#silvio x morgan
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welp-back-on-my-bs · 1 month ago
Well, now I'm making a little series because I think the prompt is cute and shows a nice acespec relationship and turama connecting to sex and healing from it with someone who loves you
This one is Silvio x Morgan
Anyways, have fun reading my beloved aceflux couple finally fucking after literal years
It was late, and Morgan went to check on Silvio because they know he has some bad habits when it comes to work.
They knocked on the door and heard a tired "Come in..." From the other side. So they did and were disappointed to find Silvio still doing his work.
"Sil, you're going to overwork yourself to death if you do this every night." Morgan sighed and went over to him, taking away his pen.
"Hey! Give that back!" Silvio moved to grab the pen, not paying attention to the rageing boner he was trying to distract himself from.
They both froze in that moment.
Morgan sighed and put down the pen. "You could have told me."
"And I didn't."
"Would you like me to help you?"
"You mean a lot more to me than just sex... I don't like the idea of using you for my own pleasure."
Morgan sighed and kissed Silvio. "You're an idiot. But a sweet one at that"
Silvio kissed back and looked confused. "The hell do you mean by that."
"For example, right now, would be a good time for us to have our first time having sex."
Silvio jumped on the chance, pulling Morgan close. "Let me know when you've had enough, ok? I've got a lot stored up for you"
Morgan could just nod. As Silvio pulled them into bed. They were both clearly nervious about this. So, Morgan took the lead and started taking off Silvios' clothes, giving him hickeys in places he would often let show.
Silvio smiled and goaned a bit when Mogan found sweet spots. He slipped off his jewelry before working on Morgan's clothes. He thought of the day they met and started giving them hickeys of his own where bruises once were. He pulled them close and slid a finger into them. They clung to Silvio, shocked by his actions.
"Just checking to see if ya need to be stretched out." He explained calmly.
Morgan nodded, moving themself on his finger a bit to get some friction. Silvio smirked and added another finger before teasing them by curling them a bit. They clenched around him and clung to him tighter.
Silvio took this moment to finally slip himself in. He let out a nice groan at this. Morgan curled against him.
"C-can we stay like this for a minute...?" They asked.
Silvio nodded and waited as Morgan relaxed around him, getting used to the feeling again.
"Okay. I'm ready. " they looked at Silvio, more relaxed now and determined.
He nodded and started moving them gentley, and they matched his pace.
They took their time, whispered soft 'i love you's', and stayed close and intimate. They kissed and just admired each other as they both were slow.
When both of their orgasams came, they made a mess all over each other. Silvio held Morgan close, kissing their head.
"You did amazing..." he softly phraised, holding them tightly. "Please don't go tonight..."
Morgan nodded, nestleing close to Silvio "I won't... I'll stay..."
Silvio smiled and kept them close as they both fell asleep holding each other.
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pescar-truta · 5 years ago
Definições para um continente
A América é um epicédio para uma musa grotesca
A América é um projeto
A América é o elogio simultâneo de milhares de poetas-menores à barbárie
A América é o tumor na garganta do trovador
A América é uma noite longa
A América é uma metáfora para algo que se perdeu
A América é um sintoma
A América é um paradigma para mensurarmos o tamanho da nossa dor
A América é uma festa para a qual ninguém foi convidado
A América é um grito atrás de uma porta trancada
A América é o orgasmo culpado de um estupro
A América é um delírio europeu esquecido
A América é um pesadelo febril
A América é Abdias Nascimento, Roque Dalton, Ronald Reagan, Sandino, Cruz e Souza, Malcolm X, Richard Nixon, Camilo Torres, Costa e Silva, Pablo Escobar, Sérgio Fleury, Nicanor Parra, Fernandinho Beira-mar, Marylin Monroe, John Dillinger, Fidel Castro, Touro Sentado, Garrincha, Luis Carlos Prestes, George Woodcock, Mercedes Sosa, Manuel Puig, Maya Deren, Líber Seregni, Bandido da Luz Vermelha, Guilhermo del Toro, Thoureau, Jesse James, Zé do Caixão, Robert De Niro, Chacrinha, João Goulart, Hugo Chávez, Carlos Castañeda, Marighella, Abimael Guzmán, Jacques Dussalines, Pichon Rivière, Robert Nesta, Jeanine Áñez, Mario Vargas Llosa, Pinochet, James Dean, Chico Mendes, Jair Bolsonaro, Frida Kahlo, Buckminster Fuller, Joseph McCarthy, Violeta Parra, Kenneth Anger, Al Capone, Frantz Fanon, Henry Murray, Brilhante Ustra, Maria da Penha, Ted Bundy, Bonnie Elizabeth Parker, Getúlio Vargas, Elvis Presley, Emile Griffith, Angela Davis, Jorge Rafael Videla, Leonard Cohen, Arminda Aberastury, Eduardo Galeano, Juan Guaidó, Zapata, Roberto Bolaño, Filinto Muller, Tarsila do Amaral, Os dez de Hollywood, Che Guevara, Jorge Ben Jor, Comandante Ramona, Fulgêncio Batista, James Baldwin, Benício del Toro, Subcomandante Marcos, Castelo Branco, Eva Peron, Georgia O’Keffe, Atahualpa Yupanqui, Caio Prado Jr, Evo Moralez, Madame Satã, Silvio Rodriguez, Sidney Portier, Camilo Cienfuegos, Anne Carson, Xuxa, Luís Inácio Lula da Silva, Carlos Gardel, Rosa Parks, Papasquiaro, Victor Jara, Jack Kerouac, Dilma Roussef, Túpac Amaru, Plínio Salgado, Joan Baez, Cabo Anselmo, Roberto Marinho, Chu Ming Silveira, Manuel Marulanda, Jorge Luis Borges, Elizabeth Short, Simon Bolívar, Lezama Lima, Gabriela Mistral, Abraham Lincoln, Pablo Neruda, Mohammed Ali, Carlos Lamarca, Alejandro Jodorowky, Fujimori, Gaspar Dutra, Daniel Ortega, Anne Sexton, Tupac Shakur, Lionel Brizola, El Chapo, Maria Bonita, Roberto Bolaños, Ernesto Geisel, Ed Gein, Ana Cristina César, Mariel Mariscot, Peter Tosh, Somoza, Osman Lins, Sabotage, Maradona, William Alexander Morgan, Robert E. Lee, Ernesto Sábato, Susan Meiselas, Pelé, Raúl Castro, Huey Newton, Paulo Freire, Alfredo Stroessner, Chico Picadinho, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Clint Eastwood, Cristina Kirchner, Mazzaropi, Paul Schäfer, Allen Ginsberg e Zumbi dos Palmares.
A América é um modo de ser,
de tolerar
o fim
sem chorar.
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icodogio · 6 years ago
Zk-SNARKs: What Is It And How Does It Work?
Zk-SNARKs better known as the zero-knowledge succinct non-interactive argument of knowledge refers to a proof construction where one individual can prove to have possession of specific information like a secret key but without revealing the information. Also, without any interaction between the one who is proving and the one who is verifying.
These proofs allow an individual to prove to another that a statement is true; however without disclosing any information that is beyond the validity of the statement. So far, there are a few projects that are using Zk-SNARK proofs including Zcash, JP Morgan blockchain based payment system and also as a way to securely authenticate various clients to servers.
However, it’s worth noting that Zcash is the first widespread application of the technology. While there are other privacy coin projects like Monero that employ ring signatures and some other techniques to create smoke screens around transaction information effectively, Zk-SNARKs have fundamentally changed the way data is shared.
Zcash derives its privacy from the fact that transactions in the network can remain encrypted and still be verified as valid using zero-knowledge proofs. This means that those that are enforcing the consensus rules don’t have to know about all the data that is underlying in each transaction. It’s worth noting that the privacy features in Zcash are not activated by default but they are somewhat optional and one has to do a manual setup.
History of Zk-SNARK
Zero-knowledge-proofs is the brainchild of three MIT researchers namely Silvio Micali, Goldwasser and Charles Rackoff. They developed the idea as they worked on some problems that were related to interactive proof systems. Interestingly, before they discovered the zk-SNARKS technology, there was an assumption that the “prover” was the malicious individual in any scenario, so the assumption was that s/he would be the one who tries to fool the verifier.
However, these three researchers filliped this idea and started questioning the morality of the verifier instead. They did this by illustrating how much knowledge the verifier would get know about the prover during the verification process. They pondered how they would be sure if the verifier was not going to leak the acquired knowledge.
Properties That Are Necessary For Zero Knowledge Proof To Work
For ZKP to work the following parameters need to be satisfied;
Soundness – incase the prover is dishonest; they will not be able to convince the verifier of the soundness of the statement through lying.
Completeness – if the statement is true then an honest verifier can easily be convinced of it by an honest prover.
Zero-Knowledge – if the statement is true then the verifier will have no idea what the statement is going to be.
A Breakdown of Zero-Knowledge Succinct Non-Interactive Argument of Knowledge
Zero-Knowledge – this refers to a proof of construction where one can prove to possess information without having to reveal the piece of information. For example, Kelvin can prove to Alvin that the hash value of a random number does exist without having to tell what that random number is.
Succinct – this tells that the zero-knowledge proof can be verified quickly. Including proofs that have large statements. This is unlike the past with previous zero-knowledge protocols where the prover and the verifier had to engage in several rounds of communication so that they could validate a proof.
Non-interactive – this means that the verifier doesn’t have to interact with the prover to validate zero-knowledge proof. Instead, the proving party can publish their proof in advance, and the verifying party can ensure its correctness.
Arguments– here the verifier is only protected against provers whose computational power is limited. In case the prover happens to have enough computational power, they can create proofs/arguments about wrong statements. It’s important to note that a prover with enough computational power can break any public key encryption.
Of Knowledge – it’s impossible for the prover to construct a proof/argument without knowing a certain “witness” in this case the address he intends to spend from, the path to a specific Merkle-tree node or the preimage of a hash function.
How Zk-SNARKS Works
On its basic level, a Zk-Snark consists of 3 algorithms; G, P and V. G is a key generator. It takes an input “lambda” (which has to be kept confidential and should not be revealed under any circumstances) and a program C.
G proceeds to generate two publicly available keys, i.e. a proving key pk and a verification key vk. Both of these keys are both public and are available to any of the concerned parties.
P represents the prover who is going use the proving key pk, a random input x (which is publicly available) and the private statement – three items as input to prove the knowledge of a statement without revealing what it is.
Using the example of “w” as the private statement the algorithm generates a proof (prf) such that: prf= P(pk,x,w). So, in this case, the verifier algorithm has returned a boolean variable. Usually, a Boolean variable has only two choices; either TRUE or FALSE.
The verifier then takes the verifying key, the public input x, and the proof prf as V(vk,x,prf) and returns TRUE if the prover is correct or False if otherwise.
Future Applications of The Tech
Being able to create shielded transactions on Zcash is just one of the many possible applications of this technology. Theoretically, zk-SNARKS can be used to verify any relation but without revealing the inputs or leaking information.
Also, with Ethereum entering the Metropolis phase, the platform plans to introduce Zk-SNARKs as one of the various changes that are going to make it more abstract and privacy-friendly.
There is no doubt the introduction of zero-knowledge proofs is going to be a huge game changer for the smart contract platform.
However, how the integration will happen remains to be seen, but there is plenty of excitement stemming from the theoretical concepts.
                      The post Zk-SNARKs: What Is It And How Does It Work? appeared first on ICODOG.
source https://icodog.io/guide/zk-snarks-what-is-it-how-it-works/
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welp-back-on-my-bs · 4 months ago
Me loveing Silvio x Morgan shit because he dosent know how to fucking treat them- so he just falls in love and marries them XDD
the euphoria of oc x canon shipping
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djs-party-edm-italia · 6 years ago
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Total Freedom Recordings, la label italiana che fa ballare il mondo
Tra le label musicali italiane in maggiore ascesa c'è probabilmente Total Freedom Recordings. Nasce da Invidia Music Publishing, che opera con successo dal 2003 nel campo delle edizioni musicali ed è curata artisticamente da Silvio Carrano e Antonio Moscaretti. Quest'ultimo si occupa di publishing e legal.  "Produciamo musica da club, senza disdegnare poche puntate annuali su canzoni mainstream", spiega Silvio Carrano.
Total Freedom è ormai un punto di riferimento per tanti dj sparsi per il mondo e sue produzioni sono piaciute tra gli altri a top dj come Fedde Le Grand, Alan Walker, Dannic, Blasterjaxx, Joe Stone, Daddy's Groove, EDX, Ummet Ozcan, Morgan Page.
"Lavoriamo sui nuovi talenti, molti dei quali in poco tempo hanno guadagnato molti palchi importanti, tra cui Popfest (importantissimo festival musicale che prende vita a Gallipoli, ndr), continua Silvio Carrano. "Tra di loro ci sono Salento Guys, Viani/Valente, F3D3 B, Giuseppe Parisi, Powl. Inoltre tanti dj conosciuti dal grande pubblico perché in onda su tante radio FM Italiano hanno pubblicato dischi con noi. Parlo di Andrea Belli, Diego Donati, Alberto Remondini, Gianpiero XP". Tra i dj internazionali invece ci sono Mike Candys, Richard Grey, Ming, Austin Leeds e Chris Sammarco.
"Ascolto i moltissimi demo che ricevo sempre con curiosità, se c'è qualcosa di interessante ma ancora non sul nostro standard do consigli ai produttori", prosegue Carrano. "La prima cosa che valuto è sempre se le track suonano bene. E' molto importante quando poi andremo a proporre i promo ai big che ci danno fiducia ascoltando tutto quello che gli mandiamo. Scelgo di pubblicare un disco se mi viene voglia di suonarlo nei club, se penso che possa funzionare in pista".
Le quattro sub label di Total Freedom spaziano nell'universo della musica dance e molte delle release sono disponibili sulla pagina Soundcloud della label  oltre che su store musicali digitali di riferimento come Beatport.
Silvio Carrano sa bene come definire il suo universo musicale. "Total Freedom lo definirei 'The place where dj's can be free'. Non è solo uno slogan, è la nostra filosofia aziendale. Lasciamo i nostri artisti liberi di sperimentare, non guardiamo le mode, vogliamo fare musica Bella, che abbia un senso. Se poi ha la magia per entrare nel cuore di chi la ascolta allora funzionerà. Abbiamo database promo da 1.500 contatti, copriamo sia i top dj, che i resident dei locali più importanti in tutto il mondo. Inoltre collaboriamo con molte radio nazionali e regionali, non solo in Italia ma nel mondo. In questo modo raggiungiamo un pubblico davvero ampio".
https://www.facebook.com/totalfreedomrecordings/ https://soundcloud.com/totalfreedomrecordings
Diffuso da ltc x KUMUSIC
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welp-back-on-my-bs · 2 months ago
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A traveling Christmas
Ship: Morgan x Silvio
Divider by @/sweetmelodygraphics
In Morgan's year in Bentonite, their Christmas there, I think around that time would be during a voyage that they took with Silvio.
The crew were all sorts of misfits, unloved at home half the time, so their bond with Silvio as their captain (nicknamed 'Captain King of Misfits'/'Captain King') so traveling on the holidays were no biggie for any of them. The crew was their family.
Christmas was their last day on the sea before making it to their destination.
So, on the day of, there was a big gift exchange, everyone was included in it. Including Morgan and Silvio.
Morgan, being relatively new, didn't really expect anything. But they had already naturally given many gifts and even brought some of their baking that would be able to last their trip.
Silvio directly told the crew not to waste money on him. He gets so much shit already from business partners and those wanting his favor. He made sure to gift them all something that he heard that they needed, extra money, or something that he knew they would like.
So the crew gave the two a date night. They called it a dinner for them. But they knew, Silvio knew, Morgan, however, was very dence about it, though.
It was a lovely evening with a nervous Silvio, excited crew, and a happy Morgan.
All in all, really good Christmas
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welp-back-on-my-bs · 7 months ago
To organize my chaos a lil:
Ikepri: Tattos (1) (2), Blind Reader, TWST doorms, Blood and Ink, Metal Illnesses, time shenanigans, period, Keith and Silvio Bromance, Trans Gilbert AU, Dyeing Hair
Ikevil: plushies, Deaf Reader, TWST doorms, Periods, time shenanigans
Yandere Psychiatrist Roger
Ikesen: TWST doorms, Kenshin says trans rights, Alternative Kicho route
Ikevamp: PTSD Reader, TWST doorms, Period HCs, Platonic Yandere Comte
Obey me: AUDHD MC, first tattoo
Trans Gilbert AU
Gilbert and Chalaver,
Tokyo Debunker:
How to care for a Morgan, stats
Morgan ikepri, Morgan and Carlo, dream wedding with the bois, Backstory, the Goodwill Gala, dress deal, First impressions, Sutours, Gilbert's Heart, Leave Luanne, Cats and Dogs (aka how Silvio and Gilbert got together), Ex's and Oh's, Learning to love myself, dark OC asks, blood and steel, Silvio's Regret, Confessions, a unforgettable night, Mourning
Platonic Yandere Yves x Morgan, Stop Pretending!, A Traveling Christmas, Morgan and Gilberts first time together, Morgan and Silvios first time together
Morgan Bond stories: First Impression, Piano Discourse
Welcome Home, Claws and Wings Polycule
The Witch and the Prince, Leslie
The Guillotine (French varriation of the Crown):
Intro, shitpost, dark OC asks, a warm reception, fairy tale keepers?, a mother's love, Morgan x Jude x Ellis, Liam x Vulcan, Ed x Harry, Judes' birthday
Morgan Bond Levels:
I want to know, Skills/Hobbies
Anastasia and Comte, Anastasia in the manchine, Anastasia's Nightmare, Ani's Halloween prep, cute Anastasia things
Kaguyasama meets Morgan, Late Nights and Bad Memories , Relationships, Trials by Rest , Worry drabble
General Maorgan shit, Hideyoshi adopting Morgan, an unexpected surprise, Future vs past
Tokyo Debunker:
Hotarubi's artist and their secrets, Chapter help, Shippinggg
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