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guanomole · 2 months
Oltiin tänään eläinlääkäris koiran tassu ongelmien tutkimiseks ja lääkäri oli vaa: noi oireet on kyl erikoisen näköset mut annan sille kolme syy vaihtoehtoa jokka sit selvitetään koe palan oton jälkeen. 1. Joku autoimmuunisairaus 2. allergia jostain (ei ruuasta testattu jo) tai 3. Sikaripunkki joka on aika epätodennäkönen toisaalta ku oireet olis vähän eri näkösii yleensä mut silti ei kannata sulkee jos oliskin.
Hyi se sikari punkki oli ruma ku jälkeenpäi googlasin mistä lie sellanenkin tullu jos on. Annettiin siihen hoito varuiks heti ku se koe pala otetaan vast ens viikol.
On tää vuosi kyl ollu yhtä tassu ja lääkäri rumbaa ton kans ja vasta vuoden ikänen. Onneks sil on vakuutukset tulis kalliiks.
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delta-queerdrant · 1 year
mildly objectionable men (Prime Factors, s1 e10)
An (inverted) Prime Directive episode! Hurrah, but also oh dear, I shall be forced to articulate an opinion about the Prime Directive. We'll see how that shakes out.
I see "Prime Factors" as a sister episode to "Eye of the Needle." For the second time, our intrepid voyagers encounter a possible shortcut to the Alpha Quadrant. Here our source material is not Gilligan's Island but The Odyssey, with the Sikarians figuring as Lotos Eaters whose cultural values are anathema to Janeway's Starfleet principles. Unlike "Eye of the Needle," where representatives of two warring societies find common ground but are thwarted by material realities, Voyager and Sikaris clash in fundamental ways, leading to the breakdown of diplomatic and crew relationships. It's a fun little tale of political intrigue that ends with a literal bang.
Before we get into it, I must voice my complaints about the cold open, in which the breakdown of Starfleet v. Maquis distinctions is prefigured by hot goss about the "Delaney Sisters," who can apparently be dated as a pair, because that is extremely normal. As a bonus, Jenny Delaney is slut-shamed for being "voracious" and accidentally pushing Harry out of a gondola (which to be fair is a funny image).
Why is this show so awkward and adolescent in its treatment of romance and dating? I am so embarrassed for the grown men who wrote this script. Like, clearly this is all supposed to be cute and jokey, but it's predicated on the fantasy of sexy twin ladies who could never exist, no one behaves like that. If it is indeed a whole-cloth fantasy, then our heroes are just weirdo creeps who enjoy objectifying women because they happen to be hot twins. Ahhhh it's so bad.
It's also weird because this episode features two fairly compelling male-female relationships. Political philosophy and shore leave - let's talk about it!
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Harry get a little frisson of romance in this episode, leading to the discovery of the Sikarian tech that might be their ticket home. It's slight but cute; Harry has strong band kid energy while Eudana exudes theater kid; together they resemble high school seniors who have snuck off after a performance of Into the Woods to talk about poetry and awkwardly make out behind the auditorium. (Alas, their love won't survive graduation - he's got a full ride to the state university while she's off to Wesleyan.)
Meanwhile Janeway has her weird diplomatic two-step with Gath, who brings an apt European perviness to their interactions. When they're hanging out on Sikaris, we get to see Janeway in street clothes for the second time - a very cute nineties-church-lady jumper and softened hairdo with little ear tendrils. It's the first time we've seen her in a casual social situation, and it's extremely winning.
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I'm a little perplexed by her interactions with Gath. My read is that, at first, she enjoys pal-ing around with him in a totally nonsexual, captain/planetary official way, as she seems truly put out whenever he gets flirtatious or grabby. It's well-acted on both sides - we've all known that guy - but there's a lack of calculation on Janeway's part that feels a little off. Not to get all captain-blaming, but Janeway seems like someone who would see Gath's boundary-pushing a mile off and be a lot more strategic about their interactions. There's a willingness to trust here that I personally find hard to relate to! Perhaps we can chalk this up to a lack of toxic masculinity on 24th-century Earth, but there is so much toxic masculinity elsewhere in this franchise that I find this a dubious thesis. I dunno. On some level Janeway's behavior is actually very well-adjusted but I gotta wonder if a female writer would have produced this script.
Gath won't give up the tech, so a conspiracy is hatched to trade covertly for it and Tuvok gets involved, reading Janeway's reluctance as an analog to "Will no one rid me of this troublesome priest?" It's fun to see a Starfleet-Maquis alliance and a growing political consciousness among the crew (even if it gets shot down hard in this episode).
So, politics. I should say first that I think the Prime Directive is probably a good idea. If Starfleet is going to swan around being Bad Anthropologists, they sure as heck had better not be colonizers. That said, there is some very weird logic baked into the Prime Directive - the idea that civilizations evolve in a linear fashion and that only "lesser" civilizations are susceptible to meaningful interference, which is hot garbage. The Prime Directive works better if formulated as, "Let's stay no-contact unless we are both riding around in starships and can't avoid each other; too much damage has been done in the past."
Of course, this episode is not about the Prime Directive. It is about being a guest and following the rules of your host. That the Sikarians' rule resembles the Prime Directive is interesting - the Federation is happy to hoover up other peoples' cultural and technological knowledge with minimal concern about their own "natural development" being disrupted. Still, it's not really central to the episode; Janeway seems inclined to follow the Sikarians' laws regardless of whether she agrees with them.
Politically, it makes sense to follow other peoples' laws, because it is polite, and helps build relationships, and makes it more likely that they will follow your rules in turn. For Voyager, little of this applies as they are travelers and, in the majority of cases, are not intending to develop lasting relationships.
For her part, Janeway seems to think that the question of following her host's laws is an ethical question, which drives me bonkers. Laws and governments are not inherently good! Why should Voyager side with the "legitimate" government rather than with a citizen who wants to defy its rules? There are pragmatic reasons to do so, but to privilege systems of power that you never consented to is deeply illogical (and not terribly consistent with Voyager's behavior over the next season or two). Either Janeway is more concerned about the report she'll have to write when she gets back to the Alpha Quadrant than the wellbeing of her crew, or she is a lawful neutral nightmare who believes that authority should always be obeyed.
Certainly there are people that do feel that way about authority, and to be clear, it's not as if Jaret Otel, who is willing to covertly trade the tech, is some kind of radical hero - he's just angling for power himself. But as bystanders we super don't care which of these mildly objectionable men has political power on Sikaris, and it's hard to see what Janeway's "principles" add up to.
By contrast, I do like Torres' show of integrity at the end - she does have to maintain relationships on Voyager, and coming clean about her involvement in the conspiracy is meaningful, even if, like Tuvok, she doesn't necessarily regret what she did.
As Tuvok says, "My logic was not in error, but I was." My takeaway from the end is that Janeway is the one who messed up, overriding the will of her crew with her rulebound logic, but I'm not sure if that's what the show wants me to think!
It's a dynamic episode with a lot going on, and I did really enjoy it. 4/5 slices of pecan pie.
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loremaster-lavellan · 2 years
The Snow Prince - Part 3
Prologue - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 4
At eight years old, Ydhedhor has little patience for mundane things like arithmetic and poetry. Even the lessons which take him outdoors don’t satisfy the urge to move and play – much better to climb a tree than memorize the alchemical properties of its bark and leaves. His tutors lay blame on Jedwe whose buoyant personality – and plain dislike of academics – proves disruptive to the prince’s studious habits. When left to their own devices, which is frequently, the siblings seek Ydhedhor and join in his activities, dull or not. At least Girwith, the tutors agree, makes relevant comments. Sympathy is high among the tutors today, and the prince does try to mind them, so they free the children to pursue other activities.
“We should go to the Chantry,” Girwith suggests.
Jedwe makes a face. “Why?”
“I wanna see what Father’s doing.”
“He said he’s cleaning.”
“No he didn’t.”
“Did too.”
“Well I’m going.” Girwith turns resolutely and walks away, one hand hoisting her bound leg to move faster. Moments later, Jedwe follows, grumbling, and Ydhedhor, just happy to be in the company of friends, follows with less disdain.
There is only one path to the Chantry. Exiting the palace, it joins with the road from the city and becomes a long, arched bridge crossing a river currently swollen with springtime meltwater. Past the bridge, twin staircases ascend around a towering statue of Auri-El and meet at the foot of two grand, bronze doors that always makes Ydhedhor think of feathers. Into soaring walls of curves and points are cut trios of tall, narrow windows filled with colorful glass.
Over the course of this journey, any gripes between them are replaced with the spontaneous games of eight-year-old boys. They play hopscotch on the stones, drop sticks into the river, and by the time they reach the Chantry’s doors, they’re lost in a game that involves long stretches of silence before one falls into the other and both burst into giggles. At the door, Girwith shushes them.
Beyond the doors are three wide rooms connected by pointed archways. On their walls are relief carvings telling the story of their ancestors’ arrival to Pin Darre and the construction of their kingdom. Hallways branch off the rooms, all decorated with other stories of the Snow Elf people. Visitors and pilgrims wander quietly. Some are kneeling, too lost in their prayers to notice the children passing by.
Past the third room, separated by another set of feather doors, is the Inner Sanctum. The whole room is a dome of marbled glass tempered to keep out the weather and crafted to always reflect light. White marble makes the floor, and in the center of the floor, three steps form a hexagonal ring around a stone dome. A bronze sunburst sits atop the dome’s point, its edges catching the noon sun through the glass roof.
Prelate Sikaris stands before the dome, his back to the door, and in a low voice he finishes a prayer. Then he waves his hand, and a mote of light flies from his palm to the sunburst and vanishes. With quiet footsteps, the siblings trot over to him.
Girwith slips her hand into her father’s. “Jedwe said you’re cleaning, but I said you’re not,” she informs him in a whisper. Not even the siblings dare disturb the peace of the Sanctum with raised voices.
Jedwe defends himself. “You said you had to clean the wayshrine!”
Sikaris looks at his eldest and blinks slowly. “I said I had to sanctify the wayshrine.”
“What’s ‘sanctify’ mean?”
“It means I’m preparing the wayshrine for special use by performing a ceremonial . . . cleansing ritual.”
“Yeah! Cleaning!”
The Prelate’s mouth forms a thin line. “Is there a reason for your being here?”
“What’s a wayshrine?” asks Ydhedhor.
Seeing him, Sikaris bows. “It’s a doorway, my Prince.”
“Where does it go?”
“To the other islands.” Arch-Curate Sidazius enters the Inner Sanctum. He’s an old man, but none could call him feeble, and the white and gold robes hung upon still and straight shoulders command a respect that Ydhedhor only remembers his mother getting. The prince thinks him strange. Jedwe and Girwith fall silent. Sikaris bows deeply. Sidazius regards the children with his hands clasped behind his back and continues, “There is one in each Chantry and each site which holds great significance to our people, all connected by magic. Hasn’t your father told you about them?”
Ydhedhor shakes his head.
“A shame. It’s good for the soul to embark on a pilgrimage from time to time. I know your mother looked forward to taking you.” Nodding sympathetically, Sidazius directs his attention towards the siblings. “In any case, it’s good to see our youth in the Chantry. Do they express interest in our work?”
“More or less,” answers Sikaris.
Sidazius looks down at Girwith. “Are you still saying your prayers?”
“Yes, Sir.” Girwith doesn’t meet his eyes.
“Good girl. Show your devotion, and perhaps Auri-El will lift the curse he placed upon your leg.”
Ydhedhor furrows his eyebrows. “Why would Auri-El do that?” he wonders.
The Arch-Curate turns back to the prince. “The machinations of Auri-El are varied and complex. However, many things are known to those who communicate with him.”
“Do you?” Even as he says it, Ydhedhor isn’t sure if it’s a question or . . . something else. He doesn’t know the words to explain it, but he knows he doesn’t like the way the Arch-Curate speaks to his friend.
If Sidazius has a reply, it’s interrupted by the arrival of Vyrre whose entrance prompts a third bow from Sikaris and a first from the Arch-Curate. Acknowledging both, the Prince-Regent stops behind his son and puts his hands firmly on his shoulders.
“Is the wayshrine prepared?”
“Yes, Regent.” Sikaris motions to the dome. “The Gardeners have been notified, and I shall speak the invocation at your command.”
Vyrre nods permissively, and Sikaris turns to the dome. The Prelate utters a phrase in an unfamiliar language and raises his hand palm-out to the dome, and as he does, a sound like a small bell echoes in the Inner Sanctum. The bell is followed by a grinding noise, and the dome rises up from the floor until the wayshrine is entirely visible. Through the only open side, Ydhedhor watches one of the stone walls within warp and shift to show the wobbly scene of a forest. Fascinated, the eight-year-old leaves his father’s side and runs around the wayshrine, looking for the image on the outside, and finding nothing but stone goes back to the opening and peers at it from the inside.
The boy looks to his father. “What is that?”
“Would you like to find out?”
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byrcca · 2 years
Torres Thursday: Unity
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B’Elanna’s not off her game exactly, but I’ll bet she’s looking for a distraction from a certain blue-eyed pilot (and a certain pointy-eared Vulcan), and an away mission to a dead Borg cube to bring back a Borg corpse fits the bill. I like creeped out B’Elanna and the Borg make a great bogeyman, imo. Or at least early-Voyager Borg make a good bogeyman. By season 7… 🤷‍♀️.
B’Elanna’s concern for the missing, then injured, Chakotay is a nice throwback to their earlier friend/mentorship (before the aforementioned blue-eyed pilot started to take up her time & mental real estate), and I loved her suggestion that Chak just needed to play a game of hoverball with her and he’d be right as rain. I read it as her not only attempting to reconnect with her safe, accepting, definitely not-romantic friend, but also as her inner Klingon demanding a physical outlet as a way to banish those leftover feelings of lust & embarrassment & self-doubt from her little escapade on Sikari. And then he phasered her because his own new romantic interest was in his head, needing his help. It didn’t even seem to occur to him to simply turn the shuttle around. He was piloting it. He is the XO!
I’m thinking Riley & her de-Borgified pals are lucky it wasn’t Tom & B’Elanna who were on that crashed shuttle because after what she just went through with Vorik’s invasion there’s no way B’Elanna would have allowed those ex-Borgs to make that neural link with either her or Tom.
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eksopolitiikka · 1 month
Vilkkuva sikari-UFO Britanniassa
Vilkkuva sikari-UFO Britanniassa
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Selkeän taivaan ja taivaansinisen taustan täyteisenä päivänä nähtiin salaperäinen pitkä suorakulmainen esine, joka säteili poikkeuksellista valoa. Britannian Maidstonesta 20. elokuuta 2023 itään noin 15 000-20 000 jalan korkeudessa liikkunut, paljain silmin nähtävä UFO oli kirkkaasti valaistu — oliko se omien valojensa vai heijastuksen aikaansaama, on edelleen keskustelun aihe.
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Tämän havainnon teki kuitenkin erityisen kiehtovaksi sen erikoinen käyttäytyminen. Kohteen valot välähtelivät ajoittain, jolloin UFO katosi hetkeksi ja ilmestyi sitten uudelleen laajalle taivaalle. Tämä epätavallinen ilmestymis- ja katoamiskaava jätti monet katsojat hämmentyneiksi ja hämmentyneiksi.
Kummallinen käänne tarinaan on, että Eastbournen lentonäytökseen osallistunut Eurofighter Typhoon nähtiin lentävän pohjoisesta etelään. Tämä suihkukone, joka lensi huomattavasti matalammalla kuin tunnistamaton lentävä esine, tarjoaa kiehtovan kontrastin ja kontekstin havainnolle.
Oliko näillä kahdella lähes samanaikaisesti tapahtuneella tapahtumalla yhteys? Vai oliko se vain merkittävä yhteensattuma, että erittäin kehittynyt ja tunnistettava lentokone oli salaperäisen korkealla lentävän olennon lähellä?
Älypuhelinteknologian kehittymisen ansiosta outo spektaakkeli kuvattiin Google Pixel 7 Pro -matkapuhelimella. Tämän artikkelin liitteenä olevalla videolla näkyy selvästi esineen lentorata ja erityispiirteet. Se toimii visuaalisena todistuksena, joka kutsuu katsojia tekemään omat johtopäätöksensä selittämättömästä ilmiöstä.
Vaikka Maan ulkopuolisen elämän olemassaolo on edelleen kiistanalainen aihe, Downswoodin yläpuolella tapahtuneen kaltaiset UFO-havainnot ovat kutkuttavia vihjeitä arvoitukseen. Kiinnostus tuntematonta kohtaan kasvaa jatkuvasti ja ihmiset eri puolilta maailmaa kertovat omia tarinoitaan ja todisteita, mutta yksi asia on edelleen varma: Taivas, kaikessa laajuudessaan, pitää edelleen sisällään salaisuuksia, jotka odottavat paljastumistaan.
  Artikkelin julkaissut Latest UFO Sightings
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bestvapesupplier · 2 months
Experience the Ultimate Vaping with the Ske Sikary S6000 Puffs Disposable Vape
The Ske Sikary S6000 Puffs Disposable Vape offers an unparalleled vaping experience. With its sleek design and long-lasting battery, this device ensures you enjoy every puff. The Ske Sikary S6000 Puffs Disposable Vape provides a hassle-free experience with no need for refills or charging. Perfect for both beginners and experienced vapers, this disposable vape is the epitome of convenience and quality.
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privatetourtajmahal · 2 months
Overnight Taj Mahal Tour
The best way to make your weekend memorable and enjoyable by planning for an exciting 2 days Agra Taj Mahal Tour!. Overnight Taj Mahal Tour package is not only take you to the Taj Mahal but also many heritage site see in Agra. Known as the best and budget friendly weekend tour from Delhi
The unmatched beauty of this beautiful city of Taj is enough to refresh from your tiring weekday schedule. The Taj Mahal with Fatehpur Sikari will be a memorable moment of your life. So, get ready for a journey with your loved ones and cherish your memories of the lifetime Tour!
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Best time to visit the 2 days Agra Taj Mahal Trip 
Many people ask question when to visit Agra Taj Mahal?. In our suggestion October to March are the best time to visit Agra and see Taj Mahal and other famous sites of Agra. Since it is a day or overnight trip so people can take the Taj Mahal Tour round the year. April, May and June these three months are very hot season so less number of people visit Agra in summer. Please book your 2 days Agra Taj Mahal Tour to explore the old city and it’s monuments.
Pick up services for the 2 Days Agra Taj Mahal Tour Package 
We arrange  pick up from Delhi Airport, Delhi Railway Station, Interstate  bus terminals
We arrange  pick up from any location in Delhi city or Delhi NCR ( Gurgaon, Noida, and Faridabad)
Pick up from Agra also available if someone has already reached to Agra 
We do pick up from Agra Railway station or Jaipur City 
We can arrange pick up from Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary that is 50 Kms from Agra
Pick up time for Overnight Taj Mahal Tour
Pick up time is totally flexible based on client choice. However, we suggest you to start early morning to avoid heavy traffic of Delhi city. Since it is a overnight travel package so plan as per you preferred timing for Overnight Taj Mahal Tour. In case you choose a package by train journey so pick up time will be early morning around 5:30 am from your hotel. We will arrange drop to Agra railway station and pick up in Delhi after completing the tour.
Day 1: Delhi –Agra
Our representative will greet you for the exciting Agra Tour commences. Now get set for an enjoyable drive towards the beautiful city of Agra. On your arrival, catch the glimpse of one of the most remarkable architectural wonders, the Taj Mahal. Emperor Shah Jahan built the wonderful monument of love for his wife Mumtaz Mahal.
Day 2: Agra – Fatehpur Sikri – Delhi
Start your day with a healthy breakfast. Now get ready to visit another important monument of Agra –Fatehpur Sikri.  It is located 50 kilometer from Agra built in memory of Saint Salim Chisti. The building Fatehpur Sikri is built in red sandstone.
Hotels and home stay in 2 days Agra tour
We provide top quality hotels stay near Taj Mahal so that our guest can get accommodation in Taj facing rooms. There are many hotels established in Agra on Eastern gate, Fatehabad road. Staying in a luxury hotel The Oberoi Amar Vilas Agra is a life time experience. There are few heritage hotels are available in Agra like –Grand Imperial and ITC Mughal. Many international chain 5 star hotels are operational in Agra like – Courtayrd Inn by Mariott, Double Tree Hilton. Mid scale 5 star hotels in Agra like – Radisson, Wyndham Grand and Hoilday Inn.
Similar Tours :
Golden Triangle Tour 6 Days
Same Day Agra Tour By Superfast Train
Sunrise Taj Mahal Tour From Delhi By Car
Moonlight Tour Of Taj Mahal
Overnight Taj Mahal Tour
For more info      :-  www.tajmahalprivatetour.com  
Gmail                   :-  [email protected]
Mobile                  :-  +91 983 702 3321
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arpan-123 · 2 months
Website designing company in laxmi nagar
Are you trying to find a reputable Website designing company in laxmi nagar? There's nowhere else to look! Many excellent website design companies serving companies of all sizes can be found in Laxmi Nagar, a busy area in East Delhi. These businesses specialize in building responsive, aesthetically pleasing, and user-friendly websites that draw in visitors and win them over as devoted patrons.
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These businesses stand out for their dedication to providing customized solutions that complement your brand identity and corporate objectives. Their primary goal is to develop visually appealing, user-friendly, and functional websites. They guarantee that your website ranks highly on search engines, generating organic traffic and enhancing your online presence by implementing SEO best practices.
Whether you're a startup trying to get your name out there or an established company wanting to update your current website, Laxmi Nagar's website design businesses have the know-how and experience to handle your needs. Together, you can develop an engaging web presence that grows your clientele and advances your company.
Read More :
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jobskolkata · 3 months
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karthikdd970 · 4 months
କୁହୁକ କୂଅ | Apahija Sarasa Au Dayalu Sikari | Cartoon Odia Gapa |Odia Ca...
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nagach96 · 4 months
କୁହୁକ କୂଅ | Apahija Sarasa Au Dayalu Sikari | Cartoon Odia Gapa |Odia Ca...
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sikariatech20 · 7 months
In the Digital Age, Your Website is Your Shopfront: Choosing the Right Website Designing Company
In today's digital landscape, a strong online presence is no longer a luxury – it's a necessity. And at the heart of this presence lies your website. But building a website that truly reflects your brand and drives results requires expertise. That's where website designing company come in.
What do website designing companies do?
These companies are your partners in crafting a digital space that engages your target audience, converts visitors into customers, and bolsters your brand image. They offer a range of services, including:
Website design and development: From creating visually appealing layouts to ensuring seamless navigation and user experience, they translate your vision into reality.
Content creation: Compelling content that informs, educates, and resonates with your audience is crucial. Website designing companies can help you craft impactful content strategies and create engaging written, visual, and even video content.
SEO optimization: Ensuring your website ranks high on search engine results pages (SERPs) is essential for attracting organic traffic. Website designing companies can optimize your website for relevant keywords and implement best practices to improve your ranking.
Mobile responsiveness: In today's mobile-first world, having a website that adapts flawlessly to different screen sizes is non-negotiable. Website designing companies ensure your website is accessible and user-friendly on all devices.
E-commerce functionality: If you sell products or services online, a seamless e-commerce platform is essential. Website designing companies can integrate e-commerce features, payment gateways, and shopping cart functionalities into your website.
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Choosing the right website designing company:
With so many options available, finding the right partner can feel overwhelming. Here are some key factors to consider:
Experience and expertise: Look for a company with a proven track record of success in your industry or niche.
Portfolio: Review their past projects to see if their design aesthetic aligns with your brand and vision.
Services offered: Ensure they provide the specific services you need, such as e-commerce functionality or content creation.
Communication and collaboration: Choose a company that values open communication and collaboration throughout the design process.
Budget and pricing: Get clear quotes and understand the pricing structure before committing.
Investing in a website designed by professionals is an investment in your brand's future. By choosing the right website designing company, you can create a digital space that attracts, engages, and converts, ultimately propelling your business forward in the ever-evolving online world.
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aneetasingh · 7 months
Discovering the Ethereal Magnificence of the Taj Mahal at Dawn: An Adventure with Gets Holiday India Tour
Travelers from all over the world are drawn to the Taj Mahal, one of the world's seven wonders and a symbol of love. It is an absolute must-visit location because of its breathtaking beauty, magnificent architecture, and extensive history. Even though the structure is magnificent at any time of day, seeing the Taj Mahal in first light is an extraordinary experience. With its magnificent Taj Mahal Sunrise Tour by Car, Gets Holiday India Tour promises a once-in-a-lifetime experience deep within India's cultural legacy.
The Enchanting Adventure
The Taj Mahal emerges from the darkness, cloaked in the gentle morning light as the first rays of dawn reach the horizon. The marble monument is reflecting the first of the sun's rays, altering its hue from a soft pink to a golden glow. This is a moment of absolute magic. This scene, far from the heat and throng of the day, is one of tranquility and quiet.
The Taj Mahal Sunrise Tour is painstakingly planned by Gets Holiday India Tour to guarantee that visitors witness this moment in all its splendor. In a cozy, air-conditioned vehicle, the trip starts early in New Delhi and travels through towns and cities that are still asleep before arriving in Agra as the sun is rising.
Personalized Travel with Gets Holiday India Tour
Recognizing that each visitor's aspiration to see the Taj Mahal is distinct, Gets Holiday India Tour provides customized experiences. Every aspect of the tour is customized to fit your tastes as soon as you book it, guaranteeing a hassle-free, enjoyable, and comfortable experience.
Expert Guides: The organization takes great pleasure in its staff of courteous, informed, and professional guides. Speaking several languages fluently, they enliven your visit with fascinating anecdotes and facts that enhance the history of the Taj Mahal and the city of Agra.
Comfortable Travel: A automobile trip is intended to be convenient and comfortable. The cars are up to date, kept up, and furnished with conveniences that guarantee a comfortable journey. All of your travel needs are met by the organization, whether you are traveling alone, with a partner, or in a group.
Tailored Plans: In addition to the sunrise vista, the tour can be tailored to include other Agra historical landmarks such the Agra Fort and Itmad-ud-Daulah, also known as the Baby Taj. Experiences like visiting a local artisan's workshop or enjoying a typical Indian breakfast are other options.
Responsible & Sustainable Travel: Gets Holiday India Tour is dedicated to eco-friendly travel methods. They make sure that the excursions are carried out in a way that respects local culture and the environment, improving the community and leaving as little of an ecological footprint as possible.
Organizing Your Sunrise Tour
Using Gets Holiday India Tour to plan your Taj Mahal Sunrise Tour is easy. Their website provides 24/7 customer service, simple booking alternatives, and comprehensive tour information. Whether you're making last-minute plans or
Taj Mahal Sunrise Tour By Car
 Skip The Line
 Duration: 01 Day
 Free cancellation
 Instant Confirmation
 Private Tour
As you know India is rich in religion and its culture. There are so many beautiful places in India, from them Taj Mahal is one of the seven wonders in the World. Taj Mahal laid in the bank of Yamuna River northern state of Uttar Pradesh. Agra is a major tourist destination among India. Agra has 3 or 4 major tourist attraction like Agra Fort, Taj Mahal, Fatehpur Sikari and Baby Taj. We provide you best Taj Mahal Sunrise Tour By Car from Delhi with great experience. Book Taj Mahal Sunrise Tour By Car from Delhi now and get instant benefits.
02:30 hour's - Pickup From Delhi
06:00 hour's - Taj Mahal
08:30 hour's - Breakfast
09:30 hour's - Agra Fort
11:00 hour's - Itimad-Ud-Daulah
12:00 hour's - Mehtab Bagh
13:00 hour's - Drop Back
What's Included
Air conditioned chauffeur driven private car
Pick up and Drop
Story teller tour guide
All toll taxes, parking fee, camera fee
Lunch at a restaurant
Monument tickets
Any sort of drinks
personal expenses
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getsholidatindiatour · 9 months
Taj Mahal Sunrise Tour By Car
As you know India is rich in religion and its culture. There are so many beautiful places in India, from them Taj Mahal is one of the seven wonders in the World. Taj Mahal laid in the bank of Yamuna River northern state of Uttar Pradesh. Agra is a major tourist destination among India. Agra has 3 or 4 major tourist attraction like Agra Fort, Taj Mahal, Fatehpur Sikari and Baby Taj. We provide you best Taj Mahal Sunrise Tour By Car from Delhi with great experience. Book Taj Mahal Sunrise Tour By Car from Delhi now and get instant benefits.
02:30 hour's - Pickup From Delhi
06:00 hour's - Taj Mahal
08:30 hour's - Breakfast
09:30 hour's - Agra Fort
11:00 hour's - Itimad-Ud-Daulah
12:00 hour's - Mehtab Bagh
13:00 hour's - Drop Back
What's Included
Air conditioned chauffeur driven private car
Pick up and Drop
Story teller tour guide
All toll taxes, parking fee, camera fee
Lunch at a restaurant
Monument tickets
Any sort of drinks
personal expenses
1 note · View note
rupkala · 1 year
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Power by Rupkala রূপকলা
🅃🄸🅃🄻🄴 : The Diorama of The hill area
🅂🄸🅉🄴 : ( 12 x 12 x 12 ) inch
🅂🅃🅄🄳🄴🄽🅃❜🅂 🄽🄰🄼🄴 : Supratim Sikari
🄲🄻🄰🅂🅂 : Drawing & Painting 1st Year
🅆🄾🅁🄺🄸🄽🄶 🅃🄸🄼🄴 : 90 munites per 30 days.
🅂🄴🅂🅂🄸🄾🄽 : ( 2023 - 2024 )
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Thanks & God bless.🙏
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