#silco x black oc
double-ds-daddy · 2 years
I'm in between full length writing projects and work rn which is why I haven't posted much content.
I'm working on a silco project and I just can't decide whether to make it x reader or oc. Ik everyone reads self inserts but I think I want to do something different idk
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conretewings · 2 years
Better Left Said (Vander x OC) NSF/W
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-Oh hi yes *nervous laugh* Enjoy this random and utterly self-indulgent idea. Featuring younger (early twenties) versions of Vander, Silco and Benzo in the days of building The Lanes as well as Rosemary, who works at both her family's repair business and as a singer at bars and clubs. Lots of banter and spicy flirting. EDIT: Header image by the wonderful @thefutonhermit
-Vander x OC. Alcohol and smoking. Very suggestive content. 18+ only please
"What?" asked Silco, leaning closer to Vander, "I don't remember anything about chips."
Vander pinched his brow and sighed, "No, I said 'shipments'-maybe this wasn't the best place to meet up today..."
Friday nights were always crowded and noisy at Iron Bear, one of the group's favorite taverns. The owners knew them and knew their...illicit business, but didn't care so long as they brought in more coin than trouble. Vander, Silco and Benzo had their usual corner booth, paperwork spread on the table and discreetly arranged so no prying eyes could see the contents. Trying to build a black market empire was a complicated and dangerous affair, but they knew if successful it would be a boon to the Undercity's people...and a critical step toward their ultimate goal.
Benzo cleared his throat, reached forward and ran his finger over a list of figures on one of the pages, "Everythin' looks ta be in order. Those crates of gunpowder and-"
A loud whooping and whistling interrupted him as the three young men quickly hid their papers a little more, then looked up to see the object of the hullabaloo; a woman picked through the crowd, dark chocolate curls bouncing-along with other assets-her denim jacket doing little to cover her low-cut silken green dress that caught the light and cast an almost ethereal halo around her.
Vander found himself staring, an increasingly all-too-familiar warmth blooming in his chest and time seemed to slow as he watched her, all radiant smiles and quick, graceful movements, her curves flawlessly framed by her dress. They'd been friends for a few years now, but more and more he'd been finding himself looking at her through a different lens, one that made his heartbeat kick up a notch or sometimes embarrassingly, other parts very excited.
He gaped stupidly, mouth hung slightly open and Benzo smugly grinned at his friend, who composed himself upon noticing with a growled 'shut it'.
The woman rolled her eyes playfully or laughed with various patrons as she weaved her way to their table and plopped herself next to Benzo with a dramatic exhale, threading her arms through one of his.
"Wooo! I made it!" she beamed at them, hazel eyes bright and full of mischief as she smoothly purred in a well practiced, upper-class lilt, "Hello gentlemen. What must a lady do to get a drink around here?"
"Go order one." replied Silco with a smirk, taking a swig of his own ale.
"Hey Rosemary!" Vander and Benzo greeted in unison, grinning as she stood and rounded the table to lean over and hug Silco around his shoulders from behind.
"Oh, don't be like that Silcy I've missed you lads!" she pouted with mock hurt, snorting as he twisted to glower at her and push her off.
"I told you not to call me that!" he hissed, and this time she raised her hands, "Sorry, sorry. Well now we're even for that comment a moment ago eh?"
Silco shot her a sour look but quickly smiled again and gave an affirming tip of the head. Vander waved a hand to one of the staff, who nodded and went to grab another round, then turned to her as she sat back down, working to ignore the ample bit of visible cleavage, "Haven't seen ya in what? Almost a week? What you been up to Rosie?"
"Rumor has it you been gettin' pretty popular topside." added Benzo.
Rosemary ran a hand through her hair, the bubbly energy starting to fade along with the more 'upper crust' accent she'd been using, "Really now? Well, we got two trucks 'n several smaller projects at the shop ta finish, I've got two-wait...no, bloody hell three gigs comin' up. Tellin' ya the coin is fantastic but they run me ragged sometimes."
"Speaking of, I assume you came straight here from a performance? I couldn't help but notice the dress. Very stylish." Silco cut in.
"Thank ya! Aye, this lil' jazz club along the docks," Rosemary nodded, then bit her lip, "It ain't too much is it?"
"No." all three quickly replied, Vander's face flushed red as his eyes darted away awkwardly and she couldn't hold her brief, coy grin; so she wasn't imagining things. Not being blind nor stupid, she'd been noticing more lately how his gaze would linger on her when he thought she wasn't paying attention, or how he'd react to things she said, those silver-blue eyes holding hints of things that made her core burn and coil in delicious torment. She'd be lying if she denied the thought of being with him-in one form or another-hadn't crossed her daydreams more than once. Maybe tonight she'd work up the courage to say something.
Her gaze flicked to the papers in front of them and lowered her voice, "But enough 'bout me. How's things 'ere?"
There was a pause and muttered thanks as the waiter dropped off their drinks, then Silco leaned in, a cue for them all to follow suit and cracked a wicked smile, bottle-green eyes sharp as the knife he kept on his hip, "Plans have been going splendidly. I feel it's finally safe to say we're making headway..."
-"Come ooooon boys one more round!" cried Rosemary joyfully, her face flushed and beer tankard almost sloshing onto the table as she raised it too fast.
"Oi watch it don't be wastin'-hic-good ale!" Vander huffed with a laugh and a hiccup while Silco rolled his eyes and took a more measured sip of his whiskey as the pair continued to banter.
It was a couple hours-and drinks-later and the group had hashed out a plan for the next few weeks, Rosemary volunteering as always to glean what information she could regarding the movement of goods in and out of Piltover from her more loose-lipped audience members. Business being wrapped up as much as possible for the moment, the group concluded since it was the weekend, a bit of inebriation, chatter and comradery were in order.
"Good ale?! If I wanted that I'd 'a gone somewheres else than this leaky bucket! Only reason I come 'ere is for you lot!" she snickered.
"It's not bad!" Benzo knocked back some more then licked his lips thoughtfully with a shrug, "Ah've had worse."
"Oh I see how it is!" Vander huffed, crossing his thick arms dramatically, "She's gettin' too good for us!"
"Oh Van!" she reached across Benzo and patted his shoulder, giving him a wink and a very good show of that cleavage, "You'll always be perfect for me!"
Vander paused, mouth half open with the smart rebuttal he'd had catching in his throat; something deeply sincere in her green-flecked eyes and gentle smile shot right through to his heart. There it was again, that sweetly torturous heat rising to his chest and spreading outward, and he fumbled for a response until he gave up and simply gave a short bark of a laugh and eyeroll, "Yeah yeah..."
An employee, apparently having overheard Rosemary's outburst and all too happy to oblige, appeared with four more mugs, three of the four being snatched up almost as soon as they were set down. A few moments later a man approached and Benzo did a double-take.
"Rocky! What can I do ya for mate?" he asked cheerfully.
"'Ey Benzo! Wanted to thank you for helpin' me get ahold of the thing I needed. You uh, got any more deals?"
"I might, I might. Why don't we step out for a sec? Hard to hear in here," Benzo stood, Rosemary having to scoot out to let him by, and pointed sternly at his drink as he turned to go, "This better be full when I get back!"
Vander flipped him off with a sarcastic smile and Rosemary gasped in mock disbelief, Silco raising an eyebrow and smirking before going back to the paper in front of him. Rosemary then gulped a bit of her ale, head already swimming pleasantly and body fuzzy-when she realized abruptly there was now nothing between her and Vander but air. She glanced sideways at him, he and Silco studying a couple of the pages and mumbling inaudibly between each other.
She watched him slyly, admiring his handsome face, the scruff growing into a short beard, how his eyebrows would knit together adorably whenever he was concentrating, those gorgeous steel-blue eyes she could lost in, his thick brown hair that just begged for her fingers to run through it, those lips that looked so soft and kissable, how those large hands could hold her so snugly and-shit. She felt the heat rise up her neck to her face; she really was in it.
Vander must have sensed her eyes on him, as he glanced in her direction briefly, doing a brief double-take, brow wrinkled lightly in curiosity.
Then he smiled softly, that goddamn, devilishly charming smile, and any semblance or thread of control or doubt holding her back crumbled.
"Can I help ya?" he pondered, sliding himself closer to her.
"Hmmm..." she mirrored him, moving nearer, "I can think of a few things."
"You gonna tell me 'bout them?" he teased, taking a cigarette from his pocket, lighting it and blowing a wisp skyward before turning to face her more.
Rosemary's heart skipped; that half-lidded, inviting smile gave her both pause and courage. Alright then, she mused after only a moment's hesitancy, if he wants to play this game we'll play.
Resting her chin on her fingers and head tilted upward slightly, she gracefully crossed one leg over the other so her foot was against his leg, "Oh Van...I can see right through you. You're all cool 'n suave when ya wannna be but right now you're runnin' quite hot..."
He froze for a second, not only for how her foot was gingerly rubbing against his calf, this simple contact causing more internal havoc than it had any right to, but also from the warmth and-dare he think-desire pooled in her beautiful eyes. They'd coyly 'flirted' many a time before, making a game of tossing sly double entendres and comments to each other, and he had to admit there were times, especially lately, he wouldn't have minded it going further, but abruptly faced with what he realized was her taking that leap caught him off guard.
"A-ah," Vander stammered, the alcohol coursing through his veins doing him no favors, "Am I n-now? Dunno about that. In fact seems you're the one makin' bedroom eyes at me."
She scooted herself to press right up to him now, laying a hand across his wrist and stroking a line up the stiffened muscle of his arm. It was at this moment he realized other things beginning to stiffen and he swore silently.
Finishing the brief, hushed discussion he'd been having with one of his contacts, Silco turned back around-and wrinkled his nose upon realizing they were shamelessly flirting. He grimaced briefly before going back to the paperwork he'd still been studying and resolving to ignore them. If they wanted to flirt and act like horny teens that was their business. He only prayed not to overhear anything too personal.
Forcing down her trembles, buzzed and high off the adrenaline Rosemary tilted her head , "Know what I think? I think deep down, you'd like it to be more 'n just my eyes. I think, you'd like...all of me in the bedroom..." she licked her thumb suggestively and to his continued stunned surprise, wiped a stray smudge of mud off his cheek, "Dirty man..."
His hand was clenched tightly on the table, heart pounding and he definitely had a raging boner now. He swallowed thickly, scrambling for a response that wasn't an incoherent ramble or direct confirmation of her...irritatingly spot-on comments. Another thought creeped into his lust and beer addled mind; was this just the ale talking? Part of the game? Or did she genuinely want him how, as she deduced, he secretly longed for her?
"So ya th-think ya know what's goin' on in my head eh?" he managed, hoping he didn't sound too worked up and smushing out his cigarette with shaking hands.
She winked, "You're not hidin' it too well love. At this point it's a matter of knowin'. Like how I know you're enjoyin' this. Or how you're definitely picturing what I look like under this dress..." she leaned in to purr in his ear, "And I know it'll be my name on your lips when you're strokin' yourself later-"
At this Vander suddenly stood, so fast and forcibly he bumped the table hard enough to wobble it, their drinks nearly spilling. Before anyone could ask he sputtered out, "Gotta piss sorry-" and stalked away, dodging other people and accidentally bumping some in his haste, including Benzo who tried and failed to ask what the rush was.
Benzo returned to the table and sat heavily, jerking his thumb behind him, "Anyone know what that big lug's issue is?"
Threading his fingers together, Silco cocked an eyebrow and hummed, "Perhaps Rosemary would care to give some insight..."
She, in turn, had slid down somewhat in her seat, as if she could hide from the embarrassment and her scarlet face; oh dear. Perhaps that had been too much.
"Fuck." she mumbled.
-It was a few days later, and murky greenish neon light from outside seeped through the thin curtains of Vander's room, casting a perpetual, dim glow. The numerous noises of the city drowned out the low groaning pants of it's namesake occupant, one hand thrown over his eyes as the other pumped his cock. Of all the sinful thoughts swirling in his mind, one kept snapping back into clearer focus; one particular woman straddling him, rocking her hips in rhythm with his as his hands clutched her ass, her chest, wherever he could reach. He bit his lip hard, imagining her flushed cheeks and mouth half-open as she blissfully rode his dick, moaning his name as she reached climax at the same time he did-
"R-Rosemary! Rosie...oh-!" he stuttered out, gripping the sheet and back arching as he came. He lay there, drifting down like a leaf on a gentle breeze, breath ragged but calming, absorbed in the high before he remembered what she'd said.
"...Fuck..." he grumbled.
@vander-affectionate @barbersjoy @immortalbumblebee @catgoblinchelly
@archerofthemists @prwincessqwin-blog @band--psycho
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space-blue · 2 years
1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 11
Great selection, this took me a long while to hunt down the answers! From the Fandom end of year ask.
favourite fandom you joined this year
Bit of a cheat because it's a 'sub' fandom, but I'll say Andor (star wars). Avatar is right there, yes, but it doesn't have the oomph of Andor. Avatar has a ton of missing character development, and if the world were more approchable, I'd see myself doing a lot of fix its and missing scenes. Andor is difficult on the other hand because it's so perfect. Hard to feel like I have anything to add to the fandom. But it's the one show I've been rewatching to death and having so much respect for.
favourite fic of the year 
This is basically impossible to piiiiick.
I'll mention Fathers & Daughters, even though it's my own, because you have to goddamn love a fic to spend more than a year slaving over it. And I dooo, and yes I AM working on the final chapter still, soz lol
The hottest smut I've read was Boundaries by Spiced, and well, I did nag about it when we discussed the idea, and it's a gift, but that doesn't change the fact it's the best :3 Very happy with it. It's hot by my ace standards. Basically very mindfuck focused. Fandom is Andor!
And then for multi chapter, I'm going to mention this absolutely insane and amazing FE3H complete fic To Those Who Are Never Going Home by MadameHyde. It's set after the game in an Empire win, where a lot of the Blue Lions find themselves teaching at Garrech Mach. I didn't read the tags so some reveals blew my little brain out of the water, it was amazing. Super prose, very character driven, really enjoyed it.
favourite fanart of the year
I thought this would be hard to answer, and then I realised it wouldn't be, actually, even if I'm cheating. BOTH these Maliketh fanarts have been my screen backgrounds for MONTHS. This one is on my phone and on my better Discord :
And this one is my laptop background :
They're dope and Maliketh is top pubber and I'm still obsessed with him. He's peak design and radiates blorbo energies. He's broken and I wanna fix him and pet him and--
favourite author of the year
@spicedrobot That one isn't too hard. I've read a LOT of their work this year, by vertue of doing a lot of beta swaps, and because they write some very delicious ships. They are responsible for 99% of my smut intake in 2022. Also I think it says a lot about an author that you can beta them every other day and never get tired of their unhinged content. They're just that good. (They are in a constant state of wrangling me over my terrible comma game, so they're also very patient and could have strangled me a long time ago, yet they didn't!)
favourite creator of the year
Very hard choice, especially when it's so broad and I've already struggled with the fanart one… But I'm going to go with :
@aromansoul. I just really love their art, and finding them through a shared Silco obsession was delightful. They have a very unique style, with colours that seem to float and come in and out of focus. You'll be staring at a super rendered area and it's perfect, and then you look elsewhere and realise half the drawing is just broad strokes… Absolutely tricks my mind, it's delightful. Also they have some fantastic unique designs of their own content that I think are dope.
favourite OC you met this year
Ah, finally an easy one! Meet Rain Drenched Mountain. He's @scuttlebuttin's Predator OC and he's very sweet. I love his design, his lore, and I think he has great taste. Very handsome lad and each time I see more art of him I feel like a little kid. I mean, Scuttlebuttin is a big favourite artist, and where they're not in a very very distressing blood-gore-clown period, I'm always thrilled to see what they post. Just check out their Odin fanart for the new God Of War, it's out of this world!!
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photogirl894 · 2 years
"The Flower of the Lanes"
Chapter 4
"A Jinx In the Plan"
An "Arcane" fanfic!
Pairing: Silco x fem OC, Viktor (friendship/platonic)
A/N: Good grief, I am so sorry, everyone for taking so long to get back to this fic! I had a bit of block with this one for a while and I also ended up concentrating more on my other bigger Star Wars fic, so my apologies!
There's a new player in Azaela's game of back and forth! 😜 This one will be interesting, for sure!
Taglist: @darthzero22 , @oneshot-one-kill , @ilikemymendarkandfictional , @tech-deck , @crazytookalady , @ladykatakuri
《 Chapter 3
》 Coming soon!
All chapters
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Explanation: After an alluring first encounter with the Eye of Zaun, Azaela can't seem to get him off her mind and returns to the Undercity once more...only to find herself in the company of a young, blue-haired girl instead.
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That damn Silco just would not leave her mind!
Since meeting him for the first time, Azaela found her thoughts drifted to him constantly over the following couple days. She was spacing out at the dinner table with her parents to where her mother finally asked if she was paying any attention. Naturally, her excuse was just that she was tired and having trouble focusing.
She'd also received a message from Viktor asking for her to look over some of his notes for another upcoming Hextech project, so she met with him on the bridge between the two cities, where she found him sitting on a bench. He greeted her warmly like always and she sat down beside him as he handed her his notebook. She started to glance at his notes...when the orange and black void of Silco's deformed eye came to the forefront of her mind again. His smooth voice sounded in her ear, repeating the words he had whispered into it:
"It's going to get you into trouble one day."
Why was that haunting her? The man was just so beguiling and she couldn't understand why. After all the signs she'd been given or told, she should be scared of him, but she wasn't. She was fascinated by him and she couldn't fathom why. He was just unlike anyone she'd ever seen or met. He was dangerous yet exciting, scary yet enticing, trouble yet a challenge and fierce yet charming. He was a mystery that she was more than determined to solve.
Viktor's voice saying her name broke Azaela's thoughts and her head snapped back into reality as she looked back up at him. He had a puzzled but also concerned look on his face.
"Are you okay?" he asked. "I asked you a question and you were...quite out of it."
"I--I'm sorry, I was...distracted," she responded.
"Coin for your thoughts?" he inquired.
Azaela really debated on whether or not she should tell Viktor about her recent ventures to the Undercity. More than likely, he wouldn't react well, but at the same time, he was her friend and she trusted him. It would be hard to keep something like this from him for long.
Clearing her throat, she then said to him, "I...I went back to Zaun a few days ago...and I met Silco."
Viktor closed his eyes and sighed quietly. "Why am I not surprised?" he asked rhetorically, shaking his head. Then he followed that up with, "So what happened?"
"It went all right...I think," she answered with uncertainty. "He remembered me and let me speak to him alone. I did something stupid near the end and I left after irritating him, but before that...he seemed almost intrigued. He was surprised at how open I was with my thoughts."
Viktor snickered. "Everyone is usually surprised by that," he countered.
She gave him a small, teasing sneer back. "I know you warned me against him, Vik, but I honestly didn't feel in any danger around him. He didn't want to hurt me. In fact, he gave me a replacement canister for the breathing mask and told me to keep it."
"Does he know you're from Piltover?" he asked.
"Uh...no," she admitted sheepishly. "I'm pretty certain he thinks I'm from the upper levels of Zaun...and I gave him a different name."
Viktor seemed to contemplate that briefly before saying, "Well, that won't matter because you're not going back again, right?"
Azaela averted her eyes and chuckled nervously. "Um...actually...I was hoping to go back and...maybe see him again."
"Z, that's only going to get you into more trouble," he warned.
"I know and yes, I lied to him, but if he knew my real name, then my cover would've been blown immediately and things would've gone differently."
"And how do you expect things to go when he learns the truth?"
"I...I haven't thought that far ahead."
"You never do."
That struck a nerve in her. "Viktor, I know what I'm doing," she spat.
He replied, "You don't know what you're getting yourself into."
"You didn't know what you were getting into either when you trusted Jayce and his Hextech, but that didn't stop you." she fired back. "You still took the risk, even though you didn't know him or if you could trust him."
Shaking his head, Viktor refuted, "That is not the same thing, Azaela. Jayce, I could tell was a brilliant scientist whose ideas were revolutionary to me. Silco is also a brilliant scientist whose ideas are dangerous and he is a violent criminal. The risk I took with Jayce is far different than any risk you take with Silco because they could all result in you getting hurt or worse."
"I don't doubt he's dangerous," she said, "but I get the feeling he's only dangerous when necessary. I wasn’t in fear for my life when I was in his office. There were a couple times I thought he'd be angry, at least, but he wasn't. I'm just...fascinated by him."
He groaned and put his fingertips to his forehead. "Why couldn't you have been fascinated by Hextech like me?"
Azaela snickered. "My mind works differently than yours, Viktor," she said. She glanced back down at his notes in her lap, skimming back over them. "Though not that much differently to where I can't tell you that your notes look well in order to me." She closed the book and held it out to him. "I think your next project is looking promising. Keep me informed of the progress."
Taking the notebook back begrudgingly, Viktor said back, "Only if you keep me informed of things with Silco. If there is even the slightest hint that you could be in any danger, I want to know."
"I will," she said.
After that, Viktor took up his cane, stood up from the bench, slipped his notebook into a satchel and declared, "I'd best be getting back to the lab. Jayce is expecting me Please, take care, okay?"
She nodded. "You too."
He started to walk forward, but then stopped to lay a hand on her shoulder. They exchanged smiles between good friends and then Viktor went ahead and moved along, leaving Azaela alone on the bridge.
For a moment, she watched him hobble away. One of these days, she hoped that maybe his Hextech would be able to cure his disability and he could walk again. He didn't seem to mind, but she had a feeling that it was still something he thought about in the back of his mind.
Her gaze shifted to the other side of the bridge that led to Zaun. Despite Viktor's warnings, she just couldn't help but feel drawn back to that place.
Back to Silco.
It had already been a couple of days since she'd been back and the pull was getting stronger. She wanted to see more and learn more about the Underground...and Silco, too. No amount of research or technology had ever bewitched her as much as he had.
Though, would he even want to see her again after how their first meeting had ended? He hadn't seemed too happy with her. She could always try apologizing, but would he even care?
"Well...guess there's only one way to find out," she thought to herself.
With a turn on her heel, she walked back in the direction of the Undercity.
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Even though she didn't have her cloak with her to conceal her normal attire--which she knew Viktor would be frustrated with her about--she'd at least had a mind to bring the breathing mask with her, knowing she was bound to return to Zaun eventually. She was following Silco's advice and using it as sparingly as possible so she could get acclimated to the Underground atmosphere, though it was a very difficult thing to do. The air quality was incredibly bad, it was a miracle that people lived in it.
Azaela continued winding her way down into Zaun, keeping her head low so as to avoid eye contact with any unsavory characters and to take quick breaths from the breathing mask. It amazed her how quickly the sunlight faded the further down she went, even though it was mid-afternoon. She could tell people were watching her as she walked by, but so far, no one was really paying any mind to her.
Surprisingly, she got down to the Lanes without anything happening. It seemed too easy and she even kept stopping and checking over shoulder, paranoid that maybe she was being followed, but every time she looked, there was no one that could see following her. Eventually, she came around a corner and found a small courtyard in the middle of part of the city block and saw a statue was in the process of being built out of scraps of metal. It looked almost finished, from what she could tell. It was a large man holding a pipe that had embers inside of it standing on top of what looked like a wagon in pieces. Whoever this man was, he had to have been important to Zaun to be memorialized like this. He looked intimidating, but he he had a kind face. A very curious thing. Not wanting to get in the way of the builders, she continued on her way.
"Maybe I should head to the Last Drop now...," she thought on her way out.
However, she'd only been walking a few more minutes when she heard yelling nearby and it seemed to be coming from an alley up ahead. Just as she came to the entrance of the alley, someone slammed right into her with a loud "Oof!" and they both went sprawling to the ground.
"Watch it!" she heard a younger voice say.
When Azaela looked up to see the other person getting to their feet and putting their back to her, she saw it was a young teenage girl, probably around thirteen or fourteen, with two long, blue braids running down her back, ending just below her hips. She was in a black crop top, striped purple pants cut off below the knees, loose boots and long leather gloves on her hands. There was a leather bag slung over her shoulder that was clearly filled to the brim with a few things. On her belt, she had what looked like weird metal contraptions as well as a gold pistol.
"Good luck finding me!" she jeered at the people Azaela could now see coming up the aisle. Then all of a sudden, she pulled one of the contraptions off her belt, pulled something out of it and threw it into the alley. A few seconds later, it exploded in a cloud of pink smoke.
The girl then whipped around and looked down at Azaela. "Come on, let's go!" she said, grabbing Azaela's arm and pulling her up off the ground.
Before Azaela could protest, the girl was pulling her along down a few winding streets before ducking back in another small alley. The girl shoved her into the wall and covered her mouth, shushing her. It was then Azaela realized the girl had big, bright blue doe eyes outlined in heavy black eyeliner, dark painted lips, long bangs that fell over her face as well as blue cloud tattoos along her arms and exposed sides. The two of them stayed pressed up against the wall quietly as they heard voices approaching.
"Where did she go?" one voice demanded.
"Damn it, I think we lost her!" cried another.
There was a frustrated groan. "Can't believe she got away with our stuff! We'll get her eventually."
A minute later, they heard footsteps running off. Whoever was chasing them was gone.
The girl removed her hand and stepped back, snickering and grinning to herself.
"Ha, those suckers!" she said with triumph. Then she glanced at Azaela, looked her up and down and stated, "Sorry I had to drag you along for that. Those guys were the biggest jerks."
Still taken aback by everything that had suddenly happened, Azaela stuttered out, "Uh...n--no, no problem. Why...were you running from them?"
"Oh!" The girl revealed the inside of her bag, showing a bunch of different metal parts, and giggled. "I stole all of these from them. Pretty neat, huh?"
"I suppose so," Azaela replied. "Though, it's also pretty dangerous, too."
The young girl got a mischievous look on her face as she flashed a toothy grin and stated excitedly, "I know. That's what makes it so fun!"
To Azaela, this girl was incredibly peculiar. Though, knowing where she was, she wasn't all that surprised to have come across someone who found stealing fun.
The girl looked her over, put a hand on her hip and said, "Don't think I've seen you before. What's your name?"
"Zaeli," she responded. "Who are you?"
Gesturing to herself with her thumb, the girl said back, "The name's Jinx."
"And what are you doing with all of those parts you stole, Jinx?"
"I make things with them. I'm pretty big into gadgetry and stuff like that."
"Is that so? How interesting."
Jinx gave her a grin and inquired, "You wanna come with me and see what I'm working on?"
Zaeli was a bit taken aback at such an offer from this young girl that she'd only just met. Jinx certainly seemed very open and friendly, which was a change from just about everyone else she'd seen in the Undercity, sort of apart from Silco.
"Uh...sure," she answered hesitantly. "Though, why, may I ask? You only just met me."
With a shrug, Jinx just said, "I don't know. You seem cool and you're the first person who didn't yell at me for running into them."
As she listened to Jinx's answer, Zaeli took notice of the young teen's eyes. There was a sadness in them that it seemed that she was trying to hide with her words. Zaeli figured out the meaning behind it almost right away. While she believed Jinx's answer was truthful, there was more to it.
The young girl was lonely.
Something about this realization made Zaeli suspect that Jinx probably didn't have many friends, which tugged at her heartstrings. While there was a bit of an age difference between them, it appeared as though Jinx didn't care. She just wanted some company and wanted to share her gadgetry with someone. Zaeli didn't think she could say "no" to that.
"I think you're cool, too, Jinx, and I'd love to see your projects," she told her.
Jinx's eyes lit up in response and she clapped her hands with glee. "Oh my gosh, nobody ever wants to see what I work on! This is the best day ever!"
Zaeli chuckled at Jinx's reaction, pleased that she was able to make her smile.
Jinx grabbed her by the wrist and cried out, "Come on, let's get going!" Then she proceeded to pull Zaeli along behind her excitedly.
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It didn't take terribly long before Zaeli found herself in what seemed to be an abandoned mining shaft in one of the lower parts of Zaun. Not only that, but the area Jinx led her to was one giant set of flat propellers suspended over a deep chasm, which made her incredibly nervous. Though, Jinx didn't seem to mind as her entire set up was on these propellers. She had a work station near the center and other furniture and decorations spread out on the rest. It seemed as though the girl lived here. Personally, Zaeli couldn't imagine ever living in a space like this, but then again, there were plenty in Zaun that she was sure weren't lucky enough to even have a small apartment or house. There were still many that lived on the streets or in improvised spaces like this. If Jinx seemed comfortable here, then she supposed that was all that mattered.
As they were walking in, Jinx informed her, "Just a heads up: my old man's also probably coming by here soon. Hope you don't mind."
"Not at all. I can get out of your hair before he shows up," Zaeli replied.
With a dismissive wave, Jinx said, "No, you don't need to do that!" Then she got excited again as she added, "You should stay and you can meet him!"
Zaeli chuckled. "Sure, all right."
That being said, Jinx jogged over to her work station and gestured to a large metal contraption laying on the ground that had a couple metal tubes sticking out of it.
"I'm making my own rotary cannon," she told Zaeli. "It isn't done yet, but that's what I needed the parts for."
That was definitely not what Zaeli was expecting to hear was one is Jinx's projects. "Wow...that's quite an undertaking," she commented.
"Oh, I know," she groaned. "You won't believe how long I've been working on it."
Out of curiosity, Zaeli started walking around the work station to the other side of the giant propeller, wanting to see the rest of Jinx's area, as Jinx was explaining how she was building her cannon. It was such a peculiar place with a bit of a chaotic aesthetic. Seemed to fit the young girl well.
A few seconds later, she then heard Jinx call out, "Hey, old man! You got here quicker than I thought."
"Hello, Jinx."
The voice that responded to Jinx on the other side of the propeller was one that made Zaeli freeze up. She recognized it and it was the last voice she thought she would hear there.
"Oh shit...!" she thought in a panic.
Then Jinx exclaimed, "I have a new friend I want you to meet!" Before Zaeli could protest, Jinx came around from the other side, grabbed her arm and yanked her forward excitedly. They moved around the propeller and Zaeli found herself once again face to face with Silco. He didn't have as shocked of a reaction as she expected. His eyes widened ever so slightly, but he kept a still demeanor in his face.
"Zaeli," he simply said in greeting.
She bowed her head nervously. "Silco," she replied.
Puzzled, Jinx looked between them. "What? You didn't tell me you already knew each other!" she stated.
"I didn't know he was your dad," Zaeli said in defense.
"That and we only just met a couple of days ago," Silco added.
"Well, at least we can skip the introductions, then. Those are always so awkward," droned Jinx. Then all of a sudden, her eyes went huge and she cried out, "Ooh, I need to get some drinks! Don't you guys go anywhere! Be right back!"
Before either Silco or Zaeli could say anything, Jinx darted off somewhere, they weren't sure where, leaving the two of them alone. Zaeli was unsure of what to say and just stood there, awkwardly holding her arm.
Finally, Silco broke the silence, stating "What a surprise to find you here."
"You're surprised? I just found out you have a kid and it's that blue-haired spitfire who I just came across on the street!" she said back in disbelief.
He hummed in agreement. "An apt description of Jinx," he said, looking back in the direction Jinx had run off.
Feeling as though she was now intruding, she suggested, "I can leave if you'd rather not have me here."
Turning back to her, he asked in response, "Did I give any indication that I wanted you to leave?"
"Well, no, but...this is time I'm sure you want with your daughter and our last meeting didn't exactly end on the best note, so I thought--"
"It was an unfortunate misunderstanding, one we can both leave behind us. Do you agree?"
That wasn't the response she was anticipating. She thought after how she'd left things in his office before that he wouldn't want her around, but he didn't seem to think too badly of her because of that incident. That at least brought her a sense of relief.
"I guess I do," she said back, a small hint of a smile on her face.
Silco simply nodded in return.
"Now that I know he has a kid, this would explain the chalk drawings I saw in his office," she thought in her head. Then she spoke out loud, moving back to the previous conversation, "Jinx is quite the character. Probably the most charismatic and outgoing person I've ever met."
"That, she is," he agreed.
"With her firecracker attitude, I assume she takes after her mother," she said, starting to feel more comfortable with the situation.
However, he said back to her, "There is no mother."
"Oh damn it!" she inwardly cursed, now thinking she'd messed up yet again.
Though, he went on to explain, "She isn't my daughter by birth. I found her and adopted her a few years ago."
"I see. Ugh, I'm sorry. Me and my big mouth again," she said, embarrassed once again.
"You're not the first to make that assumption," he simply assured her, seemingly unbothered.
She slightly shrugged her shoulders. "That makes me feel a bit better, I suppose."
All of a sudden, Jinx reappeared between the two of them, having dropped from somewhere above them and making them jump back. "What makes you feel better?" she questioned, handing the two of them cups of something.
Taking the cup from Jinx, Silco lightly chided her, "A conversation between two adults is not any of your business, Jinx."
The young teen scrunched her face at him and whined, "I'm almost an adult!"
Unfazed by her whining, he just took a sip and said in reply, "You still have a few years."
"Ah, whatever. You're no fun," she droned. Then she whipped around to Zaeli and asked with begging puppy eyes, "Zaeli, will you tell me?"
"Nope. Not if your dad says otherwise," she countered, not even taking a chance at going against Silco.
Jinx rolled her eyes and let her head fall back, frustrated. "Ugh, you’re supposed to be my friend!"
After taking a drink, Zaeli replied to her, "Who says I can't be both your friend and his?"
Zaeli glanced at Silco and saw he had a bit of a taken aback look on his face. She supposed he hadn't expected her to refer to him as a "friend".
Jinx bobbed her head back and forth in contemplation before rambling off, "I guess I can live with that. Though, most of my dad's friends don't like me. Then again, a lot of them aren't girls. I mean, there's Sevika, but she's a miserable troll and she definitely doesn't like me, so she doesn't count. It's nice to meet another girl who isn't incompetent."
"Jinx...!" Silco scolded her with a warning tone of voice.
Hoping to move past that little snag, Zaeli told Jinx, "I don't have a lot of girl friends either."
"Well then, you and me, Zaeli! We gotta stick together!" declared Jinx, nudging Zaeli with her shoulder.
Chuckling, Zaeli told her, "Sure thing, kid. Though, I really should go. I don't want to impose on your guys' time and I should get home."
"Oh, all right...! Promise you'll come visit me soon?" Jinx held up her pinky to Zaeli, a serious look in her face.
Zaeli hooked her pinky with Jinx's and said, "I promise."
Then she was surprised by Silco stepping forward and stating, "I'll walk you out."
Though she hadn't expected such a gentlemanly move from him, she wasn't going to refuse, so she gave him a bow of her head, waved one last time to Jinx and then walked out of Jinx's hideout with Silco in tow.
As they made their way down the tunnel back to the lift that brought them to Jinx's hideout, Zaeli commented to Silco, "I suppose I should make sure it's all right with you first if I can spend any time with Jinx."
He answered nonchalantly, "She is free to do whatever she wants as long as it doesn't interfere with my work or involve me getting her out of trouble."
"And how often does that happen?" she asked.
With a small groan, he told her, shaking his head, "More than I care to admit."
She snickered. "I would imagine."
Almost a minute later, they could see the lift up ahead and Silco said to her, "I had wondered if you would return to the Last Drop after last time."
Zaeli looked down as they walked, a nervous pit forming in her stomach. "I won't deny, I certainly thought about it," she admitted to him. "I figured I might make a better impression this time instead of coming in and immediately passing out in the doorway. I was considering going there before I ran into Jinx." As she said this, they reached the lift and she pulled the gate to it open.
"Do you still wish to?" he inquired.
She shrugged. "Maybe." Then she stepped inside the lift, but then halted when she heard him say behind her:
"Then come back to the club tonight."
Her heart pounded in her chest, threatening to burst it open at the Eye of Zaun's statement. He wanted her to come back to the Last Drop, even after last time. She supposed that maybe their last encounter hadn't really irked him as much as she thought after all. As anxious as she was, though, she had to play it cool in her response.
Turning back to face him, she smirked at him and asked in reply, "Is the infamous Eye of Zaun extending me an invitation?"
He frowned slightly. "With that attitude, I may just withdraw it."
"Oh, what a pity," she said, feigning disappointment. Then she grinned and stated, "I'll be there. Give me about four hours."
Silco folded his arms across his chest. "Three," he countered.
Zaeli raised her eyebrows challengingly. "Three and a half."
His nose turned up at her and his eyes narrowed, seemingly weighing his options as he surveyed her, before he finally responded, "Very well. Until then."
Satisfied, she closed the gate in front of her, pressed the button to activate the lift, gave a small wave to the Eye of Zaun and said, peeking at him through the bars, "See you soon, Silco."
He watched as the lift raised up until it disappeared from view with the peculiar lavender-haired woman inside. There was something about her that he still couldn't quite place. Any other time, he would've never invited a random woman he barely met to his office. He wasn't that quick to trust. Then this woman...Zaeli...something about her was different and somehow, it intrigued him. That and he couldn't deny, he was moved by how much Jinx seemed to like her, even after barely meeting her. That was definitely a contributing factor to it all.
Soon, he made it back to Jinx's room in the cavern and she was sitting cross-legged on her desk, her head propped in her hands and grinning deviously from ear to ear.
"Ooh, did you just ask Zaeli on a date?" she asked eagerly.
Supposing Jinx had followed them somehow and overheard the conversation, Silco cast her a warning look and clarified, "It is not a date, Jinx."
However, Jinx wasn't convinced and she let out a laugh. "You invited her back to the club and I assume you're both just going to be alone in your office. Sure sounds like a date to me," she teased.
"It'll just be two acquaintances having drinks and conversation. Nothing more," he told her.
She narrowed her eyes and smirked, still not buying it. "Mmm-hmm, sure, whatever you say." She pushed off of her desk, put her hand behind her back and said as she walked up to him, rocking back and forth, "She is pretty, though."
"Enough of that," he stated sternly.
Jinx simply giggled, wagged a finger at him and replied in a sing-song voice, "You didn't deny it!"
Silco rolled his eyes and was about to lecture her, but she quickly changed the subject by taking his hand, pulling her to her desk and stating that she wanted to show him her newest project. He relented easily enough and paid close attention to what she said as she went on. Jinx held a lot of influence over him that sometimes he feared it would end up being his own undoing.
He would spend a little time with Jinx and then return to the Last Drop to prepare for his rendezvous with Zaeli...which, deep down, he had to admit he was actually looking forward to.
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jane-todd-maximoff · 2 years
After dark
Silco x oc 
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 taglist: @stabmemaybe  @pinkrose1422
Chapter 4-Sharing is caring
Word count - 1757
Over the last few weeks Silco had been recovering and getting used to his new environment. Myla and him have been getting closer. They found many similarities in each other. They both have been burned before and both have nightmares.
The water, oh how it held Silco so softly in the few seconds of peace. And then he's hit with the raging of the water making its way into his lungs. Vanders hands around his throat, the burning sensation of a knife tearing through flesh. The monster he called a brother staring at him with cold emotionless eyes. 
Silco shot up with a gasp, his hand flying up to grab his face. He let out a low grumble. He would soon need another injection. But first, there was something he needed to do. Silco turned his head to look at Myla; she seemed content in her slumber. Silco slid out from under his covers and headed to the foot of his bed where he had placed his boots earlier in the night or was it yesterday? He wasn’t one-hundred percent certain what time it was. He slipped his boots and his coat on and slowly made his way to the door. He made an effort to not to wake the girl he now considered a closer friend than Vander ever was. He glanced back at Myla one last time to ensure she wasn’t awake. Now armed with the knowledge that she was still asleep he made his way out the door without another thought.
It was all in flashes. Myla Walking into the woods with her father. Her looking down and seeing the knife he held in his hand. The memory of a young white-haired boy standing by her side. The pain of the purple drug rushed into her body. Her eyes were no longer the same. She was no longer the same. The only thing she could do was feel the pain and sorrow of the small invisible world she was in. 
In her sheets, Myla thrashed around violently. She quickly opened her eyes, making the room glow, she looked to the opposite side of the  room. She couldn't see the outline of a body in the bed across from her. There was no sign of him. There was no sign of Silco. It made her wonder. Was he even real to begin with? Was she going crazy? Hell, Maybe she was like her parents after all.
Myla stepped out of bed, maybe a glass of water would calm her down. She slowly made her way to the part of the cave that acted as her makeshift living area. She sat down on one of the chairs and rested her head on the table for a moment or two. Her breath was still slightly altered due to her nightmare but she chose to ignore it.
Her head was still lying on the table almost 20 minutes later when she heard a chair being placed next to her and a box being thrown down on the table. “Myla?” Silcos voice asked. Myla shot up so fast she could see spots of black and white in her vision.
Silco sat in front of her his hair slightly falling to the side, covering his eyes. Myla found herself unconsciously reaching out and brushing it back. “Where did you go?” she asked, she knew Silco was an adult and could go out on his own but Vander was still out there. She had no idea on how the two would react to each other. She had no idea if Silco would even come back in one piece if he and Vander decided to fight out all their harsh feelings. “Had a bad dream, went out to get some cigarettes, What about you?” He questioned “Bad dreams as well.” “Do you want to talk about it?” “Do you?” she asked her tone harsher than she wanted it to be. Myla didn't want to lose it around Silco. She enjoyed his company the past few weeks. And it was no lie that Myla had grown a small crush on the boy. 
When Myla muttered a small apology under her breath, Silco had a sudden realization that Myla had always apologized whenever she had raised her voice slightly. This always made his mind turn with more questions. Silco looked at her eyes. He tried to put together all the pieces of information from the past few weeks onto why but nothing seemed to come together.
“Stop apologizing.” He stated as he reached out his arm to grab the carton of cigarettes he previously threw on the table. He slowly took out a pack and unwrapped it. “Do you smoke?” he waited a moment for Myla to answer before taking any out. “Yes,” She whispered. Silco grabbed two cigarettes and set them in between his lips. He fished out an old match book from his pocket taking one out and flicking it on the striker, lighting the cigarettes and handing one to Myla which she takes carefully trying not to burn herself. 
They stayed in silence for multiple minutes before Silco spoke up. “You know I really know nothing about you,” He says, trying to start a conversation. Myla looked him in the eyes while taking a drag out of her cigarette. “Could say the same thing about you.” “How about we make a game out of it?” Silco asked, Myla pauses before making up her mind “Okay, But we're gonna need some alcohol. Let's say if you don’t want to answer a question you drink.” Myla said getting out of her set and heading to a cabinet that Silco guests had contained alcohol. “Deal”
Myla grabbed a bottle, two glasses and an ashtray for their cigarettes. She was a bit nervous, it had been clear from the very beginning that Silco would have questions but she could never imagine he would be asking them so soon. 
“So who's going to go first?” she asked as she was screwing the cap off of the bottle and pouring the drinks “you” Silco says looking at your glass that you were practically filing to the rim. “Okay then, what is your favorite color?” You asked “really, that is what you want to know?” He questions. He smiled, Myla had a full view of his chipped teeth. Now you have the next question on the top of your mind. “Yes, I'm very interested in what your favorite color is.” you retorted back nodding your head up and down. 
“It's red.” Silco answered displeased with the question you had asked. “What is with all the magic books?” He said in a rather integrating tone. Silco remembered one of the first times he was truly left alone and got rather curious. He discovered that the “shit ton of books'' Myla had collected all had some form of magic involved. They varied between small little spells and the art of necromancy. Myla looked at him with a grin on her face, “Just a bit of light reading dear.” she opened her mouth like she was going to continue explaining but she stopped herself striking her lips together. 
Myla brought her hand to her mouth “What's with the teeth?” She said verbalizing the hand jester she was making. Silco looked at her and reached out for his glass taking a sip. It was surprisingly good. From the color and the stench alone it was far from appealing.
 Before you had a chance to comment on why Silco decided to skip out on the question He jumped to his question “What's with the eyes?” he asked with a tone of urgency. Myla rolled her eyes “straight to the point are we?” “What can I say? I'm a man of business.” 
“What do you think? Can't you see that my eyes and the drugs have a striking resemblance.” She hated her eyes, sometimes the scar on her neck too. It would serve as a constant reminder of her fathers actions for the rest of her long and lonely life. Well not entirely lonely any more but still her mind will wander from time to time.
 He replied slowly with a serious expression plastered on his face. “I'm sorry” Silco immediately said “I shouldn't have asked.'' He sounded sincere. Myla took a breath in before responding. "It was bound to come out sooner or later anyway." They sat in understandable silence for a few more minutes then any of them were comfortable with. Myla took in all her thoughts bouncing her leg up and down. She considers what would happen if she came clean to him and tells him why she took the drug and why. She had to keep reminding herself that she could trust Silco with anything and everything. they had an unspoken bond due to what they been there. 
Silco side eyed Myla carefully. He felt incredibly odd with the small bit of information he had gathered. There was a nagging feeling within his heart that yearns to reach out to Myla. To help her like she had helped him. Myla turned to him, looked him dead in the eye and grabbed his hand lifting it up to her neck, Silco had a small realization of what she was doing after his hand had brushed a large line of scar tissue. It didn't take him long to put two and two together. He's seen glimpses of Mylas scars in the past but the one on her neck had always stood out to him for a number of reasons. 
There was a form of intimacy and trust that struck Silco almost harder than the water did. He realized it all too well now. In the past few weeks every time he has been with her he would feel whole again. He had felt safe. A feeling he had been missing since Vander tried to execute him.  
Silco thought of his next moves with caution. Silco moved his thumb along the scar and slowly dipped his head down to plant a kiss on it. She shuddered “what are you doing?” she asked with a tremble in her voice. Silco looked up at her. And before he could even think he brought his hand up to Mylas face wiping away the tears that were starting to fall. “Don't cry your perfect, no matter what.” he stated the truth to her. And wished once more to know what's going on in her head. Silco took a breath in before leaning in to kiss Mylas lips.
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kssphia · 8 months
House of Cards
Chapter 2
(Silco x fem!oc)
(18+, minors do not interact)
(gore, sexual content, violence, substance abuse, prostitution, etc. DO NOT READ IF SENSITIVE)
It was never a good day when he was in this room. Another fool, another gun in his hand, and another life taken. People have their lives taken so soon. Most of the time, too soon. But he was never the one who chose this, leaving others to their own ways. They chose for themselves…
Sometimes, they just chose wrong.
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Chapter 2
“I don’t like liars,”
The sound reverberated through the room. Nothing but a distant machine whirling in the background was heard.
Taking a step back, he passed the gun back to his subordinate. Bringing his hands up to his collar, he straightened it and leaned his back, a singular strand from his hair falling into place; a messy slick back with grey streaks.
He took a deep sly, a commanding hand raising to comb the hair back into place. His other reached into his breast pocket, pulling a handkerchief out. It was light, lacy, and a notable bright white.
The gesture was simple, he simply dropped it on one of his black leather boots. He took the other foot, wiping some of the blood off with the handkerchief.
See, people don’t often see such a pure white in the Undercity. It was a sign of wealth, of power. Such a simple garment to be used so carelessly, to use something so unattainable to so many people, to wipe a man’s blood off of his shoes. It was almost wasteful.
But Silco needed to do this.
He is power, he is wealth, he is unattainable. And he’d keep it that way. No matter what, even if was as small as dropping a clean cloth to clean a dumbfuck’s blood off his damn shoe.
He glared at the dead body, anger still residing in him. Damn fool.
He scoffed, his hand reaching behind him, the gun handing limply in his pale, slender fingers.
“Bury it,” he said, his raspy accent echoing in the empty room. The gun was taken from his fingers, and two of his cronies walked a couple of feet away and toward the corpse.
Silco turned, striding towards the door. He straightened his jacket, smoothing his hair one more time. With a deep breath, he walked out of the empty room, and up some stairs.
Glancing at the guard, he kept his stride and walked through the door. The guard quickly opened it, pushing the door open. Silco entered the bar, walking out of the back hallway. The door to the basement said STAFF ONLY, with the Eye of Zaun circling it. As Silco walked out, he surveyed the customers. They breathed in shimmer, some of them. Some drunk from their cups, already high of it. Smoke filled the room, a stench of skunk joining it. He glanced over in the direction of the smoke, a thick blunt in the man's hand. He smirked.
He had an assortment of new drugs–, well, new to the public. They were cultivated from plants of a previous world. One way before the world they lived in now. One where the chemicals were different when humans had not yet discovered magic.
Flowers had always been his thing, so he figured, ‘why not?’
The drug wrapped in the leaf that the man was holding was called MJ, a sticky green flower that when ground, could relax and release a rush of dopamine. It was great for back pain, as Silco learned. Not addictive, either. Was hard to not like it.
The other one, however, was a different story. Poppies were always beautiful to him. Turns out it also can make a beautiful mind-numbing narcotic. It was good for pain, but addictive if you took it regularly. However, that was only popular in Topcity, among those righteous hypocrites.
However, it was still good that only he was able to make and sell these goods. Silco didn’t regret it, and he regrets nothing.
Silco eyes then honed in on the bar, the bartender already seeing his boss and skillfully pouring a glass of whiskey for him. Silco internally thanked the man for being competent, feeling a surge of relief for taking a chance on the boy.
It was a bad habit, taking in kids. But he didn’t just have a business or an empire. It was a family. A group that watched out for themselves, and only themselves. No one got anything for free of course, but it didn’t matter. Silco had a belief, a message. It was safety, it was having a home. He wanted to give these people something he didn’t have when he was their age.
Silco sat on the wooden stool, crossing his legs as he leaned back in the chair. Supporting himself on one arm, he reached to grab his drink, taking a sip of the fiery liquid.
It burned, warming his chest. But you couldn’t tell from his face, which was emotionless and cold. Like always…
He sighed, looking out with narrowed eyes. He carefully watched the floor, taking in the busy establishment. It was weird to think this was all his, and that he could do anything he wanted nowadays. Nobody dared to step to him, and that was always good. The only real problem nowadays was those damn Firelights and the Topsiders. But those would be dealt with.
Taking a big gulp of his drink, he turned away from the door and to the bar. He set his drink down, looking down with a thoughtful look.
A moment passed, and he tuned everything out. With a sudden silence in his mind, he sighed. It was nice to have these moments, where he didn’t have to think or worry. Just sit, and relax.
A sudden realization struck him, he looked up with a sudden sense. He turned around, noticing the silence. It wasn’t him zoning out, tuning out the loud crowd. Rather, the crowd had paused, as did the music.
“Turn my back for one second–,” he muttered, glancing around before noticing what everyone was staring at.
A bloodied girl stumbled in, landing on her hands and knees. She wore a pleated skirt, a once-white blouse, ripped knee-high socks, and black loafers.
His eyes narrowed, noticing her white outfit ruined by dirt and blood. And the amount of blood was concerning. Her inky black hair stuck to her face, wet from the rain.
His eyes squinted, zoning in on the knife in her hand. He stood quickly, motioning for his people to stand down. He took in the small girl's trembling figure. Her face was busted up, her neck was bruised, and her face was twisted in pain.
He took a couple of steps, his long legs striding towards the girl slowly.
“Whose blood is that?” He spoke, his voice being the only thing heard. Everyone exchanged eyes, curious and eager to know. The girl whimpered and rasped, “Not mine,” as she eventually fell completely flat on the floor. Silco took notice and immediately reached for the knife, yanking it from her hand and tossing it away. Turning the girl to her side, he took notice of the shiny and simple jewelry she wore.
‘Topsider,’ Silco thought to himself. The amount of blood was unbelievable and told you just how alive the person was. Too much to be from such a small woman.
His cold fingers raised to press against her brutally bruised neck. Watered-down blood met his fingers, cold and diluted from the storm.
She whimpered as he pressed into her neck, checking her pulse. The bartender, Therium, walked over also. He leaned down, waiting for Silco’s permission.
With a glance and a nod of his head, the bartender hooked his arms under the girl and pulled her up.
The cry of pain made his heart wrench a little. He may be evil, but he was never a monster. This was a woman, a young girl. She had been beaten severely, her ripped skirt and missing buttons on her blouse indicated something much darker.
He let out a breath, his eyes surveying her. Silco wasn’t sure of what to do. He needed to check for injuries but didn’t want to risk her dignity or life. It was a choice, moving her and possibly injuring her, or exposing her front half to all his high customers to see. Two choices, an impossible situation.
Suddenly, something rang true in his mind.
‘I own this place.’
Silco stood, immediately turning to the silent onlookers.
“Leave, everyone. Now.” His voice was dead silent, and nobody needed to be told twice. Therium went to move, but Silco simply halted him, waiting for everyone to leave.
Quickly, people bustled out the doors, leaving curious and drunken.
Silco lowered himself to his knees, expertly taking off his expensive overcoat and placing it next to the girl. His veined hands quickly rolled up his sleeves, the white blouse hanging loosely around his slim figure.
“Listen, girl, I’m going to take off these clothes. I will cover you after, but I need to check for injury.” His voice was gentle, rough but somehow soft. It was calming, a tone of authority, but also comfort.
The girl weakly nodded, tears running down the side of her face as her eyebrows furrowed in pain. Silco raised his hands to the top of her blouse but took notice of how she slouched further, almost like a slow flinch, into the bartender's arms. A little movement confirmed his thoughts. He started elsewhere instead, not wanting to overwhelm her.
He turned to her feet, carefully sliding the expensive leather loafers off and setting them aside. They could be cleaned, however, the socks could not. They’d need to be thrown away.
He carefully tucked his fingers under her socks, pulling them down. Her legs trembled as her wet skin was exposed to the cold air.
His fingers came up to the bottom of her blouse. His fingers quickly undid the buttons as her cries increased a little. He licked his lips, his heart racing a little. Taking a dagger from his pocket, he meticulously cut the sleeves so she wouldn’t have to move.
Therium pulled the bloodied blouse out from under her chest. Silco then analyzed her stomach and ribs, the dark bruise forming worrying him.
“I’m going to cut off your skirt, and I promise it’ll be a quick check. I’ll cover you after,” he told her, a warning to what would happen. He was a soldier, after all, and had experience in first aid. Silco found that explaining to them what they would experience was more helpful than asking or comforting them.
He quickly cut the skirt, sighing at the sight of blood. And he wasn’t sure, if the blood had soaked through or if she had been touched in such a despicable manner.
He looked over, eyes meeting her teary ones. He gulped, eyes glancing down for a second before he asked, “Did they..?”
She took a deep breath, a moment of silence as she breathed.
“They tried,” her voice was weak, but confirmed his thoughts. He took a breath in, looking back at her stomach.
He lowered his ear down to her chest, eyes looking towards her feet. He listened to her lungs, checking for any rasp or fluid. Luckily, there was none.
“Thank you Therium, that’ll be all,” Silco said, eyes glued to the girl as he took his jacket and covered her. His arms scooped under her back and knees, lifting her in his arms. He ignored her sharp cries of pain as he did, not wanting to face the guilt that came with it.
He quickly walked to the stairs and up them. Twisting and turning around corners, he finally made his way to his office. And through a door, his eyes set on his bedroom. The girl was trying to cry silently, but Silco could tell just how much pain she was in.
“Stay,” he commanded, setting her on the bed. His voice was just above a whisper, the quiet filling the room as he exited.
The girl shook, unsure of what to do. The pounding pain in her head was unbearable, and she was probably lucky to be awake, or alive.
When he walked back in, she stared at the stranger skeptically. He handed her a white pill, a glass of water in his hand.
His finger wrapped under her chin, pulling her cracked lips apart. He dropped the pill on her tongue, bringing the glass to her lips.
She was unsure of what to do, glancing at the pill with unsure eyes. But she had no choice. She opened her mouth as his pinky, ring, and middle finger wrapped under her jaw. His index and thumb carefully dropped the pill on her tongue, and she carefully took a drink of water.
It was cold and relieved the burning in her throat. She hoped that he wasn’t a bad man, but she figured he couldn’t be all that bad.
Silco then picked her up her legs, raising them as he pulled the covers from under her. The fluffy comforter and soft mattress felt like heaven. The girl felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude, but she was not out of the woods yet.
“Your name, girl,” Silco commanded as he set her legs under the covers. She swallowed weakly, the water making it easier to speak.
“Sophia Kiramman,” the girl muttered, her face relaxing as she felt the effects of the pain reliever.
However, Silco froze.
This was a shock, a total game-changer. The daughter of the Piltover Councilor, one of the most powerful families in the city. It was strange, seeing such a well-off girl in the slums of the Undercity.
“Kiramman?” Silco’s voice rang out, asking for confirmation. The girl nodded weakly.
“Alright, I will send word. Rest, for now.” Silco assured her, walking away as he turned off the lights.
The girl was left in the dark, alone and wrapped up in a stranger's coat, in his bed. She could only imagine what her mother would say…
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brainrotcharacters · 3 years
so it’s my birthday
and I fully intend to celebrate by continuing to be obsessed with silco
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leslie-red · 3 years
Leslie/Beauty would be like this...
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cassifictional · 2 years
If you're taking requests, because I truly adore how you write, could you ever do something for Sevika and her ex-girlfriend? Maybe they really haven't gotten over each other after a few years and they still bicker and get jealous over each other, maybe something nsfw happens too. If you don't like the request, feel completely free to ignore it ♡
It’s so nice to hear that you like the way I write! 💕 And a perfect way to get me to write your request lol, compliments work really well on me. I’m not sure whether you wanted an Sevika x OC fic or Sevika x reader so I’m gonna go with x reader because that’s what I’m used to writing!
Sorry if it’s not as good as my other works, it’s really hot where I live rn and my brain is a bit foggy. Also somehow I wrote 1.9k instead of the 500 words I was going for. Lucky you.
My request are semi-open, if you have any fun ideas feel free to leave me an ask and I might write something for it if I have the time and inspiration. I'm gonna assume requests are sfw unless specified otherwise!
Tags: nsfw: mdni please. mean Sevika, jealousy, angry sex, fingering (reader receiving).
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It’s one of those days again: cocktail night with all of Silco’s associates. Every once in a while, he rents out a place to invite everyone he wants to keep on his good side. A necessary evil, or so he says. On the surface it seems fun, but look a little closer and it’s all just one big, corrupt power game. If he didn’t insist you’d be there every time, you probably wouldn’t even bother to show up.
The air in the room felt thick with cigarette and cigar smoke, making you feel overwhelmed and disoriented. People surround you as you tried to locate a corner in the room where it was a little less crowded.
“Hey, having a good time? Can I get you a drink?” you suddenly hear a woman’s voice say as you noticed someone had walked up beside you. She had long, black hair, was wearing a tight blue dress and was adorned from tip to toe in fancy jewelry. Her dark brown eyes fixated on yours, she was waiting for a response from you.
Feeling flattered, you smiled and nodded at her.
“I’ll get you something nice. Save a spot at that table for me, would you?” she said flirtingly as she pointed to a table behind you. She winked at you before you watched her make her way to the bar. Like she had asked, you stood at the table and waited for her.
“She is so not your type.” you heard another voice say to your left. One a lot more familiar.
“I think I can decide that for myself, Sev.” you replied, annoyed at the sudden intrusion of the one person you really didn’t feel like chatting with tonight.
“Figures. Being decisive was never your strongest suit.” she taunted. Was she trying to pick a fight?
Sure, your breakup years ago had been messy. No, it wasn’t all her fault. Yes, you lost a good thing you had together, but you always figured you two had never really been meant to last. And yet, it seemed like as long you were in the undercity, you just couldn’t get away from her. In one way or another, you always found her again in the most random of places and situations, often resulting in bickering and petty arguments. Tonight seemed to be no different.
The woman from earlier returned with two drinks, one for herself and one for you. But when she noticed Sevika looming in the corner beside you, she seemed to hesitate.
“Oh.. I’m sorry.. am I interrupt- I think I’ll just..” she said nervously as she glanced back between you and Sevika, who was obviously scaring her off with her death stare.
“No, it’s fine, we’re not together.” you tried to diffuse, but the woman didn’t seem convinced.
“I really don’t want to intrude. Sorry..” she said before quickly making her way to the other side of the room, depriving you of the drink you were actually really looking forward to.
“Great. Thanks.” you said as you turned around and glared at Sevika. “There goes my once chance of having a nice evening. Happy now?”
“Just saving you the trouble. Like I said, she’s not your type.” she scoffed before lighting a cigarillo and blowing a few puffs of smoke your way, which you angrily fanned away.
“Like, what, maybe she’s yours? As far as I’m concerned, you don’t really have a type. It’s always been quantity over quality at the brothel with you.” you grumbled.
“Jealous?” she mocked. “I’ll talk to Babette, see if she’s hiring.”
So fucking annoying. She always knew how to get right under your skin. Eager to get some kind of revenge on her for scaring your flirt away, you considered your options. Empty her drink over her head? No, that’s uncivilized. Violence wasn’t your style either. Instead, in a move that was a whole lot more friendly, you reached your hand out and gestured for Sevika to hand you her cigarillo.
“Fuck you too. Let me have some.” you said as you angrily stared at her.
With surprisingly little hesitation, Sevika took the cigarillo out of her mouth and handed it to you, but not before making you reach for it a bit first. You took a few puffs, maintaining eye contact with her as you did. Even though you were still angry with her, you couldn’t help but feel some of your old feelings for her bubble up to the surface again as you looked at her. Things between you two had been amazing and intense while you were still together. A feeling you really missed from time to time. A feeling that made you doubt whether or not you had tried hard enough to fix it at the time. The constant bickering you went through together now didn’t motivate you to really try and patch things up, though. She was irritating, infuriating even. And yet. You wondered. What if it had worked out?
You took the cigarillo out of your mouth again, twirling it between your fingers for a second before you reached out to hand it back to Sevika again. But instead of handing it to her, you intentionally dropped it right into the drink she was holding.
"Oh. Oops."
Shocked, she dropped the glass right on the floor, shattering the thing into a million pieces and spilling liquor everywhere. And now, Sevika looked fucking furious.
“Alright, you little fucking-“ she growled, but she was cut off by Silco, who had noticed the rising tension and had made his way over to you both.
“That’s enough.” he hissed. “I told you to stay professional.”
Sevika gave him a death glare but didn’t reply, now realizing that she may have fucked up a bit. Silco pointed to a door nearby.
“Outside, now. Come back when you’ve cooled off.” he then turned to face you as well. “You too. Out.”
Not eager to challenge your boss and risk getting on his bad side, you complied and made your way over to the door. Sevika followed closely behind you, heavy footsteps revealing her anger.
“Like fucking schoolkids getting detention.” you grumbled as you pushed open the door. “You’re sure as hell as immature as one, Sev. And you’re- wait, this isn’t..”
“Move.” Sevika groaned as she pushed you forward into the room, almost knocking you over in the process. She quickly realized as well that this door didn’t lead outside.
“Side room.” she ascertained. “Not the exit. Dumbass.”
“No shit, sherlock. And cut it out with the insults.” you snapped.
“That last one was for Silco, not you.”
“For once.”
“So quit assuming everything is about you all the time.”
You sighed in frustration. It wasn’t uncommon for her to be mean to you, but tonight felt a little different from her usual verbal attacks. As if you had really struck a nerve with her.
“Why do you hate me so much?” you asked.
“I could give you a list.” she grumbled as she looked around the room for another exit, to no avail.
“I’m serious, Sev. What the hell happened?”
She sighed. “We’ve been over this. We didn’t work, end of story.”
“You used to like me.” you muttered. “I used to like you. Love you, even. Then it all went to shit and for what? Why?”
You watched Sevika as she was stood with her back towards you. Her shoulders were tense, her whole body looked stiff. The shimmer in her metal arm briefly started to kick in, but went away before it could send her into a frenzy. Then all of a sudden, she turned around and stormed towards you, only stopping when she was right in front of you. She loomed over you like a tower.
“You want me back so bad, is that it?” she hissed.
“I want to know why.” you said quietly, trying desperately to keep back your tears. “You never.. we never talked about why it went to shit. I want to understand.”
“I liked you better when you listened to me.”
“Sev, please, I just..”
She grabbed you by the jaw with her metal hand, squeezing forcefully but not hard enough to really hurt.
“Shut up. You want it to be like the ‘good old days’ again?” she growled, bringing her face close to yours.
Even though you were still angry, the urge to kiss her was greater. But once she noticed you leaning in, she moved her hand from your jaw to the back of your head to grab a fistful of your hair. She pushed you back into the now closed door behind you, effectively immobilizing your head to where her hand was.
“So fucking desperate.” she muttered under her breath as her other hand made it’s way to one of your thighs. “I remember you used to beg for it.”
“Then.. please?”
The look in her eyes still screamed fury, but behind the angry façade you could see that there was more to it. You had gotten to know her well during your time together. You could see something you didn’t quite recognize, not just yet. Lust? Jealousy? Regret?
Her grip on your hair forced you to keep eye contact with her. Without any further hesitation, Sevika moved her hand up from your thigh, straight into your underwear. Knowing there were probably people behind the door Sevika had forced you against, you struggled to keep yourself from moaning out loud.
She effortlessly found your sweet spot like she always did when you were still together. As if you had never broken up in the first place. Her movements were rough but precise, keeping you exactly where she wanted you, touching you exactly where she wanted to.
“Oh, god..” you gasped as you felt one of her fingers brush over your entrance before she roughly shoved it inside you.
“Try not to let the whole room hear you.” she sneered, pushing a second finger inside of you. “Or do. See if I care.”
“Fuck you, Sev.”
“You wish.”
“Oh, you- ah! Fuck.. fuck me.” you moaned as Sevika curled her fingers inside of you, continuing to roughly move in and out of you. Your pleas seemed to motivate her as much as they seemed to be pissing her off.
You gripped her arm tightly as she continued to fuck you against the door, surely making enough noise by now that people on the other side of it could hear something was going on. She kept her eyes on you the whole time, the look of anger mixed with unknown, messy feelings in her eyes unwavering. Maybe it had been the lack of intimacy in your life lately, maybe you had just really missed her despite all the harsh words spoken between you, but she knew exactly how you liked to be touched and she could definitely feel you were getting close. As she slowly but steadily pushed you over the edge, she moved her metal hand from the back of your head to your mouth to muffle your increasingly loud moans as you came.
You felt your legs turn to jelly but Sevika’s hand was still underneath you, keeping you upright. She briefly let you ride it out before she removed her hand from your underwear as quickly as it had found its way in. She leaned back in close you your face, your mouth still covered by her metal hand.
“Whore.” she hissed before removing her metal hand from your face.
She pushed you aside, opened the door and walked out. The door fell shut behind her. Still trying to catch your breath and compose yourself, you rested your back against the closed door again and slowly slid down onto the floor. Your eyes filled with tears as you processed what just happened. You finally got the courage to ask and she didn’t even tell you. Tell you why you ended up like this.
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Notes: angry sex, sure! But I do need to sprinkle some explicit ✨consent✨ in to feel comfortable with it. I feel like this could use a continuation. Anyone interested in that? Let me know. Poor y/n’s having a hard time.
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x-amount-verbs · 2 years
Sobering Thoughts
(A Helping Hand post-pt 23 - Silco POV)
[silco pov x f!reader/oc] [2059 words] [rated M] [tw nonconsensual drugging; no funny business] [dom silco has dirty thoughts] [respecting drunken people’s personal space]
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For a second, she seemed unexpectedly sober. The look she gave him, the flicker of understanding there, the softening of her mouth and the way her brows pulled together. Like she saw something, comprehended some deeper meaning to his simple command to drink.
Which, in a way, is accurate, if Silco thinks about it.
It’s unsettling, when she stares straight into his eyes and drinks it all in one go. He finds the back of his neck heating, even as he frowns.
She’s either very stupid or… or very trusting.
The bourbon in his glass soothes his suddenly dry throat. Trust is a gift he rarely offers— though she’s been given a fair deal more than anyone else in his organization. She saved his life, the child bonded with her: she’s earned some level of trust, loath as he is to admit it after her overfamiliarity last week. And now she’s quite forcefully offering her trust in return.
Again, he’s struck by the aggression of her weakness. Forcing her vulnerability on him, consciously this time, like she’s proving a point.
The most irritating part is— even if he isn’t quite aware what that point is, he has no doubt she’s succeeding.
“There,” she pushes the glass into his chest, eyes falling to where knuckles press into the fabric of his shirt. “Drunk.”
“…Yes, I’ve noticed,” he deadpans.
Her eyes narrow, swaying toward him slightly. “Not what I meant an’ you know it,” she mutters, knocking knuckles into his chest again, frowning.
The drug is generally gradual to set in, but he wasn’t expecting her to drink the whole glass like that. With that little stunt, she should be out of it soon, and out cold shortly after.
Her brow creases as she stares at her hand. Then, like she’s conducting some kind of experiment, two fingers uncurl from her glass, tracing the placket of his shirt. “Never see you without a waistcoat…” she mumbles, absently.
Reflexively, he grabs her wrist, pressing an iron grip at the divot above her wrist bones until she grimaces. Instinct, really, to stop the unwanted touch. His tone is flat. “You seem under the false impression that your behavior is acceptable.”
The anger that pushes her plush lower lip into a pout is, against his better judgment, endearing.
“You seem under th’ fulse assumption that you dnnn-” She presses lips closed, censoring her words to a hum as she silences herself.
Silco raises a brow, voice cold. “That I…?” Don’t seems the closest to what she was going to say. That he doesn’t what?
There’s a brief glimpse of pain on her face, some futility that’s quickly replaced by renewed anger, pushing against his hold to thud her empty cup hard against his chest again, words derisive. “Oh fuck off.”
Unacceptable. Anger flashes in his gaze as he lunges forward, pins the wrist in his grasp against the door, the glass barely avoiding breaking as it rings against the carpet. The angle allows him to bar her throat with his forearm, her prosthesis coming up to grab his bicep.
The sound of the fallen glass reverberates in the suddenly quiet room. Wide eyes blink at him in surprise.
…Surprise that shifts to fear, that turns to— something that shoots straight to his groin. Her lips parted and pupils blown out black. The little whimper doesn���t quite sound like fear. Teeth sink into her lip, the grip on his arm tightening briefly as she whines.
Gods, her noises are intoxicating. The look of her, so thoroughly entranced, at his mercy. He fears his gaze may mirror hers, breath labored through parted lips, even if he maintains a touch of contemptuous curl over chipped teeth.
Taking her up against the door, a hot mouth panting in his ear, his name in her voice as she moans.
He drops her wrist as if she’s burned him, stepping back.
Stumbling at the sudden lack of pressure, she holds the door handle for support rather than risk grabbing him again. Learning, despite her intoxication.
“Sofa,” he orders, voice low and posture stiff.
Her stare is so open, the drug lowering her self-awareness. Some combination of disoriented and stunned, an unexpected innocence in the gentle slack of her mouth.
“You…” Her voice trails away. Then, like the shock has worn off, her eyes narrow. “Are you gonna fuck me?”
Silco balks, unable to stop himself from physically recoiling. “No.”
For some reason, her response isn’t the contemptuous ‘good’ he expects, or even a rush of relief. No, instead she frowns.
“Why not?”
Why not? So many reasons why not. His brow furrows briefly. Is she offended? Why on earth is she offended that he doesn’t plan to take advantage of her? Shaking his head, he dismisses the obviously poorly considered question. It doesn’t merit a response. “Sofa.” His tone is stony. “Now.”
That angry little pout is back, eyes narrowed as she walks to the couch, wobbling as she does so. Gods, of course he’s not about to deal with her like that. For a multitude of reasons, up to and including the likelihood that she’ll pass out in the next three to eight minutes.
Her melodramatic flop down makes him increasingly aware of the outfit she chose for tonight. Not that he’d overlooked the skirt as she entered his office, it’s just… her squirming to settle more comfortably on the cushions makes every hem roll farther from where they should be, the tailored shirt that sculpts her figure exposing a few inches of midriff, the skirt and stockings riding up or pulling down respectively to reveal smooth thighs— and he forgets his thought, eyes trained on bare skin.
…He may have missed that skirt in the last week. He may have only seen it once, but hadn’t been able to purge the promise of it from his mind.
Silco looks away, shaking his head. He simply can’t deal with her at the moment.
The snicker pulls his attention back.
Her smirk looks disbelieving. “You want to.”
Carefully, he examines her face. The delight dawning there, the overconfident grin, the too-bright unfocused look in her eyes, face flushed.
“You wannn to,” she accuses again. Arching her back makes a lovely silhouette, a soft hum in her throat as she drags her prosthetic hand down her front, and all his eyes can do is follow. Ceramic skims across soft skin of her midriff and the gentle noise she makes pulls his attention back to her face— eyes half-lidded somewhere between lusty and drowsy. Hopefully the latter.
“You’re embarrassing yourself,” he points out, gruffly, turning his back to walk to his desk, now that she seems settled out of the way.
“Hmmmm.” The guttural hum is far more seductive than it should be. “Mhm.” She nods absently, once again squirming against the sofa as her eyelids flag. “An’ what’re you gonna do ‘bout it?”
Absolutely nothing, at the moment.
The thought is irritable. His hands are metaphorically tied as he sits in his desk chair and glares. She’s too— important to him.
He likes— her too much.
…She’s an important piece of his experimental ventures.
He simply shakes his head, attempting to turn his attention back to work. She’ll be out soon, hopefully. Already her limbs appear too heavy to do more than roll over.
“…You gon’ pun’shhh me?” she asks, drug slurring her words and taking all the bite out of her taunts.
Silco raises his eyes to her. Her blinks are slow. Getting more and more tired.
Cool, dry words. “Yes, actually.”
Her little laugh is muffled, hand too heavy to do more than loosely wave. “What’re you gon’ do. Talk a’ mee? Say meeeanthins. Yer so mean…” Her taunt slides into a whine, the pout on her lips exaggerated.
He lets out a sleepy breath. She’ll be out soon. He doesn’t have to witness her humiliation much longer.
“Or ar you g’na spank mee?” She snorts. Pauses. Huffs a laugh again, cheek pressed to a cushion and eyes closing.
When he’d first brought up corporal punishment, it had been a dark joke, playing on her ignorance more than any intention. The longer they worked together, the more her— her tendencies made themselves known, the more he thought such a thing wouldn’t be out of the question, if she seemed receptive to that particular brand of discipline. And in the last few days the prospect has certainly appealed, to demonstrate how brats receive their consequences.
And she has been quite the brat the last few days. One might suspect she was trying to get his attention.
His lips form a grim smile: undoubtedly trying to get his attention, tonight.
And she certainly has it. His undivided attention, after that taunt. He examines her, sleepy form sprawled across his sofa, hair a mess across the cushions and limbs akimbo, offering a very tempting view up her skirt, if he were so inclined. (Which, admittedly, he is, though it seems in bad taste to do so while she’s unconscious— or soon to be. It’s just a flash of inner thigh, really, as much as his fingers itch to slide across that bare flesh.)
Her face is settling, drug easily calming her down for the oncoming dreamless sleep. That’s its purpose, after all: a sedative draught most often provided to the anxious or distraught in need of rest. Something that will keep her from making a fool of herself in public, and give her body the rest she clearly hasn’t been taking, if talk from Wren and Sevika are anything to go on.
He told her before, didn’t he? At some point, grit becomes willful ignorance, self-destructive— he should know. How many days had he lost to overworking himself, burning out, failing to delegate and ending up stretched too thin and scattered? Only important tasks get his full attention these days.
She just happens to be one of them.
His silence is full of thought, before he gives in to impulse. She’s drunk, drugged, and drowsy: honest and forgetful.
One pale eye narrows. “…Is that what you want?” Smoothly, he puts the question to her, more intent on her answer than he’d like to appear.
“Hmmm?” It’s like she’s already forgotten the question. The gentle undulation of her body as she stretches out makes him want to pin her down and slide his tongue up her neck.
He clears his throat, pushing the thought away. So much for her absence cooling his unhelpful obsession.
“Is that what you want,” he repeats, tone wry. It’s far from dirty talk, instead half-mocking. “To be spanked?”
A short scoff. “Hm. Hnnnmmm.” It’s not a clear answer. Quite literal hemming and hawing, eyes closed and half asleep as she squirms against the sofa. Yet her heated drunken blush darkens, pink tipping her ears and staining her cheeks and neck flushed, teeth sinking into her lip. From noncommittal her tone turns almost wistful, a whine that becomes a sigh, and half a minute later Silco is sure he’s losing her to the drug.
Sure enough, her excellent sounds soon lapse into silence, just even breathing.
And here he thought a lecture and a hint of private humiliation may serve as punishment. This certainly changes the prospective activities of tomorrow’s inevitable meeting.
Breath slow and steady, he carefully sets aside all thoughts of warming her backside with his palm, kneading soft flesh and thumbing the heat between her legs. A dangerous precedent, if he starts there.
This entire endeavor is dangerous precedent.
Again, he watches her sleep, lips loose and undoubtedly due to drool on the pillow she’s got her face pressed into, eventually. With an exasperated sigh, Silco rolls his eyes. He should get her home before she starts snoring and interrupts his work.
Tomorrow. Tomorrow, when she’s sober, they can discuss her unacceptable behavior. A list of sins, and he intends to make her repent. Not bare-handed, though; best to keep distance. He’ll find some alternative.
Paper is smoothed beneath his hand as he writes out a clear message. To encourage cooperation, he hands it to Lock with instructions to leave it somewhere obvious, and retrieve those items he generously gifted her. Come morning, he expects a girl chastened, ready to atone. Tonight, he sends her away, a sheet-wrapped body slung over his henchman’s shoulder.
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[I couldn’t just not say what happened, I mean c’mon. I’m a sucker XD Besides, I needed to know what was said. For uh… reasons.
If you want to know those reasons, perhaps check out A Helping Hand if you haven’t, since 24-26 are sure to get… interesting. The fic starts here, and can also be found on ao3. The rest of Silco’s POVs can also be found in a series on ao3, or on my unofficial masterlist.
If you liked, please boost the post and maybe even drop some tags or comments to feed my brain and get me writing. The faster I finish 28 the sooner I can post 25! If you want to be notified of future Helping Hand content, join the tag list by commenting on this linked post.
Wonder where this will lead, huh? 😘 -verbs]
Tag list: @hawk4president @mello-jello29 @jennrosefx @dad-dumpster @ellhd-imagination @zuckerwattencupcake @meep-moop-mystic @of-the-argonath @ariaud @witxhy-lexx @mazikomo @leave-me-alone-doctor @antoine-tte @emprixnix @imalovernotahater @eriseffigy @leorioaki @artificialwords @hehicular-hanslaughter-lecter @ironandglass @ughhhh177 @faraige @ilikemymendarkandfictional @jennithejester @insult-2-injury @iz-zy5 @rinadragomir @queenofspades6 @cuddlejeongin @differentladynerd @alternativeforensicscientist @leo-the-undead
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alyhorse6 · 2 years
Alyhorse6′s Menu
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The Word Brewery
~ “What’s This Feeling?” | pt. 2 ~ Clementine
~ “Good Boy” ~ Albert Wesker
~ “I’ll See You Sunday” ~ Albert Wesker
List of Syrups
Ellie Williams (tlou)
Dina (tlou)
Abby Anderson (tlou)
Vi (Arcane)
Jinx (Arcane)
Caitlyn Kiramman (Arcane)
Sevika (Arcane)
Mel Medarda (Arcane)
Clementine (twdg)
Violet (twdg)
May Grant (911)
Hermione Granger (Harry Potter)
Ginny Weasley (Harry Potter)
Lana Winters (ahs)
Violet Harmon (ahs)
Misty Day (ahs)
Zoe Benson (ahs)
Cordelia Goode (ahs)
Maria Salazar (Deadly Class)
Saya Kuroki (Deadly Class)
Petra (Deadly Class)
Chloe Price (lis)
Max Caulfield (lis)
Snow White (twau)
Holly (twau)
Jill Valentine (RE)
Claire Redfield (RE)
Ada Wong (RE)
Kate Laswell (COD)
Lara Croft (Tomb Raider)
Joel Miller (tlou)
Jesse (tlou)
Jayce Talis (Arcane)
Viktor (Arcane)
Ekko (Arcane)
Silco (Arcane)
Lee Everette (twdg)
Louis (twdg)
Javi Garcia (twdg)
Luke (twdg)
Buck (911)
Eddie (911)
Harry Potter (Harry Potter)
Ron Weasley (Harry Potter)
Draco Malfoy (Harry Potter)
Mattheo Riddle (Harry Potter)
Sirius Black (Marauders)
Remus Lupin (Marauders)
James Potter (Marauders)
Peter Pettigrew (Marauders)
Tom Riddle (Marauders)
Tate Langdon (ahs)
Kit Walker (ahs)
Michael Langdon (ahs)
Marcus Lopez (Deadly Class)
Billy Bennett (Deadly Class)
Lex Miller (Deadly Class)
Wil Wheaton (any character)
River Phoenix (any character)
Bigby Wolf (twau)
Leon S. Kennedy (RE)
Chris Redfield (RE)
Carlos Oliveira (RE)
Albert Wesker (RE)
Simon “Ghost” Riley (COD)
Johnny “Soap” MacTavish (COD)
John Price (COD)
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick (COD)
Alejandro Vargas (COD)
Rodolfo Parra (COD)
Shop DOs
I WILL write for any ship from the fandoms above, except for the ones I list in the things I won’t write.
I WILL write smut, smutty things I won’t write listed in the things I won’t write.
I WILL write angst minus the things I have listed… once again in the things I won’t write.
I WILL write x reader stories.
I WILL write for my OCs if you happen to take *that* much interest in them.
Shop DON’Ts
I WILL NOT write for Jilco, Caitjay, Vijay, Jakko, Javi x Clem, or Luke x Clem. Keep in mind that this is all romanticly, if you request these ships platonically then I am happy to write it.
I WILL NOT write incest, age-play, non-con/dubcon/rape-play
I WILL NOT write angst involving suicide
I WILL NOT write anything involving homophobia, transphobia, or racism.
Coffee Shop Rules
If you request something and don’t see it, it either did not meet my criteria or I just haven’t gotten to it yet (please have patience, I’m a “busy” person because of horses💀)
Before reading please pay attention to warnings above posts, it saves you, me, and everyone else a whole lot of trouble.
When it comes to smut, MDNI and Ageless blogs dni.
Please respect when I announce that requests are/are not open. It’ll probably be a while before my request box gets backed up seeing as I have like three total followers, but it’s still a rule for the future.
No hate comments targeted towards me or anyone else.
Writing is a big passion of mine and I would love to write requests for any of you! If you listen to everything above then we can all get along and everything will remain easy and smooth sailing!
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photogirl894 · 2 years
"The Flower of the Lanes"
Chapter 3
"The Eye of Zaun"
An "Arcane" fanfic!
Pairing: Silco x fem OC, Viktor (friendship/platonic)
A/N: I don't think azaelas actually exist in the world of Arcane, but for the sake of this fanfiction, I'm going to say they do 😅😝 You'll see why I say this in this chapter!
As usual, lots of dialogue! My specialty 😁
Taglist: @darthzero22 , @oneshot-one-kill , @ilikemymendarkandfictional , @tech-deck , @crazytookalady , @ladykatakuri
《 Chapter 2
》 Chapter 4
All chapters
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Explanation: Azaela officially comes face to face with Silco. Will their meeting go well or will it end in disaster?
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It took Azaela a moment to fully realize that she was now in a room alone with Silco, the man who had saved her life. She was stunned that she was actually in what she assumed was his office. There was a large green window just behind him that brought light into the room from the neon sign just outside. He was once again dressed in the fine red and black formal attire she had seen him wear the first time that she could now see in the light was more form-fitting on his thin frame than she had thought. He also had a cream-colored tie on his neck.
In the light, she could see Silco's face more clearly than before. His right eye was a crystalline blue that was a stark contrast to his orange one. Now that she could see better, she realized she had been right: there was no white to his orange eye at all. Surrounding the iris was nothing but black. There was also indeed some dark facial scarring on the left side of his face around his eye. The way he was staring at her was a mix of irritation and also interest, as if trying to discern her reason for being there. It was both unnerving and riveting all at once.
He then proceeded to ask her, seeing as she didn't answer his first question, "I gather you're not from the Lanes, are you?"
His question brought her back to reality and her headache was ignored in the moment. Viktor had warned her that Silco hated Piltover, so how was she supposed to answer that without outright saying she was from Piltover? She couldn’t let him suspect anything.
"No...I'm actually from further up," she answered, hoping that answer was enough to deter him.
Silco took a drag from his cigar, blew out the smoke and replied, "That explains a lot."
Azaela felt inwardly relieved. It seemed her answer was enough.
He went on, leaning further back in his chair, "You must also not get out much since you are clearly an adult woman, but you're not accustomed to the air here."
She snickered nervously. "You got me there," she said. Perhaps he did believe she was from another part of the Undercity. "To answer your initial question, I did listen your advice. I had your mask with me...but it was damaged on my way over here. It's in my bag."
He raised an eyebrow skeptically.
Azaela looked down to her bag lying on the ground by her feet. She held up her hands defensively and said as she slowly bent over to grab her bag, "I can show you."
She took hold of her bag and opened it up, letting him see the inside. Silco stood up from his chair, setting his cigar down on an ashtray, and he walked over towards her. He was a tall man and the way he towered over her sitting on the couch was quite intimidating, his very presence making her feel even smaller. He stopped just a foot in front of her, peering down at her with his sharp nose turned slightly upward. Then she reached in and pulled out the damaged mask, turning it over so he could see the broken air canister.
He let out a light hum, seeing she was being truthful, and droned out, "How unfortunate."
"My apologies for this. I know it was yours," she said.
"It's no matter," he replied dismissively, walking back to his desk.
As he turned away from her and took back up his cigar, Azaela put the mask down beside her on the couch and then stole a look around his office now that she was more alert and aware. She noticed the muffled booming of the music from the club down below. The walls of the room were a dark color and there were curtains hanging by the door to the office. There was a smaller table right in front of her and a music player in the corner closest to her. On the wall behind the sofa was a large, beautiful painting of a tree on a hill in front of a bright blue sky, a rather unique painting for someone like him. More than likely just another display of his wealth. There was a wardrobe in the opposite corner of the room close to his desk made of fine wood similar to his desk and the counter by the window. The one detail on his desk that made her a bit apprehensive was the knife that had been driven into it at the tip. That was definitely a display of power more than anything else. She wondered if that was the same knife Silco had used to kill one of her assailants.
What got her the most about his office was that on the walls, there were signs of chalk drawings in different colors. They seemed random and hastily drawn. That didn't seem like something a kingpin would choose as decoration. She noticed similar details on the ashtray sitting on his desk. What was that all about?
The drawings almost seemed like something a kid would do, which was unexpected.
Then she spoke aloud, her nervousness dying away, "I'm surprised I'm actually here. I had heard it would be next to impossible to get any sort of an audience with you."
Silco lifted his cigar, resting his elbow on his arm, and gazed out the window. "You were lucky," he told her. "Not anyone can just walk in here and request to see me. My guard, Sevika, wanted to throw you out, but since you'd come in asking for me, she checked with me first."
"So what made me an exception?" she inquired.
"I recognized you from the other day," he answered. His disfigured orange eye looked over his shoulder at her. "It's not easy to forget someone with lavender hair like yours."
For some reason, that comment made her throat tighten just a bit and she responded in kind, "Well, it's not easy to forget a glowing orange eye like yours either."
He hummed once again, staring at her for a second before taking out a lighter and re-igniting his cigar, putting it back between his lips.
"How long have I been in here?" was Azaela's next question.
The Eye of Zaun released a cloud of smoke at the window with a slow, elongated breath. "Twenty minutes," he said. "I thought it would be better for you to wake up naturally, given the condition you were in. Better to let the toxins filter themselves out of your system." Then he turned and faced her, leaning his hip ever so slightly atop his desk, and gestured at her with his cigar as he added, "I also had a feeling you weren't from the Lanes given how you're dressed beneath your cloak."
On instinct, she scoffed and said back, "Look who's talking. With the fine livery you're wearing, I also wouldn't have pegged you from the Lanes."
Then Azaela froze up, realizing what she had just said. Her lack of filter and tendency to speak whatever was on her mind amongst others in Piltover was one thing, but she was now in the presence of a dangerous chembaron of Zaun. Her speaking so bluntly about him in his presence could result in horrible consequences and she almost regretted her words immediately.
However, to her surprise, Silco grinned slightly and a quiet snicker sounded within his chest. "You make a fair point," he stated in reply.
Once again, she was hit with relief. She didn't get herself into trouble with her comments. This time, anyway. Maybe he was okay with that. She'd have to carefully test that.
He took another drag of his cigar and then questioned after releasing the smoke, "Why are you here?"
With a quiet deep breath, she told him, "I wanted to thank you in person for coming to my aid the other day. You had disappeared before I could."
His eyebrows furrowed and his good eye squinted at her in confusion and it was only then she realized that his marred eye lacked an eyelid.
"You really are a strange one," he remarked, puzzled. "No one thanks anyone for anything here."
She just shrugged indifferently. "I've always known I'm strange. It's nothing new."
He continued to stare at her, tilting his head as if trying to read her and glean any information by just looking at her. His gaze was so intense, she almost felt like an animal trapped by a hungry predator. One sudden movement from her and he would lunge in for the kill.
Finally, he asked a question that made her blood run chill with fear:
"What is your name?"
Even though she kept a calm exterior, Azaela was panicking on the inside. She didn't know how to answer. Her real name would be a dead giveaway that she was from the Topside. Azaelas were flowers only grown in Piltover; hardly any plant life existed in Zaun as it was, save the couple kinds that were specially grown in the few greenhouses there were in the upper levels, but even then, none of them had azaelas. Her cover as a Zaunite would be blown immediately because no one in Zaun would name their child after a plant that didn't grow there. No, she had to think of an alternate name, one befitting a woman from the Undercity.
What name could she pull from "Azaela"?
For a second, she almost said "Z", thinking of Viktor's nickname for her, but then shut that down right away in her mind. Silco wouldn't buy that as a real name for a second and would discern she was hiding something. Even in the few minutes they'd been talking, she could tell he was extremely intelligent, despite the fact she was easily fooling him with her act.
"Come on, think! Azaela...Z...Zaela, Zae, Zeela, Zelli, Zaeli...yes!"
Straightening up, she answered, "Zaeli. My name is Zaeli."
Yeah...that name on her tongue felt right, for some reason. It seemed like a good, strong name for someone like her, even if it was just a cover name. She even swore in that moment she saw the corner of Silco's lips twitch ever so slightly upward at hearing her name.
Then he placed a hand on his chest and simply said, "Silco."
"I know," she replied as a matter of factly.
"Even so, it doesn't mean I can't be decent and introduce myself properly," he said back.
Once again, there he was contradicting everything she'd been told. If he was supposed to be a vile crime lord and drug dealer, why had he been behaving like a gentleman just then?
"Thank you, Silco," she then said with a small thankful smile and it struck her in that moment that she had addressed him by name for the first time. Something about it felt good...but why?
Silco just gave her a civil nod in return, wordlessly accepting her thanks.
It was then she had to follow up with the question that had been on her mind since the incident: "Why did you save me?"
His eyes briefly flitted downwards before he straightened up and moved to sit back in his chair.
Azaela, now having to think of herself as "Zaeli", added "From what I've been told about you, your actions didn't exactly fit your profile."
He sat down, lounging rather casually across his chair behind his desk, and asked curiously with a flourish of his cigar, "And what exactly have you been told about me?"
Something about the way he asked the question told her that he already knew the answer. As a man with power or well on his way to power, she figured he was certainly no stranger to gossip or hearing things being said about him. She almost had an inkling that he maybe enjoyed it.
If there was a time for her to actually be honest, it was now.
She explained, "Well, you're the rising leader of the chembarons, which means you have some form of wealth, power and status...and I've also been told you're dangerous."
"Yet you came here all the same," he said back.
For once, she didn't know what to say back.
Seemingly satisfied, he looked back towards the window and clarified, "Those reports are accurate."
"Then why did you help me?" she asked.
"You caught me in a good mood that day," he said.
Zaeli couldn't help but sulk slightly. That was exactly what Viktor had said.
"That and I had noticed you before," he went on, returning his attention to her. "As I mentioned, I saw your hair and noticed your condition, which made me curious. Then I heard your screams, followed those men into the alley...and decided that their violence was not needed. I only condone such things when it is necessary."
"A fascinating explanation," she thought to herself. Though, she actually voiced aloud, "You say I'm strange...yet you're a dangerous drug lord that everyone fears who took the time to help a defenseless woman you don't even know. Bit of a contradiction, if you ask me."
Silco frowned at her statement and she yet again started to regret speaking so freely whatever came to her mind.
"You don't think much before you speak, do you?" he asked, sounding unamused.
"Not always. It's a bad habit of mine, I'll admit," she stated.
He sat up and rested his elbow on his desk, still keeping his eyes focused on her. "Hardly anyone would dare to speak to me so openly outside of those in my employ...and even they know better."
She wondered if she had really irritated him with her comment, so she averted her gaze down to her hands in her lap. "I apologize if I overstepped."
Then he surprised her yet again by saying, "There is no need. I find it...intriguing."
Right then, she heard the chair creak and when she looked up, he was walking back her way. Then he came in front of her and sat himself down on the table before her, his knees nearly touching hers as he sat. There was a bit of a devious look on his face, like he knew what he said would shock her and he was eating up her reaction.
With a smirk, he then commented, "You're certainly braver than most."
She scoffed. "I think others would use the word 'foolish'," she responded.
Silco put his cigar back in his mouth, inhaled and then, to amaze her even more, he opened his mouth and carefully released the smoke out through his lips to form a ring which he blew right in her direction. It dissipated right around her face and the overpowering aroma of sweet and spicy cigar smoke consumed her senses.
Then he leaned forward, bringing his elbows to rest on his knees and asked in a quieter voice, like they were sharing secrets, "Tell me then...which word would you choose, Zaeli?"
For a split second, Zaeli was almost stunned to hear him use her fake name. Something about his deep tenor voice that flowed like melted chocolate calling her by the name she'd given made her breath hitch. It was like he'd cast a spell on her and rendered her speechless.
"What the hell?" she thought, confused.
When she broke herself out of her stupor a few seconds later, she answered him, maintaining eye contact with him, "I've...yet to decide."
His lips twitched up yet again and he lightly snickered again, pleased with her response. Then he sat back up and the businessman part of him came back through as he informed her, "For saving your life, I require a future favor from you in return."
She wasn't sure she liked the sound of that. "What sort of favor?" she asked him.
"At the moment, that remains to be seen. I will inform you when I make a decision," he said back.
Deep down, she couldn't help but feel nervous about this, but there was no escaping it now, so she just accepted it and said, "All right, then."
There was a moment of silence between them where neither of them moved nor spoke. Zaeli stole another look around the office, though she could still feel Silco's eyes watching her. It felt like standing in front of a fire where she could feel the heat of his gaze on her skin. There was that sensation of danger yet again that would make any normal person want to run, but she wasn't normal. She'd always known that. Though, why she wanted to continue sitting there with the most feared man in the Undercity was beyond her.
His brow furrowed. "Anything else?" he asked, wondering why she was still just sitting there.
Sensing the moment was getting awkward now, she replied, "No. Though, I don't know how I'm going to get back home." Then she gestured to the broken breathing mask next to her.
He too stole a look at the mask before picking it up with his free hand and standing up. She watched him go over to his desk, open up a drawer and pull out a small canister like the one in the mask and setting it down. He proceeded to remove the damaged one and replaced it with the new one before walking back to her and holding the breathing mask out to her without a word.
Realizing what he was inferring, she stood up herself and protested, "No, this is your mask. I shouldn't."
He countered back, "I carry it with me, but I really have no use for it. Take it."
It still astonished her how generous he was being and she timidly took the mask from him, still feeling like she shouldn't be taking it.
Then he instructed, "Use it as sparingly as you can until you acclimate to the atmosphere down here in the Lanes."
Something about those instructions made her wonder if he still believed she was from the upper parts of Zaun. Though, it didn't really matter. He was still being helpful nonetheless.
With another small smile, she said to him, "Thank you."
Those were two words Silco hardly ever heard anywhere and yet he'd just heard it from this woman twice. She was a curious one and he couldn't quite determine if he was intrigued by her or weirded out by her.
His eyes then narrowed at her, like he was analyzing something.
"What?" she asked.
"The blue flecks on your face...I've only ever seen such a style of makeup from Piltie women," he pointed out.
Slight panic set in again as she had to come up with an excuse as to why she was wearing a Piltover makeup trend on her face. "I happened to see some women from the Topside with this makeup and I liked it, so I just copied it. It's not uncommon for people here to take inspiration from Piltover fashion," she replied, which really wasn't actually that far from the truth. The words kept going before she could stop herself as she went on to say, "I mean, look at yourself. The suit you're wearing and the cigars you smoke are no different, are they not?"
"You somehow keep managing to turn the conversation back on me," he pointed out, his eyebrows raised.
"I'm simply pointing out the flaws in your logic," she said.
"Shit! Why did I say that?" she chided herself in her head.
"Flaws?" he repeated.
Realizing she had dug this hole she was in and there was no getting away from it now, she just kept her composure and simply answered, "Yes, flaws."
He took this as a challenge and, with an inviting twirl of his hand, said in a husky voice, "Enlighten me."
Zaeli chose to oblige, hoping she wasn't about to become familiar with the knife on his desk, and told him exactly what she was thinking: "What you find peculiar about me also applies just as much to you. Wouldn't you say that makes you a bit of a hypocrite?"
She braced herself for a negative reaction from him, but it didn't come.
Instead, he gave her a curious look and said back, taking a step closer to her, "First, you say I'm a contradiction and then a hypocrite. I can't help but think you're trying to get on my bad side."
Not about to back down now, she replied, "I'm just speaking my mind. It's what I do."
"Clearly." He then leaned forward down to where his mouth hovered right by her ear and whispered in a tone that sent a shiver down her spine, "It's going to get you into trouble one day."
In the moment, she couldn't say whether the sensation running through her was good or bad. She was simultaneously intimidated and moved by his words. What was this power he seemed to have over her? What was he trying to do? Scare her or excite her?
As he straightened back up, she just replied, "It wouldn't be the first time."
Silco said nothing back and just resumed staring at her, a fascinated look in his eyes like she was a puzzle he was trying so hard to solve. Something in his eyes just made her lose all sense of logical thinking. They were a multicolored abyss of blue, white, orange and black that she could drown in. There it was again: that sense of being bewitched by his gaze and presence alone.
Who. Was. This. Man?
Suddenly, Zaeli found herself absent-mindedly reaching a hand up to his face as she took in the dark scarring around his eye and she felt a twinge of pity for him. Though, as she realized she was doing this and before she could pull back, Silco swiftly caught her by the wrist, his face now twisting with displeasure.
His voice was cold as he then stated, "You assume too much, girl." Then he moved her hand away, dropping it at her side.
Thoroughly embarrassed, she looked down and said, "I'm sorry. I don't know why I did that. I should go." Then without waiting, she picked up her bag and hurriedly made her way to the door of the office.
Though, as she grasped the handle, she heard him call to her behind her, "Tell Sevika at the bar I wish to speak to her."
"Okay." She stole a look back and saw he was facing the window again, his back to her. "Thank you again, Silco," she told him, a hint of regret in her voice. Then with that, she opened the door and exited the office.
The loud, boisterous music filled her ears as she descended the stairs back down into the club. As she reached the floor, she caught sight of a fearsome, muscular woman with dark skin and black hair standing behind the bar.
"Are you Sevika?" she asked as loudly as she could over the music.
"Yeah, what's it to you?" she asked back, annoyed.
Ignoring that, Azaela told her, pointing up above them, "He wants to speak to you. And thanks for not throwing me out." Right after that, she pulled up her hood and walked away without letting Sevika reply. She pushed through the door and then took the breathing mask out of her bag, taking in a heavy breath from the filtered air as she stepped outside and briskly walked away from the Last Drop.
"Oh damn, what have I done?" she lamented in her mind as she walked. "He has no idea I'm from Piltover, I lied to him about my name and I said so many things I'm lucky he didn't kill me for! He didn't seem to mind up until I tried to touch his face. Why did I do that? I'm such an idiot!"
Then she stopped and had an urge to look back. She did so and took one last glance at the Last Drop, specifically the neon eye and then her eyes drifted to Silco's office window. She couldn't see anything through it because of the stained glass, but she had a feeling he was still standing by that window, observing the streets below.
"I want to come back," she thought. "I know I shouldn't...but this place and Silco are far too interesting to pass up. I'll definitely come back soon."
With that last thought in mind, Azaela turned on her heel and made her way out of the Lanes and back to Piltover.
Meanwhile, back in Silco's office, Sevika walked in and found him standing by his window with a cigar in hand. Nothing out of the ordinary.
Closing the door behind her, she asked, "What is it, boss?"
Silco breathed out another drag of smoke as he watched the hooded woman leave his club. Without turning around, he declared to his righthand woman, "I have a strong impression that this won't be the last we see of that purple-haired young woman. She was peculiar...and curious at that. A bit too curious for her own good. I want to be informed the next time she comes here."
Puzzled, she inquired, "Who was she?"
He answered simply, "Someone now in my debt."
Sevika voiced her compliance and, with no other words, left the room, leaving her boss alone.
Silco kept his eyes on the lavender-haired woman as she kept going and suddenly, she stopped and turned around. Was she coming back? No...she just stared at the building up in his direction. He doubted she could see him, but it almost felt like she could with how long she stood there. Then finally, she resumed walking away.
"Zaeli...," he said out loud to himself, her name almost sweet like fruit on his tongue.
She was...an enigma to him. She vexed him in ways he didn't understand and that almost irritated him more. The woman knew who he was yet she said things that he would've had anyone else thrown out or worse for. It shocked him that she was so open about her thoughts. Some of the things she said, not even Sevika would've said in his presence, at least not without a harsh reprimand in return. Not only that, but it was the way she looked at him...with determination, curiosity, interest and, for a brief moment, pity. In her eyes that shared the same unique purple color as her hair, there had been no fear.
It was perhaps the first time in forever that someone didn't look at him like he was a monster.
Not that he wasn't one. He knew he was and normally, he preyed on the fear of others. He wanted people to fear him, especially people from the Topside. He wanted them to see him as an example of what Zaun was capable of. Then maybe someday, they would give the Undercity the respect they deserved.
Yet...Zaeli was the first person that, even in the first moment they met, didn't show any fear in his presence. That was why it had startled him when he saw the sorry look in her eyes and that she was reaching up to touch him. That sort of attention was foreign to him and he reacted in a way he was used to.
Who was this woman?
Silco inhaled once again from his cigar, took a seat in his chair, leaned his head back and blew the smoke straight above him, reflecting on what he had said to Sevika:
He had a feeling this wouldn't be the last time he would see that lavender-haired woman called Zaeli.
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Old Friend - Part 1
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Series Masterlist Type: Series Pairing/s: Jinx x Female!OC Summary: When Jinx runs into a ghost from her past, despite the chaotic events already at play in her life she gets drawn in. Warnings: Will feature mature content: Gore, violence, sexual themes, etc. {Disclaimer: I do not own any characters except those marked as OC, I hold no rights over anything from the Arcane/LoL Universe. Otherwise, all content is my own and any similarity to real people, events, or any other fiction is unintentional. Please inbox me if you believe anything within my work violates this disclaimer.}
The Last Drop was different now, neon crawling like overgrown vines through the building. It was busiest on the weekends, people flocked there, talking, drinking, gambling. Bad for Silco's business (too many eyes) but good for revenue. For Arika, it was the perfect hunting ground.
It had taken her years once she returned to even walk within five feet of the hallowed building, sweet memories of her childhood running through the lanes tinted Shimmer purple. Even now as she stood by Vander's statue she could almost see the echoes of a group of orphans giggling and roughhousing with each other before running off to find some kind of trouble to get into. Once she blinked the ghosts disappeared. That was what they were now, ghosts, and she was an orphan again. Cast adrift the day they all died in that forsaken fire that changed everything. Now there was neon in the streets, Shimmer around every corner and everything seemed so much worse than when she had left.
Slowly, Arika stepped out from behind the fountain and began to move toward the bar. A black shadow shifted on the rooftops just within her vision, her lone companion always keeping an eye on her. He had plenty to go around.
As she reached the bar, the bouncers gave her a short look over from within their mechs before grunting and stepping aside to let her in. The music that bled from the building doubled in volume as she stepped inside. The tables had been pushed to the edges, making room for the shifting bodies that writhed and jumped to the beat of the pounding bass. As Arika weaved through the crowd, drunk men staggered and leered, the bar itself wasn't much better. As she waited for the bartender's attention, she made eye contact with a young thin man further down nursing a bottle as he scoped the room.
It didn't take long for him to approach.
"Let me buy you a drink." His breath blew across her face, acrid and stale.
"Only if you dance with me, all my friends ditched me." Arika put on an innocent pout as a smirk slid across the man's face.
"That sounds like a great deal to me, what's your name hot stuff?"
"Vivian." She smiled, leaning towards him. "What's yours?"
"I'll let you call me whatever you like, princess." The drink arrived, and his hands fell to her waist, pulling her towards the hoard. Arika let it all wash over her, head tilted back towards the rafters, eyes shut. She succumbed to it all. How he bought her drink after drink, how his hands grabbed at her through the thin material of her dress. Her hips, thighs, ass. Then, when he started to guide her outside to the alley, she smiled.
"You're so hot." The brick scraped against her exposed back, the dress riding up as he slobbered against her neck and his hands got bolder and bolder. He was spurred on by her drunken groans. "You're gonna feel so good. I bet you're so tight." His lips began to trail down, past her collar bone to her chest.
"What are you doing?"
His head whipped up, eyes blown wide and he moved to stagger back, but it was too late. Her fingernails had buried into the flesh of his arms, and blood slowly trickled down from the punctures.
"But...but you're-"
"Too drunk to stop you? Too drunk to remember your face tomorrow?" Her dress was pulled up to the very tops of her thighs, one strap of the dress dropped off her shoulder but it didn't matter. She saw the shadow move in the corner of her eye before Croaker swooped from his perch over her head to the end of the alley. The man looked up into the night as he heard the air move but missed the crow darting over their heads.
"Let me go, please. I promise, I'll never do it again." He was crying, his body shuddering as her nails sank deeper.
"I don't believe you." His cry was cut off, mouth hanging open as the blood in his body shifted against him. A strained gargle left his throat as the blood moved into his lungs, into his brain, and overflowed through his mouth, eyes and ears. The blood that had been dripping down his arms changed its course, moving back upwards and over her hands, creeping maroon tendrils up her forearms before it seemed to root into her own skin. Arika's head dropped back against the brick, and a groan left her mouth as his life seeped into her skin. Her brain swirled, dizzy from the rush and her eyes fluttered shut.
She barely noticed as his skin dried and withered against his bones and he dropped from her hands to the filthy alley floor, curled up like a flower left too long in the sunlight. His skin took on a deep grey pallor, eyes milky white as Croaker came down to peck at them.
"Come here, boy." The crow's head turned sharply before he hopped over to stand at her feet, tilting his head back and opening his beak to catch the last drops of blood from Arika's fingers. "One more down, thousands to go." She whispered into the night air, before pushing off from the brick wall. Croaker hopped up with a few flaps of his wings to sit on her shoulder, poking his beak into her now knotted red hair as thanks. Arika giggled before shrugging her shoulder and sending him back into the air.
"I think I'm done for the night, I'll see you back home." He let out a solitary squark before turning six blood-red eyes to the sky and darting away. Arika slowly began walking towards the end of the alleyway, leaving the body behind. No one would care about another dead body behind the bar, they would assume he was a Shimmer addict and send him to the gutter like the rest.
Arika didn't hear the pair of boots hit the ground behind her, as they were preceded by a loud clicking, made by the small black metal cylinder that dropped in front of her spewing pink smoke. As her lungs gasped for air against the gas, she noticed the neon paint that decorated the smoke bomb. A monkey face with a comical grin and swirling eyes.
"Powder?" She gasped, before hitting the ground hard.
Jinx POV
Jinx hated busy nights at the bar. Too loud, too many people watching. It was this or spending another five hours in her workshop trying (and failing) to come up with another new weapon of mass destruction. So she found herself sitting in the rafters anyway, lying on a board she had brought up years ago to spy on Silco's goons. Bored of painting yet another smoke bomb, she blew air out from her lips as her limbs went limp and she lay back. She only stayed there a moment before rolling over and peeking her head over the edge. She watched the dancing bodies, the neon lights reflecting off the crowd and dazzling her eyes. A redhead entered the crowd, not ginger but a deep red. A shade of red she recognised. The hair moved straight to the bar, and Jinx crawled around her board to follow her and get a better view.
You killed her.
"Leave me alone." She whispered over her shoulder, before looking back to see the red-head had been joined by a random guy. They started flirting and Jinx sighed. "Boringggg."
The red-head turned and headed into the crowd with him. They danced for ages, drink after drink.
"It's not her. I know it's not. It can't be." Jinx whispered to herself for hours, still watching and waiting to see the girl's face. "She'll look up and she won't look anything like her. She'll have brown eyes and a mole on her nose. And I'll have wasted my night staring at some stupid-" The girl had looked up.
Green eyes under heavy eyelashes, trimmed sharp brows and a thin button nose, lips twisted up into a smirk and when she smiled she revealed sharp canines. She only glimpsed her eyes for a moment before they fluttered shut, but she knew them too well not to recognise them. Jinx's own eyes blew wide, her breath erratic as she scrambled away from the edge of the board to hug her own knees.
"No, no, no. She's dead."
You killed her, just like you killed us.
Slowly, Jinx raised her head from her arms and crawled towards the edge of the board. She peaked over slowly, and there she was.
"Ari?" Jinx lept back, moving lithely through the beams and dropping down in the back corner before busting outside. Her breath wouldn't slow, her chest rising and falling rapidly as she hit her own head with her hands.
"I killed her, I killed her. How is she here?" Behind her, the door to the club clunked and began to creep open. By the time the two figures poured out into the alley, Jinx had scaled the side of the building to the roof.
"You're so hot." His voice drifted up to her and she peeked over the edge. It was him, the guy Ari had been dancing with. He had her pinned up against the side of the building.
"What are you doing?" That voice cut through her like a knife, twisting into Jinx's gut. She looked back down and saw it all. The way the guy shrivelled up, Ari's head tipping back with a moan, her body writhing against the side of the building in pleasure as the blood crawled over her arms. She watched it all, frozen, hands gripping the edge of the building so tight it felt as though her knuckles were going to burst through her skin. Then Ari moved to leave.
"No, no, no I'm not losing you again." Without a second thought, she grabbed the freshly painted smoke bomb from her hip and pulled the pin before dropping it in front of Ari, securing her mask before jumping down after them.
"Powder?" She thought she heard the girl gasp as she dropped to her knees, narrowly avoiding face planting into the floor as Jinx caught her. She pulled her into her lap, brushing the long strands of dark red hair out of her face.
"It's you, it's really you. I didn't kill you." Jinx pulled Ari's unconscious body in for a hug as the tears started to spill out of her eyes. "I'm not letting you go again."
Thanks for visiting, see you again soon...
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jane-todd-maximoff · 2 years
what i write for Arcane/league of legends Dc X-men the witcher (books/game/Netflix/movie),ghost, jackass/CKY, HIM.
my inbox is open for a request until i say it is not i write for any character from that fandom. 
AO3 link
📖 = x Reader 
✉ = Headcanons 
📕 = ships
📜 = no x reader
updated 9/20/24
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London after midnight - CKY CRUE X reader 📖
My kinda lover - Johnny Knoxville x FEM reader 📖
Keep god out of California! And keep the devil inside of you. - Chris Pontius x reader smut 📖
Meet the parents - joe frantz x reader (WIP) HC 📖 ✉
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DAY SIX HUNDRED AND SIXTY SIX - Ville Valo x reader📖
All The things I love about You - Ville Valo x Fem reader (WIP) 📖
ANGEL OF DEATH - ville valo x reader (WIP)📖
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Primo emeritus digital art
Random Copia sketch
We All Break - Ghost Primo and Terzo 📜
Afternoon naps - 📖 CARDINAL COPIA / READER 📖 
Rest -Primo emeritus x sibling of sin 📖
Arcane/league of legends
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Meeting jinx for the first time ✉
Nightmares with Viktor ✉
melvik ✉ 📕📜
Viktor with a fem s/o with PCOS ✉
Sevika with a childish s/o ✉
we had everything 📖 SILCO 
Understand 📖 SILCO 
corpse bride  📖 SILCO 
Awaken 📖 VIKTOR 
The sweater thief 📖 VIKTOR 
All for us 📖 VIKTOR 
Jayce tails with a s/o with long nails ✉  
Miss you 📖 VI
Home 📖 SILCO    
The image of the dead 📖 JINX
Till the very end 📖 JINX
Silco x reader headcanons ✉
Silco x mage ✉
The witcher
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The squad ✉ JASKIER + GERALT Netflix
Drinking song for the socially anxious 📕 📜 GERASKIER Netflix+game
When things go wrong 📖 GERALT/READER Netflix
light to guide you 📖 GERALT/READER game
Stay 📖 ESKEL/READER game
Tumblr media
Dating robin!Jason ✉
Being in a relationship with Jason ✉
Being a assassin and dating Jason Todd ✉
Jason Todd head-canons ✉ 📜
What if Jason Todd and peter maximoff are the same person ✉ 📜
Being a titan with Gar Logan ✉
Random headcanons  TIM DRAKE ✉ 📜
Spill my guts Jason Todd (WIP) 📜
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Being peter Maximoff's twin ✉
peter Maximoff headcanons ✉
What if Jason Todd and peter maximoff are the same person ✉
Ahs asylum xmen crossover sort of  more thoughts on this ✉
Peter+blankets ✉
Peter maximoff where's black nail polish ✉
peter smokes ✉
Original characters
After dark Silco x oc master-list  
25 notes · View notes
Unplanned - Chapter One
Silco x OC canon divergence AU (NSFW) 
Warning tags: Lactation kink, canon typical violence, MDNI
Summary: Silco gets more than he expected from a girl who sweeps him off his feet. Literally.
Link to it on Ao3 here
Micheal pushed her way through the tight alleys, panting heavily and barely able to hear the racing feet behind her over the sound of her heart beating in her ears. She hit a wall hard and pushed herself off it to get leverage down the next alley, this one wider and leading out to an empty street. She'd be able to at least fight with that much space. She hoped.
A quick glance over her shoulder as she neared the street had mismatched eyes falling on the five men who were stumbling over each other as they bounced off the same wall she had. Too close now.
The air was abruptly knocked from her lungs as she exited the alley, slamming right into someone and toppling them both to the ground. She spun her head to finally look forward and found herself on her hands and knees above the very pissed off Eye of Zaun.
Her lungs hadn't quite gathered air back yet so she didn't say anything as she quickly rolled off of him and looked to the men who had been chasing her. They still seemed hellbent on finishing this fight until they caught sight of the man on the ground next to her. They couldn't have run away fast enough.
Micheal panted and looked to the older man who was seemingly as winded as she was, though she had a feeling most of his panting was out of anger. "I am so sorry." She breathed out, pushing herself to her feet and holding her hand out to him. Despite the sting of him slapping it away she didn't blame him, watching as he got to his feet on his own.
Silco opened his mouth to snap at her but the words died on his tongue as he finally got a good look at the girl. Now, a normal person would think that's not something you see everyday, but Silco was not normal and he did in fact see that every day when he looked in the mirror. Still, it was quite a shock to see the girl with a pure black left eye, like his just without the burning orange iris. She seemed to notice his shock and he quickly steeled himself. "It would be wise of you to watch where you are going." His words were thick with venom, dripping heavy with each one despite him still staring into her eyes.
"Was more concerned with what was happening behind me." Micheal retorted, brushing some gravel from her bloodied palms after the impact with the ground. "But I'll be sure to watch where I'm going next time I'm being chased." The displeased look on the man's face made her tense. "Sir."
Silco stared down his nose at her, seeing how she didn't exactly cower away from him, more so playing nice than actually being intimidated. Most people would be scared shitless about looking at him, let alone running him down and then responding sarcastically of all things. He took his chance to look the girl over, intrigued by her now that he knew she wasn't terrified like most. Long black hair was done up in a single braid that hung over her shoulder and fell down to her hip. She was wearing a button up dress shirt that rivaled his in red, though it was clearly matched to her blood red right eye. It was tucked into a pair of black dress pants, suspenders hanging by her thighs, used for fashion more than practicality. Not one he'd lose in a crowd. "Why were they chasing you?"
"Bumped into one of them." The girl shrugged, rubbing her shoulder at the memory.
"You seem to have a habit of that."
Micheal snorted softly and shook her head, arms folding across her stomach and it was clear now that she had bruises along her arm. "Blind in my left eye. Not easy to watch where I'm going." She shrugged again, used to running into things, her hip also bruised in multiple places from walking into tables. Her depth perception sucked.
A soft hum left the man and his lips curled up in a small smirk. "I suppose I can forgive you for running into me then. This time."
The girl laughed and caught his gaze. "I appreciate it. Didn't really want to die today." She teased, rocking from her heels to her toes. It was her turn to look the man up and down, pleased to finally see him up close after a few glimpses in the streets. He wasn't as scary as people made him out to be, at least not in looks. Who didn't have scars? Live down here long enough and you'll start to wear them proudly as a warning to anyone who tried to fuck with you. Look what I can handle. "Well, I hate to keep you from whatever business you have. Sorry again for running into you." She beamed and went to leave, blinking in surprise when his hand caught her elbow.
"Do you have somewhere you need to be?" Silco asked curiously, not wanting this girl to slip through his fingers. It wasn't just her eye drawing him in, but he'd admit it was a major factor. There was something else though, like a whirlpool around her that swept him in the moment she got close. He wanted to know her, even if it was unorthodox of him to do so. He made the rules, and he could break them.
"Not at all, just assumed you did."
He smirked slightly and nodded his head in the direction of the Last Drop. "Allow me to buy you a drink."
Micheal couldn't help the soft snort that escaped her. "Wouldn't it be free for you?"
"Humor me."
She laughed but nodded, ignoring the twinge of loss she felt when his hand left her arm. It was a gentle hold, even more so than she expected considering this man's reputation. The girl easily fell in step behind him and followed the crime lord to his club. Not something one does every day. Still though, the moment he didn't stab her from crashing into him she felt at ease just talking to the man.
Its was pretty early in the evening and yet the music from the club vibrated the ground beneath her feet as they approached it, the double doors being pushed open for the man and subsequently her. The crowd parted for him as well, just enough that she occasionally had to push some people away if they cut between her and the crime lord, despite being practically on his heels.
The older man lead her up the stairs to the second floor, private booths lining the walls and he took one next to a closed door with two guards outside of it. A wave of his hand had the girl sinking into one side as he stood in front of the table. "Give me one moment." He said just loud enough to be heard over the music before he moved to the door and stepped inside.
Micheal glanced around before she shifted a little further into the curve of the booth so she could see her surroundings better. She caught the glimpses of a few people at other tables, the weight of their judgement hitting her heavily. Even as she dropped her gaze she could still feel theirs burning into her.
It wasn't until Silco returned that she finally looked up, watching as he sat and carefully slid himself just a little further into the booth than necessary. "Can I ask how you handle it when someone shows damn near disgust purely for your eye?" As she spoke she absently leaned her head into her hand, cradling it in a way that kept her eyes from view of others in the club. She opted to stare at him, noting that he was now sans coat and had a cigar between two fingers, a lighter in his other hand.
Silco frowned slightly at the question and looked out over the club, seeing the ones whispering and how their glances locked with the girl but avoided him. "Usually I stab them in the eye." The laugh he got from the girl made him smirk, seeing her shoulders ease. The moment she looked away he caught the eyes of a guard over her shoulder and glanced at the table across the way, a silent command to rid whoever it was from his club.
"I guess that's one way to handle it." Micheal smiled, keeping her gaze either on Silco or the table until someone approached.
"What would you like?" The older man asked, fingers gently drumming on the table.
"Whiskey sour."
"Make it two." Silco said to the waiter who scurried off.
It was once he was gone Micheal saw that the group of people in the booth across the way were being forced out, glancing over her shoulder to see one of the guards was gone from his post at the door. "I look away for two seconds." She laughed, shaking her head. "You didn't need to, I may hate the staring but I can ignore it."
"If they're staring at you for your eye, then it's an insult to me as well." Silco said with a clipped shrug, lighting the cigar in his hand before bringing it to his lips. "Besides, I'd prefer to have all of your attention at the moment." The words fell from his lips along with a cloud of smoke.
Even with all the flashing lights, Micheal was positive her blush was visible, cursing the heat that only burned more when the man smiled as he noticed. "You have it."
"Excellent." Silco smirked, only breaking eye contact when their drinks were served before he turned back to the girl and raised his glass. The soft clink of their tumblers was drowned out by the music, his gaze glued to hers as he took a sip, deft fingers barely holding the edge of the glass until it was set down. "What's your name?"
Micheal laughed softly as they clinked their glasses together, humming at the question. "My name huh? That's a tough one. I don't normally tell people my actual name unless I trust them to keep it a secret. Can I trust you?" The question was about more than just her name, the obvious weight of it resting heavy in the air between them.
"You can." Silco said through another puff of smoke, lips curling into another smile as the girl leaned in closer.
"Most know me as Micheal, but you may call me Nina." Her voice was just loud enough for him to hear, but even so he had shifted in more to catch every syllable. The pleased look on his face made her shiver slightly and she grinned as she sat back and sipped her drink.
"A lovely name, for a lovely woman." He purred the words as he tapped his cigar over the ashtray at the center of the table.
"You flatter." Micheal laughed, though once again she knew he could see her blush. "Am I allowed to use your name or is it strictly sir?" She once again rested her face into her hand, cradling her cheek so she could look straight at him and only him.
A small hum left the man as he mulled over the answer despite knowing he wanted to hear her say his name. "You may use it." He said the words casually like it was no big deal when they both knew that it was.
"Wonderful." Micheal smiled but didn't say his name, the dark thrill of a look in his eyes all she needed to know that he was enjoying the playfulness. "So tell me sir, what's it like being the most dangerous man in the Undercity?"
"It has its perks." Silco chuckled as he brought the cigar to his lips. "For example, I can easily threaten someone to say my name if I need to."
The girl quirked a brow and grinned. "Oh? And what sort of threat would that be?" Her mismatched eyes widened as a hand slid beneath the table and over her thigh, squeezing and dragging fingers enough to part her legs.
"The threat of not going further." Silco said casually, like his hand wasn't slipping higher up her thigh, stopping just before his fingers brushed against the seam at the center of her pants.
Micheal's blush was undeniable and she squirmed in her seat, looking around as if someone might see despite the dark room only being lit up by strobing lights. No one could see. No one would notice if she rolled her hips forward, so long as she kept her face passive. "That is quite the threat." She downed the rest of her whiskey and caught his eyes with her own. "If I give in, will I be stuck in this booth with just your hand to satisfy me?"
Silco's eyes were dark and his lips were glued upwards in a smirk. "I'm sure we can come to another arrangement, though I do like the idea of watching you squirm in a room filled with people none the wiser." He purred lowly, running a single finger along the seam of her pants just to watch her shiver.
"You are an evil man~" Micheal laughed, keeping herself from pressing into that teasing finger. She spared a glance out into the club again, over the side of the railing to see a portion of the room below. Mismatched eyes followed the rhythm of movement until she spotted someone who seemed utterly out of place as they stood stark still amongst the mass of dancing figures. Her body reacted before she even properly registered what she saw, grabbing Silco's vest and tugging him down into the booth as a bullet hit the cushion where his head had been. It came as no surprise when the crowd below went into hysterics a moment later as the shot was undeniable despite the blaring music.
A hand slid around the wrist that she only realized was still grasping the crime lord's vest when she felt it, drawing her gaze as he pulled her with him out of the booth and to the door behind it. The guards in front had already opened it, and the moment it shut she heard them shouting at the droves of people pushing their way out of the club.
Micheal said nothing as they climbed another set of stairs, a hallway at the top that he lead her down before pushing open a door and pulling her inside. She barely got the chance to see she was in his office before her back was pressed against the door, his body against hers. Her mouth opened but all words died the moment his tongue met hers, eyes falling shut as she slid her arms around his shoulders and tried to tug him even closer.
Silco wasn't used to people saving his life if he wasn't paying them to do it, so it was quite a shock when he heard the shot the instant he was tugged down and out of the way. Oh he definitely wasn't going to let this girl go. The man all but dragged her up to his office, breathing sped up from adrenaline and his want for her.
The second they were alone he was on her, leg slipping between hers as their mouths met. The moan that slipped from her lips was all he needed to hear before he started to undo the buttons of her shirt, getting annoyed at the last few and ripping the rest of the garment open. He pulled back from her mouth and nipped his way down her jawline, across her throat where he made sure to leave deep red bruises, and down her chest. He kissed and bit at the top of her breasts, a hand sliding up from her waist and to her back where he eagerly snapped the clasps of her bra undone.
Micheal panted softly and moaned as his mouth trailed down her body, whimpering when he sucked hard on certain spots. Her hips rocked forward along his thigh and she bit her lip as her gaze fell to watch him. The hungry look in his eyes had her throbbing and she pushed him away so she could slide her shirt off, the bra falling to the floor as well. Her head hit the door as the man got back to work, chipped teeth and hot tongue finding their way to her nipple, fingers pinching the other.
"F-Fuck Silco." She finally let his name slip past her lips, the growl he gave in return making her shudder. A gasp left her a moment later as his hands slid beneath her thighs and lifted her up, the man deceptively strong as he carried her to his desk and nearly threw her onto it.
Silco stared down at her, panting as he ran his hands from her throat to her chest, briefly squeezing her breasts before going lower and catching the button of her pants. Once again he worked quickly to get it and her zipper undone, smirking as she lifted her hips so he could tug her pants off. The deep blush that hit her cheeks when she realized he'd also pulled her underwear down as well had him chuckling lowly. "No time to waste~"
Micheal laughed a little breathlessly and let him pull her pants off after a hasty removal of her boots as well. She bit her lip and spread her legs for him as he took in the sight of her, propped up on her elbows and looking at him with a hunger rivaling his own. "Then you better hurry up." She teased, giggling when he tugged her to the edge of the desk before he started to undo his own pants. Four buttons popped and he pulled himself free, her eyes widening at the sight and she had to shut her mouth before she started drooling. "Holy fuck."
Silco smirked and stepped forward, humming as she wrapped her legs around his waist. "Beg for it." He purred as he teased her clit with the head of his cock.
Micheal moaned and shivered at the touch, biting her lip as she looked up at him through her lashes. "Please, please Silco I need you." She pleaded, body jolting whenever he'd drag himself over her clit. "F-Fuck fill me please!"
The older man chuckled at her, watching how she so easily came undone. "Good girl~" He said lowly, lining his cock up at her entrance and pushing himself deep in one smooth thrust. The wet heat was incredible and he groaned as he braced one hand on the desk at her side, loving the way she arched up into him.
"O-Oh Silco...!" Micheal whimpered and fell flat against the desk, his cock so big and stretching her so wonderfully. The twinge of pain mixed with pleasure and she rolled her hips against his, groaning at the feeling.
Silco hummed and leaned over her completely, catching her lips in another hungry kiss as he pulled himself out to the tip and then snapped his hips forward. Her cry of pleasure dripped into his mouth and he moaned, starting a rough and fast pace. His lips once again found her jaw, moving lower and lower until he was at her chest again. This time he started with the other nipple, having neglected it before and was making up for it now.
Micheal whined and arched up into his mouth, threading her fingers into his hair and gasping when it earned her a borderline painful bite. "Sil-ah! S-Silco...!" She couldn't form any other words, his name dripping from her lips.
Then the man suddenly stopped everything, pulling back and she didn't know why until her gaze fell to her chest. Her cheeks burned a bright red with embarrassment and she sat up, placing a hand over her chest and the her now leaking nipples. "I-I'm sorry–" Her apologies were cut off by his lips on hers, a firm hand pushing her back onto the desk while the other moved the arm she had covered herself with.
"Don't apologize." There was a kindness in his gaze, mixed in with a new hunger she didn't expect. "Just tell me if it starts to hurt." He moved back to her chest and caught a nipple between his lips, moaning around it as he started to suck the milk from her.
"O-oh fuck...!" The girl's head hit the desk again and she whimpered loudly as not only did he start to milk her but his hips started up even harder than before. "S-so good!" She cried out, fingers moving to tug at his hair as his hand cupped her breast and squeezed. The pleasure was intense and she could feel that wonderful heat pooling in her core, whines and moans leaving her freely.
Silco did not expect that but he couldn't deny how his cock throbbed as realization dawned on him, the sweet taste on his tongue making him want more. The moment his lips were wrapped around her again he was sucking hungrily, blue eye falling shut as he savored this moment. He got lost in his actions, moving from one nipple to the other, hips rocking of their own accord while his hands and mouth worked on milking the girl of every last drop.
It wasn't until she nearly screamed his name and tightened around him did he get pulled from it all, his forehead falling between her breasts as he moaned and his hips started to falter. A few thrusts later and he buried himself deep as he came hard, filling the girl with every last drop before he slid his arms beneath her and pulled her against him. He panted against her skin and kept his face buried until the high wore off, slowly releasing her and standing up a little straighter to admire the complete mess she was.
A bit of clean up and redressing had the girl sprawled out on his couch, bra still off as her nipples were quite sensitive now. An arm hung over her face as she rested, not having been fucked like that in ages.
Silco sat behind his desk, cigar between his lips as he reorganized it, papers having been crumpled or mixed around during their moment of fun. He tapped his fingers along the arm of his chair absently, a thought nagging at him but he wasn't sure how to broach the subject other than just being blunt. "You have a child."
Micheal blinked behind her arm at the words, a soft hum leaving her. "I had a child." She corrected quietly, letting her arm fall and head tilt so she could catch his gaze. "My daughter was killed a couple months ago...she wasn't even a year old yet at the time..."
Silco felt his chest tighten and he pushed himself from his chair, crossing the small gap between them before he sat on the table in front of her. "What happened?"
The girl sat up a little, mismatched eyes dull with sadness. "My sister gave birth to a still born, and it drove her insane. She killed many people that day, including the children of our other siblings." Her voice was quiet and she let herself fall back to the cushion, staring up at the ceiling. "Been trying my best to not let it get to me, to not end up like her." A hand slid into her own and she squeezed it, turning to look at him again. "I'm fine..."
Silco brought her hand to his lips, placing a gentle kiss along her knuckles. "I...may not know the loss of a child, but I know the betrayal of someone you considered family."
"Is that what caused this...?" Micheal reached up and gently cupped his scarred cheek, her thumb brushing beneath his black eye. "What did you do about it?"
The older man sighed through his nose and nodded, instinctively leaning into her touch. "It is." He squeezed her hand gently, his free one stroking the soft skin of her exposed arm. "I killed him."
The girl hummed and nodded. "I killed her too." She admitted quietly, relaxing into the couch more at his touch. "You know...I never thought I'd relate to the Eye of Zaun so much~" She teased, lightening the mood a little. "Come on, I don't want to spoil such a good time."
Silco managed a soft chuckle and nodded, kissing her hand again. "Would you like another drink?" He placed his empty hand on his knee and pushed himself to his feet, fingers still holding hers until he walked far enough away they slipped free.
"Yes please." Micheal hummed, sitting up enough to prop herself up on the arm of the couch, already missing his touch. "Another whiskey if you have it."
A deeper chuckle this time, mismatched eyes glancing back at the girl. "Its all I drink~"
The girl laughed through her nose and shook her head. "We may have too much in common, Silco. It's becoming eerie." She cooed, reaching out to take the glass handed to her. "Thank you."
"Perhaps, though I find myself enjoying it." Silco admitted, gently lifting her legs so he could slide into a space on the couch before letting her rest her feet across his lap. "Wouldn't you agree?"
"Wholeheartedly." Micheal smiled, letting the man shift her around and sinking a little lower into the cushions as she sipped her drink. "Are you going to find out who took a shot at you? I got a pretty good look."
"I'm not going to do anything. If my men know what's good for them they'll be in the streets searching right now." Silco said with a shrug, pulling a cigar from a tray on the small table next to the couch, an odd placement since it was unlikely he shared them with guests.
Ah. Its because he sits here and can't be damned to cross the few feet to his desk to get more.
Micheal found herself laughing softly at the revelation, watching him take a drag off the cigar before leaning his head back and blowing rings of smoke into the air above them. "I'm not sure if anyone's told you recently, but you're so fucking hot." She purred, seeing his blue eye widen slightly and a smirk grace his lips once again.
"You flatter~" He echoed her words from earlier in the night, taking a sip of his own whiskey. The hand that held his cigar rested on her leg and he absently smoothed a circle with his thumb over her. "But I will be honest and say no one has ever said that to me."
Micheal nearly choked on her whiskey, sitting up and looking at him with wide eyes. "Are you serious? No one?" She set her glass down and shifted herself around until she was straddling his lap, hands on his chest. "Then I suppose I will have to tell you how hot you are a lot more huh?" She grinned and caught his lips in a sweet kiss. "Honestly I've seen you walking the streets before and couldn't tear my eyes away, though I'll admit I was terrified of ending up on your bad side." She ran her fingers along his scarred temple and into his hair. "Had I known what it would be like on your good side, I'd have run into you sooner~"
Silco shrugged slightly at her astonishment, not willing to admit any previous trists he'd had were because he paid for them. No one wanted to sleep with a scarred man. An evil man. At least, not until now. He looked up at the girl in his lap, a hand on her thigh that still held his fizzled out cigar. The kiss was short, sweet, and he found himself wanting to follow her lips when she pulled away. A smile formed on his lips as she spoke, setting down his glass so he could reach up and take hold of her face.
Instead, his hand wrapped around her throat.
"Some people, they're good at lying. Others, well, they lay it on too thick." His voice was low, bored even. His grip tightened as her nails dug into his wrist, those wonderfully mismatched eyes of hers wide with fear.
"N-not...a...l-lie." Micheal wheezed out the words, tears pricking her eyes as her vision started to darken. "S-Silco..." She did her best to focus on his gaze, tears finally falling as she reached out and gently placed her hand on his cheek, finger swiping beneath his fiery orange eye before the world went dark.
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asneakystraykitten · 3 years
Demon Knight (Silco X M!OC)
Here are some mini headcanons and ideas for my personal OC-insert.
Part One
He was infamous within the Undercity.
With a deadly reputation, he was well fought after by several chem-barons that struggled to keep such a wild card in a leash.
It was only a matter of time until a chem-baron reached for the ultimate goal--
Kill Silco.
Under the twisting alleyways and darkened shadows, the Demon lurks behind the silhouette of the evil man.
Lured out by the very same chem-baron, it strikes. A witch doctor's mask extrudes out of the black hood, wide tinted circles posed as all-seeing eyes.
Silco, guarded by a plethora of underlings, his web of defences ensnared the Demon.
"Maybe you are not so ferocious as the rumours say, little Knight." He chides, gravelly voice digging into the armoured assassin.
The chem-baron, defeated and beheaded, lies boneless on the concrete floor. The cracks fill with his pooling blood and choke into the polluted sewers.
As quiet as the corpse, the Demon Knight waits. When a hand strays too far close to his mask, he bites.
The mask snaps open with a metal ching and slams shut onto a bodyguard's fingers. Red rivulets stream down the mask, accompanied by choking screams holding onto a mutilated hand. His twitching finger laid abandoned in polluted waters, unsalvageable.
The Demon, nimbly whistles through the web, facing Silco with a low distorted growl.
"So this is the Undercity's king?"
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