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thewahookid · 11 months ago
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It is no coincidence that the feast of the Annunciation falls on the same day as a total eclipse. God is giving us signs, but are we seeing them? Prepare your soul to meet your Lord, and live each day as if it were your last! https://ww3.tlig.org/en/messages/433/
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therightlyguidedaid · 5 years ago
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If you’ve ever reflected on just how many “things” there are in the world around us, you might have been amazed by the amount of both variation and repetition. Consider a single type of life form - for example, a tree. Consider the number of different species of trees, and the different subtypes within each species, and the unique size, shape, number of branches, leaves, and cells of each individual tree in a subtype. Similar and repeating, yet with innumerable variations. And so if there is a book that is ascribed to the Creator of this universe, how can we know if it’s truly from Him? It would only be appropriate that this book has the same signature of the Creator in it. And so in this Quran says: “Allah has sent down the Best Statement, a Book, its parts resembling each other, (yet) repeating”. (Quran 39:23) The stories, examples, lessons, warnings, glad tidings, etc. of this Quran are repeated again and again and again - yet each time, it’s unique. Variations in wording, sentence structure, level of detail, tone, target audience, underlying purpose in the context of the chapter, and on and on. Remind you of anything? Just something to think about next time you read the Quran. Please share with anyone who might benefit 🙂
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photoshotkiller-blog · 7 years ago
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🇮🇹 #lighttricks #giochidiluce #spiragliodiluce #theghetto #nichelinocity #ghetto #oldghetto #sole #sun #signs #signsofgod #cheluce #forsesiamostatifortunati #daybyday (presso Nichelino - TO, Piemonte, Italia)
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sgybabar · 5 years ago
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#Alratv #younus_algohar #signsofgod #coronavirus
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therightlyguidedaid · 5 years ago
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“Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought”. Advice repeated several times by our Creator in His book. A reminder that we tend to not understand or appreciate Allah’s signs and favours until we reflect on them. This requires your time and patience. Such does Allah give guidance to those who are sincere. And how often do we hear calls from the arrogant for “proof” from God, as though they’re mocking their Creator for not presenting to them Paradise and Hellfire on a plate with their name on it? No; His proofs are staring you in the face wherever you look, too innumerable to count. But most are too arrogant and too impatient to give a moment of consideration. #signsofAllah #signsofGod #proofofGod #aids #hiv #africa #ebola #epidemic #healthcrisis #dawah #quran #Allah #Islam
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sgybabar · 5 years ago
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#Alratv @younusalgoharsvoice 🌕🗣️Did you know you can directly converse with the moon? How is that possible? Is there a Man on the Moon? Find out how in just three simple steps!
Check out this page from the latest issue of The True Mehdi: http://joom.ag/cx6L/p18
#thetruemehdi #mehdi #messiah #kalkiavatar #moon #talk #converse #conversation #talkingtothemoon #sign #signsofgod #God #allah #message #question #answer #heart #telephone #connection #divine #miracle #phenomenon #language #spirituality #worship #prayer #lord #instahappy #magazine #london
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fablethegreat · 10 years ago
#SignsofGod #BIOS #Soon
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therightlyguidedaid · 5 years ago
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This breathtaking scene we call the Northern Lights is a lot more meaningful than we think of it as - it is a physical manifestation of one of the main, but generally invisible, features of Earth that make life possible, by Allah’s permission. What you’re seeing is the Earth’s magnetic field, which extends several tens of thousands of kilometres into space, protecting the Earth from solar winds that would otherwise make the planet an uninhabitable wasteland. And Allah says, “And to Allah belong the soldiers of the heavens and the earth.” (48:4) Yet we live every day without appreciating it or even realizing it. Just another reminder of the innumerable favours of Allah on us. “And He has subjected to you whatever is in the heavens and the earth - all from Him. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought.” (45:13) So let’s be grateful and humble, and say Alhamdulillah.
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fablethegreat · 10 years ago
Soon...feat. @timmfjackson #SignsofGod #BIOS
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fablethegreat · 10 years ago
Soon... feat. @timmfjackson #SignsofGod #BIOS
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