#sim: teeleah
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livelovesimallways · 11 months ago
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If You Looked Into My Life...One Year In 🥰 (2 of 2)
I think it's safe to say our favorite couple has been thriving during their first year of Marriage....At least financially 👀
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treason-and-plot · 1 year ago
🌸 TAG YOU’RE IT! Name your Top 5 OTP created by your fellow simmers. Spread the love and happy simming! 🌸
Pandora and Hilde by @jolifleurbleu
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2. Jonah and Evelyn by @gaiahypothesims
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3. Amantius and Hugo by @simbico
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4. Moses and Teeleah by @livelovesimallways
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5. Felony and Summa by @ninjaofthepurplethings
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livelovesimallways4 · 2 years ago
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Denim on Denim 💙💙💙
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livelovesimallways · 11 months ago
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If You Looked Into My Life...One Year In 🥰🤗 (1 of 2)
SN: Due to my over-zealous building, their original forever home kept crashing. Now they're in a smaller lot with floors spread between two saves 😑.
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livelovesimallways · 2 years ago
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Look at my newlywed babies...💕💕💕
SN: Ignore their lack of smiles, I swear they're having fun.
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livelovesimallways · 2 years ago
What was your inspiration to create your main oc? (pass the question on)
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Teeleah Muse
She was supposed to be my self sim but since she looks nothing like me, I decided to give her her own story and gameplay. She still has some traits similar to mine: Neurotic (anxiety), Night Owl, Hopeless Romantic, Dramatic (My husband and sister call me this all the time so I guess 🙄), Genius (I'm not one but there's nothing else for book smart.) The others are: Natural Cook ( I just learned how to properly cook rice) and Flirty (I'm more awkward unless I'm tipsy lol).
Also funny thing is today is our birthday yay!!!. She is currently 30 and will not age anytime soon, meanwhile I'm 36 and climbing lol.
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livelovesimallways · 6 months ago
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"Such A Thing"....Pt. 2
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*after talking for a while* "As you can see, even though every experience is different, the willingness to meet and share aspects of their lives is what truly helps both parties. And again, you are the parents so you ultimately decide the route you want to take. We just strongly encourage openness as it helps adoptees cope. So if you have anymore questions, please don't hesitate to ask."
"I do have one...How was your experience reconnecting with your son?"
"Umm..." *lets out a deep sigh* "It was tough for both of us. If I could go back, I would have never chosen for it to be closed. I believe that's what hurt him the most. It fueled that feeling of abandonment and caused the question of why?"
"Wow, that hits close to home.” *shakes his head* “I get it now.”
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*attempts to look sympathetic* “So your family never told you why she had to leave?"
"Nope. I don't know anything about her. Not even her name. It's interesting that you said she had to, I always assumed she just left. I guess this line of work changes the way you think."
"It does. Plus, these decisions don't come lightly. It didn't for me." *gets interrupted by a knock on the door*
"Hey guys, sorry to interrupt. I'm just checking in. Moses your wife had a list of questions. I'm sure I was being interviewed." *laughing* "So did Moriah help or?..."
"She definitely did."
"Oh good. I hope she told you all about her son as well. Their story is just so touching. She even has pictures from when he was a newborn until about three months old. Why don't you show him?"
“I’d rather not. Today was pretty heavy.”
“I happen to think it would help.” *stares at her* “You show everyone that comes through these doors. It’s always appreciated.”
“Okay.” *looks nervous as shit*
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*Moses' silence speaks volumes*
"I can explain. Please let me explain. Janice can you give us a second?” *pleading*
*puts the picture down* "You should vet your employees more thoroughly. That baby she's holding…. is me. I have a similar one with just my father...Same outfit, same blanket, same balloons, same room."
"What???" *in shock* "Is he saying you're his birth mother?"
"Yes...but I can explain."
"Explain???" *turns to Moses* "I am so sorry for this, Mr. Muse. If I had any inclination, I would've..."
"Oh that's bullshit!" *cuts her off* "I told you there was a conflict of interest and you still pushed!"
"You're his damn birth mother! Nobody would ever assume that's what you meant! Then after that, you lied! You've been lying...for years!"
"I only lied to help other families. People tend to be more open when they can relate. I didn't hurt or hinder, it only made things better. No one would've ever expected him to come through these doors." *looks at Moses* "I am so sorry. I know you probably have questions. I really thought your family would have at least let you know something. I didn't want to leave, but my life at the time was very unstable. It was no place for a fifteen year old let alone a baby. I knew you would be safe with your dad, so when I was forced to move hours away, I left you with him. The next few years I thought of trying to reach out, but before I knew it, I was pregnant again. Miles died and I didn't want to complicate your life anymore so, I stopped. And look how you turned out? You have the life of your dreams."
"What about your family, Do they...?"
"My husband does but my children?...Absolutely not. Just like with you, it would've complicated things. Even with them being adults now."
"I guess you carved out a nice life for yourself as well." *smirking to hold back rage* "Well, look, I'm sure my wife is wondering what's taking so long." *gets up* "I'm gonna head out. We won't be coming back so you two take care."
To Be Continued........
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livelovesimallways · 7 months ago
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"Such A Thing"......🎵
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Nearly Two Hours Later......
"So, I believe we've covered everything. I know the interview portion was long, but I promise you'll see it was well worth it. You two will easily be matched. Financial stability aside, you guys are well educated, highly successful, and very personable. Now with that being said, is there anything about open adoption that you're not fully comfortable with? I noticed you tensed up when discussing the contact options for birth mothers as your child grows." *looks at Moses* "It's completely normal to be weary. Most people aren't initially excited about that, but realize over time how important it can be."
"I definitely understand the benefits. I just know that things don't always work out as planned. What if the birth mother decides limited contact is too hard? What if she wants more time? What if our child doesn't want her to be involved anymore?"
"I'm actually glad you mentioned that. You're absolutely right. Everything you asked, and then some, has happened. Parenting isn't easy and adoption piles on more. That's why, if anything does arise, we have the counselors, therapists and mediators to help navigate as needed. Also, keep in mind that you will be the legal parents. Although we encourage visitation and contact, it's not legally binding. If it becomes a problem, you make the best decision for your child." *continues looking at Moses* "I think you would benefit from talking to our head counselor. She was a birth mother with a closed adoption and had to go through reconnecting with her son as an adult. That process wasn't easy for the both of them but thankfully they're in a much better place. While you're doing that, I'll answer any questions you have, Leah."
"Sounds good to me." *scrolls through her notes*
"Alright, Moses you wait here for a sec. Let me tell her you're coming."
A Few Minutes Later......
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"I'm sorry but it really is a conflict of interest. I don't feel right talking to him. Why can't you have someone else do it?"
"Because you're the HEAD of this department! We're not lawyers Moriah...There is no conflict of interest. Just keep your mouth shut about your friend. Trust me, he's not going to ask about finding her. He barely thinks contact should be allowed for a kid. Why do you think I'm sending him to talk to you? We all need this win, so please don't fuck it up. Plus, I feel for his wife. She tried IVF, but her eggs are bad. You know I had my own issues with that. If you came to me earlier, I would have suggested someone else do this. Just pretend you don't know his birth mother and take it from there."
To Be Continued...…..
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livelovesimallways · 9 months ago
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If You Looked Into My Life: The Final Chapters.....
It’s often said that the best years of your life truly happen after you settle down and start your family. Anything you’ve felt before, pales in comparison to that. While some may disagree, humph, I had plenty of reason to with my Ex, I definitely believe that statement now. Everything I’ve received from Moses is unmatched…His love, comfort, joy, and peace. To have a family would be the ultimate blessing. Although we tried to have our own, three failed IVF cycles and continual rejections from other programs show us that having biological children isn’t meant to be. Even with that, a family is still possible through adoption. The process is long, tedious, and nerve-wrecking but the outcome for both us and our child will be beyond worth it. We’re just ready to get to the next step….To experience those best years.
Read from the beginning
To Be Continued........
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livelovesimallways · 1 year ago
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"Finding Peace".....Pt. 4
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To Be Continued......
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livelovesimallways · 2 years ago
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"Prayed Up"....Pt. 3
To Be Continued.......
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livelovesimallways · 2 years ago
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"Prayed Up....." 🎵
(Previous following Dana's story)
Moses and I finally arrived home a couple of days ago after an amazing honeymoon. We spent nearly three months traveling, relaxing and enjoying the best parts of what make us...us. After taking some time for ourselves, letting our friends and family know we were back became top priority. While I reached out on my end, Moses was reluctant to do the same. He says he wants to, "protect his peace", which leads me to believe something serious is going on. Although I fully understand where he is coming from, avoiding things never helps. I just hope that, "protecting his peace", doesn't make a situation worse or leave people in the dark.
Later on that day.....
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"So hold on...Let me get this straight...Sean was messing around with that Julia chick outside of Dana's rules? Deanna found out and told her?"
"Damn...I wonder why she didn't tell me? It seemed like everything was going well. She even sent me their finished wedding plan." *sounding confused*
"Maybe it is for her. She probably feels like what's done is done. Shit, my moms used to get like that whenever my father got caught."
"Humph...I remember having those days myself. You're probably right. Now I feel terrible. Dana isn't the type to come crying about her problems either. She'll tell you, but won't get emotional about it. She keeps a lot bottled up."
"Yeah she's a good ass person too. She don't deserve that shit." *looks down then shakes his head*
"So was this why you were avoiding calls?"
"I mean it's part of it. Sean's been like my brother since high school, but him still doing dumb shit just ain't sittin right with me. I thought he was makin progress but, that ain't the case. I don't know if I want to be around all that. Too much potential to have me in some shit."
"In some shit like?...."
"Being put on the spot to cover, or getting questioned over something he did."
"But that only happened once right?" *narrows her eyes*
"You really want me to answer that? Shit, we both know not to ask questions we really don't want the answers to. You're gonna feel obligated to tell her and neither one of us is trying to stir up past things. She knows what kind of dude she has. Obviously we want better for her, but she's sticking beside him. There's no need to dig."
*sighs* "Fine...I'll leave it alone. What's done in the dark always comes to light anyway, so..." *her phone starts ringing, cutting her off* "Oh look, it's Nica, another person you've been avoiding. I'll put it on speaker."
A Few Days Later.......
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"I'm just not understanding why you won't tell your sister you're pregnant? Like, I know it's not ideal, but you're in a good place. You're starting your career at that tech giant and you can stay here as long as you want. It's nothing to be embarrassed about. Trust me, I've seen worse. The train wreck that is my father is a great example, and he's a multi-millionaire. You have a village: your sister, me and my family. You just have to embrace it. "
"Look...Mimi I get you're trying to help, but please leave it alone. That's not why..." *get choked up*
"Then what is it? I'm here for you, seriously..."
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*whispers* "Fuck...."
"Damn...Umm...I didn't mean to upset you. You don't have to..."
"No, I do. Just please don't judge until you hear everything. The reason why I'm scared to tell her is because it's Sean's baby..." *tells her their entire history*
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"Whew...That's a lot." *pauses for a few seconds* "Sleeping with your sister's man is foul as fuck, Dee. I get the whole college and first love thing before they met, but she's the one with him now...Has been for the past what, six years? And now a baby? You have to tell her before she marries this man."
"I know...I will..."
"This is crazy but, as much as I want to rant, I feel bad for you. He's manipulated this entire situation since you were eighteen. He was twenty-four and he knew to take advantage of your naivety. Now he says he loves you? He's full of shit and is using that as a way to keep you quiet and around." *pauses in thought* "Shit!..."
"What's wrong?"
"Remember a few days ago you were throwing up a lot?"
"Well, I got scared and called Nica for advice. She had a rough first trimester so I figured she could help. I told her it was for you."
"Do you think she told anyone?" *extra concerned*
"I mean, it's possible, but that was a few days ago. I feel like if your sister knew she would've been knocking on the door. I'm gonna call Nica and check. But regardless, Dana's gonna find out sooner or later. You can't hide a baby bump and Sean's family has some strong genes. When the baby comes out looking like him..."
"Girl!...I get it. Can you please just call your sister for me? I'll figure it out from there."
To Be Continued......
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livelovesimallways · 2 years ago
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Mogul Honeymoon Pt. 3......
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livelovesimallways · 2 years ago
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"Prayed Up"....Pt. 3 Cont.
Next following Leah (IYLIML)
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Sean: "So since she has me blocked, I can't see her last location on this Life app. I don't see any purchases on the cards I gave her either."
Teeleah: "Okay...umm, what about her truck's GPS?"
Sean: "I don't have any way to connect to that from here."
Teeleah: "Actually, you do. Lamborghini has location services. There's even an app."
Sean: "Wow...Never knew that was a thing. Kind of glad she didn't know either, otherwise I would've been..." *feels her death stare* "Aight so it's taking a sec to verify...It says the car is...Hmm."
Teeleah: "Hmm?? What does it say?"
Sean: "It says her truck's in front of your place. Orchard Ct. in Nova Park right?"
Teeleah: "Yeah." *very confused*
Moses: "See...You can breathe now. At least we know she's safe. "
Teeleah: "True.." *smiling* "Let me go before she leaves. Are you coming Mo?"
Moses: "Nah, y'all need space. Plus, Sean can use the company." *gives him the death stare too*
20 Minutes Later.....
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"You had me worried as hell." *gives her a hug*
"I'm sorry girl. I thought I could handle it on my own. I didn't want to dump on you but now..."
"It's okay, let's go inside."
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"Damn, I forgot how nice it was in here. I feel horrible for poppin up on you like this. Y'all just got back from your honeymoon. I would've bought a charger and called, but I wasn't thinking straight."
"Dana..." *puts her hand on her shoulder* "It's okay. Trust me. I wasn't home because we were out looking for you. You think imma sit back after some shit like this and be fine without reaching you for days? Shit, I was tempted to go to the police."
"Girl, really??" *both laughing* "I would do the same though. We're a little overprotective."
"Just a little." *smiling* "So where did you end up going?"
"A hotel. Nothing fancy, just the closest one I could find. I was a mess Leah. A fuckin mess. You would think it was all over Sean, but he takes up maybe one percent. That man has always been for the streets and I should've left a long time ago. Never in my life did I think Deanna would do some shit like this. And for years??" *starts crying*
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"Shit...This is exactly how I was in that room." *wipes her tears* "Sleep didn't help. I woke up feeling worse and today it got to a level that scared me. I felt like there was no point anymore. Since our parents died, it's been me and her against everything. For fifteen years, Leah, she's been my priority. Legally, she is my daughter. She used to call me Mama-Sis when she was little and started back after we lost them. I thought we had this special bond, but it's clear she gives zero fucks." *still crying*
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"The first thing I want you to do is breathe." *taking a page out of Moses' book* "I know it's overwhelming right now, but trust me, you will feel better with time. There's always a point to living, Dana, even if you can't see it yet. If you want, I can give you the information to my therapist's office."
"Never been to one but I'm sure it won't hurt. Thank you."
"Of course. And as far as Deanna goes, try not to focus on why and how she could do what she did. She and Sean don't matter at this point. It's about you finding peace and a new meaning to your life." *holds her hand* "Now another thing...You're not going back to that hotel. We have plenty of room and a huge guest room."
*hesitant* "Thank you, but it wouldn't feel right. Y'all are newlyweds, I can't interrupt that."
"Girl, please. We're good, trust me. I already talked to Mo about it and he was on board. I'm not taking no for an answer, Dana."
"Okay, fine. I promise it won't be long." *smiling* "Thank you, friend, for everything."
"You're very welcome, friend, that's what I'm here for."
To Be Continued......
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livelovesimallways · 1 year ago
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"Finding Peace".....🎵
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livelovesimallways · 2 years ago
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Mogul Honeymoon Pt. 1.... 🎵
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