I´ll Show You (Hiccup x Reader), Chapter 1: "Weirdo"
Author's note: Another book! Yay! I've read familiar books like this, but the opposite way around. Also, I don't think they focus enough on the "living in this world"-part. Idk, maybe it's a lame idea, but I thought it would be kinda cute. Hope you'll it enjoy!
Words: 1347
Your pov:
"Thanks for nothing you useless reptile". I looked up from my phone to see a guy standing in front of me. I gave him a confused look. He smiled at me before hunching over the table to where my backpack was laying, tapping the pin of Toothless that was embroidering it. "Oh, that one totally slipped my mind" I said while facepalming myself. The guy giggled while taking a seat beside me on the beach. I'm currently at school, waiting for my second lesson to start. My school's cafe would be the spot I'd usually spend the time between my classes. Though I usually share this super hectic activity with my best friend Emelie. So I didn't mind some company with this guy I've never met before. "It's okay... so, you like the 'how to train your dragon'-movies?" he asked, looking up at me. "Yeah, they're really good" I said nonchalantly, trying to hide my admiration for the movie trilogy. I don't want to come out as a nerd. "Yeah, they're good movies. Toothless and... uh... what's his rider's name again?" "Hiccup" I quickly filled in. "That's right.... Hiccup. Quite a stupid name, don't you think". His eyes never left my face, almost like he..... admired the way I spoke about the franchise. But I didn't mind. I actually appreciate him asking these questions since Emelie never did. Plus he at least seems to be interested to hear my answers. "No, I think it's really cool. A rare name, but still suits his personality. If anything I'd say it's a bold choice of the author", he laughs again, making me smile. I enjoyed the fact I could make someone laugh two times in three minutes. "So what's your name?" he then continued. "(y/n)". He nod his head before reaching his hand out towards me, "Hey (y/n). I'm Toby. Nice to meet you". I accepted his hand and answered with a smile. Before I got to say anything else, the bell rang that signalist my lesson is about to start. "Well that's my cue. It was nice chatting with you, Toby" I said while rising from my seat. Toby nodded as he went up as well. "See you around, (y/n)!" he yelled before disappearing around a corner. I grabbed my backpack and tossed to over my right shoulder before heading to class.
As I sat down for lunch I all of a sudden hears "Hey, dragongirl!". I shot my head toward the food station to see Toby waving at me with a wide smile. I notice all the eyes on me from the rest of the lunch hall. I tried to hide my face as good as I could using my hands as the redness increases. But I removed them when I heard someone clearing their throat in front of me. I raised my glance to see Toby standing right in front of my table. "Is this seat taken?" he asked while giving me a warm smile. I shook my head, once again getting reminded of my sick best friend. I readjusted myself as he took the seat in front of me. "I was thinking as you like the franchise so much, have you ever fantasized about meeting one of the characters?" he asked casually, while taking a bite of his food. Me, thinking it's just a normal fangirl-question, answers it without thinking much about it "Yeah, I think having Hiccup as your best friend would be sick". "Oh, so you sympathize with Hiccup?" he raised an eyebrow at me. I shrugged my shoulders, feeling a bit self conscious about my answer due to his reaction "Well h-he seems like someone w-who would make a good friend" I stuttered. Toby chuckled, obviously noticing my nervousness, "No need to be scared, I'm just asking you a question. I'm just curious" he reassured me. I let out a relieved sigh before taking a sip of water. A silence took over before Toby spoke again "What if I told you I can make that come true?". "Huh?" I asked, rather confused. "What if I told you I can get you to meet, in this case, Hiccup?". I looked at him, frowning. "What, your brother cosplay as Hiccup, or something?" I chuckled. "No, no, no. You can meet the real Hiccup", I looked at him for a while. This guy is so full of shit. "Sure, have him come knock at my door with a bouquet of white roses" I said sarcastically before I stood up and left. How stupid does he think I am?
As I left the lunch hall it wasn't long before my next and last class of the day would start. I did think back to what Toby had told me earlier. What was his deal? He got some type of bet with his friends who could trick a girl to believe the most stupidest thing? Or was he stupid to believe it himself? Weirdo. I wasn't in the mood to be apart of some woodoo-shit, even though I didn't believe in it I still didn't want to risk anything by trying. Class finished and I went home. The distance between my house and school is about a 10 minutes walk. Very nice if you every run late. If you take the bike you could half that, but I like to walk. It helps me sometimes if I've had a bad day. As I opened the front door to my house I chocked my "hello", realizing no one would answer. My parents were on a job trip, leaving me alone. They asked me multiple times if they should call someone over, but I insisted on being alone. Being my introvert self, this could do me some good. Though that didn't mean Emelie didn't suggest throwing a party every weekend. But I stood my ground. No parties and no babysitting. I would have all the time to myself. 
After hanging up my jacket and kicking off my shoes, I went up to my room. I drop my backpack by my nightstand and spread myself out on the bed, let out a long sigh. "Survived another day at school. Only one more day till it's the weekend" I told myself as I closed my eyes. I opened them again at the sound of knocking at the front door. I could tell I had fallen asleep due to the darker shade of the sky peak through my window. I pulled myself out of my bed and glanced at the clock on my night stand before jogging down the stairs. 8:10 PM. "I said no parties on the weekends, Emelie!" I yelled, being 110% sure it's her on the other side of the door, preparing a speech to change my mind. Even though she's sick it wouldn't stop her if there's a possible party involved. Trust me. I've been friends with her since kindergarten. She the type of girl who's taken her first sip of alcohol when she's 10. It's kinda funny since we're almost the complete opposite. But I guess that's what happens when you choose your friends while so little. You haven't developed into the people you are yet. But despite our differences I wouldn't want to live without her. It's something with friendships you create so young, you fight harder to keep them. I turned the lock and opened the door. The smile I had on soon faded and a shocked expression took over. This can't be real. "(y/n)? I believe I'm at the right house. But I'm not sure, I'm not from around here" he chuckled nervously. This is impossible. I looked at the scar on his chin, the emerald green eyes.
Next Chapter
Author's Note: There will be longer chapters from now on. I just couldn't come up with anything to extend this chapter.
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dima-belov-posts · 7 months
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Расстрелянные отступающими немцами на станции Гартмашевка дети советских жел��знодорожников
Из сообщения Советского Информбюро: «Ниже публикуется акт о кровавом злодеянии немецко-фашистских мерзавцев на станции Гартмашевка, Воронежской области: Перед своим отступлением немцы согнали в общежитие гpyппу рабочих-железнодорожников вместе с жёнами и детьми и учинили над ними зверскую расправу. Гитлеровские палачи убили сигналиста Дмитрия Косогова, его жену, двух дочерей и внучат — трехлетнего Николая и полуторагодовалую Валентину, сигналиста Петра Ткачёва, его жену и сына, сигналиста Фёдора Чеснокова, его жену и четырёхлетнюю дочь. Другую группу мирных жителей станции Гартмашевка в количестве 20 человек фашистские изверги загнали в железнодорожпуго будку и там их расстреляли. Акт подписали: Л. Гончарова, О. Слюсарева, Е. Янголенко, П. Королёва, Е. Шевцова и другие.»
Место съемки: Гартмашевка, Воронежская область Время съемки: январь 1943....Les enfants de cheminots soviétiques fusillés par les allemands en retraite à la gare de Gartmashevka
D'après le rapport du bureau d'information soviétique: "Ci-dessous est publié un acte sur le crime sanglant des bâtards nazis à la gare de Gartmashevka, dans la région de Voronej: avant leur retraite, les allemands ont conduit un groupe de travailleurs des chemins de fer avec leurs femmes et leurs enfants à l'auberge et les ont massacrés. Les bourreaux hitlériens ont tué le signaliste Dmitry Kosogov, sa femme, ses deux filles et son petit — fils-Nikolai, âgé de trois ans, et Valentina, âgé d'un an et demi, le signaliste Peter Tkachev, sa femme et son fils, le signaliste Fiodor chesnkov, sa femme et sa fille de quatre ans. Un autre groupe de civils de la gare de Gartmashevka, au nombre de 20, a été conduit par des monstres fascistes dans une cabine de chemin de fer et ils ont été abattus là-bas. L'acte a été signé: L. Goncharova, O. slyusareva, E. Yangolenko, P. Korolev, E. shevtsova et d'autres.»
Lieu de tournage: Gartmashevka, région de Voronej Durée du tournage: janvier 1943
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myfontz · 5 years
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Finnish marine signalists. 4th of June 1942.
Laivan saavuttua ankkuripaikalle alkaa viestimiehille kiireelliset touhut, yhteys maihin on järjestettävä nopeasti: Jälleen käy matka puulta puulle meren rantaan. Väinämöinen 1942.06.04
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aarseniccatnipp · 4 years
Another pair for @the-lost-signalist and @flightboundtrolls
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flightboundtrolls · 5 years
HI guess who deleted their main blog. me, haha.
@froyotrolls @dysfunctionaltrolls @the-lost-signalist @ghostytrolls @kookytrollz would yall mind promoing this
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svpervixen · 3 years
Yknow what I’ve been brooding over for a while?
I don’t give a flying fuck if I hurt someone’s feelings because of the words I speak. Know why? Because the only people I’m talking about are people who went out of their fucking way to try and ruin my life. The only people I talk about are abusers and enablers. And you think they deserve my patience and compassion? Bitch please.
There’s a time and place for patience and compassion. There are so many people who deserve that and I provide it when I can. Which is often. But those fucks? The ones who lied about me, threatened me, slandered me and abused me? Not to mention attacking the people I love the most in the process? BITCH PLEASE 🤣 HA.
You know where patience and compassion got me when I gave it to people who didn’t deserve it? Go on, guess 🙂
If you’re living a life where you don’t have to worry about your qualities being taken for granted, taken advantage of, used, twisted, and sucked dry by fucking abusive, sociopathic assholes, good for you! LOVE that for you. But that’s not me! After everything I’ve been through, literally since before I was born, that will never be me, and I don’t give a fuck anymore. My preservation and sanity is more important to me than being some fucking lying, hypocritical virtue-signalist.
“Don’t be mean! You’re no different than your abusers if you ALSO cause pain because of words you say on the internet!”
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staceykirs · 4 years
Tamara Jankovic (Sesta Dimenzija)
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Janković was a member of the Belgrade-based Signalist group of experimental poets in the early 1970s and was on the editorial board for the group’s magazine, Signal. Her use, here, of numbers, letters, and the Pierre Cardin logo reflects the Signalist goal to explore symbols and imagery in new poetry that transcends national languages.
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roleplay-salt · 7 years
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"“I’m sorry, but if you’re comfortable with writing a child getting raped, then YOU ARE ONE.” In your submission, you say that you write an eight-year-old child. Does that mean that YOU are an eight-year-old child, according to that logic of yours? I mean, you’ve certainly proven that you have the intelligence and critical thinking skills of one. Do I need to contact Tumblr staff? Because the ToS says you must be 13 or older to sign up. You then you claim that aging up minor characters is pedophilia, too? Let me guess, you’re a part of that psychotic side of the roleplaying community that claims an age gap between two adult characters is ALSO pedophilia, like a twenty-year-old having sex with a fifty-year-old. So, according to you, those who write cannibalism ARE cannibals, or they at least fantasize about eating the flesh of another human being? Those who write child/animal abuse ARE child/animal abusers, or they at least fantasize about harming a child/animal? Those write drug abuse/drug trafficking ARE drug addicts/drug dealers, or they at least fantasize about being one? Those who write cold-blooded murders ARE murderers, or they at least fantasize about killing another human being? I can EASILY keep providing examples to show how utterly fucking ignorant your argument is. I can even already predict your whiny-ass, equally ignorant response, too, because that extremist viewpoint is literally the core thought process of Tumblr’s SJWs: “THOSE ARE DIFFERENT. PEDOPHILIA ISN’T SOMETHING ANYONE SHOULD WRITE ABOUT BECAUSE IT TRIVIALIZES CSA SURVIVORS!” To which I would say: You are a disgusting piece of trash. Who are you to just fucking decide what is or isn’t “okay” to explore in writing? Who are you to insinuate that the experiences of victims from any other crime in this world is LESSER to the victims of crimes with a sexual element? After reading that ugly submission of yours, I’m more inclined to believe that those people weren’t throwing a tantrum because you told them “no”. I’m pretty certain you started talking down to them, implying that they’re dangerous and gross individuals for ever wanting to write pedophila. Or you made half a dozen vague posts, calling out and accusing anyone who writes sexually dark themes as being actual perpetrators/apologists of those of those themes in real life, because the only thing more predictable than taxes is a SJW/anti/virtue-signalist on a moral crusade. There is nothing wrong with writing FICTIONAL pedophilia just as there is nothing wrong with writing FICTIONAL incest, rape, psychological torture, drug abuse, gang violence, racism, homophobia, Nazism, genocide, misogyny, serial killing, and FUCKING so on. If SOME unpleasant, dark, emotionally provocative content is okay to explore in writing, then ALL of it is okay to explore in writing. You can’t reasonably explain why content with sexual violence should be censored compared to everything else violent and disgusting without it being a huge, hypocritical emotional fallacy. So do me a favor and shut your fucking mouth, you ignorant, LIBELING bitch.”
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wscranmore · 5 years
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Signalistic, W.S. Cranmore, canvas, 2018. ~ “Our little lives get complicated. It’s a simple thing. Simple as a flower, and that’s a complicated thing.” -Love And Rockets (at Portland, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9uHDvFHlL3/?igshid=1rfp1g9l6n5l7
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troublingconcerns · 5 years
Follow my fantroll blog!
Hehehe it's @the-lost-signalist ! It may not look much because it's just starting but yeah!
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Virtue signalist Suckerberg hasn't learned he can't be statist enough for Washington. via @bloombergbusiness
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myfontz · 5 years
Mika Melvas
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Previously called Mahti Type Studio, the type foundry and design studio of Mika Melvas, established in 2011 and based in Vantaa, Finland.
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website - myfonts
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go-keduru-blog · 5 years
Сигналист: особенности профессии.
Чтобы движение на железной дороге не встало, нужна ежедневная работа огромного количества специалистов. Одной из таких рабочих профессий является специальность сигналиста. Читайте на kedu.ru статью из которой Вы узнаете кто такой сигналист, про обязанности на железной дороге, где готовят сигналистов, про курсы и способы обучения, про разряды сигналистов по ЕТКС, про требования к навыкам и средняя зарплата сигналиста, про вакансии на рынке труда, а также плюсы и минусы профессии.
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aarseniccatnipp · 4 years
[Z broke in Tralia's hive as she was away doing god knows what. Z was extremely nervous as they sat down at the table waiting for Tralia to come back. They might as well clean if it's gonna take a while. [@the-lost-signalist]] :-]
[Tralia took a HOTASS MINUTE getting back to her hive, Humming softly as she walked through the door, closing it, and then dropping her board at the sight of Z. In her hive. She took a minute before she picked up her board and laughed a little.]
} another break-in, eh? {
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Man you can talk to me because you're the only person (except a friend who's pretty dead) that interacted with me,,,, (the-lost-signalist)
Tbh i'd be happy to !! Feel free to hmu if you want to
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