minhyun-gsw · 2 years
Random starter for @gswsihyun - Such a big fan
There were​ only a few times when Hyun could be considered shy. At work, he saw everything so there wasn’t much that made him feel embarrassed, but during his daily life there were a few moments when he acted like a kid caught doing something bad, or like a teenager unable to talk to a girl. This case was the latest, the line on the coffee shop being not long enough so he could see the woman a few steps away from him.
He recognized her immediately and his fan heart reacted in the worst possible way. He felt sweaty, nervous, his mouth was dry and all he could think of was a way to approach her and ask her for a picture or an autograph. Maybe she could sign his cup or napkin, he didn’t have anything more durable with him in that moment.
They called for her name and he could see some recognition on the people around him and he didn’t want everyone to jump on her and take this moment away from him. So taking a deep breath he took a step closer to her, clearing off his throat. “Miss Lee?” He asked, glad to find out he didn’t sound like a teen “Hi, hey, I’m Min Hyun, a big fan, I work at the hospital right around the corner” Oh God why was he even telling her that? It was completely unnecessary “May I have a picture with you? If you don’t mind, of course”
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