#sim kyuhyuk
ikemenfangirl · 2 months
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Mystic Messenger ❤︎ Real time Chat
❤︎ Otome Mobile Game
Game: Mystic Messenger
By: Cheritz
Platform: iOS, Android
Languages: English, Korean, Español
Website: http://msg.cheritz.com/
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💙 Jumin Han CV : Shin Yong-woo #신용우
🤍 Zen CV : Kim Jang #김장
💛 Yoosung CV : Sim Kyuhyuk #심규혁
🤎 Jaehee Kang CV : Yang Jeong-hwa
🧡 707 CV : Kim Youngsun #김영선
💜 Ray CV : Kang Soo-jin #강수진
💚 V CV : Lee Hosan #이호산
🍎 iOS: https://apps.apple.com/app/id1116027365
🤖 Android : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.Cheritz.MysticMessenger
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fandomplethora · 6 years
Here is to the people who brought to life some of the best characters I have ever known:
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You have made me laugh, cry and fall in love.
Thank you.
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zensuality-blog1 · 6 years
my mystic messenger experience at otakon 2018
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as many of you already know, i attended otakon this year primarily for mystic messenger. i had no intentions of going, but once they announced the mystic messenger event...that was that, haha. my only regret was that jang kim wasn’t there ( although if he was, i probably would’ve cried and it would’ve been really awkward ).
anyway! i took a ridiculous amount of pictures and videos to share with all of my followers who weren’t able to make it. i’m lucky enough to live very close to otakon’s new location, but i know a lot of fans weren’t in that position. hopefully, sharing it with you will make you feel a bit like you were there, too. continue below the cut!
1. mystic messenger booth
i wasn’t lying when i said that i took pictures of literally everything, haha. the booth where they sold merch had every piece of merchandise released for the game so far ( aside from the 707 cushion in space and the pass cases released ages ago ). the line was so long, they had us winding around, but i was able to see everything up close, so that was cool! they gave us, like, a checklist and we’d check off what we wanted to buy, give it to the cashier when we got up to the front, and they’d put it all together for you.
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they had life-size posters hanging up on one side. jaehee and jumin were facing the other way, and i forgot to get a better picture of them after.
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the front of the whole booth! everyone working was very nice. they had volunteers who were cosplay as ray and 707 handing out the checklists and pencils while we were in line, which was a fun touch~
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there was also a huge banner advertising the summer event in the app. i tried to take a selfie near zen, but the line moved too quickly, haha.
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along the sides of the booth, there were recruitment posters for mint eye. there were a few variations, so i’ll post pictures of them all!
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they also had zen’s “summer plans for the rfa” that comes with the new summer zen dakimakura hung up! 
2. merch
i decided to go all out and buy the things i really wanted. which.....everyone knows, i bought the zen dakimakura, haha. and not needing to spend money on shipping was honestly great.
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i’ll make a review post for all that i bought later like i’ve always done in the past with new mystic messenger merch, so that if you’re debating purchasing any of these things, i can tell you what i thought. so far, i’ve loved everything ( featuring my pikachu pillow, because i’m obviously an adult ). ^^ 
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the bags we were given to carry our purchases had 707 on one side...
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and jumin on the other!
3. autographs
on saturday, i waited in line to meet sujin ri ( the developer and writer of mystic messenger ), and the voice actors youngsun kim ( 707 ), kyuhyuk sim ( yoosung ), hosan lee ( v ), and sujin kang ( saeran ). i arrived about two hours early, and waited for almost an hour once the line began to move. all of the fans i talked to in line were very fun and easy to talk to, so it didn’t feel long at all~
once i reached the front, i got kind of nervous because it was actually real, haha. but because i had my vip badge from the rfa box, i got a special autograph poster with the autographs from the voice actors who couldn’t be there ( i have jang kim’s autograph, i’m dead ). then, i moved on to meet sujin ri first. she was so nice! i showed her my zen ita bag and she was like, “wow, you really like zen! thank you so much!” she was excited, it was great~
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kyuhyuk was super cute and sweet, and hosan was the only voice actor who didn’t have an interpreter and spoke english. he was great. ^^ i talked the most with youngsun, he was really friendly. i showed him the one 707 pin i had on my ita bag, and he was like, “you really like zen! but you only have one of me??” haha. i was cosplaying jaehee, and he asked me if I liked her because she was the girl you could do a route for in the game ( or something to that effect ), so i told him that i was happy having a female in rfa~
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4. the panel
right after the autograph session, i got in line for the mystic messenger panel. the line was capped after a certain point, so it was definitely worth it. there was way too much to try and recap everything that happened, so i’ll just do some highlight bullet points. i did film sujin ri and the cast talking about zen ( of course ), so i’ll probably post that at some point~ 
youngsun’s very proud that 707 is the most popular character. he said that now that ray’s route is out and saeran is becoming more popular, he’s worried about losing his number one spot, lmao.
sujin kang said that he has a big crush on jaehee. he said that she’s his ideal woman~ since he’s a huge jaehee fan, he said that he wanted to punch jumin in the face, haha.
the voice actors did live readings of some of the important scenes in the game, and did one of a scenario where the rfa went to otakon. xD
sujin ri and the actors talked about each character and she described what she was thinking when she created them.
 kyuhyuk said that yoosung is closest to zen out of everyone in the rfa, and that he sees zen like an older brother~ which I already figured, but it was cute hearing him talk about their relationship.
hosan lee really wanted to play jumin, originally, and even won a popularity poll to play him. but since he had just played a similar character in another game, sujin ri cast him as v instead. he said that he’s still bitter, and sujin ri was like, “he’s asked me about this three times already.”
 kyuhyuk is the youngest in the cast, so he said he felt a lot like yoosung in the game because the rest of the actors are very well-established in voice acting in korea and famous, and he’s still an up-and-comer. he said, “i hope to become a voice actor that you’re all proud of and continue to support!” and made a little heart with his hands, asdfghjkl.
the moderator was like, “who would like to introduce rika as a character?” everyone sat there in silence until v’s voice actor was finally like, “i’ll do it.” then, he leaned in really close to the microphone and in English said, “i hate her.”
overall, mystic messenger at otakon was incredible. i had such a fantastic time, and i’ll post any other extras later as i think of them. it was mentioned that the panel might be uploaded to youtube, so i’ll post it, if they do!
if you have any other questions about the con, feel free to do so! <3
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fandomplethora · 6 years
On Forgiveness -
The final lines given by the Voice Actors during the Forgive Ending Episodes
“Nevertheless, let’s just try harder to make our world a happier place.” -Yongwoo Shin (Jumin Han)
“As for a word of comfort...it’s okay. You’re a good person.” -Jeonghwa Yang (Jaehee Kang)
“So, what I’m saying is we should keep growing up. We may be all grown up physically, but we can grow even more emotionally. Let’s wish ourselves good luck.” -Kyuhyuk Sim (Yoosung Kim)
“So, I don’t think there’s any need to make myself agonize by refusing to forgive someone. I think it’s best to forgive and let it go, let go of your anger.” -Youngsun Kim (Saeyoung ‘Luciel’ ‘707′ ‘Seven’ Choi)
“So, let us show forgiveness to make our world a beautiful place.” -Jang Kim (Hyun ‘Zen’ Ryu)
“...On the other hand, if you’re unwilling to forgive but can’t disregard the question of forgiveness as well, I think that would compound the pain.” -Hyunjin Lee (Mina/‘Rika’) 
“I’ve seen several people show forgiveness during circumstances for which I could never do the same, if I were to stand in their shoes. So, I’m telling myself I should watch and learn from them.” -Hosan Yi (Jihyun ‘V’ Kim) 
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