#similarly i didnt like most country growing up bc thats all my aunt would let us listen to in her car but once i
bunnyb34r Β· 4 months
Just word spilling here to get this out of my head
I was thinking lately yknow how people always say stuff like "oh I hate rap" or "anything but country" when music tastes get brought up
I have a theory that the reason why is in how/where they're exposed to said genre initially/most frequently
Like people who hate rap, maybe it's that they don't seek it out on their own bc they typically only ever hear it coming from someone's loud speakers (car speakers bass blasted, on the bus, at school) and they then associate the genre with "loud sound 'intruding' on my personal space"
Or maybe they have racist parental figures and THEY always sneered at rap music when they were a kid so they grew into young adults/adults who hate rap bc of the racial bias they were influenced by as a kid
And country maybe the ONLY times they hear it/ the only kind they get exposed to typically is the post 9/11 patriotic shit and that makes them uncomfortable/they dont like that shit (understandable) so they think aaalll country is that kind
I mean it all boils down to them needing to examine their racial bias that underlines their hate (since rap is a predominantly black genre and country was started by black singers) AND explore the genres to find something they do like and find what they appreciate in the genre based on that
I think this also applies to other commonly "hated" genres (but for the majority it IS mostly an underlying racial bias)
Anyway idk I'm just throwing this into the void so my brain shuts up
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