#simon ghost riley x lucy dantes
bagsybaggins · 2 years
The Ghost of Her
Summary:  "I'm your eyes in the sky, anything I see, I report. And it's Raven, not Kid.”  Lucy "Raven" Dantes, Lieutenant of the Wolf Task Force, Sharp-shooter, and part-time explosive expert. She joined Task Force 141 when the Wolf Task Force had a sudden disbandment that remains classified. Ghost, weary of the new arrival, is determined to uncover the truth about her. "You can never be sure who you can trust, and when something is being buried, it doesn't take long for someone to come around with a shovel to start digging." But what surprises Ghost isn't her secrets, but something he thought he had kept under lock and key. Something that makes him question what to do next.
I have only played COD Modern Warfare 2, the newly released game. My understanding of the Characters and the Plot is limited to that and the very brief research I have done on the characters included. If certain characters seem a bit OOC, I apologize in advance. Takes place a little bit before the COD MW2 campaign.
The TV ran in the background like white noise, subtle but still there. Her figure was stiff and hunched over as she stared down at her uniform resting on the chair in front of her. Her eyes stung from lack of sleep, and from her unwavering stare as she got lost in her thoughts. Her thoughts and gaze were broken by the sound of her phone going off on the bedside table. She turned and paused at the screen, showing that it was just her alarm. As she unlocked her fingers, she shivered at the coldness of the screen. She rubbed her fingers against her eyelid, the sting causing her eyes to tear up. She sighed before standing up and grasping the remote and turning the tv off, leaving the room in a still silence. 
Her eyes flickered back to the uniform that sat dauntingly- mockingly on the chair. She ran her fingers through her black locks and with a heavy sigh, she turned around and began to get ready.
Today was her first day with her new Task Force, 141.
"Raven, are you joining us for drinks tonight?" A blurry face asked, leaning against a doorway that seemed to lead to nothing but darkness.
Raven smiled and shrugged. "Depends, do we have an occasion for this one? Or is it just another attempt to get me drunk?"
The figure laughed and shook its head. "We actually have a reason this time, Graham is getting married. We're celebrating before he goes on his leave and his honeymoon. Remember?"
I lean my head back against the seat's headrest, my vision trained to watch the road and sights change. Keeping my emotions and facial expressions in check, I resist the urge to glare at the curious glances of the driver through the rearview mirror. His gaze flickered towards me every five minutes, no doubt wanting to ask me another question other than my destination. Huffing under my breath, my right-hand scratches down my neck, looping my fingers on the two chains that I rarely let leave my neck. Between my thumb and index finger, I separate the ball chain from the normal chain, pulling the locket out from under my uniform, I rub my fingers against the smooth metal. A calming notion, something that I've been doing since the moment I put it on. 
"Pull over." I interrupt the silence, waiting for the car to pull to a stop. "Thank you." 
I toss a wad of money into the front, opening the door quickly and swinging my bag over my shoulder. My jaw tightens as I let the door slam shut, quickly moving my feet towards the meeting point that General Shepard had set up for me and Captain Price. My eyes flicker up towards the sign, a bar, before my gaze glance through the window trying to catch who Price would be. And with a quick look over the man with the Bucket Hat, I figured that there was a good chance that it was him. His posture, not to mention that he was the only one in camo. I push open the door, music playing in the background filling the less-than-lively chatter. Moving towards him, I take a seat beside him on the bar stool, placing my bag on the floor beside my feet, and wrapping my ankle through the strap of the duffle bag.
His head turns slightly as he looks at me through his peripherals. I rest my arms on the counter, before turning my head towards him.
"Shepard never told me the new recruit was a woman." Was the first thing he said to me before bringing his drink to his lips.
"Does it matter?" I ask, keeping my tone even, having dealt with that reaction more than a handful of times.
His lips quirk up and he shakes his head. "Nope, so long as you know what you're doing, I don't see why it should matter." He turns his body towards me and stretched out his right arm. "Names John Price, Captain Price."
I shake his hand and nod. "Lucy Dantes, but my call sign is Raven. I'm sure you already knew that from my files though."
He tsks and shakes his head. "Unfortunately, it seems that whoever did the filing this year forgot to put a lot of things in your file. Actually, I couldn't find a file on ya. All that I know about you is everything that Shepard told me."
Pausing I stare at him in confusion, before sighing and nodding. "I wouldn't say that I'm surprised, but feel free to ask me what you like. Can't guarantee I'll be able to answer all of them."
Price raises his brow before clicking his tongue. "Your file mentioned your last Task Force, Wolf Task Force? What was your position on the field?"
"Sniper, I do fine with close combat, however at a distance, I'm much better at taking down whoever I'm aiming at. I know little to no medical shit, but I can maneuver and disarm explosives with ease." I inhale before continuing, "I can speak 2 languages, a bit not completely fluent in German just yet, but I'm smooth with Spanish."
"That'll be useful at certain times, and I can't say I've dealt with an explosives expert before."
I tap my fingers on the smooth wooden counter, twice with my index once with my middle before ending with my index. "It's surprisingly useful to have around, not so much on stealth missions, but with the right material, you can make a quick and easy knockout gas. However, that would mean carrying around a gas mask for going in to retrieve the shit you're after. And you don't always have that on hand."
He hummed in response. "And I can assume you work well with others? I can't have any trouble stirring up amongst the team, that'll just lead to more problems."
"I work fine with others, so long as shit gets done right. And so long as they don't go snooping through my things." I huff and cross my arms, turning to him and noticing his raised brow.
"Got something to hide in there?"
I smirk, "Just my small supply of chocolates, I'm not one to share them."
Price chuckles and nods his head, "The boys aren't known to be snoops, but I'll l make sure they know." His smile fades as he takes another sip of his drink, before turning back to me and saying something I was dreading to hear. "It doesn't mention much about the actual Task Force, or what happened to it."
I fall silent turning my head down to look at my hands. But his stare didn't waver, still bore into the side of my face.
"We did special operations, infiltrating, spying, eliminating top priority targets, you name it."
"And what caused the Force to disband?" He asks again.
"I'm afraid that's classified, Sir. I don't have the authority nor the permission to tell you." I exhale heavily, turning back to him to see him slowly nod.
He downs the last of his drink, the glass making contact with the counter with a dull clack, and nods his head. When he stands from his seat, I follow suit while grabbing my duffle bag from the ground. Facing him again, he sticks his hand out and I shake it again.
"I look forward to seeing your skills out in the field Lieutenant. Once we return to base, I'll introduce you to the rest of the Task Force." Price releases my hand as I nod in reply.
"Looking forward to it Sir."
"Raven, I've got two daisies that need weeding at my right." Her voice crackles through the earpiece.
Turning my gun, I gaze through the scope and scan the area until I notice the two men chatting in the building. "I've got eyes on them, what's the word."
"Take the one on the right, I got the left at the perfect angle."
"Roger that Scraps, on me," I state, glancing quickly at the numbers on my scope, before adjusting the angle.
Firing my shot, I exhale as the man falls down, waiting for Scraps to fire her shot. 
"Perfect Ladies, but can we hurry this up? I've got five Shitheads and a suspicious-looking crate that needs cleaning out. Not to mention that I'm freezing my nuts off."
Scraps' laughter fills my ear as I watch her move forward through the scope, keeping my eyes peeled for any movement around her. I grin as she replies. 
"With the way you squealed like a little girl when you saw a rat, I'm surprised you even have balls Matches."
"Fuck off Scraps, you didn't see the size of that fat bastard." Matches replied.
"Alright, quiet down. I've got whiskey waiting for me once we get this bit done, and it would be nice to not be nursing a headache by the time I get to it." I interrupt Scraps before she replies. "I've got movement on the rooftops to your left Scraps, stay low until I can get a better visual."
"Copy that." She responds before falling silent, I see her crouch down beside the building, leaning against it and hiding in its shadow.
"If you can cut through the building you should be fine, it's just some teenagers." Matches suggested.
"Your word Raven?"
I glance through my scope, noting that they didn't have guns before I turn back to Scraps. "Move slow and keep your head down, we can't risk drawing noise. Matches, what's the status on the five daisies?"
Scraps shifts forward, and sneaks around the building, ducking under the windows. "I've still got eyes on them, they seem to be arguing now. Might get a little rowdy. The box is still untouched, but one of them is sitting on it now. Are we certain it's not explosive?"
"Scraps, don't move, there's movement to the alley next to you, three of them and they are armed. I repeat they are armed." I raise my rifle and shift in my seat. "I can take out two in one, but the other one needs to be taken down silently."
"I haven't got a silencer, Raven."
I narrow my eyes as they shift. "No, but you do have a knife. They aren't armored so I hope you've been practicing your aim. And no Matches, the box is supposedly containing information dire to the general. What it is, you'd have to ask the Captain."
"Alright, on your mark LT." I hear Scraps say before I fire. I watch through the scope as she turns the corner and throws her knife, and I smirk as they fall down beside their dead friends. "And that's another point for me."
"I didn't realize we were keeping score Scraps."
"If we are, then I'm far behind. I'm not getting any action at all."
"Didn't need to know about your sex life Matches. Or lack of one."
"Screw you Scraps."
"You wish."
"This is Wolf to Raven, come in Raven." I hear break through their chatter, and they fall silent as I reply.
"This is Raven, what's the word, Wolf?"
"I've got some bad news, you're being extracted in five. There's a heli inbound to your location."
I frown in confusion and shake my head. "What about the intel Sir? I thought we needed this-"
"No, Lieutenant, you alone are being extracted. Scraps and Matches will complete the mission with Graham instead." I falter at his words, a feeling of dread stirring in my stomach.
"Why am I being extracted, Sir?"
"Raven- Lucy, I got a message from-"
"We're here." Price says from the front passenger seat before he steps out of the car. 
I look out the window and notice a familiar face along the group that Price was approaching. I open the door and swing my bag's strap over my shoulder.
"Well I'll be damned, it's been a while, Kyle." I grin as I approach the group.
"Lucy? Fuckin hell, how long has it been? It's good to see you." Kyle smiles as he breaks away from the group and pulls me into a hug, patting my back before we part.
"Been too long, eight years I think? You've gotten taller." I point out before he shakes his head. 
"Nah, you've just shrunk." 
I flick his cap and turn to the group, the man with the mohawk stepping forward with a kind smile was the next to introduce himself.
"Good to see a new face, I'm John MacTavish, but call me Soap." I raise a brow at his name as I shake his hand.
"Interesting name Soap. I'm Lucy, Lucy Dantes, but my call sign is Raven." I state before he motions his head toward the man wearing the mask, and the tallest of the Task Force.
"He's Ghost, don't worry he's just a wee bit shy-"
"That'll do." Is all Ghost says before his eyes meet mine again.
Nodding my head to him, I turn to Price as he starts talking. "You've met the team, so I'll leave it to Gaz to give you the tour and show you where you're sleeping. Good to have you on the team Raven." Price pats his hand on my shoulder before walking off.
I turn to Kyle and raise a brow. "Gaz?"
He chuckles and nods. "We have a lot to catch up on, Raven." 
"Why are you called Raven?" Soap asks suddenly and I realize that Ghost had wandered off while Price was talking. 
"Why are you called Soap?" I counter, causing him to grin.
"Oh, you'll fit right in Lass."
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bagsybaggins · 2 years
The Ghost of Her: Chp. 2
"Captain Wolf, is it true?"
He turned his head up towards me as I barged into his office, his eyes dull, and lost their normal cheeky shine. His hair which was normally brushed back was now rustled and out of place. A cigarette lay dormant in the ashtray to his right.
"About what Lieutenant?" He asks me flatly, calmly placing his pen down on the paper he was writing on.
I clench my jaw as he addresses me by my rank, "Is it true that you're leaving the Task Force?"
He clicks his tongue as he leans back in his chair, it audibly creeks loudly in the silence.
"Lieutenant, I'm not leaving the Task Force-" "Then what-" "Let me fucking finish, Lucy."
I swallow thickly as I stare down at him, but stay silent instead of trying to argue with the rumors that I've been hearing.
"I'm disbanding the Task Force, Wolf Task Force is done." My eyes widen at his words, and I shake my head in disbelief.
"Disbanded Sir? Why- Sir we can't just disband."
"Lieutenant, have you looked to see where you're teammates are?" I feel my heart drop as he stands up and walks around the desk. "Two of them are being shipped home- in FUCKING BOXES! And another one is in a fuckin coma. So what reason do we have to keep going, Lieutenant? Because from where I stand, we are just two people, and we can't replace those we have lost. But you should already know that by now-"
I glare up at him, "Don't you fucking dare bring her into this. Don't."
He stills, his anger still visible as he exhales heavily. A moment passes before he shakes his head and leans back against his desk.
"Fuck." That is all he mutters as I stay silent, my teeth grinding against each other as I try to push my anger away.
"'m sorry, Lucy. Shouldn't 've said that. I shouldn't have-"
"Stop, just. Don't" I grit as I turn away, looking at the picture of our Task Force, back when we had first started it.
He sighs before nodding his head. "We lost our reason, Raven. We've lost too many, and I can't lose anyone else. So I'm disbanding and retiring."
Closing my eyes, I let his words sink in before nodding my head. "Alright. But what am I supposed to do Sir? I don't know where I'm supposed to go- I can't. I won't go home."
Captain sighs again, turning slightly to grab a folder from behind him. "I already figured you wouldn't just take a lie down, so I tried to find something for you to handle. Think this one is the closest to being a nice slice of cake for you."
Starring down at the folder, I take it as I read the words on top aloud. "Task Force 141? Can't say I've heard of 'em."
He chuckles. "I'm not surprised, you never cared for gossip about anything other than what was going on near you. You might've heard something about one of them though. 'Ghost' is what they call him, wears a mask, and no one knows what he looks like. Deadly in the field though, much like you."
"And this Task Force," I pause as I open the folder. "They'll accept me?"
Another laugh escapes him. "Oh Raven, as if they could turn someone with your skills away."
We lift our drinks above the table, clinking them together saying, "To the newest addition to the team, To Raven!" "To Raven!" 
I smile as I take a sip of my beer, recoiling at the taste, but managing to swallow it down. "Fuck this tastes like shit."
Kyle- Gaz laughs loudly to my right, while Price smirks.
"What's your preferred taste then?" Soap asks, taking a swig of his and keeping a straight face. "A strawberry daiquiri?"
"Whiskey, or a good rum. But mostly Whiskey." I state as I take another sip of the drink, but still cringe at its taste. "I had this one type of rum, can't remember the name of it because I got blackout drunk. But it was the best I ever had."
Price shook his head as he let out a disappointed sigh. "Such a shame."
"Aye, a fine Whiskey lover too! You're a woman after me own heart." Soap smirked, sending me a wink. 
Rolling my eyes and shaking my head, I reply, "What makes you think you're my type Soap? I could be a married woman after all."
Gaz laughs as Price hides his grin behind his beer, Soap narrows his eyes and leans forward across the table, his forearms now resting fully on the table with his right hand holding his drink.
He motions to my hand with his drink. "You aren't wearing a ring-"
"In our line of work Soap, anything personal can become dangerous and hazardous to the mission. So, I wouldn't wear a ring and risk them-"
"Oh, she got you there mate." Gaz points out before Price interrupts.
"Yet you wear that necklace." When I froze, he explains how he knew. "I saw you fiddling with it in the car, a nervous habit I assume?"
I slowly nod my head, my hand reaching up to touch it through my t-shirt. "It's just a little trinket, given to me by someone a long time ago. Nothin' would go bad if it went missing, other than me being pissed that I lost it."
"Got anything in it?" Soap asks, raising his left brow.
I hesitate for a moment before smiling. "Nah, it's got a little picture of Ryan Reynolds in it."
"Really?" Soap's eyes widened.
"No, it's a secret."
Soap visibly sulked, as Gaze hummed beside me.
"That reminds me, I remember way back when I had tried to see where you got sent off to. But from what I could find, you had been sent on a long leave. Said you were on leave for five months or so." Gaz recalls and I still for a moment, my brows furrowed and my lips pulled to a frown.
"Oh, yeah. I got a really shit injury and got too close to a bomb of some sort. It was hidden 'round a corner, filled with screws and nails and other things. It blew up and I had to get surgery. Fell into a coma after that." I say offhandedly before taking another drink.
But then I get an unsettling feeling, like someone watching me. When I turn my head, I notice Ghost sitting at the bar, with his eyes trained on me. I raise my right brow at him, before ultimately turning away when Gaz spoke again.
"Shit, that had to hurt." Gaz winced, sending me a sympathetic look. "Makes sense as to why you were on leave for so long, though it's not really leave if you're in a coma."
I shrug my shoulders, "I was on a classified mission and I got hurt. They had to write something in the report, and I did get a few months off once I woke up."
"How long were you in the coma for?" Price questioned, pulling a cigar out of his inner pocket, along with a lighter.
"About five-six months, give or take a few weeks," I answer before taking another sip of the beer, licking my lips as if to wash away the taste.
"And you got scars from it? The explosion?" Soap asked as he leaned forward, and look of curiosity on his face.
"Course I did, but if you want to see me naked, you're gonna need to try a bit harder than that."
I'd been in the military a long time, a much longer time than I ever thought I'd be alive for. But I've been in enough interrogations, around enough people to be able to tell when they're lying.
And she, the new recruit, was lying right out of her fuckin' ass.
I made eye contact with her after she told the lie about the explosion and the coma. And something was wrong with it. It was a lie, that much I could tell. But something wasn't right. She had been on a long leave, Gaz had said so, the question is why?
It could've been a coverup as she had suggested. The higher-ups and generals pulled strings to cover up an assignment that wasn't on the books. But there were much easier ways to cover up a mission that's off the record.
Price looked over at me, and I nodded my head before making my way toward the door. The cold air hit my eyes as I walked out, the dark sky covered with clouds that cast large shadows over the lit city streets. I walked down the concrete steps and leaned against the wall as I waited for Price. I could hear the sound of their laughter from the window just above my head, it was muffled enough to the point that I couldn't make out what they were saying. 
The door opened to my right, and out stepped Price, smoking his cigar. He exhaled the smoke and then turned to me, walking down the steps and joining me in leaning on the wall.
"She's lying straight out of her ass Price. I don't trust her-"
"Neither do I, Ghost." "Then why is she on the Task Force-" "Because Shepard had ordered it, I have no control over it." 
He huffed, turning to look at the vacant street. "What were you able to dig up on her?" He asked.
I grit my teeth in frustration. "Nothin, someone's covering her tracks and they're doing it all too well."
"Nothing? You couldn't find anything on her, at all!" Price turned to me in shock, but I could see the anger crawling beneath his skin.
"Yes Sir. Couldn't even get her fucking date of birth for fucks sake. Whoever she's working with, they're professional, no muckin' about."
Price groans and rubs his forehead. "For fucks sake. We have a fuckin' loose cannon in our team, and we can't do anything about it. Shepard was too insistent on her being in 141, I don't know why."
I take a moment to think, before asking. "What's our course of action?"
Price smoked more of his cigar, inhaling deeply before exhaling and leaning his head back against the wall. 
"We keep digging until we find out the truth. I'll see what Laswell can pull up, hopefully, she'll be able to uncover what we couldn't. And until we find what we're looking for, we continue going about our business. Do our missions, and if she slips up-" He turns to me, a glare in his eyes. "We cut our ties, and wash our hands of her."
"And what about Soap 'n Gaz?"
Price sighs and shakes his head. "This'll be between us and Laswell. Gaz knew her before, and Soap's already taken by her. We'll see if they can manage to squeeze out any of her secrets without tellin' them."
I cross my arms and nod. "They won't be too happy about it when they do find out."
"I won't be too happy if she does end up being a spy." He mutters before turning around and heading back inside.
"Lucy, are you sure you want to do this?" My dad asks me, a soft look of worry on his face.
I hesitantly nod my head, "I'm sure Dad. I can't go through with- I'm not strong enough to just give up."
He gives me a gentle smile, placing a kiss on my forehead. "You're more than strong enough my dear, you're just too stubborn to give up."
I smile up at him before I hear to door open.
"Come on Lucy, the appointment is set. And that will be gone and behind us-"
"No, Mom. I told you already! I'm not doing that! Why can't you just accept that!"
"I will never accept-"
"Raven? Are you up?" I hear someone knocking on my door, the light bleeding through the cracks of my blinds. 
I groan as I turn to my side and look at the time. Sighing as it reads, 07:01, I stand up and stretch my arms above my head. 
"I'm up now," I say, loud enough to be heard through the door. 
"Alright, you should hurry it up a bit. I think we've got a mission incoming." And at Gaz's words, my eyes widen.
"I've only been here a day!" I exclaim.
I hear Gaz's laughter through the door as I rush to my bathroom to brush my teeth.
"Missions wait for no one Raven. I'll catch you at the briefing."
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bagsybaggins · 2 years
The Ghost of Her: Chp. 3
The familiar feeling of adrenalin, the burning of my muscles, and the sound of gunfire. A mission, a task, or a problem that needs to meet its solution. A solution that ends with bloodshed.
What's your reason for fighting? To complete the mission.
What keeps you going? The mission that will be next.
What makes it worth it?
I still haven't found that answer.
"Raven, how copy?" I hear Soap's voice come through my earpiece and I sigh.
"No sign of any movement, and no sign of target. Anything on your side?" I ask as I shuffle forward and glance through the scope of my rifle.
He responds with, "Negative. It's a quiet night right now."
Closing my eyes, I groan and let my head knock against my gun. "For fucks sake Soap." I hear Gaz mutter before comms fall silent.
"I've got eyes on the target, they're moving west going down your road Raven. Should be in sight in five ticks." I hear Price say while Soap exclaims, "About fuckin time."
Peering through my scope again, I watch the road between the two buildings, exhaling when I see a blue 4-door SUV drive into view.
"Blue SUV?" "Affirmative." "Then I've got eyes on the target."
I rest my finger alongside the trigger but not on it, and as I shift to follow the car I notice something in the back of the vehicle. Reaching behind my back, I reach behind my back and pull out my binoculars. My eyes widen as I catch sight of what is in the back of the car.
"Price does the target have a family?" I question.
Silence fills the comms before I hear the click. "Negative, why do you ask?"
Clenching my jaw, I return to my scope, placing my binoculars by my feet. "There's kids in the back sir."
The car pulls into a building, and two guards in the front close the gates behind them, the vehicle disappearing from my sight. I scar the roof of the building, spotting a small number of guards patrolling the roof.
"Two snipers, one in the clock tower, another in the building to your left Raven." Ghost's voice startled me, but my eyes darted up toward the locations.
Shifting my position, I aimed toward the clock tower peering through the scope to catch the sniper.
"I've got the clock tower sniper in sight. Tell me when." I murmur through comms.
"Hold." Ghost replies, and I hover my finger above the trigger as I watch the sniper scan the area around the tower.
The Sniper pauses as one of his teammates climbed up the ladder and starts talking to him while taking out their own rifle. I narrow my eyes as I blink from a sudden light flashing from my far left, and I slide back as I turn my scope to check it. I pull out my binoculars, gazing through them quickly, and then duck down behind the ledge. 
"This is Raven, I've got a daisy to my far left, inside the building with the blue tarp, top floor. I repeated, building with the blue tarp. I might be compromised, holding position until confirmed." I called out in the comms, peeking over the ledge and taking another look at the one in the building.
"Copy that Raven. Soap, get your eyes on that target." I hear Price say before I lift my rifle again.
I peer through the scope and scan the surrounding windows and roof, searching for anyone else possibly hiding. I let out a small exhale of relief when the man falls down with a bullet hole in his skull.
"Nice shot Sergeant," I reply on the radio, turning back to the clock tower.
The one who was originally there was now moving down the ladder, so we had caught them in a shift change. I watch as he disappears from sight before I shift my aim up toward the one left in the tower, who was now smoking a cigarette.
"At least you hand out compliments Raven." I hear Soap respond, causing me to smirk.
"I only dish them when they're deserved Soap." I lean back and glance down at the watch on my right wrist. "This is taking too long, I'm taking the shot."
"Negative-" I hear Ghost say, seconds before I fired my shot into the sniper's head. He collapsed into a crumbled heap before I turn my gaze to the one on the building to my left, and I knock him into an endless rest.
"Snipers down, you're clear to move to the gate." I pull back and look through my binoculars and try and catch anyone else I could snipe without drawing attention. However, there was none to be found. Well, none that could be taken down with a single shot anyhow.
"Raven- Lucy?" 
I exhale shakily before turning my head up towards her voice, Scraps. She had a look, the familiar damn look of sorry and pity on her face. One that I've seen too often today.
"What do you want Scraps?" I huff, turning away and lifting a bottle of some shit-tasting beer to my lips.
I hear her sigh. "I wanted to check on you L.T. No one's heard from you for a week now. We've been getting worried."
Shaking my head I smack my lips together as I swallow the bitter liquid. "I'm fine, now leave me be."
A moment passes, and I can still see her shadow looming over me. "I said get Scraps!"
"No, I'm not leaving you, Lucy. You don't have to be alone, in fact, you shouldn't be alone right now-"
I stand up, my blood boiling underneath my skin as I turn to her. "And who are you to decide that, huh Scraps? Do you think that I need to be babied right now? That I should be watched so I don't do something drastic, or stupid? What, you think I'm going to just grab my gun and put a fucking bullet between my eyes? Huh?" I yell at her, stepping into her personal space as she slowly backs up.
She stares at me with wide eyes before her lips pull downwards into a frown. "Yeah, I do. I think that I have a right to be worried about you, because I care about you, Lucy." She inhales deeply before shaking her head. "We've known each other for over two years, Lucy. I know you well enough to know where your head is at. I know what you're thinking."
I narrow my eyes at her, cocking my head slightly to my right. 
"So what am I thinking, Vanessa? What is going on in my head?" I ask, my brow raised.
"You want to end it. To see her." She whispered, with that stupid fucking pity.
I laugh loudly before shaking my head. "That's where you're wrong Vanessa. I want revenge. And I'm going to find them, and rip them to shreds."
I shoot a man through a window as Soap and Ghost sweep through the right side, while Price and Gaz took left. 
"This place is a bloody maze." I hear Soap complain as he ducks behind a corner. "How are we going to find what we're looking for? At this rate, we'll be trapped like mice before we even find the room, let alone the intel."
I take another shot at someone who was sneaking up behind Gaz, switching from team to team, covering their six when they couldn't.
"Cheers for that Raven," Gaz calls out as I reload. "Not a problem Gaz."
"Kid, find us the room or join the bloody fight." Ghost hollers in my ear, and I click my tongue against the roof of my mouth.
I gaze through my scope, scanning the windows before noticing someone escaping out of the back alleyway. The blond male with the two boys ran towards the vehicle. I inhale deeply before firing my shot, shattering his kneecap. He screams in pain as he falls to the ground, the boy's faces filled with terror as they try to help the man up but ultimately fail. The narrow my eyes as I zoom in on the boys, noticing the badly hidden weapons tucked away in their jackets.
"The target is in the back alley and is now injured. Any intel we're searching for will be in his main office, which is to the left side of the building, top floor, and the last door on the right. The target has two armed child soldiers with him." I report in, my eyes staying on the target who with trying to wrap the bleeding with a part of a kid's sleeve.
"Fuckin hell, how do you know all that?" Soap asks.
"I'm your eyes in the sky, anything I see, I report. Besides, it was the only room in the building plan with a stairwell in it leading to the back alleyway. Oh and Ghost? It's Raven, not kid." I narrow my eyes at the target before standing up. "Price, I'm going to make a move on the target. We can't let him slip through our fingers."
"Roger that Raven, keep us informed. We're clear the building and scavenge the intel."
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bagsybaggins · 2 years
The Ghost of Her: Chp. 4
Warning! Mentions of rape and pregnancy!
It didn't take long to settle into a routine of sorts. Missions come, and missions go. Some tasks take days, while others take months at a time. But so far, we've only had the small day-to-day assignments, collecting intel drops and taking out small guys who got a little too cocky. Our last assignment ended successfully, with our intel secured and no one died. However, Gaz did take a bullet to the shoulder and was down in medical until he was to be released.
I sigh and run my hand through my hair, closing my eyes for a brief moment as I allow myself to calm down. It had been a while since I had been on a mission with Gaz, Kyle had been a close friend when I had first joined up with the army. The first to be my friend actually, not all of them were so welcoming to having a woman in the troop. We worked well together, for the short while that we did at least. Then he got moved, and so did I. I open my eyes and turn to the unwavering constant ticking coming from the clock that hung on the wall, the seconds passing by. It was only 3 pm, meaning I had just barely missed lunch, not that I was hungry anyways. I stand up quickly, heading over to my bag on the bed, still unpacked from last night's return.
Pausing as my fingers touch the zipper, my eyes drifting away from the coldness beneath my fingers, to look at my reflection in the mirror that rested on the bathroom door. My hair was a curly mess, untamed and pouring over my shoulders. The bags under my eyes weren't prominent, but they were there, at least I could focus on them without staring hard enough. But my eyes dropped to my collarbone, where my locket rested on its golden chain, the smooth gold reflecting in the light. I raise my right hand up, brushing against the warm metal as I hold it between my index and thumb. I lift the locket to my lips, placing a small kiss on it.
Turning back around, I unzip the bag and ruffle it to the small black bag that I keep inside it. Pulling out the bag, I grin as I open it before zipping it back up and heading to the door. Flicking off the light before I exit, I change the bag and hold it in my left hand, and shut the door. Heading to the right, where the medical wing was, I kept my head high as I walk past other soldiers, my shoulders square. Reminding myself that I was in civvies, and not in uniform.
Lucy pushed through the doors, her hazel eyes doing a quick sweep of the room for the familiar man before a grin pulled her cheeks. Her feet pushed her forward towards Gaz who hadn't noticed her just yet, but someone else had, and they stood at a distance and blended in with the shadows.
"Kyle, nice to see you survived." Lucy paused by his bedside, dragging a chair from another bed.
Gaz grinned and shook his head. "Take more than a bullet to the shoulder to keep me down Lucy. Didn't think you'd be down to visit me, figured you would've been out with the boys to catch a celebratory drink." Gaz pushed himself back against the pillows to sit up a little straighter, his left arm bandaged around the shoulder.
Lucy smiled with her lips pressed together as she turned her head down, shaking her head. "Not quite sure I'm feeling up for a drink just yet. Besides, wanted to check up on you and see how you were. And I got you something."
At her words, Gaz visibly perked up. "You got me something? Should get shot more often then."
Laughter was expelled from her before she shook her head. "You can't spill my secret, to anyone, but I got a stash of candies and chocolate bars." She unzipped the black bag and pulled out a mars bar. "Figured you might want one of these."
Gaz's mouth slacked in shock as he slowly took the chocolate from her. "You remembered?"
"No, I just enjoyed it from when I stole it from you. Yes, I did remember, but I do like it too."
Gaz chuckled and nodded his head, but didn't unwrap it. Silence fell between them and Lucy frowned as she notice Gaz's conflicted expression.
"What? Do you not like it?" She asked, raising her right brow.
He shook his head in response, still frowning. "No, I do like it. Thank you, but."
He turned to her, his fingers dropping the bar to his lap. "You lied, at the bar last time. About why you were on leave, didn't you."
Lucy's eyes widened, "Gaz-"
"Please, you can trust that I wouldn't tell anyone. But we never lied to one another before, what changed?"
Lucy stared at his confused expression, one that was laced with hurt, and she closed her eyes and exhaled slowly. Her fingers tightened around the bag as she shook her head.
"Nothing's changed Gaz, but I'm not sure if can tell you."
"Lucy, something has changed, I knew you well enough back then, but you dropped contact first. I reached back but you didn't respond, but please don't lie to me now." Gaz pleaded, and Lucy looked back up at him.
She remembered what they had gone through. How they fought through thick and thin together. How they almost died more times than they can count. Her thoughts wavered as she gazed at him, her wall of certainty crumbling. Her heart beats loudly beneath her rips, her pulse drowning out everything to be nothing but static. Her skin cooled as she stilled in her seat, her lungs taking in shallow breaths. 
She exhaled shakily as she looked down at the bag in her hand, leaning back against the seat. "What do you want to know?" Her voice was soft almost like she was whispering.
Her arms crossed over her stomach, the bag resting in her lap as Gaz shuffled on the bed, his left hand slowly being placed on her knee. Hazel eyes slowly lifted toward his dark brown eyes, his mouth downturned to a frown as the sling hung loosely.
"The truth Lucy, what happened?" He gently squeezed his hand around her knee and she hesitantly unwound her arms, pulling his hand off and holding it between her hands.
Her eyes stared down at his hand, her bottom lip trapped between her teeth. Her nerves buzzed beneath her skin as her brain churned for the right words to say, yet she stayed silent. Her eyes flickered to look over her shoulder, for any sign of life, but only found the head nurse sitting at her desk across the room. Lucy looked back down at their hands, inhaling and exhaling deeply.
"It was a month after you left." She began, her voice hushed and brittle. "There was a new troop, just freshly sent in from training. And of course, not everyone respects the only women at base. I was targeted." His fingers twitched as he tightened his grasp on her hand, his thoughts already far ahead of her words. "Fought them, beat them in hand-to-hand combat, they didn't take it well. They jumped me, caught me off guard."
She inhaled shakily before scoffing. "A month later, I found out I was pregnant."
Gaz's eyes widened, her hand almost drifting up towards her locket before letting it fall back to her lap.
"I didn't want it, but you know the army's rule. You abort, you're dishonorably discharged." She shook her head, her lips pressed together tightly. "You remember my dad, he was there for me. Supported me through everything. I never thought that I'd ever see him break down the way I did when I told him." 
"Lucy," Gaz whispered, but she shook her head and gave him a gentle smile.
"I'm fine Gaz, really." She breathily laughed but then it fell short to a heavy exhale. "After all, it's been 6 and a half years since then."
Gaz stared at her and squeezed her hand gently, "Doesn't mean that talking about it doesn't matter anymore. It does, even if it's the past."
Lucy nodded her head, blinking as she turned to the ground. "I know, but I'm at peace with it now. Besides, they got what they deserved in the end." She chuckled shallowly before clicking her tongue.
He nodded his head, a small ghost of a smile crossing his lips before he frowned as a question crossed his mind. "What did you do? With the baby?"
Her hazel eyes drifted up towards his eyes and she fell silent. The sound of her heartbeat beating loudly in her ears. Her eyes fell back to their hands.
"It was the first doctor visit, I had my Dad join me because I was nervous and scared." She swallowed thickly as she thought back. "I hadn't decided on what to do if I wanted to leave the army or just put it in the system once it was out. And then I heard it. I heard its heartbeat, fast and strong. That's when I thought, what if... what if I kept it? I imagined coming home and having a kid come running out the door with the brightest smile on their face. Going to read bedtime stories, or Christmas day and them running in saying that Santa came and ate a cookie and left gifts." She exhaled shakily, small tears dotting the corner of her eyelids.
Clearing her throat she continued. "Dad, was supportive, saying that it was my decision. But then Mom came barging in, saying she booked an appointment already. You know how she is."
Gaz nodded, a sour look on his face. "I remember, yelling and screaming about you being in the army. I don't think there's anything good about her, no offense."
She shook her head with a laugh. "None taken. I've." She inhaled deeply, "I've cut contact with her, and haven't talked to her in a long time."
He squeezed her hand again, nodding his head. "So what happened? Did you keep it?"
Her eyes stilled on the cracks in the tile below her feet, a small smile freezing on her face. 
"It was a girl," She whispered, her voice warm and gentle. "I named her Charlotte, from Charlotte's web."
Gaz grinned, "I remember, you told me your Dad read it to you every time he was home."
Laughter spilled from her lips. "Every single time, even if I already had it memorized. Still do."
The smiles slowly drifted as he stared at her, noticing the distant look on her face. "You gave her up?" He asked gently.
Lucy licked her lips and cleared her throat, her hands pulling away from his and grabbing the bag instead. She stood up and turned towards the door.
"I'm glad that you're alright Gaz, I'll talk to you later when you're out."
"Lucy!" He exclaimed she paused but kept her back to him, and he tried to think of the right words to say, questions to ask. But they escaped him. "Was that all?"
Her head turned slightly to her left, her gaze flickering to him at the corner of her eyes. And she whispered, "That's all I can tell you, for now."
"When? When can I hear the rest?" Gaz asked.
"I don't know." Was all she said before she walked out the doors.
Two pairs of eyes followed her as she walked out, and only one followed after her. Gaz exhaled heavily as he leaned back against the pillows, his right hand brushing against the forgotten Mars bar. He stared at it for a moment before placing it on the table next to his bedside, his thoughts clouded to the point where he didn't want to eat it.
"Dad?" Lucy whispered as she slowly walked into the living room, her gaze teary as she dropped her bag to the ground.
"Sweetheart-" He looked up from his seat on the couch, his face full of sorrow and guilt. "Com 'ere."
She walked around the coffee table and collapsed into his arms, crying into the crook of his neck. "She's- she's." 
He shook his head and shushed her while rubbing her back. "Shhh, I know. I know. Just let it out, I've got you."
She sobbed loudly, her breaths coming in sharply as she clutched his shirt tightly. Her shoulders shook with each hyperventilating inhale, shaking with each soul-ripping cry of sorrow. And he held her, tightly in his arms, comforting her. Ignoring the water droplets that were being soaked through his shirt, and his own tears that fell from his eyes.
"I'm sorry Lucy, I'm so sorry." He mumbled into the side of her head as she hiccupped.
She cried for an hour before they fell too short intervals of quick hiccupping inhales. Her eyes drooped but didn't close as she rested against his side. No words had been exchanged from the time she had gotten there, but nothing needed to be said.
"Dad?" She whimpered, and he hummed in reply. "Read to me, please?"
He sniffed and slowly nodded his head. "Of course Sweetheart." He croaked, before clearing his throat and reaching behind him on the bookshelf above his head. 
Grabbing the worn book, that's spine words were nearly invisible, that's pages were crinkled and stained. He opened Charlotte's Web and began to read.
[Ghost POV]
New team members are unreliable, a loose screw until you've seen their dirty laundry. And Raven's laundry has been kept under wraps, which makes things much more difficult, you can't trust anyone with a secret. And everyone has a secret.
I clench my jaw as I watch her walk out of the room, and my thoughts are running a mile per minute. I had gotten a small glimpse of her past, something that isn't of much use, but it's the first thing we've learned of her so far. But what does this give us? The knowledge that she has a life outside the army, that she had a kid? It's not enough.
But it's something she's gone through. A nagging voice whispers in my head, and my feet push forward to trail after her.
She was far ahead of me, but still in sight. I could see the tension in her shoulders from here, the strong posture. She turned to the right, heading towards the barracks, and I stop in my tracks as she slips into her room. My mind wonders, do I tell Price what I've learned? Will withholding it matter? Why would I keep it a secret? She has too many unknown variables, what would telling this one secret do?
I turn heel and head to Price's office. Ignoring the small minuscule churning of guilt in my gut.
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