#simbad. treasure planet. atlantis
gilbirda · 2 years
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You've seen strange magic too? What were your thoughts? Personally I really liked it story wise though I feel a few things could've been changed to make it go from decent movie to great movie. But overall it was great
BRUH what I DONT have to say about the movie. Before I went down the DP and DPXDC rabbit hole, I watched that movie once a week and im not kidding. I know it by heart.
Pros: Music slaps, voice acting by ACTUAL voice actors that know how to do their jobs, animation is beautiful, plot refreshing and I love how the romance is made in that movie (and how the "beast" doesn't magically become beautiful at the end!!!!)
Cons: Some of the humor doesn't land and the plot is very simple, and the whole "im strong independent woman" feels kinda... void? I hate this trend that to be a strong woman you have to reject romance forever because that makes you weak. Or how they pitch the sisters as the "helpless romantic" vs the "bitter sword lady".
But that's my opinion.
This movie, I don't know if you knew, was buried on purpose. Is a Lucasfilms production, so big money, and this was after Disney bought the company.
Why did it flop so much?
It wasn't properly advertised.
Is a weird movie, the 3D models are an acquired taste, and is too silly sometimes - but that's what makes it interesting. Is not whatever Disney was pumping at the time and it shows; and advertising made it look like some kind of Barbie silly fairies story and it's nothing like that.
Also, of course, people don't like things if they aren't the Disney formula, so there's that.
I have SO MANY opinions about Strange Magic.
(I also have written fics for that fandom!!!!! Including a rewrite with what if Bog and Marianne had been friends since the wedding day and how he helps her out!)
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