#silent bloom 3.02
topazy · 4 months
Silent bloom
Pairing: Bellamy Blake × reader
Warnings: Swearing, violence
Chapter: 3.02
“It’s been three hours,” Bellamy says, breaking the tense silence. “What are they waiting for?”
Frustrated, Monty taps his fingers against the steering wheel. “We should make a run for it.”
“No,” you mutter. “Soon as we step outside this, they’ll attack.” Ice Nation had you pinned down; you had been stuck in the same spot for hours. It worried you more that they hadn’t attacked yet and were just toying with you.
“They can also wait longer than us,” Indra points out.
“Fine, but we are lambs to the slaughter if we just walk out. We need to come up with a plan.”
“Okay, Bellamy,” Kane says. “You get in the turret, and you cover us. Once we get to that ridge over there, we’ll cover you.”
“Copy that; run fast.” Hesitantly, Bellamy does what he’s told. His hand lightly brushes over your back before opening the hatch. Slowly, he lifts his head out, but before he can bring his gun up, he freezes. “They’re here.”
“Everybody out, or the boy dies!”
Bellamy is suddenly yanked out of the river through the hatch. “We’re coming.” You lean over and forcefully shove at the door handle to open it. “Just don’t hurt him.”
“Wait-” Kane tries to stop you, but it’s too late. As soon as you unlock it, someone grabs you by the arm and tosses you to the ground.
You let out a loud grunt, feeling someone’s knee pressing into your back and keeping you in place. Shit, this was your fault for being so desperate to try and save him. Lifting your head, you meet Bellamy’s eyes. He shakes his head, urging you to stop struggling. Kane and Indra are thrown down beside you and are pinned down in the same way you are.
“All targets are secure!”
You found it strange to hear the grounders talking in English and not their own language. The grounders are wearing masks, so it’s hard to determine if they are definitely an ice nation or from another clan. It’s hard to pick up what is being said, but you don’t hear a single word being said in Trigedasleng. “It’s not grounders,” you mutter. “It’s not grounders.”
You fight the urge to scream when you hear Finn’s voice telling you to speak up. You’re snapped out of your train of thought when you hear Monty struggling as he’s yanked to his feet. “Give it back; it’s mine!”
“Monty, let it go!”
One of the grounders steps forward; their voice shakes as they say, “Monty?”
He stares across at the ground, his face twisting slightly as if he’s seen a ghost. “Mom?”
She pulls off her mask and runs to him, sobbing. She pulls him into a hug. “My boy, my boy, I thought I’d lost you.”
“Farm station, stand down.”
The person pinning you down lifts their knee off your back, and within seconds, Bellamy is beside you, helping you to your feet. “You okay?”
“I’m fine, are you?”
“Yeah…” leaning in close enough so only you can hear him say, “You had that look in your eyes again.”
“I’m fine.” You look across at the man who’s talking to Kane and ask, “Who’s that? He looks familiar.”
“Charles Pike was an earth skills teacher on the Ark.”
You wipe the loose dirt off your jeans with your hands as you walk over to them, beside Bellamy. A small smile is playing on your lips as you watch Monty reunite with his mom; the both of them look so happy to have found each other again. Kane looks around, trying to count how many survivors there are. “How many of you are there?”
“Sixty-three. The rest are camped in the mountains north of here. Grounder killers one and all, am I right?”
“Ohh rah!”
When everyone from the farm station cheers, you lock eyes with Indra. You chew on your lower lip for a moment before saying, “We still need to find Clarke.”
With his interest piqued, Pike turns to you and asks, “Clarke Griffin?”
Pike then turns back to face Bellamy, saying, “If only all my earth skills students were as good as her.”
Bellamy grins and shakes his hand. “It’s good to see you, sir.”
There wasn’t something about Pike you immediately didn’t trust. You go and stand beside Indra as Kane tells the others to go move the tree. Quietly, you say, “I haven’t spent much time with your people, but I know you’ve faced worse things than we ever have and probably have a lot of knowledge that we don’t.”
“What is it you want to know?”
“Can you tell if someone is dangerous to us?”
She gives you a knowing look, but instead of answering you, she cuts in on Pike, telling Kane how many people have been killed since arriving on earth. “The ice nation can be ruthless. Take pride in the numbers you saved.”
"Indra, this is Charles Pike. He was a teacher on the ark,” Kane says, patting Pike’s shoulder. “This is Indra. She’s the leader of Trikru and a trusted ally.”
Pike gives her a death stare and says, “I’ll have to take your word for it.”
“Indra is one of us,” you snap defensively. “She’s our person.”
The ride to the trading post is almost as tense as it was when you thought the Ice Nation wanted to attack. Soon as Monty pulls up to the building, Kane and Bellamy jump out. You wait a beat before doing the same.
Kane raises his hand, silently telling everyone to stop walking. You can hear what sounds like fighting coming from inside the trading post. Bellamy runs inside and pulls the trigger. Coming in behind him, you clap your eyes at women with long braided hair covered in blood.
You lower your gun and approach her cautiously. “Are you okay? We mean you no harm.”
The grounder was looking startled, biting at the inside of her cheeks. Not wanting to scare her further, you back off.
Indra looks down at the body of the man Bellamy just killed and says, “He’s a bounty hunter.”
“He would have been looking for Clarke.”
When Indra speaks to the women in Trig, Pike barks, “English!”
Kane looks slightly taken aback but quickly says, “Pike, go outside. Take Monty and Hannah with you; search the perimeter; and make sure he is alone.”
You watch the three of them leave, and you can't shake off the uneasy feeling that has settled deep within your bones. There was just something off about Pike, his hatefulness towards Indra. It wasn’t right. Just as you go, turn your head back around and spot a shadow in the doorway.
Deep down, you knew he wasn’t really there; he was dead. But you stare at the doorway in a trance, waiting for him to walk in, until Bellamy shakes your shoulder and says, “Are you ready?”
“Uh yeah,” you didn’t want to admit you had completely zoned out.
He looks at you concerned but doesn’t say anything about it. “We might know where Clarke is.”
Turning back to face the grounder, you give her a genuine smile and say, “Thank you.”
“Thank you, Niylah.”
You follow the tracks. Monty is spotted through the forest and out into an open field. You walk beside Indra silently as she leads the way. Multiple thoughts were racing through your mind at once, and you just wished you could close the noise in your brain off.
Indra stops walking and holds up her hand. “Quiet. Listen.”
The beating sounds in the distance make you feel sick; it takes you back to the night Finn handed himself over to Lexa. Quietly, you ask, “War drums?”
Using the scope on your gun, you try to locate the exact location where the sound is coming from.
“You can tell it’s Ice Nation from the sound.” Monty asks.
“No,” she says, pointing to three dead bodies on the ground. “From them.”
Pike and Bellamy cover the others while they move their bodies, so the grounders don’t think you’ve killed anyone. You spot movement in the distance. “Holy shit, it’s Clarke.”
Her blonde hair has red streaks in it; she’s covered in dirt, but it was unmistakably hers. Feeling vibrations, you move the scope over to the right and spot an army marching directly into the path of Clarke and whoever had her bound and gagged.
Bellamy goes to run to her. Pike stops him, saying, “You’ll never make it in time.”
You crouch down and say, “We need to wait for the army to pass before getting Clarke. If they see us, we’re all dead.”
Monty points out caves nearby, which would be the best place for you to wait for the army to pass. You notice Indra lingering behind the rest of the group. “Aren’t you coming?”
“I can’t go with you.”
“Why not?”
She looks at you and Kane. “The nation has crossed the border; they’re marching against my commander. I have to warn her.”
Kane nods understandingly and says, “We’ll find Clarke.”
“You better. The ice queen gets her first; she’ll be dead, and we’ll be at war.”
Inside the cave, you sit closest to the entrance, keeping an eye out for any enemies approaching, while the others sit further in the darkness, trying to get some sleep. You felt conflicted; you wanted to save Clarke and were willing to save your life to do that, but she also abandoned her people. Once she was saved, would Clarke even want to go back? You didn’t want to break Abby’s heart when you returned without her daughter.
Bellamy sits down beside you, and he squeezes your thigh lightly. It gives you comfort to feel his touch; he was the only person who made you feel safe. “What are you thinking about?”
“Indra. I wonder if she made it to her commander.”
“Hey,” he softly tilts your chin up and pecks your lips. “She’s strong, she’ll make it.”
Sighing, you rest your head on his shoulder. You listen intently as Hannah and Pike explain how Monty’s father died trying to save children who were being killed off by grounders.
“That was an ice nation,” Kane says. “Not all grounders are the same.”
“They are to me,” the words roll off Pikes tongue like poison.
You grip Bellamy's hand, holding onto him tightly. Not knowing what to say, you resume staring outside the cave, watching the army march by. Your eyes slowly flicker down to the three dead bodies laying not far from you, and a dangerous idea pops into your head.
“Bell?” You whisper.
“How much do you trust me?”
As you step onto the open field, the familiar sense of dread washes over you as you try your best to blend in with the army. You were surprised that Bellamy agreed with your idea of taking the clothes and masks of the dead men to blend in with the Azgeda army. It was probably one of the riskiest decisions you had made in a long time. Bellamy didn’t directly answer your question, but his actions led you to believe he did completely trust you.
In a low voice, he says, “If I get caught, you keep going, no matter what.”
You breathe in sharply before separating from his side to join the army. None of them glanced an eye in your direction as you slowly made your way to the opposite side of the army and into the woods. You’ve become so used to Bellamy observing you that you know it’s him walking a short distance behind you.
You finally stop when you reach a tree with blood on it and pull your mask off. “They can’t be far.”
“Over there,” Bellamy points to a bunker. “I’ll go in first; cover me.”
You check that nobody else is watching as he goes down the stairs, and once you’re sure the area is clear, you do the same. He waits for you at the bottom, saying, “We’ll check each side.”
Nodding, you start to walk in the opposite direction, but you only take a few steps before feeling cold metal pressing against your throat and a hand covering your mouth. The blade nips at your neck as Grounder forces you to walk towards Bellamy as he takes the gag out of Clarke’s mouth. Her hands are tied behind her back around a pole, preventing her from leaving.
“Untie Wanheda, and I’ll slit her throat.”
Bellamy attempts to fight the grounder, but is quickly knocked to the ground. His eyes are filled with fear as he begs, “Please, don't hurt her! Just let her go!”
“No,no!” Clarke protests. “I'll stop fighting and go with you. Please! Just don't kill them.”
You tilt your head back and bite down hard on the grounder's finger, causing him to yell loudly in pain. The last thing you remember is a sudden pain in the side of your head and hearing Clarke scream before everything goes black.
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