checked her watch. The one soldier who sprinted past her had fallen way behind now, he was a slug compared to the others. Mykie was alone in her part of the hill, no other soldier had been as conservative as she was of her strength. All those days she was forced to hike the rocky mountains of England, every one her father could drag her to, was paying off as she saw the finish line. 
The entirety of the 141 squad sat in the air conditioned jeep, waiting for the recruits to finish the test. 
“45 minutes and 15 seconds Jamison.” Price said as he scribbled her time down on the clipboard he held. “I think that’s faster than our boy Soap.”
“Aye sir. By 1 minute and 13 seconds.” Soap confirmed.
“Aye look at your quick math!” Gaz joked as he earned a slap to the arm by Soap. Mykie would have laughed if she wasn’t so exhausted she felt like throwing up right then and there. She held it together though as she trudged over to the med tent. 
“Not bad soldier.” Ghost was now standing in the tent, leaning against one of the medical lockers by the door.
“Not sure if I should say ‘thanks’ with the amount of death glares ya give me.” Mykie threw back her water bottle as the nurse took her blood pressure. 
“Suit yourself.” Ghost turned on his heel and left before she could say anything else. The spot he occupied was quickly replaced by Soap who was nearly bouncing up and down.
“Can’t believe ya beat me time!” He beamed, definitely more happy than others on the team. Gaz joined a moment later to congratulate her too.
The underwater retrieval and the two swimming trials were scheduled for later that day. Mykie took the little down time she had to munch on some light snacks and ultimately catch her breath. She sat alone in the pool room. The room consisted of two pools; a pool that started shallow and slowly dropping to about 2 meters and the second pool that started at half a meter, dropping to 3.5 meters. 
Out of the corner of her eye, Mykie saw two recruits coming her way. “Hey, noobie, just cause you beat our times on the hill, doesn’t mean you're gonna make it. You’re weak, remember that.” One of them spat, literally, a glob of spit landed on Mykie’s brown combat boot, staining the brown leather darker. 
“I’m not here for placements. I’m already in. They’re just gauging my abilities, rookie.” Mykie fought back, she stood, nearly matching their height as they were much shorter men. “Captain Price already has my name written down.”
“Oh you’re just cocky, there’s no way they’d actually let a female on the team” He continued. 
“She sleeps ‘n the same hall as me. Not some bunk like you lot.” Soap’s booming voice interjected into the conversation. “She’s right too, we’re just gaugin’ her.”
“You’ve got to be pulling our leg sir.” The other now spoke up.
“No way. Mykie’s on our team. My team.” Soap said as he put emphasis on the fact that she wasn’t joining the outside forces of the 141, but rather the 141.
“I don’t believe you.” The first one scoffed as they walked away.
“Thanks, Soap. I expected to be picked on. Gender and what not.” Mykie sighed as she sat back down on the bench.
“Not a worry, Yoo won’t even be ‘round git like ‘em much anyway. You’ll be with us, and you’ll show ‘em who's boss when yoo become Sergeant too!” Soap clapped his hand over her shoulder and gave it a reassuring squeeze before joining the boys again. 
The next tasks were about to start. The recruits were in full gear as they all entered the pool. Treading water and swimming laps was the first bit of the course and then last was underwater item retrieval, something Mykie wasn’t too excited for. The gear she wore was rubbing into her skin, the water added what felt like 5 kilos to her already heavy gear. She was keeping herself above the water just fine but she could feel herself growing tired. The buzzer for the timer she forgot was counting finally sounded as she let herself drop. She sank till her feet touched the bottom before she kicked off one last time to the surface. 
“You seemed almost at peace out there. Totally zenned out.” Soap chuckled as he reached down and pulled the large backpack from her back.
“I was struggling. That shit is so heavy already but add water?” Mykie was now in the more shallow bit of the pool, her feet hit the bottom, leaving the top portion of her chest out of the water. 
“Well you definitely didn’t show it. The other rookies were all fighting for their lives, some looked like they needed to shite.” Gaz let out a snort as he remembered the looks on their faces. 
“I don’t want to do the retrieval, I’m gonna drown.” Mykie sighed as she rested her arms on the edge of the pool. 
“You don’t wear the bag for this part. Just your plate carrier and holsters.” Gaz informed her as she rested her head over her arms. 
“Thank fuck.” She sighed. The retrieval was about to start, Soap lugged her bag away from the pool side and the two boys took their seats as the next task began. The pool was about 3.5 meters down, it wasn’t incredibly deep but it was enough to feel the pressure build in your ears. The item they needed to retrieve was a weapons bag. It was full to the brim with guns, all larger guns like AKs and ARs, some handguns and even explosives. Price told her none of them were armed but it was still going to be a really heavy bag to lug from that distance. 
The timer sounded and Mykie dove down. Her boots made it hard to kick the water behind her. She could see the bag at the bottom of the pool, just out of reach. It was a dark green duffle bag laying at the bottom of the pool floor. The tasks were done solo, one soldier at a time. The other soldiers dove down one by one before her, some managed to retrieve the bag while others couldn’t lift it.
Mykie finally reached the bag, she gripped the strap as it flowed softly in the water. She gave it a light tug, saving her energy for the swim up, with the bag in hand she kicked off the bottom of the pool and began her swim up. 
The boys watched intently as she glided through the water, her movements were graceful. Soap and Gaz were in shock, Price wasn’t surprised at her abilities and Ghost, well he was hard to read, even for himself. 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
“No way you pulled that off so smoothly, you didn’t even break a sweat!” Soap nearly shouted as he made eye contact with the sopping wet Mykie. The look she and everyone else gave made Soap realize quickly what he had said. “You…can’t sweat…under water…right.”
Gaz and Price gave a soft chuckle while Mykie breathed out her nose, a soft smile spread on her cheeks. This was nothing like she expected when joining the military; people who actually seemed human, not drones who were angry robots like how she saw her father. 
Mykie passed all her training with record times for any female on the team. Soap convinced Price to let them all hit up a local pub, which Mykie and Gaz agreed on heavily. Drinks were passed around and the night was filled with laughter and terrible jokes from Soap and Price. Gaz belly laughed with Mykie all while Ghost sat and observed.
                                                 ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
6 notes · View notes
psychotic4ghost · 1 year ago
Blood Under The Bridge A story by Psychotic4Ghost
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Chapter 2 - The First Bridge
TW: Strong Language ♡ Mentions of home loss ♡ violence ♡ ♡ Masterlist | chapter 1 | chapter 3 ♡ WC: 3.9k ♡ A/N: Wow, I am so pleased with how this story is coming along so far. I really feel like my writing has improved. Hope you enjoy!
“Mykie Jamison?” an American accent poured from the lady’s lips, “Mykie Jamison.” The blonde lady snapped her fingers before Mykie. She shook her head before speaking. 
“Wh-Who are you?” Mykie stammered as she took in the lady standing on her doorstep.
“Kate Laswell, CIA,” The lady, now known as Kate Laswell, flashed a CIA metal badge in Mykie’s face before pushing past her, further into the apartment, “You’re Mykie Jamsion, correct?” 
Mykie shook her head, new emotions took the wheel of her mind, “Um, yeah, why are you in my apartment?” she questioned, annoyance laced in her voice. 
“Well, I happen to know a little something about you, Rose. See we’ve been tracking your activity for awhile now. But 15 days ago you breached a firewall that sent alarm bells ringing back home. So tell me, what do you know about the 141?” Laswell spun on her heel to face Mykie who was desperately trying to conceal her panic.
“Everything I needed to know. I take it you work with them? My father, why did I never know about him being a part of some special force? Is that what drove him mad? Kill my sister?” Panic was replaced with anger as Mykie blurted out questions without thinking first.
“Your father wasn’t a part of the 141 for long, Mykie. He tried to kill a Sergeant. I’m sorry about your sister, and your mother for that fact. But breaching that level of security has big consequences, I’m sure you know that.”
“Are you arresting me then? Putting me in some military grade prison?” Mykie dropped her shoulders she didn’t even know she had raised. She knew the jig was up. Once the CIA had her found out, she was done for. “CIA, why isn’t the FBI on me actually, this isn’t your job.” Mykie pushed, she knew she was in deep shit so she might as well get more information while she could. 
“I happen to work alongside the task force you hacked. Closely. And no, you’re not going to prison. I want you to meet someone.” Laswell stepped towards Mykie, she gripped her bicep as she led her out of her own apartment. Laswell locked the door behind them.
“When did you get a key to my apartment?!” Mykie nearly shouted as she watched the lady lock the door. 
“A master, your landlady was kind enough to give me it.” Laswell smirked as she pushed Mykie towards the exit of the building. 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
“Captain Price, Mykie Jamison.” Laswell introduced the two as she sat Mykie down in a chair at one of the local coffee shops. 
“This is a terrible idea, Kate.” Captain Price spoke, his thick British accent heavy on every word. 
Laswell threw him a silencing look, “It’ll be fine.” 
“How can you be so sure?” Price pressed further.
“I’ve been watching her for a month now, she’s harmless,” Laswell took a seat between them, “This is Captain Price. I’m sure you know all about him.”
“He’s missing that goofy smile and fisherman hat, but yeah, I know him.” 
Price gave Mykie a glare before turning back to Laswell, “You want me to train this punk?” 
“Train?! Oh fuck no, I’m not joining the military. Do you know how many recruiter calls I have to filter a day just because of my stupid father?” Mykie spat. 
“Well it’s either join the military or go to jail. I’m giving you a choice here, Ms. Jamison.” Laswell said as she sipped the cup of tea in front of her. 
“I don’t know if I’m willing to train a Jamison, Kate.” Price folded his arms across his chest as he watched the steam lift off his coffee. It would be a hard decision for both of them, neither of them having a good past with either situation. 
“She isn’t Rodney. From what I’ve seen, she’s better.” Laswell spoke about Mykie as if she wasn’t even in the room, pulling a dumbfounded look from the young Jamison. 
“I’ll have to talk with the team. You know Ghost worked with Rodney too. He might not be okay with her being on the team.” Price finally unfolded his arms and took a sip from his hot cup of coffee. 
A silence hung over the three of them until a chime came from Mykie’s phone. An email…a foreclosure email. “M-My apartment building is being foreclosed…” Mykie stared at her phone in disbelief as she found out she wouldn’t have a home in the next few weeks. Laswell kept her gaze away, knowing full well this was her doing.
“I will find accommodations for you. Only because you will be joining the 141, correct?” Laswell focused her eyes on Mykie, making her feel a little uneasy, Laswell had the stare of a stern mother. 
“I-If I have to…” Mykie hung her head to avoid Laswell’s gaze but also in defeat. This wonderful life she had going on was turning upside down in mere moments. 
“She can stay at my apartment.” Price grit his teeth as he spoke. “Just until she can get back on her feet.” He added rather quickly. Laswell nodded her head as she pulled out her phone. 
“I’m getting you a storage unit for the items you can’t take to John’s. Pack this evening, I will have you escorted to his apartment later tonight.” Laswell informed Mykie before she stood up from her seat. 
“O-Okay.” Mykie kept her head hung low. She felt like a child again, hopeless and relying on the adults around her.  
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
The next few days were weird. She was moving in with someone who was a complete stranger yet, he had so many ties to her. Working with her father and with her having read his entire file; it was rather awkward to now be in his apartment. 
“You can take the couch, I don’t expect you to be here long.” Price said rather bluntly as he tossed his wallet and keys down onto the counter of the kitchen. 
Mykie nodded her head as she set her duffle bag down at the base of the couch. His apartment wasn’t very big, two bed, two bath but it was very snug. 
“Look, I know I can't atone for my fathers sins but I hate him just as much as the next. I don’t want to be his stupid legacy child. I want nothing to do with him.” Mykie sighed, she didn’t want bad blood with this man as he clearly didn’t like her father either. 
“I know. I know what he did to you and I think you’d be crazy to like him.” 
“You know what…he did?” Mykie questioned slowly. No one really knew the full extent of what he did to her and her family. 
Price nodded, “I know enough. I never did like him. He was a terrible Captain, not to speak ill of the dead but, he did some messed up shit to the 141.” 
“I heard you mention someone named Ghost, who is he? He was the only file I didn’t, no, couldn't read. It was almost completely blank.” Mykie pushed, she felt a burning need to know more about this mysterious soldier. 
“He is need to know. If you actually join, you’ll meet him. “ Price dismissed the conversation as he asked her what she liked to eat, the tensions easing a little. 
Mykie managed to sell most of her bigger pieces of furniture while she was staying with Price. She made a decent amount of cash and tried offering it to Price but he kept declining. 
“Please take it. I owe you for letting me stay here.” Mykie pleaded as she shoved a wade of cash his way. 
“Joining the 141 will be your repayment. Don’t worry about it so much.” Price shooed her hand away. 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
    The new year was approaching quickly, the snow was still sticking to the ground around them. Price had offered Mykie the second room all to herself by now and he finally let her buy some groceries. He wasn’t home often so she looked after his apartment for him while he was away. They spent nights on the couch talking about their past with Rodney, their dislikes and gripes they had with him. Mykie never knew much about her father when he was active in the service so this was very insightful and answered a lot of her questions she had growing up. 
Price wasn’t very surprised to hear about her home life. He figured a soldier like him would take it out on his family. He felt sorry for Mykie and what she had to endure; sorry about her mother and her sister and just for the terrible life she had growing up. 
“I still can’t believe he fired the gun…” Price sighed in disbelief. 
“Well I think if it was just my sister he wouldn’t have actually shot her, but since I put myself in the way… he uh… didn’t really care for me much.” Mykie could feel the knot in her throat tighten as she fought back tears. 
“Sounds like something he would do. Even here he always had someone he picked on exclusively.”
“Probably cause I wasn’t there to be under his boot so he took it out on one of you,” Mykie sighed, she felt bad like it was her fault somehow, “Who was his target?” 
“A Sergeant. Sergeant Riley. Better known as Lieutenant Ghost nowadays.” Price threw a glance her way, knowing she’s been itching to hear more about Ghost.
“Ghost!? He’s a lieutenant? And he knew my father. Great, he'll probably hate me right off the bat,” Mykie stared into her drink cup, “What’s his first name?”
“If I tell you, you have to promise to never call him it. He’ll know I told you and he’ll be mad at us both,” Price chuckled to himself and Mykie nodded eagerly, “His name is Lieutenant Simon Riley. But as you’ve probably gathered, we all call him Ghost. Your father knew him as Simon.” 
“He used to talk about him. Not often, but he’d call him a rookie, he’d make fun of him saying he couldn’t do the job and really just ramble shit about him. I remember thinking ‘poor Simon’ as a kid,” The connections were adding up, her childhood started to make more sense, “I remember when he joined the team actually. He’d call him the blond rat. Douchebag.” Mykie mumbled the name to herself, she hated the way her father treated her so she couldn’t imagine how he treated Simon. But he’s a Lieutenant now, so he must be doing good, she hoped. 
“Well I have to get to work.” Mykie smiled.
“Work?” Price was shocked, she had never mentioned anything about working.
“Yeah, I got a small gig as a waitress. Don’t worry it’s part time and I’ll still be joining the 141 when you’re ready for me to. The cash from selling my stuff has run low and I still wanna buy groceries.”
“I can give you money for groceries Mykie.” Price reached for his wallet.
“Price, I already got the job. Plus I want to work, I’m tired of sitting around. It’s not fun anymore.” Mykie chuckled to herself as she left the couch to change. A few minutes later she came out of her room in a white button up and navy blue jeans, she pulled an apron around her waist, tying it tightly. 
“Well, if that’s what you want to do, I can’t stop you.” Price shrugged his shoulders before clapping his hands to his knees and standing. 
“You’re such a dad.” Mykie giggled before turning towards the front door. She grabbed her house key before leaving, “Bye!” She waved as she shut the door behind her. 
Something about her had Price caring even more about her, at first he didn’t like her at all but only because of her last name. She was actually a sweet kid who he didn't mind being around. He was worried about Simon though, the last name might bring up unwanted memories for Simon. Price shook the thought off before taking his and Mykie’s mug to the kitchen. 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
Mykie started bringing home decent tips from work. Price had visited her a few times at the small dinner she worked at. The staff seemed to love her and some of the customers did a little too much. He felt a protective kick when a male patron would look at her wrong. 
“I really hate the way those guys look at you.” Price scuffed as she got in his car after one of her shifts. 
“They can’t harm me, my father trained me, remember?” Mykie giggled.
“Yeah but still, it’s gross the way they look at you.” Price shifted uncomfortably in his seat before putting the car in drive.
Unfortunately, Price was right. One night, Mykie was heading out the back door after closing, and a few men who had eaten at the diner earlier that day had jumped her. She threw the punches she could, taking down a few of them but she was out numbered. The men pushed her to the ground as she still fought. Car headlights blinded her as she sat on the ground with hands all over her body. It was Price, he got out of his car quickly and started throwing punches, taking down man after man. He was seeing red. 
He never did tell her ‘I told you so’, instead he took care of her, he tended to her injuries and held her close as she broke down. She thought she’d be used to this kind of treatment by now but Price told her no one should have to be used to that. She was safe with him, he was like the father she never got to have. 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
Mykie’s birthday had come and Price got her a new pair of combat boots then took her to her favorite restaurant. It was more than she had ever received for her birthday before. 
“Thank you.” Mykie mumbled into her lap as she sat in the passenger seat of his car. 
“What for?”
“This, all of it. I broke the law, you were angry with me and yet you still took me in. No one has cared about me like this. I’m sure my mom would have but… ya know… thank you John. Really. This means so much to me.” Mykie couldn’t look him in the eyes, feeling vulnerable was never a look she wanted to sport, but here she was, letting this man, who was a complete stranger a few months ago, know her true feelings. “You’re like the dad I never got to have…” Her eyes met his teary ones. Price always wanted to be a dad but his line of work made it difficult. He saw his boys at work as his own sons but there was something different about a daughter figure. 
Price leaned over the center console of his car, engulfing Mykie in the tightest hug he could muster without hurting her. “Thank you Mykie, that means more than you will ever know.”
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
“John, when’s this meeting? How should I dress?” Mykie poked her head out from her bedroom door, she was trying to prepare to meet the 141 tomorrow morning. It would be the first time she would meet any of the team other than the Captain himself. 
“9000 hours, dress business casual. This isn’t some big corporate meeting.” Price chuckled from the kitchen. Mykie would be lying if she said she wasn’t nervous. She’s read all of these men’s files and wasn’t sure if they knew about that or not. 
“Come grab your tea.” Price spoke up.w
Price and Mykie sat around, talking about the meeting for the next few hours until bed. 
“They aren’t going to hate you, Mykie. Soap and Gaz never even met your father.” Price was doing his best to ease her worries. 
“Yeah, but Ghost has. He was personally affected by my father.” Mykie bit the skin around her thumb as she spoke. 
“I’m sure he’ll be fine, you aren’t your father and plus you look more like your mother anyway.” Price teased, he knew that would be nothing but a compliment for her. 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
9000 hours. It was time for the meeting. Mykie and Price sat waiting in his office on the base, Soap, Gaz, and Ghost should be there any moment. As if on queue, Ghost opened the door, or at least she figured that was Ghost. He wore an off white half skull mask that looked like it had been stitched to the balaclava underneath it. His eye black made his honey brown eyes pop with color, despite the dead stare he held. 
“Ghost. Good to see you, Lieutenant.” Price greeted as Ghost nodded, taking a seat in one of the chairs facing the desk. Mykie sat with two chairs in between her and Ghost. Ghost glared at Mykie a few times, but opted to keep his gaze off of her. 
“Gaz, Soap, good of you to join us.” Price nodded to the two men who entered a few minutes after. They took their seats between Mykie and Ghost. 
“As you are all aware, we have a new recruit. Meet Mykie Jamison,” All heads turned towards Mykie at Price’s introduction, “Now before you say anything; yes, her father was Captain Jamison, however, do not confuse her with her father. She is nothing like that man and if I find out there is any discrimination towards her, you’ll be speaking directly to me.” Price directed his last comment towards Ghost and he didn’t hide it either. 
“Well, Captain Jamison o’not, glad you’re ‘ere, Mykie!” Soap interjected, a goofy grin plastered on his face as he spoke. 
Gaz nodded along with Soap, “Couldn’t agree more. We fortunately didn’t meet the guy so no bad blood.” 
“So you guys at least know about him then?” Mykie asked. 
They both nodded their heads, “‘Erd stories.” Soap added. 
“Ghost, have anything to add?” Price pressured the burly masked man, he clearly showed no fear of Ghost. 
“No sir.” Ghost stated rather bluntly. He held a thick Manchester accent that could be heard even with the two words he spoke. Mykie couldn’t take her eyes off of him, the mystery behind him was far too fascinating for her to maintain. 
Price sighed before carrying on, “She will be joining as of today, and she will be sharing our dormitories, so no funny business.” Price looked directly at Soap upon those last words. Soap gave a smug shrug. 
“I’ll keep him in check, sir.” Gaz added, a playful smile on his lips as well.
Price pinched the bridge of his nose in defeat. “Sure. I believe you.” 
He didn’t. 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
“These are the dorms, this’ll be your room, in between mine and Ghost’s. Soap and Gaz make a lot of noise so I thought I’d put you in a quieter room.” Price showed Mykie the small room. It had enough space for a twin XL bed, a dresser, and a small desk. Off to the side was a door leading to a very small bathroom, single sink with a small medicine cabinet mirror, toilet and a vertical shower. The absent sight of a tub pulled a soft sigh from Mykie's lip.
“And Ghost shares a wall with Soap? I saw the name cards on the doors.” Mykie pointed out.
“Unfortunately, yes. He’s been trying to take this room but it’s not as easy as picking up your stuff and moving it.” 
“Another thing for him to not like about me.” Mykie muttered under her breath.
“He doesn’t not like you, Mykie. He looks like he hates everyone but you just have to learn to get past that,” Price placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder, “Lunch is in 20 minutes, I’ll walk you to the mess hall. Unpack your bag for now.”
Mykie nodded before Price left her to her new room. The walls were cement and so was the floor. A rug would definitely need to be brought in, she thought. She began fishing through her duffle. Mykie didn’t bring too much clothing as most of her outfits will be military grade uniforms, but Price said during their down time, they could wear more casual things. She placed her folded sweats in one of the drawers of the dresser along with some sleep shorts. She filled the drawer above that with her shirts and the drawer on the bottom with socks and underwear. 
The bathroom was kind of cute, there was a frosted window above the toilet and the mirror looked like it came from a little old home. The shower curtain was a basic white, plastic curtain. Mykie rested her hands on the shallow ledge around the sink and stared into the mirror. It was hard to be exactly where her father was. She never wanted to be in the military like he wanted but to end up on the exact same team he was on? It felt almost poetic, though painful poetry. 
She made her bed, some pillows and her favorite comforter when a knock rapped on her door. 
“Ready?” Price asked as Mykie pulled open the metal door. 
“Guess so.” Mykie grabbed a gray zip up hoodie that was slung over the small office chair in her new room.
“Do you think the team is okay with me being here? I mean, Gaz and Soap already seem fine but…”
“Ghost. You’re still worried about him, huh? He’s a good man, and knows how to pick his battles. I think you’re thinking too much into this whole thing.” Price clapped his hand on her shoulder.
“I just can’t get over the fact that he had to work for my father. I mean, you seem like a wonderful captain…I just know how my father treated people and Ghost seems like one he’d be hard on.”
“He was, remember? Ghost was only a Sergeant back then and he didn’t have the persona he has now. But Ghost is tough; he can also tell you aren’t your father. I’ve already spoken with him about it anyway. Don’t over think this Mykie, you’ll just make it worse for yourself.” Price explained before pushing open the doors to the mess hall. It was different than how she expected it to be. Honestly, she pictured a jail/school cafeteria, like the ones from America. Instead, the room was a little smaller, it contained a small kitchen nook, a long light brown table and a few armchairs around a larger, full sized couch. It felt like the kitchen of the firehouses she saw on the telly, where everyone sat around like a little family. 
“Mykie! Muffin? Gaz brought them in this mornin’ as a’little welcome present!” Soap raised a muffin to the air as a welcome to seeing Mykie. 
“See what I mean? You’ll be fine.” Price whispered before he headed towards the coffee machine. 
“Sure.” Mykie forced a smile, or at least she thought she was. Turns out the smile came pretty naturally when she made eye contact with the other Scot, his smile was definitely contagious. She shared the muffins with Gaz, Soap, and Price. Ghost sat at the table but about three chairs away. According to the other boys, that was him sitting with them. Mykie understood Price’s worries about Soap, he was already flirting with Mykie while Gaz snorted and Price sighed. Fitting in shouldn’t be too hard, right?
                                                ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
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psychotic4ghost · 2 years ago
So I decided I'm going to rewrite :Siren & The 141: eventually I will weed out this one that is posted and maybe have it as a side thing so people can read the OG but I'm really proud of how it's coming out. This version really feels like the writing I know I'm capable of.
My first go on this story felt rushed. I didn't have all the details and even all the events I wanted. I have so many things planned for this story and I definitely rushed it. But this next one is going to be so much better. More details, more events, and really seeing more into who Mykie is and how she interacts with the boys. As well as their relationships.
Basically, I feel like the first version is rushed, doesn't capture my writing abilities, and doesn't have all the details I wanted. I will be uploading the new one to AO3 for sure wand what is on AO3 now will be deleted.
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