#silly goofy idea I had 🤤
floofeeeeee · 5 months
Ok ok so hear me out. Lab au right? It also fits cuz ⚠️SPOILER⚠️ Sophie was experimented on as well as Keefe. Anyways I was thinking that Sophie and Keefe would probably be around 7-8 here just little baby’s Sophie’s been there a lot longer then Keefe like Keefe only been in the lab for a couple of weeks Sophie’s been there her whole life (I like to think that Sophie would’ve had freckles if she’d been allowed outside) ( Keefe has HUNDREDS OF THEM) (Sophies also like realllyy pale) I’d think the black swan aren’t really the good guy in the situation but also neither is the neverseen. Sophie and Keefe meet by chance, Sophie’s walking past his room (prison cell fr) (BTW Sophie can not talk she’s mute but she communicates through telepathy :3) so her and Keefe just sort of talk for a bit. Keefe gets pretty excited about talking to someone his age. They talk for only a few minutes before Sophies dragged away. Keefe thinks his mom is coming to pick him up soon…erm (his mom did all that freaky stuff like in the books but very not safe and made him sick witch is why he’s in the lab) his mom and the scientist doctors? Idk fight a lot because she thinks he’ll be something way better then the moonlark (Sophie’s called that they usually go by the numbers that are tattoo on them but almost everyone calls her the moonlark) they also basically kidnapped Keefe? Kinda they wont let him go back with his mom basically.
Other characters I had in mind to be there are tam and linh :3 but I’ll end here and talk about them in the next post. (I’m also thinking of making art for this au but I have two things to finish first)
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