#silk throw pillows
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michaelburham · 1 year ago
New York Bedroom
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Inspiration for a large rustic loft-style light wood floor bedroom remodel with gray walls
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flavorsims · 2 years ago
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New York Bedroom Inspiration for a large rustic loft-style light wood floor bedroom remodel with gray walls
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vintagehomecollection · 10 months ago
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House Beautiful Color, 1993
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alexiroflife · 8 months ago
"in every life"
curse reincarnation, fluff
ryomen sukuna x reader
Synopsis: you, a former sorcerer and sukuna's wife, are killed in the heian era. sukuna does not believe in a life without you, so he takes it upon himself to bring you back a thousand years later
to sum it up: you are sukuna's life, and no matter how long he has to wait, he will bring you back to him by any means necessary
WC: 3,621
Warning(s): angst in the beginning, reader death (but you're revived), brief icky descriptions of a vessel's possession
-> ask | sukuna fic list
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Sukuna remembers the exact moment you left him, soul fluttering almost gracefully from your eyes as your body fell limply into his four arms.
The moment replays in his mind as though it had only happened yesterday, or perhaps as recently as a few hours prior. Time has never been something the king of curses worried himself over, for his strength and existence exceeded such mortal constructs, but when his thoughts wander to you as frequently as air fills and deflates from his lungs, the very concept grows skewed and suddenly, time is a matter of great importance to him.
A king is nothing without his queen beside him, his rock, his partner, and that is what you are. That is what you were, but Sukuna refuses to address you in any form of past tense because your temporary withdrawal from the planet and from his side would never alter the fact that you are his, that you have been his, and that you will be his until the end of time. 
Sukuna has never been one for romantics, for connections that tie his free spirit down from the unfettered, terrifying rule that he leads, but when you entered his life, his opinions shifted and his ambitions changed, making room for you at his side upon his throne. 
The two of you had been married for years before you left him. Sukuna had never bothered to count, but now he finds himself mulling over the years’ contents in search of a piece of your memory that can stay with him until the time comes for you to return to his hand. 
When you were alive, Sukuna never fathomed you leaving his side. He almost feels he should punish you for so abruptly taking an absence from him without permission, castigating your spirit until he feels that the space you once occupied close to him emanates remnants of an apology, of guilt, of a promise to never do such a foolish thing ever again. 
When you were alive, you were a sight to behold, a perfect fit for the title of his wife. You were deserving of each and every privilege he bestowed upon you; of holding his face in your small, dainty hands, of pressing your lips to the textured plate of his face, of throwing your legs over his thighs as you settle onto his lap with a large, burly arm coming around you and securing you there for all of his servants and former concubines to see how high you sit amongst him and how low they remain beneath the two of you. 
You always said what you were thinking. While he ensured that everyone within and outside of his temple feared him, you were always unaffected by his intimidating presence. He remembers one instance in which you were lying beneath him, a mess of silk fabrics swarming your bare figure over your reserved place in his bed with your hair splayed out messily over the pillows and your eyes weighted with a foolish look of what he could only describe as enchantment and tender allegiance.
He feels the ghost of your fingers trace his jaw as he looks down at you quietly, dwarfing you in his mass. A smile touches your soft lips with a rosy hue swirling over your (s/c) skin. 
“Your eyes are quite beautiful.”
Your voice is a whisper of past enamorations through Sukuna’s ear as his brows arch in reminiscence. He remembers how he glared at you in confusion, face hard though he always allowed you to continue admiring him, to continue touching him without consequence. His eyes, which mirror the color of fresh, crimson blood as he has watched it gurgle from the mouths and limbs of his victims, staining the streets, his hands, and his monstrous legacy, are windows you believe to be… beautiful.
Your sentiments never failed to befuddle him. He never did understand why you associated such a ferocious beast with beliefs so light and pure. He is not beautiful, he had thought. He never desired to be beautiful. He is simply Ryoman Sukuna, enough of himself to be categorized in unique isolation, separate from your labels of aesthetic charm and peace. 
You’re silly. Silly with love and submission, he thinks, but he has never denied you of these admirations though he fails to agree. 
Besides, you are his wife. He would have allowed you to worship him in any way you pleased if you asked, and in truth, you hardly did ask. You knew what you were to Sukuna, how you and only you remained the only soft spot that the salmon haired demon withheld in his breast. You were beyond requesting approval to love him in the ways you saw fit, and Sukuna was pleased because you knew, in all spaces, that you were his and he was yours. 
Among all the trophies of battles won, of cities conquered, of titles obtained, you are Sukuna’s greatest prize. 
His love for you was always silent, long glances and grips of the waist, orders to slaughter on your behalf and the pat of his hand over his beefy thigh to beckon you over. His love was an unrestrained space for you to express your desires, to demand his attention, and his compliance with a veil of frustration poorly masking his easy willingness to give you anything you pleased. His love was long, sleepless nights, the marking of his territory by means of stinging bites and purple bruises over your smooth skin that no living being in his wake could mistake for anything but a reminder of your connection to him. 
His love was you incarnate, just a woman before hell’s greatest crown, but his love no less. His wife. His queen. His eternity.
Sukuna does not know why he mourned you when you died. He found himself reacting impulsively, in a short-lived panic when your blood spilled over his skin and your eyes lost the light that he’d been following through the tunnel of his rein for years. 
He knows death is a taboo concern only for mortals to fret over, but when you die, he feels as though he has died himself. Your life flashes before his eyes, your time with him, and this strange ache swarms his body and manifests as a ball in his throat as his ruby hues melt over you in alarm. 
He struggles to accept your parting. He’s viciously angry, a horrible wreck that his servants fear stepping too close into proximity as the time passes and your vacancy weighs itself over his temple and his body like a mountain. He had believed your death to be painful, but the period that follows, the period of waiting stings him like no pain he has endured before. 
A king needs his queen, and without you, no matter for how long, he feels empty. He rampages his heartache away, but it no longer holds the satisfaction it did when you were with him, watching from the sidelines and cheering him on. His estate feels colder somehow, the dent you’ve left in his bed losing its shape and the memory of you fading from others’ minds, but not from his. Never from his. 
Sukuna knows that he will see you again. In any era, no matter how much farther into the future, he will find you once more, bring you back to his embrace, and dust off the crown that he has reserved for your pretty head alone. 
He holds onto a piece of you, storing it safely, awaiting the time to revive you even within his own cursed slumber after having sealed himself for a millenia, severing parts of him and scattering it over the country.
You, however, remain stowed safely in one place. A place he will remember to return to when he reawakens in rebirthed flesh.
Now, a millenia following your untimely death, Sukuna stares emptily at the woman before him, curling and tossing around with bound wrists and ankles at his feet.
She’s crying, screams of horror rising into the starry sky as Sukuna’s eyes glint menacingly beneath the moonlight. He watches her carefully, curling his lips. He looks at this pest, this fragile, forgettable mortal woman and sees everything that you are not. For a moment, he hesitates, his fingers clutching over the ancient parchment wrapped object he holds protectively within his grasp at his side. 
His brows draw together in frustration induced by your vessel. He knows he picked wisely, however, he can not deny the hesitation that captures his mind when he contemplates whether this vessel will do your worth justice. Whether it will truly bring you back the way he plans for you to be. 
He holds up the object in his hand, your energy emitting from behind the paper and through his veins, easing into his blackened soul. You are practically calling to him, holding his hand, murmuring into his ear that it will be okay. 
Sukuna is reminded then and there solely by the spirit of you that nothing in this world could even begin to dwindle the brilliance in which you shine, that even within the body of a bird or a squirrel, your essence would burst through. You will reincarnate wholly as how you left him, and as nothing less. 
With a heavy exhale through his nose, Sukuna unravels the object, tossing the parchment to the ground, and takes a step forward to approach the young woman squirming in the grass before him. He walks over her, feet planted on either side of her figure, and bends down. Her eyes go white with terror as snot and tears dribbles over her nose and down her cheek. Sukuna looks into her coldly, grasping a hand over her face and digging his black nails into her jaw. 
She shudders an agonizing, shrill screech that is soon muffled by the manner in which Sukuna squeezes her cheeks inward and forcefully pries her mouth open. 
With a steely, disconnected glare, Sukuna takes the object imbued with your cursed energy, your ring finger. He pulls your wedding band from the decrepit digit and pushes it to the woman’s lips. Her eyes go wide as she chokes over her jaw’s lack of mobility, and the taste of something foreign and timeworn on her tongue. Her stuttered, whimpering gasps release and she gargles once Sukuna pushes the object down her throat. He slaps his hand back over her mouth as it slides down her throat and she twitches uncontrollably, eyes cracking with red veins. 
The king of curses holds her still as her body flops wildly, her chest lurching forward and limbs flying about. Her body can not handle the intrusion of a thousand year old sorcerer’s influence, so it fails. Her eyes roll into her skull and her fingers twitch once her limbs have stilled in the grass. A symphony of crickets chirping lifts into Sukuna’s ears as the woman beneath him goes completely silent, dead, still.
He waits. After a millennia of existence confined to cursed flesh, after years of the cold left in your wake nipped at his skin, after battling bodies for dominance over a vessel, he waits just a few seconds more for you.
After it seems as though he has lost you for a second time, the body’s eyes flicker. Sukuna stills above you, pupils shrunken in anticipation.
Movement shifts beneath him. A chest rises, and breathing begins steadily through it. The color of this vessel’s skin shifts, transitioning slowly, milking into the hue of gentle (s/c) that Sukuna once caressed with his rough fingers. Color flushes through pale cheeks, and irises of (e/c) roll back from the skull and stare widely ahead, directly into Sukuna’s gaze. Finally, your voice comes, a gentle hum of confusion and discomfort as you regain your lost senses.
Sukuna’s heart skips as the familiar warmth of your body emanates from beneath him again, and his hand is slowly sliding from your parted lips. He feels as though he’s just run a marathon despite his inability to wind himself. He breathes out heavily, gradually, and silence envelopes the two of you in the darkness of the late night. 
While Sukuna had planned this from the very moment you went dead in his hands, he feels somehow starstruck by you. You look as beautiful as you were centuries in the past, skin smooth, brows curled, lips soft as though you had not been gone from his life for more than a brief second. You have returned to him as he had thoughtfully calculated, and yet, he can not fathom the fact that you are here at long last, mere centimeters away, manifested into truth by his graze of your chin. 
The muscles in your brows pull together in disbelief, glimmering eyes shining over as you take in the sight before you. The last thing you felt was a blade slicing into your heart and ripping down through your body, the last vision of Sukuna racing to throw you into him as your opponent met his end with the selective mutilation of his internal organs at your husband’s hard, feral, red glance.
You blink hurriedly, shooting a hand out to your husband’s bicep. “...Ryo?” you whisper in a trembling voice, knowing him by gaze and presence and touch alone. 
The said demon’s brows angle and his body lurches forward with a sharp exhale upon hearing your voice utter his name outside of the confines of his mind’s nostalgia and imagination. He is overcome by the return of you to him, eyes fiery with longing for his once lost love and shoulders aching as the weight that had been crushing down finally releases. The sensation of your fingers curling over his arm sends chills down his spine, for time has never altered Sukuna’s course of existence, but time tells in the way he physically shivers when your loving contact revives on his skin after having been stripped of him for what feels like eternity.
Tears pool in your eyes and your shaky hands raise to smooth over his face, exploring his marked skin and familiarizing yourself with the structure of the being you fell in love with many lifetimes ago. Sukuna’s brow flinches as you feel over his face, and his own palm cradles over your cheek, dwarfing your head in the fashion it always used to as the back of his fingers skim over your heated flesh. 
“Ryomen,” you say his name again, voice crumbling and your shoulders jerking in awe.
He trips down into you, hands clutching over your head as you guide his face down with his hasty movements. Your name tumbles hoarsely from his rumbling voice, against your lips, and slotting into your mind in a haze as his lips meet yours urgently. 
You cry gently into him, lips parting and pushing back in as he kisses you fervently, savoring you, burrowing you into his body’s memory to recover the time he has spent deprived of you. Your hands fly over his neck, down his back, detailing the ridges and the muscles rippling beneath the fabric of his shirt that you know so well. He presses himself down into you, pulling you in closer by your head, flushing your chests together to intertwine your souls once more. Heady grunts and growls heave into your mouth between frenzied, stunned, satisfied kisses, and each time a tear of yours catches into the liplock, Sukuna is pulling it into his lips, saltiness swirling through the sweet release of his misery. 
He’s missed you. So very much, he’s missed you. He doesn’t know how he has managed to go so long without you now that you are here again, now that he is holding you again, kissing you again. 
“My king,” you whimper when you get a chance to break away, foreheads bumping as Sukuna shushes you gently.
“Do not fret, peach,” he soothes you, lips brushing yours as his now loving gaze spills into your own. “You are alright.”
Despite Sukuna’s ruthlessness and his wild murderous expeditions, as well as his blood-curdling tone that further accentuates the weight of his threats when thrown into the direction of others, Sukuna melts into calmness for you, his low voice mellow and meditative, enraptured in the peace that you bring him. You know all sides of your dear husband, and yet this is the rawest side of him that you know, that he treats you with. 
“What happened?” you whisper as his hands run over you, catching your tears and tracing the curves of your flesh. “Where are we?”
“In the garden,” he answers you easily, kissing the corner of your mouth gently. 
“At… at home?” 
He hums in affirmation, leaning back just a bit to stare into you. The pairs of your eyes shine as they absorb the image of one another, still and sincere. Grass tickles your ears and your arms, and you look down, realizing that you are lying in a patch of greenery. You slowly tilt your head to the side, and Sukuna keeps his gaze glued to you like you will disappear before him. Your eyes capture the stems of daffodils and lavender that sprout around your head, pointing into the night sky and swaying gently in the warm breeze. You recognize the plants as the ones you had always taken to tending by the creek behind Sukuna’s temple, which he had the servants fashion as a suitable garden for you to indulge in. 
You do not recall being here last. You recall dying. You recall your world going dark.
You turn back to meet his heavy eyes. “What did you do?”
He is silent for a moment, taking his time to study you before answering as though the question is the simplest one he has ever been asked. “I have brought my queen back to me. As I have always sworn to do if we were ever separated.”
“...How long have we been separated?”
“It does not matter.”
“How long was I away from you, Ryo? How long did I leave you for?”
“It does not matter,” he reiterates gently yet ever so firmly. “Do not think of it.”
“Please-” you frown, eyes shining over again. “I hadn’t- I didn’t mean to leave you. I don’t know how I even let it happen… I can’t imagine what that must have gone through…”
Ryomen catches the guilt in your gorgeous eyes and he is quick to gather you up in his arms. He pulls you up slowly, keeping your eyes locked as you allow him to lift you from the ground with his arms wound tightly over your waist. Your hands go to Sukuna’s shoulders as he kneels over you, keeping you steady and upright, face to face, nose to nose, eye to eye. 
“I refuse to allow the first thing you do in reincarnated life to be reminding me of what life was like without you,,” he says. “I do not wish to revisit it. It does not matter,” he repeats for a third time. 
You tilt your head with the tug of your lips downward sadly, threading your hands through his pink locks and holding onto the nape of his neck. The moonlight milks over you regally, as though the stars have aligned for this very moment, to illuminate you both in the universe’s joyous eye. You swallow hard. “Am I a curse?”
“You are my wife. I will not tolerate you labeling yourself as anything different..”
You inhale deeply, bringing your forehead back to him and closing your eyes. His arms pull you in tight, rhythmic breaths easing you into this reality complacent, affectionately, lovingly. 
“I’m sorry I left you, my love,” you murmur.
Now that he’s heard you apologize, seen your remorse sparked by something out of your control, he doesn’t fare well with it. 
You are not a plague to him, a burden, and telling him that you are sorry in his mind now insinuates such. Even after leaving him, after stealing away his warmth, after haunting his slumber and his consciousness for eons, he does not fault you. He would never fault the woman he chose to keep by his side in wellness and in death. 
He does not accept your apology. You have done nothing but love him, yet Sukuna is the one who should have protected you. 
He runs a hand over the back of your head, down your hair, and exudes his message of impenetrable love to you through his embrace and sweltering red eyes. “All I ask of you is that you stay. In this era and the next. Stay by my side as you are meant to be.”
You nod eagerly against him. “I will,” you whisper. “I will, I promise.”
Sukuna reaches down at his side for the ring he had set down. With one hand to your back, he pulls your wedding band forward and presents it to your twinkling eye. You gasp. 
“You still have it,” you sigh.
“In what world would I not?” 
You bring your hand down, spreading your fingers, and you watch as the kind of curses slips the rusted treasure over your finger, fitting it perfectly into place with the renewal of your marriage and the reunion of your hearts.
You admire the way it looks upon your hand happily, and Sukuna drags you back into his lips, pecking you tenderly before moving back in with his hands firm to you. You shift further up so that his arms can completely take you in, heads bumping as your lips swim together in commemoration of a rebirth into a new life.
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screampied · 1 year ago
"Just the tip" trope w/ jjk men?👁️👁️
໒꒱ ₊˚ ‘ JUST THE TIP, GIRL ! ’﹒⺡
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ᡣ𐭩 feat. sukuna, choso, nanami, geto, gojo
ᡣ𐭩 total wc. 3.2k
ᡣ𐭩 warnings. fem! reader, mdni, overstim, unprotected, true form sukuna, praise, dirty talk, quickies, dry humping, whiney men, choking, implied breeding, hitting it raw.
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“princess, you’re killing me,” gojo whimpers, feeling you casually move your hips against him. he’s staring at you, glossed lips just trembling. with two rough hands attached to your waist, he faintly strokes a thumb beneath the fabric that stuck beside your skin. “the tip. please.”
“wait a little,” you hum, making his back hit against the softly padded pillow. gojo grunts, the smooth part of your panties glissading back and forth on his length. his boxers was lazily pulled down, and he was all exposed…all warm. you felt a tiny veiny poke through, skimming against your entrance and you giggle before leaning up close to his ear. “oh sorry, did you say something? i can’t understand when you mumble, baby.”
gojo lightly throws his head back, grabbing a chunk of your ass before his right thigh bounces in utter anticipation. “f-fuck, don’t whisper in my ear like that,” and his voice was so shaky—he starts to pant frantically, just imagining being inside of you again. “you fuckin’ heard me.”
“remember who’s on top of you,” you tease, pressing a kiss near the corner of his mouth. for a split second, you heard gojo gulp, bright blue irises meeting your gaze. now that made him hard. shivers run all over his body the moment he feels you wrap a hand over his shaft, staring to realign yourself. “but fine, lie back…princess.”
soft puffs of breath escape past his mouth as he stares at you, a near smirk stretching against his pink lips. “bratty girl. quit talkin’ ‘n just ride me, how about that.”
“for all i care, you can just get yourself off,” you snicker. after you speak, gojo immediately shuts up the moment his leaky tip just barely hovers beneath your slick entrance.
with a clenched jaw, he presses his lips shut, a soft whine running past his lips to moment you start to jerk. “lot of mouth for how needy you are to be inside, ‘toru.”
“s-shut up,” he grumbles, and it’s cute. the attitude in his voice. the slight rasp to it, even the adorable flush that crept onto both sides of his temples.
gojo craved more, his mouth started to heavily salivate just imagining being inside of you. pumping you full of thick inches for the umpteenth time. “god, i just— i need you. know i said the tip but i just want you.”
you pepper a kiss near the corner of his mouth, and his first reaction was to kiss back ; he misses, making him cause himself to dreadfully whine.
lips forming a sweet desperate ‘o’ he leans back before gripping your hip tightly. you whisper, slowly sinking down into his length. “you can never make up your mind,” you purr, and the silk that ran against your voice.
“say one thing then you want another,” you continue, and he leans into your touch. he grows hard inside you, warmth swallowing you entirely.
gojo’s ears perked at the sound of your voice, the softness air that danced against his earlobe from your breathe.
he couldn’t help but pant, awaiting to have you sunk all the way down to the base. “you keep whinin' everytime i don’t give your lips any attention,” and for a brief moment, gojo’s eyes meet yours again, he feels so hot. you talking to him in such a sweet way like that only makes him feel ten times hotter. “you want a kiss?”
“i … i wanna kiss ‘n pump you full at the same time,” he says in a single breath. the hold you had on him was so heady.
gojo can’t stop himself from feeling all over your body, he felt giddy. in the best way possible. the way your cunt gradually went down on him. you made sure to take your time just to tease him a bit more. gojo’s pout doesn’t take long to make an appearance on him. “just…touch me… just want a taste of my girl while s-she’s on top.”
but the moment you were all the way down…
you felt his dick stretch you out for how many times again, you suppress a moan. leaning in, you squeeze gojo’s lips together playfully—bringing him into a sloppy kiss. his favorite kind of kisses.
the kind where your tongue would slide against his in such a messy way, he’d suck on yours before moaning right into your mouth. a single make out session with gojo was enough to make you pulse through your pulled to the side panties.
“i’m n-not gonna last with you grinding against me like that,” he whimpers, nearly having the wind being snatched out of him the moment you start up a rhythmic grind. “ride me jus’ like that,” he’d pant, and as you tantalizingly ghost a hand up his abs, you intentional make him shudder within your hold.
gojo pauses, grabbing your wrist. with a swift lick of his lips, he uses another hand to spank your ass, another to make your hand wrap around his neck. “choke me. choke me while y-you ride me, baby. please?”
“i don’t want you to overwork yourself, sweetheart,” nanami says in a hushed tone. in the midst of you having your hands kneading through flour, you’re bent over the counter.
“have i,” he started, pausing to kiss near your nape. he was so close you felt his bulge prop up against you, “told you,” he halts again, a hand snaking around your waist, “how pretty you look in sundresses?”
“no,” you nearly slip off a moan, trying to avert your gaze back towards the bowl that had your hands covered in dough. his touch felt so good, he was gentle with you. nanami sneaks a kiss near the corner of your neck before you gasp. he pants your legs just a bit before kissing down your back. chastely. “the food, baby.”
nanami huffs, softly ghosting a thumb beside the exposed skin near your back. “you’re an amazing cook sweetheart, but ‘m hungry for something else,” and his words were so warm, smooth and all. the moment he murmurs tender in a soft voice against your ear. it was enough to make you immediately throb. “i want a little of your attention, just…a little.”
“okay,” you mutter, gnawing on the skin of your lip once he hurriedly moves your panties towards the side. a dripping soaked mess, nanami couldn’t help but stare for a bit. he was already insanely hard. his touch, it was so sensually smooth. with a single hand on your hip, you let off a sweetened mewl once you suddenly feel the throbbing tip of nanami’s dick glide against your folds. “k-kento, fuck.”
“missed bein' inside my wife,” he rasps, and he’s so pushed up against you it makes him dizzy. nanami eases his was inside, stretching you gingerly before you left off a sweet whimper. “you always know how to bend over for me like a good girl,” he purrs, bringing another amount of kisses towards the back part of your neck.
his breathing becomes unsteady and irregular, the thin fabric of your sundress, he has a firm grip on it. “was…was gonna give you the tip but i just wanna pump you full, sweetheart,” and you bite your lip, feeling the tips of his fingers brush against your ass. “give you.. a baby or two.”
nanami had you leaning forward, your hands were still in the bowl of ingredients before he hesitates. his voice cracks, pitching high for a concise moment. for the first time, you were hearing a needy nanami. “will you let me stuff you full? tell me in that pretty voice of yours.”
his words, it struck right into your heart and in the process—right between your legs. you felt sticky, a bit moist just from nanami grinding up against you. whenever it came to you, he just couldn’t contain himself.
“y-yes, please kento,” you’d whimper out, feeling two big hands of his caress your ass. he groans, so thick and big…yet so tender with the way he relaxed himself inside. such gummy walls hugging him so tight and close, it makes his jaw tense in a thirsty manner. “just fuck me, baby. i want you so bad.”
“wanted you more,” he whispers. a stroke of his, lightly shoving his hips into you—you gasp, nearly dropping the dishes. “s-sorry, honey. might wanna hold on. ‘s gonna get a bit messy,” and as he says that, a soft chortles flies past his lips. nanami teasingly runs the cold band of his watch down your back, watching you cutely squirm. “but i’ll clean you right up, i love when my sweetheart’s a little nasty.”
ironically enough, you’d be the one asking sukuna. he’d have the snuggest grin on his lips, buff arms crossed towards his chest whilst you straddled him.
“speak, girl,” and you suddenly grow shy, being propped up on the king's lap. his voice was a deep pitched low, fully stirring you up from the inside. sukuna cups your chin, making it hard for you to avoid his gaze before he murmurs. “tell me what you most desire, little concubine.”
“i want…” you start to speak before trailing off. his gaze, it was never not intimidating. for a split second, you could just about make out a mere small smirk lingering against his lips. sukuna brings a hand toward your waist, softly stroking your skin before you intake a sharp breath. “i want to feel you f-from the inside, ‘kuna. just the tip, please?”
“awwww,” he purrs, and he’s sat manspread. his grip he had on your hip, the way his fingers tenderly strokes beneath the thin straps of your panties. needless to say, it had you soaked.
“just can’t get enough, huh? was last night not enough to satisfy you?” and he takes pride in the pout that goes against your lips. “go ahead then. show me how needy you can be.”
his words had such smugness to it, you whimpered with such exasperation. eagerly springing his length out, not wanting to waste anymore time. sukuna stares at you, a low grunt slithers past his lips before you’re just hovering over his fat tip.
it was glistening with pre-cum, you let off a soft coo, making his tip swipe and smear all over your glistening folds. “s-sukuna, i want you. i want more.”
“greedy girl,” he snickers, and you suddenly felt small. being sat on his lap, his frame was so big. a lot bigger and broader than you. sukuna’s base was hefty, it jolted against his leg the moment you pushed yourself forward. he leans in as if he was about to kiss you. instead, he cups your grin again, multiple eyes staring right into the depths of your soul before whispering out a husky, “no one’s stopping you, princess.”
you moaned, his words was enough to get you dripping like a faucet between your legs—how embarrassing…
within moments, you sink down a bit further, and he’s huge. you feel his dick reach everywhere, such thickness it has your mouth salivating. “f-fuck, ‘kuna,” and his ears perk at the sound of your voice. the bitter sweetness to it. you were always so whiney, growing quiet every few seconds to hear the squelches your pussy made in retaliation. huffing and puffing, your eye-lids grew heavy, he was insanely packed. you felt him everywhere, and once you finally sat down against his base, you pull him into a hug. “so.. so big, stretching me.”
“…oh, don’t tell me that’s all,” sukuna grumbled cheekily, feeling your frame. he creates a fake pout, unreservedly mimicking the pout you had on your own face earlier. “you said just the tip but you can barely handle a few inches, concubine.”
he chuckles darkly, watching your cute face fall. you try to pivot your hips but not even seconds later. you end up making a mess on his lap, bundles of nerves sending you shockwaves. sukuna smiles, bringing a kiss towards the corner of your mouth. “hm. looks like someone needs more training,” and with a sly eyebrow raise, he brings you towards his chest, petting your hair. “if you can barely handle the tip, what makes you think you can handle both of my cocks, princess?”
geto would be occupying himself with something, you’re doing nothing but of course—straddling his lap. not a single thought in your mind.
he doesn’t mind it, he enjoys feeling your body all propped up against his. he takes the opportunity to gently snake an arm around your waist, holding you close. although, at this particular point you’d be basically cockwarming him.
“just the tip, you say, suguru,” you utter with a mere hint of sass on your tone. he smiles to himself, your back facing his chest. he’s so warmish, his body heat nearly radiates off of you. skin to skin, it forever felt so intimate. despite the two of you doing nothing but just staying still. “you just wanna fuck me.”
“princess, i wanna hold you and fuck you. ‘s a difference,” and his voice was a bit hoarse—it was unintentionally attractive. he’s sneaking a plethora of kisses down your neck, giving your collarbone a soft suck before he reaches down between your legs. “spread these for me, don’t be shy.”
such thickness to him, it made you swallow, recollecting your thoughts…speaking of thoughts, as mentioned earlier…
your brain was empty. all you could focus on was how stretched you were getting. you were soaking his shaft down to its full supreme—and the last thing you expect is for geto to start rubbing mean circles against your clit. your body’s initial reaction was to lean back against him, and he chuckles, cooing out a, “ooooh.”
“s-suguruuu, fuck,” you’d sniffle, feeling the rotation of his palm creating a circulation motion. he was always so good with his hands. while being stuffed full, he had a free hand maneuvering all sorts of shapes over your folds. “feel so full, jus’ fuck me already.”
“say pretty please ‘n i’ll consider it, baby.”
“you heard what i sai—”
“girl, don’t try me.”
you moan, feeling him spank your cunt at your abrupt sudden brattiness. as your head slumps back against geto, he caresses your entrance before grabbing ahold of your hips. “let’s try this again, yeah?”
through clenched teeth and a cute pout, you huff out a, “…pretty please, suguru.”
he chuckles, and you shudder at the brief sensation of his throbbing mushroom tip just sensually dragging against your core. you gnaw on your lip, digging your nails into the thin fabric of his shorts.
he adores your body language, how adorable—your back arches, and you can barely hold still. all due to his touch, his words, and even the warmth of his breath colliding against your skin.
“good girl. ‘s more like it,” he whispers, and you couldn’t hold in your moans the moment he starts to make you bounce on his cock. you’re a mess, head still leaning back against his cheek, geto faintly wraps a hand around your throat. “should hear how silly you sound for me. whiney girl, fuck…”
and that’s when a hand of his roams up your body, feeling near your chest. he gives your perky nipples a soft pinch and you whine, feeling yourself continue to grow hotter and hotter between your legs. “want attention here too, baby?”
pathetically, you nod, still taking inch after inch inside of your gummy walls. “course ya do,” he teases, sneaking a kiss near the inside of your neck again. “but before we do that,” and you feel your hips come to a terse stop. you pout, feeling two hands of geto’s rapidly stop your hips, and he pulls you closer so he could speak.
with a hand gently caressing near your throat, another prying your legs open for him once more…edging you, he says, “we gotta work on those manners. not gonna let a brat cum on me, sorry princess.”
“baby,” he says in a sweet, drowsy murmur. choso has you laid flat down. while trailing and skimming a few fingers down your spine—he makes your tummy meekly press right into the cushioned mattress.
“i wanna.. i wanna try something,” and as he’s speaking, you grow quiet, enjoying the hot touch of his fingers. “remember when you asked to see how fast i could last with jus’ the tip in you?”
“mhmm.” you oblige, teasingly hum as a response. you could hear the near shakiness coming from his voice. albeit, you couldn’t particularly see his gaze, but you’d bet money he was just staring right at your body…specifically, from the waist down.
choso kisses his teeth, and you hear a bit of shuffling, “okay. ‘cause, you’re all laid out for me ‘n i just wanna…” he precipitously pauses, feeling you playfully wriggle your ass against him and he groans. “don’t…don’t do that, do tease me.”
“then go ahead, ‘m waiting for you, choso.” you’d titter, awaiting for him to finally come inside—it doesn’t take long.
momentarily, just seconds later…his fat leaky tip was swiftly rubbing against your hole. he starts to pant, long strands of hair running down his back from each particular moment.
he was heavily impatient.
his mind roamed, just a single look at your slick entrance and he’s licking his lips. all he saw was his imagination of loads of his own seed pouring out of your folds.
“nice ‘n warm for me,” he huffs out, clouds of his own breath departing from his lips. choso’s ears, the very tips of them burned with an scorching hot. “always take me so well.”
“f-fuckkk, choso,” you’d gasp, feeling your cunt swallow him easily. he was slow, a single hand attached to your waist.
a soft whimper leaves from choso’s mouth, simply from the way your ass was all pressed up against him. with just a single bit of a hover, he leans forward and he delays his weight just briefly on top of you. “told you, could barely handle just the tip.”
“just lie back ‘n let me give this body the—the attention it deserves,” he grunts, and his stuttering was quite cute.
choso lost all of his composure the moment he was just a few slim inches inside your cunt. squeezing him down so tightly, he watches as his own length gradually disappear between your folds.
“soaking me so good, should be a crime to be this w-wet,” and he nearly finds himself drooling, letting off a cute gasp once he hears that loud squelch. you gripped around him so good, it gave him whiplash … his head spun.
his breathing became erratic, and whenever choso grows out to be excited or far too buoyant than he needed to be, he ends up finishing early. and that’s exactly what he did. a flush goes over his face, as well as with a pout.
“s-shit,” he whimpers, barely even lasting as long as he anticipated. but he couldn’t help it. not with how tightly you maintained a heavy grip on him with your sweetened cunt.
his dick, it had length for sure, and poked against every orifice throughout your sweet cunt.
“wet girl,” he purrs, and starts to ramble to himself, observing his own thick ropes slowly spew outside of you. choso grows curious, using a thumb to swipe some excess of his cum off of your entrance, smearing it against your folds with a weary horny grin before plugging it back in. “my baby’s s-so sloppy.. should pull you close to me ‘n make you taste it.”
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xosannie · 6 months ago
3:00 am
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☆Genre: Smut 18+ MDNI
☆Pairing: roommate!Seonghwa x fem!reader
☆Word Count: 4.1k
☆Warning: pwp (?), gentle/soft Seonghwa, unprotected sex (be safe horny ppl), needy reader, fingering (f receiving), pet names (princess, baby), some dirty talk, praise, fucked from behind, (lmk if I missed anything) if you see any typos no you don’t
☆Summary: It’s late and you’re too horny to sleep. Luckily you find your roommate up late as well. Come to your surprise he’s willing to help you.
You let out an exaggerated sigh of annoyance, shifting on your back after tossing and turning for a while. You stare up at the dark ceiling, admitting defeat after trying to fall asleep and failing miserably. You checked the time, looking over at the clock on your bedside table.
 3:04 am
It was late at night, and here you are laying restless on the bed, aching between your legs. You didn’t know why, but you just felt so horny. Earlier you tried to do something about it, but your fingers weren’t enough to get you close. You tried to ignore the feeling between your legs, but every time you shut your eyes images of dirty scenarios pop into your head.
You kick the covers off you, the cold night air biting into the flesh of your bare legs. You slowly pull yourself off the bed, well if you couldn’t sleep might as well get yourself a little snack. You stepped out the room and into the hallway, quietly walking past your roommate, Seonghwa’s room.
 You cocked your head to the side when you noticed a small light emanating from underneath his door. Oh, Seonghwa is awake, why is he up so late? You knock on the door and slowly turn the knob when you hear a low “Come in”, from the other side. 
Seonghwa sat at his desk, lamp shining brightly beside him. He was wearing his black, silk pajamas, back facing you as he focused on the legos in his hands. You roll your eyes, entering his room and sitting on his bed. 
“Are you really building legos at 3 am?”
 “Yup,” he says popping the ‘p’ sound. 
“Can’t sleep,” he shrugs.
“That makes two of us,” you mumble.
You plop backwards on his mattress, arms sprawled out on the covers and you hear Seonghwa chuckle deeply. 
“Why can’t you sleep?”
You pause for a moment, well you certainly can’t tell him the real reason. ‘Oh well I’m so horny, it’s preventing me from sleeping.’ Seonghwa doesn’t need to know that.
“Just… restless.”
You hear a small scoff coming from Seonghwa, he still doesn’t turn your direction. He was too fixated on attaching one of the Lego pieces together in the correct spot. 
“I don’t believe you.”
You propped yourself on your elbows to look at Seonghwa, shooting him a confused look.
“You’re a horrible liar.”
He puts the legos down and finally turns around in his chair to face you. 
“What’s wrong? You know you can tell me anything.”
You seriously debate if you should tell the truth or not. I mean, you and Seonghwa have talked about personal stuff before. You guys have lived with each other for while now so you know each other like the back of your hands. Seonghwa raises his brows at you, watching you intently as you pondered.
You let out a sigh and sit up straight. Seonghwa turned his chair around so he could face you better.
“Well… ugh, don’t laugh okay.”
“I’m not gonna laugh, what’s up?”
You take a deep breath, cheeks started to feel warmer from what you were about to say.
“I’m just… horny. So I can’t sleep.”
Seonghwa blinked at you, a little taken aback by your words.
You let out a groan, falling back on the bed and grabbing a pillow to hide your face in. You heard Seonghwa chuckle a little and you kicked him. 
“I said don’t laugh.”
“I’m not laughing at you. You have me worried for a second, I thought it was gonna be something serious.”
“This is serious!”
Your voice was muffled from the pillow, Seonghwa couldn’t help but find your embarrassment endearing. 
“Just go masturbate or something.”
“I tried, but I couldn’t get close.”
You finally sit up, throwing the pillow back on the bed. Your body slumped forward as you frowned.
“Don’t you have some sort of vibrator or something?”
“It’s dead and I lost the charger,” your mumbled.
Seonghwa laughs softly again, he reached up to ruffle your hair and you glared at him.
“Seonghwa, stop that.”
You shoo’s his hand away and he smiles.
“Well I don’t know what to tell you. Just try to ignore it.”
He sits back in his chair crossing his arms. You glare at him again, not enjoying the smug look on his face. 
“You want me dead.”
“So dramatic,” he rolls his eyes. 
Seonghwa thinks for a moment while you sulk on his bed. He bit his lip, taking in a breath before speaking.
“Well… I have an idea, but i don’t know how you’ll feel about it.”
Your head perks up, at his words. You felt like you were so desperate for release that you would do anything so you could sleep.
“What is it? I’ll do anything at this point.”
“Well… maybe you need a helping hand.”
You cock your brow up, what did he mean by that? 
“Helping hand?” You ask slowly.
“Yeah, a second person…”
Your heart started to race a bit faster. What did Seonghwa mean by that? And why was his request only making the ache between your legs grow stronger.
Seonghwa stared blankly at you, waiting for your reply. He rolls his eyes when you remain silent, he can see you weren’t fully grasping his words.
“I’m saying you need to be fucked.”
“I mean… yeah I do but I don’t necessarily have anyone. Especially since it’s 3 in the morning.”
“I can do it.”
Now it was your turn to stare blankly at him. You body froze and your eyes wide, but on the inside you were screaming ‘WHAT THE FUCK SEONGHWA? WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU’LL DO IT? WAIT, WHY DO I WANT TO SAY YES?’
Seonghwa snaps his fingers at you while calling your name. You snap back to reality, not realizing that you just short circuited. 
“Sorry for a second there I thought you said you would fuck me.”
“I did.”
“What?! I’m just trying to help. Look if you don’t want to that’s perfectly fine.”
Seonghwa waves his hands in defense, feeling a little embarrassed for suggesting such a thing. He was ready to just pretend like nothing happened and shrug off your rejection, but then you spoke.
“I never say I didn’t want to.”
Seonghwa looked back at you, feeling his heart race faster at your words. He clears his throat and stands up off the chair. You look up at him, suddenly feeling small while he towered over your sitting form.
“Then, let’s get started. The faster we finish the faster you get to sleep.”
Seonghwa sat on the bed, back pressed against the head board as he gestured you to come sit in his lap. Your body moved on auto pilot, crawling over to him and straddling his lap.
“Are you sure this is okay, Seonghwa?”
“It’s okay, I’m just trying to help my friend. If you don’t want this.. just tell me and I’ll stop.”
You felt his fingers graze your cheek as he cupped your jaw. You were already so needy that the gentle touch sent electricity through your body.
“No… I want this. I need this.”
“Alright then.”
Seonghwa smiles feeling relieved at your words. He looked down at your body, admiring how you looked in your oversized shirt and small shorts. His hands ran up your bare thighs, he chuckled when he sees the goosebumps rising up on your skin.
“You look very pretty like this. I always love it when you wear these small shorts.”
His hands reach up to grip your hips. The small touches make you feel more needy, and you couldn’t help it when a whine escaped your lips.
“Seonghwa, please I need you now. Don’t tease me.”
Seonghwa pouts at you, brushing your hair out of your face. He shows mercy, after all you’ve been needy for so long (he also couldn’t wait any longer, he needed to feel you.)
“Aww baby, don’t fret.”
He leans forward, placing soft kisses on your neck. You reach up, gripping at the silk material of his pajama shirt. You let out a sigh, enjoying the feeling of his plump lips on your hot skin. He gripped your hips to pull you closer and you let out a small yelp. 
Your pussy ached, Seonghwa swore he could feel you throbbing through the thin material of your clothes. That made him feral, he didn’t know what took over him when he gripped your shorts and pulled them down your hips.
You gasped, shifting slightly so Seonghwa could slide the shorts off your legs. You let out another whine when his long, cold fingers slid through your wet folds. Seonghwa groaned against your neck. 
“Fuck you’re so wet baby.”
“I told you I’m horny.”
“You’re so cute.”
His praises only make you feel even needier. His voice was so soft when he spoke to you and his warm breath against your neck sent shivers down your spine. You gently pulled at the hair on the nape of his neck when he licked a warm strip on your jaw.
You felt Seonghwa slowly rub circles on your clit with ease. You couldn’t help it when your hips started to grind down against his fingers, his digits sliding against your folds in the best way possible.
“Oh you’re such a needy girl grinding on my fingers like that.”
You nod and hummed in agreement. Never in a million years did you think your roommate would be touching you this way, but right now you didn’t care. All you cared about was Seonghwa and his gentle touches. The whole time you were enjoying yourself Seonghwa  was admiring you, you’re so beautiful it’s mesmerizing.
“Why don’t you say it for me princess?”
“Tell me you’re my needy girl.”
You felt your core ache with need at his words. Subconsciously, you began to grind harder on his fingers, your hips moving faster the more you grew desperate. Seonghwa smiles to himself at the sight, feeling his own arousal building up in his pants.
“I’m your… needy girl Seonghwa. Please take care of me.”
Seonghwa groaned at the sound of your voice. He pulled his fingers away, grabbing your hips and gently moving you on the bed. Your body felt like putty at this point that you moved without resistance, letting Seonghwa control your body however he wanted. 
“You sound so pretty, I’m gonna take real good care of you okay? Then you can sleep so well.” 
The only response you could muster was a small whine and a nod. Seonghwa didn’t mind though, he knew you were probably already too lost to even form words.
Seonghwa had you laying on your stomach, you cheek pressed against the pillow and your legs spread wide. His hands slid down your body, cupping your ass while he placed a soft kiss on your shoulder blade.
“Can you move your hips up darling?”
You nod, moving your hips while Seonghwa pulled you up simultaneously. You were now ass up, legs spread wide and pussy on full display. What a sight for sore eyes. Seonghwa couldn’t feel his dick twitching in his pants just by looking at you.
He noticed the way your folds glistened with arousal, he moaned at the sight, taking two fingers and sliding them in with ease. 
You whine in the pillow, rocking your hips on his fingers. He slowly started to pump them in and out, holding your hips to keep your still.
“You’re so wet… and warm. What got you this horny in the first place?”
You shrug, turning your head to speak clearer.
“I don’t know…. I just started to feel this way.  But once you began to touch me…”
You let out whines between your word and Seonghwa watched you endearingly. He smiled at you softly as he continued to thrust his fingers as deep as they can go. 
“Did my touch make you more needy?”
You let out a long whine, nodding against the pillow. Seonghwa felt his whole body ignite with desire at your reaction. He needed you, badly. And the fact that you felt the same was doing something to Seonghwa. 
He wanted to keep touching you, and give you all the pleasure you deserve. But the more he looked at you and the more he played with you, he just grew too needy. And by the way your hips were desperately trying to fuck back against his fingers, he’s confident to say you were feeling the same.
“Oh god. I’m gonna fuck you now. Is that okay?”
You nodded eagerly, gripping tightly to the bedsheets beneath you.
“Yes yes please. I can’t wait any longer.”
Seonghwa chuckled at your neediness. He slowly pulled his fingers out, groaning when he saw the slick of your arousal glisten on them.
“I got you princess, I won’t make you wait.”
He pulled the waistband off his pajama pants down to his mid thigh. He grabbed hold of the base, his dick literally throbbing in his hand. He rubbed his red tip against your hole making him moan and you whimper at the feeling. 
“I can’t wait to feel you baby. I’m gonna put it in,” he warned.
Once he saw you nod against the pillow he was ready to go. Seonghwa placed his hand flat on the small of your back, the head of his cock prodded at your hole before he slowly pushed it in.
You let out a gasp, finally feeling what you’ve been yearning for all night. Seonghwa took in a sharp breath, head falling back as he slowly pushed his dick inside you. You were both letting out long moans, and you felt you legs start to tremble already. 
Seonghwa wasn’t the biggest in the world, but god did he feel amazing. He was the perfect size just for you, and when he fully bottoms out and you feel his pelvis pressed against your ass, you were filled just right. No pain, no discomfort, just bliss. 
“Oh my god,”you whispered. 
You both stayed that way for a moment, Seonghwa leaned forward with his chest flushed against your back. His arm wrapped around your waist as he pulled you impossibly closer and you can feel his warm breath on the nape of your neck.
“You have the most perfect pussy. Feels so good,” he mumbled. 
You were going to reply, but your words got caught in your throat when you felt Seonghwa  start to rock his hips back and forth. Your whole body was filled with pleasure and you felt your mind start to cloud. Seonghwa rested his hands on either side of your head, hovering over you. He chuckled when he saw your expression change from desperate needy, to a blissed out face. 
He was so close you could feel his long hair tickling your cheek. He leaned down to kiss your head, whispering praises in your ear. His room was filled with lewd moans, the bed squeaking and hitting the wall. But his favorite, was the sound of his cock pounding deep inside your wet pussy. He tried to keep his own moans down, wanting to only hear yours, but it was hard when you started to clench around him.
You gripped at the pillow beneath you, hiding your face in it and letting out muffled moans. Seonghwa was fucking you just right, hitting all the spots you could never reach on your own. Seonghwa tsked at you, watching the way you hide away into the pillow.
“No no baby let me hear your pretty moans.”
You whine, turning your head to the side to let out clearer moans. Seonghwa pulled away, you felt a rush of air hit your skin. You already missed his touch. You turned to look over your shoulder, ready to let out a protest. But before you could Seonghwa gripped tightly to your hips and drilled into you. 
You let out a yelp and you head fell back on the pillow. The bed squeaked louder beneath you, it wouldn’t be a shock if you hear a complaint from the neighbors the next morning. You reached behind you to grip Seonghwa’s hip, pulling him against you to feel him even deeper. 
Seonghwa groaned, he was mesmerized at the sight of you sucking up his length with ease. He watched intently, grabbing the flesh of your ass and spreading them apart to give him a better view. 
“That’s it baby take my dick, you deserve it. You deserve to get fucked.”
“Seonghwa you fuck me so good. I love it… please don’t stop.”
“I’m not gonna stop princess. Not when you look this good…fuck and feel this good.”
Your legs trembled uncontrollably and Seonghwa noticed. He cooed at the sight rubbing his hand against your back.
“Aw baby are you getting tired?”
You whine, nodding with a small pout. You felt so weak your legs would give out in any moment. He chuckled, pushing you down on the mattress.
“Lay down pretty girl, you did so good just lay there and take it.”
You whimpered, your body fell fully on the bed but Seonghwa didn’t stop. He repositioned himself she could fuck you at the new angle. He hovered over you again, resting his weight on his hands beside you head, You whined and cried into the pillow, you couldn’t control any of the sounds leaving your lips. At this point you didn’t care that it was near 4 am, and neither did Seonghwa. 
With the new position you felt impossible tighter around Seonghwa’s dick. He wasn’t gonna last very long, he grunted loudly cursing in your ear. You felt your own orgasm creep up, you have never came from another man fucking you. Seonghwa just felt so good, he filled you up just right it was like his dick was made for you. 
You reach up behind you, cupping the back of Seonghwa’s neck. Seonghwa leaned in to kiss your cheek, jaw, neck any place he could reach.
“Seonghwa baby I’m close. Please don’t stop please I’m gonna cum for you.”
Seonghwa groaned at your words, his own orgasm dangerously close as well.
“Yeah? You gonna cum for me? Cum on my dick.”
You moaned louder, nodding your head. You turned you head back to the best of you abilities. You and Seonghwa stared into each others eyes, you don’t know what came over you, but the way his lips parted while he panted and his brows furrowed with pleasure. You couldn’t stop yourself when you pulled him down to connect your lips together. 
Seonghwa moaned in the kiss, gripping your jaw with one hand. He snakes it down to wrap around your neck. He didn’t apply pressure, he just wanted to hold it there. A small reminder that right now you were his. The moment you felt Seonghwa slide his tongue in your mouth you were ready to be pushed off the edge. 
Seonghwa whimpered when you tightened around him, he knew your were close. He needed to see it, needed to see you unwind on his cock. He whispered against your lips in a low seductive voice.
“Cum for me baby, you deserve it.”
And with that, your body let go. You pulled away to fall against the mattress, hiding in the pillow as you moaned loudly in it. Your body felt like it was on fire, and your eyes rolled in the back of you head. Seonghwa gripped tightly to your hip when he felt you cum on his cock. His own hips faltered, and he pulled out to release hot cum all over your ass and lower back. His moans were so beautiful, so soft yet sexy. 
You felt like you were on cloud nine, panting against the pillow with your body feeling weak. Seonghwa stared at you, fucked out and limp on his bed. He chuckled breathlessly, leaning in to kiss your shoulder.
“Good girl.”
You let out a weak whine, the sound being muffled by the pillow. He pushed your hair to the side, leaning in to kiss the back of your neck. He caressed your body in a soothing manner, that was probably the best sex he’s ever had and little did he know you were thinking the same thing. 
Seonghwa reached to his bedside drawer to pull out some baby wipes. You shivered when the cold, wet wipes made contact to your skin while Seonghwa cleaned you up. You giggle against the pillow, turning back to look at Seonghwa.
“Thank you.”
Seonghwa smiled back at you, throwing the soiled wet wipe in the trash. He adjusted your shirt so it could cover your body again, giving your some decency. You giggle at the action and shift around so you were on your back. Seonghwa pushed his hair behind his ear, trying not to look at you body (even though he just fucked you against the mattress). You noticed him suddenly get shy, and you reached up to hold his hand.
“I enjoyed it, thank you Seonghwa.”
“Me too.”
Seonghwa smiled brightly at you. He grips your hand tightly, holding it in his lap. You both suddenly felt a weird tension in the air. Did that really just happen? You sit up, scooting closer to Seonghwa. 
Seonghwa stared into you eyes, he wanted to reach up and kiss you again but he didn’t want to possibly make you uncomfortable (again, he was just thrusting his dick in you a few seconds ago). You both stared at each other for a moment, having a new revelation about one another. 
“So… that was new.” Seonghwa spoke.
You giggled and nodded. You could see Seonghwa relax a bit at the sound of your laugh. 
“Very new.”
Seonghwa looked down at your hand in his. You followed his gaze and gripped his hand tighter.
“It was a good new,” you assured. 
You both stare at each other again and you clear your throat when you notice the tension creep up again. 
“Well, I’m actually really tired now. So thank you for helping me.”
Seonghwa nodded, almost forgetting the whole reason why this started in the first place. He felt a small pang of disappointment when you pulled your hand away and he felt you shift on the bed, ready to get up and go.
“Wait… you’re leaving?”
You looked back at Seonghwa’s, your heart ached when you saw the disappointment glint in his eyes.
“I just thought maybe you would want me to sleep in my room.”
“No, stay here. Sleep with me.”
He gripped your hand again to pull you closer. You felt relief at his words, glad he didn’t want you to go. You stood in front of him, wrapping your arms around his neck. 
“If you’re okay with it then… I will.”
Seonghwa chuckled, pulling you back in bed. You squealed at the sudden action and you felt the fluffy pillow beneath your head.
“Obviously I’m okay with it. Don’t treat me like one of your one night stands.”
You giggle at his words, you pulled him down so he could hover over you. You cup his cheek and hold him close.
“No I would never do that. Besides I live with you I have to see you.”
Seonghwa chuckles. He glanced at your lips, wanting to kiss them again. He pushed your hair out of you eyes, his touch was so gentle it made your stomach flip. You could tell he was getting shy again, damn he’s so cute.
“Seonghwa you don’t need to act bashful. You just fucked me so deep and now you’re too shy to kiss me.”
Seonghwa bursted out laughing at your remark, hiding his face in your neck. He felt his ears burn in embarrassment.
“Leave me alone,” he whined.
You chuckled, pulling him up and placing a soft kiss on his lips. He kissed you back immediately, cupping your cheek gently. How could he be so caring and soft when a few minutes ago he was passionately thrusting into you. Now that’s a man with duality.
“Let’s go to bed, it’s really late.” Seonghwa mutters against your lips. 
You nod, pulling Seonghwa in for one last kiss. 
The next morning you woke up in bed, but it wasn’t your bed. Deliriously, you examined Seonghwa’s room, it was dim due to the curtains shutting out the bright morning sun. You were a little sad when you felt the bed was empty with only you in it. You picked up the phone to read the time but you were met with a text from Seonghwa.
Nerd (Seonghwa): Sorry I had to leave for dance practice :( I had fun last night though, I’ll see you when I get home <3
You smile after reading the text, plopping back down on Seonghwa’s bed with a content sigh. 
“Damn it Seonghwa. What did you just start?”
a/n: I’m writing a new fic and I’m really excited about it >_< (ofc it’s another Mingi one Oop- who should I write about next?)
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tojisteddy · 1 month ago
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After Care with Toji.
cw: no use of ‘y/n’ I use ‘[+]’, depicting after care (obviously), sub space, softdom!toji, fluff, dom/sub dynamics, treading the line of dd/lg (anyone could digest this), pet names (baby, doll, mama, ma), it’s LONG (idk how many words, I know know it’s LONG), toji is the sweetest bf ever.
Toji knew your limits. He knew just how much he could push and pull, throw you around until you were delirious. And he knew when you were fucked out of your mind, when you couldn’t think properly, you who’d only knew how to moan and spew gibberish.
He’d had half of his manhood in you, slowly sliding out of your gushing cunt as he looked down at your ravished body. He had hickies and bite marks from the top of your neck to your toes, both of juices on your stomach down an absolute mess coming from both of your thighs. He adored the sight of it.
He gently lifted your chin to look at him, your eyes kept wandering around, “no, no, look at me mama, focus.” His voice was gentle but it was a command.
It sorta sounded like God was calling you, maybe the pearly gates were opening. You wouldn’t have minded.
“Where’s yer head at? Tell me.” He always asked when you were blissed out.
You couldn’t verbally answer though. You reached for the back of his knee and tapped. Once, twice, three times. Toji’d known from the first tap alone you were calling it quits, he sat you up on the pillows. Running to go get a damp towel or two to clean you off.
“Such a good girl f’ me today Doll. Did so well.”
You hiccuped, rubbing your face that was once full of tears. “Really?”
Fuck, you were so damn cute like this.
“Course mama,” he lifted your hand and kissing your knuckles and intertwined your fingers, “Loved bein with you. You love it too?”
“Course papa.” You replied, using his same sweet tone.
The ends of his lips curved up, leaving a quick kiss at your temple, “Yer so sweet baby.”
You hadn’t even realized when Toji finished cleaning you up and had sat you up, legs dangling off the bed. You felt his fingers going into your hair.
“I-I can take care ‘f myself Toji.”
“Sure you can ma, but not right now. Let me help you.”
Togi was consistent with after care. It was something he learned how to do after being with so many women, to look out for them. Help them clean up, get them properly conscious, relaxed.
It was different with you, though.
Not that he wasn’t a fan of it already, but after pushing you to your limit, manhandling you every which way known to man, forcing you to take everything he had— he loved taking care of you. To the point that even when his dick K.O’ed you into darkness, you’d wake up at 3 am, the moonlight slithering it’s way into the your shades bedroom through the curtains. You’d sit all the way up, rubbing your tired eyes to find yourself completely wiped down, in one of Toji’s sweatshirts that hung off him just right but gave you sweater paws, a pair of underwear and a scarf to protect your hair because he knew you’d be grumbling all morning if you woke up with out.
He didn’t mind because he loved you.
You, who never asked too much of him or pushed him too hard. You, who felt every need to be independent, and he had to teach you to rely on him. You, who had every wall built up as far as the eye can see, worse than him— it was Toji who broke every one of them down, breaking his own in the process.
Yes, you were his play thing in the bedroom, a messy girl, his slut— but everywhere else, you were his baby, his gorgeous girl, cute future momma to his kids, his lover.
Oh how he absolutely adored you.
“What’ddya wanna do, huh? Take a drive, eat, a bath?” He had put your curls up with one of the silk scrunchies you left lying around, leaving peppering kisses on the back of your neck.
“A bath.” You mumbled.
“Yeah?” He carefully rubbed your hips, thankfully they didn’t bruise this time.
“Go on, take a shower first ‘nd I’ll meet you there. You know what to do.”
With a pat to your ass, you were off. Legs wobbly from so much action.
Toji took care of everything. From changing the sheets, lighting candles, playing whatever music you wanted to hear to wind down, running the overly hot bath water with bubbles, just how you liked it. Whatever you wanted at the moment, Toji would give it to you. He loved how reliant you were when you were blissed out.
He liked it when you were completely relaxed, completely trusting of him with not a care in the world. Your only focus was him and being with him. He also loved being needed by you, how you were like two peas in a pod— both of you needing each other.
You pressed your head on the cool tile of the shower, closing your eyes as the soap and water ran down your body. It felt soooo nice against your skin.
“Oi, if yer tired sit on the hinoki!”
He snapped you out of whatever trance you were in with the wall, but you closed your eyes again with a scuff, “fuck off… ‘m not tired… You’re fuckin tired.”
Toji chuckled, setting both of your pajamas on the bathroom counter and then joining you under the hot water.
“You talkin shit?” An amused look on his face, leaning down closer to see you. As if he wasn’t already following your every move, just to make sure you were safe on your own.
“You get in my face… talkin- talkin ‘bout me… you’rrre the one yellin. Yoouu must be tired.” You slurred out, a grin forming on your face.
“ ‘S that right?”
“ ‘M always righ—”
You yelped out, Tojis devious fingers immediately going to your tummy, your arm pits— anywhere he knew he could get a bustle of laughter out of you. At the best and worst times, Toji was a literal tickle monster. He could get anything out of you that way.
“That’s— haha- you’re cheating! Ah! Hehee- you cheater!”
“Come on! I know yer tired, I’ll stop if you sit.”
“Oh, come awn!”
Without another word, Toji had you trapped between his body and the tile wall of the shower, tickling you so much it hurt.
You groaned, still giggling up a storm, slapping his large arms that held you, “Damn it! I give! I give!”
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, his fingers were off of you body, taking your hand and guiding you to the hinoki.
“Doesn’t that feel better?”
It did feel better, your legs had been contorted in every in every way imaginable. Above his head, above your head, spread out from the Atlantic Ocean to the pacific. It felt good to take a rest.
Your eyes trailed up Toji’s body, skin riddled with scratch marks from his arms to his back, a few hickies on his neck, water cascading down his toned muscles, chiseled cheek bones—
“You starin mama?”
Toji hummed to himself, he loved when your eyes were on him. They were so pretty to him, especially when you were in the sun and he could really get a look at them. Like two Hershey kisses staring back at his green ones.
“Look so cute when you blush.”
“Shut up! You can’t even see it!”
He couldn’t, your brown skin didn’t let it peek through.
But it was in the way your eyes immediately went else where, unconsciously going to feel your heated cheeks or even trying to hide your face that had a small toothy smile— so fucking cute.
“Is the bath done?” Your eyes going to the tub a few feet away back to Toji who was washing his body with a wash cloth.
“Course, but you always fall asleep in there Doll ‘nd I told you I don’t like. It’s not safe.”
“I’ve never fallin asleep in there!”
His eyes met yours, eyebrow raised. Try it [+], I dare you.
“Maybe once.”
He shook his head, going back to washing his body. Unbelievable.
“More than once.” It came out more like a question even though you knew the answer to it.
Toji peered down at you, your eyes back at the tub. The steam was rising from the water, bubbles floating to and fro in the water. Slowly disappearing. Then your eyes went back to him. Big brown doe eyes, a tilt of your head and the cherry on top; a pout on your two tone lips. Not two big, not too small- just enough to push.
You were hell.
How could he say no when you were looking up at him like that.
“Fine- fuck baby, take your time!”
You slipped twice getting to the tub. Once because of how wet your foot was because of the water and another time because your legs felt exactly like the water under your foot. If it weren’t for the bath, you wouldn’t be able to walk tomorrow. Now you would be able to, a little limp like you worked out (I mean you probably could consider what you did an hour ago a workout) but you’d be able to!
Toji was right there with you, towel in his lap just barely covering his manhood, sitting on the hinoki and washing his hair. Talking to you about anything from the lunch you packed him last week to the new sake he wanted to try. You loved it, Toji’s voice was like a melody, deep, scratchy because of all the cigarettes yet smooth— a shot of whiskey.
You moved forward so Toji could sit behind you, it was his spot whenever you took baths together. After care or not. He loved getting to hold you, letting you rest your head on his shoulder, leaving kisses at every place he left a hickey, maybe placing one or two new ones there.
Tonight was quiet, The Light In by Lana playing. You really were tired, unwilling to fight it but at peace— right where you needed to be. Toji was rubbing your arms, your thighs, your shoulders, just in the right places— he had some godly hands. Toji looked at you, who was completely slumped, your head resting against the tub, your long lashes slowly meeting each again and again.
“Ready for bed?”
You don’t know how, or when but by the time you’d realized— Toji had you in bed, teeth brushed, pajamas and scarf on and was rubbing the small of your back. Whispering how you did so well for him, how good you were, his adorable baby— a total sweetheart.
“Love you papa.” You mumbled, drifting off without a second thought.
Toji smiled, taking in your gorgeous face one more time before closing his eyes.
“Love you too mama.”
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yuriandtea · 1 year ago
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Living Room - Music Room An illustration of a mid-sized enclosed living room with gray walls, a music area, and a medium-tone wood floor.
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slut4megantheestallion · 1 month ago
Arcane characters - what it's like to share a bed with them (Fluffy Headcannons)
Pairings - Vi, Mel, Jinx, Caitlyn, Sevika, Jayce, Viktor, ekko, silco.
Summary: what it's like to share a bed with them.
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●Vi is a cuddler through and through. The second you're in bed, she's throwing an arm over you and pulling you close like you might disappear overnight.
●She sleeps deeply but has a habit of shifting around a lot, especially on rough nights when old memories resurface. She might tighten her grip on you in her sleep, mumbling something incoherent before settling down.
●Her body is warm, and she always runs a little hot, which is a blessing in colder months, but it might make you overheat in the summer. She doesn't mind if you push her away to cool off, but she will absolutely drag you back the second you stop sweating.
●"Babe, where do you think you're going? You're my teddy bear, 'member?" She mumbles, half-asleep, pulling you back against her chest.
●if you have trouble sleeping, she'll absentimindedly rub circles into your back, sometimes humming and old Zaunite tune she remembers from her childhood.
●Waking up next to her usually means lazy morning kisses and a smug grin as she stretches. "Sleep, okay? Sweetheart? 'Cause you snored like a bear." (She's lying, but she thinks it's funny.)
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●Sharing a bed with Mel is like sleeping next to a goddess draped in silk - she always smells faintly of jasmine and wears the softest, most elegant nightgowns. She's still a sleeper and barely moves throughout the night. The only time she shifts is if you're having trouble, in which case she'll reach out and run her hands through your arm soothingly.
●"Shh, love. Close your eyes. I'm right here," she whispers, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead.
●Her bed is insanely luxurious, with the softest sheets and plush pillows. It feels like sleeping in a cloud, and she enjoys indulging in late-night talks while wrapped up in warmth.
●Mornings with Mel are slow and peaceful. She wakes up early, but she stays in bed longer if you're still asleep, watching you with a soft smile as she traces gentle patterns on your arm.
●If you wake up before her and try to leave, her arm will tighten around your waist. "Leaving already?" She murmurs, voice husky with sleep. "Stay a little longer..."
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●Sleeping next to Jinx is chaotic but fun - she moves around a lot, talks in her sleep, and sometimes ends up sideways on the bed.
●"Hah! Gotcha!" She giggles in her sleep, suddenly flinging an arm over you like she just won a wrestling match.
●She doesn't necessarily need to cuddle, but she does like having you close. If you're not touching in some way, she'll grab your arm, your shirt- anything- just to feel you near.
●Some nights, when she's feeling restless, she'll start whispering nonsense or poke your cheek until you grumble at her. "Heeeey, ya awake? No? What if I.... boop!- Okay, okay, I'll stop!"
●She actually sleeps better when you play with her hair, and if you start stroking it, she'll instantly melt and snuggle into your side.
●Mornings? Absolute gremlin mode.
●"Ughhh, five more minutes, cupcake. No, ten. No,actually - just gimme the whole day."
-Caitlyn Kirraman
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●Caitlyn sleeps with perfect posture - no tossing, no turning, just peaceful, controlled breathing, until you're in the bed.
●The moment you're there, she softens completely and instinctively pulls you close, resting her chin on top of your head.
●"Comfortable?" She murmurs sleepily, pressing a light kiss to your hair.
●She's the type to wake up early, but if she doesn't have immediate duties, she'll stay in bed a little longer, stroking your arm absentimindedly while enjoying the warmth.
●Love pillow talk at night. If you're both lying awake, she'll ask about your day, your thoughts, your dreams - anything to pull you into comfort.
●Her bed always smells fresh and immaculately clean, with crisp linens and just the right amount of fluff.
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●Sharing a bed with sevika is like sleeping next to a human furnace - she radiates warmth and sleeps like a rock.
●She's not overly clingy, but if she's in a particularly protective mood, she'll hook an arm around your waist and keep you there like a personal pillow.
●"You move too much." She grumbles when you try to shift. "Relax."
●She's got a deep, steady heartbeat, and resting your head against her chest is enough to knock you out instantly.
●Sometimes, in the dead of night, if she wakes up and notices you're still awake, she'll rub your back absentimindedly, muttering, "Go to sleep, doll. I got you."
●Mornings are slow and lazy, and she usually pulls you back down if you try to get up too early. "Stay. too early to deal with people."
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●Jayce is a big guy, which means big warm cuddles. You're basically trapped in a muscle cocoon all night.
●He snores lightly, but if you poke him, he'll mumble a half-asleep apology and shift to a quieter position.
●If you're cold, he immediately tucks you into his chest and rubs your arm to warm you up. "Damn, babe, you're freezing, C'mere."
●In the mornings, he grumbles like a bear but will wake up fast if you start playing with his hair. "Mmm... that's nice... wait, what time is it?"
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●Viktor sleeps like a cat in a sunbeam- curled up, comfortable, and completely at peace once he finally drifts off.
●He often falls asleep mid-conversation, and you'll hear soft murmurs of unfinished thoughts as he dozes.
●If he wakes up and finds you cold, he'll drape his blanket over you without a second thought, even if it means he's left shivering.
●in the mornings, he's slow to rise, muttering in groggy confusion as he rubs his eyes. "... What time is it? No, too early... five more minutes."
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●Ekko is a cuddle bug, no doubt about it. He loves wrapping himself around you, tangling your legs together like it's the most natural thing in the world.
"Mmm, you're comfy," He murmurs sleepily, nuzzling into your shoulder.
●If you have trouble sleeping, he'll start rambling about random stuff - stories from the Firelights, funny memories, or crazy theories - until you eventually doze off. He sometimes mumbles in his sleep, and you'll hear bits of phrases like, "No, don't touch that... ugh, dumbass..."
●Mornings are playful - he wakes up with a sleepy grin and tries to tickle you awake if you're being stubborn about getting up.
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●Sharing a bed with silco is surprisingly comfortable - he doesn't move much, but his presence is incredibly calming.
●He's a light sleeper and will wake up instantly if you seem distressed, rubbing soothing circles on your back without saying a word.
●He doesn't cuddle outright, but he always makes sure some part of him is touching you - whether it's an arm resting beside yourself or his hand loosely holding your fingers.
●if you try to get up too early, he'll softly murmur, "Stay," without even opening his eyes.
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jellykyunnie · 3 months ago
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˗ˏˋ Entry : 050 - Lover! HSR Men x Fem! Reader: Can't sleep at night.... ♡ ˎˊ˗
꒰ Caelus, Aventurine, Sunday, Dan Heng ꒱
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚ ℂ𝕒𝕖𝕝𝕦𝕤 ˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
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"Alright, who is begging to be whooped by my bat—" Caelus announces, his voice full of conviction as he held his bat until his gaze lowered down to see your sorry little state clutching a miniature plushie of him you got from the trailblaze stern's merchandise. "O-oh, babe!"
He immediately panics and throws away the bat he was ready to swing at a moment's notice.
"I uhm... Heh!" He scratches the back of his head before taking your hand. "What's wrong? It's really late now, did you have a nightmare?"
"No... Not really" You slump, entirely upset. "I watched a sad movie and now I can't sleep."
"... Ah, that old film Mr. Yang recommended?" Caelus hums thoughtfully, "Wanna hit the hay with me then? My new room is really big and I got new pillows!"
"Please" You nod sheepishly as your boyfriend guides you inside the upturned storeroom he spent days decorating and renovating.
It was a sight to behold knowing how empty and barren the place was until the astral express team decided to give him the space. Now Caelus had a whole paradise to himself. A kitchen, his own bathroom, a weapon station, and even his massive gaming area that he spent hours on end when the crew isn't off doing training or he's joining March on whatever stupidity to stress Dan Heng and Sunday with since the former head of the oak family has decided to hitchhike for a little while.
"Wanna talk about the movie?" Caelus asks as he kisses your plump cheek so you would look at him. "Or is it too sad?"
You shook your head, not wanting to recall the film that made you look at the wall and contemplate life. Mr. Yang is truly cruel for suggesting such a sad movie.
"Hm..." He ponders, trying to recall the contents of the book he asked from Dan Heng about cheering up your girlfriend who is clearly upset.
Now that he thinks about it, the contents of that book is too cringey and will probably not help you at all.
"Anything you want me to do?" He gently ruffles the side of your head.
"Sunday told me he taught you some voice thingies" You say, your eyes glimmering as you look up at his golden orbs.
"Well, uhm... Err... About that" A dust of pink tinges on his fair cheeks.
He wanted to surprise you with a love song on your anniversary so he secretly started asking voice lessons from him, but maybe he should have told the halovian man that it's for a surprise.
"You will, right?... Right?" You nod expectantly, making Caelus feel all the more helpless as he can't resist his lover.
"Alright, alright" He nods as he clears his throat.
"You can do it, Caelus. Sunday said your voice is really good, just relax" He tells himself.
He needed a bit more time as he developed the courage, but eventually he started humming. He remembered Sunday's lessons well after all, he should be fine.
Caelus kept humming for a while until he noticed you completely passed out in his arms and nuzzling his chest. He silently screamed a victorious howl, crying of joy and thanking Sunday for joining the astral express and for the free singing lessons.
Now he knows the perfect way of coaxing you to sleep without using unconventional methods. The strict guidance he underwent from Sunday is all not in vain.
After all, he has his cute girlfriend snuggled up against him with a miniature plushie version of himself in her arms. What more can he ask for?
So gently, he squeezed you in his arms while kissing your cheek.
"Goodnight, baby. I hope you dream pleasant dreams"
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ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚ 𝔸𝕧𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕖 ˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
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Aventurine has just finished working on his remaining paperworks for the evening until there was a knock on his office, he lazily called out to come in and perked up at the sight if your wearing the pajamas he bought for you the other day.
"Ah, look at you, darling. I knew the limited edition one made of fine silk suits your cute figure, come come. I want to admire you more." Aventurine urges you to come over.
And once you were near enough, he perched you on his lap and peppered your pretty face with kisses.
"It's bedtime now, though, why are you still awake, hm?" He inquires as he strokes the top of your head.
"Can't sleep..." You complain softly as Aventurine presses his lips on your forehead.
"Mm, is it because you need me by your ride to sleep?" He teases.
"Mhm..." You nod sheepishly, feeling childish for such a demand.
"Ah, how cute!" Aventurine muses, giving you another plethora of kisses. "I would love to join you in bed, but as you can see, the ipc is working me to the bone again and I have just returned from break"
He gestures to the pikes of paperwork still on his desk and open documents on the screen.
"Can I stay here then?" You ask, playing with his necktie. "I'll be good, I promise"
"Whatever makes your pretty little head happy, dearest" The signonian man hums, pulling your head to the crook of his neck as a way to coax you into sleeping.
The room soon falls into silence, with the exception of Aventurine's writing and keyboard typings. A sweet aroma of wood and citrus permeates through his office, making the whole place even more cozier than it already is.
And soon, you would find yourself lost in dreamland in your beloved's arms.
It took him a while to notice, but Aventurine soon realizes you're completely asleep. He smiles gently, his heterochromatic eyes gazing so lovingly at your face.
He never really thought he would be holding you like this again given all the trouble he went through in penacony. Not to mention, he was dead set on disappearing there until a knight of beauty rescued him from hell.
Aventurine is not taking another chance at being so reckless again knowing that someone as precious as you is waiting for him at home. And how could he leave you when you're this adorable and clingy? He would rather be humiliated than ever make you upset again.
So once again, he kisses your forehead— A lingering one this time as a way to bless you in your sleep.
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ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚ 𝕊𝕦𝕟𝕕𝕒𝕪 ˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
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Sunday's days are finally peaceful and stress-free ever since he became a runaway fugitive in Penacony. Who knew staying in the astral express can bless him with such clarity and tranquility? He's never had his guard down like this when he was the head of the oak family. He always presented himself as the most perfect person as he can be.
But now, he is dressed in an outfit that is asymmetrical. He lives in a space where there is a mess here and there that he cannot help but tidy up as a way to help pompom. It's quite awkward to reside in the train that bodyslammed him multiple times when he was at the peak of insanity. But this will do. Yes. This will do. Sunday is, after all, still adjusting to the life in the astral express, the astral express that you are also part of.
"Sunny?..." You call out to him as he arranges some books that he borrowed from Dan Heng as a way to pass the time.
"Dearest." The halovian smiles lovingly, putting down the books he is holding and gesturing you to his bed so he can sit you down. "My love, if you sleep this late then you will he moody in the morning again"
He cups your cheek gently, his wings fluttering softly as he touches your skin.
"I just can't sleep... I was scared you're still missing" You murmur, making his heart ache.
"I told you, it's alright now. I'm hitchhiking here" He reassures you before tucking you in his sheets. "I promised you that I will protect you as I give my services to the astral express, you needn't be so distressed."
He then ponders for a while, "Shall I hum you a tune then? My sister used to be like you when she has trouble resting. While I would normally suggest that we listen to her albums, it seems that my love needs 'Sunny'— More right now."
It was awkward to use that nickname, but he would make an exception for his beloved.
"Mhm..." You nod, intertwining your fingers together.
Sunday started to hum a lullaby he used to coax Robin with when they were little. A soft, steady and melancholic lullaby his mother taught him when he was younger. It was one of the few things he cherishes from her. Though her departure is abrupt and sudden, Sunday chooses to remember all the joyous memories he has given him and his baby sister.
And part of that way is singing you the lullaby she would sing. It never fails to soothe you after all.
Your already breathing so slowly. Your chest would rise and fall in a steady manner and he would eventually stop.
"There we go, my little bird" Sunday cooes, kissing your forehead. "Don't worry about me anymore. I will stay by your side as long as you permit me to. I want to see the stars with you a bit longer, so rest well."
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ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚ 𝔻𝕒𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕟𝕘 ˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
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"Yes?..." Dan Heng answers the door and sees you fidgeting with your little fingers.
"Hi..." You awkwardly greet him.
"..." The vidyadhara steps aside, a silent way of inviting you in since he knew what is going on.
"Am I bothering you?" You ask, glancing at the paperwork on his desk scattered around.
"No, I was finished anyway" Dan Heng shakes his head, "Ignore the papers. I was just reviewing some stuff regarding our recent expenses,"
His blue eyes then glance down at you who is holding a teddy bear he gave you as a present on your birthday. The sight softens his heart.
He lifted his blanket, tipping his head over to it so you can snuggle in.
Once you are settled, Dan Heng tucks you in before climbing in himself.
"Aren't you uncomfortable with my bed?" He inquires, softly patting your hip to coax you into sleep. "I don't have a comfortable mattress like March and Caelus."
"But yours is the warmest" You shake your head.
"Is that so?" He smiles softly, "Shall I tell you a bedtime story the elders tell the children then?"
"Stories?" You perk up at the suggestion.
The stories from the xianzhou loufu are always fascinating and Dan Heng had a talent for story-telling. Maybe it's because of the fact that he loves reading books that he has a knack for it.
He starts telling you the folklore that he finds fascinating. His voice is low but not too quiet, he expresses the right emotions as needed and fluctuates his voice to immerse you further in the story.
It never fails to amuse Dan Heng on the precious way your eyes would light up at the climax of the story and when he tells you the twists.
You are always so amazed by the folk lore he tells like a little girl.
By the end of the story, you are ironically more exhausted than he is as you struggle to keep your eyes open.
"What a fun and sad story" You yawn, "Are stories from the xianzhou loufu always full of tragedy?"
"Not really, I just chose this story in particular for tonight" He kisses your forehead as a way to apologize, "I'll tell you a happier one next time then, forgive me for this one."
"Nuh-uh... It's okay" You shake your head as your eyes finally close. "I like Dan Heng's stories..."
And just like that, you are asleep in the vidyadhara's arms— Warming his heart all the more at the sight of you so snuggled up on him.
Truth be told, Dan Heng never thought there would come a day wherein he would ever have a lover. He's always busy attending to the data bank and taking care of March and Caelus to spare them from their stupidity. There are times where he is just so over them and lets them be stupid though just so they can have a taste of their medicine.
But with you? He would never do that.
Dan Heng will always keep you out of danger. He wont necessarily direct you to what not to do or what to— But he will be by your side and ready to extend a guiding hand should you actually need him.
Every boyfriend wants to cherish his dearest darling.
And Dan Heng is no exception to that.
Telling you bedtime stories is just one of the few duties he enjoys doing as your lover and he silently hopes that you keep coming to him to hear all about his culture that he adores.
He presses his lips on yours, applying a chaste kiss before muttering in his native tongue— A silent oath that vidyadharas have to their fated ones. An oath that he binds himself to you. To his beloved. To the one who owns his heart.
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꒰ 🪼 A/N: Moshi moshi (⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠)⁠ノ⁠♡, this is my official hsr fanfic heuehshab. These four are my most fave in the game currently and I couldn't resist the idea of bedtime with my boys(⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠), so here! This is my first official offering and to many more. I will add a few more lovers ofc, but I wanted to kickstart it off with these bbs in particular( ∩´͈ ᐜ `͈∩). ꒱
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ʚ(੭´͈ ᐜ `͈)੭ .。✧: ~♡ —! stories written by kyunnie; translations, reposts, plagiarism are strictly forbidden.
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brokenmenswhore · 5 months ago
idk if this is crazy but poly!maruraders x reader where r is blindfolded and she has to guess which of her bfs is fucking her
oh it’s crazy but OH did you come to the right place for that
guess | poly!marauders
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pairing: poly!marauders x fem!reader (james, remus, and sirius)
warnings: smut (MDNI 18+)
a/n: you wanna guess the color of my underwear you wanna know what i got goin on down there
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“You just tell us if anything becomes too much, alright?” James said, tying the silk fabric behind your head tight enough that it fully enveloped your eyes in darkness.
“Okay,” you said.
Remus bent forward in front of you, and you could feel his presence, but you weren’t sure exactly where he was.
“Can you see me?” he asked.
You nodded your head no. “Can’t see a thing.”
“Perfect,” Remus smiled, and you could hear the satisfaction in his voice, even if you couldn’t see him, “now remember the rules. If you guess who’s fucking you correctly, you get to come. Now, Sirius,” Remus turned toward his friend, “start it.”
Sirius lowered the needle onto the outer edge of the record, allowing the music to fill your ears to further deafen your senses.
You made yourself comfortable on the bed, laying back against the pillows as you breathed heavy in anticipation.
One of your boyfriends began to softly run his hands up your legs, stopping when he got to the tops of your thighs. They all wore gloves to eliminate the possibility of you recognizing their touch, and the cloth felt soothing against your skin.
You felt the bed dip between your legs as he wrapped his arms around your thighs, holding them open as he placed kisses on top of your folds.
You shuddered, instinctively trying to grab at his hair, but your unoccupied boyfriends held an arm each to ensure you wouldn’t get lost in the pleasure and slip up. If you could feel their hair, you would be able to tell exactly who it was.
He parted your folds with his tongue, gently circling your clit as you shifted your hips to silently beg for more.
The boy between your legs moved an arm to hold down your stomach as he picked up the pace, flicking your bud and sucking at your clit quickly.
“Fuck,” you sighed, lips parting as you couldn’t help but moan.
Just as he began to get you worked up, he slowed down again, intentionally throwing you off with his pacing so as not to give away which boyfriend of yours he was. They all had their specific techniques, and he didn’t want to risk giving himself away.
You were unable to move your hips underneath is tight grip, so you just whined in anticipation. Each time he quickened his pace, you began to whimper and moan as you got closer and closer to your climax, and right when the coil in your lower stomach began to tighten, he slowed back down and left you wet and needy again.
You felt a tap on your shoulder, signaling you to take your guess if you wanted to come.
One of your boyfriends stayed between your legs, tasting you excruciatingly slowly. You tried to rack your brain for how you felt, and which one of them could make you feel like this.
You figured it wasn’t James- he could hold you down much harder, and his eating out technique was not something he could easily hide. With respect to your other boyfriends, if this was James, you’d have come already.
It was a genuine 50/50 guess between Remus and Sirius.
“I- fuck, Remus?” you guessed.
The boy between your legs disconnected his lips from you, and you felt him leave the bed, your body shivering from the sudden cold air on your core.
“Not me, baby,” Remus said from next to you, dropping your wrists, “better luck next time.”
You wiggled your hips and pouted, “come on, this is no fair.”
“What’s no fair is you don’t appreciate the head I give you,” James chuckled.
You furrowed your brows in confusion, but it wasn’t like they could see it much. “That was you?” you asked.
“Mhm. You taste sweet today, baby.”
“But- but you-“
“Couldn’t give you the same head I always do, now could I? This game would be no fun,” James whispered, leaning down next to your ear and placing a kiss on your cheek.
James stood up, and you heard faint, distant whispering, but you couldn’t make out what anyone was saying.
You obnoxiously cleared your throat to remind the three boys that you were ready and waiting and anxious to come.
“Alright, angel, you want more?” James teased, and you nodded your head furiously as you felt one of the boys spread your legs open and settle down on the bed between them.
They all fell silent again, intent on not giving away who was about to fuck you.
The boy between your legs leaned over you, and you felt the bed dip next to your head where he placed his arm for leverage. He lined the tip of his cock up with your entrance, pushing only a little in before pulling back out and watching in amusement as you moaned in anticipation.
“Please,” you nearly whispered.
He so desperately wanted to make you suffer, wanted to taunt you, wanted to make you ask for what you wanted- but he couldn’t speak or you would immediately know who it was.
Instead, he just pushed the tip in again, stilling for a brief moment before pulling back out.
You writhed beneath him, nearly crying from need as you clenched around air.
The boy took pity on you, slamming his entire length into you and immediately fucking in and out of you. He knew that if he stilled his entire length inside of you, you may be able to identify him.
He wanted to take it slow and torture you, but he had to move fast enough that it wasn’t obvious who he was. Your three boyfriends were all different, and your body adjusted and reacted differently to each of them.
Your back arched as he continued to fuck into you, moans freely slipping from your lips as your body squeezed his cock in appreciation for the stimulation.
You tried not to lose yourself in the pleasure, but you were desperate to come. You knew the trouble you would be in if you did so without guessing correctly who was fucking you, so you tried your best to focus on figuring it out.
Each thrust of his hips hit your cervix, and though he was rough, he wasn’t fucking you so ridiculously hard that he had to put in any extra effort to hit your sweet spot. He could without trying.
Your thoughts went cloudy as he pounded into you harder, losing his self control as he fucked into you faster and faster. He was close to losing this game for you.
He wrapped his arm around your back, his gloved hand gripping your hip as he snapped his hips into you, the new lifted position causing him to bump your clit with each thrust.
You threw your head back as he became selfish, nearly forgetting about maintaining anonymity.
You felt the tap on your shoulder, and you couldn’t bring yourself to think about it. You said what felt right.
“S- Sirius,” you moaned.
Sirius leaned down, allowing his hair to fall in front of his face as he whispered in your ear, “good girl.”
The praise sent you over the edge, as did the confirmation that you had guessed correctly. You came hard, squeezing Sirius’s cock as your thighs shook around him.
He continued to fuck you through your high, chasing his own as you cried out at the overstimulation.
He groaned on your ear, leaning over you as he held your hips against his. With a final few harsh snaps of his hips, he came inside of you, moaning so low that only you could hear. The noises were meant for you and only you.
Sirius caught his breathing before guiding his cock out of you and gently placing your hips back down onto the mattress.
Remus, from beside you, untied your blindfold and removed it from your face. You blinked as your eyes adjusted to the unfamiliarity of the light.
“You have fun?” James teased.
“Mhm,” you vocalized, stretching your body out before leaning onto your side, “it was hot, but Remmy didn’t get a turn.”
Remus giggled at your pouting, “you rest for a little, and then I’ll take my turn, hm?”
You smiled as he placed a kiss on your nose, whispering, “except you’ll know it’s me, everyone will when they hear you.”
You playfully gasped as he smiled at you, standing tall and holding his hand out to you. “Let’s get you cleaned up before that though, yeah?”
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mebeforeyoumovie · 2 years ago
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Master Bedroom Seattle Ideas for remodeling a sizable traditional master bedroom with a medium tone wood floor and gray walls
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gtgbabie0 · 4 months ago
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Sevika x Reader
Synopsis: {Sevika has some trouble with her mechanical arm, you offer her help} For my other works my Masterlist is here <3
softSevika,softSevika,softSevika! Enjoy my lovelies <3 💕
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The pale light of the moon was drowned out by the neon signs that flicker soft colours of pink and blue which bleed through your small apartment, it was the only source of light guiding Sevika through the room before she finds the light switch, clumsily flicking it on.
It had all gone so horribly wrong so quickly, what was meant to be a simple drop off and pick up turned into a violent mess— fucking useless, she thought bitterly. It’d be the last time she would work with some newbies who couldn’t tell their left from their right.
Her frustrations were bubbling over, that much was clear when she slams the front door shut, immediately wincing at the loud noise and once again she silently curses, this time at herself.
It was well past midnight and you were definitely knocked out like a light, it was endearing how quickly you fell asleep, one moment the pair of you would be talking then the very next you were snoring your head off. The thought of you curled up in your shared bed with your face smushed against the soft pillows makes her smile— the type that softens her hardened features.
It almost made her forget about the dull ache that seized her muscles, almost. She needed a drink.
So with a bottle of whiskey and her toolbox, you had so kindly brought for her spread out on the coffee table she sat down on the couch trying to fix the mess that had become of her mechanical arm— which was so much more harder to do by herself, without you there to unscrew the screws she couldn’t reach or to hand her the right tools… or to caress her cheek with those soft hands of yours, fuck, she had missed you more then she’d like to admit.
Sevika had been at it for hours, fumbling with one stubborn screw that had been lodged stuck. It refused to come loose for love nor money and it was driving her up the damn wall that she throws the stupid screwdriver across the room, watching it bounce across the wooden floorboards with a loud clang and a thud.
She stares down at it with a small scowl, scoffing before reaching for the bottle of whiskey.
“Sev?— what’re you doing?” Your soft voice, heavy with sleep ripples through the silence, breaking down the spell of anger that seemed ever present.
“Nothing, go back to bed, I’ll be there in a minute.” She mumbles the reply, ducking her head down to look at the floor beneath her, it was almost ridiculous how fast the guilt hit her. She’d woken you up at god knows what time with her banging around.
You shake your head at her dismissal, padding your way over to her with a small frown— your hands tightening the silk robe you had wrapped around your body. Without a word she moves her legs so you can perch yourself on the edge of the coffee table, sitting in front of her.
“You won’t be able to fix it if you’re drunk.” You tell her, a small smirk ghosting over your lips as you watch her put the bottle of whiskey down on the table with a small huff.
“It’s not the alcohol—” Sevika replies gruffly, her heart skipping a few beats at the feeling of your hand against her knee as you rummage through her toolbox. “It needs a specific part.” Gods, you made her feel like a lovesick fool sometimes but damn if she didn’t absolutely adore the feeling.
With a soft hum, you let your fingertips graze along the metal fixings of her prosthetic arm, the joints were all broken and a couple of cogs were missing— it’d be easier to fix if it was detached and by the look on Sevika’s face she knew this… but it was a pain to do.
“I could-” you go to offer her an alternative, eyes skimming across the mechanical arm as your tired mind runs a mile a minute.
“Just help me take it off,” She concedes with a weary sigh, nodding over to the screwdriver which you’re quick to pick up.
She didn’t like having it off, to feel so vulnerable and defenceless. In a strange way, it scared her. Sure she could probably knock a guy or two out with one hand but it was still daunting to feel so stripped in such a way.
You stand up from the coffee table, situating yourself in between her legs as you begin to gently unscrew the bolts, handing them over to her one after another as she puts them safely into a bag. Then with a soft hiss of air, the arm comes loose, the weight falling from Sevika’s shoulder and down on the sofa beside her.
“We’ll fix it tomorrow… get that specific piece.” You promise her with a tender smile, looking down at her from where you stand with her rough hand resting over the curve of your hips from between the opening of your silken robe— caressing up to your waist slowly.
“Mmhm.” She hums in agreement, leaning forwards to bury her face into your soft tummy with a heavy sigh that borders on a groan as you skim your fingertips along her cheek and through her hair ever so slowly that it has her nuzzling into you like a damn cat.
Gods, you knew just how to dismantle her… you were a dangerous woman— her kryptonite.
“C’mere.” She mutters, pulling you down onto her lap without a single second thought. Her strong arm wraps around your waist, holding you against her as you melt into her body— her fingers brushing along your hip.
“Come to bed Sev— you look like you’re about to pass out.” You whisper, turning your head to get a good look at her with those soft eyes of yours… so tired and sweet.
“I will just let me hold you like this for a minute.” She replies back, bumping her forehead against your own— pressing a kiss to your cheek then burying her face into the crook of your shoulder, a muffled ‘I love you’ spoken into your skin.
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tesmare · 2 years ago
“Exploring the Hottest Color Trends in Cushion Covers"
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When it comes to interior design and home décor, even the smallest details can make a significant impact. One such detail that can instantly transform the look and feel of a room is the humble cushion cover. Tesmare Cushion covers not only provide comfort but also serve as a creative element to enhance the overall aesthetic appeal of a space. As we delve into the world of interior design trends, it's fascinating to explore the hottest colour trends in cushion covers that are making waves in the design world. From vibrant hues to soothing pastels, let's uncover the latest colour palettes that are stealing the spotlight.
Serene Neutrals:
Neutrals have always been a timeless choice, and they continue to dominate the interior design scene. This year, serene neutrals like soft beige, warm taupe, and creamy off-whites are gaining popularity in cushion cover designs. These muted tones provide a sense of tranquillity and lend a sophisticated touch to any space. They work exceptionally well with minimalist and Scandinavian-inspired interiors, creating a calm and inviting atmosphere.
Soft Beige:
Soft beige is a versatile and timeless neutral that complements a wide range of interior styles. This warm and inviting color adds a touch of sophistication to any space. Beige cushion covers work particularly well in minimalist or Scandinavian-inspired designs, creating a clean and serene atmosphere. Pair them with white, ivory, or light grey for a fresh and airy look, or combine them with darker neutrals for a more layered and cozy feel.
Warm Taupe:
Taupe is a beautiful blend of grey and brown tones that exudes elegance and warmth. This neutral hue is a fantastic choice for cushion covers, as it effortlessly blends with various color palettes. Pair warm taupe cushion covers with muted blues or greens for a calming and nature-inspired look. Alternatively, combine them with metallic accents, such as copper or gold, to add a touch of glamour to your space.
Creamy Off-Whites:
Creamy off-whites are classic and sophisticated, adding a sense of tranquillity to any room. These soft and warm hues create a neutral base that allows other colors and patterns to shine. Off-white cushion covers can be paired with almost any color, making them incredibly versatile. For a monochromatic look, combine different shades of off-white to create depth and texture. Alternatively, mix them with pastel accents for a gentle and serene ambiance.
 Subtle Grey:
Gray is a go-to neutral that adds a contemporary and refined touch to cushion covers. Subtle shades of grey, such as dove grey or greige (a blend of grey and beige), work particularly well in modern or industrial-inspired spaces. Grey cushion covers can be used as a neutral backdrop, allowing bolder elements in the room to stand out. Pair them with pops of color, like vibrant yellow or deep teal, to create a striking contrast.
 Crisp White:
Although technically not a color, crisp white is a classic choice for cushion covers that brings a sense of freshness and purity to any space. White cushion covers are incredibly versatile and can be used in various interior styles. They create a clean and minimalist look when paired with other neutrals or serve as a canvas for vibrant patterns and textures. Additionally, white cushion covers reflect light and make a room feel more spacious
Earthy Tones:
Drawing inspiration from nature, earthy tones are having a major moment in cushion cover trends. Rich browns, deep greens, and warm terracottas can infuse a room with warmth and depth. These colors evoke a connection to the outdoors and are perfect for creating an organic, rustic ambiance. Earthy-toned cushion covers beautifully complement natural materials such as wood, rattan, and woven textiles, adding a touch of natural elegance to any space.
Warm Terracottas:
Terracotta cushion covers embody warmth and Mediterranean charm. These earthy reddish-orange tones exude a sense of comfort and cosiness. Terracotta-coloured cushion covers are ideal for adding a touch of warmth to neutral or minimalist spaces. Pair them with natural textures, such as jute or linen, to create a harmonious and earthy atmosphere. You can also combine terracotta cushion covers with blue or green accents to evoke a desert oasis or coastal vibe.
Natural Greys:
Natural grey tones, reminiscent of weathered stone or pebbles, bring a touch of sophistication and tranquility to cushion covers. These shades of gray can vary from cool and silvery to warm and taupe-like. Grey cushion covers effortlessly blend with various color palettes and interior styles. Pair them with other earthy tones for a monochromatic and serene look, or combine them with pops of color for a more vibrant and eclectic feel. 
Rustic Oranges:
Rustic orange tones, reminiscent of sunsets and fall foliage, add warmth and vibrancy to cushion covers. These earthy oranges can range from soft apricots to deeper burnt siennas. Orange cushion covers work well in bohemian or eclectic interiors, creating a cozy and inviting atmosphere. Pair them with natural materials like wood, wicker, or rattan to enhance the rustic charm. For a more modern approach, combine orange cushions with cooler blues or grays to create a balanced and visually striking contrast.
Bold and Vibrant:
For those seeking to make a bold statement, vibrant colors are stealing the show in cushion cover trends. Bright yellows, energetic oranges, and vibrant blues are being embraced by those who crave a lively and energetic atmosphere. These striking colors inject personality into a room and serve as eye-catching focal points. Pairing vibrant cushion covers with neutral furniture and décor elements can create a balanced and visually appealing composition.
Bright Yellows:
Bright yellow cushion covers exude warmth, positivity, and cheerfulness. These sunny hues instantly uplift the mood of a room and create a vibrant atmosphere. Yellow cushion covers work well in spaces that lack natural light or need an energetic boost. Pair them with neutral furniture and decor elements to create a striking contrast. Alternatively, combine yellow cushions with complementary colours like grey, navy blue, or turquoise for a bold and eclectic look.
Energetic Oranges:
Energetic orange cushion covers add a burst of warmth and playfulness to any space. Orange is a color associated with enthusiasm and creativity. Incorporating orange cushions can create a lively and inviting ambiance, making them perfect for social areas such as living rooms or entertainment spaces. Pair orange cushion covers with neutral tones like white, beige, or gray to create a vibrant and modern look. For a bolder statement, mix orange with other warm tones like red or magenta. 
Vibrant Blues:
Vibrant blue cushion covers evoke a sense of tranquillity and serenity while adding a pop of color. Blue is often associated with calmness and relaxation, making it an excellent choice for creating a soothing atmosphere. Opt for shades like turquoise, electric blue, or royal blue to make a bold impact. Pair blue cushion covers with white or light grey for a fresh and coastal-inspired look. To create a vibrant and eclectic space, combine blue cushions with contrasting colors like orange or yellow. 
Playful Reds:
Playful red cushion covers bring a sense of energy and passion to your living spaces. Red is a bold and attention-grabbing color that can instantly revitalise a room. It creates a focal point and adds a touch of drama. Red cushion covers work well in contemporary or eclectic interiors. Pair them with neutral colors like black, white, or grey to create a sophisticated and striking contrast. Alternatively, combine red with other warm tones like pink or orange for a playful and vibrant look.
 Lively Greens:
Lively green cushion covers bring a fresh and rejuvenating vibe to your home. Green is associated with nature, growth, and harmony. Vibrant green cushion covers can create a lively and invigorating atmosphere, especially in spaces where you want to evoke a sense of natural beauty. Pair green cushions with earthy neutrals like beige or brown to create a grounded and balanced look. For a more eclectic feel, combine green with contrasting colors like purple or yellow. 
Soft Pastels:
Soft pastels have always been synonymous with serenity and elegance. This year, delicate shades like blush pink, baby blue, and mint green are making their way into cushion cover designs. These gentle hues evoke a sense of calmness and lend a touch of femininity to any space. Pastel-colored cushion covers are versatile and can be incorporated into various interior styles, from contemporary to shabby chic, effortlessly creating a soothing and harmonious environment.
Blush Pink:
Blush pink cushion covers exude a sense of femininity, elegance, and warmth. This delicate and subtle shade of pink adds a soft and romantic touch to any room. Blush pink cushion covers work well in bedrooms, living rooms, or cozy reading corners, creating an inviting and serene atmosphere. Pair them with neutrals like white, ivory, or grey for a dreamy and ethereal look. To add depth and contrast, combine blush pink with metallic accents like gold or copper. 
Baby Blue:
Baby blue cushion covers evoke a sense of tranquility and serenity, reminiscent of clear skies and peaceful ocean waves. This soft and calming color creates a soothing ambiance in bedrooms, nurseries, or beach-inspired spaces. Pair baby blue cushion covers with white or ivory for a fresh and airy look. To create a playful and whimsical atmosphere, mix them with complementary pastel tones like pale yellow or mint green.
Mint Green:
Mint green cushion covers bring a touch of freshness and vitality to your living spaces. This cool and rejuvenating color creates a sense of harmony and balance. Mint green cushion covers work well in areas where you want to create a calming and invigorating environment, such as bedrooms or home offices. Pair them with crisp whites or light greys for a clean and modern look. To enhance the natural feel, incorporate botanical elements like indoor plants or leafy patterns. 
Lavender cushion covers exude a delicate and soothing charm, reminiscent of lavender fields in bloom. This pale purple hue promotes relaxation and can create a serene and dreamy atmosphere. Lavender cushion covers are perfect for bedrooms or spaces where you want to unwind and destress. Pair them with soft whites, silvery greys, or muted blues for an elegant and sophisticated look. To add a touch of luxury, combine lavender with metallic accents like silver or rose gold. 
Pale Yellow:
Pale yellow cushion covers bring a touch of sunshine and positivity to your home. This soft and cheerful color adds warmth and brightness to any space. Pale yellow cushion covers work well in living rooms, dining areas, or kitchens, creating a welcoming and optimistic ambiance. Pair them with neutrals like white, beige, or light gray for a soft and soothing look. To create a vibrant and eclectic atmosphere, combine pale yellow with contrasting colors like coral or turquoise.
Moody Jewel Tones:
For those who appreciate drama and opulence, moody jewel tones are an excellent choice for cushion covers. Deep emerald greens, regal purples, and lustrous sapphire blues bring a sense of luxury and refinement to a room. These colors are perfect for creating an intimate and cozy atmosphere, especially in bedrooms and living spaces. Pairing jewel-toned cushion covers with metallic accents or rich textures can elevate the overall aesthetic and add a touch of glamour to your interiors.
Deep Emerald Greens:
Deep emerald green cushion covers evoke a sense of lushness and tranquility, reminiscent of dense forests and natural beauty. This rich and luxurious color creates a captivating focal point in any room. Emerald green cushion covers work well in spaces where you want to infuse a touch of elegance and serenity. Pair them with gold or brass accents to enhance the regal feel, or combine them with soft neutrals like beige or cream for a sophisticated and balanced look. 
Regal Purples:
Regal purple cushion covers bring a sense of majesty and mystery to your living spaces. From deep plum to royal amethyst, these hues create a rich and luxurious ambiance. Purple cushion covers work particularly well in bedrooms or lounges, adding a touch of opulence and creating a regal atmosphere. Pair them with silver accents for a glamorous look or combine them with contrasting colors like gold or blush pink to create a striking and vibrant composition.
 Lustrous Sapphire Blues:
Lustrous sapphire blue cushion covers exude a sense of depth and tranquility, reminiscent of the depths of the ocean or a starry night sky. This captivating and intense color creates a mesmerizing ambiance. Blue cushion covers work well in spaces where you want to evoke a calm and serene atmosphere. Pair them with metallic accents like silver or gold for a luxurious feel, or combine them with lighter blues or crisp whites to create a fresh and contemporary look.
Opulent Ruby Reds:
Opulent ruby red cushion covers bring a touch of warmth and passion to your home. This intense and captivating color creates a dramatic and luxurious focal point. Red cushion covers work well in spaces where you want to make a bold statement, such as living rooms or dining areas. Pair them with metallic accents like gold or bronze to enhance the opulence, or combine them with neutral tones like black or grey to create a chic and sophisticated look.
Jewel-Toned Mix:
For a truly captivating and eclectic look, consider mixing different jewel tones in your cushion covers. Combine deep emerald greens, regal purples, lustrous sapphire blues, and opulent ruby reds to create a rich and vibrant palette. This mix of jewel tones adds depth and complexity to your living spaces, creating a luxurious and enchanting atmosphere. Pair them with gold or brass accents for a cohesive and glamorous look, or combine them with neutral tones to let the jewel tones shine as vibrant accents
 Tesmare Cushion covers are an easy and cost-effective way to update the look and feel of a room. Staying on top of the latest color trends at www.tesmare.com ensures that your space remains fresh and modern. Whether you prefer serene neutrals, earthy tones, bold and vibrant hues, soft pastels, or moody jewel tones, there's a color palette for every taste and style. Experimenting with different colors allows you to express your personality and create a harmonious environment that reflects your individuality. So go ahead, explore the hottest color trends in cushion covers, and let your creativity shine through in your home décor!
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screampied · 10 months ago
pls pls pls can we get some overstimulating toji, Hes whimpering so much, maybe tie his hands up 👀🙏 love u twin
❤︎ ໋𓈒 toji letting you "top" him
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warnings. fem! reader, overstim, whiney toji, riding him after he cūms, dirty talk, mdni.
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“hmph. you’re gettin’ too fuckin’ cocky,” toji gruffs lowly, leaning back against the padded comforter. dark eyes stare right back into you as you straddle his lap. he’s buried into you, and he was just about to finish. his breaths were quick paced, huffing and puffing. white clouds of air escape his lips as he keeps dark irises on each of your fidgety movements. “wipe that smile of y’er face. don’t like when ya give me that look.”
you hum, leaning in to toss your arms over his wide shoulders. whilst he’s stretching your gummy walls out to the very fullest— you lean in to plant a kiss near the right side of his lip, soft contact right against his infamous slanted scar. a soft moan always withdraws from his lips whenever you did that. the toughness that scraps against your mouth as you plant your lips down on that specific spot. “or …what?” you tease, grinding your hips just a bit more brisker at a fleeting tempo. “aw, someone’s getting close?”
“fuuuck,” he growls out, pearly white canines sticking out near the very corners of his mouth. toji’s head throws back in rapture and he feels your hand glide down the middle part of his chest. his shaggy, unkempt bare chest—all types of scars from his work that you love to feel all over. he’s about to pump you full, the blissful agitation that pokes against his nerves makes him feral. “sensitive still,” and with a low exhale, he glares at your stretching sly smile. “don’t give me that look. don’t …. even—f-fuck..”
and at that exact moment, toji fushiguro whined.
you grow quiet. he grows so quiet, it’s so silent that you could hear a pen drop.
toji swallows, even a simple action as that was just so loud. he groans, leaning back against the fat silk pillows before he stares at you with low hooded eyes.
“s-shit,” and his voice continues to grow more . . . shaky.
it’s so unlike him, the way his words quaver from each word was so cute to hear. you even had his hands tied up, pinned amongst the edges of the bed. he was sprawled all out for you while you were grinding against his lap.
“i spoil you too much, f-fuckin’ little girl,” and he’s clearly trying to keep up his rough facade— but alas, it’s really no use.
“you’re cute when you whine, baby,” you smooch against the scar near the right side of his lip.
his mouth twitches in vexation and you watch as his eyes roll further back.
his abdomen— oh, it burns into a mild volume of arousal, he’s profusely sweating before he feels himself about to break. each time you sneak a kiss against his scar, he groans. “mwah,” you tease, treating the lower part of his face with such delicacy. toji was shooting you a look of grimace. briefly—he tried to keep up his stubborn antics, but his glare only turned into lewd eye rolls from how good you clamp against his cock. it’s so good, the saturation of your sopping wet pussy squeezing down on him tight, he’s going dumb by the minute. “it’s okay, toji. you can cum.”
“don’t tell me what to d—” and he gets cut off before he quite literally does cum, it’s abrupt. toji’s quavering underneath you as he dumps a thickset load of seed into you. “shit, fuckin’ damn,” he heaves. his breath was heavy as he’s leaning all the way back now. with a hand still gripped onto your left hip, he sinks into the weightlessness nirvana that awaited him. “fuuck,” he pants, a rough hand grasping your ass— for a solid moment, toji grows quiet and the only sounds that’s could have been made were the sloshes of your cunt accepting his seed. somehow he managed to rip off the restraints on his wrists—wasting no time to finally touch you. in the midst of still rocking your hips in a circular rotation again toji—it consists of such satiny ropes, you’ve never felt more stuffed. “ugh, fuckin’ slut. got me moanin’ for you like this-”
you giggle, gifting him with a chaste kiss. “i’m not done, baby. keep up with me, okay?”
toji’s caught by surprise once you start to move your hips again, accelerating them against him and he whines. “f-fuck, the fuck? girl, ‘jus fuckin’ came . . sensitive, goddamnnn.”
it was cute, the way his low raspy voice pitches up an octave— he’s whimpering, the rapid movements of your pussy having him practically speechless. with his twitching dick now flaccid, he’s still got a firm grip on your waist. a raw groan only then wrenches from the back of his throat.
“can’t cum anymore, f-fuck, ‘m still sensitive,” he babbles, softly pulling you by the neck to give him a kiss.
and by kiss, it was more sloppy than anything. with wet tongues moving against each other in tavern, he feels you grinding again and again.
toji’s so warm. he can feel his heartbeat coercively pulsating through his ears. your tender touch against him had him so needy. even while having him like this— he was still attractive, yet that’s when you grab his wrists, making him pin them back again. “fuck are ya d-doing.”
“no touching me, baby,” you hum, and his glare returns. with pinkish crimson lips squeezing into a scowl, his darkened eyebrows curl into a furrow. “touch me after you give me another one, yeah?”
he swallows, toji couldn’t believe how dominant you were being. it was rare to get him like this, even rare to be on top of him.
“fuckin’ brat,” he grouses, his muscles near his forearms tensing. your cunt’s involuntarily constricting around his massive length. your walls hug him tightly before he starts to pant more and more. “fine. f-fine, just kiss me again…… please.”
you lean in, throwing your arms around his broad shoulders before pulling him into a deep kiss.
he’s so sensitive—heavy, hot huffs of breaths gnashing together, he whines again in your mouth. toji shivers, feeling the print of your thumb brush down against his undercut. he groans, feeling your hips start to pick up pace again and he pulls away to breathe. “phew,” he puffs out, seeing nothing but pure stars. you rode him so good that he didn’t even have a witty comeback.
toji’s entire face was all flustered, he glowers once he sees your smug grin tug against your lips. “what.”
“you should whine more,” you pause your hips, leaning in to pepper a few kisses against his cheek. he’s so fluttered—still heaving through his full lungs, eyelids halfway open as a big arm wraps around your waist. toji pulls you close, despite how embarrassed he was—he took it as a opportunity to pull you closer towards him. “you sound so cute when you’re whiney.”
“shut up,” he pouts, avoiding eye contact. toji’s still stuffed inside of you before he grunts once he feels you starting to move then stop. “m-mhm. don’t stop though. keep going.”
you giggle, bringing a single finger to stroke his cheek. “say please, toji.”
“fuckin—” he starts, sending you straight daggers. he’d argue further but he was still deeply buried into you. just a quick move with your hips and he’d start whining again from the euphoric friction. “fine. fine, just finish fucking me, please.”
“good boy,” you kiss the top of his head, starting up your hips again and he brings you into his chest, wrapping his beefy arms around you before whimpering into your neck.
he swallows, seeping his teeth into the crevice of your neck. “shut u-mhm,” and he slumps back with a pussydrunk smile on his face. “actually….praise me more. call me that again, ‘n look at me when you do.”
“good boy, toji,” you repeat in a sweet voice, picking up his head to make him stare into your eyes—he’s still panting before he leans back, groaning, shuddering from your touch. “such a good boy.”
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bunnis-monsters · 5 months ago
Male!Vampire Scientist x Fem!Experiment Reader
Bunni’s Monstertober Event
Oct 18th
Oct 17
Oct 19
summary: when a vampire needs a source of unlimited blood, he turns to science. You’re his experiment, and a bit spoiled…
warnings: blood drinking, cock warming, male lead is a bit manipulative
a/n: shut up if I have any spelling mistakes 🙏 I’m trying to catch up
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You let out an annoyed whine as he poked his head into your room. You were in the middle of a movie, eating a snack.
He walked in, throwing his lab coat aside and jumping into your bed. The man had a habit of coming to you after a long day in the lab, being clingy and over baring.
“H-hey, don’t jump in my bed before you wash up!”
You pouted, squirming as he pulled you on his lap and rubbed his cheek against your neck.
“Oh, don’t fuss my dear… you know I just adore you, it’s hard to stay away for long.”
Before you could whine anymore, he moved his hand between your thighs, pressing against your wet panties.
“Don’t you remember who saved you? Who’s spoiled you rotten?”
You did remember.
Before you had been living on the street, hungry and barely hanging on. One night you were caught in the middle of a shoot out, and nearly died from blood loss,
He found you curled up in an alleyway, buried beneath trash and filth. You had already died, not even turning you into a vampire could bring you back…
So he used the knowledge he had gained from his research so far from both science and witchcraft to give you life.
One of the side effects was that you overproduce blood, and had to be drained daily. It was a happy surprise, and he decided to keep you for himself as his blood bag.
You were kept in a sterile section of his lap, your bed a plain cot and your food some sort of nutritional mush.
It was hardly the place for a girl… but it would do. You were just an experiment, after all.
That had been his idea at first, to keep you in his laboratory and feed from you every once in a while… but he grew fond of you quickly.
A room was decorated with your interests in mind, and he made sure you were comfortable and had everything you could ever want.
You were almost like his doll, something he could play with when he was bored. He dressed you up, kept you in a pretty room… you were his perfect, pretty little doll.
That’s what he told himself. In all reality, he truly cared for you. Once you bring someone back from death and care for them for months while they recover, you become fond of that person and want to see them thrive.
As he thought this over, your memory was a bit different.
You reached out for him to help you, and he carried you back to his lab himself, not caring that you were dirty and smelled of decay.
Your spirit watched as he carefully cleaned and stitched up your broken body, his hands gentle and caring. Even though you were simply a corpse, he still dressed you and placed a pillow under your head while he researched ways to save you at his desk.
When you woke up in your body, you were in something much softer than the ground you slept on every night. Every day you ate until you were full, and always had energy to walk around.
You weren’t hungry or cold or dirty anymore… that was enough for you, but he gave you even more! A room just for you, dressed and games and books and all the attention and love you could ever ask for…
But it was so hard to accept all of this, to really give in to being spoiled. Especially when you were crushing this hard on him…
His fangs brushed against your neck as he slipped the silk panties he bought for you aside. Lately his affections had turned from platonic to sexual, and he had been toying with you a lot.
“I see… this is how wet you get when I rub here, hmm?”
He licked along your neck, eyes on your fat cunt as he flicked your clit, causing you to yelp and your hips to buck.
His cock hardened when you squirmed, your plump ass moving against his hard on. “That hurts…”
You were pouting, your face warm and flustered.
“So cute…”
He lifted your hips with ease, his cock rubbing against your cunt before he slowly lowered you into it.
Though you’d never taken cock before, he had been slowly stretching you out for weeks now, pumping his fingers in and out of you, getting you ready to take him.
You could only whine and whimper, embarrassed that it felt so good. You attempted to move, but he kept you still, his fingers toying with your clit.
“Relax, love…”
His fangs sunk into your neck, causing you to wiggle and writhe in mild discomfort, which made his cock twitch inside of you. The man continued to stimulate your clit as he fed from you.
Your soft body felt warm against him, and having your blood flowing through his felt intimate. You were connected in a way no one else could be.
As he finished up his feeding, he began lightly bouncing you, letting you ride out your orgasm as his cum spurted into your womb.
Afterwards you were tired and a bit cranky from the blood loss, so he carried you to a bath and washed you up before tucking you into bed.
Why did he do so much for you? He wasn’t sure… but you knew.
He loved you, his little experiment had become his mate and he hadn’t even noticed yet.
want more of this? my commissions and kofi are open!
NSFW TAGLIST: @sunset-214 @strawberrypoundtown @avalordream @icommitwarcrimes @bazpire @im-eating-rn @anglingforlevels @kinshenewa @pasteldaze @unforgettablewhvre @yoongiigolden @peachesdabunny @murder-hobo @leiselotte @misswonderfrojustice @dij-ology @i8kaeya @lollboogurl @h3110-dar1in9 @keikokashi @aliceattheart @mssmil3y @spicyspicyliving @namjoons-t1ddies @izarosf1833 @healanette @lem-hhn @spufflepuff @honey-crypt @karljra @zyettemoon1800 @exodiam @vexillum-moeru @imperfectlyperfectprincess1 @binnieonabike @enchantedsylveon @mysticranger575 @readeryn68 @danielle143 @kittenlover614 @filthybunny420 @annavittoria-mm @makimamybelovedwife @blubearxy @omglovelylaila @toocollectionchaos-universe-blog @fruk-you-usuk-fans @wil10wthetree @hammerhead96-blog @slightlyusedfloormat
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