#simon has a low key crush on waite but even i dont know if its truly romantic in nature! feelings are very weird and messy!
coyoteprince ยท 2 years
so i'm strictly aro and my roommate is somewhere on the ace/demi spectrum and we were wondering..we've seen lots of sexy times but are there any fae like us?? ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘ˆ
of course there are! You just don't hear about it much since the story is focused on two pent up lovesick goofuses. The fairies of Widderwood may be very casual and open about sexuality and such but that doesn't mean every single one is looking for sex and/or romance. They're people (and heavily meant to reflect the queer, autistic, and overall brainweird community, at that) with just as varied experiences, identities, and feelings as humans are.
Simon in particular is trans and ace, though he has had sexual experiences, and would be considered somewhere either aro or demi in the romantic field. My green willow nymph (he doesn't have a name yet OTL) is also ace leaning. Waite would be recognized by some as being demi.
This is also just more of a fun fact I guess, but I don't usually set out to give characters too specific identities. They tend to develop or 'tell' me over time what they are, rather than being an active choice by me. Simon in particular is a good example of this- one day after some time, I realized that ace was the right word to describe him, it just clicked into place. Degare, on the other hand, first was intended to be a strict sexless aroace, but uh. obviously took the reins from me and basically smacked hard into the far opposite wall over a long length of time!!
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