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rexscanonwife · 3 days ago
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Nahhh not wally boy putting on the moves!! 🙈💖🙈
Taglist♡: @me-myself-and-my-fos @tiny-cloud-of-flowers @sunstar-of-the-north @dearly-beeloved @adoredbyalatus @changeling-selfship @crushes-georg
@cherry-bomb-ships @rosieaurora @rejaytionships @tropgothships @little-miss-selfships @starlos-soulmate
@limey-self-inserts @candyheartedchy @space-sweetheart @halsinkisser @clancykisser @squips-ship @berryshipbasket @soulnottainted @homevideorentals @shakessoulmate @severants
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krsnlove · 6 years ago
While We’re Young [chapterSeven]
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A/N: Collab series with @alj4890. I’m like horribly behind on this chapter, my bad! But to make up for it, it’s super long. Like 20 pages on google docs long so hopefully that will put me in your good graces again. 
Tagging: @alj4890 @lodberg @hopefulmoonobject @carabeth @vickypoochoices @darley1101
Summary: The last night in New York City and everyone begins to go their own separate ways. 
The cackling of the fire nearby brings warmth to the group of eight bodies huddling close by the open flames.
“Just like that first time!,” Maxwell exclaims as he rubs his hands together and raises them to the fire. Amanda’s arms are tightly folded against her chest as she glares at her husband while her teeth chatter under the hood of the light jacket she foolishly decided on earlier.
“Ho-Ho-How ca-ca-can you-youuu n-n-not have a-a j-j-jack-et onnn?!,” a chattering Amanda asks Drake who is throwing more wood into the fire. The button down jean shirt over a simple white tee didn’t look thick enough to combat New York’s chilly weather but it didn’t stop him from wearing it.
“Who needs a jacket when you got this?,” he brandishes a familiar flask from the back of his jean pocket and tosses it to Amanda.
“You know-w-w-w-w I d-d-don’t drink this-s-s-s ‘tuff. It’ll kill youuuuuuuuu.”
“Suit yourself,” he motions for her to return the flask but Amanda resigns with a groan before twisting the cap off and takes a generous sip.
Maxwell stares in disbelief before grabbing the flask from her hands.
“Amanda, what are you doing?!”
“It’s f-f-freezing Maxwell. My jacket isn’t holding up very well.”
“Why didn’t you bring one suited for New York weather?!,” he takes his heavy coat off and places it around her shoulders.
Amanda gives him a snide glance causing Maxwell to grimace in response. They fall into an uncomfortable silence as two sets of eyes from across the bonfire witness the exchange.
“Awkwaaard,” Drake whispers into her ear. Olivia lets out a small chuckle as she watches Maxwell’s failed attempts at pulling an unwilling Amanda close. On the ground to Olivia’s right is Rashad and Hana huddled under a blanket while she is wrapped in his arms. On her left sat Liam with Riley sitting cross legged on the ground in front of his feet.
“$50 says they’ll make up by the end of the night,” Olivia whispers back as she nods her head towards the quarreling Beaumont couple. Drake’s facial features scrunch up at the words of her tedious offer.
“Nah. Too easy. I know they will.”
“If this night becomes any more boring Walker, I’ll be calling it a night soon,” she threatened.
Drake, intrigued by the challenge she unknowingly issued, places a kiss on her forehead. “Leave it to me ‘Liv.” He clears his throat as he sat upright causing him and Olivia to break apart.
“How about a drinking game?,” he announces to the group of close friends.
His suggestion is met with groans and eye rolls as the others turn their attention elsewhere.
“Come on! It’ll help keep us warm. Amanda, you’re one cold breeze from turning into a glacier. There aren’t anymore blankets in the car and it’s only going to get colder.”
“You don’t even have enough for a drinking game,” Riley mentions as she motions to the flask in Maxwell’s hand.
“Good thing I always carry this in my bag,” Olivia says as she generates an unopened bottle of alcohol from her oversized designer purse. Drake meets her devious smile with a wink and looks back to the group.
“We like to be prepared for any and every occasion. It’s in our family motto,” a cheesy smile is plastered across his face as he looks over the group.
Amanda scoffs at his obvious attempts to motivate everyone to play their game. She gives Drake and Olivia an inquisitive look, knowing they had an ulterior motive behind their idea.
“Count us in!,” Hana excitedly announced.
“Yeah because you always win,” Amanda muttered. Riley and Olivia chuckled at the honest statement. Even something as trivial as a drinking game, the three women learned after years of friendship to never underestimate Hana.
“Me and Amanda will play,” Maxwell says as he looks at Drake.
“I can speak for myself Maxwell, thank you.”
“Oh. Sorry. I just thought-,” his words fall on deaf ears as she turns her back to him. He looks to Liam and Drake in a perplexed manner, unsure of why the cold shoulder was being used on him.
Rashad breaks the tension in the air with the sound of him clearing his throat. “Never have I ever, then?,” he asks as he looks around to the faces belonging to people he has come to consider family. Everyone but Amanda nods their head in agreement as Drake takes his seat next to Olivia.
“So, who’s going first?,” Maxwell asks as he looks around. Before anyone has the chance to volunteer, Amanda’s hand is grabbing at the flask in his hand.
“I will go firssst,” she says with a slight slur to her words, “neverr have I everrr, everrrr taken my wife out in the cold to recreate a night I wasn’t— she, sheee wasn’t there for.”
“I--babe, I’m…”
“Drink up Maxwell!,” Amanda says as she shoves the flask in his direction. He looks sympathetically at her, understanding finally dawns on him. Breathing out a heavy sigh, he takes a drink until the flask is completely empty.
“Amanda, I’m sorry, okay? I’m sorry!,” both his voice and eyes plead with mercy as he takes her cold hands into his. For a moment he can see a glimmer of hope as a corner of her lips twist upwards into a smile.
“You’re not sorry..yet,” she whispers. Amanda takes the opportunity of a tongue-tied Maxwell as she pats his cheek with her hand before she places a quick, chaste kiss on his lips.
“Hurry up. It’s your turn Duke Beaumont,” Drake says in the middle of a fit of laughter.
“Fine,” he somehow manages to find his voice, “never have I ever kissed a red-head.”
“You shouldn’t have Maxwell,” Drake feins a look of gratitude as he grabs the unopened bottle from Olivia. “Did you know that this is my favorite drink?,” he takes a generous sip from the bottle taking a moment to savor the tingling sensation as it easily goes down his throat.
“And this,” his lips swoop down to capture Olivia’s in a searing kiss catching her, and everyone else, off guard, “is my favorite redhead.” She pushes him away looking, but failing miserably, annoyed.
“You love it ‘Liv,” Riley says as she points an accusing finger at the red-headed Duchess.
“Hurry up Walker,” Olivia says through clenched teeth, ignoring the chuckles of laughter around the bonfire.
“Never have I ever,” Drake’s eyes settle on Maxwell, “gotten a hippo tattoo on my breast,” he makes a hand gun with his fingers and points to the guilty party with one eye closed.
The bottle is passed to a disgruntled Maxwell as he takes another sip.
“I didn’t know he has a hippo tattoo,” Rashad whispers to Hana.
“He revealed it back in book two.”
“Nothing Shahzy. Go on Maxwell,” Hana says as she sympathetically pats her husband’s arm.
“Never have I ever,” his stare never leaves Drake’s face, “had sex inside the Lythikos Castle.”
Drake grabs the bottle from Maxwell and takes a drink before passing it to Olivia who quickly downs her sip.
“Never have I ever —,” she begins.
“Could you...may we have the bottle Olivia? Please.”
All heads turn towards Liam and Riley as her hand is outstretched to Olivia.
“W h o a.”
Maxwell’s voice is the only noise heard. He justifies it with the thought that he is only saying what everyone is thinking. Riley gingerly takes a sip before handing it to Liam who salutes his close friends before pouring the liquid into his mouth as he holds it in midair. His lips never touching the mouth of the bottle.
“I don’t even want to know when you defiled our home,” Olivia says with a hint of disgust.
“Our poor home,” Drake says pitifully.
“Pass the bottle please.”
All the attention is shifted from Liam and Riley to Rashad and Hana seated on the ground with her hand outstretched.
“No!?,” Amanda’s mouth agape with astonishment. She swatted Maxwell on the arm. “Are we the only ones who haven’t?!” He looks at his wife, surprised at her sudden outburst, especially over something like this.
“You’re all officially banned from our home. Don’t even think about it Maxwell,” Drake adds as he glares at the arrogant smile on his friend’s face.
Hana and Rashad both take a drink from the now half filled bottle as everyone watches in silence, mesmerized at the sight before them. Hana takes her finger and dabs at the corner of Rashad’s mouth, wiping an excess amount of liquid.
“Oh for...give it here,” Olivia stands to her feet and hastily grabs the bottle from Rashad’s hand.  
“Never have I ever sponsored a random girl from New York for the social season,” she hastily says. She returns the knowing smirk to Drake who flashes her a wink.
“You’re doing this on purpose. I know you are,” Maxwell looks between the conniving couple.
“You gotta hic do hic it, baaaabe!,” Amanda pleads with him as she attempts to speak between hiccups. At least she was now speaking to him he thought to himself. Taking a deep breath, Olivia hands over the bottle and he takes his third shot of the night. The warm liquid now almost a welcome to his insides.
“Okay,” he pauses to let out a burp to Olivia’s dismay. “Never have I ever,” Maxwell’s mind draws a blank. Whether it was the strong alcohol he’s been consuming or he was really bad at this game but he found himself speechless. “Never have I everrr…,” he draws out his words, waiting for inspiration to come to him. Suddenly, a dazed looking Amanda whispers loudly into his ear.
“Babe hic remember!? Drake hic running naked hic in the…,” her words cut off as a sudden wave of the giggles overcome her. Her voice loud enough for everyone to hear as Maxwell looks into the eyes of his tormentors.
“Never have I ever ran naked in the palace during the social season.”
“Cheater,” Drake muttered as he takes the bottle from Maxwell. Riley and Hana laugh to themselves at the memory of their truth or dare game that happened so many years ago. Rashad and Liam give a curious look between Drake and their wives. While Olivia is left glaring at her husband.
Drake senses the cold stare from his wife, even he wasn’t immune to the death glare of Olivia Nevrakis, when he notices Maxwell and Amanda making up with a kiss. He takes a quick drink from the bottle wondering how he and Olivia turned into the quarreling couple of the night. He silently asks himself when he realizes he needed to up his game.
A devious smile comes to his lips as he continues to eye the couple across the bonfire from him. Maxwell notices the pair of eyes on him and the uneasy feeling that comes to him when he meets the sinister look on his friend’s face. 
Like he was Drake’s prey.
Maxwell staggers to his feet as both he and Amanda are caught up in a fit of laughter. Neither one of them able to contain themselves.
“Ssshhhh,” she puts her finger to her lips attempting to signal to her husband they needed to be quiet. But the sound of the ocean waves crashing nearby drowns out any sound they make. Maxwell, in his unbalanced state, pulls Amanda up to her feet and leads her towards the ocean.
“Heh. Didn’t think he had it in him.”
“What started out as a boring night has turned into a slightly bearable one,” Olivia says clearly impressed.
“O ye of little faith,” he says as he executes a perfect bow before her.
“Not bad Walker,” she moves to his inviting arms as he holds them out to her. But she stops herself. The naked run he had at the palace. She was still peeved about that.
“You’re not still mad about the running naked thing, are you?,” Drake asked incredulously. Olivia narrowed her eyes at him before lightly punching his arm. Drake catches her arm before she has another opportunity to assault him and pulls her into his arms.
“Don’t think you’re slick, Walker. You’re not the only one who has to pay for his mistakes on this trip.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” he says as he nuzzles her neck effectively distracting Olivia from his days as a bachelor.
“I can’t watch this,” Hana says as she buries her head into Rashad’s chest. Aside from the one sip of alcohol they had tonight, the Kovak’s were still pretty sober. The four of them continue to watch Maxwell and Amanda from the warmth of the bonfire.
“Where are the other two?,” Rashad asks as he looks around for Liam and Riley.
Drake glances around their surroundings before draping his arm around Olivia. The sound of the cackling fire mixed with the ocean waves answer Rashad’s question. After years of practice, once again, Liam and Riley has managed to slip away without being noticed.
“Time seems to stand still up here, doesn’t it?”
Riley’s words bring a smile to Liam’s lips as he stands behind her. His hands grip her waist as he rests his head on her shoulder, overlooking the New York City night sky. He places a small kiss behind her ear causing her to chuckle with the tickling motion. They too only had one drink tonight thanks to the drinking game that seemed to be between Drake and Maxwell. It wasn’t hard to leave without any one of them noticing.
The view from inside the crown of the Statue of Liberty gave them just enough distance from New York to marvel at its simplicity but also close enough to notice the city come to life with the late night.
“I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of this view,” Liam tells her. He looks to the city skylight and back to his wife. This is where it all started for him.
“What are you thinking about?,” the sound of her voice bring him out of his thoughts.
“You. That first night. How indebted I am to Maxwell for bringing you to Cordonia.” His words make Riley laugh, a sound he will never grow tired of.
“He is a good friend isn’t he?”
“One of the best.”
“Sometimes it feels surreal doesn’t it? You, a Prince. Me, a waitress. Flying to another country just to fight to get a few minutes alone with you—…”
“You didn’t have to fight to be alone with me. I wanted to give you every one of my moments my love.”
“You know what I mean Liam.”
“I know. But I need you to know. That night I met you…,”
He turns Riley so she is face to face with him. “Every good thing that has come into my life is because of you.”
Riley’s head slightly leans to the side as a smile comes to her face. “Every good thing that has come into your life is because of you, Liam. Not me,” she tells him as she pulls the flattens her hands against his broad, firm shoulders.
“Because of you I have three beautiful children.”
Riley lets out a chortle at his words as she shakes her head in denial, “Liam, anyone could have given you beautiful kids. Have you seen yourself?”
“I have. But I’m afraid your beauty outshines anything I could ever amount to.”
“That’s not what the tabloids say,” Riley says with a playful tone. At least once a month articles were written solely dedicated to the ‘handsome fox’ running a small country.
“Riley because of you...I had the opportunity to love—and to be loved. I fell in love with you. Somehow you fell in love with me. Not because of my status but for what I stood for as a human being. After all these years, I’m still unsure as to how I got so lucky.”
“It’s not like it wasn’t hard to fall in love with you, my King. You’re quite the charmer if you didn’t know,” she flashes him a wink as she brings her arms around his neck. Their eyes fill with love and adoration as the light of the city skyline glows brighter, perfectly matching their passion for each other.
Ellis extends his hand to each woman one by one, as he helps them out of his father’s boat. He has always been surrounded by the same three girls growing up: Juliet, Isabelle and Emily. This was bound to happen when your parents were close friends and you were born within months of each other.
“Thank you your Highness,” Juliet, always proper at the wrong time, says with a smirk. She pulls at her leather jacket close trying to protect herself from the cold winter air. “I’ll race you guys!,” she yells behind her as she makes a beeline to the inside of the statue, not caring if they heard her or not.
“You’re going to fall Jules! Be careful!,” Isabelle yells back at her as she expertly maneuvers the icy sidewalks in her heeled boots. Ellis’ arm is held out for Emily to hold onto as they slowly trail behind their two friends.
“The one time I don’t wear flats. I have to stop letting Nicky influence my wardrobe,” Emily complains as she barely misses a patch of ice in her sister’s heels. “Have you talked to Zoe yet?,” she asks trying to change the subject.
“Earlier. She just texted me a little while ago. They just got home.”
“Too bad she couldn’t come. That would’ve been fun,” Emily said as they neared the building ahead. It was inevitable that Ellis’ girlfriend Zoe grew close to the girls who have surrounded him all his life.
“How about you? How’s Seb holding up without you?”
Emily braced herself for this moment. She should’ve known that he would ask for Seb when she asked about Zoe. Idiot, she thought to herself. She hasn’t been able to get a hold of Seb all day. Going out tonight was supposed to help take her mind off of him and overthinking the whole situation. Maybe his phone died. Maybe he was taking a nap. A really long nap.
“He’s doing all right,” she finally says trying to steady her voice. It took everything in her to not go into a rant about not hearing from him all day when Jules’ voice saves her from sharing more than she wanted.
“Finally. You two always take your sweet time. Come on. They’re closing soon,” she begins to lead them inside the warm building before heading straight to the top of the statue.
“You guys go on ahead without me! I’ll catch up with you later!,” Emerick yells over the music as his hand is being pulled impatiently by a blonde. “Alec, my friend has a friend dying to meet you. Leave these two to get some time together,” he gestures towards Jackson and Nicky.
Before Alec can answer a over zealous brunette is suddenly in front of him and begins to tug on his arm, luring him away. Jackson bids his friends farewell as he waves them off before taking Nicky’s hand and leading the two of them outside of the busy club.
He needed to talk to her. Their night was going great until that idiotic reporter had to ask that question. All this pressure on both of them about marriage has always been a part of their relationship but this time it was different. The possibility of it happening is too real. Too soon. Had they really been together this long?
Scanning the long line outside the club for any idiot with a camera, and not finding one, Jackson heads the opposite way of the line as he continues to hold Nicky close by.
Amanda falls to the ground of the sandy beach in a fit of laughter. A few feet away stood Maxwell, his bare chest showing as he begins to work on the belt of his pants. Despite the chilly air, he felt warm.
“Is he doing it?,” Olivia whispers into Drake’s ear as they stand nearby, hidden.
“Almost. His shirt is off and now he’s working on his belt….still working on it…..Damn. How much did he have to drink tonight?” He sees Maxwell chuckling as he tries to pull the other end of his belt through the complicated loops of his pants.
“Finally. Belt is off. Aaaaand….here come the pants!”
Olivia covers her eyes as the sound of Amanda’s laughter becomes louder, no doubt signaling Maxwell being completely naked. She shuddered at the thought of seeing him in his current state. She’d have to remove her eyes permanently. And then her brain to get the image out of her mind.
“Okay! Here I go!,” Maxwell’s voice yells into the dead of the night. Drake peeks from their hiding spot just in time to catch Maxwell’s bare bottom running towards the ocean. Amanda begins to trail him as she enthustiastically clapped for her husband.
“I have to admit, I didn’t think you’d be able to pull this off.”
Drake smirks at Olivia’s compliment, knowing it would be fairly easy to influence Maxwell into skinny dipping in the ocean. He remembers their first time on this beach all those years ago. Liam and Riley had stayed by the fire while he was stuck with Maxwell and Tariq. The whole time Maxwell trying to talk them into skinny dipping together. Drake shakes his head at the memory.
“Babe! That’s enough. You’re going to catch a cold!,” Amanda’s warning loses its emphasis as her laughter fills between her words. Maxwell’s head goes under an incoming wave for a few seconds before breaking the surface once again.
“Amanda! Come in! The water’s great!”
Drake and Olivia continue to watch, from their hidden spot, Maxwell encouraging Amanda to take the undoubtedly cold dive into the waters.
“It’s too cold, Beaumont!”
“But I need you!”
“You don’t need me for anything. Well, almost anything,” she playfully replied. Olivia stifles the laugh that comes to her upon hearing Amanda flirt. It was almost unbearable.
“But Amanda…,” suddenly a rough wave hits him before he can finish his sentence.
“Maxwell, that’s enough. Please come back. You’re going too far out,” the light laughter her voice had a few moments ago is completely gone now.
When he doesn’t answer, both Drake and Olivia strain their eyes to see if they can make out his figure in the ocean. But all they see is Amanda’s petite figure standing alone on the shoreline.
“Maxwell!?,” a panic starts to rise in her voice, “That’s enough. You show your face this instant!”
“Drake…,” Olivia turns to tell him they’d better help but is a second too late. Drake is already a few steps ahead of her as he begins to discard his shirt and runs towards the ocean.
“Maxwell!,” Amanda’s panicked voice is heard shrieking as she is already in the water, desperately calling out for her husband. Olivia stands at the shoreline, scanning the ocean’s unforgiving waters hoping to spot Maxwell’s usual giddy self wave to her. But the late hours of the night make it difficult. All she can hear is the crushing sounds of wave after wave.
“Liam, I worry about him.”
Riley’s words cause him to reflect on their eldest son, Emerick. It seems like just yesterday they had found out she was pregnant with him a couple months after the wedding.The endless baby books in every room of the palace. The tears on her face when she was found in her dressing room, weeping. Not being able to fit into one of her favorite dresses again for the formal events they had to attend. Her last trimester being the worst of them all. She began to find his smell compulsive. He would shower at least five times a day to try to get rid of whatever smell her bionic nose was picking up but his entrance into any room almost immediately guaranteed her exit. It was a wonder he was able to be there when she gave birth.
“I know my love. You’re not alone. I share in those worries with you. But this is a new era of social seasons. He isn’t held to the same rules as Leo and I once were. We worked diligently to change all this not just for him, but for others as well.”
Riley nods her head in silent agreement as Liam places a reassuring kiss on the side of her temple. He’s right, she thought to herself quietly. The experience Liam had gone through with his social season had turned him off to the whole process. Instead of this social season being just for Emerick to find someone, it was available to every eligible persons of the court to hopefully find a suitor. Something they had tried to get passed through the Council for the past several years and finally succeeding. This year’s social season would be the first of its kind.
“He is so much like his Uncle Leo.”
“That he is,” Liam agrees with a light chuckle. They know of their son’s fleeting attitude when it came to the opposite sex. Throughout the years they attributed it to wanting to date around, “test drive the car without actually buying the car” as Drake would say. But now it was becoming worrisome. Each week the tabloids had him on the front cover with a different woman.
“You know he can’t keep doing this right?”
Liam grows silent, knowing Riley is right. As usual. They begin to slowly walk towards the elevator, hand in hand, both in deep thought. Tomorrow would be the start of the social season. There was a small chance they could have a new daughter in law by the end of the season. But the possibility was bigger of several weddings happening by this time next year within their close knit group of friends and their children.
“I’ll talk to him,” Liam reassures her.
“Please do. Sooner rather than later.”
Liam lets out a small laugh as he brings her hand to his lips, placing a small kiss on her fingers. “Your wish is my command, my Queen.” Riley pulls her hand back with a small giggle when she notices his hurt look.
“You are far too kind Liam,” the tenderness in her voice emits a small chuckle from him. Reaching the elevators, Riley pushes on the down button. “This was nice,” she tells him as the elevator door opens.
“Mm-hmm,” he answers as he gently squeezes her hand in his, a knowing smile playing on his lips as he guides her by the waist into the waiting doors.
“What is it Liam?,” she asks. They are the only ones in the elevator, much to Liam’s hidden delight. He pokes his head outside the doors one last time.
“Liam?,” he turns to face her. This woman who always saw past his duties, who has always wanted just the man underneath the crown. The mother of his beautiful children. The love of his life.
“When was the last time I showed you how much I love you?,” he whispers. 
Riley’s lips curl into a seductive smile just as the elevator doors close.
Jackson carefully eyes their surroundings as he and Nicky walk the streets of New York. Making sure to keep her close, his fingers entangle with hers as he urgently pulls them into a quiet restaurant. The bell on the door announces their arrival, he notices an array of empty booths with a few patrons sitting at the counter too busy to look up from their cups of coffee.
Perfect, he thought to himself as he makes a beeline for the furthest booth in the corner away from prying eyes. This is all he wanted to do tonight. A quiet dinner with the love of his life.
“In a rush?,” Nicky’s voice has a hint of amusement as she settles into the seat on the opposite side of him. Jackson lets out a small chuckle as he reaches for her hands across the table.
“I’m always in a rush to get you alone. Don’t you know that by now Nicky?,” his response causes her to blush. She refuses to meet his serious gaze as she looks outside the windows of the restaurant, trying her hardest to focus on anything else. It almost seems like a ritual by now. The two of them sitting down to talk about where their relationship was going after being asked the million dollar question.
“So…,” she begins, still unable to meet his eyes.
“What can I get you two tonight?,” the bored waitress somehow made her way to them without notice. Jackson gave her a quick smile and quickly ordered a slice of whatever pie they had left while Nicky asked for a glass of water. Her stomach is in a fit of knots, as it always is whenever anyone would ask when an engagement would be announced.
After the waitress leaves, Jackson is first to speak. “Alec caught my parents tonight... in the limo.” Nicky’s head jerks up, eyes widening at his words.
“You mean?,” Jackson nods his head in reply, “Noooooo!,” Nicky’s mouth opened with shock at the memory of Alec’s complexion after leaving Kismet. He seemed as if he had seen a ghost despite his fair complexion. “Of all people to catch them. It had to be Alec,” Nicky said out loud. Jackson nods his head in amusement as he agreed with her.
“At least you didn’t have to see your parents tonight,” she tries to hide the grimace that comes to her face but fails. Vigorously shaking her head as if it would remove the image from her head, the waitress reappears with her glass of water and what looked like a day old slice of cherry pie hastily thrown on a saucer. “Thank you,” she smiles gratefully to the waitress who places the check in front of Jackson before disappearing again.
“In all my years of living, I’ve learned if any of our parents are nearby in one of their moments then my parents aren’t too far away. I found that it’s best to go the opposite way,” he tells her with a wink. Nicky laughs out loud as she nods her head in agreement. It was always easy to laugh with Jackson. That is one of the qualities she loves about him. His ability to always make her laugh. Just like her own Dad. Years ago she had read somewhere that girls tend to be attracted to men who were like their fathers. She couldn’t have picked anyone better, she reminded herself often.
“So, those paparazzi’s tonight huh? They’re getting more annoying by the minute,” he says as he begins to play with a lone cherry on his plate.
“It’s their job I guess,” Nicky can feel her body tense up. It wouldn’t be the first time Jackson has said this about the media. Their arguments always seemed to involve the press one way or another. She would argue that he, being the son of Olivia and Drake [two prominent figures in Cordonia], the media would have a frenzy whenever he stepped out. He would in turn go on about respect and privacy.
“Look Nicky,” he reaches across the table and takes her hand into his and looks into her eyes. “I need you to know, I love you.”
Those three words. Whenever spoken from his mouth have always made Nicky the happiest girl in the world. “I love you too,” she replies. A smile forms on his lips that reaches all the way to his deep brown eyes.
“These questions about...you know,” Nicky nods her head, attentively listening. “I love being with you. I love being in love with you. I know we’ve been together for awhile and I love that…”.
Just say it already, Nicky thought to herself. She isn’t sure what exactly she wanted to hear. But she hated to see him so flustered while discussing their relationship.
“I don’t know if you’re expecting some sort of commitment…”.
It’d be nice, she thought. It echoes through her mind. If he were to propose right now, there was little chance she would say no.
“I mean, this is already sort of a commitment y’know? We’ve been dating for so long and you know in dog years that’s a really long time…”.
He’s right. She didn’t think it was out of line or unfair of the press to ask when an engagement would be announced. She thought by now they would at least be engaged.
“What I guess I’m trying to say is...why do we have to put a label on this? I love you. You love me. No paper or ring is going to change that. You know?”
A nervous smile comes across his lips as Nicky stares at him in silence.
“Ellis, if the words ‘this is where my parents’ come out of your mouth again, I’m going to have to burn this place down,” Juliet warned him. For the past ten minutes he had given the trio a tour inside the Statue of Liberty pausing now and then to show where the King and Queen had danced, held hands, breathe. Isabelle’s eyes widen as she notices the guard nearby narrowing his eyes at Juliet.
“She’s just kidding, Officer!,” she said defensively. Isabelle knew, of course, the emptiness behind Juliet’s words but others were a different story. Something she had to learn through the years while out in public with her close friends.
“Izzy, that’s not even an offi--,” the rest of Juliet’s comment is cut off as Isabelle’s hand clamps over the young duchess’ mouth. The guard’s glare doesn’t go unnoticed as Isabelle flashes him her most innocent smile. It usually won over the random strangers that Juliet rubbed the wrong way. And this guard was no exception to the mesmerizing smile of Lady Isabelle Kovak. The guard gives a curt nod to their group and allows a small smile to accompany it.
“See Jules? That saying “You catch more flies with honey” is so true and --,” Isabelle’s words fail her as she quickly removes her hand from Juliet’s mouth and frantically wipes it against her clothes. “You know I hate when you do that!”
“You know I’m going to lick your hand,” Juliet said with a sheepish shrug before pulling Isabelle into a one armed hugged. “Come on, we’re falling behind,” she tells her before pulling on Isabelle’s hand and does a half walk half jog to catch up to Emily and Ellis.
“Speaking of guards, I haven’t seen any of those oversized henchmen hanging around us all night.”
“Your father is head of those oversized henchman, Jules,” Isabelle said matter-of-factly.
“Thanks for the reminder Izzy,” Juliet sighed.
“My brother talked them into taking the night off,” Ellis chimed in. She tries to hide the smile that comes to her. Juliet hated being followed by her father’s men but no one hated it as much as Emerick Leopold Rhys who had triple the security she has.
“At least he’s good for something,” she muttered. Ellis quirks an eyebrow at her attempt at being kind towards his older brother. Choosing not to comment on it, he turns to the elevator and presses the up button. “The view at the top of the statue is breathtaking. It’s still my favorite amongst all the travel we’ve done. There’s just something about this place.”
He looks to Emily and Isabelle’s attentive faces and beams with pride at their interest. His parents love story is notoriously famous in Cordonia and he held it an honor to be named after the island that held the Statue of Liberty. The same landmark that started it all. He should know, he’s listened to the story at least a million times. Somehow the youngest Prince of Cordonia never grows tired of hearing how his parents met. At a young age Ellis knew it was uncommon for strangers to make that kind of connection. And if that wasn’t enough to show he was in the presence of something rare, he witnessed it in the daily interactions his parents had with each other. The affection their eyes held, the tenderness in their voices. It is because of the example his parents set that he believes in love. He’d have to be a fool not to.
The elevator lets out a quiet ding on the ground floor allowing Ellis, Emily, Izzy and Juliet to gather together, waiting for its doors to open.
When the doors eventually slide open they are met with the image of Liam’s back to them in the corner. Both of his arms are held up against the walls of the elevator, successfully encircling the only other body aside from his inside the moving room. A pair of hands, Ellis immediately recognizes his mother’s wedding ring on the left hand, are wrapped around Liam’s neck.
It takes half a second for Ellis to move from the front of the elevator to the other end of the hall. Both Isabelle and Emily blush and turn around trying to stifle the laugh that comes to them. Juliet’s mouth seemed to make the word ‘WoW’ as she continues to stare at the royal couple unapologetically.
“Please tell me they’ve stopped?!,” he yells from across the hall as he faces the opposite direction. Riley’s lips pause as she looks into the amused expression in Liam’s eyes before shifting her body to the left and sees an unexpected audience. Juliet lets out a whistle before Isabelle pulls her and Emily away from the elevator doors much to Juliet’s dismay.
“Hey Ellis! Look, this is where your parents were making out!,” she tells him as she points to the spot they occupied seconds earlier. He shoots her a deathly glare but it doesn’t affect her. “And this is where we stood to hide our faces from your parents. This is where you looked at me like you wanted to kill me…,” Juliet’s words rambled on.
Riley tries to push Liam away but he’s too strong and refuses to move. He looks down at her with a knowing grin. “What are you doing!?,” she whispered harshly. Before he can answer her the elevator doors begin to close. Liam turns his head just in time to see the doors finally close shut.
“Now,” he said in an agonizingly seductive voice, “where were we?,” he asks. Before she has the chance to answer his lips cover hers, effectively silencing any kind of reservations she may have had.
Down on the ground floor, Ellis rushes out of the building with the rest of his friends in tow. “We need to get out of here,” he tells them.
“But we didn’t even get to see the view from top of the crown!,” Juliet protests. Ellis ignores her as he hastily escorts each girl into the waiting boat.
“Ellis, are you okay?,” Emily asks. He looks at her with uncertainty in his eyes.
“I know my parents loved each other but...I don’t think...I didn’t think...I mean, of course I know what…,” he steadies himself for a moment before continuing, “I can’t come back here anymore. I can’t..I just can’t do it,” he says with a shudder. Emily gives him an encouraging smile as she squeezes his hand that was firmly gripping the steering wheel of the boat.
“Welcome to the club,” she says flatly. Juliet and Isabelle nod their heads in understanding.  It wasn’t a topic they enjoyed discussing but all four close friends have seen their parents in an intimate embrace at one point or another.
“We need to get out of this city. Tomorrow morning cannot come soon enough,” Ellis says as he accelerates, leaving the sight of the Statue of Liberty behind them.
“Maxwell!?,” Drake’s hoarse voice fills the midnight air as he wades through the ocean, still searching its waters for his friend. Panic was beginning to settle in but he refused to accept it, partly because Amanda was right next to him yelling her husband’s name but mostly because he felt responsible. If he hadn’t conspired with Olivia to goad him into playing the drinking game, he wouldn’t have gotten drunk. He wouldn’t have come up with the asinine idea to swim in the ocean, naked, at this late hour. They wouldn’t be out here searching for him…
His thoughts are interrupted as an unexpected wave comes crashing against him causing his imbalance. He is swept below the freezing waters for a moment before he lunges himself towards the surface for air. Spitting out the invasion of the salt-infused water that made its way into his lungs, Drake forces his energy on the steadiness of his breathing. But it isn’t long before another unexpected wave violently collides with his body, this time, completely sweeping him off his feet and dragging him further into the ocean.
“Drake!,” he can hear someone’s muffled voice calling out to him. Exerting all his strength to fight against the unforgiving waters he turns towards the shoreline to see a figure headed towards him.
Before Drake realizes what is happening, he is pulling him towards the shore. “I got you buddy,” he tells him. Drake wants to yell, to tell him off, to ask where he’s been, but the mere thought of forming words with his mouth exhausts him.
It isn’t long before Drake is on solid ground as Maxwell drags him away from the tide. Olivia is the first to approach him, her usual stoic demeanor broken, as she cradles her husband’s head into her hands.
“Don’t you dare die on me, Walker,” she says in a harsh tone. Drake notices the tear escape her eye causing him to chuckle. “Are you laughing? At a time like this!?,” she asked incredulously. He shrugs his shoulders, allowing himself a small smile, enjoying the rare moment she showed her true colors in front of others. He turned his head to see Amanda and Maxwell only to yell out a curse word.
“Please tell me he didn’t pull me out, naked?,” Drake asked in a low voice. It’s Olivia’s turn to laugh as she flashes him a rare sympathetic smile.
“Damn it Maxwell. Where are your pants!?,” he asked, refusing to look in his direction. He doesn’t see Maxwell search the surrounding beach grounds or Rashad and Hana hiding nearby.
“I could’ve sworn I left it here,” Maxwell muttered to himself as both he and Amanda begin to look for his clothes. Hana covers her mouth with her hand, stifling the laugh that was threatening to give away their hiding spot. Rashad shakes his head as he brings a finger to his lips, motioning for her silence. She nods her head in agreement as he holds his hand out, escorting her off the beach and into the waiting limo.
“I am not getting into the car with you like that,” Drake continues to voice his demands with his eyes closed.
“Then just give me my clothes,” Maxwell answers. Drake’s eyes open at his words and he stares at his friend, above the waist.
“I don’t have your clothes!,” he protests.
“Sure you don’t. Just like you and Olivia didn’t plan for me to get drunk tonight for your own sick amusement?”
Olivia pursed her lips in a tight manner at his words. She looks to Drake, guilt written all over his face, and grimaces. They have clearly been underestimating Maxwell all night.
“Okay, we’ll admit to that,” Drake confesses, “but we don’t have your clothes. I swear. Will you just hurry up and find them so we can get back to the hotel already.”
“Help me find them then, it’ll go by faster,” he says just as Amanda runs up to him with his shirt in hand. Gratefully taking the article of clothing from her hands, he quickly places a kiss to her cheek, before pulling it over his head.
“Pants next! And we’re out of here,” he announces as the four of them scour the beach grounds.
They couldn’t have known the pair of pants they were desperately searching for had already been found. And it was in a moving vehicle that was halfway to the hotel, on the seat of the limousine carrying Rashad and Hana.
“What has gotten into you?,” Rashad asks her in an amused manner. Hana rests her head on his shoulder, still trying to wind down from the rush of adrenaline she experienced at stealing Maxwell’s clothing.
“I’m not sure Shahzy,” she answers honestly, “but wasn’t that fun?!” He stares down at his wife, hearing the excitement in her voice and lightly chuckling at her demeanor in pulling a prank on their close friends.
“Yes, my love. It was fun,” he looks to the pile of clothes on the seat across from them and shakes his head, “let’s get you back to the hotel. You’ve had enough excitement for one night,” he whispers as he places a sweet kiss on top of her head.
But she doesn’t hear him as the sound of her soft snores fill the car. Rashad smiles to himself, amazed at the beautiful woman he has called his wife for the past 15 years. Maybe it was this city but he’s never seen Hana behave in such a manner. Even after all these years she was still able to surprise him. It isn’t long before his own eyes begin to heavy with sleep. She’s perfect, he thought sleepily, stealing aside of course.
“Nicky?,” Jackson’s voice brings her out of her thoughts as he gives her an uneasy smile. How long had she been quiet, she thought to herself. She consoled herself with the fact that he just admitted that he would never marry her. Wouldn’t or couldn’t, either way she felt like she’d been punched in the stomach.
“Dollar for your thoughts?,” he asked with a nervous chuckle, “I know they’re worth more than the average person,” he added affectionately.
She could tell him that it felt like he was taking the easy way out by not marrying her. That it wasn’t just a piece of paper. It was a symbol to the world, and to her, that he would love her forever. Or the fact that she has stacks of papers with doodles of their names together and his last name attached to hers. Or maybe tell him about the marriage vows she was more than willing to make before him and all their close friends and family was something she thought about regularly. Or the dreams she’s been having about the two of them raising a family. She could tell him all this.
But she doesn’t.
How could she?
Nicky returns his smile and reaches for his hand. “I’m happy as long as we’re together, Jackson.” Which wasn’t a lie. She loved being with him, she always has.
He lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding and pulls her out of the booth they were seated in, relief setting in. “That’s why I love you Nicky,” he tells her as he pulls her in for a hug, “You get me, you know that?” She nods her head as he pulls her into a kiss.
“Wanna get outta here?”, he asks once he is able to pull himself away from her, “We can watch a movie in my hotel room since we have an early flight out.”
“Sure Jackson,” she replies as he interlaces his fingers with hers. Despite the romantic gesture, an uneasy feeling washed over Nicky causing her to look down at their joined hands.
“You know I love you, right?,” Jackson says with a nudge. Nicky looks up at him allowing the words to consume her. She did know. And for now, that would have to be enough.
It had to be.
She allows herself to smile at him, at his words. While their relationship wasn’t perfect she could do a lot worse.
Couldn’t she?
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